File "block-template-utils.php"
Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gutenberg/lib/compat/wordpress-6.6/block-template-utils.php
File size: 12.92 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* Utilities used to fetch and create templates and template parts.
* @package gutenberg
* Gets the template hierarchy for the given template slug to be created.
* Note: Always add `index` as the last fallback template.
* @param string $slug The template slug to be created.
* @param bool $is_custom Optional. Indicates if a template is custom or
* part of the template hierarchy. Default false.
* @param string $template_prefix Optional. The template prefix for the created template.
* Used to extract the main template type, e.g.
* in `taxonomy-books` the `taxonomy` is extracted.
* Default empty string.
* @return string[] The template hierarchy.
function gutenberg_get_template_hierarchy( $slug, $is_custom = false, $template_prefix = '' ) {
if ( 'index' === $slug ) {
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/template.php */
return apply_filters( 'index_template_hierarchy', array( 'index' ) );
if ( $is_custom ) {
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/template.php */
return apply_filters( 'page_template_hierarchy', array( 'page', 'singular', 'index' ) );
if ( 'front-page' === $slug ) {
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/template.php */
return apply_filters( 'frontpage_template_hierarchy', array( 'front-page', 'home', 'index' ) );
$matches = array();
$template_hierarchy = array( $slug );
// Most default templates don't have `$template_prefix` assigned.
if ( ! empty( $template_prefix ) ) {
list( $type ) = explode( '-', $template_prefix );
// We need these checks because we always add the `$slug` above.
if ( ! in_array( $template_prefix, array( $slug, $type ), true ) ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = $template_prefix;
if ( $slug !== $type ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = $type;
} elseif ( preg_match( '/^(author|category|archive|tag|page)-.+$/', $slug, $matches ) ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = $matches[1];
} elseif ( preg_match( '/^(taxonomy|single)-(.+)$/', $slug, $matches ) ) {
$type = $matches[1];
$slug_remaining = $matches[2];
$items = 'single' === $type ? get_post_types() : get_taxonomies();
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
if ( ! str_starts_with( $slug_remaining, $item ) ) {
// If $slug_remaining is equal to $post_type or $taxonomy we have
// the single-$post_type template or the taxonomy-$taxonomy template.
if ( $slug_remaining === $item ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = $type;
// If $slug_remaining is single-$post_type-$slug template.
if ( strlen( $slug_remaining ) > strlen( $item ) + 1 ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = "$type-$item";
$template_hierarchy[] = $type;
// Handle `archive` template.
if (
str_starts_with( $slug, 'author' ) ||
str_starts_with( $slug, 'taxonomy' ) ||
str_starts_with( $slug, 'category' ) ||
str_starts_with( $slug, 'tag' ) ||
'date' === $slug
) {
$template_hierarchy[] = 'archive';
// Handle `single` template.
if ( 'attachment' === $slug ) {
$template_hierarchy[] = 'single';
// Handle `singular` template.
if (
str_starts_with( $slug, 'single' ) ||
str_starts_with( $slug, 'page' ) ||
'attachment' === $slug
) {
$template_hierarchy[] = 'singular';
$template_hierarchy[] = 'index';
$template_type = '';
if ( ! empty( $template_prefix ) ) {
list( $template_type ) = explode( '-', $template_prefix );
} else {
list( $template_type ) = explode( '-', $slug );
$valid_template_types = array( '404', 'archive', 'attachment', 'author', 'category', 'date', 'embed', 'frontpage', 'home', 'index', 'page', 'paged', 'privacypolicy', 'search', 'single', 'singular', 'tag', 'taxonomy' );
if ( in_array( $template_type, $valid_template_types, true ) ) {
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/template.php */
return apply_filters( "{$template_type}_template_hierarchy", $template_hierarchy );
return $template_hierarchy;
* Retrieves the template files from the theme.
* @since 5.9.0
* @since 6.3.0 Added the `$query` parameter.
* @access private
* @param string $template_type Template type. Either 'wp_template' or 'wp_template_part'.
* @param array $query {
* Arguments to retrieve templates. Optional, empty by default.
* @type string[] $slug__in List of slugs to include.
* @type string[] $slug__not_in List of slugs to skip.
* @type string $area A 'wp_template_part_area' taxonomy value to filter by (for 'wp_template_part' template type only).
* @type string $post_type Post type to get the templates for.
* }
* @return array Template
function _gutenberg_get_block_templates_files( $template_type, $query = array() ) {
if ( 'wp_template' !== $template_type && 'wp_template_part' !== $template_type ) {
return null;
// @core-merge: This code will go into Core's '_get_block_templates_files' function.
$default_template_types = array();
if ( 'wp_template' === $template_type ) {
$default_template_types = get_default_block_template_types();
// @core-merge: End of the code that will go into Core.
// Prepare metadata from $query.
$slugs_to_include = isset( $query['slug__in'] ) ? $query['slug__in'] : array();
$slugs_to_skip = isset( $query['slug__not_in'] ) ? $query['slug__not_in'] : array();
$area = isset( $query['area'] ) ? $query['area'] : null;
$post_type = isset( $query['post_type'] ) ? $query['post_type'] : '';
$stylesheet = get_stylesheet();
$template = get_template();
$themes = array(
$stylesheet => get_stylesheet_directory(),
// Add the parent theme if it's not the same as the current theme.
if ( $stylesheet !== $template ) {
$themes[ $template ] = get_template_directory();
$template_files = array();
foreach ( $themes as $theme_slug => $theme_dir ) {
$template_base_paths = get_block_theme_folders( $theme_slug );
$theme_template_files = _get_block_templates_paths( $theme_dir . '/' . $template_base_paths[ $template_type ] );
foreach ( $theme_template_files as $template_file ) {
$template_base_path = $template_base_paths[ $template_type ];
$template_slug = substr(
// Starting position of slug.
strpos( $template_file, $template_base_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) + 1 + strlen( $template_base_path ),
// Subtract ending '.html'.
// Skip this item if its slug doesn't match any of the slugs to include.
if ( ! empty( $slugs_to_include ) && ! in_array( $template_slug, $slugs_to_include, true ) ) {
// Skip this item if its slug matches any of the slugs to skip.
if ( ! empty( $slugs_to_skip ) && in_array( $template_slug, $slugs_to_skip, true ) ) {
* The child theme items (stylesheet) are processed before the parent theme's (template).
* If a child theme defines a template, prevent the parent template from being added to the list as well.
if ( isset( $template_files[ $template_slug ] ) ) {
$new_template_item = array(
'slug' => $template_slug,
'path' => $template_file,
'theme' => $theme_slug,
'type' => $template_type,
if ( 'wp_template_part' === $template_type ) {
$candidate = _add_block_template_part_area_info( $new_template_item );
if ( ! isset( $area ) || ( isset( $area ) && $area === $candidate['area'] ) ) {
$template_files[ $template_slug ] = $candidate;
if ( 'wp_template' === $template_type ) {
$candidate = _add_block_template_info( $new_template_item );
$is_custom = ! isset( $default_template_types[ $candidate['slug'] ] );
if (
! $post_type ||
( $post_type && isset( $candidate['postTypes'] ) && in_array( $post_type, $candidate['postTypes'], true ) )
) {
$template_files[ $template_slug ] = $candidate;
// @core-merge: This code will go into Core's '_get_block_templates_files' function.
// The custom templates with no associated post-types are available for all post-types.
if ( $post_type && ! isset( $candidate['postTypes'] ) && $is_custom ) {
$template_files[ $template_slug ] = $candidate;
// @core-merge: End of the code that will go into Core.
return array_values( $template_files );
* Retrieves a list of unified template objects based on a query.
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $query {
* Optional. Arguments to retrieve templates.
* @type string[] $slug__in List of slugs to include.
* @type int $wp_id Post ID of customized template.
* @type string $area A 'wp_template_part_area' taxonomy value to filter by (for 'wp_template_part' template type only).
* @type string $post_type Post type to get the templates for.
* }
* @param string $template_type Template type. Either 'wp_template' or 'wp_template_part'.
* @return WP_Block_Template[] Array of block templates.
function gutenberg_get_block_templates( $query = array(), $template_type = 'wp_template' ) {
* Filters the block templates array before the query takes place.
* Return a non-null value to bypass the WordPress queries.
* @since 5.9.0
* @param WP_Block_Template[]|null $block_templates Return an array of block templates to short-circuit the default query,
* or null to allow WP to run its normal queries.
* @param array $query {
* Arguments to retrieve templates. All arguments are optional.
* @type string[] $slug__in List of slugs to include.
* @type int $wp_id Post ID of customized template.
* @type string $area A 'wp_template_part_area' taxonomy value to filter by (for 'wp_template_part' template type only).
* @type string $post_type Post type to get the templates for.
* }
* @param string $template_type Template type. Either 'wp_template' or 'wp_template_part'.
$templates = apply_filters( 'pre_get_block_templates', null, $query, $template_type );
if ( ! is_null( $templates ) ) {
return $templates;
$post_type = isset( $query['post_type'] ) ? $query['post_type'] : '';
$wp_query_args = array(
'post_status' => array( 'auto-draft', 'draft', 'publish' ),
'post_type' => $template_type,
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'no_found_rows' => true,
'lazy_load_term_meta' => false,
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'wp_theme',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => get_stylesheet(),
if ( 'wp_template_part' === $template_type && isset( $query['area'] ) ) {
$wp_query_args['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'wp_template_part_area',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $query['area'],
$wp_query_args['tax_query']['relation'] = 'AND';
if ( ! empty( $query['slug__in'] ) ) {
$wp_query_args['post_name__in'] = $query['slug__in'];
$wp_query_args['posts_per_page'] = count( array_unique( $query['slug__in'] ) );
// This is only needed for the regular templates/template parts post type listing and editor.
if ( isset( $query['wp_id'] ) ) {
$wp_query_args['p'] = $query['wp_id'];
} else {
$wp_query_args['post_status'] = 'publish';
$template_query = new WP_Query( $wp_query_args );
$query_result = array();
foreach ( $template_query->posts as $post ) {
$template = _build_block_template_result_from_post( $post );
if ( is_wp_error( $template ) ) {
if ( $post_type && ! $template->is_custom ) {
if (
$post_type &&
isset( $template->post_types ) &&
! in_array( $post_type, $template->post_types, true )
) {
$query_result[] = $template;
if ( ! isset( $query['wp_id'] ) ) {
* If the query has found some use templates, those have priority
* over the theme-provided ones, so we skip querying and building them.
$query['slug__not_in'] = wp_list_pluck( $query_result, 'slug' );
$template_files = _gutenberg_get_block_templates_files( $template_type, $query );
foreach ( $template_files as $template_file ) {
$query_result[] = _build_block_template_result_from_file( $template_file, $template_type );
* Filters the array of queried block templates array after they've been fetched.
* @since 5.9.0
* @param WP_Block_Template[] $query_result Array of found block templates.
* @param array $query {
* Arguments to retrieve templates. All arguments are optional.
* @type string[] $slug__in List of slugs to include.
* @type int $wp_id Post ID of customized template.
* @type string $area A 'wp_template_part_area' taxonomy value to filter by (for 'wp_template_part' template type only).
* @type string $post_type Post type to get the templates for.
* }
* @param string $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part.
return apply_filters( 'get_block_templates', $query_result, $query, $template_type );