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<?php /** * Functions to register client-side assets (scripts and stylesheets) specific * for the Gutenberg editor plugin. * * @package gutenberg */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( 'Silence is golden.' ); } /** * Retrieves the root plugin path. * * @since 0.1.0 * * @return string Root path to the gutenberg plugin. */ function gutenberg_dir_path() { return plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ); } /** * Retrieves a URL to a file in the gutenberg plugin. * * @since 0.1.0 * * @param string $path Relative path of the desired file. * * @return string Fully qualified URL pointing to the desired file. */ function gutenberg_url( $path ) { return plugins_url( $path, __DIR__ ); } /** * Registers a script according to `wp_register_script`. Honors this request by * reassigning internal dependency properties of any script handle already * registered by that name. It does not deregister the original script, to * avoid losing inline scripts which may have been attached. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts instance. * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique. * @param string $src Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory. * @param array $deps Optional. An array of registered script handles this script depends on. Default empty array. * @param string|bool|null $ver Optional. String specifying script version number, if it has one, which is added to the URL * as a query string for cache busting purposes. If version is set to false, a version * number is automatically added equal to current installed WordPress version. * If set to null, no version is added. * @param bool $in_footer Optional. Whether to enqueue the script before </body> instead of in the <head>. * Default 'false'. */ function gutenberg_override_script( $scripts, $handle, $src, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = false ) { /* * Force `wp-i18n` script to be registered in the <head> as a * temporary workaround for */ $in_footer = 'wp-i18n' === $handle ? false : $in_footer; $script = $scripts->query( $handle, 'registered' ); if ( $script ) { /* * In many ways, this is a reimplementation of `wp_register_script` but * bypassing consideration of whether a script by the given handle had * already been registered. */ // See: `_WP_Dependency::__construct` . $script->src = $src; $script->deps = $deps; $script->ver = $ver; $script->args = $in_footer ? 1 : null; } else { $scripts->add( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, ( $in_footer ? 1 : null ) ); } if ( in_array( 'wp-i18n', $deps, true ) ) { $scripts->set_translations( $handle ); } /* * Wp-editor module is exposed as window.wp.editor. * Problem: there is quite some code expecting window.wp.oldEditor object available under window.wp.editor. * Solution: fuse the two objects together to maintain backward compatibility. * For more context, see */ if ( 'wp-editor' === $handle ) { $scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-editor', 'Object.assign( window.wp.editor, window.wp.oldEditor );', 'after' ); } } /** * Filters the default translation file load behavior to load the Gutenberg * plugin translation file, if available. * * @param string|false $file Path to the translation file to load. False if * there isn't one. * @param string $handle Name of the script to register a translation * domain to. * * @return string|false Filtered path to the Gutenberg translation file, if * available. */ function gutenberg_override_translation_file( $file, $handle ) { if ( ! $file ) { return $file; } // Ignore scripts whose handle does not have the "wp-" prefix. if ( ! str_starts_with( $handle, 'wp-' ) ) { return $file; } // Ignore scripts that are not found in the expected `build/` location. $script_path = gutenberg_dir_path() . 'build/' . substr( $handle, 3 ) . '/index.min.js'; if ( ! file_exists( $script_path ) ) { return $file; } /* * The default file will be in the plugins language directory, omitting the * domain since Gutenberg assigns the script translations as the default. * * Example: /www/wp-content/languages/plugins/de_DE-07d88e6a803e01276b9bfcc1203e862e.json * * The logic of `load_script_textdomain` is such that it will assume to * search in the plugins language directory, since the assigned source of * the overridden Gutenberg script originates in the plugins directory. * * The plugin translation files each begin with the slug of the plugin, so * it's a simple matter of prepending the Gutenberg plugin slug. */ $path_parts = pathinfo( $file ); $plugin_translation_file = ( $path_parts['dirname'] . '/gutenberg-' . $path_parts['basename'] ); return $plugin_translation_file; } add_filter( 'load_script_translation_file', 'gutenberg_override_translation_file', 10, 2 ); /** * Registers a style according to `wp_register_style`. Honors this request by * deregistering any style by the same handler before registration. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param WP_Styles $styles WP_Styles instance. * @param string $handle Name of the stylesheet. Should be unique. * @param string $src Full URL of the stylesheet, or path of the stylesheet relative to the WordPress root directory. * @param array $deps Optional. An array of registered stylesheet handles this stylesheet depends on. Default empty array. * @param string|bool|null $ver Optional. String specifying stylesheet version number, if it has one, which is added to the URL * as a query string for cache busting purposes. If version is set to false, a version * number is automatically added equal to current installed WordPress version. * If set to null, no version is added. * @param string $media Optional. The media for which this stylesheet has been defined. * Default 'all'. Accepts media types like 'all', 'print' and 'screen', or media queries like * '(orientation: portrait)' and '(max-width: 640px)'. */ function gutenberg_override_style( $styles, $handle, $src, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $media = 'all' ) { $style = $styles->query( $handle, 'registered' ); if ( $style ) { $styles->remove( $handle ); } $styles->add( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $media ); } /** * Registers all the WordPress packages scripts that are in the standardized * `build/` location. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts instance. */ function gutenberg_register_packages_scripts( $scripts ) { // When in production, use the plugin's version as the default asset version; // else (for development or test) default to use the current time. $default_version = defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && ! SCRIPT_DEBUG ? GUTENBERG_VERSION : time(); foreach ( glob( gutenberg_dir_path() . 'build/*/index.min.js' ) as $path ) { // Prefix `wp-` to package directory to get script handle. // For example, `…/build/a11y/index.min.js` becomes `wp-a11y`. $handle = 'wp-' . basename( dirname( $path ) ); // Replace extension with `.asset.php` to find the generated dependencies file. $asset_file = substr( $path, 0, -( strlen( '.js' ) ) ) . '.asset.php'; $asset = file_exists( $asset_file ) ? require $asset_file : null; $dependencies = isset( $asset['dependencies'] ) ? $asset['dependencies'] : array(); $version = isset( $asset['version'] ) ? $asset['version'] : $default_version; // Add dependencies that cannot be detected and generated by build tools. switch ( $handle ) { case 'wp-block-library': if ( ! gutenberg_is_experiment_enabled( 'gutenberg-no-tinymce' ) || ! empty( $_GET['requiresTinymce'] ) || gutenberg_post_being_edited_requires_classic_block() ) { array_push( $dependencies, 'editor' ); } break; case 'wp-edit-post': array_push( $dependencies, 'media-models', 'media-views', 'postbox' ); break; case 'wp-edit-site': array_push( $dependencies, 'wp-dom-ready' ); break; case 'wp-preferences': array_push( $dependencies, 'wp-preferences-persistence' ); break; } // Get the path from Gutenberg directory as expected by `gutenberg_url`. $gutenberg_path = substr( $path, strlen( gutenberg_dir_path() ) ); gutenberg_override_script( $scripts, $handle, gutenberg_url( $gutenberg_path ), $dependencies, $version, true ); } } add_action( 'wp_default_scripts', 'gutenberg_register_packages_scripts' ); /** * Registers all the WordPress packages styles that are in the standardized * `build/` location. * * @since 6.7.0 * * @global array $editor_styles * * @param WP_Styles $styles WP_Styles instance. */ function gutenberg_register_packages_styles( $styles ) { // When in production, use the plugin's version as the asset version; // else (for development or test) default to use the current time. $version = defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && ! SCRIPT_DEBUG ? GUTENBERG_VERSION : time(); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-block-editor-content', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-editor/content.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-editor-content', 'rtl', 'replace' ); // Editor Styles. gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-block-editor', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-editor/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-editor', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-editor', gutenberg_url( 'build/editor/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-patterns', 'wp-reusable-blocks', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-editor', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-edit-post', gutenberg_url( 'build/edit-post/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-editor', 'wp-edit-blocks', 'wp-block-library', 'wp-commands', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-edit-post', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-components', gutenberg_url( 'build/components/style.css' ), array( 'dashicons' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-components', 'rtl', 'replace' ); $block_library_filename = wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets() ? 'common' : 'style'; gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-block-library', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-library/' . $block_library_filename . '.css' ), array(), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-library', 'rtl', 'replace' ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-library', 'path', gutenberg_dir_path() . 'build/block-library/' . $block_library_filename . '.css' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-format-library', gutenberg_url( 'build/format-library/style.css' ), array( 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-format-library', 'rtl', 'replace' ); $wp_edit_blocks_dependencies = array( 'wp-components', // This need to be added before the block library styles, // The block library styles override the "reset" styles. 'wp-reset-editor-styles', 'wp-block-library', 'wp-patterns', 'wp-reusable-blocks', // Until #37466, we can't specifically add them as editor styles yet, // so we must hard-code it here as a dependency. 'wp-block-editor-content', ); // Only load the default layout and margin styles for themes without theme.json file. if ( ! wp_theme_has_theme_json() ) { $wp_edit_blocks_dependencies[] = 'wp-editor-classic-layout-styles'; } global $editor_styles; if ( current_theme_supports( 'wp-block-styles' ) && ( ! is_array( $editor_styles ) || count( $editor_styles ) === 0 ) ) { // Include opinionated block styles if the theme supports block styles and no $editor_styles are declared, so the editor never appears broken. $wp_edit_blocks_dependencies[] = 'wp-block-library-theme'; } gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-reset-editor-styles', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-library/reset.css' ), array( 'common', 'forms' ), // Make sure the reset is loaded after the default WP Admin styles. $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-reset-editor-styles', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-editor-classic-layout-styles', gutenberg_url( 'build/edit-post/classic.css' ), array(), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-editor-classic-layout-styles', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-edit-blocks', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-library/editor.css' ), $wp_edit_blocks_dependencies, $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-edit-blocks', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-nux', gutenberg_url( 'build/nux/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-nux', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-block-library-theme', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-library/theme.css' ), array(), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-library-theme', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-list-reusable-blocks', gutenberg_url( 'build/list-reusable-blocks/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-list-reusable-block', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-commands', gutenberg_url( 'build/commands/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-commands', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-edit-site', gutenberg_url( 'build/edit-site/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-editor', 'wp-edit-blocks', 'wp-commands', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-edit-site', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-edit-widgets', gutenberg_url( 'build/edit-widgets/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-editor', 'wp-edit-blocks', 'wp-patterns', 'wp-reusable-blocks', 'wp-widgets', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-edit-widgets', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-block-directory', gutenberg_url( 'build/block-directory/style.css' ), array( 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-block-directory', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-customize-widgets', gutenberg_url( 'build/customize-widgets/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-editor', 'wp-edit-blocks', 'wp-widgets', 'wp-preferences' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-customize-widgets', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-patterns', gutenberg_url( 'build/patterns/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-patterns', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-reusable-blocks', gutenberg_url( 'build/reusable-blocks/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-reusable-blocks', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-widgets', gutenberg_url( 'build/widgets/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ) ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-widgets', 'rtl', 'replace' ); gutenberg_override_style( $styles, 'wp-preferences', gutenberg_url( 'build/preferences/style.css' ), array( 'wp-components' ), $version ); $styles->add_data( 'wp-preferences', 'rtl', 'replace' ); } add_action( 'wp_default_styles', 'gutenberg_register_packages_styles' ); /** * Fetches, processes and compiles stored core styles, then combines and renders them to the page. * Styles are stored via the Style Engine API. * * This hook also exists, and should be backported to Core in future versions. * However, it is envisaged that Gutenberg will continue to use the Style Engine's `gutenberg_*` functions and `_Gutenberg` classes to aid continuous development. * * See: * * @param array $options { * Optional. An array of options to pass to gutenberg_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_context(). Default empty array. * * @type bool $optimize Whether to optimize the CSS output, e.g., combine rules. Default is `false`. * @type bool $prettify Whether to add new lines and indents to output. Default is the test of whether the global constant `SCRIPT_DEBUG` is defined. * } * * @since 6.1 * * @return void */ function gutenberg_enqueue_stored_styles( $options = array() ) { $is_block_theme = wp_is_block_theme(); $is_classic_theme = ! $is_block_theme; /* * For block themes, print stored styles in the header. * For classic themes, in the footer. */ if ( ( $is_block_theme && doing_action( 'wp_footer' ) ) || ( $is_classic_theme && doing_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' ) ) ) { return; } $core_styles_keys = array( 'block-supports' ); $compiled_core_stylesheet = ''; $style_tag_id = 'core'; foreach ( $core_styles_keys as $style_key ) { // Adds comment if code is prettified to identify core styles sections in debugging. $should_prettify = isset( $options['prettify'] ) ? true === $options['prettify'] : SCRIPT_DEBUG; if ( $should_prettify ) { $compiled_core_stylesheet .= "/**\n * Core styles: $style_key\n */\n"; } // Chains core store ids to signify what the styles contain. $style_tag_id .= '-' . $style_key; $compiled_core_stylesheet .= gutenberg_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_context( $style_key, $options ); } // Combines Core styles. if ( ! empty( $compiled_core_stylesheet ) ) { wp_register_style( $style_tag_id, false, array(), true, true ); wp_add_inline_style( $style_tag_id, $compiled_core_stylesheet ); wp_enqueue_style( $style_tag_id ); } // If there are any other stores registered by themes etc., print them out. $additional_stores = WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store_Gutenberg::get_stores(); /* * Since the corresponding action hook in Core is removed below, * this function should still honour any styles stored using the Core Style Engine store. */ if ( class_exists( 'WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store' ) ) { $additional_stores = array_merge( $additional_stores, WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store::get_stores() ); } foreach ( array_keys( $additional_stores ) as $store_name ) { if ( in_array( $store_name, $core_styles_keys, true ) ) { continue; } $styles = gutenberg_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_context( $store_name, $options ); if ( ! empty( $styles ) ) { $key = "wp-style-engine-$store_name"; wp_register_style( $key, false, array(), true, true ); wp_add_inline_style( $key, $styles ); wp_enqueue_style( $key ); } } } /** * Registers vendor JavaScript files to be used as dependencies of the editor * and plugins. * * This function is called from a script during the plugin build process, so it * should not call any WordPress PHP functions. * * @since 13.0 * * @param WP_Scripts $scripts WP_Scripts instance. */ function gutenberg_register_vendor_scripts( $scripts ) { $extension = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '.js' : '.min.js'; gutenberg_override_script( $scripts, 'react', gutenberg_url( 'build/vendors/react' . $extension ), // See SCRIPT_DEBUG ? array( 'wp-react-refresh-entry', 'wp-polyfill' ) : array( 'wp-polyfill' ), '18' ); gutenberg_override_script( $scripts, 'react-dom', gutenberg_url( 'build/vendors/react-dom' . $extension ), array( 'react' ), '18' ); gutenberg_override_script( $scripts, 'react-jsx-runtime', gutenberg_url( 'build/vendors/react-jsx-runtime' . $extension ), array( 'react' ), '18' ); } add_action( 'wp_default_scripts', 'gutenberg_register_vendor_scripts' ); /* * Always remove the Core action hook while gutenberg_enqueue_stored_styles() exists to avoid styles being printed twice. * This is also because gutenberg_enqueue_stored_styles uses the Style Engine's `gutenberg_*` functions and `_Gutenberg` classes, * which are in continuous development and generally ahead of Core. */ remove_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_stored_styles' ); remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wp_enqueue_stored_styles', 1 ); // Enqueue stored styles. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gutenberg_enqueue_stored_styles' ); add_action( 'wp_footer', 'gutenberg_enqueue_stored_styles', 1 );