File "index.js"

Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gutenberg/build/core-data/index.js
File size: 794.84 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	var __webpack_modules__ = ({

/***/ 2167:
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

function _typeof(obj) {
  if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
    _typeof = function (obj) {
      return typeof obj;
  } else {
    _typeof = function (obj) {
      return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;

  return _typeof(obj);

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
    var descriptor = props[i];
    descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
    descriptor.configurable = true;
    if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
    Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);

function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  return Constructor;

 * Given an instance of EquivalentKeyMap, returns its internal value pair tuple
 * for a key, if one exists. The tuple members consist of the last reference
 * value for the key (used in efficient subsequent lookups) and the value
 * assigned for the key at the leaf node.
 * @param {EquivalentKeyMap} instance EquivalentKeyMap instance.
 * @param {*} key                     The key for which to return value pair.
 * @return {?Array} Value pair, if exists.
function getValuePair(instance, key) {
  var _map = instance._map,
      _arrayTreeMap = instance._arrayTreeMap,
      _objectTreeMap = instance._objectTreeMap; // Map keeps a reference to the last object-like key used to set the
  // value, which can be used to shortcut immediately to the value.

  if (_map.has(key)) {
    return _map.get(key);
  } // Sort keys to ensure stable retrieval from tree.

  var properties = Object.keys(key).sort(); // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.

  var map = Array.isArray(key) ? _arrayTreeMap : _objectTreeMap;

  for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
    var property = properties[i];
    map = map.get(property);

    if (map === undefined) {

    var propertyValue = key[property];
    map = map.get(propertyValue);

    if (map === undefined) {

  var valuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');

  if (!valuePair) {
  } // If reached, it implies that an object-like key was set with another
  // reference, so delete the reference and replace with the current.


  valuePair[0] = key;
  map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);

  _map.set(key, valuePair);

  return valuePair;
 * Variant of a Map object which enables lookup by equivalent (deeply equal)
 * object and array keys.

var EquivalentKeyMap =
function () {
   * Constructs a new instance of EquivalentKeyMap.
   * @param {Iterable.<*>} iterable Initial pair of key, value for map.
  function EquivalentKeyMap(iterable) {
    _classCallCheck(this, EquivalentKeyMap);


    if (iterable instanceof EquivalentKeyMap) {
      // Map#forEach is only means of iterating with support for IE11.
      var iterablePairs = [];
      iterable.forEach(function (value, key) {
        iterablePairs.push([key, value]);
      iterable = iterablePairs;

    if (iterable != null) {
      for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) {
        this.set(iterable[i][0], iterable[i][1]);
   * Accessor property returning the number of elements.
   * @return {number} Number of elements.

  _createClass(EquivalentKeyMap, [{
    key: "set",

     * Add or update an element with a specified key and value.
     * @param {*} key   The key of the element to add.
     * @param {*} value The value of the element to add.
     * @return {EquivalentKeyMap} Map instance.
    value: function set(key, value) {
      // Shortcut non-object-like to set on internal Map.
      if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
        this._map.set(key, value);

        return this;
      } // Sort keys to ensure stable assignment into tree.

      var properties = Object.keys(key).sort();
      var valuePair = [key, value]; // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.

      var map = Array.isArray(key) ? this._arrayTreeMap : this._objectTreeMap;

      for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
        var property = properties[i];

        if (!map.has(property)) {
          map.set(property, new EquivalentKeyMap());

        map = map.get(property);
        var propertyValue = key[property];

        if (!map.has(propertyValue)) {
          map.set(propertyValue, new EquivalentKeyMap());

        map = map.get(propertyValue);
      } // If an _ekm_value exists, there was already an equivalent key. Before
      // overriding, ensure that the old key reference is removed from map to
      // avoid memory leak of accumulating equivalent keys. This is, in a
      // sense, a poor man's WeakMap, while still enabling iterability.

      var previousValuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');

      if (previousValuePair) {

      map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);

      this._map.set(key, valuePair);

      return this;
     * Returns a specified element.
     * @param {*} key The key of the element to return.
     * @return {?*} The element associated with the specified key or undefined
     *              if the key can't be found.

  }, {
    key: "get",
    value: function get(key) {
      // Shortcut non-object-like to get from internal Map.
      if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
        return this._map.get(key);

      var valuePair = getValuePair(this, key);

      if (valuePair) {
        return valuePair[1];
     * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key
     * exists or not.
     * @param {*} key The key of the element to test for presence.
     * @return {boolean} Whether an element with the specified key exists.

  }, {
    key: "has",
    value: function has(key) {
      if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
        return this._map.has(key);
      } // Test on the _presence_ of the pair, not its value, as even undefined
      // can be a valid member value for a key.

      return getValuePair(this, key) !== undefined;
     * Removes the specified element.
     * @param {*} key The key of the element to remove.
     * @return {boolean} Returns true if an element existed and has been
     *                   removed, or false if the element does not exist.

  }, {
    key: "delete",
    value: function _delete(key) {
      if (!this.has(key)) {
        return false;
      } // This naive implementation will leave orphaned child trees. A better
      // implementation should traverse and remove orphans.

      this.set(key, undefined);
      return true;
     * Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair, in insertion
     * order.
     * @param {Function} callback Function to execute for each element.
     * @param {*}        thisArg  Value to use as `this` when executing
     *                            `callback`.

  }, {
    key: "forEach",
    value: function forEach(callback) {
      var _this = this;

      var thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this;

      this._map.forEach(function (value, key) {
        // Unwrap value from object-like value pair.
        if (key !== null && _typeof(key) === 'object') {
          value = value[1];
        }, value, key, _this);
     * Removes all elements.

  }, {
    key: "clear",
    value: function clear() {
      this._map = new Map();
      this._arrayTreeMap = new Map();
      this._objectTreeMap = new Map();
  }, {
    key: "size",
    get: function get() {
      return this._map.size;

  return EquivalentKeyMap;

module.exports = EquivalentKeyMap;

/***/ }),

/***/ 5619:
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

// do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst

  var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined';

module.exports = function equal(a, b) {
  if (a === b) return true;

  if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') {
    if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false;

    var length, i, keys;
    if (Array.isArray(a)) {
      length = a.length;
      if (length != b.length) return false;
      for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
        if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false;
      return true;

    if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) {
      if (a.size !== b.size) return false;
      for (i of a.entries())
        if (!b.has(i[0])) return false;
      for (i of a.entries())
        if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false;
      return true;

    if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) {
      if (a.size !== b.size) return false;
      for (i of a.entries())
        if (!b.has(i[0])) return false;
      return true;

    if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) {
      length = a.length;
      if (length != b.length) return false;
      for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
        if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
      return true;

    if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;
    if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
    if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString();

    keys = Object.keys(a);
    length = keys.length;
    if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;

    for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
      if (!, keys[i])) return false;

    for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
      var key = keys[i];

      if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false;

    return true;

  // true if both NaN, false otherwise
  return a!==a && b!==b;

/***/ }),

/***/ 2248:
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {

(function(e){if(true)module.exports=e();else { var t; }})(function(){var t=Math.floor,n=Math.abs,r=Math.pow;return function(){function d(s,e,n){function t(o,i){if(!e[o]){if(!s[o]){var l=undefined;if(!i&&l)return require(o,!0);if(r)return r(o,!0);var c=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw c.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",c}var a=e[o]={exports:{}};s[o][0].call(a.exports,function(e){var r=s[o][1][e];return t(r||e)},a,a.exports,d,s,e,n)}return e[o].exports}for(var r=undefined,a=0;a<n.length;a++)t(n[a]);return t}return d}()({1:[function(e,t,n){'use strict';function r(e){var t=e.length;if(0<t%4)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var n=e.indexOf("=");-1===n&&(n=t);var r=n===t?0:4-n%4;return[n,r]}function a(e,t,n){return 3*(t+n)/4-n}function o(e){var t,n,o=r(e),d=o[0],s=o[1],l=new p(a(e,d,s)),c=0,f=0<s?d-4:d;for(n=0;n<f;n+=4)t=u[e.charCodeAt(n)]<<18|u[e.charCodeAt(n+1)]<<12|u[e.charCodeAt(n+2)]<<6|u[e.charCodeAt(n+3)],l[c++]=255&t>>16,l[c++]=255&t>>8,l[c++]=255&t;return 2===s&&(t=u[e.charCodeAt(n)]<<2|u[e.charCodeAt(n+1)]>>4,l[c++]=255&t),1===s&&(t=u[e.charCodeAt(n)]<<10|u[e.charCodeAt(n+1)]<<4|u[e.charCodeAt(n+2)]>>2,l[c++]=255&t>>8,l[c++]=255&t),l}function d(e){return c[63&e>>18]+c[63&e>>12]+c[63&e>>6]+c[63&e]}function s(e,t,n){for(var r,a=[],o=t;o<n;o+=3)r=(16711680&e[o]<<16)+(65280&e[o+1]<<8)+(255&e[o+2]),a.push(d(r));return a.join("")}function l(e){for(var t,n=e.length,r=n%3,a=[],o=16383,d=0,l=n-r;d<l;d+=o)a.push(s(e,d,d+o>l?l:d+o));return 1===r?(t=e[n-1],a.push(c[t>>2]+c[63&t<<4]+"==")):2===r&&(t=(e[n-2]<<8)+e[n-1],a.push(c[t>>10]+c[63&t>>4]+c[63&t<<2]+"=")),a.join("")}n.byteLength=function(e){var t=r(e),n=t[0],a=t[1];return 3*(n+a)/4-a},n.toByteArray=o,n.fromByteArray=l;for(var c=[],u=[],p="undefined"==typeof Uint8Array?Array:Uint8Array,f="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",g=0,_=f.length;g<_;++g)c[g]=f[g],u[f.charCodeAt(g)]=g;u[45]=62,u[95]=63},{}],2:[function(){},{}],3:[function(e,t,n){(function(){(function(){/*!
 * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
 * @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <>
 * @license  MIT
 */'use strict';var t=String.fromCharCode,o=Math.min;function d(e){if(2147483647<e)throw new RangeError("The value \""+e+"\" is invalid for option \"size\"");var t=new Uint8Array(e);return t.__proto__=s.prototype,t}function s(e,t,n){if("number"==typeof e){if("string"==typeof t)throw new TypeError("The \"string\" argument must be of type string. Received type number");return p(e)}return l(e,t,n)}function l(e,t,n){if("string"==typeof e)return f(e,t);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e))return g(e);if(null==e)throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof e);if(K(e,ArrayBuffer)||e&&K(e.buffer,ArrayBuffer))return _(e,t,n);if("number"==typeof e)throw new TypeError("The \"value\" argument must not be of type number. Received type number");var r=e.valueOf&&e.valueOf();if(null!=r&&r!==e)return s.from(r,t,n);var a=h(e);if(a)return a;if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=Symbol.toPrimitive&&"function"==typeof e[Symbol.toPrimitive])return s.from(e[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"),t,n);throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof e)}function c(e){if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("\"size\" argument must be of type number");else if(0>e)throw new RangeError("The value \""+e+"\" is invalid for option \"size\"")}function u(e,t,n){return c(e),0>=e?d(e):void 0===t?d(e):"string"==typeof n?d(e).fill(t,n):d(e).fill(t)}function p(e){return c(e),d(0>e?0:0|m(e))}function f(e,t){if(("string"!=typeof t||""===t)&&(t="utf8"),!s.isEncoding(t))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+t);var n=0|b(e,t),r=d(n),a=r.write(e,t);return a!==n&&(r=r.slice(0,a)),r}function g(e){for(var t=0>e.length?0:0|m(e.length),n=d(t),r=0;r<t;r+=1)n[r]=255&e[r];return n}function _(e,t,n){if(0>t||e.byteLength<t)throw new RangeError("\"offset\" is outside of buffer bounds");if(e.byteLength<t+(n||0))throw new RangeError("\"length\" is outside of buffer bounds");var r;return r=void 0===t&&void 0===n?new Uint8Array(e):void 0===n?new Uint8Array(e,t):new Uint8Array(e,t,n),r.__proto__=s.prototype,r}function h(e){if(s.isBuffer(e)){var t=0|m(e.length),n=d(t);return 0===n.length?n:(e.copy(n,0,0,t),n)}return void 0===e.length?"Buffer"===e.type&&Array.isArray( 0:"number"!=typeof e.length||X(e.length)?d(0):g(e)}function m(e){if(e>=2147483647)throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+2147483647 .toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|e}function b(e,t){if(s.isBuffer(e))return e.length;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(e)||K(e,ArrayBuffer))return e.byteLength;if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("The \"string\" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type "+typeof e);var n=e.length,r=2<arguments.length&&!0===arguments[2];if(!r&&0===n)return 0;for(var a=!1;;)switch(t){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return n;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return H(e).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*n;case"hex":return n>>>1;case"base64":return z(e).length;default:if(a)return r?-1:H(e).length;t=(""+t).toLowerCase(),a=!0;}}function y(e,t,n){var r=!1;if((void 0===t||0>t)&&(t=0),t>this.length)return"";if((void 0===n||n>this.length)&&(n=this.length),0>=n)return"";if(n>>>=0,t>>>=0,n<=t)return"";for(e||(e="utf8");;)switch(e){case"hex":return P(this,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return x(this,t,n);case"ascii":return D(this,t,n);case"latin1":case"binary":return I(this,t,n);case"base64":return A(this,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return M(this,t,n);default:if(r)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+e);e=(e+"").toLowerCase(),r=!0;}}function C(e,t,n){var r=e[t];e[t]=e[n],e[n]=r}function R(e,t,n,r,a){if(0===e.length)return-1;if("string"==typeof n?(r=n,n=0):2147483647<n?n=2147483647:-2147483648>n&&(n=-2147483648),n=+n,X(n)&&(n=a?0:e.length-1),0>n&&(n=e.length+n),n>=e.length){if(a)return-1;n=e.length-1}else if(0>n)if(a)n=0;else return-1;if("string"==typeof t&&(t=s.from(t,r)),s.isBuffer(t))return 0===t.length?-1:E(e,t,n,r,a);if("number"==typeof t)return t&=255,"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?a?,t,n),t,n):E(e,[t],n,r,a);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function E(e,t,n,r,a){function o(e,t){return 1===d?e[t]:e.readUInt16BE(t*d)}var d=1,s=e.length,l=t.length;if(void 0!==r&&(r=(r+"").toLowerCase(),"ucs2"===r||"ucs-2"===r||"utf16le"===r||"utf-16le"===r)){if(2>e.length||2>t.length)return-1;d=2,s/=2,l/=2,n/=2}var c;if(a){var u=-1;for(c=n;c<s;c++)if(o(e,c)!==o(t,-1===u?0:c-u))-1!==u&&(c-=c-u),u=-1;else if(-1===u&&(u=c),c-u+1===l)return u*d}else for(n+l>s&&(n=s-l),c=n;0<=c;c--){for(var p=!0,f=0;f<l;f++)if(o(e,c+f)!==o(t,f)){p=!1;break}if(p)return c}return-1}function w(e,t,n,r){n=+n||0;var a=e.length-n;r?(r=+r,r>a&&(r=a)):r=a;var o=t.length;r>o/2&&(r=o/2);for(var d,s=0;s<r;++s){if(d=parseInt(t.substr(2*s,2),16),X(d))return s;e[n+s]=d}return s}function S(e,t,n,r){return G(H(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function T(e,t,n,r){return G(Y(t),e,n,r)}function v(e,t,n,r){return T(e,t,n,r)}function k(e,t,n,r){return G(z(t),e,n,r)}function L(e,t,n,r){return G(V(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function A(e,t,n){return 0===t&&n===e.length?$.fromByteArray(e):$.fromByteArray(e.slice(t,n))}function x(e,t,n){n=o(e.length,n);for(var r=[],a=t;a<n;){var d=e[a],s=null,l=239<d?4:223<d?3:191<d?2:1;if(a+l<=n){var c,u,p,f;1===l?128>d&&(s=d):2===l?(c=e[a+1],128==(192&c)&&(f=(31&d)<<6|63&c,127<f&&(s=f))):3===l?(c=e[a+1],u=e[a+2],128==(192&c)&&128==(192&u)&&(f=(15&d)<<12|(63&c)<<6|63&u,2047<f&&(55296>f||57343<f)&&(s=f))):4===l?(c=e[a+1],u=e[a+2],p=e[a+3],128==(192&c)&&128==(192&u)&&128==(192&p)&&(f=(15&d)<<18|(63&c)<<12|(63&u)<<6|63&p,65535<f&&1114112>f&&(s=f))):void 0}null===s?(s=65533,l=1):65535<s&&(s-=65536,r.push(55296|1023&s>>>10),s=56320|1023&s),r.push(s),a+=l}return N(r)}function N(e){var n=e.length;if(n<=4096)return t.apply(String,e);for(var r="",a=0;a<n;)r+=t.apply(String,e.slice(a,a+=4096));return r}function D(e,n,r){var a="";r=o(e.length,r);for(var d=n;d<r;++d)a+=t(127&e[d]);return a}function I(e,n,r){var a="";r=o(e.length,r);for(var d=n;d<r;++d)a+=t(e[d]);return a}function P(e,t,n){var r=e.length;(!t||0>t)&&(t=0),(!n||0>n||n>r)&&(n=r);for(var a="",o=t;o<n;++o)a+=W(e[o]);return a}function M(e,n,r){for(var a=e.slice(n,r),o="",d=0;d<a.length;d+=2)o+=t(a[d]+256*a[d+1]);return o}function O(e,t,n){if(0!=e%1||0>e)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(e+t>n)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function F(e,t,n,r,a,o){if(!s.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("\"buffer\" argument must be a Buffer instance");if(t>a||t<o)throw new RangeError("\"value\" argument is out of bounds");if(n+r>e.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function B(e,t,n,r){if(n+r>e.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(0>n)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function U(e,t,n,r,a){return t=+t,n>>>=0,a||B(e,t,n,4,34028234663852886e22,-34028234663852886e22),J.write(e,t,n,r,23,4),n+4}function j(e,t,n,r,a){return t=+t,n>>>=0,a||B(e,t,n,8,17976931348623157e292,-17976931348623157e292),J.write(e,t,n,r,52,8),n+8}function q(e){if(e=e.split("=")[0],e=e.trim().replace(Q,""),2>e.length)return"";for(;0!=e.length%4;)e+="=";return e}function W(e){return 16>e?"0"+e.toString(16):e.toString(16)}function H(e,t){t=t||1/0;for(var n,r=e.length,a=null,o=[],d=0;d<r;++d){if(n=e.charCodeAt(d),55295<n&&57344>n){if(!a){if(56319<n){-1<(t-=3)&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}else if(d+1===r){-1<(t-=3)&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}a=n;continue}if(56320>n){-1<(t-=3)&&o.push(239,191,189),a=n;continue}n=(a-55296<<10|n-56320)+65536}else a&&-1<(t-=3)&&o.push(239,191,189);if(a=null,128>n){if(0>(t-=1))break;o.push(n)}else if(2048>n){if(0>(t-=2))break;o.push(192|n>>6,128|63&n)}else if(65536>n){if(0>(t-=3))break;o.push(224|n>>12,128|63&n>>6,128|63&n)}else if(1114112>n){if(0>(t-=4))break;o.push(240|n>>18,128|63&n>>12,128|63&n>>6,128|63&n)}else throw new Error("Invalid code point")}return o}function Y(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n<e.length;++n)t.push(255&e.charCodeAt(n));return t}function V(e,t){for(var n,r,a,o=[],d=0;d<e.length&&!(0>(t-=2));++d)n=e.charCodeAt(d),r=n>>8,a=n%256,o.push(a),o.push(r);return o}function z(e){return $.toByteArray(q(e))}function G(e,t,n,r){for(var a=0;a<r&&!(a+n>=t.length||a>=e.length);++a)t[a+n]=e[a];return a}function K(e,t){return e instanceof t||null!=e&&null!=e.constructor&&null!}function X(e){return e!==e}var $=e("base64-js"),J=e("ieee754");n.Buffer=s,n.SlowBuffer=function(e){return+e!=e&&(e=0),s.alloc(+e)},n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50;n.kMaxLength=2147483647,s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=function(){try{var e=new Uint8Array(1);return e.__proto__={__proto__:Uint8Array.prototype,foo:function(){return 42}},}catch(t){return!1}}(),s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||"undefined"==typeof console||"function"!=typeof console.error||console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."),Object.defineProperty(s.prototype,"parent",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s.isBuffer(this)?this.buffer:void 0}}),Object.defineProperty(s.prototype,"offset",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s.isBuffer(this)?this.byteOffset:void 0}}),"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=Symbol.species&&s[Symbol.species]===s&&Object.defineProperty(s,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,writable:!1}),s.poolSize=8192,s.from=function(e,t,n){return l(e,t,n)},s.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,s.__proto__=Uint8Array,s.alloc=function(e,t,n){return u(e,t,n)},s.allocUnsafe=function(e){return p(e)},s.allocUnsafeSlow=function(e){return p(e)},s.isBuffer=function(e){return null!=e&&!0===e._isBuffer&&e!==s.prototype},,t){if(K(e,Uint8Array)&&(e=s.from(e,e.offset,e.byteLength)),K(t,Uint8Array)&&(t=s.from(t,t.offset,t.byteLength)),!s.isBuffer(e)||!s.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("The \"buf1\", \"buf2\" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array");if(e===t)return 0;for(var n=e.length,r=t.length,d=0,l=o(n,r);d<l;++d)if(e[d]!==t[d]){n=e[d],r=t[d];break}return n<r?-1:r<n?1:0},s.isEncoding=function(e){switch((e+"").toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":case"base64":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1;}},s.concat=function(e,t){if(!Array.isArray(e))throw new TypeError("\"list\" argument must be an Array of Buffers");if(0===e.length)return s.alloc(0);var n;if(t===void 0)for(t=0,n=0;n<e.length;++n)t+=e[n].length;var r=s.allocUnsafe(t),a=0;for(n=0;n<e.length;++n){var o=e[n];if(K(o,Uint8Array)&&(o=s.from(o)),!s.isBuffer(o))throw new TypeError("\"list\" argument must be an Array of Buffers");o.copy(r,a),a+=o.length}return r},s.byteLength=b,s.prototype._isBuffer=!0,s.prototype.swap16=function(){var e=this.length;if(0!=e%2)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=2)C(this,t,t+1);return this},s.prototype.swap32=function(){var e=this.length;if(0!=e%4)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=4)C(this,t,t+3),C(this,t+1,t+2);return this},s.prototype.swap64=function(){var e=this.length;if(0!=e%8)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=8)C(this,t,t+7),C(this,t+1,t+6),C(this,t+2,t+5),C(this,t+3,t+4);return this},s.prototype.toString=function(){var e=this.length;return 0===e?"":0===arguments.length?x(this,0,e):y.apply(this,arguments)},s.prototype.toLocaleString=s.prototype.toString,s.prototype.equals=function(e){if(!s.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===e||,e)},s.prototype.inspect=function(){var e="",t=n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return e=this.toString("hex",0,t).replace(/(.{2})/g,"$1 ").trim(),this.length>t&&(e+=" ... "),"<Buffer "+e+">"},,t,n,r,a){if(K(e,Uint8Array)&&(e=s.from(e,e.offset,e.byteLength)),!s.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("The \"target\" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type "+typeof e);if(void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=e?e.length:0),void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===a&&(a=this.length),0>t||n>e.length||0>r||a>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(r>=a&&t>=n)return 0;if(r>=a)return-1;if(t>=n)return 1;if(t>>>=0,n>>>=0,r>>>=0,a>>>=0,this===e)return 0;for(var d=a-r,l=n-t,c=o(d,l),u=this.slice(r,a),p=e.slice(t,n),f=0;f<c;++f)if(u[f]!==p[f]){d=u[f],l=p[f];break}return d<l?-1:l<d?1:0},s.prototype.includes=function(e,t,n){return-1!==this.indexOf(e,t,n)},s.prototype.indexOf=function(e,t,n){return R(this,e,t,n,!0)},s.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(e,t,n){return R(this,e,t,n,!1)},s.prototype.write=function(e,t,n,r){if(void 0===t)r="utf8",n=this.length,t=0;else if(void 0===n&&"string"==typeof t)r=t,n=this.length,t=0;else if(isFinite(t))t>>>=0,isFinite(n)?(n>>>=0,void 0===r&&(r="utf8")):(r=n,n=void 0);else throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");var a=this.length-t;if((void 0===n||n>a)&&(n=a),0<e.length&&(0>n||0>t)||t>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");r||(r="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(r){case"hex":return w(this,e,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return S(this,e,t,n);case"ascii":return T(this,e,t,n);case"latin1":case"binary":return v(this,e,t,n);case"base64":return k(this,e,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return L(this,e,t,n);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r);r=(""+r).toLowerCase(),o=!0;}},s.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",||this,0)}};s.prototype.slice=function(e,t){var n=this.length;e=~~e,t=t===void 0?n:~~t,0>e?(e+=n,0>e&&(e=0)):e>n&&(e=n),0>t?(t+=n,0>t&&(t=0)):t>n&&(t=n),t<e&&(t=e);var r=this.subarray(e,t);return r.__proto__=s.prototype,r},s.prototype.readUIntLE=function(e,t,n){e>>>=0,t>>>=0,n||O(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e],a=1,o=0;++o<t&&(a*=256);)r+=this[e+o]*a;return r},s.prototype.readUIntBE=function(e,t,n){e>>>=0,t>>>=0,n||O(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e+--t],a=1;0<t&&(a*=256);)r+=this[e+--t]*a;return r},s.prototype.readUInt8=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,1,this.length),this[e]},s.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,2,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8},s.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,2,this.length),this[e]<<8|this[e+1]},s.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),(this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16)+16777216*this[e+3]},s.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),16777216*this[e]+(this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3])},s.prototype.readIntLE=function(e,t,n){e>>>=0,t>>>=0,n||O(e,t,this.length);for(var a=this[e],o=1,d=0;++d<t&&(o*=256);)a+=this[e+d]*o;return o*=128,a>=o&&(a-=r(2,8*t)),a},s.prototype.readIntBE=function(e,t,n){e>>>=0,t>>>=0,n||O(e,t,this.length);for(var a=t,o=1,d=this[e+--a];0<a&&(o*=256);)d+=this[e+--a]*o;return o*=128,d>=o&&(d-=r(2,8*t)),d},s.prototype.readInt8=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,1,this.length),128&this[e]?-1*(255-this[e]+1):this[e]},s.prototype.readInt16LE=function(e,t){e>>>=0,t||O(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e]|this[e+1]<<8;return 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},s.prototype.readInt16BE=function(e,t){e>>>=0,t||O(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e+1]|this[e]<<8;return 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},s.prototype.readInt32LE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16|this[e+3]<<24},s.prototype.readInt32BE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),this[e]<<24|this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3]},s.prototype.readFloatLE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),,e,!0,23,4)},s.prototype.readFloatBE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,4,this.length),,e,!1,23,4)},s.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,8,this.length),,e,!0,52,8)},s.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(e,t){return e>>>=0,t||O(e,8,this.length),,e,!1,52,8)},s.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(e,t,n,a){if(e=+e,t>>>=0,n>>>=0,!a){var o=r(2,8*n)-1;F(this,e,t,n,o,0)}var d=1,s=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++s<n&&(d*=256);)this[t+s]=255&e/d;return t+n},s.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(e,t,n,a){if(e=+e,t>>>=0,n>>>=0,!a){var o=r(2,8*n)-1;F(this,e,t,n,o,0)}var d=n-1,s=1;for(this[t+d]=255&e;0<=--d&&(s*=256);)this[t+d]=255&e/s;return t+n},s.prototype.writeUInt8=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,1,255,0),this[t]=255&e,t+1},s.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,2,65535,0),this[t]=255&e,this[t+1]=e>>>8,t+2},s.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,2,65535,0),this[t]=e>>>8,this[t+1]=255&e,t+2},s.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,4,4294967295,0),this[t+3]=e>>>24,this[t+2]=e>>>16,this[t+1]=e>>>8,this[t]=255&e,t+4},s.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,4,4294967295,0),this[t]=e>>>24,this[t+1]=e>>>16,this[t+2]=e>>>8,this[t+3]=255&e,t+4},s.prototype.writeIntLE=function(e,t,n,a){if(e=+e,t>>>=0,!a){var o=r(2,8*n-1);F(this,e,t,n,o-1,-o)}var d=0,s=1,l=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++d<n&&(s*=256);)0>e&&0===l&&0!==this[t+d-1]&&(l=1),this[t+d]=255&(e/s>>0)-l;return t+n},s.prototype.writeIntBE=function(e,t,n,a){if(e=+e,t>>>=0,!a){var o=r(2,8*n-1);F(this,e,t,n,o-1,-o)}var d=n-1,s=1,l=0;for(this[t+d]=255&e;0<=--d&&(s*=256);)0>e&&0===l&&0!==this[t+d+1]&&(l=1),this[t+d]=255&(e/s>>0)-l;return t+n},s.prototype.writeInt8=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,1,127,-128),0>e&&(e=255+e+1),this[t]=255&e,t+1},s.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,2,32767,-32768),this[t]=255&e,this[t+1]=e>>>8,t+2},s.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,2,32767,-32768),this[t]=e>>>8,this[t+1]=255&e,t+2},s.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,4,2147483647,-2147483648),this[t]=255&e,this[t+1]=e>>>8,this[t+2]=e>>>16,this[t+3]=e>>>24,t+4},s.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t>>>=0,n||F(this,e,t,4,2147483647,-2147483648),0>e&&(e=4294967295+e+1),this[t]=e>>>24,this[t+1]=e>>>16,this[t+2]=e>>>8,this[t+3]=255&e,t+4},s.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(e,t,n){return U(this,e,t,!0,n)},s.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(e,t,n){return U(this,e,t,!1,n)},s.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(e,t,n){return j(this,e,t,!0,n)},s.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(e,t,n){return j(this,e,t,!1,n)},s.prototype.copy=function(e,t,n,r){if(!s.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");if(n||(n=0),r||0===r||(r=this.length),t>=e.length&&(t=e.length),t||(t=0),0<r&&r<n&&(r=n),r===n)return 0;if(0===e.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(0>t)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(0>n||n>=this.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(0>r)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");r>this.length&&(r=this.length),e.length-t<r-n&&(r=e.length-t+n);var a=r-n;if(this===e&&"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin)this.copyWithin(t,n,r);else if(this===e&&n<t&&t<r)for(var o=a-1;0<=o;--o)e[o+t]=this[o+n];else,this.subarray(n,r),t);return a},s.prototype.fill=function(e,t,n,r){if("string"==typeof e){if("string"==typeof t?(r=t,t=0,n=this.length):"string"==typeof n&&(r=n,n=this.length),void 0!==r&&"string"!=typeof r)throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");if("string"==typeof r&&!s.isEncoding(r))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r);if(1===e.length){var a=e.charCodeAt(0);("utf8"===r&&128>a||"latin1"===r)&&(e=a)}}else"number"==typeof e&&(e&=255);if(0>t||this.length<t||this.length<n)throw new RangeError("Out of range index");if(n<=t)return this;t>>>=0,n=n===void 0?this.length:n>>>0,e||(e=0);var o;if("number"==typeof e)for(o=t;o<n;++o)this[o]=e;else{var d=s.isBuffer(e)?e:s.from(e,r),l=d.length;if(0===l)throw new TypeError("The value \""+e+"\" is invalid for argument \"value\"");for(o=0;o<n-t;++o)this[o+t]=d[o%l]}return this};var Q=/[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g}).call(this)}).call(this,e("buffer").Buffer)},{"base64-js":1,buffer:3,ieee754:9}],4:[function(e,t,n){(function(a){(function(){function r(){let e;try{"debug")}catch(e){}return!e&&"undefined"!=typeof a&&"env"in a&&(e=a.env.DEBUG),e}n.formatArgs=function(e){if(e[0]=(this.useColors?"%c":"")+this.namespace+(this.useColors?" %c":" ")+e[0]+(this.useColors?"%c ":" ")+"+"+t.exports.humanize(this.diff),!this.useColors)return;const n="color: "+this.color;e.splice(1,0,n,"color: inherit");let r=0,a=0;e[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g,e=>{"%%"===e||(r++,"%c"===e&&(a=r))}),e.splice(a,0,n)},{try{e?"debug",e)"debug")}catch(e){}},n.load=r,n.useColors=function(){return!!("undefined"!=typeof window&&window.process&&("renderer"===window.process.type||window.process.__nwjs))||!("undefined"!=typeof navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/))&&("undefined"!=typeof document&&document.documentElement&&||"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.console&&(window.console.firebug||window.console.exception&&window.console.table)||"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/)&&31<=parseInt(RegExp.$1,10)||"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&navigator.userAgent&&navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/))},{try{return localStorage}catch(e){}}(),n.destroy=(()=>{let e=!1;return()=>{e||(e=!0,console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`."))}})(),n.colors=["#0000CC","#0000FF","#0033CC","#0033FF","#0066CC","#0066FF","#0099CC","#0099FF","#00CC00","#00CC33","#00CC66","#00CC99","#00CCCC","#00CCFF","#3300CC","#3300FF","#3333CC","#3333FF","#3366CC","#3366FF","#3399CC","#3399FF","#33CC00","#33CC33","#33CC66","#33CC99","#33CCCC","#33CCFF","#6600CC","#6600FF","#6633CC","#6633FF","#66CC00","#66CC33","#9900CC","#9900FF","#9933CC","#9933FF","#99CC00","#99CC33","#CC0000","#CC0033","#CC0066","#CC0099","#CC00CC","#CC00FF","#CC3300","#CC3333","#CC3366","#CC3399","#CC33CC","#CC33FF","#CC6600","#CC6633","#CC9900","#CC9933","#CCCC00","#CCCC33","#FF0000","#FF0033","#FF0066","#FF0099","#FF00CC","#FF00FF","#FF3300","#FF3333","#FF3366","#FF3399","#FF33CC","#FF33FF","#FF6600","#FF6633","#FF9900","#FF9933","#FFCC00","#FFCC33"],n.log=console.debug||console.log||(()=>{}),t.exports=e("./common")(n);const{formatters:o}=t.exports;o.j=function(e){try{return JSON.stringify(e)}catch(e){return"[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: "+e.message}}}).call(this)}).call(this,e("_process"))},{"./common":5,_process:12}],5:[function(e,t){t.exports=function(t){function r(e){function t(...e){if(!t.enabled)return;const a=t,o=+new Date,i=o-(n||o);a.diff=i,a.prev=n,a.curr=o,n=o,e[0]=r.coerce(e[0]),"string"!=typeof e[0]&&e.unshift("%O");let d=0;e[0]=e[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g,(t,n)=>{if("%%"===t)return"%";d++;const o=r.formatters[n];if("function"==typeof o){const n=e[d];,n),e.splice(d,1),d--}return t}),,e);const s=a.log||r.log;s.apply(a,e)}let n,o=null;return t.namespace=e,t.useColors=r.useColors(),t.color=r.selectColor(e),t.extend=a,t.destroy=r.destroy,Object.defineProperty(t,"enabled",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!1,get:()=>null===o?r.enabled(e):o,set:e=>{o=e}}),"function"==typeof r.init&&r.init(t),t}function a(e,t){const n=r(this.namespace+("undefined"==typeof t?":":t)+e);return n.log=this.log,n}function o(e){return e.toString().substring(2,e.toString().length-2).replace(/\.\*\?$/,"*")}return r.debug=r,r.default=r,r.coerce=function(e){return e instanceof Error?e.stack||e.message:e},r.disable=function(){const e=[,>"-"+e)].join(",");return r.enable(""),e},r.enable=function(e){,r.names=[],r.skips=[];let t;const n=("string"==typeof e?e:"").split(/[\s,]+/),a=n.length;for(t=0;t<a;t++)n[t]&&(e=n[t].replace(/\*/g,".*?"),"-"===e[0]?r.skips.push(new RegExp("^"+e.substr(1)+"$")):r.names.push(new RegExp("^"+e+"$")))},r.enabled=function(e){if("*"===e[e.length-1])return!0;let t,n;for(t=0,n=r.skips.length;t<n;t++)if(r.skips[t].test(e))return!1;for(t=0,n=r.names.length;t<n;t++)if(r.names[t].test(e))return!0;return!1},r.humanize=e("ms"),r.destroy=function(){console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.")},Object.keys(t).forEach(e=>{r[e]=t[e]}),r.names=[],r.skips=[],r.formatters={},r.selectColor=function(e){let t=0;for(let n=0;n<e.length;n++)t=(t<<5)-t+e.charCodeAt(n),t|=0;return r.colors[n(t)%r.colors.length]},r.enable(r.load()),r}},{ms:11}],6:[function(e,t){'use strict';function n(e,t){for(const n in t)Object.defineProperty(e,n,{value:t[n],enumerable:!0,configurable:!0});return e}t.exports=function(e,t,r){if(!e||"string"==typeof e)throw new TypeError("Please pass an Error to err-code");r||(r={}),"object"==typeof t&&(r=t,t=""),t&&(r.code=t);try{return n(e,r)}catch(t){r.message=e.message,r.stack=e.stack;const a=function(){};a.prototype=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(e));const o=n(new a,r);return o}}},{}],7:[function(e,t){'use strict';function n(e){console&&console.warn&&console.warn(e)}function r(){}function a(e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("The \"listener\" argument must be of type Function. Received type "+typeof e)}function o(e){return void 0===e._maxListeners?r.defaultMaxListeners:e._maxListeners}function i(e,t,r,i){var d,s,l;if(a(r),s=e._events,void 0===s?(s=e._events=Object.create(null),e._eventsCount=0):(void 0!==s.newListener&&(e.emit("newListener",t,r.listener?r.listener:r),s=e._events),l=s[t]),void 0===l)l=s[t]=r,++e._eventsCount;else if("function"==typeof l?l=s[t]=i?[r,l]:[l,r]:i?l.unshift(r):l.push(r),d=o(e),0<d&&l.length>d&&!l.warned){l.warned=!0;var c=new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. "+l.length+" "+(t+" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"));"MaxListenersExceededWarning",c.emitter=e,c.type=t,c.count=l.length,n(c)}return e}function d(){if(!this.fired)return,this.wrapFn),this.fired=!0,0===arguments.length?,arguments)}function s(e,t,n){var r={fired:!1,wrapFn:void 0,target:e,type:t,listener:n},a=d.bind(r);return a.listener=n,r.wrapFn=a,a}function l(e,t,n){var r=e._events;if(r===void 0)return[];var a=r[t];return void 0===a?[]:"function"==typeof a?n?[a.listener||a]:[a]:n?f(a):u(a,a.length)}function c(e){var t=this._events;if(t!==void 0){var n=t[e];if("function"==typeof n)return 1;if(void 0!==n)return n.length}return 0}function u(e,t){for(var n=Array(t),r=0;r<t;++r)n[r]=e[r];return n}function p(e,t){for(;t+1<e.length;t++)e[t]=e[t+1];e.pop()}function f(e){for(var t=Array(e.length),n=0;n<t.length;++n)t[n]=e[n].listener||e[n];return t}function g(e,t,n){"function"==typeof e.on&&_(e,"error",t,n)}function _(e,t,n,r){if("function"==typeof e.on)r.once?e.once(t,n):e.on(t,n);else if("function"==typeof e.addEventListener)e.addEventListener(t,function a(o){r.once&&e.removeEventListener(t,a),n(o)});else throw new TypeError("The \"emitter\" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type "+typeof e)}var h,m="object"==typeof Reflect?Reflect:null,b=m&&"function"==typeof m.apply?m.apply:function(e,t,n){return,t,n)};h=m&&"function"==typeof m.ownKeys?m.ownKeys:Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e))}:function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)};var y=Number.isNaN||function(e){return e!==e};t.exports=r,t.exports.once=function(e,t){return new Promise(function(n,r){function a(n){e.removeListener(t,o),r(n)}function o(){"function"==typeof e.removeListener&&e.removeListener("error",a),n([]}_(e,t,o,{once:!0}),"error"!==t&&g(e,a,{once:!0})})},r.EventEmitter=r,r.prototype._events=void 0,r.prototype._eventsCount=0,r.prototype._maxListeners=void 0;var C=10;Object.defineProperty(r,"defaultMaxListeners",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return C},set:function(e){if("number"!=typeof e||0>e||y(e))throw new RangeError("The value of \"defaultMaxListeners\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received "+e+".");C=e}}),r.init=function(){(this._events===void 0||this._events===Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events)&&(this._events=Object.create(null),this._eventsCount=0),this._maxListeners=this._maxListeners||void 0},r.prototype.setMaxListeners=function(e){if("number"!=typeof e||0>e||y(e))throw new RangeError("The value of \"n\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received "+e+".");return this._maxListeners=e,this},r.prototype.getMaxListeners=function(){return o(this)},r.prototype.emit=function(e){for(var t=[],n=1;n<arguments.length;n++)t.push(arguments[n]);var r="error"===e,a=this._events;if(a!==void 0)r=r&&a.error===void 0;else if(!r)return!1;if(r){var o;if(0<t.length&&(o=t[0]),o instanceof Error)throw o;var d=new Error("Unhandled error."+(o?" ("+o.message+")":""));throw d.context=o,d}var s=a[e];if(s===void 0)return!1;if("function"==typeof s)b(s,this,t);else for(var l=s.length,c=u(s,l),n=0;n<l;++n)b(c[n],this,t);return!0},r.prototype.addListener=function(e,t){return i(this,e,t,!1)},r.prototype.on=r.prototype.addListener,r.prototype.prependListener=function(e,t){return i(this,e,t,!0)},r.prototype.once=function(e,t){return a(t),this.on(e,s(this,e,t)),this},r.prototype.prependOnceListener=function(e,t){return a(t),this.prependListener(e,s(this,e,t)),this},r.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){var n,r,o,d,s;if(a(t),r=this._events,void 0===r)return this;if(n=r[e],void 0===n)return this;if(n===t||n.listener===t)0==--this._eventsCount?this._events=Object.create(null):(delete r[e],r.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,n.listener||t));else if("function"!=typeof n){for(o=-1,d=n.length-1;0<=d;d--)if(n[d]===t||n[d].listener===t){s=n[d].listener,o=d;break}if(0>o)return this;0===o?n.shift():p(n,o),1===n.length&&(r[e]=n[0]),void 0!==r.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,s||t)}return this},,r.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){var t,n,r;if(n=this._events,void 0===n)return this;if(void 0===n.removeListener)return 0===arguments.length?(this._events=Object.create(null),this._eventsCount=0):void 0!==n[e]&&(0==--this._eventsCount?this._events=Object.create(null):delete n[e]),this;if(0===arguments.length){var a,o=Object.keys(n);for(r=0;r<o.length;++r)a=o[r],"removeListener"!==a&&this.removeAllListeners(a);return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"),this._events=Object.create(null),this._eventsCount=0,this}if(t=n[e],"function"==typeof t)this.removeListener(e,t);else if(void 0!==t)for(r=t.length-1;0<=r;r--)this.removeListener(e,t[r]);return this},r.prototype.listeners=function(e){return l(this,e,!0)},r.prototype.rawListeners=function(e){return l(this,e,!1)},r.listenerCount=function(e,t){return"function"==typeof e.listenerCount?e.listenerCount(t),t)},r.prototype.listenerCount=c,r.prototype.eventNames=function(){return 0<this._eventsCount?h(this._events):[]}},{}],8:[function(e,t){t.exports=function(){if("undefined"==typeof globalThis)return null;var e={RTCPeerConnection:globalThis.RTCPeerConnection||globalThis.mozRTCPeerConnection||globalThis.webkitRTCPeerConnection,RTCSessionDescription:globalThis.RTCSessionDescription||globalThis.mozRTCSessionDescription||globalThis.webkitRTCSessionDescription,RTCIceCandidate:globalThis.RTCIceCandidate||globalThis.mozRTCIceCandidate||globalThis.webkitRTCIceCandidate};return e.RTCPeerConnection?e:null}},{}],9:[function(e,a,o){/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <> */,n,a,o,l){var c,u,p=8*l-o-1,f=(1<<p)-1,g=f>>1,_=-7,h=a?l-1:0,b=a?-1:1,d=t[n+h];for(h+=b,c=d&(1<<-_)-1,d>>=-_,_+=p;0<_;c=256*c+t[n+h],h+=b,_-=8);for(u=c&(1<<-_)-1,c>>=-_,_+=o;0<_;u=256*u+t[n+h],h+=b,_-=8);if(0===c)c=1-g;else{if(c===f)return u?NaN:(d?-1:1)*(1/0);u+=r(2,o),c-=g}return(d?-1:1)*u*r(2,c-o)},o.write=function(a,o,l,u,p,f){var h,b,y,g=Math.LN2,_=Math.log,C=8*f-p-1,R=(1<<C)-1,E=R>>1,w=23===p?r(2,-24)-r(2,-77):0,S=u?0:f-1,T=u?1:-1,d=0>o||0===o&&0>1/o?1:0;for(o=n(o),isNaN(o)||o===1/0?(b=isNaN(o)?1:0,h=R):(h=t(_(o)/g),1>o*(y=r(2,-h))&&(h--,y*=2),o+=1<=h+E?w/y:w*r(2,1-E),2<=o*y&&(h++,y/=2),h+E>=R?(b=0,h=R):1<=h+E?(b=(o*y-1)*r(2,p),h+=E):(b=o*r(2,E-1)*r(2,p),h=0));8<=p;a[l+S]=255&b,S+=T,b/=256,p-=8);for(h=h<<p|b,C+=p;0<C;a[l+S]=255&h,S+=T,h/=256,C-=8);a[l+S-T]|=128*d}},{}],10:[function(e,t){t.exports="function"==typeof Object.create?function(e,t){t&&(e.super_=t,e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}))}:function(e,t){if(t){e.super_=t;var n=function(){};n.prototype=t.prototype,e.prototype=new n,e.prototype.constructor=e}}},{}],11:[function(e,t){var r=Math.round;function a(e){if(e+="",!(100<e.length)){var t=/^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(e);if(t){var r=parseFloat(t[1]),n=(t[2]||"ms").toLowerCase();return"years"===n||"year"===n||"yrs"===n||"yr"===n||"y"===n?31557600000*r:"weeks"===n||"week"===n||"w"===n?604800000*r:"days"===n||"day"===n||"d"===n?86400000*r:"hours"===n||"hour"===n||"hrs"===n||"hr"===n||"h"===n?3600000*r:"minutes"===n||"minute"===n||"mins"===n||"min"===n||"m"===n?60000*r:"seconds"===n||"second"===n||"secs"===n||"sec"===n||"s"===n?1000*r:"milliseconds"===n||"millisecond"===n||"msecs"===n||"msec"===n||"ms"===n?r:void 0}}}function o(e){var t=n(e);return 86400000<=t?r(e/86400000)+"d":3600000<=t?r(e/3600000)+"h":60000<=t?r(e/60000)+"m":1000<=t?r(e/1000)+"s":e+"ms"}function i(e){var t=n(e);return 86400000<=t?s(e,t,86400000,"day"):3600000<=t?s(e,t,3600000,"hour"):60000<=t?s(e,t,60000,"minute"):1000<=t?s(e,t,1000,"second"):e+" ms"}function s(e,t,a,n){return r(e/a)+" "+n+(t>=1.5*a?"s":"")}var l=24*(60*60000);t.exports=function(e,t){t=t||{};var n=typeof e;if("string"==n&&0<e.length)return a(e);if("number"===n&&isFinite(e))return t.long?i(e):o(e);throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val="+JSON.stringify(e))}},{}],12:[function(e,t){function n(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")}function r(){throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")}function a(t){if(c===setTimeout)return setTimeout(t,0);if((c===n||!c)&&setTimeout)return c=setTimeout,setTimeout(t,0);try{return c(t,0)}catch(n){try{return,t,0)}catch(n){return,t,0)}}}function o(t){if(u===clearTimeout)return clearTimeout(t);if((u===r||!u)&&clearTimeout)return u=clearTimeout,clearTimeout(t);try{return u(t)}catch(n){try{return,t)}catch(n){return,t)}}}function i(){_&&f&&(_=!1,f.length?g=f.concat(g):h=-1,g.length&&d())}function d(){if(!_){var e=a(i);_=!0;for(var t=g.length;t;){for(f=g,g=[];++h<t;)f&&f[h].run();h=-1,t=g.length}f=null,_=!1,o(e)}}function s(e,t){,this.array=t}function l(){}var c,u,p=t.exports={};(function(){try{c="function"==typeof setTimeout?setTimeout:n}catch(t){c=n}try{u="function"==typeof clearTimeout?clearTimeout:r}catch(t){u=r}})();var f,g=[],_=!1,h=-1;p.nextTick=function(e){var t=Array(arguments.length-1);if(1<arguments.length)for(var n=1;n<arguments.length;n++)t[n-1]=arguments[n];g.push(new s(e,t)),1!==g.length||_||a(d)},{,this.array)},p.title="browser",p.browser=!0,p.env={},p.argv=[],p.version="",p.versions={},p.on=l,p.addListener=l,p.once=l,,p.removeListener=l,p.removeAllListeners=l,p.emit=l,p.prependListener=l,p.prependOnceListener=l,p.listeners=function(){return[]},p.binding=function(){throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")},p.cwd=function(){return"/"},p.chdir=function(){throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")},p.umask=function(){return 0}},{}],13:[function(e,t){(function(e){(function(){/*! queue-microtask. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <> */let n;t.exports="function"==typeof queueMicrotask?queueMicrotask.bind("undefined"==typeof window?e:window):e=>(n||(n=Promise.resolve())).then(e).catch(e=>setTimeout(()=>{throw e},0))}).call(this)}).call(this,"undefined"==typeof __webpack_require__.g?"undefined"==typeof self?"undefined"==typeof window?{}:window:self:__webpack_require__.g)},{}],14:[function(e,t){(function(n,r){(function(){'use strict';var a=e("safe-buffer").Buffer,o=r.crypto||r.msCrypto;t.exports=o&&o.getRandomValues?function(e,t){if(e>4294967295)throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes");var r=a.allocUnsafe(e);if(0<e)if(65536<e)for(var i=0;i<e;i+=65536)o.getRandomValues(r.slice(i,i+65536));else o.getRandomValues(r);return"function"==typeof t?n.nextTick(function(){t(null,r)}):r}:function(){throw new Error("Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser.\nUse Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11")}}).call(this)}).call(this,e("_process"),"undefined"==typeof __webpack_require__.g?"undefined"==typeof self?"undefined"==typeof window?{}:window:self:__webpack_require__.g)},{_process:12,"safe-buffer":30}],15:[function(e,t){'use strict';function n(e,t){e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype),e.prototype.constructor=e,e.__proto__=t}function r(e,t,r){function a(e,n,r){return"string"==typeof t?t:t(e,n,r)}r||(r=Error);var o=function(e){function t(t,n,r){return,a(t,n,r))||this}return n(t,e),t}(r);,o.prototype.code=e,s[e]=o}function a(e,t){if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.length;return{return e+""}),2<n?"one of ".concat(t," ").concat(e.slice(0,n-1).join(", "),", or ")+e[n-1]:2===n?"one of ".concat(t," ").concat(e[0]," or ").concat(e[1]):"of ".concat(t," ").concat(e[0])}return"of ".concat(t," ").concat(e+"")}function o(e,t,n){return e.substr(!n||0>n?0:+n,t.length)===t}function i(e,t,n){return(void 0===n||n>e.length)&&(n=e.length),e.substring(n-t.length,n)===t}function d(e,t,n){return"number"!=typeof n&&(n=0),!(n+t.length>e.length)&&-1!==e.indexOf(t,n)}var s={};r("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE",function(e,t){return"The value \""+t+"\" is invalid for option \""+e+"\""},TypeError),r("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(e,t,n){var r;"string"==typeof t&&o(t,"not ")?(r="must not be",t=t.replace(/^not /,"")):r="must be";var s;if(i(e," argument"))s="The ".concat(e," ").concat(r," ").concat(a(t,"type"));else{var l=d(e,".")?"property":"argument";s="The \"".concat(e,"\" ").concat(l," ").concat(r," ").concat(a(t,"type"))}return s+=". Received type ".concat(typeof n),s},TypeError),r("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF","stream.push() after EOF"),r("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED",function(e){return"The "+e+" method is not implemented"}),r("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE","Premature close"),r("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED",function(e){return"Cannot call "+e+" after a stream was destroyed"}),r("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK","Callback called multiple times"),r("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE","Cannot pipe, not readable"),r("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END","write after end"),r("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES","May not write null values to stream",TypeError),r("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING",function(e){return"Unknown encoding: "+e},TypeError),r("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT","stream.unshift() after end event"),},{}],16:[function(e,t){(function(n){(function(){'use strict';function r(e){return this instanceof r?void(,e),,e),this.allowHalfOpen=!0,e&&(!1===e.readable&&(this.readable=!1),!1===e.writable&&(this.writable=!1),!1===e.allowHalfOpen&&(this.allowHalfOpen=!1,this.once("end",a)))):new r(e)}function a(){this._writableState.ended||n.nextTick(o,this)}function o(e){e.end()}var i=Object.keys||function(e){var t=[];for(var n in e)t.push(n);return t};t.exports=r;var d=e("./_stream_readable"),s=e("./_stream_writable");e("inherits")(r,d);for(var l,c=i(s.prototype),u=0;u<c.length;u++)l=c[u],r.prototype[l]||(r.prototype[l]=s.prototype[l]);Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"writableHighWaterMark",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState.highWaterMark}}),Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"writableBuffer",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState&&this._writableState.getBuffer()}}),Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"writableLength",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState.length}}),Object.defineProperty(r.prototype,"destroyed",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return void 0!==this._readableState&&void 0!==this._writableState&&this._readableState.destroyed&&this._writableState.destroyed},set:function(e){void 0===this._readableState||void 0===this._writableState||(this._readableState.destroyed=e,this._writableState.destroyed=e)}})}).call(this)}).call(this,e("_process"))},{"./_stream_readable":18,"./_stream_writable":20,_process:12,inherits:10}],17:[function(e,t){'use strict';function n(e){return this instanceof n?void,e):new n(e)}t.exports=n;var r=e("./_stream_transform");e("inherits")(n,r),n.prototype._transform=function(e,t,n){n(null,e)}},{"./_stream_transform":19,inherits:10}],18:[function(e,t){(function(n,r){(function(){'use strict';function a(e){return P.from(e)}function o(e){return P.isBuffer(e)||e instanceof M}function i(e,t,n){return"function"==typeof e.prependListener?e.prependListener(t,n):void(e._events&&e._events[t]?Array.isArray(e._events[t])?e._events[t].unshift(n):e._events[t]=[n,e._events[t]]:e.on(t,n))}function d(t,n,r){A=A||e("./_stream_duplex"),t=t||{},"boolean"!=typeof r&&(r=n instanceof A),this.objectMode=!!t.objectMode,r&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!t.readableObjectMode),this.highWaterMark=H(this,t,"readableHighWaterMark",r),this.buffer=new j,this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.resumeScheduled=!1,this.paused=!0,this.emitClose=!1!==t.emitClose,this.autoDestroy=!!t.autoDestroy,this.destroyed=!1,this.defaultEncoding=t.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,t.encoding&&(!F&&(F=e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this.decoder=new F(t.encoding),this.encoding=t.encoding)}function s(t){if(A=A||e("./_stream_duplex"),!(this instanceof s))return new s(t);var n=this instanceof A;this._readableState=new d(t,this,n),this.readable=!0,t&&("function"==typeof,"function"==typeof t.destroy&&(this._destroy=t.destroy)),}function l(e,t,n,r,o){x("readableAddChunk",t);var i=e._readableState;if(null===t)i.reading=!1,g(e,i);else{var d;if(o||(d=u(i,t)),d)X(e,d);else if(!(i.objectMode||t&&0<t.length))r||(i.reading=!1,m(e,i));else if("string"==typeof t||i.objectMode||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)===P.prototype||(t=a(t)),r)i.endEmitted?X(e,new K):c(e,i,t,!0);else if(i.ended)X(e,new z);else{if(i.destroyed)return!1;i.reading=!1,i.decoder&&!n?(t=i.decoder.write(t),i.objectMode||0!==t.length?c(e,i,t,!1):m(e,i)):c(e,i,t,!1)}}return!i.ended&&(i.length<i.highWaterMark||0===i.length)}function c(e,t,n,r){t.flowing&&0===t.length&&!t.sync?(t.awaitDrain=0,e.emit("data",n)):(t.length+=t.objectMode?1:n.length,r?t.buffer.unshift(n):t.buffer.push(n),t.needReadable&&_(e)),m(e,t)}function u(e,t){var 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t=e._readableState;x("emitReadable_",t.destroyed,t.length,t.ended),!t.destroyed&&(t.length||t.ended)&&(e.emit("readable"),t.emittedReadable=!1),t.needReadable=!t.flowing&&!t.ended&&t.length<=t.highWaterMark,S(e)}function m(e,t){t.readingMore||(t.readingMore=!0,n.nextTick(b,e,t))}function b(e,t){for(;!t.reading&&!t.ended&&(t.length<t.highWaterMark||t.flowing&&0===t.length);){var n=t.length;if(x("maybeReadMore read 0"),,n===t.length)break}t.readingMore=!1}function y(e){return function(){var t=e._readableState;x("pipeOnDrain",t.awaitDrain),t.awaitDrain&&t.awaitDrain--,0===t.awaitDrain&&D(e,"data")&&(t.flowing=!0,S(e))}}function C(e){var t=e._readableState;t.readableListening=0<e.listenerCount("readable"),t.resumeScheduled&&!t.paused?t.flowing=!0:0<e.listenerCount("data")&&e.resume()}function R(e){x("readable nexttick read 0"),}function E(e,t){t.resumeScheduled||(t.resumeScheduled=!0,n.nextTick(w,e,t))}function w(e,t){x("resume",t.reading),t.reading||,t.resumeScheduled=!1,e.emit("resume"),S(e),t.flowing&&!t.reading&&}function S(e){var t=e._readableState;for(x("flow",t.flowing);t.flowing&&null!;);}function T(e,t){if(0===t.length)return null;var n;return t.objectMode?n=t.buffer.shift():!e||e>=t.length?(n=t.decoder?t.buffer.join(""):1===t.buffer.length?t.buffer.first():t.buffer.concat(t.length),t.buffer.clear()):n=t.buffer.consume(e,t.decoder),n}function v(e){var t=e._readableState;x("endReadable",t.endEmitted),t.endEmitted||(t.ended=!0,n.nextTick(k,t,e))}function k(e,t){if(x("endReadableNT",e.endEmitted,e.length),!e.endEmitted&&0===e.length&&(e.endEmitted=!0,t.readable=!1,t.emit("end"),e.autoDestroy)){var n=t._writableState;(!n||n.autoDestroy&&n.finished)&&t.destroy()}}function L(e,t){for(var n=0,r=e.length;n<r;n++)if(e[n]===t)return n;return-1}t.exports=s;var A;s.ReadableState=d;var x,N=e("events").EventEmitter,D=function(e,t){return e.listeners(t).length},I=e("./internal/streams/stream"),P=e("buffer").Buffer,M=r.Uint8Array||function(){},O=e("util");x=O&&O.debuglog?O.debuglog("stream"):function(){};var F,B,U,j=e("./internal/streams/buffer_list"),q=e("./internal/streams/destroy"),W=e("./internal/streams/state"),H=W.getHighWaterMark,Y=e("../errors").codes,V=Y.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,z=Y.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF,G=Y.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,K=Y.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT;e("inherits")(s,I);var X=q.errorOrDestroy,$=["error","close","destroy","pause","resume"];Object.defineProperty(s.prototype,"destroyed",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return void 0!==this._readableState&&this._readableState.destroyed},set:function(e){this._readableState&&(this._readableState.destroyed=e)}}),s.prototype.destroy=q.destroy,s.prototype._undestroy=q.undestroy,s.prototype._destroy=function(e,t){t(e)},s.prototype.push=function(e,t){var n,r=this._readableState;return r.objectMode?n=!0:"string"==typeof e&&(t=t||r.defaultEncoding,t!==r.encoding&&(e=P.from(e,t),t=""),n=!0),l(this,e,t,!1,n)},s.prototype.unshift=function(e){return l(this,e,null,!0,!1)},s.prototype.isPaused=function(){return!1===this._readableState.flowing},s.prototype.setEncoding=function(t){F||(F=e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder);var n=new F(t);this._readableState.decoder=n,this._readableState.encoding=this._readableState.decoder.encoding;for(var r=this._readableState.buffer.head,a="";null!==r;)a+=n.write(,;return this._readableState.buffer.clear(),""!==a&&this._readableState.buffer.push(a),this._readableState.length=a.length,this};{x("read",e),e=parseInt(e,10);var t=this._readableState,r=e;if(0!==e&&(t.emittedReadable=!1),0===e&&t.needReadable&&((0===t.highWaterMark?0<t.length:t.length>=t.highWaterMark)||t.ended))return x("read: emitReadable",t.length,t.ended),0===t.length&&t.ended?v(this):_(this),null;if(e=f(e,t),0===e&&t.ended)return 0===t.length&&v(this),null;var a=t.needReadable;x("need readable",a),(0===t.length||t.length-e<t.highWaterMark)&&(a=!0,x("length less than watermark",a)),t.ended||t.reading?(a=!1,x("reading or ended",a)):a&&(x("do read"),t.reading=!0,t.sync=!0,0===t.length&&(t.needReadable=!0),this._read(t.highWaterMark),t.sync=!1,!t.reading&&(e=f(r,t)));var o;return o=0<e?T(e,t):null,null===o?(t.needReadable=t.length<=t.highWaterMark,e=0):(t.length-=e,t.awaitDrain=0),0===t.length&&(!t.ended&&(t.needReadable=!0),r!==e&&t.ended&&v(this)),null!==o&&this.emit("data",o),o},s.prototype._read=function(){X(this,new G("_read()"))},s.prototype.pipe=function(e,t){function r(e,t){x("onunpipe"),e===p&&t&&!1===t.hasUnpiped&&(t.hasUnpiped=!0,o())}function a(){x("onend"),e.end()}function 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g=(!t||!1!==t.end)&&e!==n.stdout&&e!==n.stderr,_=g?a:u;f.endEmitted?n.nextTick(_):p.once("end",_),e.on("unpipe",r);var h=y(p);e.on("drain",h);var m=!1;return p.on("data",d),i(e,"error",s),e.once("close",l),e.once("finish",c),e.emit("pipe",p),f.flowing||(x("pipe resume"),p.resume()),e},s.prototype.unpipe=function(e){var t=this._readableState,n={hasUnpiped:!1};if(0===t.pipesCount)return this;if(1===t.pipesCount)return e&&e!==t.pipes?this:(e||(e=t.pipes),t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1,e&&e.emit("unpipe",this,n),this);if(!e){var r=t.pipes,a=t.pipesCount;t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1;for(var o=0;o<a;o++)r[o].emit("unpipe",this,{hasUnpiped:!1});return this}var d=L(t.pipes,e);return-1===d?this:(t.pipes.splice(d,1),t.pipesCount-=1,1===t.pipesCount&&(t.pipes=t.pipes[0]),e.emit("unpipe",this,n),this)},s.prototype.on=function(e,t){var,e,t),a=this._readableState;return"data"===e?(a.readableListening=0<this.listenerCount("readable"),!1!==a.flowing&&this.resume()):"readable"==e&&!a.endEmitted&&!a.readableListening&&(a.readableListening=a.needReadable=!0,a.flowing=!1,a.emittedReadable=!1,x("on readable",a.length,a.reading),a.length?_(this):!a.reading&&n.nextTick(R,this)),r},s.prototype.addListener=s.prototype.on,s.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){var,e,t);return"readable"===e&&n.nextTick(C,this),r},s.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){var t=I.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this,arguments);return("readable"===e||void 0===e)&&n.nextTick(C,this),t},s.prototype.resume=function(){var e=this._readableState;return e.flowing||(x("resume"),e.flowing=!e.readableListening,E(this,e)),e.paused=!1,this},s.prototype.pause=function(){return x("call 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L={deprecate:e("util-deprecate")},A=e("./internal/streams/stream"),x=e("buffer").Buffer,N=r.Uint8Array||function(){},D=e("./internal/streams/destroy"),I=e("./internal/streams/state"),P=I.getHighWaterMark,M=e("../errors").codes,O=M.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,F=M.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,B=M.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK,U=M.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE,j=M.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED,q=M.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES,W=M.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END,H=M.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING,Y=D.errorOrDestroy;e("inherits")(l,A),s.prototype.getBuffer=function(){for(var e=this.bufferedRequest,t=[];e;)t.push(e),;return t},function(){try{Object.defineProperty(s.prototype,"buffer",{get:L.deprecate(function(){return this.getBuffer()},"_writableState.buffer is deprecated. 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e=this._writableState;e.corked&&(e.corked--,!e.writing&&!e.corked&&!e.bufferProcessing&&e.bufferedRequest&&C(this,e))},l.prototype.setDefaultEncoding=function(e){if("string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase()),!(-1<["hex","utf8","utf-8","ascii","binary","base64","ucs2","ucs-2","utf16le","utf-16le","raw"].indexOf((e+"").toLowerCase())))throw new H(e);return this._writableState.defaultEncoding=e,this},Object.defineProperty(l.prototype,"writableBuffer",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState&&this._writableState.getBuffer()}}),Object.defineProperty(l.prototype,"writableHighWaterMark",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState.highWaterMark}}),l.prototype._write=function(e,t,n){n(new F("_write()"))},l.prototype._writev=null,l.prototype.end=function(e,t,n){var r=this._writableState;return"function"==typeof e?(n=e,e=null,t=null):"function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t=null),null!==e&&void 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Map,this._closingInterval=null,this._remoteTracks=[],this._remoteStreams=[],this._chunk=null,this._cb=null,this._interval=null;try{this._pc=new this._wrtc.RTCPeerConnection(this.config)}catch(e){return void this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_PC_CONSTRUCTOR"))}this._isReactNativeWebrtc="number"==typeof this._pc._peerConnectionId,this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange=()=>{this._onIceStateChange()},this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange=()=>{this._onIceStateChange()},this._pc.onconnectionstatechange=()=>{this._onConnectionStateChange()},this._pc.onsignalingstatechange=()=>{this._onSignalingStateChange()},this._pc.onicecandidate=e=>{this._onIceCandidate(e)},"object"==typeof this._pc.peerIdentity&&this._pc.peerIdentity.catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_PC_PEER_IDENTITY"))}),this.initiator||this.channelNegotiated?this._setupData({channel:this._pc.createDataChannel(this.channelName,this.channelConfig)}):this._pc.ondatachannel=e=>{this._setupData(e)},this.streams&&this.streams.forEach(e=>{this.addStream(e)}),this._pc.ontrack=e=>{this._onTrack(e)},this._debug("initial negotiation"),this._needsNegotiation(),this._onFinishBound=()=>{this._onFinish()},this.once("finish",this._onFinishBound)}get bufferSize(){return this._channel&&this._channel.bufferedAmount||0}get connected(){return this._connected&&"open"===this._channel.readyState}address(){return{port:this.localPort,family:this.localFamily,address:this.localAddress}}signal(e){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot signal after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");if("string"==typeof e)try{e=JSON.parse(e)}catch(t){e={}}this._debug("signal()"),e.renegotiate&&this.initiator&&(this._debug("got request to renegotiate"),this._needsNegotiation()),e.transceiverRequest&&this.initiator&&(this._debug("got request for transceiver"),this.addTransceiver(e.transceiverRequest.kind,e.transceiverRequest.init)),e.candidate&&(this._pc.remoteDescription&&this._pc.remoteDescription.type?this._addIceCandidate(e.candidate):this._pendingCandidates.push(e.candidate)),e.sdp&&this._pc.setRemoteDescription(new this._wrtc.RTCSessionDescription(e)).then(()=>{this.destroyed||(this._pendingCandidates.forEach(e=>{this._addIceCandidate(e)}),this._pendingCandidates=[],"offer"===this._pc.remoteDescription.type&&this._createAnswer())}).catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION"))}),e.sdp||e.candidate||e.renegotiate||e.transceiverRequest||this.destroy(l(new Error("signal() called with invalid signal data"),"ERR_SIGNALING"))}}_addIceCandidate(e){const t=new this._wrtc.RTCIceCandidate(e);this._pc.addIceCandidate(t).catch(e=>{!t.address||t.address.endsWith(".local")?r("Ignoring unsupported ICE candidate."):this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE"))})}send(e){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot send after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._channel.send(e)}}addTransceiver(e,t){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot addTransceiver after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");if(this._debug("addTransceiver()"),this.initiator)try{this._pc.addTransceiver(e,t),this._needsNegotiation()}catch(e){this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_ADD_TRANSCEIVER"))}else this.emit("signal",{type:"transceiverRequest",transceiverRequest:{kind:e,init:t}})}}addStream(e){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot addStream after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._debug("addStream()"),e.getTracks().forEach(t=>{this.addTrack(t,e)})}}addTrack(e,t){if(this.destroying)return;if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot addTrack after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._debug("addTrack()");const n=this._senderMap.get(e)||new Map;let r=n.get(t);if(!r)r=this._pc.addTrack(e,t),n.set(t,r),this._senderMap.set(e,n),this._needsNegotiation();else if(r.removed)throw l(new Error("Track has been removed. You should enable/disable tracks that you want to re-add."),"ERR_SENDER_REMOVED");else throw l(new Error("Track has already been added to that stream."),"ERR_SENDER_ALREADY_ADDED")}replaceTrack(e,t,n){if(this.destroying)return;if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot replaceTrack after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._debug("replaceTrack()");const r=this._senderMap.get(e),a=r?r.get(n):null;if(!a)throw l(new Error("Cannot replace track that was never added."),"ERR_TRACK_NOT_ADDED");t&&this._senderMap.set(t,r),null==a.replaceTrack?this.destroy(l(new Error("replaceTrack is not supported in this browser"),"ERR_UNSUPPORTED_REPLACETRACK")):a.replaceTrack(t)}removeTrack(e,t){if(this.destroying)return;if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot removeTrack after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._debug("removeSender()");const n=this._senderMap.get(e),r=n?n.get(t):null;if(!r)throw l(new Error("Cannot remove track that was never added."),"ERR_TRACK_NOT_ADDED");try{r.removed=!0,this._pc.removeTrack(r)}catch(e){"NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED","ERR_REMOVE_TRACK"))}this._needsNegotiation()}removeStream(e){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot removeStream after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this._debug("removeSenders()"),e.getTracks().forEach(t=>{this.removeTrack(t,e)})}}_needsNegotiation(){this._debug("_needsNegotiation"),this._batchedNegotiation||(this._batchedNegotiation=!0,s(()=>{this._batchedNegotiation=!1,this.initiator||!this._firstNegotiation?(this._debug("starting batched negotiation"),this.negotiate()):this._debug("non-initiator initial negotiation request discarded"),this._firstNegotiation=!1}))}negotiate(){if(!this.destroying){if(this.destroyed)throw l(new Error("cannot negotiate after peer is destroyed"),"ERR_DESTROYED");this.initiator?this._isNegotiating?(this._queuedNegotiation=!0,this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")):(this._debug("start negotiation"),setTimeout(()=>{this._createOffer()},0)):this._isNegotiating?(this._queuedNegotiation=!0,this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")):(this._debug("requesting negotiation from initiator"),this.emit("signal",{type:"renegotiate",renegotiate:!0})),this._isNegotiating=!0}}destroy(e){this._destroy(e,()=>{})}_destroy(e,t){this.destroyed||this.destroying||(this.destroying=!0,this._debug("destroying (error: %s)",e&&(e.message||e)),s(()=>{if(this.destroyed=!0,this.destroying=!1,this._debug("destroy (error: %s)",e&&(e.message||e)),this.readable=this.writable=!1,this._readableState.ended||this.push(null),this._writableState.finished||this.end(),this._connected=!1,this._pcReady=!1,this._channelReady=!1,this._remoteTracks=null,this._remoteStreams=null,this._senderMap=null,clearInterval(this._closingInterval),this._closingInterval=null,clearInterval(this._interval),this._interval=null,this._chunk=null,this._cb=null,this._onFinishBound&&this.removeListener("finish",this._onFinishBound),this._onFinishBound=null,this._channel){try{this._channel.close()}catch(e){}this._channel.onmessage=null,this._channel.onopen=null,this._channel.onclose=null,this._channel.onerror=null}if(this._pc){try{this._pc.close()}catch(e){}this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange=null,this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange=null,this._pc.onsignalingstatechange=null,this._pc.onicecandidate=null,this._pc.ontrack=null,this._pc.ondatachannel=null}this._pc=null,this._channel=null,e&&this.emit("error",e),this.emit("close"),t()}))}_setupData(e){if(! 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destroyed"),"ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"));if(this._connected){try{this.send(e)}catch(e){return this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"))}this._channel.bufferedAmount>u?(this._debug("start backpressure: bufferedAmount %d",this._channel.bufferedAmount),this._cb=n):n(null)}else this._debug("write before connect"),this._chunk=e,this._cb=n}_onFinish(){if(!this.destroyed){const e=()=>{setTimeout(()=>this.destroy(),1e3)};this._connected?e():this.once("connect",e)}}_startIceCompleteTimeout(){this.destroyed||this._iceCompleteTimer||(this._debug("started iceComplete timeout"),this._iceCompleteTimer=setTimeout(()=>{this._iceComplete||(this._iceComplete=!0,this._debug("iceComplete timeout completed"),this.emit("iceTimeout"),this.emit("_iceComplete"))},this.iceCompleteTimeout))}_createOffer(){this.destroyed||this._pc.createOffer(this.offerOptions).then(e=>{if(this.destroyed)return;this.trickle||this.allowHalfTrickle||(e.sdp=n(e.sdp)),e.sdp=this.sdpTransform(e.sdp);const t=()=>{if(!this.destroyed){const t=this._pc.localDescription||e;this._debug("signal"),this.emit("signal",{type:t.type,sdp:t.sdp})}};this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(()=>{this._debug("createOffer success"),this.destroyed||(this.trickle||this._iceComplete?t():this.once("_iceComplete",t))}).catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION"))})}).catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_CREATE_OFFER"))})}_requestMissingTransceivers(){this._pc.getTransceivers&&this._pc.getTransceivers().forEach(e=>{e.mid||!e.sender.track||e.requested||(e.requested=!0,this.addTransceiver(e.sender.track.kind))})}_createAnswer(){this.destroyed||this._pc.createAnswer(this.answerOptions).then(e=>{if(this.destroyed)return;this.trickle||this.allowHalfTrickle||(e.sdp=n(e.sdp)),e.sdp=this.sdpTransform(e.sdp);const t=()=>{if(!this.destroyed){const t=this._pc.localDescription||e;this._debug("signal"),this.emit("signal",{type:t.type,sdp:t.sdp}),this.initiator||this._requestMissingTransceivers()}};this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(()=>{this.destroyed||(this.trickle||this._iceComplete?t():this.once("_iceComplete",t))}).catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION"))})}).catch(e=>{this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_CREATE_ANSWER"))})}_onConnectionStateChange(){this.destroyed||"failed"===this._pc.connectionState&&this.destroy(l(new Error("Connection failed."),"ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE"))}_onIceStateChange(){if(this.destroyed)return;const e=this._pc.iceConnectionState,t=this._pc.iceGatheringState;this._debug("iceStateChange (connection: %s) (gathering: %s)",e,t),this.emit("iceStateChange",e,t),("connected"===e||"completed"===e)&&(this._pcReady=!0,this._maybeReady()),"failed"===e&&this.destroy(l(new Error("Ice connection failed."),"ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_FAILURE")),"closed"===e&&this.destroy(l(new Error("Ice connection closed."),"ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_CLOSED"))}getStats(e){const t=e=>("[object Array]">{Object.assign(e,t)}),e);0===this._pc.getStats.length||this._isReactNativeWebrtc?this._pc.getStats().then(n=>{const r=[];n.forEach(e=>{r.push(t(e))}),e(null,r)},t=>e(t)):0<this._pc.getStats.length?this._pc.getStats(n=>{if(this.destroyed)return;const r=[];n.result().forEach(e=>{const n={};e.names().forEach(t=>{n[t]=e.stat(t)}),,n.type=e.type,n.timestamp=e.timestamp,r.push(t(n))}),e(null,r)},t=>e(t)):e(null,[])}_maybeReady(){if(this._debug("maybeReady pc %s channel %s",this._pcReady,this._channelReady),this._connected||this._connecting||!this._pcReady||!this._channelReady)return;this._connecting=!0;const e=()=>{this.destroyed||this.getStats((t,n)=>{if(this.destroyed)return;t&&(n=[]);const r={},a={},o={};let 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e.googRemoteAddress&&(n=e.googRemoteAddress.split(":"),this.remoteAddress=n[0],this.remotePort=+n[1]),this.remoteAddress&&(this.remoteFamily=this.remoteAddress.includes(":")?"IPv6":"IPv4"),this._debug("connect local: %s:%s remote: %s:%s",this.localAddress,this.localPort,this.remoteAddress,this.remotePort)};if(n.forEach(e=>{"transport"===e.type&&e.selectedCandidatePairId&&d(o[e.selectedCandidatePairId]),("googCandidatePair"===e.type&&"true"===e.googActiveConnection||("candidatepair"===e.type||"candidate-pair"===e.type)&&e.selected)&&d(e)}),!i&&(!Object.keys(o).length||Object.keys(a).length))return void setTimeout(e,100);if(this._connecting=!1,this._connected=!0,this._chunk){try{this.send(this._chunk)}catch(e){return this.destroy(l(e,"ERR_DATA_CHANNEL"))}this._chunk=null,this._debug("sent chunk from \"write before connect\"");const e=this._cb;this._cb=null,e(null)}"number"!=typeof this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold&&(this._interval=setInterval(()=>this._onInterval(),150),this._interval.unref&&this._interval.unref()),this._debug("connect"),this.emit("connect")})};e()}_onInterval(){this._cb&&this._channel&&!(this._channel.bufferedAmount>u)&&this._onChannelBufferedAmountLow()}_onSignalingStateChange(){this.destroyed||("stable"===this._pc.signalingState&&(this._isNegotiating=!1,this._debug("flushing sender queue",this._sendersAwaitingStable),this._sendersAwaitingStable.forEach(e=>{this._pc.removeTrack(e),this._queuedNegotiation=!0}),this._sendersAwaitingStable=[],this._queuedNegotiation?(this._debug("flushing negotiation queue"),this._queuedNegotiation=!1,this._needsNegotiation()):(this._debug("negotiated"),this.emit("negotiated"))),this._debug("signalingStateChange %s",this._pc.signalingState),this.emit("signalingStateChange",this._pc.signalingState))}_onIceCandidate(e){this.destroyed||(e.candidate&&this.trickle?this.emit("signal",{type:"candidate",candidate:{candidate:e.candidate.candidate,sdpMLineIndex:e.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,sdpMid:e.candidate.sdpMid}}):!e.candidate&&!this._iceComplete&&(this._iceComplete=!0,this.emit("_iceComplete")),e.candidate&&this._startIceCompleteTimeout())}_onChannelMessage(e){if(this.destroyed)return;let;t instanceof ArrayBuffer&&(t=c.from(t)),this.push(t)}_onChannelBufferedAmountLow(){if(!this.destroyed&&this._cb){this._debug("ending backpressure: bufferedAmount %d",this._channel.bufferedAmount);const e=this._cb;this._cb=null,e(null)}}_onChannelOpen(){this._connected||this.destroyed||(this._debug("on channel open"),this._channelReady=!0,this._maybeReady())}_onChannelClose(){this.destroyed||(this._debug("on channel close"),this.destroy())}_onTrack(e){this.destroyed||e.streams.forEach(t=>{this._debug("on track"),this.emit("track",e.track,t),this._remoteTracks.push({track:e.track,stream:t}),this._remoteStreams.some(e=>||(this._remoteStreams.push(t),s(()=>{this._debug("on stream"),this.emit("stream",t)}))})}_debug(){const e=[];e[0]="["+this._id+"] "+e[0],a.apply(null,e)}}p.WEBRTC_SUPPORT=!!o(),p.config={iceServers:[{urls:["",""]}],sdpSemantics:"unified-plan"},p.channelConfig={},t.exports=p},{buffer:3,debug:4,"err-code":6,"get-browser-rtc":8,"queue-microtask":13,randombytes:14,"readable-stream":29}]},{},[])("/")});

/***/ })

/******/ 	});
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/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ 		if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ 			return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ 		}
/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			// no needed
/******/ 			// no module.loaded needed
/******/ 			exports: {}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ 			var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ 				() => (module['default']) :
/******/ 				() => (module);
/******/ 			__webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ 			return getter;
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ 			for(var key in definition) {
/******/ 				if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ 					Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/global */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.g = (function() {
/******/ 			if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;
/******/ 			try {
/******/ 				return this || new Function('return this')();
/******/ 			} catch (e) {
/******/ 				if (typeof window === 'object') return window;
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		})();
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define __esModule on exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ 			if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ 				Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ 			}
/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
(() => {
"use strict";

__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
  EntityProvider: () => (/* reexport */ EntityProvider),
  __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions: () => (/* reexport */ fetchLinkSuggestions),
  __experimentalFetchUrlData: () => (/* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_url_data),
  __experimentalUseEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecord),
  __experimentalUseEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecords),
  __experimentalUseResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseResourcePermissions),
  fetchBlockPatterns: () => (/* reexport */ fetchBlockPatterns),
  store: () => (/* binding */ store),
  useEntityBlockEditor: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityBlockEditor),
  useEntityId: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityId),
  useEntityProp: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityProp),
  useEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecord),
  useEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecords),
  useResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ use_resource_permissions)

// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./packages/core-data/build-module/actions.js
var build_module_actions_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(build_module_actions_namespaceObject, {
  __experimentalBatch: () => (__experimentalBatch),
  __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId),
  __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
  __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations),
  __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits: () => (__experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits),
  __unstableCreateUndoLevel: () => (__unstableCreateUndoLevel),
  addEntities: () => (addEntities),
  deleteEntityRecord: () => (deleteEntityRecord),
  editEntityRecord: () => (editEntityRecord),
  receiveAutosaves: () => (receiveAutosaves),
  receiveCurrentTheme: () => (receiveCurrentTheme),
  receiveCurrentUser: () => (receiveCurrentUser),
  receiveDefaultTemplateId: () => (receiveDefaultTemplateId),
  receiveEmbedPreview: () => (receiveEmbedPreview),
  receiveEntityRecords: () => (receiveEntityRecords),
  receiveNavigationFallbackId: () => (receiveNavigationFallbackId),
  receiveRevisions: () => (receiveRevisions),
  receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions: () => (receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions),
  receiveThemeSupports: () => (receiveThemeSupports),
  receiveUploadPermissions: () => (receiveUploadPermissions),
  receiveUserPermission: () => (receiveUserPermission),
  receiveUserQuery: () => (receiveUserQuery),
  redo: () => (redo),
  saveEditedEntityRecord: () => (saveEditedEntityRecord),
  saveEntityRecord: () => (saveEntityRecord),
  undo: () => (undo)

// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./packages/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
var build_module_selectors_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject, {
  __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId),
  __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
  __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations),
  __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords: () => (__experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords),
  __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved: () => (__experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved),
  __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver: () => (__experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver),
  __experimentalGetTemplateForLink: () => (__experimentalGetTemplateForLink),
  canUser: () => (canUser),
  canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (canUserEditEntityRecord),
  getAuthors: () => (getAuthors),
  getAutosave: () => (getAutosave),
  getAutosaves: () => (getAutosaves),
  getBlockPatternCategories: () => (getBlockPatternCategories),
  getBlockPatterns: () => (getBlockPatterns),
  getCurrentTheme: () => (getCurrentTheme),
  getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions),
  getCurrentUser: () => (getCurrentUser),
  getDefaultTemplateId: () => (getDefaultTemplateId),
  getEditedEntityRecord: () => (getEditedEntityRecord),
  getEmbedPreview: () => (getEmbedPreview),
  getEntitiesByKind: () => (getEntitiesByKind),
  getEntitiesConfig: () => (getEntitiesConfig),
  getEntity: () => (getEntity),
  getEntityConfig: () => (getEntityConfig),
  getEntityRecord: () => (getEntityRecord),
  getEntityRecordEdits: () => (getEntityRecordEdits),
  getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits: () => (getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits),
  getEntityRecords: () => (getEntityRecords),
  getEntityRecordsTotalItems: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalItems),
  getEntityRecordsTotalPages: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalPages),
  getLastEntityDeleteError: () => (getLastEntityDeleteError),
  getLastEntitySaveError: () => (getLastEntitySaveError),
  getRawEntityRecord: () => (getRawEntityRecord),
  getRedoEdit: () => (getRedoEdit),
  getReferenceByDistinctEdits: () => (getReferenceByDistinctEdits),
  getRevision: () => (getRevision),
  getRevisions: () => (getRevisions),
  getThemeSupports: () => (getThemeSupports),
  getUndoEdit: () => (getUndoEdit),
  getUserPatternCategories: () => (getUserPatternCategories),
  getUserQueryResults: () => (getUserQueryResults),
  hasEditsForEntityRecord: () => (hasEditsForEntityRecord),
  hasEntityRecords: () => (hasEntityRecords),
  hasFetchedAutosaves: () => (hasFetchedAutosaves),
  hasRedo: () => (hasRedo),
  hasUndo: () => (hasUndo),
  isAutosavingEntityRecord: () => (isAutosavingEntityRecord),
  isDeletingEntityRecord: () => (isDeletingEntityRecord),
  isPreviewEmbedFallback: () => (isPreviewEmbedFallback),
  isRequestingEmbedPreview: () => (isRequestingEmbedPreview),
  isSavingEntityRecord: () => (isSavingEntityRecord)

// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./packages/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js
var private_selectors_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(private_selectors_namespaceObject, {
  getBlockPatternsForPostType: () => (getBlockPatternsForPostType),
  getNavigationFallbackId: () => (getNavigationFallbackId),
  getUndoManager: () => (getUndoManager)

// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./packages/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
var resolvers_namespaceObject = {};
__webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, {
  __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId),
  __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
  __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations),
  __experimentalGetTemplateForLink: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink),
  canUser: () => (resolvers_canUser),
  canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord),
  getAuthors: () => (resolvers_getAuthors),
  getAutosave: () => (resolvers_getAutosave),
  getAutosaves: () => (resolvers_getAutosaves),
  getBlockPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories),
  getBlockPatterns: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatterns),
  getCurrentTheme: () => (resolvers_getCurrentTheme),
  getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions),
  getCurrentUser: () => (resolvers_getCurrentUser),
  getDefaultTemplateId: () => (resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId),
  getEditedEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord),
  getEmbedPreview: () => (resolvers_getEmbedPreview),
  getEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecord),
  getEntityRecords: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecords),
  getNavigationFallbackId: () => (resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId),
  getRawEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getRawEntityRecord),
  getRevision: () => (resolvers_getRevision),
  getRevisions: () => (resolvers_getRevisions),
  getThemeSupports: () => (resolvers_getThemeSupports),
  getUserPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getUserPatternCategories)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"]
const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"];
// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/es6/index.js
var es6 = __webpack_require__(5619);
var es6_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es6);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"]
const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","isShallowEqual"]
const external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"];
var external_wp_isShallowEqual_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/undo-manager/build-module/index.js
 * WordPress dependencies

/** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryRecord}  HistoryRecord */
/** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChange}  HistoryChange */
/** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChanges} HistoryChanges */
/** @typedef {import('./types').UndoManager} UndoManager */

 * Merge changes for a single item into a record of changes.
 * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes1 Previous changes
 * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes2 NextChanges
 * @return {Record< string, HistoryChange >} Merged changes
function mergeHistoryChanges(changes1, changes2) {
   * @type {Record< string, HistoryChange >}
  const newChanges = {
  Object.entries(changes2).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (newChanges[key]) {
      newChanges[key] = {
    } else {
      newChanges[key] = value;
  return newChanges;

 * Adds history changes for a single item into a record of changes.
 * @param {HistoryRecord}  record  The record to merge into.
 * @param {HistoryChanges} changes The changes to merge.
const addHistoryChangesIntoRecord = (record, changes) => {
  const existingChangesIndex = record?.findIndex(({
    id: recordIdentifier
  }) => {
    return typeof recordIdentifier === 'string' ? recordIdentifier === : external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(recordIdentifier,;
  const nextRecord = [...record];
  if (existingChangesIndex !== -1) {
    // If the edit is already in the stack leave the initial "from" value.
    nextRecord[existingChangesIndex] = {
      changes: mergeHistoryChanges(nextRecord[existingChangesIndex].changes, changes.changes)
  } else {
  return nextRecord;

 * Creates an undo manager.
 * @return {UndoManager} Undo manager.
function createUndoManager() {
   * @type {HistoryRecord[]}
  let history = [];
   * @type {HistoryRecord}
  let stagedRecord = [];
   * @type {number}
  let offset = 0;
  const dropPendingRedos = () => {
    history = history.slice(0, offset || undefined);
    offset = 0;
  const appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord = () => {
    var _history$index;
    const index = history.length === 0 ? 0 : history.length - 1;
    let latestRecord = (_history$index = history[index]) !== null && _history$index !== void 0 ? _history$index : [];
    stagedRecord.forEach(changes => {
      latestRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(latestRecord, changes);
    stagedRecord = [];
    history[index] = latestRecord;

   * Checks whether a record is empty.
   * A record is considered empty if it the changes keep the same values.
   * Also updates to function values are ignored.
   * @param {HistoryRecord} record
   * @return {boolean} Whether the record is empty.
  const isRecordEmpty = record => {
    const filteredRecord = record.filter(({
    }) => {
      return Object.values(changes).some(({
      }) => typeof from !== 'function' && typeof to !== 'function' && !external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(from, to));
    return !filteredRecord.length;
  return {
     * Record changes into the history.
     * @param {HistoryRecord=} record   A record of changes to record.
     * @param {boolean}        isStaged Whether to immediately create an undo point or not.
    addRecord(record, isStaged = false) {
      const isEmpty = !record || isRecordEmpty(record);
      if (isStaged) {
        if (isEmpty) {
        record.forEach(changes => {
          stagedRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(stagedRecord, changes);
      } else {
        if (stagedRecord.length) {
        if (isEmpty) {
    undo() {
      if (stagedRecord.length) {
      const undoRecord = history[history.length - 1 + offset];
      if (!undoRecord) {
      offset -= 1;
      return undoRecord;
    redo() {
      const redoRecord = history[history.length + offset];
      if (!redoRecord) {
      offset += 1;
      return redoRecord;
    hasUndo() {
      return !!history[history.length - 1 + offset];
    hasRedo() {
      return !!history[history.length + offset];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/if-matching-action.js
/** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */

 * A higher-order reducer creator which invokes the original reducer only if
 * the dispatching action matches the given predicate, **OR** if state is
 * initializing (undefined).
 * @param {AnyFunction} isMatch Function predicate for allowing reducer call.
 * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
const ifMatchingAction = isMatch => reducer => (state, action) => {
  if (state === undefined || isMatch(action)) {
    return reducer(state, action);
  return state;
/* harmony default export */ const if_matching_action = (ifMatchingAction);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/replace-action.js
/** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */

 * Higher-order reducer creator which substitutes the action object before
 * passing to the original reducer.
 * @param {AnyFunction} replacer Function mapping original action to replacement.
 * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
const replaceAction = replacer => reducer => (state, action) => {
  return reducer(state, replacer(action));
/* harmony default export */ const replace_action = (replaceAction);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/conservative-map-item.js
 * External dependencies

 * Given the current and next item entity record, returns the minimally "modified"
 * result of the next item, preferring value references from the original item
 * if equal. If all values match, the original item is returned.
 * @param {Object} item     Original item.
 * @param {Object} nextItem Next item.
 * @return {Object} Minimally modified merged item.
function conservativeMapItem(item, nextItem) {
  // Return next item in its entirety if there is no original item.
  if (!item) {
    return nextItem;
  let hasChanges = false;
  const result = {};
  for (const key in nextItem) {
    if (es6_default()(item[key], nextItem[key])) {
      result[key] = item[key];
    } else {
      hasChanges = true;
      result[key] = nextItem[key];
  if (!hasChanges) {
    return item;

  // Only at this point, backfill properties from the original item which
  // weren't explicitly set into the result above. This is an optimization
  // to allow `hasChanges` to return early.
  for (const key in item) {
    if (!result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      result[key] = item[key];
  return result;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/on-sub-key.js
/** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */

 * Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed
 * by a property on the action object.
 * @param {string} actionProperty Action property by which to key object.
 * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
const onSubKey = actionProperty => reducer => (state = {}, action) => {
  // Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases
  // where reducer is scoped by action shape.
  const key = action[actionProperty];
  if (key === undefined) {
    return state;

  // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a
  // reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked.
  const nextKeyState = reducer(state[key], action);
  if (nextKeyState === state[key]) {
    return state;
  return {
    [key]: nextKeyState
/* harmony default export */ const on_sub_key = (onSubKey);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
  extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
      ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
      function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
  return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
  if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
      throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
  extendStatics(d, b);
  function __() { this.constructor = d; }
  d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
  __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
      for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
          s = arguments[i];
          for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
      return t;
  return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
  var t = {};
  for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
      t[p] = s[p];
  if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
      for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
          if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
              t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
  return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
  var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
  if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
  else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
  return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
  return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) {
  function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; }
  var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value";
  var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null;
  var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {});
  var _, done = false;
  for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      var context = {};
      for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p];
      for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p];
      context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); };
      var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context);
      if (kind === "accessor") {
          if (result === void 0) continue;
          if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected");
          if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _;
          if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _;
          if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_);
      else if (_ = accept(result)) {
          if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_);
          else descriptor[key] = _;
  if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor);
  done = true;

function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) {
  var useValue = arguments.length > 2;
  for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
      value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg);
  return useValue ? value : void 0;

function __propKey(x) {
  return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x);

function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) {
  if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : "";
  return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name });

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
  if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
  function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
  return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
      function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
      function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
      function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
      step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
  var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
  return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
  function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
  function step(op) {
      if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
      while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
          if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
          if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
          switch (op[0]) {
              case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
              case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
              case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
              case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                  if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                  if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                  if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                  if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                  if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                  _.trys.pop(); continue;
          op =, _);
      } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
      if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
  if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
  var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
      desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
  Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
  if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
  o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, o) {
  for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);

function __values(o) {
  var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
  if (m) return;
  if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
      next: function () {
          if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
          return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
  throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
  var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
  if (!m) return o;
  var i =, r, ar = [], e;
  try {
      while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
  catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
  finally {
      try {
          if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
      finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
  return ar;

/** @deprecated */
function __spread() {
  for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
      ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
  return ar;

/** @deprecated */
function __spreadArrays() {
  for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
  for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
      for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
          r[k] = a[j];
  return r;

function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
  if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
      if (ar || !(i in from)) {
          if (!ar) ar =, 0, i);
          ar[i] = from[i];
  return to.concat(ar ||;

function __await(v) {
  return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
  if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
  var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
  return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return", awaitReturn), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
  function awaitReturn(f) { return function (v) { return Promise.resolve(v).then(f, reject); }; }
  function verb(n, f) { if (g[n]) { i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; if (f) i[n] = f(i[n]); } }
  function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
  function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
  function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
  function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
  function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
  var i, p;
  return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
  function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
  if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
  var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
  return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
  function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
  function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
  if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
  return cooked;

var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
  Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
  o["default"] = v;

function __importStar(mod) {
  if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
  var result = {};
  if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
  __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
  return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
  return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
  if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
  if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
  return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
  if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
  if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
  if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
  return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;

function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) {
  if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object");
  return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver);

function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) {
  if (value !== null && value !== void 0) {
    if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected.");
    var dispose, inner;
    if (async) {
      if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined.");
      dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose];
    if (dispose === void 0) {
      if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined.");
      dispose = value[Symbol.dispose];
      if (async) inner = dispose;
    if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable.");
    if (inner) dispose = function() { try {; } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } };
    env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async });
  else if (async) {
    env.stack.push({ async: true });
  return value;

var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
  var e = new Error(message);
  return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;

function __disposeResources(env) {
  function fail(e) {
    env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e;
    env.hasError = true;
  function next() {
    while (env.stack.length) {
      var rec = env.stack.pop();
      try {
        var result = rec.dispose &&;
        if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); });
      catch (e) {
    if (env.hasError) throw env.error;
  return next();

/* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js
 * Source:
    tr: {
        regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g,
        map: {
            İ: "\u0069",
            I: "\u0131",
            İ: "\u0069",
    az: {
        regexp: /\u0130/g,
        map: {
            İ: "\u0069",
            I: "\u0131",
            İ: "\u0069",
    lt: {
        regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g,
        map: {
            I: "\u0069\u0307",
            J: "\u006A\u0307",
            Į: "\u012F\u0307",
            Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300",
            Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301",
            Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303",
 * Localized lower case.
function localeLowerCase(str, locale) {
    var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()];
    if (lang)
        return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; }));
    return lowerCase(str);
 * Lower case as a function.
function lowerCase(str) {
    return str.toLowerCase();

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js

// Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case").
var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g];
// Remove all non-word characters.
var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi;
 * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier.
function noCase(input, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d;
    var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0");
    var start = 0;
    var end = result.length;
    // Trim the delimiter from around the output string.
    while (result.charAt(start) === "\0")
    while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0")
    // Transform each token independently.
    return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter);
 * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value.
function replace(input, re, value) {
    if (re instanceof RegExp)
        return input.replace(re, value);
    return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/upper-case-first/dist.es2015/index.js
 * Upper case the first character of an input string.
function upperCaseFirst(input) {
    return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/capital-case/dist.es2015/index.js

function capitalCaseTransform(input) {
    return upperCaseFirst(input.toLowerCase());
function capitalCase(input, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: " ", transform: capitalCaseTransform }, options));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/pascal-case/dist.es2015/index.js

function pascalCaseTransform(input, index) {
    var firstChar = input.charAt(0);
    var lowerChars = input.substr(1).toLowerCase();
    if (index > 0 && firstChar >= "0" && firstChar <= "9") {
        return "_" + firstChar + lowerChars;
    return "" + firstChar.toUpperCase() + lowerChars;
function dist_es2015_pascalCaseTransformMerge(input) {
    return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1).toLowerCase();
function pascalCase(input, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "", transform: pascalCaseTransform }, options));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"]
const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"];
var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"]
const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","richText"]
const external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js
// Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore
// require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number
// generators (like Math.random()).
var rng_getRandomValues;
var rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
function rng() {
  // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so
  if (!rng_getRandomValues) {
    // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation. Also,
    // find the complete implementation of crypto (msCrypto) on IE11.
    rng_getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto) || typeof msCrypto !== 'undefined' && typeof msCrypto.getRandomValues === 'function' && msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto);

    if (!rng_getRandomValues) {
      throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See');

  return rng_getRandomValues(rnds8);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/regex.js
/* harmony default export */ const regex = (/^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/validate.js

function validate(uuid) {
  return typeof uuid === 'string' && regex.test(uuid);

/* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_validate = (validate);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js

 * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:

var byteToHex = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
  byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1));

function stringify(arr) {
  var offset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
  // Note: Be careful editing this code!  It's been tuned for performance
  // and works in ways you may not expect. See
  var uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID.  If this throws, it's likely due to one
  // of the following:
  // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to
  // "undefined" in the uuid)
  // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields

  if (!esm_browser_validate(uuid)) {
    throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid');

  return uuid;

/* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_stringify = (stringify);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js

function v4(options, buf, offset) {
  options = options || {};
  var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`

  rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
  rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided

  if (buf) {
    offset = offset || 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
      buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];

    return buf;

  return esm_browser_stringify(rnds);

/* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_v4 = (v4);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"]
const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"]
const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"];
var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/set-nested-value.js
 * Sets the value at path of object.
 * If a portion of path doesn’t exist, it’s created.
 * Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects are created
 * for all other missing properties.
 * Path is specified as either:
 * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y".
 * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`.
 * This function intentionally mutates the input object.
 * Inspired by _.set().
 * @see
 * @todo Needs to be deduplicated with its copy in `@wordpress/edit-site`.
 * @param {Object}       object Object to modify
 * @param {Array|string} path   Path of the property to set.
 * @param {*}            value  Value to set.
function setNestedValue(object, path, value) {
  if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') {
    return object;
  const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
  normalizedPath.reduce((acc, key, idx) => {
    if (acc[key] === undefined) {
      if (Number.isInteger(normalizedPath[idx + 1])) {
        acc[key] = [];
      } else {
        acc[key] = {};
    if (idx === normalizedPath.length - 1) {
      acc[key] = value;
    return acc[key];
  }, object);
  return object;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/get-nested-value.js
 * Helper util to return a value from a certain path of the object.
 * Path is specified as either:
 * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y".
 * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`.
 * You can also specify a default value in case the result is nullish.
 * @param {Object}       object       Input object.
 * @param {string|Array} path         Path to the object property.
 * @param {*}            defaultValue Default value if the value at the specified path is undefined.
 * @return {*} Value of the object property at the specified path.
function getNestedValue(object, path, defaultValue) {
  if (!object || typeof object !== 'object' || typeof path !== 'string' && !Array.isArray(path)) {
    return object;
  const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
  let value = object;
  normalizedPath.forEach(fieldName => {
    value = value?.[fieldName];
  return value !== undefined ? value : defaultValue;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/queried-data/actions.js
 * Returns an action object used in signalling that items have been received.
 * @param {Array}   items Items received.
 * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
 * @param {?Object} meta  Meta information about pagination.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveItems(items, edits, meta) {
  return {
    type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS',
    items: Array.isArray(items) ? items : [items],
    persistedEdits: edits,

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been
 * deleted and they need to be removed from entities state.
 * @param {string}              kind            Kind of the removed entities.
 * @param {string}              name            Name of the removed entities.
 * @param {Array|number|string} records         Record IDs of the removed entities.
 * @param {boolean}             invalidateCache Controls whether we want to invalidate the cache.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function removeItems(kind, name, records, invalidateCache = false) {
  return {
    type: 'REMOVE_ITEMS',
    itemIds: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records],

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that queried data has been
 * received.
 * @param {Array}   items Queried items received.
 * @param {?Object} query Optional query object.
 * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
 * @param {?Object} meta  Meta information about pagination.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveQueriedItems(items, query = {}, edits, meta) {
  return {
    ...receiveItems(items, edits, meta),

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/batch/default-processor.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Maximum number of requests to place in a single batch request. Obtained by
 * sending a preflight OPTIONS request to /batch/v1/.
 * @type {number?}
let maxItems = null;
function chunk(arr, chunkSize) {
  const tmp = [...arr];
  const cache = [];
  while (tmp.length) {
    cache.push(tmp.splice(0, chunkSize));
  return cache;

 * Default batch processor. Sends its input requests to /batch/v1.
 * @param {Array} requests List of API requests to perform at once.
 * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to a list of objects containing
 *                   either `output` (if that request was successful) or `error`
 *                   (if not ).
async function defaultProcessor(requests) {
  if (maxItems === null) {
    const preflightResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      path: '/batch/v1',
      method: 'OPTIONS'
    maxItems = preflightResponse.endpoints[0].args.requests.maxItems;
  const results = [];

  // @ts-ignore We would have crashed or never gotten to this point if we hadn't received the maxItems count.
  for (const batchRequests of chunk(requests, maxItems)) {
    const batchResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      path: '/batch/v1',
      method: 'POST',
      data: {
        validation: 'require-all-validate',
        requests: => ({
          path: request.path,
          // Rename 'data' to 'body'.
          method: request.method,
          headers: request.headers
    let batchResults;
    if (batchResponse.failed) {
      batchResults = => ({
        error: response?.body
    } else {
      batchResults = => {
        const result = {};
        if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
          result.output = response.body;
        } else {
          result.error = response.body;
        return result;
  return results;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/batch/create-batch.js
 * Internal dependencies

 * Creates a batch, which can be used to combine multiple API requests into one
 * API request using the WordPress batch processing API (/v1/batch).
 * ```
 * const batch = createBatch();
 * const dunePromise = batch.add( {
 *   path: '/v1/books',
 *   method: 'POST',
 *   data: { title: 'Dune' }
 * } );
 * const lotrPromise = batch.add( {
 *   path: '/v1/books',
 *   method: 'POST',
 *   data: { title: 'Lord of the Rings' }
 * } );
 * const isSuccess = await; // Sends one POST to /v1/batch.
 * if ( isSuccess ) {
 *   console.log(
 *     'Saved two books:',
 *     await dunePromise,
 *     await lotrPromise
 *   );
 * }
 * ```
 * @param {Function} [processor] Processor function. Can be used to replace the
 *                               default functionality which is to send an API
 *                               request to /v1/batch. Is given an array of
 *                               inputs and must return a promise that
 *                               resolves to an array of objects containing
 *                               either `output` or `error`.
function createBatch(processor = defaultProcessor) {
  let lastId = 0;
  /** @type {Array<{ input: any; resolve: ( value: any ) => void; reject: ( error: any ) => void }>} */
  let queue = [];
  const pending = new ObservableSet();
  return {
     * Adds an input to the batch and returns a promise that is resolved or
     * rejected when the input is processed by ``.
     * You may also pass a thunk which allows inputs to be added
     * asychronously.
     * ```
     * // Both are allowed:
     * batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } );
     * batch.add( ( add ) => add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } ) );
     * ```
     * If a thunk is passed, `` will pause until either:
     * - The thunk calls its `add` argument, or;
     * - The thunk returns a promise and that promise resolves, or;
     * - The thunk returns a non-promise.
     * @param {any|Function} inputOrThunk Input to add or thunk to execute.
     * @return {Promise|any} If given an input, returns a promise that
     *                       is resolved or rejected when the batch is
     *                       processed. If given a thunk, returns the return
     *                       value of that thunk.
    add(inputOrThunk) {
      const id = ++lastId;
      const add = input => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (typeof inputOrThunk === 'function') {
        return Promise.resolve(inputOrThunk(add)).finally(() => {
      return add(inputOrThunk);
     * Runs the batch. This calls `batchProcessor` and resolves or rejects
     * all promises returned by `add()`.
     * @return {Promise<boolean>} A promise that resolves to a boolean that is true
     *                   if the processor returned no errors.
    async run() {
      if (pending.size) {
        await new Promise(resolve => {
          const unsubscribe = pending.subscribe(() => {
            if (!pending.size) {
      let results;
      try {
        results = await processor({
        }) => input));
        if (results.length !== queue.length) {
          throw new Error('run: Array returned by processor must be same size as input array.');
      } catch (error) {
        for (const {
        } of queue) {
        throw error;
      let isSuccess = true;
      results.forEach((result, key) => {
        const queueItem = queue[key];
        if (result?.error) {
          isSuccess = false;
        } else {
          var _result$output;
          queueItem?.resolve((_result$output = result?.output) !== null && _result$output !== void 0 ? _result$output : result);
      queue = [];
      return isSuccess;
class ObservableSet {
  constructor(...args) {
    this.set = new Set(...args);
    this.subscribers = new Set();
  get size() {
    return this.set.size;
  add(value) {
    this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
    return this;
  delete(value) {
    const isSuccess = this.set.delete(value);
    this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
    return isSuccess;
  subscribe(subscriber) {
    return () => {

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/name.js
 * The reducer key used by core data in store registration.
 * This is defined in a separate file to avoid cycle-dependency
 * @type {string}
const STORE_NAME = 'core';

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/map.js
 * Utility module to work with key-value stores.
 * @module map

 * Creates a new Map instance.
 * @function
 * @return {Map<any, any>}
 * @function
const create = () => new Map()

 * Copy a Map object into a fresh Map object.
 * @function
 * @template X,Y
 * @param {Map<X,Y>} m
 * @return {Map<X,Y>}
const copy = m => {
  const r = create()
  m.forEach((v, k) => { r.set(k, v) })
  return r

 * Get map property. Create T if property is undefined and set T on map.
 * ```js
 * const listeners = map.setIfUndefined(events, 'eventName', set.create)
 * listeners.add(listener)
 * ```
 * @function
 * @template V,K
 * @template {Map<K,V>} MAP
 * @param {MAP} map
 * @param {K} key
 * @param {function():V} createT
 * @return {V}
const setIfUndefined = (map, key, createT) => {
  let set = map.get(key)
  if (set === undefined) {
    map.set(key, set = createT())
  return set

 * Creates an Array and populates it with the content of all key-value pairs using the `f(value, key)` function.
 * @function
 * @template K
 * @template V
 * @template R
 * @param {Map<K,V>} m
 * @param {function(V,K):R} f
 * @return {Array<R>}
const map_map = (m, f) => {
  const res = []
  for (const [key, value] of m) {
    res.push(f(value, key))
  return res

 * Tests whether any key-value pairs pass the test implemented by `f(value, key)`.
 * @todo should rename to some - similarly to Array.some
 * @function
 * @template K
 * @template V
 * @param {Map<K,V>} m
 * @param {function(V,K):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const any = (m, f) => {
  for (const [key, value] of m) {
    if (f(value, key)) {
      return true
  return false

 * Tests whether all key-value pairs pass the test implemented by `f(value, key)`.
 * @function
 * @template K
 * @template V
 * @param {Map<K,V>} m
 * @param {function(V,K):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const map_all = (m, f) => {
  for (const [key, value] of m) {
    if (!f(value, key)) {
      return false
  return true

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/set.js
 * Utility module to work with sets.
 * @module set

const set_create = () => new Set()

 * @template T
 * @param {Set<T>} set
 * @return {Array<T>}
const toArray = set => Array.from(set)

 * @template T
 * @param {Set<T>} set
 * @return {T}
const first = set =>
  set.values().next().value || undefined

 * @template T
 * @param {Iterable<T>} entries
 * @return {Set<T>}
const from = entries => new Set(entries)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/array.js
 * Utility module to work with Arrays.
 * @module array

 * Return the last element of an array. The element must exist
 * @template L
 * @param {ArrayLike<L>} arr
 * @return {L}
const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1]

 * @template C
 * @return {Array<C>}
const array_create = () => /** @type {Array<C>} */ ([])

 * @template D
 * @param {Array<D>} a
 * @return {Array<D>}
const array_copy = a => /** @type {Array<D>} */ (a.slice())

 * Append elements from src to dest
 * @template M
 * @param {Array<M>} dest
 * @param {Array<M>} src
const appendTo = (dest, src) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {

 * Transforms something array-like to an actual Array.
 * @function
 * @template T
 * @param {ArrayLike<T>|Iterable<T>} arraylike
 * @return {T}
const array_from = Array.from

 * True iff condition holds on every element in the Array.
 * @function
 * @template ITEM
 * @template {ArrayLike<ITEM>} ARR
 * @param {ARR} arr
 * @param {function(ITEM, number, ARR):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const every = (arr, f) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (!f(arr[i], i, arr)) {
      return false
  return true

 * True iff condition holds on some element in the Array.
 * @function
 * @template S
 * @template {ArrayLike<S>} ARR
 * @param {ARR} arr
 * @param {function(S, number, ARR):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const some = (arr, f) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (f(arr[i], i, arr)) {
      return true
  return false

 * @template ELEM
 * @param {ArrayLike<ELEM>} a
 * @param {ArrayLike<ELEM>} b
 * @return {boolean}
const equalFlat = (a, b) => a.length === b.length && every(a, (item, index) => item === b[index])

 * @template ELEM
 * @param {Array<Array<ELEM>>} arr
 * @return {Array<ELEM>}
const flatten = arr => fold(arr, /** @type {Array<ELEM>} */ ([]), (acc, val) => acc.concat(val))

 * @template T
 * @param {number} len
 * @param {function(number, Array<T>):T} f
 * @return {Array<T>}
const unfold = (len, f) => {
  const array = new Array(len)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    array[i] = f(i, array)
  return array

 * @template T
 * @template RESULT
 * @param {Array<T>} arr
 * @param {RESULT} seed
 * @param {function(RESULT, T, number):RESULT} folder
const fold = (arr, seed, folder) => arr.reduce(folder, seed)

const isArray = Array.isArray

 * @template T
 * @param {Array<T>} arr
 * @return {Array<T>}
const unique = arr => array_from(set.from(arr))

 * @template T
 * @template M
 * @param {ArrayLike<T>} arr
 * @param {function(T):M} mapper
 * @return {Array<T>}
const uniqueBy = (arr, mapper) => {
   * @type {Set<M>}
  const happened = set.create()
   * @type {Array<T>}
  const result = []
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    const el = arr[i]
    const mapped = mapper(el)
    if (!happened.has(mapped)) {
  return result

 * @template {ArrayLike<any>} ARR
 * @template {function(ARR extends ArrayLike<infer T> ? T : never, number, ARR):any} MAPPER
 * @param {ARR} arr
 * @param {MAPPER} mapper
 * @return {Array<MAPPER extends function(...any): infer M ? M : never>}
const array_map = (arr, mapper) => {
   * @type {Array<any>}
  const res = Array(arr.length)
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    res[i] = mapper(/** @type {any} */ (arr[i]), i, /** @type {any} */ (arr))
  return /** @type {any} */ (res)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/observable.js
 * Observable class prototype.
 * @module observable

 * Handles named events.
 * @template N
class observable_Observable {
  constructor () {
     * Some desc.
     * @type {Map<N, any>}
    this._observers = create()

   * @param {N} name
   * @param {function} f
  on (name, f) {
    setIfUndefined(this._observers, name, set_create).add(f)

   * @param {N} name
   * @param {function} f
  once (name, f) {
     * @param  {...any} args
    const _f = (...args) => {, _f)
    this.on(name, _f)

   * @param {N} name
   * @param {function} f
  off (name, f) {
    const observers = this._observers.get(name)
    if (observers !== undefined) {
      if (observers.size === 0) {

   * Emit a named event. All registered event listeners that listen to the
   * specified name will receive the event.
   * @todo This should catch exceptions
   * @param {N} name The event name.
   * @param {Array<any>} args The arguments that are applied to the event listener.
  emit (name, args) {
    // copy all listeners to an array first to make sure that no event is emitted to listeners that are subscribed while the event handler is called.
    return array_from((this._observers.get(name) || create()).values()).forEach(f => f(...args))

  destroy () {
    this._observers = create()

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/math.js
 * Common Math expressions.
 * @module math

const floor = Math.floor
const ceil = Math.ceil
const abs = Math.abs
const imul = Math.imul
const round = Math.round
const log10 = Math.log10
const log2 = Math.log2
const log = Math.log
const sqrt = Math.sqrt

 * @function
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @return {number} The sum of a and b
const add = (a, b) => a + b

 * @function
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @return {number} The smaller element of a and b
const min = (a, b) => a < b ? a : b

 * @function
 * @param {number} a
 * @param {number} b
 * @return {number} The bigger element of a and b
const max = (a, b) => a > b ? a : b

const math_isNaN = Number.isNaN

const pow = Math.pow
 * Base 10 exponential function. Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of pow.
 * @param {number} exp
 * @return {number}
const exp10 = exp => Math.pow(10, exp)

const sign = Math.sign

 * @param {number} n
 * @return {boolean} Wether n is negative. This function also differentiates between -0 and +0
const isNegativeZero = n => n !== 0 ? n < 0 : 1 / n < 0

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/string.js

 * Utility module to work with strings.
 * @module string

const fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode
const fromCodePoint = String.fromCodePoint

 * The largest utf16 character.
 * Corresponds to Uint8Array([255, 255]) or charcodeof(2x2^8)
const MAX_UTF16_CHARACTER = fromCharCode(65535)

 * @param {string} s
 * @return {string}
const toLowerCase = s => s.toLowerCase()

const trimLeftRegex = /^\s*/g

 * @param {string} s
 * @return {string}
const trimLeft = s => s.replace(trimLeftRegex, '')

const fromCamelCaseRegex = /([A-Z])/g

 * @param {string} s
 * @param {string} separator
 * @return {string}
const fromCamelCase = (s, separator) => trimLeft(s.replace(fromCamelCaseRegex, match => `${separator}${toLowerCase(match)}`))

 * Compute the utf8ByteLength
 * @param {string} str
 * @return {number}
const utf8ByteLength = str => unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)).length

 * @param {string} str
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const _encodeUtf8Polyfill = str => {
  const encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))
  const len = encodedString.length
  const buf = new Uint8Array(len)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    buf[i] = /** @type {number} */ (encodedString.codePointAt(i))
  return buf

/* c8 ignore next */
const utf8TextEncoder = /** @type {TextEncoder} */ (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextEncoder() : null)

 * @param {string} str
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const _encodeUtf8Native = str => utf8TextEncoder.encode(str)

 * @param {string} str
 * @return {Uint8Array}
/* c8 ignore next */
const encodeUtf8 = utf8TextEncoder ? _encodeUtf8Native : _encodeUtf8Polyfill

 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {string}
const _decodeUtf8Polyfill = buf => {
  let remainingLen = buf.length
  let encodedString = ''
  let bufPos = 0
  while (remainingLen > 0) {
    const nextLen = remainingLen < 10000 ? remainingLen : 10000
    const bytes = buf.subarray(bufPos, bufPos + nextLen)
    bufPos += nextLen
    // Starting with ES5.1 we can supply a generic array-like object as arguments
    encodedString += String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, /** @type {any} */ (bytes))
    remainingLen -= nextLen
  return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString))

/* c8 ignore next */
let utf8TextDecoder = typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined' ? null : new TextDecoder('utf-8', { fatal: true, ignoreBOM: true })

/* c8 ignore start */
if (utf8TextDecoder && utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1) {
  // Safari doesn't handle BOM correctly.
  // This fixes a bug in Safari 13.0.5 where it produces a BOM the first time it is called.
  // utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1 on the first call and
  // utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1 on the second call
  // Another issue is that from then on no BOM chars are recognized anymore
  /* c8 ignore next */
  utf8TextDecoder = null
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {string}
const _decodeUtf8Native = buf => /** @type {TextDecoder} */ (utf8TextDecoder).decode(buf)

 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {string}
/* c8 ignore next */
const decodeUtf8 = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (utf8TextDecoder ? _decodeUtf8Native : _decodeUtf8Polyfill))

 * @param {string} str The initial string
 * @param {number} index Starting position
 * @param {number} remove Number of characters to remove
 * @param {string} insert New content to insert
const splice = (str, index, remove, insert = '') => str.slice(0, index) + insert + str.slice(index + remove)

 * @param {string} source
 * @param {number} n
const repeat = (source, n) => array.unfold(n, () => source).join('')

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/conditions.js
 * Often used conditions.
 * @module conditions

 * @template T
 * @param {T|null|undefined} v
 * @return {T|null}
/* c8 ignore next */
const undefinedToNull = v => v === undefined ? null : v

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/storage.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Isomorphic variable storage.
 * Uses LocalStorage in the browser and falls back to in-memory storage.
 * @module storage

/* c8 ignore start */
class VarStoragePolyfill {
  constructor () { = new Map()

   * @param {string} key
   * @param {any} newValue
  setItem (key, newValue) {, newValue)

   * @param {string} key
  getItem (key) {
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @type {any}
let _localStorage = new VarStoragePolyfill()
let usePolyfill = true

/* c8 ignore start */
try {
  // if the same-origin rule is violated, accessing localStorage might thrown an error
  if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
    _localStorage = localStorage
    usePolyfill = false
} catch (e) { }
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * This is basically localStorage in browser, or a polyfill in nodejs
/* c8 ignore next */
const varStorage = _localStorage

 * A polyfill for `addEventListener('storage', event => {..})` that does nothing if the polyfill is being used.
 * @param {function({ key: string, newValue: string, oldValue: string }): void} eventHandler
 * @function
/* c8 ignore next */
const onChange = eventHandler => usePolyfill || addEventListener('storage', /** @type {any} */ (eventHandler))

 * A polyfill for `removeEventListener('storage', event => {..})` that does nothing if the polyfill is being used.
 * @param {function({ key: string, newValue: string, oldValue: string }): void} eventHandler
 * @function
/* c8 ignore next */
const offChange = eventHandler => usePolyfill || removeEventListener('storage', /** @type {any} */ (eventHandler))

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/object.js
 * Utility functions for working with EcmaScript objects.
 * @module object

 * @return {Object<string,any>} obj
const object_create = () => Object.create(null)

 * Object.assign
const object_assign = Object.assign

 * @param {Object<string,any>} obj
const keys = Object.keys

 * @template V
 * @param {{[k:string]:V}} obj
 * @param {function(V,string):any} f
const forEach = (obj, f) => {
  for (const key in obj) {
    f(obj[key], key)

 * @todo implement mapToArray & map
 * @template R
 * @param {Object<string,any>} obj
 * @param {function(any,string):R} f
 * @return {Array<R>}
const object_map = (obj, f) => {
  const results = []
  for (const key in obj) {
    results.push(f(obj[key], key))
  return results

 * @param {Object<string,any>} obj
 * @return {number}
const object_length = obj => keys(obj).length

 * @param {Object<string,any>} obj
 * @param {function(any,string):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const object_some = (obj, f) => {
  for (const key in obj) {
    if (f(obj[key], key)) {
      return true
  return false

 * @param {Object|undefined} obj
const isEmpty = obj => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  for (const _k in obj) {
    return false
  return true

 * @param {Object<string,any>} obj
 * @param {function(any,string):boolean} f
 * @return {boolean}
const object_every = (obj, f) => {
  for (const key in obj) {
    if (!f(obj[key], key)) {
      return false
  return true

 * Calls `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`.
 * @param {any} obj
 * @param {string|symbol} key
 * @return {boolean}
const hasProperty = (obj, key) =>, key)

 * @param {Object<string,any>} a
 * @param {Object<string,any>} b
 * @return {boolean}
const object_equalFlat = (a, b) => a === b || (object_length(a) === object_length(b) && object_every(a, (val, key) => (val !== undefined || hasProperty(b, key)) && b[key] === val))

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/function.js
 * Common functions and function call helpers.
 * @module function

 * Calls all functions in `fs` with args. Only throws after all functions were called.
 * @param {Array<function>} fs
 * @param {Array<any>} args
const callAll = (fs, args, i = 0) => {
  try {
    for (; i < fs.length; i++) {
  } finally {
    if (i < fs.length) {
      callAll(fs, args, i + 1)

const nop = () => {}

 * @template T
 * @param {function():T} f
 * @return {T}
const apply = f => f()

 * @template A
 * @param {A} a
 * @return {A}
const id = a => a

 * @template T
 * @param {T} a
 * @param {T} b
 * @return {boolean}
const equalityStrict = (a, b) => a === b

 * @template T
 * @param {Array<T>|object} a
 * @param {Array<T>|object} b
 * @return {boolean}
const equalityFlat = (a, b) => a === b || (a != null && b != null && a.constructor === b.constructor && ((array.isArray(a) && array.equalFlat(a, /** @type {Array<T>} */ (b))) || (typeof a === 'object' && object.equalFlat(a, b))))

/* c8 ignore start */

 * @param {any} a
 * @param {any} b
 * @return {boolean}
const equalityDeep = (a, b) => {
  if (a == null || b == null) {
    return equalityStrict(a, b)
  if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
    return false
  if (a === b) {
    return true
  switch (a.constructor) {
    case ArrayBuffer:
      a = new Uint8Array(a)
      b = new Uint8Array(b)
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
    case Uint8Array: {
      if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) {
        return false
      for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
          return false
    case Set: {
      if (a.size !== b.size) {
        return false
      for (const value of a) {
        if (!b.has(value)) {
          return false
    case Map: {
      if (a.size !== b.size) {
        return false
      for (const key of a.keys()) {
        if (!b.has(key) || !equalityDeep(a.get(key), b.get(key))) {
          return false
    case Object:
      if (object_length(a) !== object_length(b)) {
        return false
      for (const key in a) {
        if (!hasProperty(a, key) || !equalityDeep(a[key], b[key])) {
          return false
    case Array:
      if (a.length !== b.length) {
        return false
      for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (!equalityDeep(a[i], b[i])) {
          return false
      return false
  return true

 * @template V
 * @template {V} OPTS
 * @param {V} value
 * @param {Array<OPTS>} options
// @ts-ignore
const isOneOf = (value, options) => options.includes(value)
/* c8 ignore stop */

const function_isArray = isArray

 * @param {any} s
 * @return {s is String}
const isString = (s) => s && s.constructor === String

 * @param {any} n
 * @return {n is Number}
const isNumber = n => n != null && n.constructor === Number

 * @template {abstract new (...args: any) => any} TYPE
 * @param {any} n
 * @param {TYPE} T
 * @return {n is InstanceType<TYPE>}
const is = (n, T) => n && n.constructor === T

 * @template {abstract new (...args: any) => any} TYPE
 * @param {TYPE} T
const isTemplate = (T) =>
   * @param {any} n
   * @return {n is InstanceType<TYPE>}
  n => n && n.constructor === T

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/environment.js
 * Isomorphic module to work access the environment (query params, env variables).
 * @module map

/* c8 ignore next */
// @ts-ignore
const isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.release &&
/* c8 ignore next */
const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && !isNode
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const isMac = typeof navigator !== 'undefined'
  ? /Mac/.test(navigator.platform)
  : false

 * @type {Map<string,string>}
let params
const args = []

/* c8 ignore start */
const computeParams = () => {
  if (params === undefined) {
    if (isNode) {
      params = create()
      const pargs = process.argv
      let currParamName = null
      for (let i = 0; i < pargs.length; i++) {
        const parg = pargs[i]
        if (parg[0] === '-') {
          if (currParamName !== null) {
            params.set(currParamName, '')
          currParamName = parg
        } else {
          if (currParamName !== null) {
            params.set(currParamName, parg)
            currParamName = null
          } else {
      if (currParamName !== null) {
        params.set(currParamName, '')
      // in ReactNative for example this would not be true (unless connected to the Remote Debugger)
    } else if (typeof location === 'object') {
      params = create(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
      ( || '?').slice(1).split('&').forEach((kv) => {
        if (kv.length !== 0) {
          const [key, value] = kv.split('=')
          params.set(`--${fromCamelCase(key, '-')}`, value)
          params.set(`-${fromCamelCase(key, '-')}`, value)
    } else {
      params = create()
  return params
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {string} name
 * @return {boolean}
/* c8 ignore next */
const hasParam = (name) => computeParams().has(name)

 * @param {string} name
 * @param {string} defaultVal
 * @return {string}
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const getParam = (name, defaultVal) =>
  computeParams().get(name) || defaultVal

 * @param {string} name
 * @return {string|null}
/* c8 ignore next 4 */
const getVariable = (name) =>
    ? undefinedToNull(process.env[name.toUpperCase()])
    : undefinedToNull(varStorage.getItem(name))

 * @param {string} name
 * @return {string|null}
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const getConf = (name) =>
  computeParams().get('--' + name) || getVariable(name)

 * @param {string} name
 * @return {boolean}
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const hasConf = (name) =>
  hasParam('--' + name) || getVariable(name) !== null

/* c8 ignore next */
const production = hasConf('production')

/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const forceColor = isNode &&
  isOneOf(process.env.FORCE_COLOR, ['true', '1', '2'])

/* c8 ignore start */
const supportsColor = !hasParam('no-colors') &&
  (!isNode || process.stdout.isTTY || forceColor) && (
  !isNode || hasParam('color') || forceColor ||
    getVariable('COLORTERM') !== null ||
    (getVariable('TERM') || '').includes('color')
/* c8 ignore stop */

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/buffer.js
 * Utility functions to work with buffers (Uint8Array).
 * @module buffer

 * @param {number} len
const createUint8ArrayFromLen = len => new Uint8Array(len)

 * Create Uint8Array with initial content from buffer
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
 * @param {number} byteOffset
 * @param {number} length
const createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer = (buffer, byteOffset, length) => new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length)

 * Create Uint8Array with initial content from buffer
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
const createUint8ArrayFromArrayBuffer = buffer => new Uint8Array(buffer)

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @param {Uint8Array} bytes
 * @return {string}
const toBase64Browser = bytes => {
  let s = ''
  for (let i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i++) {
    s += fromCharCode(bytes[i])
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
  return btoa(s)
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {Uint8Array} bytes
 * @return {string}
const toBase64Node = bytes => Buffer.from(bytes.buffer, bytes.byteOffset, bytes.byteLength).toString('base64')

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @param {string} s
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const fromBase64Browser = s => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
  const a = atob(s)
  const bytes = createUint8ArrayFromLen(a.length)
  for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    bytes[i] = a.charCodeAt(i)
  return bytes
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {string} s
const fromBase64Node = s => {
  const buf = Buffer.from(s, 'base64')
  return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength)

/* c8 ignore next */
const toBase64 = isBrowser ? toBase64Browser : toBase64Node

/* c8 ignore next */
const fromBase64 = isBrowser ? fromBase64Browser : fromBase64Node

 * Base64 is always a more efficient choice. This exists for utility purposes only.
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
const toHexString = buf =>, b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('')

 * Note: This function expects that the hex doesn't start with 0x..
 * @param {string} hex
const fromHexString = hex => {
  const hlen = hex.length
  const buf = new Uint8Array(math.ceil(hlen / 2))
  for (let i = 0; i < hlen; i += 2) {
    buf[buf.length - i / 2 - 1] = Number.parseInt(hex.slice(hlen - i - 2, hlen - i), 16)
  return buf

 * Copy the content of an Uint8Array view to a new ArrayBuffer.
 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const copyUint8Array = uint8Array => {
  const newBuf = createUint8ArrayFromLen(uint8Array.byteLength)
  return newBuf

 * Encode anything as a UInt8Array. It's a pun on typescripts's `any` type.
 * See encoding.writeAny for more information.
 * @param {any} data
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeAny = data => {
  const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
  encoding.writeAny(encoder, data)
  return encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)

 * Decode an any-encoded value.
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {any}
const decodeAny = buf => decoding.readAny(decoding.createDecoder(buf))

 * Shift Byte Array {N} bits to the left. Does not expand byte array.
 * @param {Uint8Array} bs
 * @param {number} N should be in the range of [0-7]
const shiftNBitsLeft = (bs, N) => {
  if (N === 0) return bs
  bs = new Uint8Array(bs)
  bs[0] <<= N
  for (let i = 1; i < bs.length; i++) {
    bs[i - 1] |= bs[i] >>> (8 - N)
    bs[i] <<= N
  return bs

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/binary.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Binary data constants.
 * @module binary

 * n-th bit activated.
 * @type {number}
const BIT1 = 1
const BIT2 = 2
const BIT3 = 4
const BIT4 = 8
const BIT5 = 16
const BIT6 = 32
const BIT7 = 64
const BIT8 = 128
const BIT9 = 256
const BIT10 = 512
const BIT11 = 1024
const BIT12 = 2048
const BIT13 = 4096
const BIT14 = 8192
const BIT15 = 16384
const BIT16 = 32768
const BIT17 = 65536
const BIT18 = 1 << 17
const BIT19 = 1 << 18
const BIT20 = 1 << 19
const BIT21 = 1 << 20
const BIT22 = 1 << 21
const BIT23 = 1 << 22
const BIT24 = 1 << 23
const BIT25 = 1 << 24
const BIT26 = 1 << 25
const BIT27 = 1 << 26
const BIT28 = 1 << 27
const BIT29 = 1 << 28
const BIT30 = 1 << 29
const BIT31 = 1 << 30
const BIT32 = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (1 << 31))

 * First n bits activated.
 * @type {number}
const BITS0 = 0
const BITS1 = 1
const BITS2 = 3
const BITS3 = 7
const BITS4 = 15
const BITS5 = 31
const BITS6 = 63
const BITS7 = 127
const BITS8 = 255
const BITS9 = 511
const BITS10 = 1023
const BITS11 = 2047
const BITS12 = 4095
const BITS13 = 8191
const BITS14 = 16383
const BITS15 = 32767
const BITS16 = 65535
const BITS17 = BIT18 - 1
const BITS18 = BIT19 - 1
const BITS19 = BIT20 - 1
const BITS20 = BIT21 - 1
const BITS21 = BIT22 - 1
const BITS22 = BIT23 - 1
const BITS23 = BIT24 - 1
const BITS24 = BIT25 - 1
const BITS25 = BIT26 - 1
const BITS26 = BIT27 - 1
const BITS27 = BIT28 - 1
const BITS28 = BIT29 - 1
const BITS29 = BIT30 - 1
const BITS30 = BIT31 - 1
 * @type {number}
const BITS31 = 0x7FFFFFFF
 * @type {number}
const BITS32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/number.js
 * Utility helpers for working with numbers.
 * @module number


const LOWEST_INT32 = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (1 << 31))
const HIGHEST_INT32 = BITS31

/* c8 ignore next */
const isInteger = Number.isInteger || (num => typeof num === 'number' && isFinite(num) && floor(num) === num)
const number_isNaN = Number.isNaN
const number_parseInt = Number.parseInt

 * Count the number of "1" bits in an unsigned 32bit number.
 * Super fun bitcount algorithm by Brian Kernighan.
 * @param {number} n
const countBits = n => {
  n &= binary.BITS32
  let count = 0
  while (n) {
    n &= (n - 1)
  return count

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/encoding.js
 * Efficient schema-less binary encoding with support for variable length encoding.
 * Use [lib0/encoding] with [lib0/decoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
 * Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
 * and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (
 * which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
 * ```js
 * // encoding step
 * const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
 * encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
 * encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
 * const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // decoding step
 * const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(buf)
 * decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
 * decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
 * decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
 * ```
 * @module encoding

 * A BinaryEncoder handles the encoding to an Uint8Array.
class Encoder {
  constructor () {
    this.cpos = 0
    this.cbuf = new Uint8Array(100)
     * @type {Array<Uint8Array>}
    this.bufs = []

 * @function
 * @return {Encoder}
const createEncoder = () => new Encoder()

 * @param {function(Encoder):void} f
const encode = (f) => {
  const encoder = createEncoder()
  return toUint8Array(encoder)

 * The current length of the encoded data.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @return {number}
const encoding_length = encoder => {
  let len = encoder.cpos
  for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
    len += encoder.bufs[i].length
  return len

 * Check whether encoder is empty.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @return {boolean}
const hasContent = encoder => encoder.cpos > 0 || encoder.bufs.length > 0

 * Transform to Uint8Array.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @return {Uint8Array} The created ArrayBuffer.
const toUint8Array = encoder => {
  const uint8arr = new Uint8Array(encoding_length(encoder))
  let curPos = 0
  for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
    const d = encoder.bufs[i]
    uint8arr.set(d, curPos)
    curPos += d.length
  uint8arr.set(createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos), curPos)
  return uint8arr

 * Verify that it is possible to write `len` bytes wtihout checking. If
 * necessary, a new Buffer with the required length is attached.
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} len
const verifyLen = (encoder, len) => {
  const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
  if (bufferLen - encoder.cpos < len) {
    encoder.bufs.push(createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos))
    encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(max(bufferLen, len) * 2)
    encoder.cpos = 0

 * Write one byte to the encoder.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The byte that is to be encoded.
const write = (encoder, num) => {
  const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
  if (encoder.cpos === bufferLen) {
    encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(bufferLen * 2)
    encoder.cpos = 0
  encoder.cbuf[encoder.cpos++] = num

 * Write one byte at a specific position.
 * Position must already be written (i.e. encoder.length > pos)
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} pos Position to which to write data
 * @param {number} num Unsigned 8-bit integer
const encoding_set = (encoder, pos, num) => {
  let buffer = null
  // iterate all buffers and adjust position
  for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length && buffer === null; i++) {
    const b = encoder.bufs[i]
    if (pos < b.length) {
      buffer = b // found buffer
    } else {
      pos -= b.length
  if (buffer === null) {
    // use current buffer
    buffer = encoder.cbuf
  buffer[pos] = num

 * Write one byte as an unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeUint8 = write

 * Write one byte as an unsigned Integer at a specific location.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const setUint8 = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (encoding_set))

 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeUint16 = (encoder, num) => {
  write(encoder, num & binary.BITS8)
  write(encoder, (num >>> 8) & binary.BITS8)
 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer at a specific location.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const setUint16 = (encoder, pos, num) => {
  encoding_set(encoder, pos, num & binary.BITS8)
  encoding_set(encoder, pos + 1, (num >>> 8) & binary.BITS8)

 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeUint32 = (encoder, num) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    write(encoder, num & binary.BITS8)
    num >>>= 8

 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer in big endian order.
 * (most significant byte first)
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeUint32BigEndian = (encoder, num) => {
  for (let i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
    write(encoder, (num >>> (8 * i)) & binary.BITS8)

 * Write two bytes as an unsigned integer at a specific location.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} pos The location where the data will be written.
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const setUint32 = (encoder, pos, num) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    encoding_set(encoder, pos + i, num & binary.BITS8)
    num >>>= 8

 * Write a variable length unsigned integer. Max encodable integer is 2^53.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeVarUint = (encoder, num) => {
  while (num > BITS7) {
    write(encoder, BIT8 | (BITS7 & num))
    num = floor(num / 128) // shift >>> 7
  write(encoder, BITS7 & num)

 * Write a variable length integer.
 * We use the 7th bit instead for signaling that this is a negative number.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeVarInt = (encoder, num) => {
  const isNegative = isNegativeZero(num)
  if (isNegative) {
    num = -num
  //             |- whether to continue reading         |- whether is negative     |- number
  write(encoder, (num > BITS6 ? BIT8 : 0) | (isNegative ? BIT7 : 0) | (BITS6 & num))
  num = floor(num / 64) // shift >>> 6
  // We don't need to consider the case of num === 0 so we can use a different
  // pattern here than above.
  while (num > 0) {
    write(encoder, (num > BITS7 ? BIT8 : 0) | (BITS7 & num))
    num = floor(num / 128) // shift >>> 7

 * A cache to store strings temporarily
const _strBuffer = new Uint8Array(30000)
const _maxStrBSize = _strBuffer.length / 3

 * Write a variable length string.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
const _writeVarStringNative = (encoder, str) => {
  if (str.length < _maxStrBSize) {
    // We can encode the string into the existing buffer
    /* c8 ignore next */
    const written = utf8TextEncoder.encodeInto(str, _strBuffer).written || 0
    writeVarUint(encoder, written)
    for (let i = 0; i < written; i++) {
      write(encoder, _strBuffer[i])
  } else {
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encodeUtf8(str))

 * Write a variable length string.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
const _writeVarStringPolyfill = (encoder, str) => {
  const encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))
  const len = encodedString.length
  writeVarUint(encoder, len)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    write(encoder, /** @type {number} */ (encodedString.codePointAt(i)))

 * Write a variable length string.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
/* c8 ignore next */
const writeVarString = (utf8TextEncoder && /** @type {any} */ (utf8TextEncoder).encodeInto) ? _writeVarStringNative : _writeVarStringPolyfill

 * Write a string terminated by a special byte sequence. This is not very performant and is
 * generally discouraged. However, the resulting byte arrays are lexiographically ordered which
 * makes this a nice feature for databases.
 * The string will be encoded using utf8 and then terminated and escaped using writeTerminatingUint8Array.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
const writeTerminatedString = (encoder, str) =>
  writeTerminatedUint8Array(encoder, string.encodeUtf8(str))

 * Write a terminating Uint8Array. Note that this is not performant and is generally
 * discouraged. There are few situations when this is needed.
 * We use 0x0 as a terminating character. 0x1 serves as an escape character for 0x0 and 0x1.
 * Example: [0,1,2] is encoded to [1,0,1,1,2,0]. 0x0, and 0x1 needed to be escaped using 0x1. Then
 * the result is terminated using the 0x0 character.
 * This is basically how many systems implement null terminated strings. However, we use an escape
 * character 0x1 to avoid issues and potenial attacks on our database (if this is used as a key
 * encoder for NoSql databases).
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf The string that is to be encoded.
const writeTerminatedUint8Array = (encoder, buf) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
    const b = buf[i]
    if (b === 0 || b === 1) {
      write(encoder, 1)
    write(encoder, buf[i])
  write(encoder, 0)

 * Write the content of another Encoder.
 * @TODO: can be improved!
 *        - Note: Should consider that when appending a lot of small Encoders, we should rather clone than referencing the old structure.
 *                Encoders start with a rather big initial buffer.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder The enUint8Arr
 * @param {Encoder} append The BinaryEncoder to be written.
const writeBinaryEncoder = (encoder, append) => writeUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(append))

 * Append fixed-length Uint8Array to the encoder.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
const writeUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
  const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length
  const cpos = encoder.cpos
  const leftCopyLen = min(bufferLen - cpos, uint8Array.length)
  const rightCopyLen = uint8Array.length - leftCopyLen
  encoder.cbuf.set(uint8Array.subarray(0, leftCopyLen), cpos)
  encoder.cpos += leftCopyLen
  if (rightCopyLen > 0) {
    // Still something to write, write right half..
    // Append new buffer
    // must have at least size of remaining buffer
    encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(max(bufferLen * 2, rightCopyLen))
    // copy array
    encoder.cpos = rightCopyLen

 * Append an Uint8Array to Encoder.
 * @function
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
const writeVarUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder, uint8Array.byteLength)
  writeUint8Array(encoder, uint8Array)

 * Create an DataView of the next `len` bytes. Use it to write data after
 * calling this function.
 * ```js
 * // write float32 using DataView
 * const dv = writeOnDataView(encoder, 4)
 * dv.setFloat32(0, 1.1)
 * // read float32 using DataView
 * const dv = readFromDataView(encoder, 4)
 * dv.getFloat32(0) // => 1.100000023841858 (leaving it to the reader to find out why this is the correct result)
 * ```
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} len
 * @return {DataView}
const writeOnDataView = (encoder, len) => {
  verifyLen(encoder, len)
  const dview = new DataView(encoder.cbuf.buffer, encoder.cpos, len)
  encoder.cpos += len
  return dview

 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num
const writeFloat32 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 4).setFloat32(0, num, false)

 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {number} num
const writeFloat64 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 8).setFloat64(0, num, false)

 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {bigint} num
const writeBigInt64 = (encoder, num) => /** @type {any} */ (writeOnDataView(encoder, 8)).setBigInt64(0, num, false)

 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {bigint} num
const writeBigUint64 = (encoder, num) => /** @type {any} */ (writeOnDataView(encoder, 8)).setBigUint64(0, num, false)

const floatTestBed = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4))
 * Check if a number can be encoded as a 32 bit float.
 * @param {number} num
 * @return {boolean}
const isFloat32 = num => {
  floatTestBed.setFloat32(0, num)
  return floatTestBed.getFloat32(0) === num

 * Encode data with efficient binary format.
 * Differences to JSON:
 * • Transforms data to a binary format (not to a string)
 * • Encodes undefined, NaN, and ArrayBuffer (these can't be represented in JSON)
 * • Numbers are efficiently encoded either as a variable length integer, as a
 *   32 bit float, as a 64 bit float, or as a 64 bit bigint.
 * Encoding table:
 * | Data Type           | Prefix   | Encoding Method    | Comment |
 * | ------------------- | -------- | ------------------ | ------- |
 * | undefined           | 127      |                    | Functions, symbol, and everything that cannot be identified is encoded as undefined |
 * | null                | 126      |                    | |
 * | integer             | 125      | writeVarInt        | Only encodes 32 bit signed integers |
 * | float32             | 124      | writeFloat32       | |
 * | float64             | 123      | writeFloat64       | |
 * | bigint              | 122      | writeBigInt64      | |
 * | boolean (false)     | 121      |                    | True and false are different data types so we save the following byte |
 * | boolean (true)      | 120      |                    | - 0b01111000 so the last bit determines whether true or false |
 * | string              | 119      | writeVarString     | |
 * | object<string,any>  | 118      | custom             | Writes {length} then {length} key-value pairs |
 * | array<any>          | 117      | custom             | Writes {length} then {length} json values |
 * | Uint8Array          | 116      | writeVarUint8Array | We use Uint8Array for any kind of binary data |
 * Reasons for the decreasing prefix:
 * We need the first bit for extendability (later we may want to encode the
 * prefix with writeVarUint). The remaining 7 bits are divided as follows:
 * [0-30]   the beginning of the data range is used for custom purposes
 *          (defined by the function that uses this library)
 * [31-127] the end of the data range is used for data encoding by
 *          lib0/encoding.js
 * @param {Encoder} encoder
 * @param {undefined|null|number|bigint|boolean|string|Object<string,any>|Array<any>|Uint8Array} data
const writeAny = (encoder, data) => {
  switch (typeof data) {
    case 'string':
      // TYPE 119: STRING
      write(encoder, 119)
      writeVarString(encoder, data)
    case 'number':
      if (isInteger(data) && abs(data) <= BITS31) {
        // TYPE 125: INTEGER
        write(encoder, 125)
        writeVarInt(encoder, data)
      } else if (isFloat32(data)) {
        // TYPE 124: FLOAT32
        write(encoder, 124)
        writeFloat32(encoder, data)
      } else {
        // TYPE 123: FLOAT64
        write(encoder, 123)
        writeFloat64(encoder, data)
    case 'bigint':
      // TYPE 122: BigInt
      write(encoder, 122)
      writeBigInt64(encoder, data)
    case 'object':
      if (data === null) {
        // TYPE 126: null
        write(encoder, 126)
      } else if (isArray(data)) {
        // TYPE 117: Array
        write(encoder, 117)
        writeVarUint(encoder, data.length)
        for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
          writeAny(encoder, data[i])
      } else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
        // TYPE 116: ArrayBuffer
        write(encoder, 116)
        writeVarUint8Array(encoder, data)
      } else {
        // TYPE 118: Object
        write(encoder, 118)
        const keys = Object.keys(data)
        writeVarUint(encoder, keys.length)
        for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          const key = keys[i]
          writeVarString(encoder, key)
          writeAny(encoder, data[key])
    case 'boolean':
      // TYPE 120/121: boolean (true/false)
      write(encoder, data ? 120 : 121)
      // TYPE 127: undefined
      write(encoder, 127)

 * Now come a few stateful encoder that have their own classes.

 * Basic Run Length Encoder - a basic compression implementation.
 * Encodes [1,1,1,7] to [1,3,7,1] (3 times 1, 1 time 7). This encoder might do more harm than good if there are a lot of values that are not repeated.
 * It was originally used for image compression. Cool .. article
 * @note T must not be null!
 * @template T
class RleEncoder extends Encoder {
   * @param {function(Encoder, T):void} writer
  constructor (writer) {
     * The writer
    this.w = writer
     * Current state
     * @type {T|null}
    this.s = null
    this.count = 0

   * @param {T} v
  write (v) {
    if (this.s === v) {
    } else {
      if (this.count > 0) {
        // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
        writeVarUint(this, this.count - 1) // since count is always > 0, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
      this.count = 1
      // write first value
      this.w(this, v)
      this.s = v

 * Basic diff decoder using variable length encoding.
 * Encodes the values [3, 1100, 1101, 1050, 0] to [3, 1097, 1, -51, -1050] using writeVarInt.
class IntDiffEncoder extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Encoder)) {
   * @param {number} start
  constructor (start) {
     * Current state
     * @type {number}
    this.s = start

   * @param {number} v
  write (v) {
    writeVarInt(this, v - this.s)
    this.s = v

 * A combination of IntDiffEncoder and RleEncoder.
 * Basically first writes the IntDiffEncoder and then counts duplicate diffs using RleEncoding.
 * Encodes the values [1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6] as [1,1,0,2,1,5] (RLE([1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1]) ⇒ RleIntDiff[1,1,0,2,1,5])
class RleIntDiffEncoder extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Encoder)) {
   * @param {number} start
  constructor (start) {
     * Current state
     * @type {number}
    this.s = start
    this.count = 0

   * @param {number} v
  write (v) {
    if (this.s === v && this.count > 0) {
    } else {
      if (this.count > 0) {
        // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
        writeVarUint(this, this.count - 1) // since count is always > 0, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
      this.count = 1
      // write first value
      writeVarInt(this, v - this.s)
      this.s = v

 * @param {UintOptRleEncoder} encoder
const flushUintOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
  if (encoder.count > 0) {
    // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
    // case 1: just a single value. set sign to positive
    // case 2: write several values. set sign to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
    writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encoder.count === 1 ? encoder.s : -encoder.s)
    if (encoder.count > 1) {
      writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2) // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw

 * Optimized Rle encoder that does not suffer from the mentioned problem of the basic Rle encoder.
 * Internally uses VarInt encoder to write unsigned integers. If the input occurs multiple times, we write
 * write it as a negative number. The UintOptRleDecoder then understands that it needs to read a count.
 * Encodes [1,2,3,3,3] as [1,2,-3,3] (once 1, once 2, three times 3)
class UintOptRleEncoder {
  constructor () {
    this.encoder = new Encoder()
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0

   * @param {number} v
  write (v) {
    if (this.s === v) {
    } else {
      this.count = 1
      this.s = v

  toUint8Array () {
    return toUint8Array(this.encoder)

 * Increasing Uint Optimized RLE Encoder
 * The RLE encoder counts the number of same occurences of the same value.
 * The IncUintOptRle encoder counts if the value increases.
 * I.e. 7, 8, 9, 10 will be encoded as [-7, 4]. 1, 3, 5 will be encoded
 * as [1, 3, 5].
class IncUintOptRleEncoder {
  constructor () {
    this.encoder = new Encoder()
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0

   * @param {number} v
  write (v) {
    if (this.s + this.count === v) {
    } else {
      this.count = 1
      this.s = v

  toUint8Array () {
    return toUint8Array(this.encoder)

 * @param {IntDiffOptRleEncoder} encoder
const flushIntDiffOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
  if (encoder.count > 0) {
    //          31 bit making up the diff | wether to write the counter
    // const encodedDiff = encoder.diff << 1 | (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1)
    const encodedDiff = encoder.diff * 2 + (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1)
    // flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
    // case 1: just a single value. set first bit to positive
    // case 2: write several values. set first bit to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
    writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encodedDiff)
    if (encoder.count > 1) {
      writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2) // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw

 * A combination of the IntDiffEncoder and the UintOptRleEncoder.
 * The count approach is similar to the UintDiffOptRleEncoder, but instead of using the negative bitflag, it encodes
 * in the LSB whether a count is to be read. Therefore this Encoder only supports 31 bit integers!
 * Encodes [1, 2, 3, 2] as [3, 1, 6, -1] (more specifically [(1 << 1) | 1, (3 << 0) | 0, -1])
 * Internally uses variable length encoding. Contrary to normal UintVar encoding, the first byte contains:
 * * 1 bit that denotes whether the next value is a count (LSB)
 * * 1 bit that denotes whether this value is negative (MSB - 1)
 * * 1 bit that denotes whether to continue reading the variable length integer (MSB)
 * Therefore, only five bits remain to encode diff ranges.
 * Use this Encoder only when appropriate. In most cases, this is probably a bad idea.
class IntDiffOptRleEncoder {
  constructor () {
    this.encoder = new Encoder()
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0
    this.diff = 0

   * @param {number} v
  write (v) {
    if (this.diff === v - this.s) {
      this.s = v
    } else {
      this.count = 1
      this.diff = v - this.s
      this.s = v

  toUint8Array () {
    return toUint8Array(this.encoder)

 * Optimized String Encoder.
 * Encoding many small strings in a simple Encoder is not very efficient. The function call to decode a string takes some time and creates references that must be eventually deleted.
 * In practice, when decoding several million small strings, the GC will kick in more and more often to collect orphaned string objects (or maybe there is another reason?).
 * This string encoder solves the above problem. All strings are concatenated and written as a single string using a single encoding call.
 * The lengths are encoded using a UintOptRleEncoder.
class StringEncoder {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Array<string>}
    this.sarr = []
    this.s = ''
    this.lensE = new UintOptRleEncoder()

   * @param {string} string
  write (string) {
    this.s += string
    if (this.s.length > 19) {
      this.s = ''

  toUint8Array () {
    const encoder = new Encoder()
    this.s = ''
    writeVarString(encoder, this.sarr.join(''))
    writeUint8Array(encoder, this.lensE.toUint8Array())
    return toUint8Array(encoder)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/error.js
 * Error helpers.
 * @module error

 * @param {string} s
 * @return {Error}
/* c8 ignore next */
const error_create = s => new Error(s)

 * @throws {Error}
 * @return {never}
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const methodUnimplemented = () => {
  throw error_create('Method unimplemented')

 * @throws {Error}
 * @return {never}
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const unexpectedCase = () => {
  throw error_create('Unexpected case')

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/decoding.js
 * Efficient schema-less binary decoding with support for variable length encoding.
 * Use [lib0/decoding] with [lib0/encoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
 * Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
 * and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (
 * which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
 * ```js
 * // encoding step
 * const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
 * encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
 * encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
 * const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // decoding step
 * const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(buf)
 * decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
 * decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
 * decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
 * ```
 * @module decoding

const errorUnexpectedEndOfArray = error_create('Unexpected end of array')
const errorIntegerOutOfRange = error_create('Integer out of Range')

 * A Decoder handles the decoding of an Uint8Array.
class Decoder {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array Binary data to decode
  constructor (uint8Array) {
     * Decoding target.
     * @type {Uint8Array}
    this.arr = uint8Array
     * Current decoding position.
     * @type {number}
    this.pos = 0

 * @function
 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
 * @return {Decoder}
const createDecoder = uint8Array => new Decoder(uint8Array)

 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {boolean}
const decoding_hasContent = decoder => decoder.pos !== decoder.arr.length

 * Clone a decoder instance.
 * Optionally set a new position parameter.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
 * @param {number} [newPos] Defaults to current position
 * @return {Decoder} A clone of `decoder`
const clone = (decoder, newPos = decoder.pos) => {
  const _decoder = createDecoder(decoder.arr)
  _decoder.pos = newPos
  return _decoder

 * Create an Uint8Array view of the next `len` bytes and advance the position by `len`.
 * Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
 *            Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
 * @param {number} len The length of bytes to read
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const readUint8Array = (decoder, len) => {
  const view = createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(decoder.arr.buffer, decoder.pos + decoder.arr.byteOffset, len)
  decoder.pos += len
  return view

 * Read variable length Uint8Array.
 * Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
 *            Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const readVarUint8Array = decoder => readUint8Array(decoder, readVarUint(decoder))

 * Read the rest of the content as an ArrayBuffer
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const readTailAsUint8Array = decoder => readUint8Array(decoder, decoder.arr.length - decoder.pos)

 * Skip one byte, jump to the next position.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
 * @return {number} The next position
const skip8 = decoder => decoder.pos++

 * Read one byte as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
 * @return {number} Unsigned 8-bit integer
const readUint8 = decoder => decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]

 * Read 2 bytes as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const readUint16 = decoder => {
  const uint =
    decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8)
  decoder.pos += 2
  return uint

 * Read 4 bytes as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const readUint32 = decoder => {
  const uint =
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8) +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 16) +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] << 24)) >>> 0
  decoder.pos += 4
  return uint

 * Read 4 bytes as unsigned integer in big endian order.
 * (most significant byte first)
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const readUint32BigEndian = decoder => {
  const uint =
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 8) +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 16) +
    (decoder.arr[decoder.pos] << 24)) >>> 0
  decoder.pos += 4
  return uint

 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const peekUint8 = decoder => decoder.arr[decoder.pos]

 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const peekUint16 = decoder =>
  decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
  (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8)

 * Look ahead without incrementing the position
 * to the next byte and read it as unsigned integer.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.
const peekUint32 = decoder => (
  decoder.arr[decoder.pos] +
  (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 1] << 8) +
  (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 2] << 16) +
  (decoder.arr[decoder.pos + 3] << 24)
) >>> 0

 * Read unsigned integer (32bit) with variable length.
 * 1/8th of the storage is used as encoding overhead.
 *  * numbers < 2^7 is stored in one bytlength
 *  * numbers < 2^14 is stored in two bylength
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.length
const readVarUint = decoder => {
  let num = 0
  let mult = 1
  const len = decoder.arr.length
  while (decoder.pos < len) {
    const r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
    // num = num | ((r & binary.BITS7) << len)
    num = num + (r & BITS7) * mult // shift $r << (7*#iterations) and add it to num
    mult *= 128 // next iteration, shift 7 "more" to the left
    if (r < BIT8) {
      return num
    /* c8 ignore start */
    if (num > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
      throw errorIntegerOutOfRange
    /* c8 ignore stop */
  throw errorUnexpectedEndOfArray

 * Read signed integer (32bit) with variable length.
 * 1/8th of the storage is used as encoding overhead.
 *  * numbers < 2^7 is stored in one bytlength
 *  * numbers < 2^14 is stored in two bylength
 * @todo This should probably create the inverse ~num if number is negative - but this would be a breaking change.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number} An unsigned integer.length
const readVarInt = decoder => {
  let r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
  let num = r & BITS6
  let mult = 64
  const sign = (r & BIT7) > 0 ? -1 : 1
  if ((r & BIT8) === 0) {
    // don't continue reading
    return sign * num
  const len = decoder.arr.length
  while (decoder.pos < len) {
    r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++]
    // num = num | ((r & binary.BITS7) << len)
    num = num + (r & BITS7) * mult
    mult *= 128
    if (r < BIT8) {
      return sign * num
    /* c8 ignore start */
    if (num > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
      throw errorIntegerOutOfRange
    /* c8 ignore stop */
  throw errorUnexpectedEndOfArray

 * Look ahead and read varUint without incrementing position
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number}
const peekVarUint = decoder => {
  const pos = decoder.pos
  const s = readVarUint(decoder)
  decoder.pos = pos
  return s

 * Look ahead and read varUint without incrementing position
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {number}
const peekVarInt = decoder => {
  const pos = decoder.pos
  const s = readVarInt(decoder)
  decoder.pos = pos
  return s

 * We don't test this function anymore as we use native decoding/encoding by default now.
 * Better not modify this anymore..
 * Transforming utf8 to a string is pretty expensive. The code performs 10x better
 * when String.fromCodePoint is fed with all characters as arguments.
 * But most environments have a maximum number of arguments per functions.
 * For effiency reasons we apply a maximum of 10000 characters at once.
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {String} The read String.
/* c8 ignore start */
const _readVarStringPolyfill = decoder => {
  let remainingLen = readVarUint(decoder)
  if (remainingLen === 0) {
    return ''
  } else {
    let encodedString = String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder)) // remember to decrease remainingLen
    if (--remainingLen < 100) { // do not create a Uint8Array for small strings
      while (remainingLen--) {
        encodedString += String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder))
    } else {
      while (remainingLen > 0) {
        const nextLen = remainingLen < 10000 ? remainingLen : 10000
        // this is dangerous, we create a fresh array view from the existing buffer
        const bytes = decoder.arr.subarray(decoder.pos, decoder.pos + nextLen)
        decoder.pos += nextLen
        // Starting with ES5.1 we can supply a generic array-like object as arguments
        encodedString += String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, /** @type {any} */ (bytes))
        remainingLen -= nextLen
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString))
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {String} The read String
const _readVarStringNative = decoder =>
  /** @type any */ (utf8TextDecoder).decode(readVarUint8Array(decoder))

 * Read string of variable length
 * * varUint is used to store the length of the string
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {String} The read String
/* c8 ignore next */
const readVarString = utf8TextDecoder ? _readVarStringNative : _readVarStringPolyfill

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const readTerminatedUint8Array = decoder => {
  const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
  let b
  while (true) {
    b = readUint8(decoder)
    if (b === 0) {
      return encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
    if (b === 1) {
      b = readUint8(decoder)
    encoding.write(encoder, b)

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {string}
const readTerminatedString = decoder => string.decodeUtf8(readTerminatedUint8Array(decoder))

 * Look ahead and read varString without incrementing position
 * @function
 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @return {string}
const peekVarString = decoder => {
  const pos = decoder.pos
  const s = readVarString(decoder)
  decoder.pos = pos
  return s

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
 * @param {number} len
 * @return {DataView}
const readFromDataView = (decoder, len) => {
  const dv = new DataView(decoder.arr.buffer, decoder.arr.byteOffset + decoder.pos, len)
  decoder.pos += len
  return dv

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
const readFloat32 = decoder => readFromDataView(decoder, 4).getFloat32(0, false)

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
const readFloat64 = decoder => readFromDataView(decoder, 8).getFloat64(0, false)

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
const readBigInt64 = decoder => /** @type {any} */ (readFromDataView(decoder, 8)).getBigInt64(0, false)

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
const readBigUint64 = decoder => /** @type {any} */ (readFromDataView(decoder, 8)).getBigUint64(0, false)

 * @type {Array<function(Decoder):any>}
const readAnyLookupTable = [
  decoder => undefined, // CASE 127: undefined
  decoder => null, // CASE 126: null
  readVarInt, // CASE 125: integer
  readFloat32, // CASE 124: float32
  readFloat64, // CASE 123: float64
  readBigInt64, // CASE 122: bigint
  decoder => false, // CASE 121: boolean (false)
  decoder => true, // CASE 120: boolean (true)
  readVarString, // CASE 119: string
  decoder => { // CASE 118: object<string,any>
    const len = readVarUint(decoder)
     * @type {Object<string,any>}
    const obj = {}
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      const key = readVarString(decoder)
      obj[key] = readAny(decoder)
    return obj
  decoder => { // CASE 117: array<any>
    const len = readVarUint(decoder)
    const arr = []
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    return arr
  readVarUint8Array // CASE 116: Uint8Array

 * @param {Decoder} decoder
const readAny = decoder => readAnyLookupTable[127 - readUint8(decoder)](decoder)

 * T must not be null.
 * @template T
class RleDecoder extends Decoder {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
   * @param {function(Decoder):T} reader
  constructor (uint8Array, reader) {
     * The reader
    this.reader = reader
     * Current state
     * @type {T|null}
    this.s = null
    this.count = 0

  read () {
    if (this.count === 0) {
      this.s = this.reader(this)
      if (decoding_hasContent(this)) {
        this.count = readVarUint(this) + 1 // see encoder implementation for the reason why this is incremented
      } else {
        this.count = -1 // read the current value forever
    return /** @type {T} */ (this.s)

class IntDiffDecoder extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Decoder)) {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
   * @param {number} start
  constructor (uint8Array, start) {
     * Current state
     * @type {number}
    this.s = start

   * @return {number}
  read () {
    this.s += readVarInt(this)
    return this.s

class RleIntDiffDecoder extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Decoder)) {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
   * @param {number} start
  constructor (uint8Array, start) {
     * Current state
     * @type {number}
    this.s = start
    this.count = 0

   * @return {number}
  read () {
    if (this.count === 0) {
      this.s += readVarInt(this)
      if (decoding_hasContent(this)) {
        this.count = readVarUint(this) + 1 // see encoder implementation for the reason why this is incremented
      } else {
        this.count = -1 // read the current value forever
    return /** @type {number} */ (this.s)

class UintOptRleDecoder extends Decoder {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
  constructor (uint8Array) {
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0

  read () {
    if (this.count === 0) {
      this.s = readVarInt(this)
      // if the sign is negative, we read the count too, otherwise count is 1
      const isNegative = isNegativeZero(this.s)
      this.count = 1
      if (isNegative) {
        this.s = -this.s
        this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
    return /** @type {number} */ (this.s)

class IncUintOptRleDecoder extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Decoder)) {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
  constructor (uint8Array) {
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0

  read () {
    if (this.count === 0) {
      this.s = readVarInt(this)
      // if the sign is negative, we read the count too, otherwise count is 1
      const isNegative = math.isNegativeZero(this.s)
      this.count = 1
      if (isNegative) {
        this.s = -this.s
        this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
    return /** @type {number} */ (this.s++)

class IntDiffOptRleDecoder extends Decoder {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
  constructor (uint8Array) {
     * @type {number}
    this.s = 0
    this.count = 0
    this.diff = 0

   * @return {number}
  read () {
    if (this.count === 0) {
      const diff = readVarInt(this)
      // if the first bit is set, we read more data
      const hasCount = diff & 1
      this.diff = floor(diff / 2) // shift >> 1
      this.count = 1
      if (hasCount) {
        this.count = readVarUint(this) + 2
    this.s += this.diff
    return this.s

class StringDecoder {
   * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
  constructor (uint8Array) {
    this.decoder = new UintOptRleDecoder(uint8Array)
    this.str = readVarString(this.decoder)
     * @type {number}
    this.spos = 0

   * @return {string}
  read () {
    const end = this.spos +
    const res = this.str.slice(this.spos, end)
    this.spos = end
    return res

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/webcrypto.js
/* eslint-env browser */

const subtle = crypto.subtle
const webcrypto_getRandomValues = crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/random.js
 * Isomorphic module for true random numbers / buffers / uuids.
 * Attention: falls back to Math.random if the browser does not support crypto.
 * @module random

const rand = Math.random

const uint32 = () => webcrypto_getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]

const uint53 = () => {
  const arr = getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(8))
  return (arr[0] & binary.BITS21) * (binary.BITS32 + 1) + (arr[1] >>> 0)

 * @template T
 * @param {Array<T>} arr
 * @return {T}
const oneOf = arr => arr[math.floor(rand() * arr.length)]

// @ts-ignore
const uuidv4Template = [1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11

 * @return {string}
const uuidv4 = () => uuidv4Template.replace(/[018]/g, /** @param {number} c */ c =>
  (c ^ uint32() & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/promise.js
 * Utility helpers to work with promises.
 * @module promise

 * @template T
 * @callback PromiseResolve
 * @param {T|PromiseLike<T>} [result]

 * @template T
 * @param {function(PromiseResolve<T>,function(Error):void):any} f
 * @return {Promise<T>}
const promise_create = f => /** @type {Promise<T>} */ (new Promise(f))

 * @param {function(function():void,function(Error):void):void} f
 * @return {Promise<void>}
const createEmpty = f => new Promise(f)

 * `Promise.all` wait for all promises in the array to resolve and return the result
 * @template {unknown[] | []} PS
 * @param {PS} ps
 * @return {Promise<{ -readonly [P in keyof PS]: Awaited<PS[P]> }>}
const promise_all = Promise.all.bind(Promise)

 * @param {Error} [reason]
 * @return {Promise<never>}
const reject = reason => Promise.reject(reason)

 * @template T
 * @param {T|void} res
 * @return {Promise<T|void>}
const resolve = res => Promise.resolve(res)

 * @template T
 * @param {T} res
 * @return {Promise<T>}
const resolveWith = res => Promise.resolve(res)

 * @todo Next version, reorder parameters: check, [timeout, [intervalResolution]]
 * @param {number} timeout
 * @param {function():boolean} check
 * @param {number} [intervalResolution]
 * @return {Promise<void>}
const until = (timeout, check, intervalResolution = 10) => promise_create((resolve, reject) => {
  const startTime = time.getUnixTime()
  const hasTimeout = timeout > 0
  const untilInterval = () => {
    if (check()) {
    } else if (hasTimeout) {
      /* c8 ignore else */
      if (time.getUnixTime() - startTime > timeout) {
        reject(new Error('Timeout'))
  const intervalHandle = setInterval(untilInterval, intervalResolution)

 * @param {number} timeout
 * @return {Promise<undefined>}
const wait = timeout => promise_create((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, timeout))

 * Checks if an object is a promise using ducktyping.
 * Promises are often polyfilled, so it makes sense to add some additional guarantees if the user of this
 * library has some insane environment where global Promise objects are overwritten.
 * @param {any} p
 * @return {boolean}
const isPromise = p => p instanceof Promise || (p && p.then && p.catch && p.finally)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/pair.js
 * Working with value pairs.
 * @module pair

 * @template L,R
class Pair {
   * @param {L} left
   * @param {R} right
  constructor (left, right) {
    this.left = left
    this.right = right

 * @template L,R
 * @param {L} left
 * @param {R} right
 * @return {Pair<L,R>}
const pair_create = (left, right) => new Pair(left, right)

 * @template L,R
 * @param {R} right
 * @param {L} left
 * @return {Pair<L,R>}
const createReversed = (right, left) => new Pair(left, right)

 * @template L,R
 * @param {Array<Pair<L,R>>} arr
 * @param {function(L, R):any} f
const pair_forEach = (arr, f) => arr.forEach(p => f(p.left, p.right))

 * @template L,R,X
 * @param {Array<Pair<L,R>>} arr
 * @param {function(L, R):X} f
 * @return {Array<X>}
const pair_map = (arr, f) => => f(p.left, p.right))

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/dom.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Utility module to work with the DOM.
 * @module dom

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @type {Document}
const doc = /** @type {Document} */ (typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {})

 * @param {string} name
 * @return {HTMLElement}
const createElement = name => doc.createElement(name)

 * @return {DocumentFragment}
const createDocumentFragment = () => doc.createDocumentFragment()

 * @param {string} text
 * @return {Text}
const createTextNode = text => doc.createTextNode(text)

const domParser = /** @type {DOMParser} */ (typeof DOMParser !== 'undefined' ? new DOMParser() : null)

 * @param {HTMLElement} el
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Object} opts
const emitCustomEvent = (el, name, opts) => el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name, opts))

 * @param {Element} el
 * @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,string|boolean>>} attrs Array of key-value pairs
 * @return {Element}
const setAttributes = (el, attrs) => {
  pair.forEach(attrs, (key, value) => {
    if (value === false) {
    } else if (value === true) {
      el.setAttribute(key, '')
    } else {
      // @ts-ignore
      el.setAttribute(key, value)
  return el

 * @param {Element} el
 * @param {Map<string, string>} attrs Array of key-value pairs
 * @return {Element}
const setAttributesMap = (el, attrs) => {
  attrs.forEach((value, key) => { el.setAttribute(key, value) })
  return el

 * @param {Array<Node>|HTMLCollection} children
 * @return {DocumentFragment}
const fragment = children => {
  const fragment = createDocumentFragment()
  for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    appendChild(fragment, children[i])
  return fragment

 * @param {Element} parent
 * @param {Array<Node>} nodes
 * @return {Element}
const append = (parent, nodes) => {
  appendChild(parent, fragment(nodes))
  return parent

 * @param {HTMLElement} el
const remove = el => el.remove()

 * @param {EventTarget} el
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {EventListener} f
const dom_addEventListener = (el, name, f) => el.addEventListener(name, f)

 * @param {EventTarget} el
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {EventListener} f
const dom_removeEventListener = (el, name, f) => el.removeEventListener(name, f)

 * @param {Node} node
 * @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,EventListener>>} listeners
 * @return {Node}
const addEventListeners = (node, listeners) => {
  pair.forEach(listeners, (name, f) => dom_addEventListener(node, name, f))
  return node

 * @param {Node} node
 * @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,EventListener>>} listeners
 * @return {Node}
const removeEventListeners = (node, listeners) => {
  pair.forEach(listeners, (name, f) => dom_removeEventListener(node, name, f))
  return node

 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,string>|pair.Pair<string,boolean>>} attrs Array of key-value pairs
 * @param {Array<Node>} children
 * @return {Element}
const dom_element = (name, attrs = [], children = []) =>
  append(setAttributes(createElement(name), attrs), children)

 * @param {number} width
 * @param {number} height
const canvas = (width, height) => {
  const c = /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ (createElement('canvas'))
  c.height = height
  c.width = width
  return c

 * @param {string} t
 * @return {Text}
const dom_text = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (createTextNode))

 * @param {pair.Pair<string,string>} pair
const pairToStyleString = pair => `${pair.left}:${pair.right};`

 * @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,string>>} pairs
 * @return {string}
const pairsToStyleString = pairs =>'')

 * @param {Map<string,string>} m
 * @return {string}
const mapToStyleString = m => map_map(m, (value, key) => `${key}:${value};`).join('')

 * @todo should always query on a dom element
 * @param {HTMLElement|ShadowRoot} el
 * @param {string} query
 * @return {HTMLElement | null}
const querySelector = (el, query) => el.querySelector(query)

 * @param {HTMLElement|ShadowRoot} el
 * @param {string} query
 * @return {NodeListOf<HTMLElement>}
const querySelectorAll = (el, query) => el.querySelectorAll(query)

 * @param {string} id
 * @return {HTMLElement}
const getElementById = id => /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (doc.getElementById(id))

 * @param {string} html
 * @return {HTMLElement}
const _parse = html => domParser.parseFromString(`<html><body>${html}</body></html>`, 'text/html').body

 * @param {string} html
 * @return {DocumentFragment}
const parseFragment = html => fragment(/** @type {any} */ (_parse(html).childNodes))

 * @param {string} html
 * @return {HTMLElement}
const parseElement = html => /** @type HTMLElement */ (_parse(html).firstElementChild)

 * @param {HTMLElement} oldEl
 * @param {HTMLElement|DocumentFragment} newEl
const replaceWith = (oldEl, newEl) => oldEl.replaceWith(newEl)

 * @param {HTMLElement} parent
 * @param {HTMLElement} el
 * @param {Node|null} ref
 * @return {HTMLElement}
const insertBefore = (parent, el, ref) => parent.insertBefore(el, ref)

 * @param {Node} parent
 * @param {Node} child
 * @return {Node}
const appendChild = (parent, child) => parent.appendChild(child)


 * @param {any} node
 * @param {number} type
const checkNodeType = (node, type) => node.nodeType === type

 * @param {Node} parent
 * @param {HTMLElement} child
const isParentOf = (parent, child) => {
  let p = child.parentNode
  while (p && p !== parent) {
    p = p.parentNode
  return p === parent
/* c8 ignore stop */

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/symbol.js
 * Utility module to work with EcmaScript Symbols.
 * @module symbol

 * Return fresh symbol.
 * @return {Symbol}
const symbol_create = Symbol

 * @param {any} s
 * @return {boolean}
const isSymbol = s => typeof s === 'symbol'

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/time.js
 * Utility module to work with time.
 * @module time

 * Return current time.
 * @return {Date}
const getDate = () => new Date()

 * Return current unix time.
 * @return {number}
const getUnixTime =

 * Transform time (in ms) to a human readable format. E.g. 1100 => 1.1s. 60s => 1min. .001 => 10μs.
 * @param {number} d duration in milliseconds
 * @return {string} humanized approximation of time
const humanizeDuration = d => {
  if (d < 60000) {
    const p = metric.prefix(d, -1)
    return math.round(p.n * 100) / 100 + p.prefix + 's'
  d = math.floor(d / 1000)
  const seconds = d % 60
  const minutes = math.floor(d / 60) % 60
  const hours = math.floor(d / 3600) % 24
  const days = math.floor(d / 86400)
  if (days > 0) {
    return days + 'd' + ((hours > 0 || minutes > 30) ? ' ' + (minutes > 30 ? hours + 1 : hours) + 'h' : '')
  if (hours > 0) {
    /* c8 ignore next */
    return hours + 'h' + ((minutes > 0 || seconds > 30) ? ' ' + (seconds > 30 ? minutes + 1 : minutes) + 'min' : '')
  return minutes + 'min' + (seconds > 0 ? ' ' + seconds + 's' : '')

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/logging.common.js

const BOLD = symbol_create()
const UNBOLD = symbol_create()
const BLUE = symbol_create()
const GREY = symbol_create()
const GREEN = symbol_create()
const RED = symbol_create()
const PURPLE = symbol_create()
const ORANGE = symbol_create()
const UNCOLOR = symbol_create()

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
 * @return {Array<string|object|number>}
const computeNoColorLoggingArgs = args => {
  const strBuilder = []
  const logArgs = []
  // try with formatting until we find something unsupported
  let i = 0
  for (; i < args.length; i++) {
    const arg = args[i]
    if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) {
    } else if (arg.constructor === Object) {
  return logArgs
/* c8 ignore stop */

const loggingColors = [GREEN, PURPLE, ORANGE, BLUE]
let nextColor = 0
let lastLoggingTime = getUnixTime()

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @param {function(...any):void} _print
 * @param {string} moduleName
 * @return {function(...any):void}
const createModuleLogger = (_print, moduleName) => {
  const color = loggingColors[nextColor]
  const debugRegexVar = getVariable('log')
  const doLogging = debugRegexVar !== null &&
    (debugRegexVar === '*' || debugRegexVar === 'true' ||
      new RegExp(debugRegexVar, 'gi').test(moduleName))
  nextColor = (nextColor + 1) % loggingColors.length
  moduleName += ': '
  return !doLogging
    ? nop
    : (...args) => {
        const timeNow = getUnixTime()
        const timeDiff = timeNow - lastLoggingTime
        lastLoggingTime = timeNow
            (typeof arg === 'string' || typeof arg === 'symbol')
              ? arg
              : JSON.stringify(arg)
          ' +' + timeDiff + 'ms'
/* c8 ignore stop */

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/logging.js
 * Isomorphic logging module with support for colors!
 * @module logging

 * @type {Object<Symbol,pair.Pair<string,string>>}
const _browserStyleMap = {
  [BOLD]: pair_create('font-weight', 'bold'),
  [UNBOLD]: pair_create('font-weight', 'normal'),
  [BLUE]: pair_create('color', 'blue'),
  [GREEN]: pair_create('color', 'green'),
  [GREY]: pair_create('color', 'grey'),
  [RED]: pair_create('color', 'red'),
  [PURPLE]: pair_create('color', 'purple'),
  [ORANGE]: pair_create('color', 'orange'), // not well supported in chrome when debugging node with inspector - TODO: deprecate
  [UNCOLOR]: pair_create('color', 'black')

 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
 * @return {Array<string|object|number>}
/* c8 ignore start */
const computeBrowserLoggingArgs = (args) => {
  const strBuilder = []
  const styles = []
  const currentStyle = create()
   * @type {Array<string|Object|number>}
  let logArgs = []
  // try with formatting until we find something unsupported
  let i = 0
  for (; i < args.length; i++) {
    const arg = args[i]
    // @ts-ignore
    const style = _browserStyleMap[arg]
    if (style !== undefined) {
      currentStyle.set(style.left, style.right)
    } else {
      if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) {
        const style = mapToStyleString(currentStyle)
        if (i > 0 || style.length > 0) {
          strBuilder.push('%c' + arg)
        } else {
      } else {
  if (i > 0) {
    // create logArgs with what we have so far
    logArgs = styles
  // append the rest
  for (; i < args.length; i++) {
    const arg = args[i]
    if (!(arg instanceof Symbol)) {
  return logArgs
/* c8 ignore stop */

/* c8 ignore start */
const computeLoggingArgs = supportsColor
  ? computeBrowserLoggingArgs
  : computeNoColorLoggingArgs
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const print = (...args) => {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.print(args))

/* c8 ignore start */
 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const warn = (...args) => {
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.print(args))
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {Error} err
/* c8 ignore start */
const printError = (err) => {
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.printError(err))
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {string} url image location
 * @param {number} height height of the image in pixel
/* c8 ignore start */
const printImg = (url, height) => {
  if (env.isBrowser) {
      '%c                      ',
      `font-size: ${height}px; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(${url})`
    // console.log('%c                ', `font-size: ${height}x; background: url(${url}) no-repeat;`)
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.printImg(url, height))
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {string} base64
 * @param {number} height
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const printImgBase64 = (base64, height) =>
  printImg(`data:image/gif;base64,${base64}`, height)

 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const group = (...args) => {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) =>

 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const groupCollapsed = (...args) => {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.groupCollapsed(args))

const groupEnd = () => {
  /* c8 ignore next */
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.groupEnd())

 * @param {function():Node} createNode
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const printDom = (createNode) =>
  vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.printDom(createNode()))

 * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
 * @param {number} height
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const printCanvas = (canvas, height) =>
  printImg(canvas.toDataURL(), height)

const vconsoles = set_create()

 * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
 * @return {Array<Element>}
/* c8 ignore start */
const _computeLineSpans = (args) => {
  const spans = []
  const currentStyle = new Map()
  // try with formatting until we find something unsupported
  let i = 0
  for (; i < args.length; i++) {
    const arg = args[i]
    // @ts-ignore
    const style = _browserStyleMap[arg]
    if (style !== undefined) {
      currentStyle.set(style.left, style.right)
    } else {
      if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) {
        // @ts-ignore
        const span = dom.element('span', [
          pair.create('style', dom.mapToStyleString(currentStyle))
        ], [dom.text(arg.toString())])
        if (span.innerHTML === '') {
          span.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'
      } else {
  // append the rest
  for (; i < args.length; i++) {
    let content = args[i]
    if (!(content instanceof Symbol)) {
      if (content.constructor !== String && content.constructor !== Number) {
        content = ' ' + json.stringify(content) + ' '
        dom.element('span', [], [dom.text(/** @type {string} */ (content))])
  return spans
/* c8 ignore stop */

const lineStyle =
  'font-family:monospace;border-bottom:1px solid #e2e2e2;padding:2px;'

/* c8 ignore start */
class VConsole {
   * @param {Element} dom
  constructor (dom) {
    this.dom = dom
     * @type {Element}
    this.ccontainer = this.dom
    this.depth = 0

   * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
   * @param {boolean} collapsed
  group (args, collapsed = false) {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
      const triangleDown = dom.element('span', [
        pair.create('hidden', collapsed),
        pair.create('style', 'color:grey;font-size:120%;')
      ], [dom.text('▼')])
      const triangleRight = dom.element('span', [
        pair.create('hidden', !collapsed),
        pair.create('style', 'color:grey;font-size:125%;')
      ], [dom.text('▶')])
      const content = dom.element(
          `${lineStyle};padding-left:${this.depth * 10}px`
        [triangleDown, triangleRight, dom.text(' ')].concat(
      const nextContainer = dom.element('div', [
        pair.create('hidden', collapsed)
      const nextLine = dom.element('div', [], [content, nextContainer])
      dom.append(this.ccontainer, [nextLine])
      this.ccontainer = nextContainer
      // when header is clicked, collapse/uncollapse container
      dom.addEventListener(content, 'click', (_event) => {

   * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
  groupCollapsed (args) {, true)

  groupEnd () {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
      if (this.depth > 0) {
        // @ts-ignore
        this.ccontainer = this.ccontainer.parentElement.parentElement

   * @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
  print (args) {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
      dom.append(this.ccontainer, [
        dom.element('div', [
            `${lineStyle};padding-left:${this.depth * 10}px`
        ], _computeLineSpans(args))

   * @param {Error} err
  printError (err) {
    this.print([common.RED, common.BOLD, err.toString()])

   * @param {string} url
   * @param {number} height
  printImg (url, height) {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
      dom.append(this.ccontainer, [
        dom.element('img', [
          pair.create('src', url),
          pair.create('height', `${math.round(height * 1.5)}px`)

   * @param {Node} node
  printDom (node) {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
      dom.append(this.ccontainer, [node])

  destroy () {
    eventloop.enqueue(() => {
/* c8 ignore stop */

 * @param {Element} dom
/* c8 ignore next */
const createVConsole = (dom) => new VConsole(dom)

 * @param {string} moduleName
 * @return {function(...any):void}
const logging_createModuleLogger = (moduleName) => createModuleLogger(print, moduleName)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/iterator.js
 * Utility module to create and manipulate Iterators.
 * @module iterator

 * @template T,R
 * @param {Iterator<T>} iterator
 * @param {function(T):R} f
 * @return {IterableIterator<R>}
const mapIterator = (iterator, f) => ({
  [Symbol.iterator] () {
    return this
  // @ts-ignore
  next () {
    const r =
    return { value: r.done ? undefined : f(r.value), done: r.done }

 * @template T
 * @param {function():IteratorResult<T>} next
 * @return {IterableIterator<T>}
const createIterator = next => ({
   * @return {IterableIterator<T>}
  [Symbol.iterator] () {
    return this
  // @ts-ignore

 * @template T
 * @param {Iterator<T>} iterator
 * @param {function(T):boolean} filter
const iteratorFilter = (iterator, filter) => createIterator(() => {
  let res
  do {
    res =
  } while (!res.done && !filter(res.value))
  return res

 * @template T,M
 * @param {Iterator<T>} iterator
 * @param {function(T):M} fmap
const iteratorMap = (iterator, fmap) => createIterator(() => {
  const { done, value } =
  return { done, value: done ? undefined : fmap(value) }

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/yjs/dist/yjs.mjs

 * This is an abstract interface that all Connectors should implement to keep them interchangeable.
 * @note This interface is experimental and it is not advised to actually inherit this class.
 *       It just serves as typing information.
 * @extends {Observable<any>}
class AbstractConnector extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Observable)) {
   * @param {Doc} ydoc
   * @param {any} awareness
  constructor (ydoc, awareness) {
    this.doc = ydoc;
    this.awareness = awareness;

class DeleteItem {
   * @param {number} clock
   * @param {number} len
  constructor (clock, len) {
     * @type {number}
    this.clock = clock;
     * @type {number}
    this.len = len;

 * We no longer maintain a DeleteStore. DeleteSet is a temporary object that is created when needed.
 * - When created in a transaction, it must only be accessed after sorting, and merging
 *   - This DeleteSet is send to other clients
 * - We do not create a DeleteSet when we send a sync message. The DeleteSet message is created directly from StructStore
 * - We read a DeleteSet as part of a sync/update message. In this case the DeleteSet is already sorted and merged.
class DeleteSet {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Map<number,Array<DeleteItem>>}
    this.clients = new Map();

 * Iterate over all structs that the DeleteSet gc's.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {function(GC|Item):void} f
 * @function
const iterateDeletedStructs = (transaction, ds, f) =>
  ds.clients.forEach((deletes, clientid) => {
    const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (;
    for (let i = 0; i < deletes.length; i++) {
      const del = deletes[i];
      iterateStructs(transaction, structs, del.clock, del.len, f);

 * @param {Array<DeleteItem>} dis
 * @param {number} clock
 * @return {number|null}
 * @private
 * @function
const findIndexDS = (dis, clock) => {
  let left = 0;
  let right = dis.length - 1;
  while (left <= right) {
    const midindex = floor((left + right) / 2);
    const mid = dis[midindex];
    const midclock = mid.clock;
    if (midclock <= clock) {
      if (clock < midclock + mid.len) {
        return midindex
      left = midindex + 1;
    } else {
      right = midindex - 1;
  return null

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {ID} id
 * @return {boolean}
 * @private
 * @function
const isDeleted = (ds, id) => {
  const dis = ds.clients.get(id.client);
  return dis !== undefined && findIndexDS(dis, id.clock) !== null

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @private
 * @function
const sortAndMergeDeleteSet = ds => {
  ds.clients.forEach(dels => {
    dels.sort((a, b) => a.clock - b.clock);
    // merge items without filtering or splicing the array
    // i is the current pointer
    // j refers to the current insert position for the pointed item
    // try to merge dels[i] into dels[j-1] or set dels[j]=dels[i]
    let i, j;
    for (i = 1, j = 1; i < dels.length; i++) {
      const left = dels[j - 1];
      const right = dels[i];
      if (left.clock + left.len >= right.clock) {
        left.len = max(left.len, right.clock + right.len - left.clock);
      } else {
        if (j < i) {
          dels[j] = right;
    dels.length = j;

 * @param {Array<DeleteSet>} dss
 * @return {DeleteSet} A fresh DeleteSet
const mergeDeleteSets = dss => {
  const merged = new DeleteSet();
  for (let dssI = 0; dssI < dss.length; dssI++) {
    dss[dssI].clients.forEach((delsLeft, client) => {
      if (!merged.clients.has(client)) {
        // Write all missing keys from current ds and all following.
        // If merged already contains `client` current ds has already been added.
         * @type {Array<DeleteItem>}
        const dels = delsLeft.slice();
        for (let i = dssI + 1; i < dss.length; i++) {
          appendTo(dels, dss[i].clients.get(client) || []);
        merged.clients.set(client, dels);
  return merged

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {number} client
 * @param {number} clock
 * @param {number} length
 * @private
 * @function
const addToDeleteSet = (ds, client, clock, length) => {
  setIfUndefined(ds.clients, client, () => /** @type {Array<DeleteItem>} */ ([])).push(new DeleteItem(clock, length));

const createDeleteSet = () => new DeleteSet();

 * @param {StructStore} ss
 * @return {DeleteSet} Merged and sorted DeleteSet
 * @private
 * @function
const createDeleteSetFromStructStore = ss => {
  const ds = createDeleteSet();
  ss.clients.forEach((structs, client) => {
     * @type {Array<DeleteItem>}
    const dsitems = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < structs.length; i++) {
      const struct = structs[i];
      if (struct.deleted) {
        const clock =;
        let len = struct.length;
        if (i + 1 < structs.length) {
          for (let next = structs[i + 1]; i + 1 < structs.length && next.deleted; next = structs[++i + 1]) {
            len += next.length;
        dsitems.push(new DeleteItem(clock, len));
    if (dsitems.length > 0) {
      ds.clients.set(client, dsitems);
  return ds

 * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @private
 * @function
const writeDeleteSet = (encoder, ds) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, ds.clients.size);

  // Ensure that the delete set is written in a deterministic order
    .sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0])
    .forEach(([client, dsitems]) => {
      writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, client);
      const len = dsitems.length;
      writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, len);
      for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        const item = dsitems[i];

 * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {DeleteSet}
 * @private
 * @function
const readDeleteSet = decoder => {
  const ds = new DeleteSet();
  const numClients = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
  for (let i = 0; i < numClients; i++) {
    const client = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    const numberOfDeletes = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    if (numberOfDeletes > 0) {
      const dsField = setIfUndefined(ds.clients, client, () => /** @type {Array<DeleteItem>} */ ([]));
      for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDeletes; i++) {
        dsField.push(new DeleteItem(decoder.readDsClock(), decoder.readDsLen()));
  return ds

 * @todo YDecoder also contains references to String and other Decoders. Would make sense to exchange YDecoder.toUint8Array for YDecoder.DsToUint8Array()..

 * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @return {Uint8Array|null} Returns a v2 update containing all deletes that couldn't be applied yet; or null if all deletes were applied successfully.
 * @private
 * @function
const readAndApplyDeleteSet = (decoder, transaction, store) => {
  const unappliedDS = new DeleteSet();
  const numClients = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
  for (let i = 0; i < numClients; i++) {
    const client = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    const numberOfDeletes = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    const structs = store.clients.get(client) || [];
    const state = getState(store, client);
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDeletes; i++) {
      const clock = decoder.readDsClock();
      const clockEnd = clock + decoder.readDsLen();
      if (clock < state) {
        if (state < clockEnd) {
          addToDeleteSet(unappliedDS, client, state, clockEnd - state);
        let index = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
         * We can ignore the case of GC and Delete structs, because we are going to skip them
         * @type {Item}
        // @ts-ignore
        let struct = structs[index];
        // split the first item if necessary
        if (!struct.deleted && < clock) {
          structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clock -;
          index++; // increase we now want to use the next struct
        while (index < structs.length) {
          // @ts-ignore
          struct = structs[index++];
          if ( < clockEnd) {
            if (!struct.deleted) {
              if (clockEnd < + struct.length) {
                structs.splice(index, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clockEnd -;
          } else {
      } else {
        addToDeleteSet(unappliedDS, client, clock, clockEnd - clock);
  if (unappliedDS.clients.size > 0) {
    const ds = new UpdateEncoderV2();
    writeVarUint(ds.restEncoder, 0); // encode 0 structs
    writeDeleteSet(ds, unappliedDS);
    return ds.toUint8Array()
  return null

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds1
 * @param {DeleteSet} ds2
const equalDeleteSets = (ds1, ds2) => {
  if (ds1.clients.size !== ds2.clients.size) return false
  for (const [client, deleteItems1] of ds1.clients.entries()) {
    const deleteItems2 = /** @type {Array<import('../internals.js').DeleteItem>} */ (ds2.clients.get(client));
    if (deleteItems2 === undefined || deleteItems1.length !== deleteItems2.length) return false
    for (let i = 0; i < deleteItems1.length; i++) {
      const di1 = deleteItems1[i];
      const di2 = deleteItems2[i];
      if (di1.clock !== di2.clock || di1.len !== di2.len) {
        return false
  return true

 * @module Y

const generateNewClientId = uint32;

 * @typedef {Object} DocOpts
 * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.gc=true] Disable garbage collection (default: gc=true)
 * @property {function(Item):boolean} [DocOpts.gcFilter] Will be called before an Item is garbage collected. Return false to keep the Item.
 * @property {string} [DocOpts.guid] Define a globally unique identifier for this document
 * @property {string | null} [DocOpts.collectionid] Associate this document with a collection. This only plays a role if your provider has a concept of collection.
 * @property {any} [DocOpts.meta] Any kind of meta information you want to associate with this document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will store the meta information as well.
 * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.autoLoad] If a subdocument, automatically load document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will load the document as well automatically.
 * @property {boolean} [DocOpts.shouldLoad] Whether the document should be synced by the provider now. This is toggled to true when you call ydoc.load()

 * A Yjs instance handles the state of shared data.
 * @extends Observable<string>
class Doc extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {DocOpts} opts configuration
  constructor ({ guid = uuidv4(), collectionid = null, gc = true, gcFilter = () => true, meta = null, autoLoad = false, shouldLoad = true } = {}) {
    this.gc = gc;
    this.gcFilter = gcFilter;
    this.clientID = generateNewClientId();
    this.guid = guid;
    this.collectionid = collectionid;
     * @type {Map<string, AbstractType<YEvent<any>>>}
    this.share = new Map(); = new StructStore();
     * @type {Transaction | null}
    this._transaction = null;
     * @type {Array<Transaction>}
    this._transactionCleanups = [];
     * @type {Set<Doc>}
    this.subdocs = new Set();
     * If this document is a subdocument - a document integrated into another document - then _item is defined.
     * @type {Item?}
    this._item = null;
    this.shouldLoad = shouldLoad;
    this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
    this.meta = meta;
     * This is set to true when the persistence provider loaded the document from the database or when the `sync` event fires.
     * Note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire the `load` event when the doc content is loaded from the database.
     * @type {boolean}
    this.isLoaded = false;
     * This is set to true when the connection provider has successfully synced with a backend.
     * Note that when using peer-to-peer providers this event may not provide very useful.
     * Also note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire
     * the `sync` event when the doc has been synced (with `true` as a parameter) or if connection is
     * lost (with false as a parameter).
    this.isSynced = false;
     * Promise that resolves once the document has been loaded from a presistence provider.
    this.whenLoaded = promise_create(resolve => {
      this.on('load', () => {
        this.isLoaded = true;
    const provideSyncedPromise = () => promise_create(resolve => {
       * @param {boolean} isSynced
      const eventHandler = (isSynced) => {
        if (isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true) {
'sync', eventHandler);
      this.on('sync', eventHandler);
    this.on('sync', isSynced => {
      if (isSynced === false && this.isSynced) {
        this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise();
      this.isSynced = isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true;
      if (!this.isLoaded) {
        this.emit('load', []);
     * Promise that resolves once the document has been synced with a backend.
     * This promise is recreated when the connection is lost.
     * Note the documentation about the `isSynced` property.
    this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise();

   * Notify the parent document that you request to load data into this subdocument (if it is a subdocument).
   * `load()` might be used in the future to request any provider to load the most current data.
   * It is safe to call `load()` multiple times.
  load () {
    const item = this._item;
    if (item !== null && !this.shouldLoad) {
      transact(/** @type {any} */ (item.parent).doc, transaction => {
      }, null, true);
    this.shouldLoad = true;

  getSubdocs () {
    return this.subdocs

  getSubdocGuids () {
    return new Set(array_from(this.subdocs).map(doc => doc.guid))

   * Changes that happen inside of a transaction are bundled. This means that
   * the observer fires _after_ the transaction is finished and that all changes
   * that happened inside of the transaction are sent as one message to the
   * other peers.
   * @template T
   * @param {function(Transaction):T} f The function that should be executed as a transaction
   * @param {any} [origin] Origin of who started the transaction. Will be stored on transaction.origin
   * @return T
   * @public
  transact (f, origin = null) {
    return transact(this, f, origin)

   * Define a shared data type.
   * Multiple calls of `y.get(name, TypeConstructor)` yield the same result
   * and do not overwrite each other. I.e.
   * `y.define(name, Y.Array) === y.define(name, Y.Array)`
   * After this method is called, the type is also available on `y.share.get(name)`.
   * *Best Practices:*
   * Define all types right after the Yjs instance is created and store them in a separate object.
   * Also use the typed methods `getText(name)`, `getArray(name)`, ..
   * @example
   *   const y = new Y(..)
   *   const appState = {
   *     document: y.getText('document')
   *     comments: y.getArray('comments')
   *   }
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {Function} TypeConstructor The constructor of the type definition. E.g. Y.Text, Y.Array, Y.Map, ...
   * @return {AbstractType<any>} The created type. Constructed with TypeConstructor
   * @public
  get (name, TypeConstructor = AbstractType) {
    const type = setIfUndefined(this.share, name, () => {
      // @ts-ignore
      const t = new TypeConstructor();
      t._integrate(this, null);
      return t
    const Constr = type.constructor;
    if (TypeConstructor !== AbstractType && Constr !== TypeConstructor) {
      if (Constr === AbstractType) {
        // @ts-ignore
        const t = new TypeConstructor();
        t._map = type._map;
        type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item?} n */ n => {
          for (; n !== null; n = n.left) {
            // @ts-ignore
            n.parent = t;
        t._start = type._start;
        for (let n = t._start; n !== null; n = n.right) {
          n.parent = t;
        t._length = type._length;
        this.share.set(name, t);
        t._integrate(this, null);
        return t
      } else {
        throw new Error(`Type with the name ${name} has already been defined with a different constructor`)
    return type

   * @template T
   * @param {string} [name]
   * @return {YArray<T>}
   * @public
  getArray (name = '') {
    // @ts-ignore
    return this.get(name, YArray)

   * @param {string} [name]
   * @return {YText}
   * @public
  getText (name = '') {
    // @ts-ignore
    return this.get(name, YText)

   * @template T
   * @param {string} [name]
   * @return {YMap<T>}
   * @public
  getMap (name = '') {
    // @ts-ignore
    return this.get(name, YMap)

   * @param {string} [name]
   * @return {YXmlFragment}
   * @public
  getXmlFragment (name = '') {
    // @ts-ignore
    return this.get(name, YXmlFragment)

   * Converts the entire document into a js object, recursively traversing each yjs type
   * Doesn't log types that have not been defined (using ydoc.getType(..)).
   * @deprecated Do not use this method and rather call toJSON directly on the shared types.
   * @return {Object<string, any>}
  toJSON () {
     * @type {Object<string, any>}
    const doc = {};

    this.share.forEach((value, key) => {
      doc[key] = value.toJSON();

    return doc

   * Emit `destroy` event and unregister all event handlers.
  destroy () {
    array_from(this.subdocs).forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy());
    const item = this._item;
    if (item !== null) {
      this._item = null;
      const content = /** @type {ContentDoc} */ (item.content);
      content.doc = new Doc({ guid: this.guid, ...content.opts, shouldLoad: false });
      content.doc._item = item;
      transact(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent.doc, transaction => {
        const doc = content.doc;
        if (!item.deleted) {
      }, null, true);
    this.emit('destroyed', [true]);
    this.emit('destroy', [this]);

   * @param {string} eventName
   * @param {function(...any):any} f
  on (eventName, f) {
    super.on(eventName, f);

   * @param {string} eventName
   * @param {function} f
  off (eventName, f) {, f);

class DSDecoderV1 {
   * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
  constructor (decoder) {
    this.restDecoder = decoder;

  resetDsCurVal () {
    // nop

   * @return {number}
  readDsClock () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {number}
  readDsLen () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder)

class UpdateDecoderV1 extends DSDecoderV1 {
   * @return {ID}
  readLeftID () {
    return createID(readVarUint(this.restDecoder), readVarUint(this.restDecoder))

   * @return {ID}
  readRightID () {
    return createID(readVarUint(this.restDecoder), readVarUint(this.restDecoder))

   * Read the next client id.
   * Use this in favor of readID whenever possible to reduce the number of objects created.
  readClient () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  readInfo () {
    return readUint8(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {string}
  readString () {
    return readVarString(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {boolean} isKey
  readParentInfo () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder) === 1

   * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  readTypeRef () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder)

   * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
   * @return {number} len
  readLen () {
    return readVarUint(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {any}
  readAny () {
    return readAny(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {Uint8Array}
  readBuf () {
    return copyUint8Array(readVarUint8Array(this.restDecoder))

   * Legacy implementation uses JSON parse. We use any-decoding in v2.
   * @return {any}
  readJSON () {
    return JSON.parse(readVarString(this.restDecoder))

   * @return {string}
  readKey () {
    return readVarString(this.restDecoder)

class DSDecoderV2 {
   * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
  constructor (decoder) {
     * @private
    this.dsCurrVal = 0;
    this.restDecoder = decoder;

  resetDsCurVal () {
    this.dsCurrVal = 0;

   * @return {number}
  readDsClock () {
    this.dsCurrVal += readVarUint(this.restDecoder);
    return this.dsCurrVal

   * @return {number}
  readDsLen () {
    const diff = readVarUint(this.restDecoder) + 1;
    this.dsCurrVal += diff;
    return diff

class UpdateDecoderV2 extends DSDecoderV2 {
   * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
  constructor (decoder) {
     * List of cached keys. If the keys[id] does not exist, we read a new key
     * from stringEncoder and push it to keys.
     * @type {Array<string>}
    this.keys = [];
    readVarUint(decoder); // read feature flag - currently unused
    this.keyClockDecoder = new IntDiffOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.clientDecoder = new UintOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.leftClockDecoder = new IntDiffOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.rightClockDecoder = new IntDiffOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.infoDecoder = new RleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder), readUint8);
    this.stringDecoder = new StringDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.parentInfoDecoder = new RleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder), readUint8);
    this.typeRefDecoder = new UintOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
    this.lenDecoder = new UintOptRleDecoder(readVarUint8Array(decoder));

   * @return {ID}
  readLeftID () {
    return new ID(,

   * @return {ID}
  readRightID () {
    return new ID(,

   * Read the next client id.
   * Use this in favor of readID whenever possible to reduce the number of objects created.
  readClient () {

   * @return {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  readInfo () {
    return /** @type {number} */ (

   * @return {string}
  readString () {

   * @return {boolean}
  readParentInfo () {
    return === 1

   * @return {number} An unsigned 8-bit integer
  readTypeRef () {

   * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
   * @return {number}
  readLen () {

   * @return {any}
  readAny () {
    return readAny(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {Uint8Array}
  readBuf () {
    return readVarUint8Array(this.restDecoder)

   * This is mainly here for legacy purposes.
   * Initial we incoded objects using JSON. Now we use the much faster lib0/any-encoder. This method mainly exists for legacy purposes for the v1 encoder.
   * @return {any}
  readJSON () {
    return readAny(this.restDecoder)

   * @return {string}
  readKey () {
    const keyClock =;
    if (keyClock < this.keys.length) {
      return this.keys[keyClock]
    } else {
      const key =;
      return key

class DSEncoderV1 {
  constructor () {
    this.restEncoder = createEncoder();

  toUint8Array () {
    return toUint8Array(this.restEncoder)

  resetDsCurVal () {
    // nop

   * @param {number} clock
  writeDsClock (clock) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, clock);

   * @param {number} len
  writeDsLen (len) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len);

class UpdateEncoderV1 extends DSEncoderV1 {
   * @param {ID} id
  writeLeftID (id) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client);
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock);

   * @param {ID} id
  writeRightID (id) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client);
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock);

   * Use writeClient and writeClock instead of writeID if possible.
   * @param {number} client
  writeClient (client) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, client);

   * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  writeInfo (info) {
    writeUint8(this.restEncoder, info);

   * @param {string} s
  writeString (s) {
    writeVarString(this.restEncoder, s);

   * @param {boolean} isYKey
  writeParentInfo (isYKey) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, isYKey ? 1 : 0);

   * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  writeTypeRef (info) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, info);

   * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
   * @param {number} len
  writeLen (len) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len);

   * @param {any} any
  writeAny (any) {
    writeAny(this.restEncoder, any);

   * @param {Uint8Array} buf
  writeBuf (buf) {
    writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf);

   * @param {any} embed
  writeJSON (embed) {
    writeVarString(this.restEncoder, JSON.stringify(embed));

   * @param {string} key
  writeKey (key) {
    writeVarString(this.restEncoder, key);

class DSEncoderV2 {
  constructor () {
    this.restEncoder = createEncoder(); // encodes all the rest / non-optimized
    this.dsCurrVal = 0;

  toUint8Array () {
    return toUint8Array(this.restEncoder)

  resetDsCurVal () {
    this.dsCurrVal = 0;

   * @param {number} clock
  writeDsClock (clock) {
    const diff = clock - this.dsCurrVal;
    this.dsCurrVal = clock;
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, diff);

   * @param {number} len
  writeDsLen (len) {
    if (len === 0) {
    writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len - 1);
    this.dsCurrVal += len;

class UpdateEncoderV2 extends DSEncoderV2 {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Map<string,number>}
    this.keyMap = new Map();
     * Refers to the next uniqe key-identifier to me used.
     * See writeKey method for more information.
     * @type {number}
    this.keyClock = 0;
    this.keyClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
    this.clientEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();
    this.leftClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
    this.rightClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
    this.infoEncoder = new RleEncoder(writeUint8);
    this.stringEncoder = new StringEncoder();
    this.parentInfoEncoder = new RleEncoder(writeUint8);
    this.typeRefEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();
    this.lenEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();

  toUint8Array () {
    const encoder = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoder, 0); // this is a feature flag that we might use in the future
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.keyClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.clientEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.leftClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.rightClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.infoEncoder));
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.stringEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.parentInfoEncoder));
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.typeRefEncoder.toUint8Array());
    writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.lenEncoder.toUint8Array());
    // @note The rest encoder is appended! (note the missing var)
    writeUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.restEncoder));
    return toUint8Array(encoder)

   * @param {ID} id
  writeLeftID (id) {

   * @param {ID} id
  writeRightID (id) {

   * @param {number} client
  writeClient (client) {

   * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  writeInfo (info) {

   * @param {string} s
  writeString (s) {

   * @param {boolean} isYKey
  writeParentInfo (isYKey) {
    this.parentInfoEncoder.write(isYKey ? 1 : 0);

   * @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
  writeTypeRef (info) {

   * Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
   * @param {number} len
  writeLen (len) {

   * @param {any} any
  writeAny (any) {
    writeAny(this.restEncoder, any);

   * @param {Uint8Array} buf
  writeBuf (buf) {
    writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf);

   * This is mainly here for legacy purposes.
   * Initial we incoded objects using JSON. Now we use the much faster lib0/any-encoder. This method mainly exists for legacy purposes for the v1 encoder.
   * @param {any} embed
  writeJSON (embed) {
    writeAny(this.restEncoder, embed);

   * Property keys are often reused. For example, in y-prosemirror the key `bold` might
   * occur very often. For a 3d application, the key `position` might occur very often.
   * We cache these keys in a Map and refer to them via a unique number.
   * @param {string} key
  writeKey (key) {
    const clock = this.keyMap.get(key);
    if (clock === undefined) {
       * @todo uncomment to introduce this feature finally
       * Background. The ContentFormat object was always encoded using writeKey, but the decoder used to use readString.
       * Furthermore, I forgot to set the keyclock. So everything was working fine.
       * However, this feature here is basically useless as it is not being used (it actually only consumes extra memory).
       * I don't know yet how to reintroduce this feature..
       * Older clients won't be able to read updates when we reintroduce this feature. So this should probably be done using a flag.
      // this.keyMap.set(key, this.keyClock)
    } else {

 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Array<GC|Item>} structs All structs by `client`
 * @param {number} client
 * @param {number} clock write structs starting with `ID(client,clock)`
 * @function
const writeStructs = (encoder, structs, client, clock) => {
  // write first id
  clock = max(clock, structs[0].id.clock); // make sure the first id exists
  const startNewStructs = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
  // write # encoded structs
  writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, structs.length - startNewStructs);
  writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, clock);
  const firstStruct = structs[startNewStructs];
  // write first struct with an offset
  firstStruct.write(encoder, clock -;
  for (let i = startNewStructs + 1; i < structs.length; i++) {
    structs[i].write(encoder, 0);

 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {Map<number,number>} _sm
 * @private
 * @function
const writeClientsStructs = (encoder, store, _sm) => {
  // we filter all valid _sm entries into sm
  const sm = new Map();
  _sm.forEach((clock, client) => {
    // only write if new structs are available
    if (getState(store, client) > clock) {
      sm.set(client, clock);
  getStateVector(store).forEach((_clock, client) => {
    if (!_sm.has(client)) {
      sm.set(client, 0);
  // write # states that were updated
  writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, sm.size);
  // Write items with higher client ids first
  // This heavily improves the conflict algorithm.
  array_from(sm.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]).forEach(([client, clock]) => {
    writeStructs(encoder, /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client)), client, clock);

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder The decoder object to read data from.
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @return {Map<number, { i: number, refs: Array<Item | GC> }>}
 * @private
 * @function
const readClientsStructRefs = (decoder, doc) => {
   * @type {Map<number, { i: number, refs: Array<Item | GC> }>}
  const clientRefs = create();
  const numOfStateUpdates = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
  for (let i = 0; i < numOfStateUpdates; i++) {
    const numberOfStructs = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
     * @type {Array<GC|Item>}
    const refs = new Array(numberOfStructs);
    const client = decoder.readClient();
    let clock = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    // const start =
    clientRefs.set(client, { i: 0, refs });
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfStructs; i++) {
      const info = decoder.readInfo();
      switch (BITS5 & info) {
        case 0: { // GC
          const len = decoder.readLen();
          refs[i] = new GC(createID(client, clock), len);
          clock += len;
        case 10: { // Skip Struct (nothing to apply)
          // @todo we could reduce the amount of checks by adding Skip struct to clientRefs so we know that something is missing.
          const len = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
          refs[i] = new Skip(createID(client, clock), len);
          clock += len;
        default: { // Item with content
           * The optimized implementation doesn't use any variables because inlining variables is faster.
           * Below a non-optimized version is shown that implements the basic algorithm with
           * a few comments
          const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (BIT7 | BIT8)) === 0;
          // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y`
          // and we read the next string as parentYKey.
          // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share`
          // @type {string|null}
          const struct = new Item(
            createID(client, clock),
            null, // leftd
            (info & BIT8) === BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null, // origin
            null, // right
            (info & BIT7) === BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null, // right origin
            cantCopyParentInfo ? (decoder.readParentInfo() ? doc.get(decoder.readString()) : decoder.readLeftID()) : null, // parent
            cantCopyParentInfo && (info & BIT6) === BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub
            readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content
          /* A non-optimized implementation of the above algorithm:

          // The item that was originally to the left of this item.
          const origin = (info & binary.BIT8) === binary.BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null
          // The item that was originally to the right of this item.
          const rightOrigin = (info & binary.BIT7) === binary.BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null
          const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (binary.BIT7 | binary.BIT8)) === 0
          const hasParentYKey = cantCopyParentInfo ? decoder.readParentInfo() : false
          // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y`
          // and we read the next string as parentYKey.
          // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share`
          // @type {string|null}
          const parentYKey = cantCopyParentInfo && hasParentYKey ? decoder.readString() : null

          const struct = new Item(
            createID(client, clock),
            null, // leftd
            origin, // origin
            null, // right
            rightOrigin, // right origin
            cantCopyParentInfo && !hasParentYKey ? decoder.readLeftID() : (parentYKey !== null ? doc.get(parentYKey) : null), // parent
            cantCopyParentInfo && (info & binary.BIT6) === binary.BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub
            readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content
          refs[i] = struct;
          clock += struct.length;
    // console.log('time to read: ', - start) // @todo remove
  return clientRefs

 * Resume computing structs generated by struct readers.
 * While there is something to do, we integrate structs in this order
 * 1. top element on stack, if stack is not empty
 * 2. next element from current struct reader (if empty, use next struct reader)
 * If struct causally depends on another struct (ref.missing), we put next reader of
 * `` on top of stack.
 * At some point we find a struct that has no causal dependencies,
 * then we start emptying the stack.
 * It is not possible to have circles: i.e. struct1 (from client1) depends on struct2 (from client2)
 * depends on struct3 (from client1). Therefore the max stack size is eqaul to `structReaders.length`.
 * This method is implemented in a way so that we can resume computation if this update
 * causally depends on another update.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {Map<number, { i: number, refs: (GC | Item)[] }>} clientsStructRefs
 * @return { null | { update: Uint8Array, missing: Map<number,number> } }
 * @private
 * @function
const integrateStructs = (transaction, store, clientsStructRefs) => {
   * @type {Array<Item | GC>}
  const stack = [];
  // sort them so that we take the higher id first, in case of conflicts the lower id will probably not conflict with the id from the higher user.
  let clientsStructRefsIds = array_from(clientsStructRefs.keys()).sort((a, b) => a - b);
  if (clientsStructRefsIds.length === 0) {
    return null
  const getNextStructTarget = () => {
    if (clientsStructRefsIds.length === 0) {
      return null
    let nextStructsTarget = /** @type {{i:number,refs:Array<GC|Item>}} */ (clientsStructRefs.get(clientsStructRefsIds[clientsStructRefsIds.length - 1]));
    while (nextStructsTarget.refs.length === nextStructsTarget.i) {
      if (clientsStructRefsIds.length > 0) {
        nextStructsTarget = /** @type {{i:number,refs:Array<GC|Item>}} */ (clientsStructRefs.get(clientsStructRefsIds[clientsStructRefsIds.length - 1]));
      } else {
        return null
    return nextStructsTarget
  let curStructsTarget = getNextStructTarget();
  if (curStructsTarget === null && stack.length === 0) {
    return null

   * @type {StructStore}
  const restStructs = new StructStore();
  const missingSV = new Map();
   * @param {number} client
   * @param {number} clock
  const updateMissingSv = (client, clock) => {
    const mclock = missingSV.get(client);
    if (mclock == null || mclock > clock) {
      missingSV.set(client, clock);
   * @type {GC|Item}
  let stackHead = /** @type {any} */ (curStructsTarget).refs[/** @type {any} */ (curStructsTarget).i++];
  // caching the state because it is used very often
  const state = new Map();

  const addStackToRestSS = () => {
    for (const item of stack) {
      const client =;
      const unapplicableItems = clientsStructRefs.get(client);
      if (unapplicableItems) {
        // decrement because we weren't able to apply previous operation
        restStructs.clients.set(client, unapplicableItems.refs.slice(unapplicableItems.i));
        unapplicableItems.i = 0;
        unapplicableItems.refs = [];
      } else {
        // item was the last item on clientsStructRefs and the field was already cleared. Add item to restStructs and continue
        restStructs.clients.set(client, [item]);
      // remove client from clientsStructRefsIds to prevent users from applying the same update again
      clientsStructRefsIds = clientsStructRefsIds.filter(c => c !== client);
    stack.length = 0;

  // iterate over all struct readers until we are done
  while (true) {
    if (stackHead.constructor !== Skip) {
      const localClock = setIfUndefined(state,, () => getState(store,;
      const offset = localClock -;
      if (offset < 0) {
        // update from the same client is missing
        updateMissingSv(, - 1);
        // hid a dead wall, add all items from stack to restSS
      } else {
        const missing = stackHead.getMissing(transaction, store);
        if (missing !== null) {
          // get the struct reader that has the missing struct
           * @type {{ refs: Array<GC|Item>, i: number }}
          const structRefs = clientsStructRefs.get(/** @type {number} */ (missing)) || { refs: [], i: 0 };
          if (structRefs.refs.length === structRefs.i) {
            // This update message causally depends on another update message that doesn't exist yet
            updateMissingSv(/** @type {number} */ (missing), getState(store, missing));
          } else {
            stackHead = structRefs.refs[structRefs.i++];
        } else if (offset === 0 || offset < stackHead.length) {
          // all fine, apply the stackhead
          stackHead.integrate(transaction, offset);
          state.set(, + stackHead.length);
    // iterate to next stackHead
    if (stack.length > 0) {
      stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (stack.pop());
    } else if (curStructsTarget !== null && curStructsTarget.i < curStructsTarget.refs.length) {
      stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (curStructsTarget.refs[curStructsTarget.i++]);
    } else {
      curStructsTarget = getNextStructTarget();
      if (curStructsTarget === null) {
        // we are done!
      } else {
        stackHead = /** @type {GC|Item} */ (curStructsTarget.refs[curStructsTarget.i++]);
  if (restStructs.clients.size > 0) {
    const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2();
    writeClientsStructs(encoder, restStructs, new Map());
    // write empty deleteset
    // writeDeleteSet(encoder, new DeleteSet())
    writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0); // => no need for an extra function call, just write 0 deletes
    return { missing: missingSV, update: encoder.toUint8Array() }
  return null

 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @private
 * @function
const writeStructsFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => writeClientsStructs(encoder,, transaction.beforeState);

 * Read and apply a document update.
 * This function has the same effect as `applyUpdate` but accepts an decoder.
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @param {Doc} ydoc
 * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))`
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} [structDecoder]
 * @function
const readUpdateV2 = (decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, structDecoder = new UpdateDecoderV2(decoder)) =>
  transact(ydoc, transaction => {
    // force that transaction.local is set to non-local
    transaction.local = false;
    let retry = false;
    const doc = transaction.doc;
    const store =;
    // let start =
    const ss = readClientsStructRefs(structDecoder, doc);
    // console.log('time to read structs: ', - start) // @todo remove
    // start =
    // console.log('time to merge: ', - start) // @todo remove
    // start =
    const restStructs = integrateStructs(transaction, store, ss);
    const pending = store.pendingStructs;
    if (pending) {
      // check if we can apply something
      for (const [client, clock] of pending.missing) {
        if (clock < getState(store, client)) {
          retry = true;
      if (restStructs) {
        // merge restStructs into store.pending
        for (const [client, clock] of restStructs.missing) {
          const mclock = pending.missing.get(client);
          if (mclock == null || mclock > clock) {
            pending.missing.set(client, clock);
        pending.update = mergeUpdatesV2([pending.update, restStructs.update]);
    } else {
      store.pendingStructs = restStructs;
    // console.log('time to integrate: ', - start) // @todo remove
    // start =
    const dsRest = readAndApplyDeleteSet(structDecoder, transaction, store);
    if (store.pendingDs) {
      // @todo we could make a lower-bound state-vector check as we do above
      const pendingDSUpdate = new UpdateDecoderV2(createDecoder(store.pendingDs));
      readVarUint(pendingDSUpdate.restDecoder); // read 0 structs, because we only encode deletes in pendingdsupdate
      const dsRest2 = readAndApplyDeleteSet(pendingDSUpdate, transaction, store);
      if (dsRest && dsRest2) {
        // case 1: ds1 != null && ds2 != null
        store.pendingDs = mergeUpdatesV2([dsRest, dsRest2]);
      } else {
        // case 2: ds1 != null
        // case 3: ds2 != null
        // case 4: ds1 == null && ds2 == null
        store.pendingDs = dsRest || dsRest2;
    } else {
      // Either dsRest == null && pendingDs == null OR dsRest != null
      store.pendingDs = dsRest;
    // console.log('time to cleanup: ', - start) // @todo remove
    // start =

    // console.log('time to resume delete readers: ', - start) // @todo remove
    // start =
    if (retry) {
      const update = /** @type {{update: Uint8Array}} */ (store.pendingStructs).update;
      store.pendingStructs = null;
      applyUpdateV2(transaction.doc, update);
  }, transactionOrigin, false);

 * Read and apply a document update.
 * This function has the same effect as `applyUpdate` but accepts an decoder.
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @param {Doc} ydoc
 * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))`
 * @function
const readUpdate = (decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin) => readUpdateV2(decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, new UpdateDecoderV1(decoder));

 * Apply a document update created by, for example, `y.on('update', update => ..)` or `update = encodeStateAsUpdate()`.
 * This function has the same effect as `readUpdate` but accepts an Uint8Array instead of a Decoder.
 * @param {Doc} ydoc
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))`
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder]
 * @function
const applyUpdateV2 = (ydoc, update, transactionOrigin, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
  const decoder = createDecoder(update);
  readUpdateV2(decoder, ydoc, transactionOrigin, new YDecoder(decoder));

 * Apply a document update created by, for example, `y.on('update', update => ..)` or `update = encodeStateAsUpdate()`.
 * This function has the same effect as `readUpdate` but accepts an Uint8Array instead of a Decoder.
 * @param {Doc} ydoc
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {any} [transactionOrigin] This will be stored on `transaction.origin` and `.on('update', (update, origin))`
 * @function
const applyUpdate = (ydoc, update, transactionOrigin) => applyUpdateV2(ydoc, update, transactionOrigin, UpdateDecoderV1);

 * Write all the document as a single update message. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetStateVector`) it will
 * only write the operations that are missing.
 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @param {Map<number,number>} [targetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs
 * @function
const writeStateAsUpdate = (encoder, doc, targetStateVector = new Map()) => {
  writeClientsStructs(encoder,, targetStateVector);
  writeDeleteSet(encoder, createDeleteSetFromStructStore(;

 * Write all the document as a single update message that can be applied on the remote document. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetState`) it will
 * only write the operations that are missing.
 * Use `writeStateAsUpdate` instead if you are working with lib0/encoding.js#Encoder
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @param {Uint8Array} [encodedTargetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs
 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} [encoder]
 * @return {Uint8Array}
 * @function
const encodeStateAsUpdateV2 = (doc, encodedTargetStateVector = new Uint8Array([0]), encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2()) => {
  const targetStateVector = decodeStateVector(encodedTargetStateVector);
  writeStateAsUpdate(encoder, doc, targetStateVector);
  const updates = [encoder.toUint8Array()];
  // also add the pending updates (if there are any)
  if ( {
  if ( {
    updates.push(diffUpdateV2(, encodedTargetStateVector));
  if (updates.length > 1) {
    if (encoder.constructor === UpdateEncoderV1) {
      return mergeUpdates(, i) => i === 0 ? update : convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1(update)))
    } else if (encoder.constructor === UpdateEncoderV2) {
      return mergeUpdatesV2(updates)
  return updates[0]

 * Write all the document as a single update message that can be applied on the remote document. If you specify the state of the remote client (`targetState`) it will
 * only write the operations that are missing.
 * Use `writeStateAsUpdate` instead if you are working with lib0/encoding.js#Encoder
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @param {Uint8Array} [encodedTargetStateVector] The state of the target that receives the update. Leave empty to write all known structs
 * @return {Uint8Array}
 * @function
const encodeStateAsUpdate = (doc, encodedTargetStateVector) => encodeStateAsUpdateV2(doc, encodedTargetStateVector, new UpdateEncoderV1());

 * Read state vector from Decoder and return as Map
 * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {Map<number,number>} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client.
 * @function
const readStateVector = decoder => {
  const ss = new Map();
  const ssLength = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
  for (let i = 0; i < ssLength; i++) {
    const client = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    const clock = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    ss.set(client, clock);
  return ss

 * Read decodedState and return State as Map.
 * @param {Uint8Array} decodedState
 * @return {Map<number,number>} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client.
 * @function
// export const decodeStateVectorV2 = decodedState => readStateVector(new DSDecoderV2(decoding.createDecoder(decodedState)))

 * Read decodedState and return State as Map.
 * @param {Uint8Array} decodedState
 * @return {Map<number,number>} Maps `client` to the number next expected `clock` from that client.
 * @function
const decodeStateVector = decodedState => readStateVector(new DSDecoderV1(createDecoder(decodedState)));

 * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Map<number,number>} sv
 * @function
const writeStateVector = (encoder, sv) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, sv.size);
  array_from(sv.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]).forEach(([client, clock]) => {
    writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, client); // @todo use a special client decoder that is based on mapping
    writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, clock);
  return encoder

 * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @function
const writeDocumentStateVector = (encoder, doc) => writeStateVector(encoder, getStateVector(;

 * Encode State as Uint8Array.
 * @param {Doc|Map<number,number>} doc
 * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} [encoder]
 * @return {Uint8Array}
 * @function
const encodeStateVectorV2 = (doc, encoder = new DSEncoderV2()) => {
  if (doc instanceof Map) {
    writeStateVector(encoder, doc);
  } else {
    writeDocumentStateVector(encoder, doc);
  return encoder.toUint8Array()

 * Encode State as Uint8Array.
 * @param {Doc|Map<number,number>} doc
 * @return {Uint8Array}
 * @function
const encodeStateVector = doc => encodeStateVectorV2(doc, new DSEncoderV1());

 * General event handler implementation.
 * @template ARG0, ARG1
 * @private
class EventHandler {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Array<function(ARG0, ARG1):void>}
    this.l = [];

 * @template ARG0,ARG1
 * @returns {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>}
 * @private
 * @function
const createEventHandler = () => new EventHandler();

 * Adds an event listener that is called when
 * {@link EventHandler#callEventListeners} is called.
 * @template ARG0,ARG1
 * @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
 * @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler.
 * @private
 * @function
const addEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) =>

 * Removes an event listener.
 * @template ARG0,ARG1
 * @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
 * @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler that was added with
 *                     {@link EventHandler#addEventListener}
 * @private
 * @function
const removeEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) => {
  const l = eventHandler.l;
  const len = l.length;
  eventHandler.l = l.filter(g => f !== g);
  if (len === eventHandler.l.length) {
    console.error('[yjs] Tried to remove event handler that doesn\'t exist.');

 * Call all event listeners that were added via
 * {@link EventHandler#addEventListener}.
 * @template ARG0,ARG1
 * @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
 * @param {ARG0} arg0
 * @param {ARG1} arg1
 * @private
 * @function
const callEventHandlerListeners = (eventHandler, arg0, arg1) =>
  callAll(eventHandler.l, [arg0, arg1]);

class ID {
   * @param {number} client client id
   * @param {number} clock unique per client id, continuous number
  constructor (client, clock) {
     * Client id
     * @type {number}
    this.client = client;
     * unique per client id, continuous number
     * @type {number}
    this.clock = clock;

 * @param {ID | null} a
 * @param {ID | null} b
 * @return {boolean}
 * @function
const compareIDs = (a, b) => a === b || (a !== null && b !== null && a.client === b.client && a.clock === b.clock);

 * @param {number} client
 * @param {number} clock
 * @private
 * @function
const createID = (client, clock) => new ID(client, clock);

 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
 * @param {ID} id
 * @private
 * @function
const writeID = (encoder, id) => {
  encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, id.client);
  encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, id.clock);

 * Read ID.
 * * If first varUint read is 0xFFFFFF a RootID is returned.
 * * Otherwise an ID is returned
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @return {ID}
 * @private
 * @function
const readID = decoder =>
  createID(decoding.readVarUint(decoder), decoding.readVarUint(decoder));

 * The top types are mapped from y.share.get(keyname) => type.
 * `type` does not store any information about the `keyname`.
 * This function finds the correct `keyname` for `type` and throws otherwise.
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @return {string}
 * @private
 * @function
const findRootTypeKey = type => {
  // @ts-ignore _y must be defined, otherwise unexpected case
  for (const [key, value] of type.doc.share.entries()) {
    if (value === type) {
      return key
  throw unexpectedCase()

 * Check if `parent` is a parent of `child`.
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {Item|null} child
 * @return {Boolean} Whether `parent` is a parent of `child`.
 * @private
 * @function
const yjs_isParentOf = (parent, child) => {
  while (child !== null) {
    if (child.parent === parent) {
      return true
    child = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (child.parent)._item;
  return false

 * Convenient helper to log type information.
 * Do not use in productive systems as the output can be immense!
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
const logType = type => {
  const res = [];
  let n = type._start;
  while (n) {
    n = n.right;
  console.log('Children: ', res);
  console.log('Children content: ', res.filter(m => !m.deleted).map(m => m.content));

class PermanentUserData {
   * @param {Doc} doc
   * @param {YMap<any>} [storeType]
  constructor (doc, storeType = doc.getMap('users')) {
     * @type {Map<string,DeleteSet>}
    const dss = new Map();
    this.yusers = storeType;
    this.doc = doc;
     * Maps from clientid to userDescription
     * @type {Map<number,string>}
    this.clients = new Map();
    this.dss = dss;
     * @param {YMap<any>} user
     * @param {string} userDescription
    const initUser = (user, userDescription) => {
       * @type {YArray<Uint8Array>}
      const ds = user.get('ds');
      const ids = user.get('ids');
      const addClientId = /** @param {number} clientid */ clientid => this.clients.set(clientid, userDescription);
      ds.observe(/** @param {YArrayEvent<any>} event */ event => {
        event.changes.added.forEach(item => {
          item.content.getContent().forEach(encodedDs => {
            if (encodedDs instanceof Uint8Array) {
              this.dss.set(userDescription, mergeDeleteSets([this.dss.get(userDescription) || createDeleteSet(), readDeleteSet(new DSDecoderV1(decoding.createDecoder(encodedDs)))]));
      this.dss.set(userDescription, mergeDeleteSets( => readDeleteSet(new DSDecoderV1(decoding.createDecoder(encodedDs))))));
      ids.observe(/** @param {YArrayEvent<any>} event */ event =>
        event.changes.added.forEach(item => item.content.getContent().forEach(addClientId))
    // observe users
    storeType.observe(event => {
      event.keysChanged.forEach(userDescription =>
        initUser(storeType.get(userDescription), userDescription)
    // add intial data

   * @param {Doc} doc
   * @param {number} clientid
   * @param {string} userDescription
   * @param {Object} conf
   * @param {function(Transaction, DeleteSet):boolean} [conf.filter]
  setUserMapping (doc, clientid, userDescription, { filter = () => true } = {}) {
    const users = this.yusers;
    let user = users.get(userDescription);
    if (!user) {
      user = new YMap();
      user.set('ids', new YArray());
      user.set('ds', new YArray());
      users.set(userDescription, user);
    users.observe(_event => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const userOverwrite = users.get(userDescription);
        if (userOverwrite !== user) {
          // user was overwritten, port all data over to the next user object
          // @todo Experiment with Y.Sets here
          user = userOverwrite;
          // @todo iterate over old type
          this.clients.forEach((_userDescription, clientid) => {
            if (userDescription === _userDescription) {
          const encoder = new DSEncoderV1();
          const ds = this.dss.get(userDescription);
          if (ds) {
            writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds);
      }, 0);
    doc.on('afterTransaction', /** @param {Transaction} transaction */ transaction => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const yds = user.get('ds');
        const ds = transaction.deleteSet;
        if (transaction.local && ds.clients.size > 0 && filter(transaction, ds)) {
          const encoder = new DSEncoderV1();
          writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds);

   * @param {number} clientid
   * @return {any}
  getUserByClientId (clientid) {
    return this.clients.get(clientid) || null

   * @param {ID} id
   * @return {string | null}
  getUserByDeletedId (id) {
    for (const [userDescription, ds] of this.dss.entries()) {
      if (isDeleted(ds, id)) {
        return userDescription
    return null

 * A relative position is based on the Yjs model and is not affected by document changes.
 * E.g. If you place a relative position before a certain character, it will always point to this character.
 * If you place a relative position at the end of a type, it will always point to the end of the type.
 * A numeric position is often unsuited for user selections, because it does not change when content is inserted
 * before or after.
 * ```Insert(0, 'x')('a|bc') = 'xa|bc'``` Where | is the relative position.
 * One of the properties must be defined.
 * @example
 *   // Current cursor position is at position 10
 *   const relativePosition = createRelativePositionFromIndex(yText, 10)
 *   // modify yText
 *   yText.insert(0, 'abc')
 *   yText.delete(3, 10)
 *   // Compute the cursor position
 *   const absolutePosition = createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition(y, relativePosition)
 *   absolutePosition.type === yText // => true
 *   console.log('cursor location is ' + absolutePosition.index) // => cursor location is 3
class RelativePosition {
   * @param {ID|null} type
   * @param {string|null} tname
   * @param {ID|null} item
   * @param {number} assoc
  constructor (type, tname, item, assoc = 0) {
     * @type {ID|null}
    this.type = type;
     * @type {string|null}
    this.tname = tname;
     * @type {ID | null}
    this.item = item;
     * A relative position is associated to a specific character. By default
     * assoc >= 0, the relative position is associated to the character
     * after the meant position.
     * I.e. position 1 in 'ab' is associated to character 'b'.
     * If assoc < 0, then the relative position is associated to the caharacter
     * before the meant position.
     * @type {number}
    this.assoc = assoc;

 * @param {RelativePosition} rpos
 * @return {any}
const relativePositionToJSON = rpos => {
  const json = {};
  if (rpos.type) {
    json.type = rpos.type;
  if (rpos.tname) {
    json.tname = rpos.tname;
  if (rpos.item) {
    json.item = rpos.item;
  if (rpos.assoc != null) {
    json.assoc = rpos.assoc;
  return json

 * @param {any} json
 * @return {RelativePosition}
 * @function
const createRelativePositionFromJSON = json => new RelativePosition(json.type == null ? null : createID(json.type.client, json.type.clock), json.tname || null, json.item == null ? null : createID(json.item.client, json.item.clock), json.assoc == null ? 0 : json.assoc);

class AbsolutePosition {
   * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
   * @param {number} index
   * @param {number} [assoc]
  constructor (type, index, assoc = 0) {
     * @type {AbstractType<any>}
    this.type = type;
     * @type {number}
    this.index = index;
    this.assoc = assoc;

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {number} index
 * @param {number} [assoc]
 * @function
const createAbsolutePosition = (type, index, assoc = 0) => new AbsolutePosition(type, index, assoc);

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {ID|null} item
 * @param {number} [assoc]
 * @function
const createRelativePosition = (type, item, assoc) => {
  let typeid = null;
  let tname = null;
  if (type._item === null) {
    tname = findRootTypeKey(type);
  } else {
    typeid = createID(,;
  return new RelativePosition(typeid, tname, item, assoc)

 * Create a relativePosition based on a absolute position.
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type The base type (e.g. YText or YArray).
 * @param {number} index The absolute position.
 * @param {number} [assoc]
 * @return {RelativePosition}
 * @function
const createRelativePositionFromTypeIndex = (type, index, assoc = 0) => {
  let t = type._start;
  if (assoc < 0) {
    // associated to the left character or the beginning of a type, increment index if possible.
    if (index === 0) {
      return createRelativePosition(type, null, assoc)
  while (t !== null) {
    if (!t.deleted && t.countable) {
      if (t.length > index) {
        // case 1: found position somewhere in the linked list
        return createRelativePosition(type, createID(, + index), assoc)
      index -= t.length;
    if (t.right === null && assoc < 0) {
      // left-associated position, return last available id
      return createRelativePosition(type, t.lastId, assoc)
    t = t.right;
  return createRelativePosition(type, null, assoc)

 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
 * @param {RelativePosition} rpos
 * @function
const writeRelativePosition = (encoder, rpos) => {
  const { type, tname, item, assoc } = rpos;
  if (item !== null) {
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 0);
    writeID(encoder, item);
  } else if (tname !== null) {
    // case 2: found position at the end of the list and type is stored in y.share
    encoding.writeUint8(encoder, 1);
    encoding.writeVarString(encoder, tname);
  } else if (type !== null) {
    // case 3: found position at the end of the list and type is attached to an item
    encoding.writeUint8(encoder, 2);
    writeID(encoder, type);
  } else {
    throw error.unexpectedCase()
  encoding.writeVarInt(encoder, assoc);
  return encoder

 * @param {RelativePosition} rpos
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeRelativePosition = rpos => {
  const encoder = encoding.createEncoder();
  writeRelativePosition(encoder, rpos);
  return encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)

 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @return {RelativePosition}
 * @function
const readRelativePosition = decoder => {
  let type = null;
  let tname = null;
  let itemID = null;
  switch (decoding.readVarUint(decoder)) {
    case 0:
      // case 1: found position somewhere in the linked list
      itemID = readID(decoder);
    case 1:
      // case 2: found position at the end of the list and type is stored in y.share
      tname = decoding.readVarString(decoder);
    case 2: {
      // case 3: found position at the end of the list and type is attached to an item
      type = readID(decoder);
  const assoc = decoding.hasContent(decoder) ? decoding.readVarInt(decoder) : 0;
  return new RelativePosition(type, tname, itemID, assoc)

 * @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
 * @return {RelativePosition}
const decodeRelativePosition = uint8Array => readRelativePosition(decoding.createDecoder(uint8Array));

 * @param {RelativePosition} rpos
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @return {AbsolutePosition|null}
 * @function
const createAbsolutePositionFromRelativePosition = (rpos, doc) => {
  const store =;
  const rightID = rpos.item;
  const typeID = rpos.type;
  const tname = rpos.tname;
  const assoc = rpos.assoc;
  let type = null;
  let index = 0;
  if (rightID !== null) {
    if (getState(store, rightID.client) <= rightID.clock) {
      return null
    const res = followRedone(store, rightID);
    const right = res.item;
    if (!(right instanceof Item)) {
      return null
    type = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (right.parent);
    if (type._item === null || !type._item.deleted) {
      index = (right.deleted || !right.countable) ? 0 : (res.diff + (assoc >= 0 ? 0 : 1)); // adjust position based on left association if necessary
      let n = right.left;
      while (n !== null) {
        if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
          index += n.length;
        n = n.left;
  } else {
    if (tname !== null) {
      type = doc.get(tname);
    } else if (typeID !== null) {
      if (getState(store, typeID.client) <= typeID.clock) {
        // type does not exist yet
        return null
      const { item } = followRedone(store, typeID);
      if (item instanceof Item && item.content instanceof ContentType) {
        type = item.content.type;
      } else {
        // struct is garbage collected
        return null
    } else {
      throw error.unexpectedCase()
    if (assoc >= 0) {
      index = type._length;
    } else {
      index = 0;
  return createAbsolutePosition(type, index, rpos.assoc)

 * @param {RelativePosition|null} a
 * @param {RelativePosition|null} b
 * @return {boolean}
 * @function
const compareRelativePositions = (a, b) => a === b || (
  a !== null && b !== null && a.tname === b.tname && compareIDs(a.item, b.item) && compareIDs(a.type, b.type) && a.assoc === b.assoc

class Snapshot {
   * @param {DeleteSet} ds
   * @param {Map<number,number>} sv state map
  constructor (ds, sv) {
     * @type {DeleteSet}
    this.ds = ds;
     * State Map
     * @type {Map<number,number>}
     */ = sv;

 * @param {Snapshot} snap1
 * @param {Snapshot} snap2
 * @return {boolean}
const equalSnapshots = (snap1, snap2) => {
  const ds1 = snap1.ds.clients;
  const ds2 = snap2.ds.clients;
  const sv1 =;
  const sv2 =;
  if (sv1.size !== sv2.size || ds1.size !== ds2.size) {
    return false
  for (const [key, value] of sv1.entries()) {
    if (sv2.get(key) !== value) {
      return false
  for (const [client, dsitems1] of ds1.entries()) {
    const dsitems2 = ds2.get(client) || [];
    if (dsitems1.length !== dsitems2.length) {
      return false
    for (let i = 0; i < dsitems1.length; i++) {
      const dsitem1 = dsitems1[i];
      const dsitem2 = dsitems2[i];
      if (dsitem1.clock !== dsitem2.clock || dsitem1.len !== dsitem2.len) {
        return false
  return true

 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} [encoder]
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeSnapshotV2 = (snapshot, encoder = new DSEncoderV2()) => {
  writeDeleteSet(encoder, snapshot.ds);
  return encoder.toUint8Array()

 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeSnapshot = snapshot => encodeSnapshotV2(snapshot, new DSEncoderV1());

 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @param {DSDecoderV1 | DSDecoderV2} [decoder]
 * @return {Snapshot}
const decodeSnapshotV2 = (buf, decoder = new DSDecoderV2(decoding.createDecoder(buf))) => {
  return new Snapshot(readDeleteSet(decoder), readStateVector(decoder))

 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {Snapshot}
const decodeSnapshot = buf => decodeSnapshotV2(buf, new DSDecoderV1(decoding.createDecoder(buf)));

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {Map<number,number>} sm
 * @return {Snapshot}
const createSnapshot = (ds, sm) => new Snapshot(ds, sm);

const emptySnapshot = createSnapshot(createDeleteSet(), new Map());

 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @return {Snapshot}
const snapshot = doc => createSnapshot(createDeleteSetFromStructStore(, getStateVector(;

 * @param {Item} item
 * @param {Snapshot|undefined} snapshot
 * @protected
 * @function
const isVisible = (item, snapshot) => snapshot === undefined
  ? !item.deleted
  : && ( || 0) > && !isDeleted(snapshot.ds,;

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
const splitSnapshotAffectedStructs = (transaction, snapshot) => {
  const meta = setIfUndefined(transaction.meta, splitSnapshotAffectedStructs, set_create);
  const store =;
  // check if we already split for this snapshot
  if (!meta.has(snapshot)) {, client) => {
      if (clock < getState(store, client)) {
        getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(client, clock));
    iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, snapshot.ds, _item => {});

 * @example
 *  const ydoc = new Y.Doc({ gc: false })
 *  ydoc.getText().insert(0, 'world!')
 *  const snapshot = Y.snapshot(ydoc)
 *  ydoc.getText().insert(0, 'hello ')
 *  const restored = Y.createDocFromSnapshot(ydoc, snapshot)
 *  assert(restored.getText().toString() === 'world!')
 * @param {Doc} originDoc
 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @param {Doc} [newDoc] Optionally, you may define the Yjs document that receives the data from originDoc
 * @return {Doc}
const createDocFromSnapshot = (originDoc, snapshot, newDoc = new Doc()) => {
  if (originDoc.gc) {
    // we should not try to restore a GC-ed document, because some of the restored items might have their content deleted
    throw new Error('Garbage-collection must be disabled in `originDoc`!')
  const { sv, ds } = snapshot;

  const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2();
  originDoc.transact(transaction => {
    let size = 0;
    sv.forEach(clock => {
      if (clock > 0) {
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, size);
    // splitting the structs before writing them to the encoder
    for (const [client, clock] of sv) {
      if (clock === 0) {
      if (clock < getState(, client)) {
        getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(client, clock));
      const structs = || [];
      const lastStructIndex = findIndexSS(structs, clock - 1);
      // write # encoded structs
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, lastStructIndex + 1);
      // first clock written is 0
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0);
      for (let i = 0; i <= lastStructIndex; i++) {
        structs[i].write(encoder, 0);
    writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds);

  applyUpdateV2(newDoc, encoder.toUint8Array(), 'snapshot');
  return newDoc

 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder]
const snapshotContainsUpdateV2 = (snapshot, update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
  const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding.createDecoder(update));
  const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false);
  for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = {
    if (( || 0) < + curr.length) {
      return false
  const mergedDS = mergeDeleteSets([snapshot.ds, readDeleteSet(updateDecoder)]);
  return equalDeleteSets(snapshot.ds, mergedDS)

 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const snapshotContainsUpdate = (snapshot, update) => snapshotContainsUpdateV2(snapshot, update, UpdateDecoderV1);

class StructStore {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Map<number,Array<GC|Item>>}
    this.clients = new Map();
     * @type {null | { missing: Map<number, number>, update: Uint8Array }}
    this.pendingStructs = null;
     * @type {null | Uint8Array}
    this.pendingDs = null;

 * Return the states as a Map<client,clock>.
 * Note that clock refers to the next expected clock id.
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @return {Map<number,number>}
 * @public
 * @function
const getStateVector = store => {
  const sm = new Map();
  store.clients.forEach((structs, client) => {
    const struct = structs[structs.length - 1];
    sm.set(client, + struct.length);
  return sm

 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {number} client
 * @return {number}
 * @public
 * @function
const getState = (store, client) => {
  const structs = store.clients.get(client);
  if (structs === undefined) {
    return 0
  const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1];
  return + lastStruct.length

 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {GC|Item} struct
 * @private
 * @function
const addStruct = (store, struct) => {
  let structs = store.clients.get(;
  if (structs === undefined) {
    structs = [];
    store.clients.set(, structs);
  } else {
    const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1];
    if ( + lastStruct.length !== {
      throw unexpectedCase()

 * Perform a binary search on a sorted array
 * @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
 * @param {number} clock
 * @return {number}
 * @private
 * @function
const findIndexSS = (structs, clock) => {
  let left = 0;
  let right = structs.length - 1;
  let mid = structs[right];
  let midclock =;
  if (midclock === clock) {
    return right
  // @todo does it even make sense to pivot the search?
  // If a good split misses, it might actually increase the time to find the correct item.
  // Currently, the only advantage is that search with pivoting might find the item on the first try.
  let midindex = floor((clock / (midclock + mid.length - 1)) * right); // pivoting the search
  while (left <= right) {
    mid = structs[midindex];
    midclock =;
    if (midclock <= clock) {
      if (clock < midclock + mid.length) {
        return midindex
      left = midindex + 1;
    } else {
      right = midindex - 1;
    midindex = floor((left + right) / 2);
  // Always check state before looking for a struct in StructStore
  // Therefore the case of not finding a struct is unexpected
  throw unexpectedCase()

 * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {ID} id
 * @return {GC|Item}
 * @private
 * @function
const find = (store, id) => {
   * @type {Array<GC|Item>}
  // @ts-ignore
  const structs = store.clients.get(id.client);
  return structs[findIndexSS(structs, id.clock)]

 * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
 * @private
 * @function
const getItem = /** @type {function(StructStore,ID):Item} */ (find);

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
 * @param {number} clock
const findIndexCleanStart = (transaction, structs, clock) => {
  const index = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
  const struct = structs[index];
  if ( < clock && struct instanceof Item) {
    structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clock -;
    return index + 1
  return index

 * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {ID} id
 * @return {Item}
 * @private
 * @function
const getItemCleanStart = (transaction, id) => {
  const structs = /** @type {Array<Item>} */ (;
  return structs[findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, id.clock)]

 * Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {ID} id
 * @return {Item}
 * @private
 * @function
const getItemCleanEnd = (transaction, store, id) => {
   * @type {Array<Item>}
  // @ts-ignore
  const structs = store.clients.get(id.client);
  const index = findIndexSS(structs, id.clock);
  const struct = structs[index];
  if (id.clock !== + struct.length - 1 && struct.constructor !== GC) {
    structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, id.clock - + 1));
  return struct

 * Replace `item` with `newitem` in store
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {GC|Item} struct
 * @param {GC|Item} newStruct
 * @private
 * @function
const replaceStruct = (store, struct, newStruct) => {
  const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(;
  structs[findIndexSS(structs,] = newStruct;

 * Iterate over a range of structs
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
 * @param {number} clockStart Inclusive start
 * @param {number} len
 * @param {function(GC|Item):void} f
 * @function
const iterateStructs = (transaction, structs, clockStart, len, f) => {
  if (len === 0) {
  const clockEnd = clockStart + len;
  let index = findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockStart);
  let struct;
  do {
    struct = structs[index++];
    if (clockEnd < + struct.length) {
      findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockEnd);
  } while (index < structs.length && structs[index].id.clock < clockEnd)

 * A transaction is created for every change on the Yjs model. It is possible
 * to bundle changes on the Yjs model in a single transaction to
 * minimize the number on messages sent and the number of observer calls.
 * If possible the user of this library should bundle as many changes as
 * possible. Here is an example to illustrate the advantages of bundling:
 * @example
 * const map = y.define('map', YMap)
 * // Log content when change is triggered
 * map.observe(() => {
 *   console.log('change triggered')
 * })
 * // Each change on the map type triggers a log message:
 * map.set('a', 0) // => "change triggered"
 * map.set('b', 0) // => "change triggered"
 * // When put in a transaction, it will trigger the log after the transaction:
 * y.transact(() => {
 *   map.set('a', 1)
 *   map.set('b', 1)
 * }) // => "change triggered"
 * @public
class Transaction {
   * @param {Doc} doc
   * @param {any} origin
   * @param {boolean} local
  constructor (doc, origin, local) {
     * The Yjs instance.
     * @type {Doc}
    this.doc = doc;
     * Describes the set of deleted items by ids
     * @type {DeleteSet}
    this.deleteSet = new DeleteSet();
     * Holds the state before the transaction started.
     * @type {Map<Number,Number>}
    this.beforeState = getStateVector(;
     * Holds the state after the transaction.
     * @type {Map<Number,Number>}
    this.afterState = new Map();
     * All types that were directly modified (property added or child
     * inserted/deleted). New types are not included in this Set.
     * Maps from type to parentSubs (`item.parentSub = null` for YArray)
     * @type {Map<AbstractType<YEvent<any>>,Set<String|null>>}
    this.changed = new Map();
     * Stores the events for the types that observe also child elements.
     * It is mainly used by `observeDeep`.
     * @type {Map<AbstractType<YEvent<any>>,Array<YEvent<any>>>}
    this.changedParentTypes = new Map();
     * @type {Array<AbstractStruct>}
    this._mergeStructs = [];
     * @type {any}
    this.origin = origin;
     * Stores meta information on the transaction
     * @type {Map<any,any>}
    this.meta = new Map();
     * Whether this change originates from this doc.
     * @type {boolean}
    this.local = local;
     * @type {Set<Doc>}
    this.subdocsAdded = new Set();
     * @type {Set<Doc>}
    this.subdocsRemoved = new Set();
     * @type {Set<Doc>}
    this.subdocsLoaded = new Set();
     * @type {boolean}
    this._needFormattingCleanup = false;

 * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @return {boolean} Whether data was written.
const writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => {
  if (transaction.deleteSet.clients.size === 0 && !any(transaction.afterState, (clock, client) => transaction.beforeState.get(client) !== clock)) {
    return false
  writeStructsFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
  writeDeleteSet(encoder, transaction.deleteSet);
  return true

 * If `type.parent` was added in current transaction, `type` technically
 * did not change, it was just added and we should not fire events for `type`.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<YEvent<any>>} type
 * @param {string|null} parentSub
const addChangedTypeToTransaction = (transaction, type, parentSub) => {
  const item = type._item;
  if (item === null || ( < (transaction.beforeState.get( || 0) && !item.deleted)) {
    setIfUndefined(transaction.changed, type, set_create).add(parentSub);

 * @param {Array<AbstractStruct>} structs
 * @param {number} pos
 * @return {number} # of merged structs
const tryToMergeWithLefts = (structs, pos) => {
  let right = structs[pos];
  let left = structs[pos - 1];
  let i = pos;
  for (; i > 0; right = left, left = structs[--i - 1]) {
    if (left.deleted === right.deleted && left.constructor === right.constructor) {
      if (left.mergeWith(right)) {
        if (right instanceof Item && right.parentSub !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (right.parent)._map.get(right.parentSub) === right) {
          /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (right.parent)._map.set(right.parentSub, /** @type {Item} */ (left));
  const merged = pos - i;
  if (merged) {
    // remove all merged structs from the array
    structs.splice(pos + 1 - merged, merged);
  return merged

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {function(Item):boolean} gcFilter
const tryGcDeleteSet = (ds, store, gcFilter) => {
  for (const [client, deleteItems] of ds.clients.entries()) {
    const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
    for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) {
      const deleteItem = deleteItems[di];
      const endDeleteItemClock = deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len;
      for (
        let si = findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock), struct = structs[si];
        si < structs.length && < endDeleteItemClock;
        struct = structs[++si]
      ) {
        const struct = structs[si];
        if (deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len <= {
        if (struct instanceof Item && struct.deleted && !struct.keep && gcFilter(struct)) {
          struct.gc(store, false);

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {StructStore} store
const tryMergeDeleteSet = (ds, store) => {
  // try to merge deleted / gc'd items
  // merge from right to left for better efficiecy and so we don't miss any merge targets
  ds.clients.forEach((deleteItems, client) => {
    const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
    for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) {
      const deleteItem = deleteItems[di];
      // start with merging the item next to the last deleted item
      const mostRightIndexToCheck = min(structs.length - 1, 1 + findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len - 1));
      for (
        let si = mostRightIndexToCheck, struct = structs[si];
        si > 0 && >= deleteItem.clock;
        struct = structs[si]
      ) {
        si -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, si);

 * @param {DeleteSet} ds
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {function(Item):boolean} gcFilter
const tryGc = (ds, store, gcFilter) => {
  tryGcDeleteSet(ds, store, gcFilter);
  tryMergeDeleteSet(ds, store);

 * @param {Array<Transaction>} transactionCleanups
 * @param {number} i
const cleanupTransactions = (transactionCleanups, i) => {
  if (i < transactionCleanups.length) {
    const transaction = transactionCleanups[i];
    const doc = transaction.doc;
    const store =;
    const ds = transaction.deleteSet;
    const mergeStructs = transaction._mergeStructs;
    try {
      transaction.afterState = getStateVector(;
      doc.emit('beforeObserverCalls', [transaction, doc]);
       * An array of event callbacks.
       * Each callback is called even if the other ones throw errors.
       * @type {Array<function():void>}
      const fs = [];
      // observe events on changed types
      transaction.changed.forEach((subs, itemtype) =>
        fs.push(() => {
          if (itemtype._item === null || !itemtype._item.deleted) {
            itemtype._callObserver(transaction, subs);
      fs.push(() => {
        // deep observe events
        transaction.changedParentTypes.forEach((events, type) => {
          // We need to think about the possibility that the user transforms the
          // Y.Doc in the event.
          if (type._dEH.l.length > 0 && (type._item === null || !type._item.deleted)) {
            events = events
              .filter(event =>
       === null || !
              .forEach(event => {
                event.currentTarget = type;
                // path is relative to the current target
                event._path = null;
            // sort events by path length so that top-level events are fired first.
              .sort((event1, event2) => event1.path.length - event2.path.length);
            // We don't need to check for events.length
            // because we know it has at least one element
            callEventHandlerListeners(type._dEH, events, transaction);
      fs.push(() => doc.emit('afterTransaction', [transaction, doc]));
      callAll(fs, []);
      if (transaction._needFormattingCleanup) {
    } finally {
      // Replace deleted items with ItemDeleted / GC.
      // This is where content is actually remove from the Yjs Doc.
      if (doc.gc) {
        tryGcDeleteSet(ds, store, doc.gcFilter);
      tryMergeDeleteSet(ds, store);

      // on all affected store.clients props, try to merge
      transaction.afterState.forEach((clock, client) => {
        const beforeClock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0;
        if (beforeClock !== clock) {
          const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
          // we iterate from right to left so we can safely remove entries
          const firstChangePos = max(findIndexSS(structs, beforeClock), 1);
          for (let i = structs.length - 1; i >= firstChangePos;) {
            i -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, i);
      // try to merge mergeStructs
      // @todo: it makes more sense to transform mergeStructs to a DS, sort it, and merge from right to left
      //        but at the moment DS does not handle duplicates
      for (let i = mergeStructs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const { client, clock } = mergeStructs[i].id;
        const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
        const replacedStructPos = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
        if (replacedStructPos + 1 < structs.length) {
          if (tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos + 1) > 1) {
            continue // no need to perform next check, both are already merged
        if (replacedStructPos > 0) {
          tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos);
      if (!transaction.local && transaction.afterState.get(doc.clientID) !== transaction.beforeState.get(doc.clientID)) {
        print(ORANGE, BOLD, '[yjs] ', UNBOLD, RED, 'Changed the client-id because another client seems to be using it.');
        doc.clientID = generateNewClientId();
      // @todo Merge all the transactions into one and provide send the data as a single update message
      doc.emit('afterTransactionCleanup', [transaction, doc]);
      if (doc._observers.has('update')) {
        const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV1();
        const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
        if (hasContent) {
          doc.emit('update', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]);
      if (doc._observers.has('updateV2')) {
        const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2();
        const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
        if (hasContent) {
          doc.emit('updateV2', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]);
      const { subdocsAdded, subdocsLoaded, subdocsRemoved } = transaction;
      if (subdocsAdded.size > 0 || subdocsRemoved.size > 0 || subdocsLoaded.size > 0) {
        subdocsAdded.forEach(subdoc => {
          subdoc.clientID = doc.clientID;
          if (subdoc.collectionid == null) {
            subdoc.collectionid = doc.collectionid;
        subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => doc.subdocs.delete(subdoc));
        doc.emit('subdocs', [{ loaded: subdocsLoaded, added: subdocsAdded, removed: subdocsRemoved }, doc, transaction]);
        subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy());

      if (transactionCleanups.length <= i + 1) {
        doc._transactionCleanups = [];
        doc.emit('afterAllTransactions', [doc, transactionCleanups]);
      } else {
        cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, i + 1);

 * Implements the functionality of `y.transact(()=>{..})`
 * @template T
 * @param {Doc} doc
 * @param {function(Transaction):T} f
 * @param {any} [origin=true]
 * @return {T}
 * @function
const transact = (doc, f, origin = null, local = true) => {
  const transactionCleanups = doc._transactionCleanups;
  let initialCall = false;
   * @type {any}
  let result = null;
  if (doc._transaction === null) {
    initialCall = true;
    doc._transaction = new Transaction(doc, origin, local);
    if (transactionCleanups.length === 1) {
      doc.emit('beforeAllTransactions', [doc]);
    doc.emit('beforeTransaction', [doc._transaction, doc]);
  try {
    result = f(doc._transaction);
  } finally {
    if (initialCall) {
      const finishCleanup = doc._transaction === transactionCleanups[0];
      doc._transaction = null;
      if (finishCleanup) {
        // The first transaction ended, now process observer calls.
        // Observer call may create new transactions for which we need to call the observers and do cleanup.
        // We don't want to nest these calls, so we execute these calls one after
        // another.
        // Also we need to ensure that all cleanups are called, even if the
        // observes throw errors.
        // This file is full of hacky try {} finally {} blocks to ensure that an
        // event can throw errors and also that the cleanup is called.
        cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, 0);
  return result

class StackItem {
   * @param {DeleteSet} deletions
   * @param {DeleteSet} insertions
  constructor (deletions, insertions) {
    this.insertions = insertions;
    this.deletions = deletions;
     * Use this to save and restore metadata like selection range
    this.meta = new Map();
 * @param {Transaction} tr
 * @param {UndoManager} um
 * @param {StackItem} stackItem
const clearUndoManagerStackItem = (tr, um, stackItem) => {
  iterateDeletedStructs(tr, stackItem.deletions, item => {
    if (item instanceof Item && um.scope.some(type => yjs_isParentOf(type, item))) {
      keepItem(item, false);

 * @param {UndoManager} undoManager
 * @param {Array<StackItem>} stack
 * @param {string} eventType
 * @return {StackItem?}
const popStackItem = (undoManager, stack, eventType) => {
   * Whether a change happened
   * @type {StackItem?}
  let result = null;
   * Keep a reference to the transaction so we can fire the event with the changedParentTypes
   * @type {any}
  let _tr = null;
  const doc = undoManager.doc;
  const scope = undoManager.scope;
  transact(doc, transaction => {
    while (stack.length > 0 && result === null) {
      const store =;
      const stackItem = /** @type {StackItem} */ (stack.pop());
       * @type {Set<Item>}
      const itemsToRedo = new Set();
       * @type {Array<Item>}
      const itemsToDelete = [];
      let performedChange = false;
      iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, stackItem.insertions, struct => {
        if (struct instanceof Item) {
          if (struct.redone !== null) {
            let { item, diff } = followRedone(store,;
            if (diff > 0) {
              item = getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + diff));
            struct = item;
          if (!struct.deleted && scope.some(type => yjs_isParentOf(type, /** @type {Item} */ (struct)))) {
      iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, stackItem.deletions, struct => {
        if (
          struct instanceof Item &&
          scope.some(type => yjs_isParentOf(type, struct)) &&
          // Never redo structs in stackItem.insertions because they were created and deleted in the same capture interval.
        ) {
      itemsToRedo.forEach(struct => {
        performedChange = redoItem(transaction, struct, itemsToRedo, stackItem.insertions, undoManager.ignoreRemoteMapChanges, undoManager) !== null || performedChange;
      // We want to delete in reverse order so that children are deleted before
      // parents, so we have more information available when items are filtered.
      for (let i = itemsToDelete.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const item = itemsToDelete[i];
        if (undoManager.deleteFilter(item)) {
          performedChange = true;
      result = performedChange ? stackItem : null;
    transaction.changed.forEach((subProps, type) => {
      // destroy search marker if necessary
      if (subProps.has(null) && type._searchMarker) {
        type._searchMarker.length = 0;
    _tr = transaction;
  }, undoManager);
  if (result != null) {
    const changedParentTypes = _tr.changedParentTypes;
    undoManager.emit('stack-item-popped', [{ stackItem: result, type: eventType, changedParentTypes }, undoManager]);
  return result

 * @typedef {Object} UndoManagerOptions
 * @property {number} [UndoManagerOptions.captureTimeout=500]
 * @property {function(Transaction):boolean} [UndoManagerOptions.captureTransaction] Do not capture changes of a Transaction if result false.
 * @property {function(Item):boolean} [UndoManagerOptions.deleteFilter=()=>true] Sometimes
 * it is necessary to filter what an Undo/Redo operation can delete. If this
 * filter returns false, the type/item won't be deleted even it is in the
 * undo/redo scope.
 * @property {Set<any>} [UndoManagerOptions.trackedOrigins=new Set([null])]
 * @property {boolean} [ignoreRemoteMapChanges] Experimental. By default, the UndoManager will never overwrite remote changes. Enable this property to enable overwriting remote changes on key-value changes (Y.Map, properties on Y.Xml, etc..).
 * @property {Doc} [doc] The document that this UndoManager operates on. Only needed if typeScope is empty.

 * Fires 'stack-item-added' event when a stack item was added to either the undo- or
 * the redo-stack. You may store additional stack information via the
 * metadata property on `event.stackItem.meta` (it is a `Map` of metadata properties).
 * Fires 'stack-item-popped' event when a stack item was popped from either the
 * undo- or the redo-stack. You may restore the saved stack information from `event.stackItem.meta`.
 * @extends {Observable<'stack-item-added'|'stack-item-popped'|'stack-cleared'|'stack-item-updated'>}
class UndoManager extends (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Observable)) {
   * @param {AbstractType<any>|Array<AbstractType<any>>} typeScope Accepts either a single type, or an array of types
   * @param {UndoManagerOptions} options
  constructor (typeScope, {
    captureTimeout = 500,
    captureTransaction = _tr => true,
    deleteFilter = () => true,
    trackedOrigins = new Set([null]),
    ignoreRemoteMapChanges = false,
    doc = /** @type {Doc} */ (array.isArray(typeScope) ? typeScope[0].doc : typeScope.doc)
  } = {}) {
     * @type {Array<AbstractType<any>>}
    this.scope = [];
    this.deleteFilter = deleteFilter;
    this.trackedOrigins = trackedOrigins;
    this.captureTransaction = captureTransaction;
     * @type {Array<StackItem>}
    this.undoStack = [];
     * @type {Array<StackItem>}
    this.redoStack = [];
     * Whether the client is currently undoing (calling UndoManager.undo)
     * @type {boolean}
    this.undoing = false;
    this.redoing = false;
    this.doc = doc;
    this.lastChange = 0;
    this.ignoreRemoteMapChanges = ignoreRemoteMapChanges;
    this.captureTimeout = captureTimeout;
     * @param {Transaction} transaction
    this.afterTransactionHandler = transaction => {
      // Only track certain transactions
      if (
        !this.captureTransaction(transaction) ||
        !this.scope.some(type => transaction.changedParentTypes.has(type)) ||
        (!this.trackedOrigins.has(transaction.origin) && (!transaction.origin || !this.trackedOrigins.has(transaction.origin.constructor)))
      ) {
      const undoing = this.undoing;
      const redoing = this.redoing;
      const stack = undoing ? this.redoStack : this.undoStack;
      if (undoing) {
        this.stopCapturing(); // next undo should not be appended to last stack item
      } else if (!redoing) {
        // neither undoing nor redoing: delete redoStack
        this.clear(false, true);
      const insertions = new DeleteSet();
      transaction.afterState.forEach((endClock, client) => {
        const startClock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0;
        const len = endClock - startClock;
        if (len > 0) {
          addToDeleteSet(insertions, client, startClock, len);
      const now = time.getUnixTime();
      let didAdd = false;
      if (this.lastChange > 0 && now - this.lastChange < this.captureTimeout && stack.length > 0 && !undoing && !redoing) {
        // append change to last stack op
        const lastOp = stack[stack.length - 1];
        lastOp.deletions = mergeDeleteSets([lastOp.deletions, transaction.deleteSet]);
        lastOp.insertions = mergeDeleteSets([lastOp.insertions, insertions]);
      } else {
        // create a new stack op
        stack.push(new StackItem(transaction.deleteSet, insertions));
        didAdd = true;
      if (!undoing && !redoing) {
        this.lastChange = now;
      // make sure that deleted structs are not gc'd
      iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, transaction.deleteSet, /** @param {Item|GC} item */ item => {
        if (item instanceof Item && this.scope.some(type => yjs_isParentOf(type, item))) {
          keepItem(item, true);
      const changeEvent = [{ stackItem: stack[stack.length - 1], origin: transaction.origin, type: undoing ? 'redo' : 'undo', changedParentTypes: transaction.changedParentTypes }, this];
      if (didAdd) {
        this.emit('stack-item-added', changeEvent);
      } else {
        this.emit('stack-item-updated', changeEvent);
    this.doc.on('afterTransaction', this.afterTransactionHandler);
    this.doc.on('destroy', () => {

   * @param {Array<AbstractType<any>> | AbstractType<any>} ytypes
  addToScope (ytypes) {
    ytypes = array.isArray(ytypes) ? ytypes : [ytypes];
    ytypes.forEach(ytype => {
      if (this.scope.every(yt => yt !== ytype)) {

   * @param {any} origin
  addTrackedOrigin (origin) {

   * @param {any} origin
  removeTrackedOrigin (origin) {

  clear (clearUndoStack = true, clearRedoStack = true) {
    if ((clearUndoStack && this.canUndo()) || (clearRedoStack && this.canRedo())) {
      this.doc.transact(tr => {
        if (clearUndoStack) {
          this.undoStack.forEach(item => clearUndoManagerStackItem(tr, this, item));
          this.undoStack = [];
        if (clearRedoStack) {
          this.redoStack.forEach(item => clearUndoManagerStackItem(tr, this, item));
          this.redoStack = [];
        this.emit('stack-cleared', [{ undoStackCleared: clearUndoStack, redoStackCleared: clearRedoStack }]);

   * UndoManager merges Undo-StackItem if they are created within time-gap
   * smaller than `options.captureTimeout`. Call `um.stopCapturing()` so that the next
   * StackItem won't be merged.
   * @example
   *     // without stopCapturing
   *     ytext.insert(0, 'a')
   *     ytext.insert(1, 'b')
   *     um.undo()
   *     ytext.toString() // => '' (note that 'ab' was removed)
   *     // with stopCapturing
   *     ytext.insert(0, 'a')
   *     um.stopCapturing()
   *     ytext.insert(0, 'b')
   *     um.undo()
   *     ytext.toString() // => 'a' (note that only 'b' was removed)
  stopCapturing () {
    this.lastChange = 0;

   * Undo last changes on type.
   * @return {StackItem?} Returns StackItem if a change was applied
  undo () {
    this.undoing = true;
    let res;
    try {
      res = popStackItem(this, this.undoStack, 'undo');
    } finally {
      this.undoing = false;
    return res

   * Redo last undo operation.
   * @return {StackItem?} Returns StackItem if a change was applied
  redo () {
    this.redoing = true;
    let res;
    try {
      res = popStackItem(this, this.redoStack, 'redo');
    } finally {
      this.redoing = false;
    return res

   * Are undo steps available?
   * @return {boolean} `true` if undo is possible
  canUndo () {
    return this.undoStack.length > 0

   * Are redo steps available?
   * @return {boolean} `true` if redo is possible
  canRedo () {
    return this.redoStack.length > 0

  destroy () {
    this.trackedOrigins.delete(this);'afterTransaction', this.afterTransactionHandler);

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
function * lazyStructReaderGenerator (decoder) {
  const numOfStateUpdates = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
  for (let i = 0; i < numOfStateUpdates; i++) {
    const numberOfStructs = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    const client = decoder.readClient();
    let clock = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfStructs; i++) {
      const info = decoder.readInfo();
      // @todo use switch instead of ifs
      if (info === 10) {
        const len = readVarUint(decoder.restDecoder);
        yield new Skip(createID(client, clock), len);
        clock += len;
      } else if ((BITS5 & info) !== 0) {
        const cantCopyParentInfo = (info & (BIT7 | BIT8)) === 0;
        // If parent = null and neither left nor right are defined, then we know that `parent` is child of `y`
        // and we read the next string as parentYKey.
        // It indicates how we store/retrieve parent from `y.share`
        // @type {string|null}
        const struct = new Item(
          createID(client, clock),
          null, // left
          (info & BIT8) === BIT8 ? decoder.readLeftID() : null, // origin
          null, // right
          (info & BIT7) === BIT7 ? decoder.readRightID() : null, // right origin
          // @ts-ignore Force writing a string here.
          cantCopyParentInfo ? (decoder.readParentInfo() ? decoder.readString() : decoder.readLeftID()) : null, // parent
          cantCopyParentInfo && (info & BIT6) === BIT6 ? decoder.readString() : null, // parentSub
          readItemContent(decoder, info) // item content
        yield struct;
        clock += struct.length;
      } else {
        const len = decoder.readLen();
        yield new GC(createID(client, clock), len);
        clock += len;

class LazyStructReader {
   * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
   * @param {boolean} filterSkips
  constructor (decoder, filterSkips) {
    this.gen = lazyStructReaderGenerator(decoder);
     * @type {null | Item | Skip | GC}
    this.curr = null;
    this.done = false;
    this.filterSkips = filterSkips;;

   * @return {Item | GC | Skip |null}
  next () {
    // ignore "Skip" structs
    do {
      this.curr = || null;
    } while (this.filterSkips && this.curr !== null && this.curr.constructor === Skip)
    return this.curr

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const logUpdate = update => logUpdateV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder]
const logUpdateV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
  const structs = [];
  const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding.createDecoder(update));
  const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false);
  for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = {
  logging.print('Structs: ', structs);
  const ds = readDeleteSet(updateDecoder);
  logging.print('DeleteSet: ', ds);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const decodeUpdate = (update) => decodeUpdateV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} [YDecoder]
const decodeUpdateV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
  const structs = [];
  const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(decoding.createDecoder(update));
  const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false);
  for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = {
  return {
    ds: readDeleteSet(updateDecoder)

class LazyStructWriter {
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
  constructor (encoder) {
    this.currClient = 0;
    this.startClock = 0;
    this.written = 0;
    this.encoder = encoder;
     * We want to write operations lazily, but also we need to know beforehand how many operations we want to write for each client.
     * This kind of meta-information (#clients, #structs-per-client-written) is written to the restEncoder.
     * We fragment the restEncoder and store a slice of it per-client until we know how many clients there are.
     * When we flush (toUint8Array) we write the restEncoder using the fragments and the meta-information.
     * @type {Array<{ written: number, restEncoder: Uint8Array }>}
    this.clientStructs = [];

 * @param {Array<Uint8Array>} updates
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const mergeUpdates = updates => mergeUpdatesV2(updates, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {typeof DSEncoderV1 | typeof DSEncoderV2} YEncoder
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} YDecoder
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2 = (update, YEncoder = DSEncoderV2, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
  const encoder = new YEncoder();
  const updateDecoder = new LazyStructReader(new YDecoder(decoding.createDecoder(update)), false);
  let curr = updateDecoder.curr;
  if (curr !== null) {
    let size = 0;
    let currClient =;
    let stopCounting = !== 0; // must start at 0
    let currClock = stopCounting ? 0 : + curr.length;
    for (; curr !== null; curr = {
      if (currClient !== {
        if (currClock !== 0) {
          // We found a new client
          // write what we have to the encoder
          encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClient);
          encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClock);
        currClient =;
        currClock = 0;
        stopCounting = !== 0;
      // we ignore skips
      if (curr.constructor === Skip) {
        stopCounting = true;
      if (!stopCounting) {
        currClock = + curr.length;
    // write what we have
    if (currClock !== 0) {
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClient);
      encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, currClock);
    // prepend the size of the state vector
    const enc = encoding.createEncoder();
    encoding.writeVarUint(enc, size);
    encoding.writeBinaryEncoder(enc, encoder.restEncoder);
    encoder.restEncoder = enc;
    return encoder.toUint8Array()
  } else {
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, 0);
    return encoder.toUint8Array()

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeStateVectorFromUpdate = update => encodeStateVectorFromUpdateV2(update, DSEncoderV1, UpdateDecoderV1);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} YDecoder
 * @return {{ from: Map<number,number>, to: Map<number,number> }}
const parseUpdateMetaV2 = (update, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2) => {
   * @type {Map<number, number>}
  const from = new Map();
   * @type {Map<number, number>}
  const to = new Map();
  const updateDecoder = new LazyStructReader(new YDecoder(decoding.createDecoder(update)), false);
  let curr = updateDecoder.curr;
  if (curr !== null) {
    let currClient =;
    let currClock =;
    // write the beginning to `from`
    from.set(currClient, currClock);
    for (; curr !== null; curr = {
      if (currClient !== {
        // We found a new client
        // write the end to `to`
        to.set(currClient, currClock);
        // write the beginning to `from`
        // update currClient
        currClient =;
      currClock = + curr.length;
    // write the end to `to`
    to.set(currClient, currClock);
  return { from, to }

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @return {{ from: Map<number,number>, to: Map<number,number> }}
const parseUpdateMeta = update => parseUpdateMetaV2(update, UpdateDecoderV1);

 * This method is intended to slice any kind of struct and retrieve the right part.
 * It does not handle side-effects, so it should only be used by the lazy-encoder.
 * @param {Item | GC | Skip} left
 * @param {number} diff
 * @return {Item | GC}
const sliceStruct = (left, diff) => {
  if (left.constructor === GC) {
    const { client, clock } =;
    return new GC(createID(client, clock + diff), left.length - diff)
  } else if (left.constructor === Skip) {
    const { client, clock } =;
    return new Skip(createID(client, clock + diff), left.length - diff)
  } else {
    const leftItem = /** @type {Item} */ (left);
    const { client, clock } =;
    return new Item(
      createID(client, clock + diff),
      createID(client, clock + diff - 1),

 * This function works similarly to `readUpdateV2`.
 * @param {Array<Uint8Array>} updates
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder]
 * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV1 | typeof UpdateEncoderV2} [YEncoder]
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const mergeUpdatesV2 = (updates, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2, YEncoder = UpdateEncoderV2) => {
  if (updates.length === 1) {
    return updates[0]
  const updateDecoders = => new YDecoder(createDecoder(update)));
  let lazyStructDecoders = => new LazyStructReader(decoder, true));

   * @todo we don't need offset because we always slice before
   * @type {null | { struct: Item | GC | Skip, offset: number }}
  let currWrite = null;

  const updateEncoder = new YEncoder();
  // write structs lazily
  const lazyStructEncoder = new LazyStructWriter(updateEncoder);

  // Note: We need to ensure that all lazyStructDecoders are fully consumed
  // Note: Should merge document updates whenever possible - even from different updates
  // Note: Should handle that some operations cannot be applied yet ()

  while (true) {
    // Write higher clients first ⇒ sort by clientID & clock and remove decoders without content
    lazyStructDecoders = lazyStructDecoders.filter(dec => dec.curr !== null);
      /** @type {function(any,any):number} */ (dec1, dec2) => {
        if ( === {
          const clockDiff = -;
          if (clockDiff === 0) {
            // @todo remove references to skip since the structDecoders must filter Skips.
            return dec1.curr.constructor === dec2.curr.constructor
              ? 0
              : dec1.curr.constructor === Skip ? 1 : -1 // we are filtering skips anyway.
          } else {
            return clockDiff
        } else {
          return -
    if (lazyStructDecoders.length === 0) {
    const currDecoder = lazyStructDecoders[0];
    // write from currDecoder until the next operation is from another client or if filler-struct
    // then we need to reorder the decoders and find the next operation to write
    const firstClient = /** @type {Item | GC} */ (currDecoder.curr).id.client;

    if (currWrite !== null) {
      let curr = /** @type {Item | GC | null} */ (currDecoder.curr);
      let iterated = false;

      // iterate until we find something that we haven't written already
      // remember: first the high client-ids are written
      while (curr !== null && + curr.length <= + currWrite.struct.length && >= {
        curr =;
        iterated = true;
      if (
        curr === null || // current decoder is empty !== firstClient || // check whether there is another decoder that has has updates from `firstClient`
        (iterated && > + currWrite.struct.length) // the above while loop was used and we are potentially missing updates
      ) {

      if (firstClient !== {
        writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset);
        currWrite = { struct: curr, offset: 0 };;
      } else {
        if ( + currWrite.struct.length < {
          // @todo write currStruct & set currStruct = Skip(clock = + currStruct.length, length = - self.clock)
          if (currWrite.struct.constructor === Skip) {
            // extend existing skip
            currWrite.struct.length = + curr.length -;
          } else {
            writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset);
            const diff = - - currWrite.struct.length;
             * @type {Skip}
            const struct = new Skip(createID(firstClient, + currWrite.struct.length), diff);
            currWrite = { struct, offset: 0 };
        } else { // if ( + currWrite.struct.length >= {
          const diff = + currWrite.struct.length -;
          if (diff > 0) {
            if (currWrite.struct.constructor === Skip) {
              // prefer to slice Skip because the other struct might contain more information
              currWrite.struct.length -= diff;
            } else {
              curr = sliceStruct(curr, diff);
          if (!currWrite.struct.mergeWith(/** @type {any} */ (curr))) {
            writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset);
            currWrite = { struct: curr, offset: 0 };
    } else {
      currWrite = { struct: /** @type {Item | GC} */ (currDecoder.curr), offset: 0 };;
    for (
      let next = currDecoder.curr;
      next !== null && === firstClient && === + currWrite.struct.length && next.constructor !== Skip;
      next =
    ) {
      writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset);
      currWrite = { struct: next, offset: 0 };
  if (currWrite !== null) {
    writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructEncoder, currWrite.struct, currWrite.offset);
    currWrite = null;

  const dss = => readDeleteSet(decoder));
  const ds = mergeDeleteSets(dss);
  writeDeleteSet(updateEncoder, ds);
  return updateEncoder.toUint8Array()

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {Uint8Array} sv
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV1 | typeof UpdateDecoderV2} [YDecoder]
 * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV1 | typeof UpdateEncoderV2} [YEncoder]
const diffUpdateV2 = (update, sv, YDecoder = UpdateDecoderV2, YEncoder = UpdateEncoderV2) => {
  const state = decodeStateVector(sv);
  const encoder = new YEncoder();
  const lazyStructWriter = new LazyStructWriter(encoder);
  const decoder = new YDecoder(createDecoder(update));
  const reader = new LazyStructReader(decoder, false);
  while (reader.curr) {
    const curr = reader.curr;
    const currClient =;
    const svClock = state.get(currClient) || 0;
    if (reader.curr.constructor === Skip) {
      // the first written struct shouldn't be a skip;
    if ( + curr.length > svClock) {
      writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructWriter, curr, max(svClock -, 0));;
      while (reader.curr && === currClient) {
        writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyStructWriter, reader.curr, 0);;
    } else {
      // read until something new comes up
      while (reader.curr && === currClient && + reader.curr.length <= svClock) {;
  // write ds
  const ds = readDeleteSet(decoder);
  writeDeleteSet(encoder, ds);
  return encoder.toUint8Array()

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {Uint8Array} sv
const diffUpdate = (update, sv) => diffUpdateV2(update, sv, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1);

 * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter
const flushLazyStructWriter = lazyWriter => {
  if (lazyWriter.written > 0) {
    lazyWriter.clientStructs.push({ written: lazyWriter.written, restEncoder: toUint8Array(lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder) });
    lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder = createEncoder();
    lazyWriter.written = 0;

 * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter
 * @param {Item | GC} struct
 * @param {number} offset
const writeStructToLazyStructWriter = (lazyWriter, struct, offset) => {
  // flush curr if we start another client
  if (lazyWriter.written > 0 && lazyWriter.currClient !== {
  if (lazyWriter.written === 0) {
    lazyWriter.currClient =;
    // write next client
    // write startClock
    writeVarUint(lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder, + offset);
  struct.write(lazyWriter.encoder, offset);
 * Call this function when we collected all parts and want to
 * put all the parts together. After calling this method,
 * you can continue using the UpdateEncoder.
 * @param {LazyStructWriter} lazyWriter
const finishLazyStructWriting = (lazyWriter) => {

  // this is a fresh encoder because we called flushCurr
  const restEncoder = lazyWriter.encoder.restEncoder;

   * Now we put all the fragments together.
   * This works similarly to `writeClientsStructs`

  // write # states that were updated - i.e. the clients
  writeVarUint(restEncoder, lazyWriter.clientStructs.length);

  for (let i = 0; i < lazyWriter.clientStructs.length; i++) {
    const partStructs = lazyWriter.clientStructs[i];
     * Works similarly to `writeStructs`
    // write # encoded structs
    writeVarUint(restEncoder, partStructs.written);
    // write the rest of the fragment
    writeUint8Array(restEncoder, partStructs.restEncoder);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {function(Item|GC|Skip):Item|GC|Skip} blockTransformer
 * @param {typeof UpdateDecoderV2 | typeof UpdateDecoderV1} YDecoder
 * @param {typeof UpdateEncoderV2 | typeof UpdateEncoderV1 } YEncoder
const convertUpdateFormat = (update, blockTransformer, YDecoder, YEncoder) => {
  const updateDecoder = new YDecoder(createDecoder(update));
  const lazyDecoder = new LazyStructReader(updateDecoder, false);
  const updateEncoder = new YEncoder();
  const lazyWriter = new LazyStructWriter(updateEncoder);
  for (let curr = lazyDecoder.curr; curr !== null; curr = {
    writeStructToLazyStructWriter(lazyWriter, blockTransformer(curr), 0);
  const ds = readDeleteSet(updateDecoder);
  writeDeleteSet(updateEncoder, ds);
  return updateEncoder.toUint8Array()

 * @typedef {Object} ObfuscatorOptions
 * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.formatting=true]
 * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.subdocs=true]
 * @property {boolean} [ObfuscatorOptions.yxml=true] Whether to obfuscate nodeName / hookName

 * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} obfuscator
const createObfuscator = ({ formatting = true, subdocs = true, yxml = true } = {}) => {
  let i = 0;
  const mapKeyCache = map.create();
  const nodeNameCache = map.create();
  const formattingKeyCache = map.create();
  const formattingValueCache = map.create();
  formattingValueCache.set(null, null); // end of a formatting range should always be the end of a formatting range
   * @param {Item|GC|Skip} block
   * @return {Item|GC|Skip}
  return block => {
    switch (block.constructor) {
      case GC:
      case Skip:
        return block
      case Item: {
        const item = /** @type {Item} */ (block);
        const content = item.content;
        switch (content.constructor) {
          case ContentDeleted:
          case ContentType: {
            if (yxml) {
              const type = /** @type {ContentType} */ (content).type;
              if (type instanceof YXmlElement) {
                type.nodeName = map.setIfUndefined(nodeNameCache, type.nodeName, () => 'node-' + i);
              if (type instanceof YXmlHook) {
                type.hookName = map.setIfUndefined(nodeNameCache, type.hookName, () => 'hook-' + i);
          case ContentAny: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentAny} */ (content);
            c.arr = => i);
          case ContentBinary: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentBinary} */ (content);
            c.content = new Uint8Array([i]);
          case ContentDoc: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentDoc} */ (content);
            if (subdocs) {
              c.opts = {};
              c.doc.guid = i + '';
          case ContentEmbed: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentEmbed} */ (content);
            c.embed = {};
          case ContentFormat: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content);
            if (formatting) {
              c.key = map.setIfUndefined(formattingKeyCache, c.key, () => i + '');
              c.value = map.setIfUndefined(formattingValueCache, c.value, () => ({ i }));
          case ContentJSON: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentJSON} */ (content);
            c.arr = => i);
          case ContentString: {
            const c = /** @type {ContentString} */ (content);
            c.str = string.repeat((i % 10) + '', c.str.length);
            // unknown content type
        if (item.parentSub) {
          item.parentSub = map.setIfUndefined(mapKeyCache, item.parentSub, () => i + '');
        return block
        // unknown block-type

 * This function obfuscates the content of a Yjs update. This is useful to share
 * buggy Yjs documents while significantly limiting the possibility that a
 * developer can on the user. Note that it might still be possible to deduce
 * some information by analyzing the "structure" of the document or by analyzing
 * the typing behavior using the CRDT-related metadata that is still kept fully
 * intact.
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} [opts]
const obfuscateUpdate = (update, opts) => convertUpdateFormat(update, createObfuscator(opts), UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV1);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {ObfuscatorOptions} [opts]
const obfuscateUpdateV2 = (update, opts) => convertUpdateFormat(update, createObfuscator(opts), UpdateDecoderV2, UpdateEncoderV2);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const convertUpdateFormatV1ToV2 = update => convertUpdateFormat(update,, UpdateDecoderV1, UpdateEncoderV2);

 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const convertUpdateFormatV2ToV1 = update => convertUpdateFormat(update, id, UpdateDecoderV2, UpdateEncoderV1);

const errorComputeChanges = 'You must not compute changes after the event-handler fired.';

 * @template {AbstractType<any>} T
 * YEvent describes the changes on a YType.
class YEvent {
   * @param {T} target The changed type.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  constructor (target, transaction) {
     * The type on which this event was created on.
     * @type {T}
     */ = target;
     * The current target on which the observe callback is called.
     * @type {AbstractType<any>}
    this.currentTarget = target;
     * The transaction that triggered this event.
     * @type {Transaction}
    this.transaction = transaction;
     * @type {Object|null}
    this._changes = null;
     * @type {null | Map<string, { action: 'add' | 'update' | 'delete', oldValue: any, newValue: any }>}
    this._keys = null;
     * @type {null | Array<{ insert?: string | Array<any> | object | AbstractType<any>, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object<string, any> }>}
    this._delta = null;
     * @type {Array<string|number>|null}
    this._path = null;

   * Computes the path from `y` to the changed type.
   * @todo v14 should standardize on path: Array<{parent, index}> because that is easier to work with.
   * The following property holds:
   * @example
   *   let type = y
   *   event.path.forEach(dir => {
   *     type = type.get(dir)
   *   })
   *   type === // => true
  get path () {
    return this._path || (this._path = getPathTo(this.currentTarget,

   * Check if a struct is deleted by this event.
   * In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted.
   * @param {AbstractStruct} struct
   * @return {boolean}
  deletes (struct) {
    return isDeleted(this.transaction.deleteSet,

   * @type {Map<string, { action: 'add' | 'update' | 'delete', oldValue: any, newValue: any }>}
  get keys () {
    if (this._keys === null) {
      if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) {
        throw error_create(errorComputeChanges)
      const keys = new Map();
      const target =;
      const changed = /** @type Set<string|null> */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target));
      changed.forEach(key => {
        if (key !== null) {
          const item = /** @type {Item} */ (target._map.get(key));
           * @type {'delete' | 'add' | 'update'}
          let action;
          let oldValue;
          if (this.adds(item)) {
            let prev = item.left;
            while (prev !== null && this.adds(prev)) {
              prev = prev.left;
            if (this.deletes(item)) {
              if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) {
                action = 'delete';
                oldValue = last(prev.content.getContent());
              } else {
            } else {
              if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) {
                action = 'update';
                oldValue = last(prev.content.getContent());
              } else {
                action = 'add';
                oldValue = undefined;
          } else {
            if (this.deletes(item)) {
              action = 'delete';
              oldValue = last(/** @type {Item} */ item.content.getContent());
            } else {
              return // nop
          keys.set(key, { action, oldValue });
      this._keys = keys;
    return this._keys

   * This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the
   * event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in
   * unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes
   * is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object.
   * @type {Array<{insert?: string | Array<any> | object | AbstractType<any>, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object<string, any>}>}
  get delta () {

   * Check if a struct is added by this event.
   * In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted.
   * @param {AbstractStruct} struct
   * @return {boolean}
  adds (struct) {
    return >= (this.transaction.beforeState.get( || 0)

   * This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the
   * event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in
   * unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes
   * is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object.
   * @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
  get changes () {
    let changes = this._changes;
    if (changes === null) {
      if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) {
        throw error_create(errorComputeChanges)
      const target =;
      const added = set_create();
      const deleted = set_create();
       * @type {Array<{insert:Array<any>}|{delete:number}|{retain:number}>}
      const delta = [];
      changes = {
        keys: this.keys
      const changed = /** @type Set<string|null> */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target));
      if (changed.has(null)) {
         * @type {any}
        let lastOp = null;
        const packOp = () => {
          if (lastOp) {
        for (let item = target._start; item !== null; item = item.right) {
          if (item.deleted) {
            if (this.deletes(item) && !this.adds(item)) {
              if (lastOp === null || lastOp.delete === undefined) {
                lastOp = { delete: 0 };
              lastOp.delete += item.length;
            } // else nop
          } else {
            if (this.adds(item)) {
              if (lastOp === null || lastOp.insert === undefined) {
                lastOp = { insert: [] };
              lastOp.insert = lastOp.insert.concat(item.content.getContent());
            } else {
              if (lastOp === null || lastOp.retain === undefined) {
                lastOp = { retain: 0 };
              lastOp.retain += item.length;
        if (lastOp !== null && lastOp.retain === undefined) {
      this._changes = changes;
    return /** @type {any} */ (changes)

 * Compute the path from this type to the specified target.
 * @example
 *   // `child` should be accessible via `type.get(path[0]).get(path[1])..`
 *   const path = type.getPathTo(child)
 *   // assuming `type instanceof YArray`
 *   console.log(path) // might look like => [2, 'key1']
 *   child === type.get(path[0]).get(path[1])
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} child target
 * @return {Array<string|number>} Path to the target
 * @private
 * @function
const getPathTo = (parent, child) => {
  const path = [];
  while (child._item !== null && child !== parent) {
    if (child._item.parentSub !== null) {
      // parent is map-ish
    } else {
      // parent is array-ish
      let i = 0;
      let c = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (child._item.parent)._start;
      while (c !== child._item && c !== null) {
        if (!c.deleted) {
        c = c.right;
    child = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (child._item.parent);
  return path

const maxSearchMarker = 80;

 * A unique timestamp that identifies each marker.
 * Time is relative,.. this is more like an ever-increasing clock.
 * @type {number}
let globalSearchMarkerTimestamp = 0;

class ArraySearchMarker {
   * @param {Item} p
   * @param {number} index
  constructor (p, index) {
    p.marker = true;
    this.p = p;
    this.index = index;
    this.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++;

 * @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker
const refreshMarkerTimestamp = marker => { marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++; };

 * This is rather complex so this function is the only thing that should overwrite a marker
 * @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker
 * @param {Item} p
 * @param {number} index
const overwriteMarker = (marker, p, index) => {
  marker.p.marker = false;
  marker.p = p;
  p.marker = true;
  marker.index = index;
  marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++;

 * @param {Array<ArraySearchMarker>} searchMarker
 * @param {Item} p
 * @param {number} index
const markPosition = (searchMarker, p, index) => {
  if (searchMarker.length >= maxSearchMarker) {
    // override oldest marker (we don't want to create more objects)
    const marker = searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? a : b);
    overwriteMarker(marker, p, index);
    return marker
  } else {
    // create new marker
    const pm = new ArraySearchMarker(p, index);
    return pm

 * Search marker help us to find positions in the associative array faster.
 * They speed up the process of finding a position without much bookkeeping.
 * A maximum of `maxSearchMarker` objects are created.
 * This function always returns a refreshed marker (updated timestamp)
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} yarray
 * @param {number} index
const findMarker = (yarray, index) => {
  if (yarray._start === null || index === 0 || yarray._searchMarker === null) {
    return null
  const marker = yarray._searchMarker.length === 0 ? null : yarray._searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => abs(index - a.index) < abs(index - b.index) ? a : b);
  let p = yarray._start;
  let pindex = 0;
  if (marker !== null) {
    p = marker.p;
    pindex = marker.index;
    refreshMarkerTimestamp(marker); // we used it, we might need to use it again
  // iterate to right if possible
  while (p.right !== null && pindex < index) {
    if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
      if (index < pindex + p.length) {
      pindex += p.length;
    p = p.right;
  // iterate to left if necessary (might be that pindex > index)
  while (p.left !== null && pindex > index) {
    p = p.left;
    if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
      pindex -= p.length;
  // we want to make sure that p can't be merged with left, because that would screw up everything
  // in that cas just return what we have (it is most likely the best marker anyway)
  // iterate to left until p can't be merged with left
  while (p.left !== null && === && + p.left.length === {
    p = p.left;
    if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
      pindex -= p.length;

  // @todo remove!
  // assure position
  // {
  //   let start = yarray._start
  //   let pos = 0
  //   while (start !== p) {
  //     if (!start.deleted && start.countable) {
  //       pos += start.length
  //     }
  //     start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right)
  //   }
  //   if (pos !== pindex) {
  //     debugger
  //     throw new Error('Gotcha position fail!')
  //   }
  // }
  // if (marker) {
  //   if (window.lengthes == null) {
  //     window.lengthes = []
  //     window.getLengthes = () => window.lengthes.sort((a, b) => a - b)
  //   }
  //   window.lengthes.push(marker.index - pindex)
  //   console.log('distance', marker.index - pindex, 'len', p && p.parent.length)
  // }
  if (marker !== null && abs(marker.index - pindex) < /** @type {YText|YArray<any>} */ (p.parent).length / maxSearchMarker) {
    // adjust existing marker
    overwriteMarker(marker, p, pindex);
    return marker
  } else {
    // create new marker
    return markPosition(yarray._searchMarker, p, pindex)

 * Update markers when a change happened.
 * This should be called before doing a deletion!
 * @param {Array<ArraySearchMarker>} searchMarker
 * @param {number} index
 * @param {number} len If insertion, len is positive. If deletion, len is negative.
const updateMarkerChanges = (searchMarker, index, len) => {
  for (let i = searchMarker.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const m = searchMarker[i];
    if (len > 0) {
       * @type {Item|null}
      let p = m.p;
      p.marker = false;
      // Ideally we just want to do a simple position comparison, but this will only work if
      // search markers don't point to deleted items for formats.
      // Iterate marker to prev undeleted countable position so we know what to do when updating a position
      while (p && (p.deleted || !p.countable)) {
        p = p.left;
        if (p && !p.deleted && p.countable) {
          // adjust position. the loop should break now
          m.index -= p.length;
      if (p === null || p.marker === true) {
        // remove search marker if updated position is null or if position is already marked
        searchMarker.splice(i, 1);
      m.p = p;
      p.marker = true;
    if (index < m.index || (len > 0 && index === m.index)) { // a simple index <= m.index check would actually suffice
      m.index = max(index, m.index + len);

 * Accumulate all (list) children of a type and return them as an Array.
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} t
 * @return {Array<Item>}
const getTypeChildren = t => {
  let s = t._start;
  const arr = [];
  while (s) {
    s = s.right;
  return arr

 * Call event listeners with an event. This will also add an event to all
 * parents (for `.observeDeep` handlers).
 * @template EventType
 * @param {AbstractType<EventType>} type
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {EventType} event
const callTypeObservers = (type, transaction, event) => {
  const changedType = type;
  const changedParentTypes = transaction.changedParentTypes;
  while (true) {
    // @ts-ignore
    setIfUndefined(changedParentTypes, type, () => []).push(event);
    if (type._item === null) {
    type = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (type._item.parent);
  callEventHandlerListeners(changedType._eH, event, transaction);

 * @template EventType
 * Abstract Yjs Type class
class AbstractType {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Item|null}
    this._item = null;
     * @type {Map<string,Item>}
    this._map = new Map();
     * @type {Item|null}
    this._start = null;
     * @type {Doc|null}
    this.doc = null;
    this._length = 0;
     * Event handlers
     * @type {EventHandler<EventType,Transaction>}
    this._eH = createEventHandler();
     * Deep event handlers
     * @type {EventHandler<Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction>}
    this._dEH = createEventHandler();
     * @type {null | Array<ArraySearchMarker>}
    this._searchMarker = null;

   * @return {AbstractType<any>|null}
  get parent () {
    return this._item ? /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this._item.parent) : null

   * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
   * * Save this struct in the os
   * * This type is sent to other client
   * * Observer functions are fired
   * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
   * @param {Item|null} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    this.doc = y;
    this._item = item;

   * @return {AbstractType<EventType>}
  _copy () {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @return {AbstractType<EventType>}
  clone () {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} _encoder
  _write (_encoder) { }

   * The first non-deleted item
  get _first () {
    let n = this._start;
    while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
      n = n.right;
    return n

   * Creates YEvent and calls all type observers.
   * Must be implemented by each type.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<null|string>} _parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
  _callObserver (transaction, _parentSubs) {
    if (!transaction.local && this._searchMarker) {
      this._searchMarker.length = 0;

   * Observe all events that are created on this type.
   * @param {function(EventType, Transaction):void} f Observer function
  observe (f) {
    addEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f);

   * Observe all events that are created by this type and its children.
   * @param {function(Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction):void} f Observer function
  observeDeep (f) {
    addEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f);

   * Unregister an observer function.
   * @param {function(EventType,Transaction):void} f Observer function
  unobserve (f) {
    removeEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f);

   * Unregister an observer function.
   * @param {function(Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction):void} f Observer function
  unobserveDeep (f) {
    removeEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f);

   * @abstract
   * @return {any}
  toJSON () {}

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {number} start
 * @param {number} end
 * @return {Array<any>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListSlice = (type, start, end) => {
  if (start < 0) {
    start = type._length + start;
  if (end < 0) {
    end = type._length + end;
  let len = end - start;
  const cs = [];
  let n = type._start;
  while (n !== null && len > 0) {
    if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
      const c = n.content.getContent();
      if (c.length <= start) {
        start -= c.length;
      } else {
        for (let i = start; i < c.length && len > 0; i++) {
        start = 0;
    n = n.right;
  return cs

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @return {Array<any>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListToArray = type => {
  const cs = [];
  let n = type._start;
  while (n !== null) {
    if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
      const c = n.content.getContent();
      for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
    n = n.right;
  return cs

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @return {Array<any>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListToArraySnapshot = (type, snapshot) => {
  const cs = [];
  let n = type._start;
  while (n !== null) {
    if (n.countable && isVisible(n, snapshot)) {
      const c = n.content.getContent();
      for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
    n = n.right;
  return cs

 * Executes a provided function on once on overy element of this YArray.
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {function(any,number,any):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListForEach = (type, f) => {
  let index = 0;
  let n = type._start;
  while (n !== null) {
    if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
      const c = n.content.getContent();
      for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        f(c[i], index++, type);
    n = n.right;

 * @template C,R
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {function(C,number,AbstractType<any>):R} f
 * @return {Array<R>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListMap = (type, f) => {
   * @type {Array<any>}
  const result = [];
  typeListForEach(type, (c, i) => {
    result.push(f(c, i, type));
  return result

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @return {IterableIterator<any>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListCreateIterator = type => {
  let n = type._start;
   * @type {Array<any>|null}
  let currentContent = null;
  let currentContentIndex = 0;
  return {
    [Symbol.iterator] () {
      return this
    next: () => {
      // find some content
      if (currentContent === null) {
        while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
          n = n.right;
        // check if we reached the end, no need to check currentContent, because it does not exist
        if (n === null) {
          return {
            done: true,
            value: undefined
        // we found n, so we can set currentContent
        currentContent = n.content.getContent();
        currentContentIndex = 0;
        n = n.right; // we used the content of n, now iterate to next
      const value = currentContent[currentContentIndex++];
      // check if we need to empty currentContent
      if (currentContent.length <= currentContentIndex) {
        currentContent = null;
      return {
        done: false,

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
 * @param {number} index
 * @return {any}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListGet = (type, index) => {
  const marker = findMarker(type, index);
  let n = type._start;
  if (marker !== null) {
    n = marker.p;
    index -= marker.index;
  for (; n !== null; n = n.right) {
    if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
      if (index < n.length) {
        return n.content.getContent()[index]
      index -= n.length;

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {Item?} referenceItem
 * @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|boolean|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListInsertGenericsAfter = (transaction, parent, referenceItem, content) => {
  let left = referenceItem;
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  const store =;
  const right = referenceItem === null ? parent._start : referenceItem.right;
   * @type {Array<Object|Array<any>|number|null>}
  let jsonContent = [];
  const packJsonContent = () => {
    if (jsonContent.length > 0) {
      left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentAny(jsonContent));
      left.integrate(transaction, 0);
      jsonContent = [];
  content.forEach(c => {
    if (c === null) {
    } else {
      switch (c.constructor) {
        case Number:
        case Object:
        case Boolean:
        case Array:
        case String:
          switch (c.constructor) {
            case Uint8Array:
            case ArrayBuffer:
              left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentBinary(new Uint8Array(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (c))));
              left.integrate(transaction, 0);
            case Doc:
              left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (c)));
              left.integrate(transaction, 0);
              if (c instanceof AbstractType) {
                left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentType(c));
                left.integrate(transaction, 0);
              } else {
                throw new Error('Unexpected content type in insert operation')

const lengthExceeded = error_create('Length exceeded!');

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {number} index
 * @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListInsertGenerics = (transaction, parent, index, content) => {
  if (index > parent._length) {
    throw lengthExceeded
  if (index === 0) {
    if (parent._searchMarker) {
      updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, index, content.length);
    return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, null, content)
  const startIndex = index;
  const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
  let n = parent._start;
  if (marker !== null) {
    n = marker.p;
    index -= marker.index;
    // we need to iterate one to the left so that the algorithm works
    if (index === 0) {
      // @todo refactor this as it actually doesn't consider formats
      n = n.prev; // important! get the left undeleted item so that we can actually decrease index
      index += (n && n.countable && !n.deleted) ? n.length : 0;
  for (; n !== null; n = n.right) {
    if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
      if (index <= n.length) {
        if (index < n.length) {
          // insert in-between
          getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + index));
      index -= n.length;
  if (parent._searchMarker) {
    updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, content.length);
  return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content)

 * Pushing content is special as we generally want to push after the last item. So we don't have to update
 * the serach marker.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListPushGenerics = (transaction, parent, content) => {
  // Use the marker with the highest index and iterate to the right.
  const marker = (parent._searchMarker || []).reduce((maxMarker, currMarker) => currMarker.index > maxMarker.index ? currMarker : maxMarker, { index: 0, p: parent._start });
  let n = marker.p;
  if (n) {
    while (n.right) {
      n = n.right;
  return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content)

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {number} index
 * @param {number} length
 * @private
 * @function
const typeListDelete = (transaction, parent, index, length) => {
  if (length === 0) { return }
  const startIndex = index;
  const startLength = length;
  const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
  let n = parent._start;
  if (marker !== null) {
    n = marker.p;
    index -= marker.index;
  // compute the first item to be deleted
  for (; n !== null && index > 0; n = n.right) {
    if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
      if (index < n.length) {
        getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + index));
      index -= n.length;
  // delete all items until done
  while (length > 0 && n !== null) {
    if (!n.deleted) {
      if (length < n.length) {
        getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + length));
      length -= n.length;
    n = n.right;
  if (length > 0) {
    throw lengthExceeded
  if (parent._searchMarker) {
    updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, -startLength + length /* in case we remove the above exception */);

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {string} key
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapDelete = (transaction, parent, key) => {
  const c = parent._map.get(key);
  if (c !== undefined) {

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {Object|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>} value
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapSet = (transaction, parent, key, value) => {
  const left = parent._map.get(key) || null;
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  let content;
  if (value == null) {
    content = new ContentAny([value]);
  } else {
    switch (value.constructor) {
      case Number:
      case Object:
      case Boolean:
      case Array:
      case String:
        content = new ContentAny([value]);
      case Uint8Array:
        content = new ContentBinary(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (value));
      case Doc:
        content = new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (value));
        if (value instanceof AbstractType) {
          content = new ContentType(value);
        } else {
          throw new Error('Unexpected content type')
  new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, null, null, parent, key, content).integrate(transaction, 0);

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {string} key
 * @return {Object<string,any>|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>|undefined}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapGet = (parent, key) => {
  const val = parent._map.get(key);
  return val !== undefined && !val.deleted ? val.content.getContent()[val.length - 1] : undefined

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @return {Object<string,Object<string,any>|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>|undefined>}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapGetAll = (parent) => {
   * @type {Object<string,any>}
  const res = {};
  parent._map.forEach((value, key) => {
    if (!value.deleted) {
      res[key] = value.content.getContent()[value.length - 1];
  return res

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {string} key
 * @return {boolean}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapHas = (parent, key) => {
  const val = parent._map.get(key);
  return val !== undefined && !val.deleted

 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {Snapshot} snapshot
 * @return {Object<string,any>|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>|undefined}
 * @private
 * @function
const typeMapGetSnapshot = (parent, key, snapshot) => {
  let v = parent._map.get(key) || null;
  while (v !== null && (! || >= ( || 0))) {
    v = v.left;
  return v !== null && isVisible(v, snapshot) ? v.content.getContent()[v.length - 1] : undefined

 * @param {Map<string,Item>} map
 * @return {IterableIterator<Array<any>>}
 * @private
 * @function
const createMapIterator = map => iteratorFilter(map.entries(), /** @param {any} entry */ entry => !entry[1].deleted);

 * @module YArray

 * Event that describes the changes on a YArray
 * @template T
 * @extends YEvent<YArray<T>>
class YArrayEvent extends YEvent {
   * @param {YArray<T>} yarray The changed type
   * @param {Transaction} transaction The transaction object
  constructor (yarray, transaction) {
    super(yarray, transaction);
    this._transaction = transaction;

 * A shared Array implementation.
 * @template T
 * @extends AbstractType<YArrayEvent<T>>
 * @implements {Iterable<T>}
class YArray extends AbstractType {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Array<any>?}
     * @private
    this._prelimContent = [];
     * @type {Array<ArraySearchMarker>}
    this._searchMarker = [];

   * Construct a new YArray containing the specified items.
   * @template {Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array} T
   * @param {Array<T>} items
   * @return {YArray<T>}
  static from (items) {
     * @type {YArray<T>}
    const a = new YArray();
    return a

   * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
   * * Save this struct in the os
   * * This type is sent to other client
   * * Observer functions are fired
   * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
   * @param {Item} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    super._integrate(y, item);
    this.insert(0, /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent));
    this._prelimContent = null;

   * @return {YArray<T>}
  _copy () {
    return new YArray()

   * @return {YArray<T>}
  clone () {
     * @type {YArray<T>}
    const arr = new YArray();
    arr.insert(0, this.toArray().map(el =>
      el instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof el} */ (el.clone()) : el
    return arr

  get length () {
    return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length

   * Creates YArrayEvent and calls observers.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
  _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
    super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs);
    callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YArrayEvent(this, transaction));

   * Inserts new content at an index.
   * Important: This function expects an array of content. Not just a content
   * object. The reason for this "weirdness" is that inserting several elements
   * is very efficient when it is done as a single operation.
   * @example
   *  // Insert character 'a' at position 0
   *  yarray.insert(0, ['a'])
   *  // Insert numbers 1, 2 at position 1
   *  yarray.insert(1, [1, 2])
   * @param {number} index The index to insert content at.
   * @param {Array<T>} content The array of content
  insert (index, content) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, /** @type {any} */ (content));
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, 0, ...content);

   * Appends content to this YArray.
   * @param {Array<T>} content Array of content to append.
   * @todo Use the following implementation in all types.
  push (content) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeListPushGenerics(transaction, this, /** @type {any} */ (content));
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).push(...content);

   * Preppends content to this YArray.
   * @param {Array<T>} content Array of content to preppend.
  unshift (content) {
    this.insert(0, content);

   * Deletes elements starting from an index.
   * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements
   * @param {number} length The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1.
  delete (index, length = 1) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, length);

   * Returns the i-th element from a YArray.
   * @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray
   * @return {T}
  get (index) {
    return typeListGet(this, index)

   * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
   * @return {Array<T>}
  toArray () {
    return typeListToArray(this)

   * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
   * @param {number} [start]
   * @param {number} [end]
   * @return {Array<T>}
  slice (start = 0, end = this.length) {
    return typeListSlice(this, start, end)

   * Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object.
   * @return {Array<any>}
  toJSON () {
    return => c instanceof AbstractType ? c.toJSON() : c)

   * Returns an Array with the result of calling a provided function on every
   * element of this YArray.
   * @template M
   * @param {function(T,number,YArray<T>):M} f Function that produces an element of the new Array
   * @return {Array<M>} A new array with each element being the result of the
   *                 callback function
  map (f) {
    return typeListMap(this, /** @type {any} */ (f))

   * Executes a provided function once on overy element of this YArray.
   * @param {function(T,number,YArray<T>):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
  forEach (f) {
    typeListForEach(this, f);

   * @return {IterableIterator<T>}
  [Symbol.iterator] () {
    return typeListCreateIterator(this)

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder
 * @private
 * @function
const readYArray = _decoder => new YArray();

 * @template T
 * @extends YEvent<YMap<T>>
 * Event that describes the changes on a YMap.
class YMapEvent extends YEvent {
   * @param {YMap<T>} ymap The YArray that changed.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<any>} subs The keys that changed.
  constructor (ymap, transaction, subs) {
    super(ymap, transaction);
    this.keysChanged = subs;

 * @template MapType
 * A shared Map implementation.
 * @extends AbstractType<YMapEvent<MapType>>
 * @implements {Iterable<MapType>}
class YMap extends AbstractType {
   * @param {Iterable<readonly [string, any]>=} entries - an optional iterable to initialize the YMap
  constructor (entries) {
     * @type {Map<string,any>?}
     * @private
    this._prelimContent = null;

    if (entries === undefined) {
      this._prelimContent = new Map();
    } else {
      this._prelimContent = new Map(entries);

   * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
   * * Save this struct in the os
   * * This type is sent to other client
   * * Observer functions are fired
   * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
   * @param {Item} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    super._integrate(y, item)
    ;/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).forEach((value, key) => {
      this.set(key, value);
    this._prelimContent = null;

   * @return {YMap<MapType>}
  _copy () {
    return new YMap()

   * @return {YMap<MapType>}
  clone () {
     * @type {YMap<MapType>}
    const map = new YMap();
    this.forEach((value, key) => {
      map.set(key, value instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof value} */ (value.clone()) : value);
    return map

   * Creates YMapEvent and calls observers.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
  _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
    callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YMapEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs));

   * Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object.
   * @return {Object<string,any>}
  toJSON () {
     * @type {Object<string,MapType>}
    const map = {};
    this._map.forEach((item, key) => {
      if (!item.deleted) {
        const v = item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1];
        map[key] = v instanceof AbstractType ? v.toJSON() : v;
    return map

   * Returns the size of the YMap (count of key/value pairs)
   * @return {number}
  get size () {
    return [...createMapIterator(this._map)].length

   * Returns the keys for each element in the YMap Type.
   * @return {IterableIterator<string>}
  keys () {
    return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[0])

   * Returns the values for each element in the YMap Type.
   * @return {IterableIterator<any>}
  values () {
    return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1])

   * Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs
   * @return {IterableIterator<any>}
  entries () {
    return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => [v[0], v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1]])

   * Executes a provided function on once on every key-value pair.
   * @param {function(MapType,string,YMap<MapType>):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
  forEach (f) {
    this._map.forEach((item, key) => {
      if (!item.deleted) {
        f(item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1], key, this);

   * Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs
   * @return {IterableIterator<any>}
  [Symbol.iterator] () {
    return this.entries()

   * Remove a specified element from this YMap.
   * @param {string} key The key of the element to remove.
  delete (key) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapDelete(transaction, this, key);
    } else {
      /** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).delete(key);

   * Adds or updates an element with a specified key and value.
   * @template {MapType} VAL
   * @param {string} key The key of the element to add to this YMap
   * @param {VAL} value The value of the element to add
   * @return {VAL}
  set (key, value) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapSet(transaction, this, key, /** @type {any} */ (value));
    } else {
      /** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).set(key, value);
    return value

   * Returns a specified element from this YMap.
   * @param {string} key
   * @return {MapType|undefined}
  get (key) {
    return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, key))

   * Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified key exists or not.
   * @param {string} key The key to test.
   * @return {boolean}
  has (key) {
    return typeMapHas(this, key)

   * Removes all elements from this YMap.
  clear () {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        this.forEach(function (_value, key, map) {
          typeMapDelete(transaction, map, key);
    } else {
      /** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).clear();

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder
 * @private
 * @function
const readYMap = _decoder => new YMap();

 * @param {any} a
 * @param {any} b
 * @return {boolean}
const equalAttrs = (a, b) => a === b || (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a && b && object_equalFlat(a, b));

class ItemTextListPosition {
   * @param {Item|null} left
   * @param {Item|null} right
   * @param {number} index
   * @param {Map<string,any>} currentAttributes
  constructor (left, right, index, currentAttributes) {
    this.left = left;
    this.right = right;
    this.index = index;
    this.currentAttributes = currentAttributes;

   * Only call this if you know that this.right is defined
  forward () {
    if (this.right === null) {
    switch (this.right.content.constructor) {
      case ContentFormat:
        if (!this.right.deleted) {
          updateCurrentAttributes(this.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (this.right.content));
        if (!this.right.deleted) {
          this.index += this.right.length;
    this.left = this.right;
    this.right = this.right.right;

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} pos
 * @param {number} count steps to move forward
 * @return {ItemTextListPosition}
 * @private
 * @function
const findNextPosition = (transaction, pos, count) => {
  while (pos.right !== null && count > 0) {
    switch (pos.right.content.constructor) {
      case ContentFormat:
        if (!pos.right.deleted) {
          updateCurrentAttributes(pos.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (pos.right.content));
        if (!pos.right.deleted) {
          if (count < pos.right.length) {
            // split right
            getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + count));
          pos.index += pos.right.length;
          count -= pos.right.length;
    pos.left = pos.right;
    pos.right = pos.right.right;
    // pos.forward() - we don't forward because that would halve the performance because we already do the checks above
  return pos

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {number} index
 * @return {ItemTextListPosition}
 * @private
 * @function
const findPosition = (transaction, parent, index) => {
  const currentAttributes = new Map();
  const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
  if (marker) {
    const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(marker.p.left, marker.p, marker.index, currentAttributes);
    return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index - marker.index)
  } else {
    const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, parent._start, 0, currentAttributes);
    return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index)

 * Negate applied formats
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {Map<string,any>} negatedAttributes
 * @private
 * @function
const insertNegatedAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes) => {
  // check if we really need to remove attributes
  while (
    currPos.right !== null && (
      currPos.right.deleted === true || (
        currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat &&
        equalAttrs(negatedAttributes.get(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key), /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value)
  ) {
    if (!currPos.right.deleted) {
      negatedAttributes.delete(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key);
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  negatedAttributes.forEach((val, key) => {
    const left = currPos.left;
    const right = currPos.right;
    const nextFormat = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val));
    nextFormat.integrate(transaction, 0);
    currPos.right = nextFormat;

 * @param {Map<string,any>} currentAttributes
 * @param {ContentFormat} format
 * @private
 * @function
const updateCurrentAttributes = (currentAttributes, format) => {
  const { key, value } = format;
  if (value === null) {
  } else {
    currentAttributes.set(key, value);

 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
 * @private
 * @function
const minimizeAttributeChanges = (currPos, attributes) => {
  // go right while attributes[right.key] === right.value (or right is deleted)
  while (true) {
    if (currPos.right === null) {
    } else if (currPos.right.deleted || (currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat && equalAttrs(attributes[(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content)).key] || null, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value))) ; else {

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
 * @return {Map<string,any>}
 * @private
 * @function
const insertAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, attributes) => {
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  const negatedAttributes = new Map();
  // insert format-start items
  for (const key in attributes) {
    const val = attributes[key];
    const currentVal = currPos.currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
    if (!equalAttrs(currentVal, val)) {
      // save negated attribute (set null if currentVal undefined)
      negatedAttributes.set(key, currentVal);
      const { left, right } = currPos;
      currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val));
      currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0);
  return negatedAttributes

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {string|object|AbstractType<any>} text
 * @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
 * @private
 * @function
const insertText = (transaction, parent, currPos, text, attributes) => {
  currPos.currentAttributes.forEach((_val, key) => {
    if (attributes[key] === undefined) {
      attributes[key] = null;
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes);
  const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes);
  // insert content
  const content = text.constructor === String ? new ContentString(/** @type {string} */ (text)) : (text instanceof AbstractType ? new ContentType(text) : new ContentEmbed(text));
  let { left, right, index } = currPos;
  if (parent._searchMarker) {
    updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, content.getLength());
  right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right &&, parent, null, content);
  right.integrate(transaction, 0);
  currPos.right = right;
  currPos.index = index;
  insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes);

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {number} length
 * @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
 * @private
 * @function
const formatText = (transaction, parent, currPos, length, attributes) => {
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
  minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes);
  const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes);
  // iterate until first non-format or null is found
  // delete all formats with attributes[format.key] != null
  // also check the attributes after the first non-format as we do not want to insert redundant negated attributes there
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
  iterationLoop: while (
    currPos.right !== null &&
    (length > 0 ||
        negatedAttributes.size > 0 &&
        (currPos.right.deleted || currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat)
  ) {
    if (!currPos.right.deleted) {
      switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) {
        case ContentFormat: {
          const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content);
          const attr = attributes[key];
          if (attr !== undefined) {
            if (equalAttrs(attr, value)) {
            } else {
              if (length === 0) {
                // no need to further extend negatedAttributes
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
                break iterationLoop
              negatedAttributes.set(key, value);
          } else {
            currPos.currentAttributes.set(key, value);
          if (length < currPos.right.length) {
            getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + length));
          length -= currPos.right.length;
  // Quill just assumes that the editor starts with a newline and that it always
  // ends with a newline. We only insert that newline when a new newline is
  // inserted - i.e when length is bigger than type.length
  if (length > 0) {
    let newlines = '';
    for (; length > 0; length--) {
      newlines += '\n';
    currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(, ownClientId)), currPos.left, currPos.left && currPos.left.lastId, currPos.right, currPos.right &&, parent, null, new ContentString(newlines));
    currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0);
  insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes);

 * Call this function after string content has been deleted in order to
 * clean up formatting Items.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Item} start
 * @param {Item|null} curr exclusive end, automatically iterates to the next Content Item
 * @param {Map<string,any>} startAttributes
 * @param {Map<string,any>} currAttributes
 * @return {number} The amount of formatting Items deleted.
 * @function
const cleanupFormattingGap = (transaction, start, curr, startAttributes, currAttributes) => {
   * @type {Item|null}
  let end = start;
   * @type {Map<string,ContentFormat>}
  const endFormats = create();
  while (end && (!end.countable || end.deleted)) {
    if (!end.deleted && end.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
      const cf = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content);
      endFormats.set(cf.key, cf);
    end = end.right;
  let cleanups = 0;
  let reachedCurr = false;
  while (start !== end) {
    if (curr === start) {
      reachedCurr = true;
    if (!start.deleted) {
      const content = start.content;
      switch (content.constructor) {
        case ContentFormat: {
          const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content);
          const startAttrValue = startAttributes.get(key) || null;
          if (endFormats.get(key) !== content || startAttrValue === value) {
            // Either this format is overwritten or it is not necessary because the attribute already existed.
            if (!reachedCurr && (currAttributes.get(key) || null) === value && startAttrValue !== value) {
              if (startAttrValue === null) {
              } else {
                currAttributes.set(key, startAttrValue);
          if (!reachedCurr && !start.deleted) {
            updateCurrentAttributes(currAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content));
    start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right);
  return cleanups

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Item | null} item
const cleanupContextlessFormattingGap = (transaction, item) => {
  // iterate until item.right is null or content
  while (item && item.right && (item.right.deleted || !item.right.countable)) {
    item = item.right;
  const attrs = new Set();
  // iterate back until a content item is found
  while (item && (item.deleted || !item.countable)) {
    if (!item.deleted && item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
      const key = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content).key;
      if (attrs.has(key)) {
      } else {
    item = item.left;

 * This function is experimental and subject to change / be removed.
 * Ideally, we don't need this function at all. Formatting attributes should be cleaned up
 * automatically after each change. This function iterates twice over the complete YText type
 * and removes unnecessary formatting attributes. This is also helpful for testing.
 * This function won't be exported anymore as soon as there is confidence that the YText type works as intended.
 * @param {YText} type
 * @return {number} How many formatting attributes have been cleaned up.
const cleanupYTextFormatting = type => {
  let res = 0;
  transact(/** @type {Doc} */ (type.doc), transaction => {
    let start = /** @type {Item} */ (type._start);
    let end = type._start;
    let startAttributes = create();
    const currentAttributes = copy(startAttributes);
    while (end) {
      if (end.deleted === false) {
        switch (end.content.constructor) {
          case ContentFormat:
            updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content));
            res += cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, end, startAttributes, currentAttributes);
            startAttributes = copy(currentAttributes);
            start = end;
      end = end.right;
  return res

 * This will be called by the transction once the event handlers are called to potentially cleanup
 * formatting attributes.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
const cleanupYTextAfterTransaction = transaction => {
   * @type {Set<YText>}
  const needFullCleanup = new Set();
  // check if another formatting item was inserted
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  for (const [client, afterClock] of transaction.afterState.entries()) {
    const clock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0;
    if (afterClock === clock) {
    iterateStructs(transaction, /** @type {Array<Item|GC>} */ (, clock, afterClock, item => {
      if (
        !item.deleted && /** @type {Item} */ (item).content.constructor === ContentFormat && item.constructor !== GC
      ) {
        needFullCleanup.add(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent);
  // cleanup in a new transaction
  transact(doc, (t) => {
    iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, transaction.deleteSet, item => {
      if (item instanceof GC || !(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent)._hasFormatting) || needFullCleanup.has(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent))) {
      const parent = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent);
      if (item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
      } else {
        // If no formatting attribute was inserted or deleted, we can make due with contextless
        // formatting cleanups.
        // Contextless: it is not necessary to compute currentAttributes for the affected position.
        cleanupContextlessFormattingGap(t, item);
    // If a formatting item was inserted, we simply clean the whole type.
    // We need to compute currentAttributes for the current position anyway.
    for (const yText of needFullCleanup) {

 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
 * @param {number} length
 * @return {ItemTextListPosition}
 * @private
 * @function
const deleteText = (transaction, currPos, length) => {
  const startLength = length;
  const startAttrs = copy(currPos.currentAttributes);
  const start = currPos.right;
  while (length > 0 && currPos.right !== null) {
    if (currPos.right.deleted === false) {
      switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) {
        case ContentType:
        case ContentEmbed:
        case ContentString:
          if (length < currPos.right.length) {
            getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(, + length));
          length -= currPos.right.length;
  if (start) {
    cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, currPos.right, startAttrs, currPos.currentAttributes);
  const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (/** @type {Item} */ (currPos.left || currPos.right).parent);
  if (parent._searchMarker) {
    updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, -startLength + length);
  return currPos

 * The Quill Delta format represents changes on a text document with
 * formatting information. For mor information visit {@link|Quill Delta}
 * @example
 *   {
 *     ops: [
 *       { insert: 'Gandalf', attributes: { bold: true } },
 *       { insert: ' the ' },
 *       { insert: 'Grey', attributes: { color: '#cccccc' } }
 *     ]
 *   }

  * Attributes that can be assigned to a selection of text.
  * @example
  *   {
  *     bold: true,
  *     font-size: '40px'
  *   }
  * @typedef {Object} TextAttributes

 * @extends YEvent<YText>
 * Event that describes the changes on a YText type.
class YTextEvent extends YEvent {
   * @param {YText} ytext
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<any>} subs The keys that changed
  constructor (ytext, transaction, subs) {
    super(ytext, transaction);
     * Whether the children changed.
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @private
    this.childListChanged = false;
     * Set of all changed attributes.
     * @type {Set<string>}
    this.keysChanged = new Set();
    subs.forEach((sub) => {
      if (sub === null) {
        this.childListChanged = true;
      } else {

   * @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
  get changes () {
    if (this._changes === null) {
       * @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string|AbstractType<any>|object, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
      const changes = {
        keys: this.keys,
        added: new Set(),
        deleted: new Set()
      this._changes = changes;
    return /** @type {any} */ (this._changes)

   * Compute the changes in the delta format.
   * A {@link|Quill Delta}) that represents the changes on the document.
   * @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType<any>, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object<string,any>}>}
   * @public
  get delta () {
    if (this._delta === null) {
      const y = /** @type {Doc} */ (;
       * @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType<any>, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object<string,any>}>}
      const delta = [];
      transact(y, transaction => {
        const currentAttributes = new Map(); // saves all current attributes for insert
        const oldAttributes = new Map();
        let item =;
         * @type {string?}
        let action = null;
         * @type {Object<string,any>}
        const attributes = {}; // counts added or removed new attributes for retain
         * @type {string|object}
        let insert = '';
        let retain = 0;
        let deleteLen = 0;
        const addOp = () => {
          if (action !== null) {
             * @type {any}
            let op = null;
            switch (action) {
              case 'delete':
                if (deleteLen > 0) {
                  op = { delete: deleteLen };
                deleteLen = 0;
              case 'insert':
                if (typeof insert === 'object' || insert.length > 0) {
                  op = { insert };
                  if (currentAttributes.size > 0) {
                    op.attributes = {};
                    currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
                      if (value !== null) {
                        op.attributes[key] = value;
                insert = '';
              case 'retain':
                if (retain > 0) {
                  op = { retain };
                  if (!isEmpty(attributes)) {
                    op.attributes = object_assign({}, attributes);
                retain = 0;
            if (op) delta.push(op);
            action = null;
        while (item !== null) {
          switch (item.content.constructor) {
            case ContentType:
            case ContentEmbed:
              if (this.adds(item)) {
                if (!this.deletes(item)) {
                  action = 'insert';
                  insert = item.content.getContent()[0];
              } else if (this.deletes(item)) {
                if (action !== 'delete') {
                  action = 'delete';
                deleteLen += 1;
              } else if (!item.deleted) {
                if (action !== 'retain') {
                  action = 'retain';
                retain += 1;
            case ContentString:
              if (this.adds(item)) {
                if (!this.deletes(item)) {
                  if (action !== 'insert') {
                    action = 'insert';
                  insert += /** @type {ContentString} */ (item.content).str;
              } else if (this.deletes(item)) {
                if (action !== 'delete') {
                  action = 'delete';
                deleteLen += item.length;
              } else if (!item.deleted) {
                if (action !== 'retain') {
                  action = 'retain';
                retain += item.length;
            case ContentFormat: {
              const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content);
              if (this.adds(item)) {
                if (!this.deletes(item)) {
                  const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
                  if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) {
                    if (action === 'retain') {
                    if (equalAttrs(value, (oldAttributes.get(key) || null))) {
                      delete attributes[key];
                    } else {
                      attributes[key] = value;
                  } else if (value !== null) {
              } else if (this.deletes(item)) {
                oldAttributes.set(key, value);
                const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
                if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) {
                  if (action === 'retain') {
                  attributes[key] = curVal;
              } else if (!item.deleted) {
                oldAttributes.set(key, value);
                const attr = attributes[key];
                if (attr !== undefined) {
                  if (!equalAttrs(attr, value)) {
                    if (action === 'retain') {
                    if (value === null) {
                      delete attributes[key];
                    } else {
                      attributes[key] = value;
                  } else if (attr !== null) { // this will be cleaned up automatically by the contextless cleanup function
              if (!item.deleted) {
                if (action === 'insert') {
                updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content));
          item = item.right;
        while (delta.length > 0) {
          const lastOp = delta[delta.length - 1];
          if (lastOp.retain !== undefined && lastOp.attributes === undefined) {
            // retain delta's if they don't assign attributes
          } else {
      this._delta = delta;
    return /** @type {any} */ (this._delta)

 * Type that represents text with formatting information.
 * This type replaces y-richtext as this implementation is able to handle
 * block formats (format information on a paragraph), embeds (complex elements
 * like pictures and videos), and text formats (**bold**, *italic*).
 * @extends AbstractType<YTextEvent>
class YText extends AbstractType {
   * @param {String} [string] The initial value of the YText.
  constructor (string) {
     * Array of pending operations on this type
     * @type {Array<function():void>?}
    this._pending = string !== undefined ? [() => this.insert(0, string)] : [];
     * @type {Array<ArraySearchMarker>|null}
    this._searchMarker = [];
     * Whether this YText contains formatting attributes.
     * This flag is updated when a formatting item is integrated (see ContentFormat.integrate)
    this._hasFormatting = false;

   * Number of characters of this text type.
   * @type {number}
  get length () {
    return this._length

   * @param {Doc} y
   * @param {Item} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    super._integrate(y, item);
    try {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).forEach(f => f());
    } catch (e) {
    this._pending = null;

  _copy () {
    return new YText()

   * @return {YText}
  clone () {
    const text = new YText();
    return text

   * Creates YTextEvent and calls observers.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
  _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
    super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs);
    const event = new YTextEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs);
    callTypeObservers(this, transaction, event);
    // If a remote change happened, we try to cleanup potential formatting duplicates.
    if (!transaction.local && this._hasFormatting) {
      transaction._needFormattingCleanup = true;

   * Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type.
   * @public
  toString () {
    let str = '';
     * @type {Item|null}
    let n = this._start;
    while (n !== null) {
      if (!n.deleted && n.countable && n.content.constructor === ContentString) {
        str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str;
      n = n.right;
    return str

   * Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type.
   * @return {string}
   * @public
  toJSON () {
    return this.toString()

   * Apply a {@link Delta} on this shared YText type.
   * @param {any} delta The changes to apply on this element.
   * @param {object}  opts
   * @param {boolean} [opts.sanitize] Sanitize input delta. Removes ending newlines if set to true.
   * @public
  applyDelta (delta, { sanitize = true } = {}) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        const currPos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, this._start, 0, new Map());
        for (let i = 0; i < delta.length; i++) {
          const op = delta[i];
          if (op.insert !== undefined) {
            // Quill assumes that the content starts with an empty paragraph.
            // Yjs/Y.Text assumes that it starts empty. We always hide that
            // there is a newline at the end of the content.
            // If we omit this step, clients will see a different number of
            // paragraphs, but nothing bad will happen.
            const ins = (!sanitize && typeof op.insert === 'string' && i === delta.length - 1 && currPos.right === null && op.insert.slice(-1) === '\n') ? op.insert.slice(0, -1) : op.insert;
            if (typeof ins !== 'string' || ins.length > 0) {
              insertText(transaction, this, currPos, ins, op.attributes || {});
          } else if (op.retain !== undefined) {
            formatText(transaction, this, currPos, op.retain, op.attributes || {});
          } else if (op.delete !== undefined) {
            deleteText(transaction, currPos, op.delete);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.applyDelta(delta));

   * Returns the Delta representation of this YText type.
   * @param {Snapshot} [snapshot]
   * @param {Snapshot} [prevSnapshot]
   * @param {function('removed' | 'added', ID):any} [computeYChange]
   * @return {any} The Delta representation of this type.
   * @public
  toDelta (snapshot, prevSnapshot, computeYChange) {
     * @type{Array<any>}
    const ops = [];
    const currentAttributes = new Map();
    const doc = /** @type {Doc} */ (this.doc);
    let str = '';
    let n = this._start;
    function packStr () {
      if (str.length > 0) {
        // pack str with attributes to ops
         * @type {Object<string,any>}
        const attributes = {};
        let addAttributes = false;
        currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
          addAttributes = true;
          attributes[key] = value;
         * @type {Object<string,any>}
        const op = { insert: str };
        if (addAttributes) {
          op.attributes = attributes;
        str = '';
    const computeDelta = () => {
      while (n !== null) {
        if (isVisible(n, snapshot) || (prevSnapshot !== undefined && isVisible(n, prevSnapshot))) {
          switch (n.content.constructor) {
            case ContentString: {
              const cur = currentAttributes.get('ychange');
              if (snapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, snapshot)) {
                if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== || cur.type !== 'removed') {
                  currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('removed', : { type: 'removed' });
              } else if (prevSnapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, prevSnapshot)) {
                if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== || cur.type !== 'added') {
                  currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('added', : { type: 'added' });
              } else if (cur !== undefined) {
              str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str;
            case ContentType:
            case ContentEmbed: {
               * @type {Object<string,any>}
              const op = {
                insert: n.content.getContent()[0]
              if (currentAttributes.size > 0) {
                const attrs = /** @type {Object<string,any>} */ ({});
                op.attributes = attrs;
                currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
                  attrs[key] = value;
            case ContentFormat:
              if (isVisible(n, snapshot)) {
                updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (n.content));
        n = n.right;
    if (snapshot || prevSnapshot) {
      // snapshots are merged again after the transaction, so we need to keep the
      // transaction alive until we are done
      transact(doc, transaction => {
        if (snapshot) {
          splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, snapshot);
        if (prevSnapshot) {
          splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, prevSnapshot);
      }, 'cleanup');
    } else {
    return ops

   * Insert text at a given index.
   * @param {number} index The index at which to start inserting.
   * @param {String} text The text to insert at the specified position.
   * @param {TextAttributes} [attributes] Optionally define some formatting
   *                                    information to apply on the inserted
   *                                    Text.
   * @public
  insert (index, text, attributes) {
    if (text.length <= 0) {
    const y = this.doc;
    if (y !== null) {
      transact(y, transaction => {
        const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
        if (!attributes) {
          attributes = {};
          // @ts-ignore
          pos.currentAttributes.forEach((v, k) => { attributes[k] = v; });
        insertText(transaction, this, pos, text, attributes);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insert(index, text, attributes));

   * Inserts an embed at a index.
   * @param {number} index The index to insert the embed at.
   * @param {Object | AbstractType<any>} embed The Object that represents the embed.
   * @param {TextAttributes} attributes Attribute information to apply on the
   *                                    embed
   * @public
  insertEmbed (index, embed, attributes = {}) {
    const y = this.doc;
    if (y !== null) {
      transact(y, transaction => {
        const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
        insertText(transaction, this, pos, embed, attributes);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insertEmbed(index, embed, attributes));

   * Deletes text starting from an index.
   * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting.
   * @param {number} length The number of characters to remove. Defaults to 1.
   * @public
  delete (index, length) {
    if (length === 0) {
    const y = this.doc;
    if (y !== null) {
      transact(y, transaction => {
        deleteText(transaction, findPosition(transaction, this, index), length);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.delete(index, length));

   * Assigns properties to a range of text.
   * @param {number} index The position where to start formatting.
   * @param {number} length The amount of characters to assign properties to.
   * @param {TextAttributes} attributes Attribute information to apply on the
   *                                    text.
   * @public
  format (index, length, attributes) {
    if (length === 0) {
    const y = this.doc;
    if (y !== null) {
      transact(y, transaction => {
        const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
        if (pos.right === null) {
        formatText(transaction, this, pos, length, attributes);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.format(index, length, attributes));

   * Removes an attribute.
   * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
   * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed.
   * @public
  removeAttribute (attributeName) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.removeAttribute(attributeName));

   * Sets or updates an attribute.
   * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
   * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set.
   * @param {any} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set.
   * @public
  setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue);
    } else {
      /** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue));

   * Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name.
   * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
   * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the
   *                               queried value.
   * @return {any} The queried attribute value.
   * @public
  getAttribute (attributeName) {
    return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName))

   * Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object.
   * @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
   * @return {Object<string, any>} A JSON Object that describes the attributes.
   * @public
  getAttributes () {
    return typeMapGetAll(this)

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder
 * @return {YText}
 * @private
 * @function
const readYText = _decoder => new YText();

 * @module YXml

 * Define the elements to which a set of CSS queries apply.
 * {@link|CSS_Selectors}
 * @example
 *   query = '.classSelector'
 *   query = 'nodeSelector'
 *   query = '#idSelector'
 * @typedef {string} CSS_Selector

 * Dom filter function.
 * @callback domFilter
 * @param {string} nodeName The nodeName of the element
 * @param {Map} attributes The map of attributes.
 * @return {boolean} Whether to include the Dom node in the YXmlElement.

 * Represents a subset of the nodes of a YXmlElement / YXmlFragment and a
 * position within them.
 * Can be created with {@link YXmlFragment#createTreeWalker}
 * @public
 * @implements {Iterable<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlElement|YXmlHook>}
class YXmlTreeWalker {
   * @param {YXmlFragment | YXmlElement} root
   * @param {function(AbstractType<any>):boolean} [f]
  constructor (root, f = () => true) {
    this._filter = f;
    this._root = root;
     * @type {Item}
    this._currentNode = /** @type {Item} */ (root._start);
    this._firstCall = true;

  [Symbol.iterator] () {
    return this

   * Get the next node.
   * @return {IteratorResult<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook>} The next node.
   * @public
  next () {
     * @type {Item|null}
    let n = this._currentNode;
    let type = n && n.content && /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type;
    if (n !== null && (!this._firstCall || n.deleted || !this._filter(type))) { // if first call, we check if we can use the first item
      do {
        type = /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type;
        if (!n.deleted && (type.constructor === YXmlElement || type.constructor === YXmlFragment) && type._start !== null) {
          // walk down in the tree
          n = type._start;
        } else {
          // walk right or up in the tree
          while (n !== null) {
            if (n.right !== null) {
              n = n.right;
            } else if (n.parent === this._root) {
              n = null;
            } else {
              n = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (n.parent)._item;
      } while (n !== null && (n.deleted || !this._filter(/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type)))
    this._firstCall = false;
    if (n === null) {
      // @ts-ignore
      return { value: undefined, done: true }
    this._currentNode = n;
    return { value: /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type, done: false }

 * Represents a list of {@link YXmlElement}.and {@link YXmlText} types.
 * A YxmlFragment is similar to a {@link YXmlElement}, but it does not have a
 * nodeName and it does not have attributes. Though it can be bound to a DOM
 * element - in this case the attributes and the nodeName are not shared.
 * @public
 * @extends AbstractType<YXmlEvent>
class YXmlFragment extends AbstractType {
  constructor () {
     * @type {Array<any>|null}
    this._prelimContent = [];

   * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
  get firstChild () {
    const first = this._first;
    return first ? first.content.getContent()[0] : null

   * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
   * * Save this struct in the os
   * * This type is sent to other client
   * * Observer functions are fired
   * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
   * @param {Item} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    super._integrate(y, item);
    this.insert(0, /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent));
    this._prelimContent = null;

  _copy () {
    return new YXmlFragment()

   * @return {YXmlFragment}
  clone () {
    const el = new YXmlFragment();
    // @ts-ignore
    el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item));
    return el

  get length () {
    return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length

   * Create a subtree of childNodes.
   * @example
   * const walker = elem.createTreeWalker(dom => dom.nodeName === 'div')
   * for (let node in walker) {
   *   // `node` is a div node
   *   nop(node)
   * }
   * @param {function(AbstractType<any>):boolean} filter Function that is called on each child element and
   *                          returns a Boolean indicating whether the child
   *                          is to be included in the subtree.
   * @return {YXmlTreeWalker} A subtree and a position within it.
   * @public
  createTreeWalker (filter) {
    return new YXmlTreeWalker(this, filter)

   * Returns the first YXmlElement that matches the query.
   * Similar to DOM's {@link querySelector}.
   * Query support:
   *   - tagname
   * TODO:
   *   - id
   *   - attribute
   * @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children.
   * @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook|null} The first element that matches the query or null.
   * @public
  querySelector (query) {
    query = query.toUpperCase();
    // @ts-ignore
    const iterator = new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query);
    const next =;
    if (next.done) {
      return null
    } else {
      return next.value

   * Returns all YXmlElements that match the query.
   * Similar to Dom's {@link querySelectorAll}.
   * @todo Does not yet support all queries. Currently only query by tagName.
   * @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children
   * @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook|null>} The elements that match this query.
   * @public
  querySelectorAll (query) {
    query = query.toUpperCase();
    // @ts-ignore
    return array_from(new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query))

   * Creates YXmlEvent and calls observers.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
  _callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
    callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YXmlEvent(this, parentSubs, transaction));

   * Get the string representation of all the children of this YXmlFragment.
   * @return {string} The string representation of all children.
  toString () {
    return typeListMap(this, xml => xml.toString()).join('')

   * @return {string}
  toJSON () {
    return this.toString()

   * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement.
   * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
   *                                        this when calling this method in
   *                                        nodejs)
   * @param {Object<string, any>} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks
   *                                             are presented in the DOM
   * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
   *                               used if DomBinding wants to create a
   *                               association to the created DOM type.
   * @return {Node} The {@link|Dom Element}
   * @public
  toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) {
    const fragment = _document.createDocumentFragment();
    if (binding !== undefined) {
      binding._createAssociation(fragment, this);
    typeListForEach(this, xmlType => {
      fragment.insertBefore(xmlType.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding), null);
    return fragment

   * Inserts new content at an index.
   * @example
   *  // Insert character 'a' at position 0
   *  xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')])
   * @param {number} index The index to insert content at
   * @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content The array of content
  insert (index, content) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, content);
    } else {
      // @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated
      this._prelimContent.splice(index, 0, ...content);

   * Inserts new content at an index.
   * @example
   *  // Insert character 'a' at position 0
   *  xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')])
   * @param {null|Item|YXmlElement|YXmlText} ref The index to insert content at
   * @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content The array of content
  insertAfter (ref, content) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        const refItem = (ref && ref instanceof AbstractType) ? ref._item : ref;
        typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, this, refItem, content);
    } else {
      const pc = /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent);
      const index = ref === null ? 0 : pc.findIndex(el => el === ref) + 1;
      if (index === 0 && ref !== null) {
        throw error_create('Reference item not found')
      pc.splice(index, 0, ...content);

   * Deletes elements starting from an index.
   * @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements
   * @param {number} [length=1] The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1.
  delete (index, length = 1) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length);
    } else {
      // @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated
      this._prelimContent.splice(index, length);

   * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
   * @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook>}
  toArray () {
    return typeListToArray(this)

   * Appends content to this YArray.
   * @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content Array of content to append.
  push (content) {
    this.insert(this.length, content);

   * Preppends content to this YArray.
   * @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content Array of content to preppend.
  unshift (content) {
    this.insert(0, content);

   * Returns the i-th element from a YArray.
   * @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray
   * @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText}
  get (index) {
    return typeListGet(this, index)

   * Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
   * @param {number} [start]
   * @param {number} [end]
   * @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>}
  slice (start = 0, end = this.length) {
    return typeListSlice(this, start, end)

   * Executes a provided function on once on overy child element.
   * @param {function(YXmlElement|YXmlText,number, typeof self):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
  forEach (f) {
    typeListForEach(this, f);

   * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
   * BinaryEncoder.
   * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} _decoder
 * @return {YXmlFragment}
 * @private
 * @function
const readYXmlFragment = _decoder => new YXmlFragment();

 * @typedef {Object|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>} ValueTypes

 * An YXmlElement imitates the behavior of a
 * {@link|Dom Element}.
 * * An YXmlElement has attributes (key value pairs)
 * * An YXmlElement has childElements that must inherit from YXmlElement
 * @template {{ [key: string]: ValueTypes }} [KV={ [key: string]: string }]
class YXmlElement extends YXmlFragment {
  constructor (nodeName = 'UNDEFINED') {
    this.nodeName = nodeName;
     * @type {Map<string, any>|null}
    this._prelimAttrs = new Map();

   * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
  get nextSibling () {
    const n = this._item ? : null;
    return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null

   * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
  get prevSibling () {
    const n = this._item ? this._item.prev : null;
    return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null

   * Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
   * * Save this struct in the os
   * * This type is sent to other client
   * * Observer functions are fired
   * @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
   * @param {Item} item
  _integrate (y, item) {
    super._integrate(y, item)
    ;(/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs)).forEach((value, key) => {
      this.setAttribute(key, value);
    this._prelimAttrs = null;

   * Creates an Item with the same effect as this Item (without position effect)
   * @return {YXmlElement}
  _copy () {
    return new YXmlElement(this.nodeName)

   * @return {YXmlElement<KV>}
  clone () {
     * @type {YXmlElement<KV>}
    const el = new YXmlElement(this.nodeName);
    const attrs = this.getAttributes();
    forEach(attrs, (value, key) => {
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        el.setAttribute(key, value);
    // @ts-ignore
    el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item));
    return el

   * Returns the XML serialization of this YXmlElement.
   * The attributes are ordered by attribute-name, so you can easily use this
   * method to compare YXmlElements
   * @return {string} The string representation of this type.
   * @public
  toString () {
    const attrs = this.getAttributes();
    const stringBuilder = [];
    const keys = [];
    for (const key in attrs) {
    const keysLen = keys.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < keysLen; i++) {
      const key = keys[i];
      stringBuilder.push(key + '="' + attrs[key] + '"');
    const nodeName = this.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase();
    const attrsString = stringBuilder.length > 0 ? ' ' + stringBuilder.join(' ') : '';
    return `<${nodeName}${attrsString}>${super.toString()}</${nodeName}>`

   * Removes an attribute from this YXmlElement.
   * @param {string} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed.
   * @public
  removeAttribute (attributeName) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName);
    } else {
      /** @type {Map<string,any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs).delete(attributeName);

   * Sets or updates an attribute.
   * @template {keyof KV & string} KEY
   * @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set.
   * @param {KV[KEY]} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set.
   * @public
  setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) {
    if (this.doc !== null) {
      transact(this.doc, transaction => {
        typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue);
    } else {
      /** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs).set(attributeName, attributeValue);

   * Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name.
   * @template {keyof KV & string} KEY
   * @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the
   *                               queried value.
   * @return {KV[KEY]|undefined} The queried attribute value.
   * @public
  getAttribute (attributeName) {
    return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName))

   * Returns whether an attribute exists
   * @param {string} attributeName The attribute name to check for existence.
   * @return {boolean} whether the attribute exists.
   * @public
  hasAttribute (attributeName) {
    return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapHas(this, attributeName))

   * Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object.
   * @return {{ [Key in Extract<keyof KV,string>]?: KV[Key]}} A JSON Object that describes the attributes.
   * @public
  getAttributes () {
    return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGetAll(this))

   * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement.
   * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
   *                                        this when calling this method in
   *                                        nodejs)
   * @param {Object<string, any>} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks
   *                                             are presented in the DOM
   * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
   *                               used if DomBinding wants to create a
   *                               association to the created DOM type.
   * @return {Node} The {@link|Dom Element}
   * @public
  toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) {
    const dom = _document.createElement(this.nodeName);
    const attrs = this.getAttributes();
    for (const key in attrs) {
      const value = attrs[key];
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        dom.setAttribute(key, value);
    typeListForEach(this, yxml => {
      dom.appendChild(yxml.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding));
    if (binding !== undefined) {
      binding._createAssociation(dom, this);
    return dom

   * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
   * BinaryEncoder.
   * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {YXmlElement}
 * @function
const readYXmlElement = decoder => new YXmlElement(decoder.readKey());

 * @extends YEvent<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlFragment>
 * An Event that describes changes on a YXml Element or Yxml Fragment
class YXmlEvent extends YEvent {
   * @param {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlFragment} target The target on which the event is created.
   * @param {Set<string|null>} subs The set of changed attributes. `null` is included if the
   *                   child list changed.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction The transaction instance with wich the
   *                                  change was created.
  constructor (target, subs, transaction) {
    super(target, transaction);
     * Whether the children changed.
     * @type {Boolean}
     * @private
    this.childListChanged = false;
     * Set of all changed attributes.
     * @type {Set<string>}
    this.attributesChanged = new Set();
    subs.forEach((sub) => {
      if (sub === null) {
        this.childListChanged = true;
      } else {

 * You can manage binding to a custom type with YXmlHook.
 * @extends {YMap<any>}
class YXmlHook extends YMap {
   * @param {string} hookName nodeName of the Dom Node.
  constructor (hookName) {
     * @type {string}
    this.hookName = hookName;

   * Creates an Item with the same effect as this Item (without position effect)
  _copy () {
    return new YXmlHook(this.hookName)

   * @return {YXmlHook}
  clone () {
    const el = new YXmlHook(this.hookName);
    this.forEach((value, key) => {
      el.set(key, value);
    return el

   * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement.
   * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
   *                                        this when calling this method in
   *                                        nodejs)
   * @param {Object.<string, any>} [hooks] Optional property to customize how hooks
   *                                             are presented in the DOM
   * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
   *                               used if DomBinding wants to create a
   *                               association to the created DOM type
   * @return {Element} The {@link|Dom Element}
   * @public
  toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) {
    const hook = hooks[this.hookName];
    let dom;
    if (hook !== undefined) {
      dom = hook.createDom(this);
    } else {
      dom = document.createElement(this.hookName);
    dom.setAttribute('data-yjs-hook', this.hookName);
    if (binding !== undefined) {
      binding._createAssociation(dom, this);
    return dom

   * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
   * BinaryEncoder.
   * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {YXmlHook}
 * @private
 * @function
const readYXmlHook = decoder =>
  new YXmlHook(decoder.readKey());

 * Represents text in a Dom Element. In the future this type will also handle
 * simple formatting information like bold and italic.
class YXmlText extends YText {
   * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
  get nextSibling () {
    const n = this._item ? : null;
    return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null

   * @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
  get prevSibling () {
    const n = this._item ? this._item.prev : null;
    return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null

  _copy () {
    return new YXmlText()

   * @return {YXmlText}
  clone () {
    const text = new YXmlText();
    return text

   * Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlText.
   * @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
   *                                        this when calling this method in
   *                                        nodejs)
   * @param {Object<string, any>} [hooks] Optional property to customize how hooks
   *                                             are presented in the DOM
   * @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
   *                               used if DomBinding wants to create a
   *                               association to the created DOM type.
   * @return {Text} The {@link|Dom Element}
   * @public
  toDOM (_document = document, hooks, binding) {
    const dom = _document.createTextNode(this.toString());
    if (binding !== undefined) {
      binding._createAssociation(dom, this);
    return dom

  toString () {
    // @ts-ignore
    return this.toDelta().map(delta => {
      const nestedNodes = [];
      for (const nodeName in delta.attributes) {
        const attrs = [];
        for (const key in delta.attributes[nodeName]) {
          attrs.push({ key, value: delta.attributes[nodeName][key] });
        // sort attributes to get a unique order
        attrs.sort((a, b) => a.key < b.key ? -1 : 1);
        nestedNodes.push({ nodeName, attrs });
      // sort node order to get a unique order
      nestedNodes.sort((a, b) => a.nodeName < b.nodeName ? -1 : 1);
      // now convert to dom string
      let str = '';
      for (let i = 0; i < nestedNodes.length; i++) {
        const node = nestedNodes[i];
        str += `<${node.nodeName}`;
        for (let j = 0; j < node.attrs.length; j++) {
          const attr = node.attrs[j];
          str += ` ${attr.key}="${attr.value}"`;
        str += '>';
      str += delta.insert;
      for (let i = nestedNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        str += `</${nestedNodes[i].nodeName}>`;
      return str

   * @return {string}
  toJSON () {
    return this.toString()

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
  _write (encoder) {

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {YXmlText}
 * @private
 * @function
const readYXmlText = decoder => new YXmlText();

class AbstractStruct {
   * @param {ID} id
   * @param {number} length
  constructor (id, length) { = id;
    this.length = length;

   * @type {boolean}
  get deleted () {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * Merge this struct with the item to the right.
   * This method is already assuming that ` + this.length ===`.
   * Also this method does *not* remove right from StructStore!
   * @param {AbstractStruct} right
   * @return {boolean} wether this merged with right
  mergeWith (right) {
    return false

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
   * @param {number} offset
   * @param {number} encodingRef
  write (encoder, offset, encodingRef) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {number} offset
  integrate (transaction, offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

const structGCRefNumber = 0;

 * @private
class GC extends AbstractStruct {
  get deleted () {
    return true

  delete () {}

   * @param {GC} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    if (this.constructor !== right.constructor) {
      return false
    this.length += right.length;
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {number} offset
  integrate (transaction, offset) {
    if (offset > 0) { += offset;
      this.length -= offset;
    addStruct(, this);

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    encoder.writeLen(this.length - offset);

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {StructStore} store
   * @return {null | number}
  getMissing (transaction, store) {
    return null

class ContentBinary {
   * @param {Uint8Array} content
  constructor (content) {
    this.content = content;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return 1

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return [this.content]

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentBinary}
  copy () {
    return new ContentBinary(this.content)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentBinary}
  splice (offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {ContentBinary} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    return false

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {}
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 3

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2 } decoder
 * @return {ContentBinary}
const readContentBinary = decoder => new ContentBinary(decoder.readBuf());

class ContentDeleted {
   * @param {number} len
  constructor (len) {
    this.len = len;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return this.len

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return []

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return false

   * @return {ContentDeleted}
  copy () {
    return new ContentDeleted(this.len)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentDeleted}
  splice (offset) {
    const right = new ContentDeleted(this.len - offset);
    this.len = offset;
    return right

   * @param {ContentDeleted} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    this.len += right.len;
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {
    addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet,,, this.len);

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    encoder.writeLen(this.len - offset);

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 1

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2 } decoder
 * @return {ContentDeleted}
const readContentDeleted = decoder => new ContentDeleted(decoder.readLen());

 * @param {string} guid
 * @param {Object<string, any>} opts
const createDocFromOpts = (guid, opts) => new Doc({ guid, ...opts, shouldLoad: opts.shouldLoad || opts.autoLoad || false });

 * @private
class ContentDoc {
   * @param {Doc} doc
  constructor (doc) {
    if (doc._item) {
      console.error('This document was already integrated as a sub-document. You should create a second instance instead with the same guid.');
     * @type {Doc}
    this.doc = doc;
     * @type {any}
    const opts = {};
    this.opts = opts;
    if (!doc.gc) {
      opts.gc = false;
    if (doc.autoLoad) {
      opts.autoLoad = true;
    if (doc.meta !== null) {
      opts.meta = doc.meta;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return 1

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return [this.doc]

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentDoc}
  copy () {
    return new ContentDoc(createDocFromOpts(this.doc.guid, this.opts))

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentDoc}
  splice (offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {ContentDoc} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    return false

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {
    // this needs to be reflected in doc.destroy as well
    this.doc._item = item;
    if (this.doc.shouldLoad) {

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {
    if (transaction.subdocsAdded.has(this.doc)) {
    } else {

   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) { }

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 9

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentDoc}
const readContentDoc = decoder => new ContentDoc(createDocFromOpts(decoder.readString(), decoder.readAny()));

 * @private
class ContentEmbed {
   * @param {Object} embed
  constructor (embed) {
    this.embed = embed;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return 1

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return [this.embed]

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentEmbed}
  copy () {
    return new ContentEmbed(this.embed)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentEmbed}
  splice (offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {ContentEmbed} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    return false

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {}
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 5

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentEmbed}
const readContentEmbed = decoder => new ContentEmbed(decoder.readJSON());

 * @private
class ContentFormat {
   * @param {string} key
   * @param {Object} value
  constructor (key, value) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return 1

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return []

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return false

   * @return {ContentFormat}
  copy () {
    return new ContentFormat(this.key, this.value)

   * @param {number} _offset
   * @return {ContentFormat}
  splice (_offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {ContentFormat} _right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (_right) {
    return false

   * @param {Transaction} _transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (_transaction, item) {
    // @todo searchmarker are currently unsupported for rich text documents
    const p = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent);
    p._searchMarker = null;
    p._hasFormatting = true;

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 6

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentFormat}
const readContentFormat = decoder => new ContentFormat(decoder.readKey(), decoder.readJSON());

 * @private
class ContentJSON {
   * @param {Array<any>} arr
  constructor (arr) {
     * @type {Array<any>}
    this.arr = arr;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return this.arr.length

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return this.arr

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentJSON}
  copy () {
    return new ContentJSON(this.arr)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentJSON}
  splice (offset) {
    const right = new ContentJSON(this.arr.slice(offset));
    this.arr = this.arr.slice(0, offset);
    return right

   * @param {ContentJSON} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    this.arr = this.arr.concat(right.arr);
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {}
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    const len = this.arr.length;
    encoder.writeLen(len - offset);
    for (let i = offset; i < len; i++) {
      const c = this.arr[i];
      encoder.writeString(c === undefined ? 'undefined' : JSON.stringify(c));

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 2

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentJSON}
const readContentJSON = decoder => {
  const len = decoder.readLen();
  const cs = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const c = decoder.readString();
    if (c === 'undefined') {
    } else {
  return new ContentJSON(cs)

class ContentAny {
   * @param {Array<any>} arr
  constructor (arr) {
     * @type {Array<any>}
    this.arr = arr;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return this.arr.length

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return this.arr

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentAny}
  copy () {
    return new ContentAny(this.arr)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentAny}
  splice (offset) {
    const right = new ContentAny(this.arr.slice(offset));
    this.arr = this.arr.slice(0, offset);
    return right

   * @param {ContentAny} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    this.arr = this.arr.concat(right.arr);
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {}
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    const len = this.arr.length;
    encoder.writeLen(len - offset);
    for (let i = offset; i < len; i++) {
      const c = this.arr[i];

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 8

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentAny}
const readContentAny = decoder => {
  const len = decoder.readLen();
  const cs = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  return new ContentAny(cs)

 * @private
class ContentString {
   * @param {string} str
  constructor (str) {
     * @type {string}
    this.str = str;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return this.str.length

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return this.str.split('')

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentString}
  copy () {
    return new ContentString(this.str)

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentString}
  splice (offset) {
    const right = new ContentString(this.str.slice(offset));
    this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset);

    // Prevent encoding invalid documents because of splitting of surrogate pairs:
    const firstCharCode = this.str.charCodeAt(offset - 1);
    if (firstCharCode >= 0xD800 && firstCharCode <= 0xDBFF) {
      // Last character of the left split is the start of a surrogate utf16/ucs2 pair.
      // We don't support splitting of surrogate pairs because this may lead to invalid documents.
      // Replace the invalid character with a unicode replacement character (� / U+FFFD)
      this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset - 1) + '�';
      // replace right as well
      right.str = '�' + right.str.slice(1);
    return right

   * @param {ContentString} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    this.str += right.str;
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {}
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {}
   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {}
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    encoder.writeString(offset === 0 ? this.str : this.str.slice(offset));

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 4

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentString}
const readContentString = decoder => new ContentString(decoder.readString());

 * @type {Array<function(UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2):AbstractType<any>>}
 * @private
const typeRefs = [

const YArrayRefID = 0;
const YMapRefID = 1;
const YTextRefID = 2;
const YXmlElementRefID = 3;
const YXmlFragmentRefID = 4;
const YXmlHookRefID = 5;
const YXmlTextRefID = 6;

 * @private
class ContentType {
   * @param {AbstractType<any>} type
  constructor (type) {
     * @type {AbstractType<any>}
    this.type = type;

   * @return {number}
  getLength () {
    return 1

   * @return {Array<any>}
  getContent () {
    return [this.type]

   * @return {boolean}
  isCountable () {
    return true

   * @return {ContentType}
  copy () {
    return new ContentType(this.type._copy())

   * @param {number} offset
   * @return {ContentType}
  splice (offset) {
    throw methodUnimplemented()

   * @param {ContentType} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    return false

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {Item} item
  integrate (transaction, item) {
    this.type._integrate(transaction.doc, item);

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {
    let item = this.type._start;
    while (item !== null) {
      if (!item.deleted) {
      } else if ( < (transaction.beforeState.get( || 0)) {
        // This will be gc'd later and we want to merge it if possible
        // We try to merge all deleted items after each transaction,
        // but we have no knowledge about that this needs to be merged
        // since it is not in transaction.ds. Hence we add it to transaction._mergeStructs
      item = item.right;
    this.type._map.forEach(item => {
      if (!item.deleted) {
      } else if ( < (transaction.beforeState.get( || 0)) {
        // same as above

   * @param {StructStore} store
  gc (store) {
    let item = this.type._start;
    while (item !== null) {
      item.gc(store, true);
      item = item.right;
    this.type._start = null;
    this.type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item | null} item */ (item) => {
      while (item !== null) {
        item.gc(store, true);
        item = item.left;
    this.type._map = new Map();

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {

   * @return {number}
  getRef () {
    return 7

 * @private
 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @return {ContentType}
const readContentType = decoder => new ContentType(typeRefs[decoder.readTypeRef()](decoder));

 * @todo This should return several items
 * @param {StructStore} store
 * @param {ID} id
 * @return {{item:Item, diff:number}}
const followRedone = (store, id) => {
   * @type {ID|null}
  let nextID = id;
  let diff = 0;
  let item;
  do {
    if (diff > 0) {
      nextID = createID(nextID.client, nextID.clock + diff);
    item = getItem(store, nextID);
    diff = nextID.clock -;
    nextID = item.redone;
  } while (nextID !== null && item instanceof Item)
  return {
    item, diff

 * Make sure that neither item nor any of its parents is ever deleted.
 * This property does not persist when storing it into a database or when
 * sending it to other peers
 * @param {Item|null} item
 * @param {boolean} keep
const keepItem = (item, keep) => {
  while (item !== null && item.keep !== keep) {
    item.keep = keep;
    item = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (item.parent)._item;

 * Split leftItem into two items
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Item} leftItem
 * @param {number} diff
 * @return {Item}
 * @function
 * @private
const splitItem = (transaction, leftItem, diff) => {
  // create rightItem
  const { client, clock } =;
  const rightItem = new Item(
    createID(client, clock + diff),
    createID(client, clock + diff - 1),
  if (leftItem.deleted) {
  if (leftItem.keep) {
    rightItem.keep = true;
  if (leftItem.redone !== null) {
    rightItem.redone = createID(leftItem.redone.client, leftItem.redone.clock + diff);
  // update left (do not set leftItem.rightOrigin as it will lead to problems when syncing)
  leftItem.right = rightItem;
  // update right
  if (rightItem.right !== null) {
    rightItem.right.left = rightItem;
  // right is more specific.
  // update parent._map
  if (rightItem.parentSub !== null && rightItem.right === null) {
    /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (rightItem.parent)._map.set(rightItem.parentSub, rightItem);
  leftItem.length = diff;
  return rightItem

 * @param {Array<StackItem>} stack
 * @param {ID} id
const isDeletedByUndoStack = (stack, id) => array.some(stack, /** @param {StackItem} s */ s => isDeleted(s.deletions, id));

 * Redoes the effect of this operation.
 * @param {Transaction} transaction The Yjs instance.
 * @param {Item} item
 * @param {Set<Item>} redoitems
 * @param {DeleteSet} itemsToDelete
 * @param {boolean} ignoreRemoteMapChanges
 * @param {import('../utils/UndoManager.js').UndoManager} um
 * @return {Item|null}
 * @private
const redoItem = (transaction, item, redoitems, itemsToDelete, ignoreRemoteMapChanges, um) => {
  const doc = transaction.doc;
  const store =;
  const ownClientID = doc.clientID;
  const redone = item.redone;
  if (redone !== null) {
    return getItemCleanStart(transaction, redone)
  let parentItem = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (item.parent)._item;
   * @type {Item|null}
  let left = null;
   * @type {Item|null}
  let right;
  // make sure that parent is redone
  if (parentItem !== null && parentItem.deleted === true) {
    // try to undo parent if it will be undone anyway
    if (parentItem.redone === null && (!redoitems.has(parentItem) || redoItem(transaction, parentItem, redoitems, itemsToDelete, ignoreRemoteMapChanges, um) === null)) {
      return null
    while (parentItem.redone !== null) {
      parentItem = getItemCleanStart(transaction, parentItem.redone);
  const parentType = parentItem === null ? /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (item.parent) : /** @type {ContentType} */ (parentItem.content).type;

  if (item.parentSub === null) {
    // Is an array item. Insert at the old position
    left = item.left;
    right = item;
    // find next cloned_redo items
    while (left !== null) {
       * @type {Item|null}
      let leftTrace = left;
      // trace redone until parent matches
      while (leftTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (leftTrace.parent)._item !== parentItem) {
        leftTrace = leftTrace.redone === null ? null : getItemCleanStart(transaction, leftTrace.redone);
      if (leftTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (leftTrace.parent)._item === parentItem) {
        left = leftTrace;
      left = left.left;
    while (right !== null) {
       * @type {Item|null}
      let rightTrace = right;
      // trace redone until parent matches
      while (rightTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (rightTrace.parent)._item !== parentItem) {
        rightTrace = rightTrace.redone === null ? null : getItemCleanStart(transaction, rightTrace.redone);
      if (rightTrace !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (rightTrace.parent)._item === parentItem) {
        right = rightTrace;
      right = right.right;
  } else {
    right = null;
    if (item.right && !ignoreRemoteMapChanges) {
      left = item;
      // Iterate right while right is in itemsToDelete
      // If it is intended to delete right while item is redone, we can expect that item should replace right.
      while (left !== null && left.right !== null && (left.right.redone || isDeleted(itemsToDelete, || isDeletedByUndoStack(um.undoStack, || isDeletedByUndoStack(um.redoStack, {
        left = left.right;
        // follow redone
        while (left.redone) left = getItemCleanStart(transaction, left.redone);
      if (left && left.right !== null) {
        // It is not possible to redo this item because it conflicts with a
        // change from another client
        return null
    } else {
      left = parentType._map.get(item.parentSub) || null;
  const nextClock = getState(store, ownClientID);
  const nextId = createID(ownClientID, nextClock);
  const redoneItem = new Item(
    left, left && left.lastId,
    right, right &&,
  item.redone = nextId;
  keepItem(redoneItem, true);
  redoneItem.integrate(transaction, 0);
  return redoneItem

 * Abstract class that represents any content.
class Item extends AbstractStruct {
   * @param {ID} id
   * @param {Item | null} left
   * @param {ID | null} origin
   * @param {Item | null} right
   * @param {ID | null} rightOrigin
   * @param {AbstractType<any>|ID|null} parent Is a type if integrated, is null if it is possible to copy parent from left or right, is ID before integration to search for it.
   * @param {string | null} parentSub
   * @param {AbstractContent} content
  constructor (id, left, origin, right, rightOrigin, parent, parentSub, content) {
    super(id, content.getLength());
     * The item that was originally to the left of this item.
     * @type {ID | null}
    this.origin = origin;
     * The item that is currently to the left of this item.
     * @type {Item | null}
    this.left = left;
     * The item that is currently to the right of this item.
     * @type {Item | null}
    this.right = right;
     * The item that was originally to the right of this item.
     * @type {ID | null}
    this.rightOrigin = rightOrigin;
     * @type {AbstractType<any>|ID|null}
    this.parent = parent;
     * If the parent refers to this item with some kind of key (e.g. YMap, the
     * key is specified here. The key is then used to refer to the list in which
     * to insert this item. If `parentSub = null` type._start is the list in
     * which to insert to. Otherwise it is `parent._map`.
     * @type {String | null}
    this.parentSub = parentSub;
     * If this type's effect is redone this type refers to the type that undid
     * this operation.
     * @type {ID | null}
    this.redone = null;
     * @type {AbstractContent}
    this.content = content;
     * bit1: keep
     * bit2: countable
     * bit3: deleted
     * bit4: mark - mark node as fast-search-marker
     * @type {number} byte
     */ = this.content.isCountable() ? BIT2 : 0;

   * This is used to mark the item as an indexed fast-search marker
   * @type {boolean}
  set marker (isMarked) {
    if ((( & BIT4) > 0) !== isMarked) { ^= BIT4;

  get marker () {
    return ( & BIT4) > 0

   * If true, do not garbage collect this Item.
  get keep () {
    return ( & BIT1) > 0

  set keep (doKeep) {
    if (this.keep !== doKeep) { ^= BIT1;

  get countable () {
    return ( & BIT2) > 0

   * Whether this item was deleted or not.
   * @type {Boolean}
  get deleted () {
    return ( & BIT3) > 0

  set deleted (doDelete) {
    if (this.deleted !== doDelete) { ^= BIT3;

  markDeleted () { |= BIT3;

   * Return the creator clientID of the missing op or define missing items and return null.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {StructStore} store
   * @return {null | number}
  getMissing (transaction, store) {
    if (this.origin && this.origin.client !== && this.origin.clock >= getState(store, this.origin.client)) {
      return this.origin.client
    if (this.rightOrigin && this.rightOrigin.client !== && this.rightOrigin.clock >= getState(store, this.rightOrigin.client)) {
      return this.rightOrigin.client
    if (this.parent && this.parent.constructor === ID && !== this.parent.client && this.parent.clock >= getState(store, this.parent.client)) {
      return this.parent.client

    // We have all missing ids, now find the items

    if (this.origin) {
      this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction, store, this.origin);
      this.origin = this.left.lastId;
    if (this.rightOrigin) {
      this.right = getItemCleanStart(transaction, this.rightOrigin);
      this.rightOrigin =;
    if ((this.left && this.left.constructor === GC) || (this.right && this.right.constructor === GC)) {
      this.parent = null;
    // only set parent if this shouldn't be garbage collected
    if (!this.parent) {
      if (this.left && this.left.constructor === Item) {
        this.parent = this.left.parent;
        this.parentSub = this.left.parentSub;
      if (this.right && this.right.constructor === Item) {
        this.parent = this.right.parent;
        this.parentSub = this.right.parentSub;
    } else if (this.parent.constructor === ID) {
      const parentItem = getItem(store, this.parent);
      if (parentItem.constructor === GC) {
        this.parent = null;
      } else {
        this.parent = /** @type {ContentType} */ (parentItem.content).type;
    return null

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {number} offset
  integrate (transaction, offset) {
    if (offset > 0) { += offset;
      this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction,, createID(, - 1));
      this.origin = this.left.lastId;
      this.content = this.content.splice(offset);
      this.length -= offset;

    if (this.parent) {
      if ((!this.left && (!this.right || this.right.left !== null)) || (this.left && this.left.right !== this.right)) {
         * @type {Item|null}
        let left = this.left;

         * @type {Item|null}
        let o;
        // set o to the first conflicting item
        if (left !== null) {
          o = left.right;
        } else if (this.parentSub !== null) {
          o = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null;
          while (o !== null && o.left !== null) {
            o = o.left;
        } else {
          o = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start;
        // TODO: use something like DeleteSet here (a tree implementation would be best)
        // @todo use global set definitions
         * @type {Set<Item>}
        const conflictingItems = new Set();
         * @type {Set<Item>}
        const itemsBeforeOrigin = new Set();
        // Let c in conflictingItems, b in itemsBeforeOrigin
        // ***{origin}bbbb{this}{c,b}{c,b}{o}***
        // Note that conflictingItems is a subset of itemsBeforeOrigin
        while (o !== null && o !== this.right) {
          if (compareIDs(this.origin, o.origin)) {
            // case 1
            if ( < {
              left = o;
            } else if (compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, o.rightOrigin)) {
              // this and o are conflicting and point to the same integration points. The id decides which item comes first.
              // Since this is to the left of o, we can break here
            } // else, o might be integrated before an item that this conflicts with. If so, we will find it in the next iterations
          } else if (o.origin !== null && itemsBeforeOrigin.has(getItem(, o.origin))) { // use getItem instead of getItemCleanEnd because we don't want / need to split items.
            // case 2
            if (!conflictingItems.has(getItem(, o.origin))) {
              left = o;
          } else {
          o = o.right;
        this.left = left;
      // reconnect left/right + update parent map/start if necessary
      if (this.left !== null) {
        const right = this.left.right;
        this.right = right;
        this.left.right = this;
      } else {
        let r;
        if (this.parentSub !== null) {
          r = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null;
          while (r !== null && r.left !== null) {
            r = r.left;
        } else {
          r = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start
          ;/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start = this;
        this.right = r;
      if (this.right !== null) {
        this.right.left = this;
      } else if (this.parentSub !== null) {
        // set as current parent value if right === null and this is parentSub
        /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.set(this.parentSub, this);
        if (this.left !== null) {
          // this is the current attribute value of parent. delete right
      // adjust length of parent
      if (this.parentSub === null && this.countable && !this.deleted) {
        /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._length += this.length;
      addStruct(, this);
      this.content.integrate(transaction, this);
      // add parent to transaction.changed
      addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent), this.parentSub);
      if ((/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._item !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._item.deleted) || (this.parentSub !== null && this.right !== null)) {
        // delete if parent is deleted or if this is not the current attribute value of parent
    } else {
      // parent is not defined. Integrate GC struct instead
      new GC(, this.length).integrate(transaction, 0);

   * Returns the next non-deleted item
  get next () {
    let n = this.right;
    while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
      n = n.right;
    return n

   * Returns the previous non-deleted item
  get prev () {
    let n = this.left;
    while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
      n = n.left;
    return n

   * Computes the last content address of this Item.
  get lastId () {
    // allocating ids is pretty costly because of the amount of ids created, so we try to reuse whenever possible
    return this.length === 1 ? : createID(, + this.length - 1)

   * Try to merge two items
   * @param {Item} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    if (
      this.constructor === right.constructor &&
      compareIDs(right.origin, this.lastId) &&
      this.right === right &&
      compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, right.rightOrigin) && === && + this.length === &&
      this.deleted === right.deleted &&
      this.redone === null &&
      right.redone === null &&
      this.content.constructor === right.content.constructor &&
    ) {
      const searchMarker = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._searchMarker;
      if (searchMarker) {
        searchMarker.forEach(marker => {
          if (marker.p === right) {
            // right is going to be "forgotten" so we need to update the marker
            marker.p = this;
            // adjust marker index
            if (!this.deleted && this.countable) {
              marker.index -= this.length;
      if (right.keep) {
        this.keep = true;
      this.right = right.right;
      if (this.right !== null) {
        this.right.left = this;
      this.length += right.length;
      return true
    return false

   * Mark this Item as deleted.
   * @param {Transaction} transaction
  delete (transaction) {
    if (!this.deleted) {
      const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent);
      // adjust the length of parent
      if (this.countable && this.parentSub === null) {
        parent._length -= this.length;
      addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet,,, this.length);
      addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, parent, this.parentSub);

   * @param {StructStore} store
   * @param {boolean} parentGCd
  gc (store, parentGCd) {
    if (!this.deleted) {
      throw unexpectedCase()
    if (parentGCd) {
      replaceStruct(store, this, new GC(, this.length));
    } else {
      this.content = new ContentDeleted(this.length);

   * Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
   * BinaryEncoder.
   * This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    const origin = offset > 0 ? createID(, + offset - 1) : this.origin;
    const rightOrigin = this.rightOrigin;
    const parentSub = this.parentSub;
    const info = (this.content.getRef() & BITS5) |
      (origin === null ? 0 : BIT8) | // origin is defined
      (rightOrigin === null ? 0 : BIT7) | // right origin is defined
      (parentSub === null ? 0 : BIT6); // parentSub is non-null
    if (origin !== null) {
    if (rightOrigin !== null) {
    if (origin === null && rightOrigin === null) {
      const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent);
      if (parent._item !== undefined) {
        const parentItem = parent._item;
        if (parentItem === null) {
          // parent type on y._map
          // find the correct key
          const ykey = findRootTypeKey(parent);
          encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey
        } else {
          encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id
      } else if (parent.constructor === String) { // this edge case was added by differential updates
        encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey
      } else if (parent.constructor === ID) {
        encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id
      } else {
      if (parentSub !== null) {
    this.content.write(encoder, offset);

 * @param {UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2} decoder
 * @param {number} info
const readItemContent = (decoder, info) => contentRefs[info & BITS5](decoder);

 * A lookup map for reading Item content.
 * @type {Array<function(UpdateDecoderV1 | UpdateDecoderV2):AbstractContent>}
const contentRefs = [
  () => { unexpectedCase(); }, // GC is not ItemContent
  readContentDeleted, // 1
  readContentJSON, // 2
  readContentBinary, // 3
  readContentString, // 4
  readContentEmbed, // 5
  readContentFormat, // 6
  readContentType, // 7
  readContentAny, // 8
  readContentDoc, // 9
  () => { unexpectedCase(); } // 10 - Skip is not ItemContent

const structSkipRefNumber = 10;

 * @private
class Skip extends AbstractStruct {
  get deleted () {
    return true

  delete () {}

   * @param {Skip} right
   * @return {boolean}
  mergeWith (right) {
    if (this.constructor !== right.constructor) {
      return false
    this.length += right.length;
    return true

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {number} offset
  integrate (transaction, offset) {
    // skip structs cannot be integrated

   * @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
   * @param {number} offset
  write (encoder, offset) {
    // write as VarUint because Skips can't make use of predictable length-encoding
    writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, this.length - offset);

   * @param {Transaction} transaction
   * @param {StructStore} store
   * @return {null | number}
  getMissing (transaction, store) {
    return null

/** eslint-env browser */

const glo = /** @type {any} */ (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
  ? globalThis
  : typeof window !== 'undefined'
    ? window
    // @ts-ignore
    : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {});

const importIdentifier = '__ $YJS$ __';

if (glo[importIdentifier] === true) {
   * Dear reader of this message. Please take this seriously.
   * If you see this message, make sure that you only import one version of Yjs. In many cases,
   * your package manager installs two versions of Yjs that are used by different packages within your project.
   * Another reason for this message is that some parts of your project use the commonjs version of Yjs
   * and others use the EcmaScript version of Yjs.
   * This often leads to issues that are hard to debug. We often need to perform constructor checks,
   * e.g. `struct instanceof GC`. If you imported different versions of Yjs, it is impossible for us to
   * do the constructor checks anymore - which might break the CRDT algorithm.
  console.error('Yjs was already imported. This breaks constructor checks and will lead to issues! -');
glo[importIdentifier] = true;


;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/provider.js
 * External dependencies
// @ts-ignore

/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectType} ObjectType */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectID} ObjectID */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectConfig} ObjectConfig */
/** @typedef {import('./types').CRDTDoc} CRDTDoc */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ConnectDoc} ConnectDoc */
/** @typedef {import('./types').SyncProvider} SyncProvider */

 * Create a sync provider.
 * @param {ConnectDoc} connectLocal  Connect the document to a local database.
 * @param {ConnectDoc} connectRemote Connect the document to a remote sync connection.
 * @return {SyncProvider} Sync provider.
const createSyncProvider = (connectLocal, connectRemote) => {
   * @type {Record<string,ObjectConfig>}
  const config = {};

   * @type {Record<string,Record<string,()=>void>>}
  const listeners = {};

   * @type {Record<string,Record<string,CRDTDoc>>}
  const docs = {};

   * Registeres an object type.
   * @param {ObjectType}   objectType   Object type to register.
   * @param {ObjectConfig} objectConfig Object config.
  function register(objectType, objectConfig) {
    config[objectType] = objectConfig;

   * Fetch data from local database or remote source.
   * @param {ObjectType} objectType    Object type to load.
   * @param {ObjectID}   objectId      Object ID to load.
   * @param {Function}   handleChanges Callback to call when data changes.
  async function bootstrap(objectType, objectId, handleChanges) {
    const doc = new Doc();
    docs[objectType] = docs[objectType] || {};
    docs[objectType][objectId] = doc;
    const updateHandler = () => {
      const data = config[objectType].fromCRDTDoc(doc);
    doc.on('update', updateHandler);

    // connect to locally saved database.
    const destroyLocalConnection = await connectLocal(objectId, objectType, doc);

    // Once the database syncing is done, start the remote syncing
    if (connectRemote) {
      await connectRemote(objectId, objectType, doc);
    const loadRemotely = config[objectType].fetch;
    if (loadRemotely) {
      loadRemotely(objectId).then(data => {
        doc.transact(() => {
          config[objectType].applyChangesToDoc(doc, data);
    listeners[objectType] = listeners[objectType] || {};
    listeners[objectType][objectId] = () => {
      destroyLocalConnection();'update', updateHandler);

   * Fetch data from local database or remote source.
   * @param {ObjectType} objectType Object type to load.
   * @param {ObjectID}   objectId   Object ID to load.
   * @param {any}        data       Updates to make.
  async function update(objectType, objectId, data) {
    const doc = docs[objectType][objectId];
    if (!doc) {
      throw 'Error doc ' + objectType + ' ' + objectId + ' not found';
    doc.transact(() => {
      config[objectType].applyChangesToDoc(doc, data);

   * Stop updating a document and discard it.
   * @param {ObjectType} objectType Object type to load.
   * @param {ObjectID}   objectId   Object ID to load.
  async function discard(objectType, objectId) {
    if (listeners?.[objectType]?.[objectId]) {
  return {

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/indexeddb.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Helpers to work with IndexedDB.
 * @module indexeddb

/* c8 ignore start */

 * IDB Request to Promise transformer
 * @param {IDBRequest} request
 * @return {Promise<any>}
const rtop = request => promise_create((resolve, reject) => {
  // @ts-ignore
  request.onerror = event => reject(new Error(
  // @ts-ignore
  request.onsuccess = event => resolve(

 * @param {string} name
 * @param {function(IDBDatabase):any} initDB Called when the database is first created
 * @return {Promise<IDBDatabase>}
const openDB = (name, initDB) => promise_create((resolve, reject) => {
  const request =
   * @param {any} event
  request.onupgradeneeded = event => initDB(
   * @param {any} event
  request.onerror = event => reject(error_create(
   * @param {any} event
  request.onsuccess = event => {
     * @type {IDBDatabase}
    const db =
    db.onversionchange = () => { db.close() }
    if (typeof addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
      addEventListener('unload', () => db.close())

 * @param {string} name
const deleteDB = name => rtop(indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name))

 * @param {IDBDatabase} db
 * @param {Array<Array<string>|Array<string|IDBObjectStoreParameters|undefined>>} definitions
const createStores = (db, definitions) => definitions.forEach(d =>
  // @ts-ignore
  db.createObjectStore.apply(db, d)

 * @param {IDBDatabase} db
 * @param {Array<string>} stores
 * @param {"readwrite"|"readonly"} [access]
 * @return {Array<IDBObjectStore>}
const indexeddb_transact = (db, stores, access = 'readwrite') => {
  const transaction = db.transaction(stores, access)
  return => getStore(transaction, store))

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange} [range]
 * @return {Promise<number>}
const count = (store, range) =>

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | Array<any> } key
 * @return {Promise<String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | Array<any>>}
const get = (store, key) =>

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | IDBKeyRange | Array<any> } key
const del = (store, key) =>

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | boolean} item
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | Array<any>} [key]
const put = (store, item, key) =>
  rtop(store.put(item, key))

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | boolean}  item
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | Array<any>}  key
 * @return {Promise<any>}
const indexeddb_add = (store, item, key) =>
  rtop(store.add(item, key))

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date}  item
 * @return {Promise<number>} Returns the generated key
const addAutoKey = (store, item) =>

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange} [range]
 * @param {number} [limit]
 * @return {Promise<Array<any>>}
const getAll = (store, range, limit) =>
  rtop(store.getAll(range, limit))

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange} [range]
 * @param {number} [limit]
 * @return {Promise<Array<any>>}
const getAllKeys = (store, range, limit) =>
  rtop(store.getAllKeys(range, limit))

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange|null} query
 * @param {'next'|'prev'|'nextunique'|'prevunique'} direction
 * @return {Promise<any>}
const queryFirst = (store, query, direction) => {
   * @type {any}
  let first = null
  return iterateKeys(store, query, key => {
    first = key
    return false
  }, direction).then(() => first)

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange?} [range]
 * @return {Promise<any>}
const getLastKey = (store, range = null) => queryFirst(store, range, 'prev')

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange?} [range]
 * @return {Promise<any>}
const getFirstKey = (store, range = null) => queryFirst(store, range, 'next')

 * @typedef KeyValuePair
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {any} k key
 * @property {any} v Value

 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange} [range]
 * @param {number} [limit]
 * @return {Promise<Array<KeyValuePair>>}
const getAllKeysValues = (store, range, limit) =>
  // @ts-ignore
  promise.all([getAllKeys(store, range, limit), getAll(store, range, limit)]).then(([ks, vs]) =>, i) => ({ k, v: vs[i] })))

 * @param {any} request
 * @param {function(IDBCursorWithValue):void|boolean|Promise<void|boolean>} f
 * @return {Promise<void>}
const iterateOnRequest = (request, f) => promise_create((resolve, reject) => {
  request.onerror = reject
   * @param {any} event
  request.onsuccess = async event => {
    const cursor =
    if (cursor === null || (await f(cursor)) === false) {
      return resolve()

 * Iterate on keys and values
 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange|null} keyrange
 * @param {function(any,any):void|boolean|Promise<void|boolean>} f Callback that receives (value, key)
 * @param {'next'|'prev'|'nextunique'|'prevunique'} direction
const iterate = (store, keyrange, f, direction = 'next') =>
  iterateOnRequest(store.openCursor(keyrange, direction), cursor => f(cursor.value, cursor.key))

 * Iterate on the keys (no values)
 * @param {IDBObjectStore} store
 * @param {IDBKeyRange|null} keyrange
 * @param {function(any):void|boolean|Promise<void|boolean>} f callback that receives the key
 * @param {'next'|'prev'|'nextunique'|'prevunique'} direction
const iterateKeys = (store, keyrange, f, direction = 'next') =>
  iterateOnRequest(store.openKeyCursor(keyrange, direction), cursor => f(cursor.key))

 * Open store from transaction
 * @param {IDBTransaction} t
 * @param {String} store
 * @returns {IDBObjectStore}
const getStore = (t, store) => t.objectStore(store)

 * @param {any} lower
 * @param {any} upper
 * @param {boolean} lowerOpen
 * @param {boolean} upperOpen
const createIDBKeyRangeBound = (lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) => IDBKeyRange.bound(lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen)

 * @param {any} upper
 * @param {boolean} upperOpen
const createIDBKeyRangeUpperBound = (upper, upperOpen) => IDBKeyRange.upperBound(upper, upperOpen)

 * @param {any} lower
 * @param {boolean} lowerOpen
const createIDBKeyRangeLowerBound = (lower, lowerOpen) => IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(lower, lowerOpen)

/* c8 ignore stop */

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/y-indexeddb/src/y-indexeddb.js

const customStoreName = 'custom'
const updatesStoreName = 'updates'


 * @param {IndexeddbPersistence} idbPersistence
 * @param {function(IDBObjectStore):void} [beforeApplyUpdatesCallback]
 * @param {function(IDBObjectStore):void} [afterApplyUpdatesCallback]
const fetchUpdates = (idbPersistence, beforeApplyUpdatesCallback = () => {}, afterApplyUpdatesCallback = () => {}) => {
  const [updatesStore] = indexeddb_transact(/** @type {IDBDatabase} */ (idbPersistence.db), [updatesStoreName]) // , 'readonly')
  return getAll(updatesStore, createIDBKeyRangeLowerBound(idbPersistence._dbref, false)).then(updates => {
    if (!idbPersistence._destroyed) {
      transact(idbPersistence.doc, () => {
        updates.forEach(val => applyUpdate(idbPersistence.doc, val))
      }, idbPersistence, false)
    .then(() => getLastKey(updatesStore).then(lastKey => { idbPersistence._dbref = lastKey + 1 }))
    .then(() => count(updatesStore).then(cnt => { idbPersistence._dbsize = cnt }))
    .then(() => updatesStore)

 * @param {IndexeddbPersistence} idbPersistence
 * @param {boolean} forceStore
const storeState = (idbPersistence, forceStore = true) =>
    .then(updatesStore => {
      if (forceStore || idbPersistence._dbsize >= PREFERRED_TRIM_SIZE) {
        addAutoKey(updatesStore, encodeStateAsUpdate(idbPersistence.doc))
          .then(() => del(updatesStore, createIDBKeyRangeUpperBound(idbPersistence._dbref, true)))
          .then(() => count(updatesStore).then(cnt => { idbPersistence._dbsize = cnt }))

 * @param {string} name
const clearDocument = name => idb.deleteDB(name)

 * @extends Observable<string>
class IndexeddbPersistence extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
  constructor (name, doc) {
    this.doc = doc = name
    this._dbref = 0
    this._dbsize = 0
    this._destroyed = false
     * @type {IDBDatabase|null}
    this.db = null
    this.synced = false
    this._db = openDB(name, db =>
      createStores(db, [
        ['updates', { autoIncrement: true }],
     * @type {Promise<IndexeddbPersistence>}
    this.whenSynced = promise_create(resolve => this.on('synced', () => resolve(this)))

    this._db.then(db => {
      this.db = db
       * @param {IDBObjectStore} updatesStore
      const beforeApplyUpdatesCallback = (updatesStore) => addAutoKey(updatesStore, encodeStateAsUpdate(doc))
      const afterApplyUpdatesCallback = () => {
        if (this._destroyed) return this
        this.synced = true
        this.emit('synced', [this])
      fetchUpdates(this, beforeApplyUpdatesCallback, afterApplyUpdatesCallback)
     * Timeout in ms untill data is merged and persisted in idb.
    this._storeTimeout = 1000
     * @type {any}
    this._storeTimeoutId = null
     * @param {Uint8Array} update
     * @param {any} origin
    this._storeUpdate = (update, origin) => {
      if (this.db && origin !== this) {
        const [updatesStore] = indexeddb_transact(/** @type {IDBDatabase} */ (this.db), [updatesStoreName])
        addAutoKey(updatesStore, update)
        if (++this._dbsize >= PREFERRED_TRIM_SIZE) {
          // debounce store call
          if (this._storeTimeoutId !== null) {
          this._storeTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
            storeState(this, false)
            this._storeTimeoutId = null
          }, this._storeTimeout)
    doc.on('update', this._storeUpdate)
    this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this)
    doc.on('destroy', this.destroy)

  destroy () {
    if (this._storeTimeoutId) {
    }'update', this._storeUpdate)'destroy', this.destroy)
    this._destroyed = true
    return this._db.then(db => {

   * Destroys this instance and removes all data from indexeddb.
   * @return {Promise<void>}
  clearData () {
    return this.destroy().then(() => {

   * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date} key
   * @return {Promise<String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date | any>}
  get (key) {
    return this._db.then(db => {
      const [custom] = indexeddb_transact(db, [customStoreName], 'readonly')
      return get(custom, key)

   * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date} key
   * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date} value
   * @return {Promise<String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date>}
  set (key, value) {
    return this._db.then(db => {
      const [custom] = indexeddb_transact(db, [customStoreName])
      return put(custom, value, key)

   * @param {String | number | ArrayBuffer | Date} key
   * @return {Promise<undefined>}
  del (key) {
    return this._db.then(db => {
      const [custom] = indexeddb_transact(db, [customStoreName])
      return del(custom, key)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/connect-indexdb.js
 * External dependencies
// @ts-ignore

/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectType} ObjectType */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectID} ObjectID */
/** @typedef {import('./types').CRDTDoc} CRDTDoc */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ConnectDoc} ConnectDoc */
/** @typedef {import('./types').SyncProvider} SyncProvider */

 * Connect function to the IndexedDB persistence provider.
 * @param {ObjectID}   objectId   The object ID.
 * @param {ObjectType} objectType The object type.
 * @param {CRDTDoc}    doc        The CRDT document.
 * @return {Promise<() => void>} Promise that resolves when the connection is established.
function connectIndexDb(objectId, objectType, doc) {
  const roomName = `${objectType}-${objectId}`;
  const provider = new IndexeddbPersistence(roomName, doc);
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    provider.on('synced', () => {
      resolve(() => provider.destroy());

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/websocket.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Tiny websocket connection handler.
 * Implements exponential backoff reconnects, ping/pong, and a nice event system using [lib0/observable].
 * @module websocket

const reconnectTimeoutBase = 1200
const maxReconnectTimeout = 2500
// @todo - this should depend on awareness.outdatedTime
const messageReconnectTimeout = 30000

 * @param {WebsocketClient} wsclient
const setupWS = (wsclient) => {
  if (wsclient.shouldConnect && === null) {
    const websocket = new WebSocket(wsclient.url)
    const binaryType = wsclient.binaryType
     * @type {any}
    let pingTimeout = null
    if (binaryType) {
      websocket.binaryType = binaryType
    } = websocket
    wsclient.connecting = true
    wsclient.connected = false
    websocket.onmessage = event => {
      wsclient.lastMessageReceived = getUnixTime()
      const data =
      const message = typeof data === 'string' ? JSON.parse(data) : data
      if (message && message.type === 'pong') {
        pingTimeout = setTimeout(sendPing, messageReconnectTimeout / 2)
      wsclient.emit('message', [message, wsclient])
     * @param {any} error
    const onclose = error => {
      if ( !== null) { = null
        wsclient.connecting = false
        if (wsclient.connected) {
          wsclient.connected = false
          wsclient.emit('disconnect', [{ type: 'disconnect', error }, wsclient])
        } else {
        // Start with no reconnect timeout and increase timeout by
        // log10(wsUnsuccessfulReconnects).
        // The idea is to increase reconnect timeout slowly and have no reconnect
        // timeout at the beginning (log(1) = 0)
        setTimeout(setupWS, min(log10(wsclient.unsuccessfulReconnects + 1) * reconnectTimeoutBase, maxReconnectTimeout), wsclient)
    const sendPing = () => {
      if ( === websocket) {
          type: 'ping'
    websocket.onclose = () => onclose(null)
    websocket.onerror = error => onclose(error)
    websocket.onopen = () => {
      wsclient.lastMessageReceived = getUnixTime()
      wsclient.connecting = false
      wsclient.connected = true
      wsclient.unsuccessfulReconnects = 0
      wsclient.emit('connect', [{ type: 'connect' }, wsclient])
      // set ping
      pingTimeout = setTimeout(sendPing, messageReconnectTimeout / 2)

 * @extends Observable<string>
class WebsocketClient extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {string} url
   * @param {object} opts
   * @param {'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | null} [opts.binaryType] Set `ws.binaryType`
  constructor (url, { binaryType } = {}) {
    this.url = url
     * @type {WebSocket?}
     */ = null
    this.binaryType = binaryType || null
    this.connected = false
    this.connecting = false
    this.unsuccessfulReconnects = 0
    this.lastMessageReceived = 0
     * Whether to connect to other peers or not
     * @type {boolean}
    this.shouldConnect = true
    this._checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
      if (this.connected && messageReconnectTimeout < getUnixTime() - this.lastMessageReceived) {
        // no message received in a long time - not even your own awareness
        // updates (which are updated every 15 seconds)
        /** @type {WebSocket} */ (
    }, messageReconnectTimeout / 2)

   * @param {any} message
  send (message) {
    if ( {

  destroy () {

  disconnect () {
    this.shouldConnect = false
    if ( !== null) {

  connect () {
    this.shouldConnect = true
    if (!this.connected && === null) {

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/broadcastchannel.js
/* eslint-env browser */

 * Helpers for cross-tab communication using broadcastchannel with LocalStorage fallback.
 * ```js
 * // In browser window A:
 * broadcastchannel.subscribe('my events', data => console.log(data))
 * broadcastchannel.publish('my events', 'Hello world!') // => A: 'Hello world!' fires synchronously in same tab
 * // In browser window B:
 * broadcastchannel.publish('my events', 'hello from tab B') // => A: 'hello from tab B'
 * ```
 * @module broadcastchannel

// @todo before next major: use Uint8Array instead as buffer object

 * @typedef {Object} Channel
 * @property {Set<function(any, any):any>} Channel.subs
 * @property {any} Channel.bc

 * @type {Map<string, Channel>}
const channels = new Map()

/* c8 ignore start */
class LocalStoragePolyfill {
   * @param {string} room
  constructor (room) { = room
     * @type {null|function({data:ArrayBuffer}):void}
    this.onmessage = null
     * @param {any} e
    this._onChange = e => e.key === room && this.onmessage !== null && this.onmessage({ data: fromBase64(e.newValue || '') })

   * @param {ArrayBuffer} buf
  postMessage (buf) {
    varStorage.setItem(, toBase64(createUint8ArrayFromArrayBuffer(buf)))

  close () {
/* c8 ignore stop */

// Use BroadcastChannel or Polyfill
/* c8 ignore next */
const BC = typeof BroadcastChannel === 'undefined' ? LocalStoragePolyfill : BroadcastChannel

 * @param {string} room
 * @return {Channel}
const getChannel = room =>
  setIfUndefined(channels, room, () => {
    const subs = set_create()
    const bc = new BC(room)
     * @param {{data:ArrayBuffer}} e
    /* c8 ignore next */
    bc.onmessage = e => subs.forEach(sub => sub(, 'broadcastchannel'))
    return {
      bc, subs

 * Subscribe to global `publish` events.
 * @function
 * @param {string} room
 * @param {function(any, any):any} f
const subscribe = (room, f) => {
  return f

 * Unsubscribe from `publish` global events.
 * @function
 * @param {string} room
 * @param {function(any, any):any} f
const unsubscribe = (room, f) => {
  const channel = getChannel(room)
  const unsubscribed = channel.subs.delete(f)
  if (unsubscribed && channel.subs.size === 0) {
  return unsubscribed

 * Publish data to all subscribers (including subscribers on this tab)
 * @function
 * @param {string} room
 * @param {any} data
 * @param {any} [origin]
const publish = (room, data, origin = null) => {
  const c = getChannel(room)
  c.subs.forEach(sub => sub(data, origin))

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lib0/mutex.js
 * Mutual exclude for JavaScript.
 * @module mutex

 * @callback mutex
 * @param {function():void} cb Only executed when this mutex is not in the current stack
 * @param {function():void} [elseCb] Executed when this mutex is in the current stack

 * Creates a mutual exclude function with the following property:
 * ```js
 * const mutex = createMutex()
 * mutex(() => {
 *   // This function is immediately executed
 *   mutex(() => {
 *     // This function is not executed, as the mutex is already active.
 *   })
 * })
 * ```
 * @return {mutex} A mutual exclude function
 * @public
const createMutex = () => {
  let token = true
  return (f, g) => {
    if (token) {
      token = false
      try {
      } finally {
        token = true
    } else if (g !== undefined) {

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/simple-peer/simplepeer.min.js
var simplepeer_min = __webpack_require__(2248);
var simplepeer_min_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(simplepeer_min);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/y-protocols/sync.js
 * @module sync-protocol

 * @typedef {Map<number, number>} StateMap

 * Core Yjs defines two message types:
 * • YjsSyncStep1: Includes the State Set of the sending client. When received, the client should reply with YjsSyncStep2.
 * • YjsSyncStep2: Includes all missing structs and the complete delete set. When received, the client is assured that it
 *   received all information from the remote client.
 * In a peer-to-peer network, you may want to introduce a SyncDone message type. Both parties should initiate the connection
 * with SyncStep1. When a client received SyncStep2, it should reply with SyncDone. When the local client received both
 * SyncStep2 and SyncDone, it is assured that it is synced to the remote client.
 * In a client-server model, you want to handle this differently: The client should initiate the connection with SyncStep1.
 * When the server receives SyncStep1, it should reply with SyncStep2 immediately followed by SyncStep1. The client replies
 * with SyncStep2 when it receives SyncStep1. Optionally the server may send a SyncDone after it received SyncStep2, so the
 * client knows that the sync is finished.  There are two reasons for this more elaborated sync model: 1. This protocol can
 * easily be implemented on top of http and websockets. 2. The server shoul only reply to requests, and not initiate them.
 * Therefore it is necesarry that the client initiates the sync.
 * Construction of a message:
 * [messageType : varUint, message definition..]
 * Note: A message does not include information about the room name. This must to be handled by the upper layer protocol!
 * stringify[messageType] stringifies a message definition (messageType is already read from the bufffer)

const messageYjsSyncStep1 = 0
const messageYjsSyncStep2 = 1
const messageYjsUpdate = 2

 * Create a sync step 1 message based on the state of the current shared document.
 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
const writeSyncStep1 = (encoder, doc) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsSyncStep1)
  const sv = encodeStateVector(doc)
  writeVarUint8Array(encoder, sv)

 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {Uint8Array} [encodedStateVector]
const writeSyncStep2 = (encoder, doc, encodedStateVector) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsSyncStep2)
  writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encodeStateAsUpdate(doc, encodedStateVector))

 * Read SyncStep1 message and reply with SyncStep2.
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder The reply to the received message
 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder The received message
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
const readSyncStep1 = (decoder, encoder, doc) =>
  writeSyncStep2(encoder, doc, readVarUint8Array(decoder))

 * Read and apply Structs and then DeleteStore to a y instance.
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {any} transactionOrigin
const readSyncStep2 = (decoder, doc, transactionOrigin) => {
  try {
    applyUpdate(doc, readVarUint8Array(decoder), transactionOrigin)
  } catch (error) {
    // This catches errors that are thrown by event handlers
    console.error('Caught error while handling a Yjs update', error)

 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
const writeUpdate = (encoder, update) => {
  writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsUpdate)
  writeVarUint8Array(encoder, update)

 * Read and apply Structs and then DeleteStore to a y instance.
 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {any} transactionOrigin
const sync_readUpdate = readSyncStep2

 * @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder A message received from another client
 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder The reply message. Will not be sent if empty.
 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {any} transactionOrigin
const readSyncMessage = (decoder, encoder, doc, transactionOrigin) => {
  const messageType = readVarUint(decoder)
  switch (messageType) {
    case messageYjsSyncStep1:
      readSyncStep1(decoder, encoder, doc)
    case messageYjsSyncStep2:
      readSyncStep2(decoder, doc, transactionOrigin)
    case messageYjsUpdate:
      sync_readUpdate(decoder, doc, transactionOrigin)
      throw new Error('Unknown message type')
  return messageType

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/y-protocols/awareness.js
 * @module awareness-protocol

 // eslint-disable-line

const outdatedTimeout = 30000

 * @typedef {Object} MetaClientState
 * @property {number} MetaClientState.clock
 * @property {number} MetaClientState.lastUpdated unix timestamp

 * The Awareness class implements a simple shared state protocol that can be used for non-persistent data like awareness information
 * (cursor, username, status, ..). Each client can update its own local state and listen to state changes of
 * remote clients. Every client may set a state of a remote peer to `null` to mark the client as offline.
 * Each client is identified by a unique client id (something we borrow from `doc.clientID`). A client can override
 * its own state by propagating a message with an increasing timestamp (`clock`). If such a message is received, it is
 * applied if the known state of that client is older than the new state (`clock < newClock`). If a client thinks that
 * a remote client is offline, it may propagate a message with
 * `{ clock: currentClientClock, state: null, client: remoteClient }`. If such a
 * message is received, and the known clock of that client equals the received clock, it will override the state with `null`.
 * Before a client disconnects, it should propagate a `null` state with an updated clock.
 * Awareness states must be updated every 30 seconds. Otherwise the Awareness instance will delete the client state.
 * @extends {Observable<string>}
class Awareness extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
  constructor (doc) {
    this.doc = doc
     * @type {number}
    this.clientID = doc.clientID
     * Maps from client id to client state
     * @type {Map<number, Object<string, any>>}
    this.states = new Map()
     * @type {Map<number, MetaClientState>}
    this.meta = new Map()
    this._checkInterval = /** @type {any} */ (setInterval(() => {
      const now = getUnixTime()
      if (this.getLocalState() !== null && (outdatedTimeout / 2 <= now - /** @type {{lastUpdated:number}} */ (this.meta.get(this.clientID)).lastUpdated)) {
        // renew local clock
       * @type {Array<number>}
      const remove = []
      this.meta.forEach((meta, clientid) => {
        if (clientid !== this.clientID && outdatedTimeout <= now - meta.lastUpdated && this.states.has(clientid)) {
      if (remove.length > 0) {
        removeAwarenessStates(this, remove, 'timeout')
    }, floor(outdatedTimeout / 10)))
    doc.on('destroy', () => {

  destroy () {
    this.emit('destroy', [this])

   * @return {Object<string,any>|null}
  getLocalState () {
    return this.states.get(this.clientID) || null

   * @param {Object<string,any>|null} state
  setLocalState (state) {
    const clientID = this.clientID
    const currLocalMeta = this.meta.get(clientID)
    const clock = currLocalMeta === undefined ? 0 : currLocalMeta.clock + 1
    const prevState = this.states.get(clientID)
    if (state === null) {
    } else {
      this.states.set(clientID, state)
    this.meta.set(clientID, {
      lastUpdated: getUnixTime()
    const added = []
    const updated = []
    const filteredUpdated = []
    const removed = []
    if (state === null) {
    } else if (prevState == null) {
      if (state != null) {
    } else {
      if (!equalityDeep(prevState, state)) {
    if (added.length > 0 || filteredUpdated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
      this.emit('change', [{ added, updated: filteredUpdated, removed }, 'local'])
    this.emit('update', [{ added, updated, removed }, 'local'])

   * @param {string} field
   * @param {any} value
  setLocalStateField (field, value) {
    const state = this.getLocalState()
    if (state !== null) {
        [field]: value

   * @return {Map<number,Object<string,any>>}
  getStates () {
    return this.states

 * Mark (remote) clients as inactive and remove them from the list of active peers.
 * This change will be propagated to remote clients.
 * @param {Awareness} awareness
 * @param {Array<number>} clients
 * @param {any} origin
const removeAwarenessStates = (awareness, clients, origin) => {
  const removed = []
  for (let i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
    const clientID = clients[i]
    if (awareness.states.has(clientID)) {
      if (clientID === awareness.clientID) {
        const curMeta = /** @type {MetaClientState} */ (awareness.meta.get(clientID))
        awareness.meta.set(clientID, {
          clock: curMeta.clock + 1,
          lastUpdated: getUnixTime()
  if (removed.length > 0) {
    awareness.emit('change', [{ added: [], updated: [], removed }, origin])
    awareness.emit('update', [{ added: [], updated: [], removed }, origin])

 * @param {Awareness} awareness
 * @param {Array<number>} clients
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeAwarenessUpdate = (awareness, clients, states = awareness.states) => {
  const len = clients.length
  const encoder = createEncoder()
  writeVarUint(encoder, len)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const clientID = clients[i]
    const state = states.get(clientID) || null
    const clock = /** @type {MetaClientState} */ (awareness.meta.get(clientID)).clock
    writeVarUint(encoder, clientID)
    writeVarUint(encoder, clock)
    writeVarString(encoder, JSON.stringify(state))
  return toUint8Array(encoder)

 * Modify the content of an awareness update before re-encoding it to an awareness update.
 * This might be useful when you have a central server that wants to ensure that clients
 * cant hijack somebody elses identity.
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {function(any):any} modify
 * @return {Uint8Array}
const modifyAwarenessUpdate = (update, modify) => {
  const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(update)
  const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
  const len = decoding.readVarUint(decoder)
  encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, len)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const clientID = decoding.readVarUint(decoder)
    const clock = decoding.readVarUint(decoder)
    const state = JSON.parse(decoding.readVarString(decoder))
    const modifiedState = modify(state)
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, clientID)
    encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, clock)
    encoding.writeVarString(encoder, JSON.stringify(modifiedState))
  return encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)

 * @param {Awareness} awareness
 * @param {Uint8Array} update
 * @param {any} origin This will be added to the emitted change event
const applyAwarenessUpdate = (awareness, update, origin) => {
  const decoder = createDecoder(update)
  const timestamp = getUnixTime()
  const added = []
  const updated = []
  const filteredUpdated = []
  const removed = []
  const len = readVarUint(decoder)
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const clientID = readVarUint(decoder)
    let clock = readVarUint(decoder)
    const state = JSON.parse(readVarString(decoder))
    const clientMeta = awareness.meta.get(clientID)
    const prevState = awareness.states.get(clientID)
    const currClock = clientMeta === undefined ? 0 : clientMeta.clock
    if (currClock < clock || (currClock === clock && state === null && awareness.states.has(clientID))) {
      if (state === null) {
        // never let a remote client remove this local state
        if (clientID === awareness.clientID && awareness.getLocalState() != null) {
          // remote client removed the local state. Do not remote state. Broadcast a message indicating
          // that this client still exists by increasing the clock
        } else {
      } else {
        awareness.states.set(clientID, state)
      awareness.meta.set(clientID, {
        lastUpdated: timestamp
      if (clientMeta === undefined && state !== null) {
      } else if (clientMeta !== undefined && state === null) {
      } else if (state !== null) {
        if (!equalityDeep(state, prevState)) {
  if (added.length > 0 || filteredUpdated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
    awareness.emit('change', [{
      added, updated: filteredUpdated, removed
    }, origin])
  if (added.length > 0 || updated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
    awareness.emit('update', [{
      added, updated, removed
    }, origin])

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/y-webrtc/crypto.js
// File copied as is from the y-webrtc package.
/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */
/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable */
/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-nocheck
/* eslint-env browser */

 * @param {string} secret
 * @param {string} roomName
 * @return {PromiseLike<CryptoKey>}
const deriveKey = (secret, roomName) => {
  const secretBuffer = encodeUtf8(secret).buffer;
  const salt = encodeUtf8(roomName).buffer;
  return crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', secretBuffer, 'PBKDF2', false, ['deriveKey']).then(keyMaterial => crypto.subtle.deriveKey({
    name: 'PBKDF2',
    iterations: 100000,
    hash: 'SHA-256'
  }, keyMaterial, {
    name: 'AES-GCM',
    length: 256
  }, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']));

 * @param {Uint8Array} data data to be encrypted
 * @param {CryptoKey?} key
 * @return {PromiseLike<Uint8Array>} encrypted, base64 encoded message
const encrypt = (data, key) => {
  if (!key) {
    return /** @type {PromiseLike<Uint8Array>} */(
  const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12));
  return crypto.subtle.encrypt({
    name: 'AES-GCM',
  }, key, data).then(cipher => {
    const encryptedDataEncoder = createEncoder();
    writeVarString(encryptedDataEncoder, 'AES-GCM');
    writeVarUint8Array(encryptedDataEncoder, iv);
    writeVarUint8Array(encryptedDataEncoder, new Uint8Array(cipher));
    return toUint8Array(encryptedDataEncoder);

 * @param {Object} data data to be encrypted
 * @param {CryptoKey?} key
 * @return {PromiseLike<Uint8Array>} encrypted data, if key is provided
const encryptJson = (data, key) => {
  const dataEncoder = createEncoder();
  writeAny(dataEncoder, data);
  return encrypt(toUint8Array(dataEncoder), key);

 * @param {Uint8Array} data
 * @param {CryptoKey?} key
 * @return {PromiseLike<Uint8Array>} decrypted buffer
const decrypt = (data, key) => {
  if (!key) {
    return /** @type {PromiseLike<Uint8Array>} */(
  const dataDecoder = createDecoder(data);
  const algorithm = readVarString(dataDecoder);
  if (algorithm !== 'AES-GCM') {
    reject(error_create('Unknown encryption algorithm'));
  const iv = readVarUint8Array(dataDecoder);
  const cipher = readVarUint8Array(dataDecoder);
  return crypto.subtle.decrypt({
    name: 'AES-GCM',
  }, key, cipher).then(data => new Uint8Array(data));

 * @param {Uint8Array} data
 * @param {CryptoKey?} key
 * @return {PromiseLike<Object>} decrypted object
const decryptJson = (data, key) => decrypt(data, key).then(decryptedValue => readAny(createDecoder(new Uint8Array(decryptedValue))));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/y-webrtc/y-webrtc.js
// File copied as is from the y-webrtc package with only exports
// added to the following vars/functions: signalingConns,rooms, publishSignalingMessage, log.
/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */
/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable */
/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-nocheck

 // eslint-disable-line

const y_webrtc_log = logging_createModuleLogger('y-webrtc');
const messageSync = 0;
const messageQueryAwareness = 3;
const messageAwareness = 1;
const messageBcPeerId = 4;

 * @type {Map<string, SignalingConn>}
const signalingConns = new Map();

 * @type {Map<string,Room>}
const rooms = new Map();

 * @param {Room} room
const checkIsSynced = room => {
  let synced = true;
  room.webrtcConns.forEach(peer => {
    if (!peer.synced) {
      synced = false;
  if (!synced && room.synced || synced && !room.synced) {
    room.synced = synced;
    room.provider.emit('synced', [{
    y_webrtc_log('synced ', BOLD,, UNBOLD, ' with all peers');

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @param {function} syncedCallback
 * @return {encoding.Encoder?}
const readMessage = (room, buf, syncedCallback) => {
  const decoder = createDecoder(buf);
  const encoder = createEncoder();
  const messageType = readVarUint(decoder);
  if (room === undefined) {
    return null;
  const awareness = room.awareness;
  const doc = room.doc;
  let sendReply = false;
  switch (messageType) {
    case messageSync:
        writeVarUint(encoder, messageSync);
        const syncMessageType = readSyncMessage(decoder, encoder, doc, room);
        if (syncMessageType === messageYjsSyncStep2 && !room.synced) {
        if (syncMessageType === messageYjsSyncStep1) {
          sendReply = true;
    case messageQueryAwareness:
      writeVarUint(encoder, messageAwareness);
      writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encodeAwarenessUpdate(awareness, Array.from(awareness.getStates().keys())));
      sendReply = true;
    case messageAwareness:
      applyAwarenessUpdate(awareness, readVarUint8Array(decoder), room);
    case messageBcPeerId:
        const add = readUint8(decoder) === 1;
        const peerName = readVarString(decoder);
        if (peerName !== room.peerId && (room.bcConns.has(peerName) && !add || !room.bcConns.has(peerName) && add)) {
          const removed = [];
          const added = [];
          if (add) {
          } else {
          room.provider.emit('peers', [{
            webrtcPeers: Array.from(room.webrtcConns.keys()),
            bcPeers: Array.from(room.bcConns)
      console.error('Unable to compute message');
      return encoder;
  if (!sendReply) {
    // nothing has been written, no answer created
    return null;
  return encoder;

 * @param {WebrtcConn} peerConn
 * @param {Uint8Array} buf
 * @return {encoding.Encoder?}
const readPeerMessage = (peerConn, buf) => {
  const room =;
  y_webrtc_log('received message from ', BOLD, peerConn.remotePeerId, GREY, ' (',, ')', UNBOLD, UNCOLOR);
  return readMessage(room, buf, () => {
    peerConn.synced = true;
    y_webrtc_log('synced ', BOLD,, UNBOLD, ' with ', BOLD, peerConn.remotePeerId);

 * @param {WebrtcConn} webrtcConn
 * @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
const sendWebrtcConn = (webrtcConn, encoder) => {
  y_webrtc_log('send message to ', BOLD, webrtcConn.remotePeerId, UNBOLD, GREY, ' (',, ')', UNCOLOR);
  try {
  } catch (e) {}

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastWebrtcConn = (room, m) => {
  y_webrtc_log('broadcast message in ', BOLD,, UNBOLD);
  room.webrtcConns.forEach(conn => {
    try {
    } catch (e) {}
class WebrtcConn {
   * @param {SignalingConn} signalingConn
   * @param {boolean} initiator
   * @param {string} remotePeerId
   * @param {Room} room
  constructor(signalingConn, initiator, remotePeerId, room) {
    y_webrtc_log('establishing connection to ', BOLD, remotePeerId); = room;
    this.remotePeerId = remotePeerId;
    this.glareToken = undefined;
    this.closed = false;
    this.connected = false;
    this.synced = false;
     * @type {any}
    this.peer = new (simplepeer_min_default())({
    this.peer.on('signal', signal => {
      if (this.glareToken === undefined) {
        // add some randomness to the timestamp of the offer
        this.glareToken = + Math.random();
      publishSignalingMessage(signalingConn, room, {
        to: remotePeerId,
        from: room.peerId,
        type: 'signal',
        token: this.glareToken,
    this.peer.on('connect', () => {
      y_webrtc_log('connected to ', BOLD, remotePeerId);
      this.connected = true;
      // send sync step 1
      const provider = room.provider;
      const doc = provider.doc;
      const awareness = room.awareness;
      const encoder = createEncoder();
      writeVarUint(encoder, messageSync);
      writeSyncStep1(encoder, doc);
      sendWebrtcConn(this, encoder);
      const awarenessStates = awareness.getStates();
      if (awarenessStates.size > 0) {
        const encoder = createEncoder();
        writeVarUint(encoder, messageAwareness);
        writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encodeAwarenessUpdate(awareness, Array.from(awarenessStates.keys())));
        sendWebrtcConn(this, encoder);
    this.peer.on('close', () => {
      this.connected = false;
      this.closed = true;
      if (room.webrtcConns.has(this.remotePeerId)) {
        room.provider.emit('peers', [{
          removed: [this.remotePeerId],
          added: [],
          webrtcPeers: Array.from(room.webrtcConns.keys()),
          bcPeers: Array.from(room.bcConns)
      y_webrtc_log('closed connection to ', BOLD, remotePeerId);
    this.peer.on('error', err => {
      y_webrtc_log('Error in connection to ', BOLD, remotePeerId, ': ', err);
    this.peer.on('data', data => {
      const answer = readPeerMessage(this, data);
      if (answer !== null) {
        sendWebrtcConn(this, answer);
  destroy() {

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastBcMessage = (room, m) => encrypt(m, room.key).then(data => room.mux(() => publish(, data)));

 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {Uint8Array} m
const broadcastRoomMessage = (room, m) => {
  if (room.bcconnected) {
    broadcastBcMessage(room, m);
  broadcastWebrtcConn(room, m);

 * @param {Room} room
const announceSignalingInfo = room => {
  signalingConns.forEach(conn => {
    // only subscribe if connection is established, otherwise the conn automatically subscribes to all rooms
    if (conn.connected) {
        type: 'subscribe',
        topics: []
      if (room.webrtcConns.size < room.provider.maxConns) {
        publishSignalingMessage(conn, room, {
          type: 'announce',
          from: room.peerId

 * @param {Room} room
const broadcastBcPeerId = room => {
  if (room.provider.filterBcConns) {
    // broadcast peerId via broadcastchannel
    const encoderPeerIdBc = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderPeerIdBc, messageBcPeerId);
    writeUint8(encoderPeerIdBc, 1);
    writeVarString(encoderPeerIdBc, room.peerId);
    broadcastBcMessage(room, toUint8Array(encoderPeerIdBc));
class Room {
   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
   * @param {WebrtcProvider} provider
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {CryptoKey|null} key
  constructor(doc, provider, name, key) {
     * Do not assume that peerId is unique. This is only meant for sending signaling messages.
     * @type {string}
    this.peerId = uuidv4();
    this.doc = doc;
     * @type {awarenessProtocol.Awareness}
    this.awareness = provider.awareness;
    this.provider = provider;
    this.synced = false; = name;
    // @todo make key secret by scoping
    this.key = key;
     * @type {Map<string, WebrtcConn>}
    this.webrtcConns = new Map();
     * @type {Set<string>}
    this.bcConns = new Set();
    this.mux = createMutex();
    this.bcconnected = false;
     * @param {ArrayBuffer} data
    this._bcSubscriber = data => decrypt(new Uint8Array(data), key).then(m => this.mux(() => {
      const reply = readMessage(this, m, () => {});
      if (reply) {
        broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(reply));
     * Listens to Yjs updates and sends them to remote peers
     * @param {Uint8Array} update
     * @param {any} origin
    this._docUpdateHandler = (update, origin) => {
      const encoder = createEncoder();
      writeVarUint(encoder, messageSync);
      writeUpdate(encoder, update);
      broadcastRoomMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoder));
     * Listens to Awareness updates and sends them to remote peers
     * @param {any} changed
     * @param {any} origin
    this._awarenessUpdateHandler = ({
    }, origin) => {
      const changedClients = added.concat(updated).concat(removed);
      const encoderAwareness = createEncoder();
      writeVarUint(encoderAwareness, messageAwareness);
      writeVarUint8Array(encoderAwareness, encodeAwarenessUpdate(this.awareness, changedClients));
      broadcastRoomMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderAwareness));
    this._beforeUnloadHandler = () => {
      removeAwarenessStates(this.awareness, [doc.clientID], 'window unload');
      rooms.forEach(room => {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadHandler);
    } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
      process.on('exit', this._beforeUnloadHandler);
  connect() {
    this.doc.on('update', this._docUpdateHandler);
    this.awareness.on('update', this._awarenessUpdateHandler);
    // signal through all available signaling connections
    const roomName =;
    subscribe(roomName, this._bcSubscriber);
    this.bcconnected = true;
    // broadcast peerId via broadcastchannel
    // write sync step 1
    const encoderSync = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderSync, messageSync);
    writeSyncStep1(encoderSync, this.doc);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderSync));
    // broadcast local state
    const encoderState = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderState, messageSync);
    writeSyncStep2(encoderState, this.doc);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderState));
    // write queryAwareness
    const encoderAwarenessQuery = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderAwarenessQuery, messageQueryAwareness);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderAwarenessQuery));
    // broadcast local awareness state
    const encoderAwarenessState = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderAwarenessState, messageAwareness);
    writeVarUint8Array(encoderAwarenessState, encodeAwarenessUpdate(this.awareness, [this.doc.clientID]));
    broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderAwarenessState));
  disconnect() {
    // signal through all available signaling connections
    signalingConns.forEach(conn => {
      if (conn.connected) {
          type: 'unsubscribe',
          topics: []
    removeAwarenessStates(this.awareness, [this.doc.clientID], 'disconnect');
    // broadcast peerId removal via broadcastchannel
    const encoderPeerIdBc = createEncoder();
    writeVarUint(encoderPeerIdBc, messageBcPeerId);
    writeUint8(encoderPeerIdBc, 0); // remove peerId from other bc peers
    writeVarString(encoderPeerIdBc, this.peerId);
    broadcastBcMessage(this, toUint8Array(encoderPeerIdBc));
    unsubscribe(, this._bcSubscriber);
    this.bcconnected = false;'update', this._docUpdateHandler);'update', this._awarenessUpdateHandler);
    this.webrtcConns.forEach(conn => conn.destroy());
  destroy() {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeUnloadHandler);
    } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {'exit', this._beforeUnloadHandler);

 * @param {Y.Doc} doc
 * @param {WebrtcProvider} provider
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {CryptoKey|null} key
 * @return {Room}
const openRoom = (doc, provider, name, key) => {
  // there must only be one room
  if (rooms.has(name)) {
    throw error_create(`A Yjs Doc connected to room "${name}" already exists!`);
  const room = new Room(doc, provider, name, key);
  rooms.set(name, /** @type {Room} */room);
  return room;

 * @param {SignalingConn} conn
 * @param {Room} room
 * @param {any} data
const publishSignalingMessage = (conn, room, data) => {
  if (room.key) {
    encryptJson(data, room.key).then(data => {
        type: 'publish',
        data: toBase64(data)
  } else {
      type: 'publish',
class SignalingConn extends WebsocketClient {
  constructor(url) {
     * @type {Set<WebrtcProvider>}
    this.providers = new Set();
    this.on('connect', () => {
      y_webrtc_log(`connected (${url})`);
      const topics = Array.from(rooms.keys());
        type: 'subscribe',
      rooms.forEach(room => publishSignalingMessage(this, room, {
        type: 'announce',
        from: room.peerId
    this.on('message', m => {
      switch (m.type) {
        case 'publish':
            const roomName = m.topic;
            const room = rooms.get(roomName);
            if (room == null || typeof roomName !== 'string') {
            const execMessage = data => {
              const webrtcConns = room.webrtcConns;
              const peerId = room.peerId;
              if (data == null || data.from === peerId || !== undefined && !== peerId || room.bcConns.has(data.from)) {
                // ignore messages that are not addressed to this conn, or from clients that are connected via broadcastchannel
              const emitPeerChange = webrtcConns.has(data.from) ? () => {} : () => room.provider.emit('peers', [{
                removed: [],
                added: [data.from],
                webrtcPeers: Array.from(room.webrtcConns.keys()),
                bcPeers: Array.from(room.bcConns)
              switch (data.type) {
                case 'announce':
                  if (webrtcConns.size < room.provider.maxConns) {
                    setIfUndefined(webrtcConns, data.from, () => new WebrtcConn(this, true, data.from, room));
                case 'signal':
                  if (data.signal.type === 'offer') {
                    const existingConn = webrtcConns.get(data.from);
                    if (existingConn) {
                      const remoteToken = data.token;
                      const localToken = existingConn.glareToken;
                      if (localToken && localToken > remoteToken) {
                        y_webrtc_log('offer rejected: ', data.from);
                      // if we don't reject the offer, we will be accepting it and answering it
                      existingConn.glareToken = undefined;
                  if (data.signal.type === 'answer') {
                    y_webrtc_log('offer answered by: ', data.from);
                    const existingConn = webrtcConns.get(data.from);
                    existingConn.glareToken = undefined;
                  if ( === peerId) {
                    setIfUndefined(webrtcConns, data.from, () => new WebrtcConn(this, false, data.from, room)).peer.signal(data.signal);
            if (room.key) {
              if (typeof === 'string') {
                decryptJson(fromBase64(, room.key).then(execMessage);
            } else {
    this.on('disconnect', () => y_webrtc_log(`disconnect (${url})`));

 * @typedef {Object} ProviderOptions
 * @property {Array<string>} [signaling]
 * @property {string} [password]
 * @property {awarenessProtocol.Awareness} [awareness]
 * @property {number} [maxConns]
 * @property {boolean} [filterBcConns]
 * @property {any} [peerOpts]

 * @extends Observable<string>
class WebrtcProvider extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {string} roomName
   * @param {Y.Doc} doc
   * @param {ProviderOptions?} opts
  constructor(roomName, doc, {
    signaling = ['wss://'],
    password = null,
    awareness = new Awareness(doc),
    maxConns = 20 + floor(rand() * 15),
    // the random factor reduces the chance that n clients form a cluster
    filterBcConns = true,
    peerOpts = {} // simple-peer options. See
  } = {}) {
    this.roomName = roomName;
    this.doc = doc;
    this.filterBcConns = filterBcConns;
     * @type {awarenessProtocol.Awareness}
    this.awareness = awareness;
    this.shouldConnect = false;
    this.signalingUrls = signaling;
    this.signalingConns = [];
    this.maxConns = maxConns;
    this.peerOpts = peerOpts;
     * @type {PromiseLike<CryptoKey | null>}
    this.key = password ? deriveKey(password, roomName) : ( /** @type {PromiseLike<null>} */resolve(null));
     * @type {Room|null}
     */ = null;
    this.key.then(key => { = openRoom(doc, this, roomName, key);
      if (this.shouldConnect) {;
      } else {;
    this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this);
    doc.on('destroy', this.destroy);

   * @type {boolean}
  get connected() {
    return !== null && this.shouldConnect;
  connect() {
    this.shouldConnect = true;
    this.signalingUrls.forEach(url => {
      const signalingConn = setIfUndefined(signalingConns, url, () => new SignalingConn(url));
    if ( {;
  disconnect() {
    this.shouldConnect = false;
    this.signalingConns.forEach(conn => {
      if (conn.providers.size === 0) {
    if ( {;
  destroy() {'destroy', this.destroy);
    // need to wait for key before deleting room
    this.key.then(() => {
      /** @type {Room} */;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/webrtc-http-stream-signaling.js
 * External dependencies
 * Internal dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Method copied as is from the SignalingConn constructor.
 * Setups the needed event handlers for an http signaling connection.
 * @param {HttpSignalingConn} signalCon The signaling connection.
 * @param {string}            url       The url.
function setupSignalEventHandlers(signalCon, url) {
  signalCon.on('connect', () => {
    y_webrtc_log(`connected (${url})`);
    const topics = Array.from(rooms.keys());
      type: 'subscribe',
    rooms.forEach(room => publishSignalingMessage(signalCon, room, {
      type: 'announce',
      from: room.peerId
  signalCon.on('message', ( /** @type {{ type: any; topic: any; data: string; }} */m) => {
    switch (m.type) {
      case 'publish':
          const roomName = m.topic;
          const room = rooms.get(roomName);
          if (room === null || typeof roomName !== 'string' || room === undefined) {
          const execMessage = ( /** @type {any} */data) => {
            const webrtcConns = room.webrtcConns;
            const peerId = room.peerId;
            if (data === null || data.from === peerId || !== undefined && !== peerId || room.bcConns.has(data.from)) {
              // ignore messages that are not addressed to this conn, or from clients that are connected via broadcastchannel
            const emitPeerChange = webrtcConns.has(data.from) ? () => {} : () => room.provider.emit('peers', [{
              removed: [],
              added: [data.from],
              webrtcPeers: Array.from(room.webrtcConns.keys()),
              bcPeers: Array.from(room.bcConns)
            switch (data.type) {
              case 'announce':
                if (webrtcConns.size < room.provider.maxConns) {
                  setIfUndefined(webrtcConns, data.from, () => new WebrtcConn(signalCon, true, data.from, room));
              case 'signal':
                if (data.signal.type === 'offer') {
                  const existingConn = webrtcConns.get(data.from);
                  if (existingConn) {
                    const remoteToken = data.token;
                    const localToken = existingConn.glareToken;
                    if (localToken && localToken > remoteToken) {
                      y_webrtc_log('offer rejected: ', data.from);
                    // if we don't reject the offer, we will be accepting it and answering it
                    existingConn.glareToken = undefined;
                if (data.signal.type === 'answer') {
                  y_webrtc_log('offer answered by: ', data.from);
                  const existingConn = webrtcConns.get(data.from);
                  if (existingConn) {
                    existingConn.glareToken = undefined;
                if ( === peerId) {
                  setIfUndefined(webrtcConns, data.from, () => new WebrtcConn(signalCon, false, data.from, room)).peer.signal(data.signal);
          if (room.key) {
            if (typeof === 'string') {
              decryptJson(fromBase64(, room.key).then(execMessage);
          } else {
  signalCon.on('disconnect', () => y_webrtc_log(`disconnect (${url})`));

 * Method that instantiates the http signaling connection.
 * Tries to implement the same methods a websocket provides using ajax requests
 * to send messages and EventSource to retrieve messages.
 * @param {HttpSignalingConn} httpClient The signaling connection.
function setupHttpSignal(httpClient) {
  if (httpClient.shouldConnect && === null) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
    const subscriberId = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
    const url = httpClient.url;
    const eventSource = new window.EventSource((0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(url, {
      subscriber_id: subscriberId,
      action: 'gutenberg_signaling_server'
     * @type {any}
    let pingTimeout = null;
    eventSource.onmessage = event => {
      httpClient.lastMessageReceived =;
      const data =;
      if (data) {
        const messages = JSON.parse(data);
        if (Array.isArray(messages)) {
    // @ts-ignore = eventSource;
    httpClient.connecting = true;
    httpClient.connected = false;
    const onSingleMessage = ( /** @type {any} */message) => {
      if (message && message.type === 'pong') {
        pingTimeout = setTimeout(sendPing, webrtc_http_stream_signaling_messageReconnectTimeout / 2);
      httpClient.emit('message', [message, httpClient]);

     * @param {any} error
    const onclose = error => {
      if ( !== null) {; = null;
        httpClient.connecting = false;
        if (httpClient.connected) {
          httpClient.connected = false;
          httpClient.emit('disconnect', [{
            type: 'disconnect',
          }, httpClient]);
        } else {
    const sendPing = () => {
      if ( && === window.EventSource.OPEN) {
          type: 'ping'
    if ( { = () => {
      }; = function send( /** @type {string} */message) {
        window.fetch(url, {
          body: new URLSearchParams({
            subscriber_id: subscriberId.toString(),
            action: 'gutenberg_signaling_server',
          method: 'POST'
        }).catch(() => {
          y_webrtc_log('Error sending to server with message: ' + message);
    eventSource.onerror = () => {
      // Todo: add an error handler
    eventSource.onopen = () => {
      if (httpClient.connected) {
      if (eventSource.readyState === window.EventSource.OPEN) {
        httpClient.lastMessageReceived =;
        httpClient.connecting = false;
        httpClient.connected = true;
        httpClient.unsuccessfulReconnects = 0;
        httpClient.emit('connect', [{
          type: 'connect'
        }, httpClient]);
        // set ping
        pingTimeout = setTimeout(sendPing, webrtc_http_stream_signaling_messageReconnectTimeout / 2);
const webrtc_http_stream_signaling_messageReconnectTimeout = 30000;

 * @augments Observable<string>
class HttpSignalingConn extends observable_Observable {
   * @param {string} url
  constructor(url) {

    //WebsocketClient from lib0/websocket.js
    this.url = url;
     * @type {WebSocket?}
     */ = null;
    // @ts-ignore
    this.binaryType = null; // this.binaryType = binaryType
    this.connected = false;
    this.connecting = false;
    this.unsuccessfulReconnects = 0;
    this.lastMessageReceived = 0;
     * Whether to connect to other peers or not
     * @type {boolean}
    this.shouldConnect = true;
    this._checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
      if (this.connected && webrtc_http_stream_signaling_messageReconnectTimeout < - this.lastMessageReceived && {
        // no message received in a long time - not even your own awareness
        // updates (which are updated every 15 seconds);
    }, webrtc_http_stream_signaling_messageReconnectTimeout / 2);
    //setupWS( this );

    // From SignalingConn
     * @type {Set<WebrtcProvider>}
    this.providers = new Set();
    setupSignalEventHandlers(this, url);

   * @param {any} message
  send(message) {
    if ( {;
  destroy() {
  disconnect() {
    this.shouldConnect = false;
    if ( !== null) {;
  connect() {
    this.shouldConnect = true;
    if (!this.connected && === null) {
class WebrtcProviderWithHttpSignaling extends WebrtcProvider {
  connect() {
    this.shouldConnect = true;
    this.signalingUrls.forEach(( /** @type {string} */url) => {
      const signalingConn = setIfUndefined(signalingConns, url,
      // Only this conditional logic to create a normal websocket connection or
      // an http signaling connection was added to the constructor when compared
      // with the base class.
      url.startsWith('ws://') || url.startsWith('wss://') ? () => new SignalingConn(url) : () => new HttpSignalingConn(url));
    if ( {;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/sync/build-module/create-webrtc-connection.js
 * External dependencies
// import { WebrtcProvider } from 'y-webrtc';

 * Internal dependencies

/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectType} ObjectType */
/** @typedef {import('./types').ObjectID} ObjectID */
/** @typedef {import('./types').CRDTDoc} CRDTDoc */

 * Function that creates a new WebRTC Connection.
 * @param {Object}        config           The object ID.
 * @param {Array<string>} config.signaling
 * @param {string}        config.password
 * @return {Function} Promise that resolves when the connection is established.
function createWebRTCConnection({
}) {
  return function ( /** @type {string} */objectId, /** @type {string} */objectType, /** @type {import("yjs").Doc} */doc) {
    const roomName = `${objectType}-${objectId}`;
    new WebrtcProviderWithHttpSignaling(roomName, doc, {
      // @ts-ignore
    return Promise.resolve(() => true);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/sync.js
 * WordPress dependencies

let syncProvider;
function getSyncProvider() {
  if (!syncProvider) {
    syncProvider = createSyncProvider(connectIndexDb, createWebRTCConnection({
      signaling: [
      password: window?.__experimentalCollaborativeEditingSecret
  return syncProvider;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/actions.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that authors have been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string}       queryID Query ID.
 * @param {Array|Object} users   Users received.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveUserQuery(queryID, users) {
  return {
    users: Array.isArray(users) ? users : [users],

 * Returns an action used in signalling that the current user has been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {Object} currentUser Current user object.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveCurrentUser(currentUser) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in adding new entities.
 * @param {Array} entities Entities received.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function addEntities(entities) {
  return {
    type: 'ADD_ENTITIES',

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been received.
 * @param {string}       kind            Kind of the received entity record.
 * @param {string}       name            Name of the received entity record.
 * @param {Array|Object} records         Records received.
 * @param {?Object}      query           Query Object.
 * @param {?boolean}     invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches.
 * @param {?Object}      edits           Edits to reset.
 * @param {?Object}      meta            Meta information about pagination.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, invalidateCache = false, edits, meta) {
  // Auto drafts should not have titles, but some plugins rely on them so we can't filter this
  // on the server.
  if (kind === 'postType') {
    records = (Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records]).map(record => record.status === 'auto-draft' ? {
      title: ''
    } : record);
  let action;
  if (query) {
    action = receiveQueriedItems(records, query, edits, meta);
  } else {
    action = receiveItems(records, edits, meta);
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current theme has been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {Object} currentTheme The current theme.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveCurrentTheme(currentTheme) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current global styles id has been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} currentGlobalStylesId The current global styles id.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(currentGlobalStylesId) {
  return {
    id: currentGlobalStylesId

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme base global styles have been received
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} stylesheet   The theme's identifier
 * @param {Object} globalStyles The global styles object.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(stylesheet, globalStyles) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles variations have been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier
 * @param {Array}  variations The global styles variations.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(stylesheet, variations) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the index has been received.
 * @deprecated since WP 5.9, this is not useful anymore, use the selector direclty.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveThemeSupports() {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveThemeSupports", {
    since: '5.9'
  return {
    type: 'DO_NOTHING'

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles CPT post revisions have been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `dispatch( 'core' ).receiveRevision` instead.
 * @ignore
 * @param {number} currentId The post id.
 * @param {Array}  revisions The global styles revisions.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(currentId, revisions) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions()", {
    since: '6.5.0',
    alternative: " 'core' ).receiveRevisions"
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the preview data for
 * a given URl has been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string} url     URL to preview the embed for.
 * @param {*}      preview Preview data.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveEmbedPreview(url, preview) {
  return {

 * Action triggered to delete an entity record.
 * @param {string}   kind                         Kind of the deleted entity.
 * @param {string}   name                         Name of the deleted entity.
 * @param {string}   recordId                     Record ID of the deleted entity.
 * @param {?Object}  query                        Special query parameters for the
 *                                                DELETE API call.
 * @param {Object}   [options]                    Delete options.
 * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
 *                                                call instead of `apiFetch()`.
 *                                                Must return a promise.
 * @param {boolean}  [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
 *                                                the exceptions. Defaults to false.
const deleteEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, query, {
  __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
  throwOnError = false
} = {}) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);
  let error;
  let deletedRecord = false;
  if (!entityConfig) {
  const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId], {
    exclusive: true
  try {
    let hasError = false;
    try {
      let path = `${entityConfig.baseURL}/${recordId}`;
      if (query) {
        path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(path, query);
      deletedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
        method: 'DELETE'
      await dispatch(removeItems(kind, name, recordId, true));
    } catch (_error) {
      hasError = true;
      error = _error;
    if (hasError && throwOnError) {
      throw error;
    return deletedRecord;
  } finally {

 * Returns an action object that triggers an
 * edit to an entity record.
 * @param {string}        kind                 Kind of the edited entity record.
 * @param {string}        name                 Name of the edited entity record.
 * @param {number|string} recordId             Record ID of the edited entity record.
 * @param {Object}        edits                The edits.
 * @param {Object}        options              Options for the edit.
 * @param {boolean}       [options.undoIgnore] Whether to ignore the edit in undo history or not.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
const editEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, edits, options = {}) => ({
}) => {
  const entityConfig = select.getEntityConfig(kind, name);
  if (!entityConfig) {
    throw new Error(`The entity being edited (${kind}, ${name}) does not have a loaded config.`);
  const {
    mergedEdits = {}
  } = entityConfig;
  const record = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
  const editedRecord = select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
  const edit = {
    // Clear edits when they are equal to their persisted counterparts
    // so that the property is not considered dirty.
    edits: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
      const recordValue = record[key];
      const editedRecordValue = editedRecord[key];
      const value = mergedEdits[key] ? {
      } : edits[key];
      acc[key] = es6_default()(recordValue, value) ? undefined : value;
      return acc;
    }, {})
  if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig) {
    if (true) {
      const objectId = entityConfig.getSyncObjectId(recordId);
      getSyncProvider().update(entityConfig.syncObjectType + '--edit', objectId, edit.edits);
  } else {
    if (!options.undoIgnore) {
        id: {
        changes: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
          acc[key] = {
            from: editedRecord[key],
            to: edits[key]
          return acc;
        }, {})
      }], options.isCached);
      type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',

 * Action triggered to undo the last edit to
 * an entity record, if any.
const undo = () => ({
}) => {
  const undoRecord = select.getUndoManager().undo();
  if (!undoRecord) {
    type: 'UNDO',
    record: undoRecord

 * Action triggered to redo the last undoed
 * edit to an entity record, if any.
const redo = () => ({
}) => {
  const redoRecord = select.getUndoManager().redo();
  if (!redoRecord) {
    type: 'REDO',
    record: redoRecord

 * Forces the creation of a new undo level.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
const __unstableCreateUndoLevel = () => ({
}) => {

 * Action triggered to save an entity record.
 * @param {string}   kind                         Kind of the received entity.
 * @param {string}   name                         Name of the received entity.
 * @param {Object}   record                       Record to be saved.
 * @param {Object}   options                      Saving options.
 * @param {boolean}  [options.isAutosave=false]   Whether this is an autosave.
 * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
 *                                                call instead of `apiFetch()`.
 *                                                Must return a promise.
 * @param {boolean}  [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
 *                                                the exceptions. Defaults to false.
const saveEntityRecord = (kind, name, record, {
  isAutosave = false,
  __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
  throwOnError = false
} = {}) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
  const recordId = record[entityIdKey];
  const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId || esm_browser_v4()], {
    exclusive: true
  try {
    // Evaluate optimized edits.
    // (Function edits that should be evaluated on save to avoid expensive computations on every edit.)
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) {
      if (typeof value === 'function') {
        const evaluatedValue = value(select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId));
        dispatch.editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
          [key]: evaluatedValue
        }, {
          undoIgnore: true
        record[key] = evaluatedValue;
    let updatedRecord;
    let error;
    let hasError = false;
    try {
      const path = `${entityConfig.baseURL}${recordId ? '/' + recordId : ''}`;
      const persistedRecord = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
      if (isAutosave) {
        // Most of this autosave logic is very specific to posts.
        // This is fine for now as it is the only supported autosave,
        // but ideally this should all be handled in the back end,
        // so the client just sends and receives objects.
        const currentUser = select.getCurrentUser();
        const currentUserId = currentUser ? : undefined;
        const autosavePost = await resolveSelect.getAutosave(persistedRecord.type,, currentUserId);
        // Autosaves need all expected fields to be present.
        // So we fallback to the previous autosave and then
        // to the actual persisted entity if the edits don't
        // have a value.
        let data = {
        data = Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, key) => {
          if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content', 'meta'].includes(key)) {
            acc[key] = data[key];
          return acc;
        }, {
          // Do not update the `status` if we have edited it when auto saving.
          // It's very important to let the user explicitly save this change,
          // because it can lead to unexpected results. An example would be to
          // have a draft post and change the status to publish.
          status: data.status === 'auto-draft' ? 'draft' : undefined
        updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
          path: `${path}/autosaves`,
          method: 'POST',

        // An autosave may be processed by the server as a regular save
        // when its update is requested by the author and the post had
        // draft or auto-draft status.
        if ( === {
          let newRecord = {
          newRecord = Object.keys(newRecord).reduce((acc, key) => {
            // These properties are persisted in autosaves.
            if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content'].includes(key)) {
              acc[key] = newRecord[key];
            } else if (key === 'status') {
              // Status is only persisted in autosaves when going from
              // "auto-draft" to "draft".
              acc[key] = persistedRecord.status === 'auto-draft' && newRecord.status === 'draft' ? newRecord.status : persistedRecord.status;
            } else {
              // These properties are not persisted in autosaves.
              acc[key] = persistedRecord[key];
            return acc;
          }, {});
          dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, newRecord, undefined, true);
        } else {
          dispatch.receiveAutosaves(, updatedRecord);
      } else {
        let edits = record;
        if (entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist) {
          edits = {
            ...entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist(persistedRecord, edits)
        updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
          method: recordId ? 'PUT' : 'POST',
          data: edits
        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, updatedRecord, undefined, true, edits);
    } catch (_error) {
      hasError = true;
      error = _error;
    if (hasError && throwOnError) {
      throw error;
    return updatedRecord;
  } finally {

 * Runs multiple core-data actions at the same time using one API request.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * const [ savedRecord, updatedRecord, deletedRecord ] =
 *   await dispatch( 'core' ).__experimentalBatch( [
 *     ( { saveEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', widget ),
 *     ( { saveEditedEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123 ),
 *     ( { deleteEntityRecord } ) => deleteEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123, null ),
 *   ] );
 * ```
 * @param {Array} requests Array of functions which are invoked simultaneously.
 *                         Each function is passed an object containing
 *                         `saveEntityRecord`, `saveEditedEntityRecord`, and
 *                         `deleteEntityRecord`.
 * @return {(thunkArgs: Object) => Promise} A promise that resolves to an array containing the return
 *                                          values of each function given in `requests`.
const __experimentalBatch = requests => async ({
}) => {
  const batch = createBatch();
  const api = {
    saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options) {
      return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, {
        __unstableFetch: add
    saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) {
      return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
        __unstableFetch: add
    deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, options) {
      return batch.add(add => dispatch.deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, {
        __unstableFetch: add
  const resultPromises = => request(api));
  const [, ...results] = await Promise.all([, ...resultPromises]);
  return results;

 * Action triggered to save an entity record's edits.
 * @param {string}  kind     Kind of the entity.
 * @param {string}  name     Name of the entity.
 * @param {Object}  recordId ID of the record.
 * @param {Object=} options  Saving options.
const saveEditedEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, options) => async ({
}) => {
  if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
  const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
  const record = {
    [entityIdKey]: recordId,
  return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options);

 * Action triggered to save only specified properties for the entity.
 * @param {string} kind        Kind of the entity.
 * @param {string} name        Name of the entity.
 * @param {Object} recordId    ID of the record.
 * @param {Array}  itemsToSave List of entity properties or property paths to save.
 * @param {Object} options     Saving options.
const __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits = (kind, name, recordId, itemsToSave, options) => async ({
}) => {
  if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
  const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
  const editsToSave = {};
  for (const item of itemsToSave) {
    setNestedValue(editsToSave, item, getNestedValue(edits, item));
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);
  const entityIdKey = entityConfig?.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;

  // If a record key is provided then update the existing record.
  // This necessitates providing `recordKey` to saveEntityRecord as part of the
  // `record` argument (here called `editsToSave`) to stop that action creating
  // a new record and instead cause it to update the existing record.
  if (recordId) {
    editsToSave[entityIdKey] = recordId;
  return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, editsToSave, options);

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that Upload permissions have been received.
 * @deprecated since WP 5.9, use receiveUserPermission instead.
 * @param {boolean} hasUploadPermissions Does the user have permission to upload files?
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveUploadPermissions(hasUploadPermissions) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveUploadPermissions", {
    since: '5.9',
    alternative: 'receiveUserPermission'
  return receiveUserPermission('create/media', hasUploadPermissions);

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has
 * permission to perform an action on a REST resource.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {string}  key       A key that represents the action and REST resource.
 * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether or not the user can perform the action.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used in signalling that the autosaves for a
 * post have been received.
 * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
 * @ignore
 * @param {number}       postId    The id of the post that is parent to the autosave.
 * @param {Array|Object} autosaves An array of autosaves or singular autosave object.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves) {
  return {
    autosaves: Array.isArray(autosaves) ? autosaves : [autosaves]

 * Returns an action object signalling that the fallback Navigation
 * Menu id has been received.
 * @param {integer} fallbackId the id of the fallback Navigation Menu
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveNavigationFallbackId(fallbackId) {
  return {

 * Returns an action object used to set the template for a given query.
 * @param {Object} query      The lookup query.
 * @param {string} templateId The resolved template id.
 * @return {Object} Action object.
function receiveDefaultTemplateId(query, templateId) {
  return {

 * Action triggered to receive revision items.
 * @param {string}        kind            Kind of the received entity record revisions.
 * @param {string}        name            Name of the received entity record revisions.
 * @param {number|string} recordKey       The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
 * @param {Array|Object}  records         Revisions received.
 * @param {?Object}       query           Query Object.
 * @param {?boolean}      invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches.
 * @param {?Object}       meta            Meta information about pagination.
const receiveRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, records, query, invalidateCache = false, meta) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);
  const key = entityConfig && entityConfig?.revisionKey ? entityConfig.revisionKey : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
    items: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records],

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/entities.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

const DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY = 'id';
const POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'excerpt', 'content'];
const rootEntitiesConfig = [{
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Base'),
  kind: 'root',
  name: '__unstableBase',
  baseURL: '/',
  baseURLParams: {
    _fields: ['description', 'gmt_offset', 'home', 'name', 'site_icon', 'site_icon_url', 'site_logo', 'timezone_string', 'url'].join(',')
  // The entity doesn't support selecting multiple records.
  // The property is maintained for backward compatibility.
  plural: '__unstableBases',
  syncConfig: {
    fetch: async () => {
      return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
        path: '/'
    applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
      const document = doc.getMap('document');
      Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        if (document.get(key) !== value) {
          document.set(key, value);
    fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
      return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
  syncObjectType: 'root/base',
  getSyncObjectId: () => 'index'
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Post Type'),
  name: 'postType',
  kind: 'root',
  key: 'slug',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/types',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'postTypes',
  syncConfig: {
    fetch: async id => {
      return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
        path: `/wp/v2/types/${id}?context=edit`
    applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
      const document = doc.getMap('document');
      Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
        if (document.get(key) !== value) {
          document.set(key, value);
    fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
      return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
  syncObjectType: 'root/postType',
  getSyncObjectId: id => id
}, {
  name: 'media',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/media',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'mediaItems',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media'),
  rawAttributes: ['caption', 'title', 'description'],
  supportsPagination: true
}, {
  name: 'taxonomy',
  kind: 'root',
  key: 'slug',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/taxonomies',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'taxonomies',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Taxonomy')
}, {
  name: 'sidebar',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/sidebars',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'sidebars',
  transientEdits: {
    blocks: true
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget areas')
}, {
  name: 'widget',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/widgets',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'widgets',
  transientEdits: {
    blocks: true
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets')
}, {
  name: 'widgetType',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/widget-types',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'widgetTypes',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget types')
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('User'),
  name: 'user',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/users',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'users'
}, {
  name: 'comment',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/comments',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'comments',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Comment')
}, {
  name: 'menu',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/menus',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'menus',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu')
}, {
  name: 'menuItem',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-items',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'menuItems',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Item'),
  rawAttributes: ['title']
}, {
  name: 'menuLocation',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-locations',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'menuLocations',
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Location'),
  key: 'name'
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Global Styles'),
  name: 'globalStyles',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/global-styles',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'globalStylesVariations',
  // Should be different from name.
  getTitle: record => record?.title?.rendered || record?.title,
  getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/wp/v2/global-styles/${parentId}/revisions${revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`,
  supportsPagination: true
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Themes'),
  name: 'theme',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/themes',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'themes',
  key: 'stylesheet'
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Plugins'),
  name: 'plugin',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/plugins',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'plugins',
  key: 'plugin'
}, {
  label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Status'),
  name: 'status',
  kind: 'root',
  baseURL: '/wp/v2/statuses',
  baseURLParams: {
    context: 'edit'
  plural: 'statuses',
  key: 'slug'
const additionalEntityConfigLoaders = [{
  kind: 'postType',
  loadEntities: loadPostTypeEntities
}, {
  kind: 'taxonomy',
  loadEntities: loadTaxonomyEntities
}, {
  kind: 'root',
  name: 'site',
  plural: 'sites',
  loadEntities: loadSiteEntity

 * Returns a function to be used to retrieve extra edits to apply before persisting a post type.
 * @param {Object} persistedRecord Already persisted Post
 * @param {Object} edits           Edits.
 * @return {Object} Updated edits.
const prePersistPostType = (persistedRecord, edits) => {
  const newEdits = {};
  if (persistedRecord?.status === 'auto-draft') {
    // Saving an auto-draft should create a draft by default.
    if (!edits.status && !newEdits.status) {
      newEdits.status = 'draft';

    // Fix the auto-draft default title.
    if ((!edits.title || edits.title === 'Auto Draft') && !newEdits.title && (!persistedRecord?.title || persistedRecord?.title === 'Auto Draft')) {
      newEdits.title = '';
  return newEdits;
const serialisableBlocksCache = new WeakMap();
function makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes) {
  const newAttributes = {
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
    if (value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) {
      newAttributes[key] = value.valueOf();
  return newAttributes;
function makeBlocksSerializable(blocks) {
  return => {
    const {
    } = block;
    return {,
      attributes: makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes),
      innerBlocks: makeBlocksSerializable(innerBlocks)

 * Returns the list of post type entities.
 * @return {Promise} Entities promise
async function loadPostTypeEntities() {
  const postTypes = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: '/wp/v2/types?context=view'
  return Object.entries(postTypes !== null && postTypes !== void 0 ? postTypes : {}).map(([name, postType]) => {
    var _postType$rest_namesp;
    const isTemplate = ['wp_template', 'wp_template_part'].includes(name);
    const namespace = (_postType$rest_namesp = postType?.rest_namespace) !== null && _postType$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _postType$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
    return {
      kind: 'postType',
      baseURL: `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}`,
      baseURLParams: {
        context: 'edit'
      transientEdits: {
        blocks: true,
        selection: true
      mergedEdits: {
        meta: true
      rawAttributes: POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES,
      getTitle: record => {
        var _record$slug;
        return record?.title?.rendered || record?.title || (isTemplate ? capitalCase((_record$slug = record.slug) !== null && _record$slug !== void 0 ? _record$slug : '') : String(;
      __unstablePrePersist: isTemplate ? undefined : prePersistPostType,
      __unstable_rest_base: postType.rest_base,
      syncConfig: {
        fetch: async id => {
          return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
            path: `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}/${id}?context=edit`
        applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
          const document = doc.getMap('document');
          Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            if (typeof value !== 'function') {
              if (key === 'blocks') {
                if (!serialisableBlocksCache.has(value)) {
                  serialisableBlocksCache.set(value, makeBlocksSerializable(value));
                value = serialisableBlocksCache.get(value);
              if (document.get(key) !== value) {
                document.set(key, value);
        fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
          return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
      syncObjectType: 'postType/' +,
      getSyncObjectId: id => id,
      supportsPagination: true,
      getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}/${parentId}/revisions${revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`,
      revisionKey: isTemplate ? 'wp_id' : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY

 * Returns the list of the taxonomies entities.
 * @return {Promise} Entities promise
async function loadTaxonomyEntities() {
  const taxonomies = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: '/wp/v2/taxonomies?context=view'
  return Object.entries(taxonomies !== null && taxonomies !== void 0 ? taxonomies : {}).map(([name, taxonomy]) => {
    var _taxonomy$rest_namesp;
    const namespace = (_taxonomy$rest_namesp = taxonomy?.rest_namespace) !== null && _taxonomy$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _taxonomy$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
    return {
      kind: 'taxonomy',
      baseURL: `/${namespace}/${taxonomy.rest_base}`,
      baseURLParams: {
        context: 'edit'

 * Returns the Site entity.
 * @return {Promise} Entity promise
async function loadSiteEntity() {
  var _site$schema$properti;
  const entity = {
    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Site'),
    name: 'site',
    kind: 'root',
    baseURL: '/wp/v2/settings',
    syncConfig: {
      fetch: async () => {
        return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
          path: '/wp/v2/settings'
      applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
        const document = doc.getMap('document');
        Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
          if (document.get(key) !== value) {
            document.set(key, value);
      fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
        return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
    syncObjectType: 'root/site',
    getSyncObjectId: () => 'index',
    meta: {}
  const site = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: entity.baseURL,
    method: 'OPTIONS'
  const labels = {};
  Object.entries((_site$schema$properti = site?.schema?.properties) !== null && _site$schema$properti !== void 0 ? _site$schema$properti : {}).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    // Ignore properties `title` and `type` keys.
    if (typeof value === 'object' && value.title) {
      labels[key] = value.title;
  return [{
    meta: {

 * Returns the entity's getter method name given its kind and name or plural name.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * const nameSingular = getMethodName( 'root', 'theme', 'get' );
 * // nameSingular is getRootTheme
 * const namePlural = getMethodName( 'root', 'themes', 'set' );
 * // namePlural is setRootThemes
 * ```
 * @param {string} kind   Entity kind.
 * @param {string} name   Entity name or plural name.
 * @param {string} prefix Function prefix.
 * @return {string} Method name
const getMethodName = (kind, name, prefix = 'get') => {
  const kindPrefix = kind === 'root' ? '' : pascalCase(kind);
  const suffix = pascalCase(name);
  return `${prefix}${kindPrefix}${suffix}`;
function registerSyncConfigs(configs) {
  }) => {
    getSyncProvider().register(syncObjectType, syncConfig);
    const editSyncConfig = {
    delete editSyncConfig.fetch;
    getSyncProvider().register(syncObjectType + '--edit', editSyncConfig);

 * Loads the entities into the store.
 * Note: The `name` argument is used for `root` entities requiring additional server data.
 * @param {string} kind Kind
 * @param {string} name Name
 * @return {(thunkArgs: object) => Promise<Array>} Entities
const getOrLoadEntitiesConfig = (kind, name) => async ({
}) => {
  let configs = select.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
  const hasConfig = !!select.getEntityConfig(kind, name);
  if (configs?.length > 0 && hasConfig) {
    if (window.__experimentalEnableSync) {
      if (true) {
    return configs;
  const loader = additionalEntityConfigLoaders.find(l => {
    if (!name || ! {
      return l.kind === kind;
    return l.kind === kind && === name;
  if (!loader) {
    return [];
  configs = await loader.loadEntities();
  if (window.__experimentalEnableSync) {
    if (true) {
  return configs;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/get-normalized-comma-separable.js
 * Given a value which can be specified as one or the other of a comma-separated
 * string or an array, returns a value normalized to an array of strings, or
 * null if the value cannot be interpreted as either.
 * @param {string|string[]|*} value
 * @return {?(string[])} Normalized field value.
function getNormalizedCommaSeparable(value) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return value.split(',');
  } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
    return value;
  return null;
/* harmony default export */ const get_normalized_comma_separable = (getNormalizedCommaSeparable);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/with-weak-map-cache.js
 * Given a function, returns an enhanced function which caches the result and
 * tracks in WeakMap. The result is only cached if the original function is
 * passed a valid object-like argument (requirement for WeakMap key).
 * @param {Function} fn Original function.
 * @return {Function} Enhanced caching function.
function withWeakMapCache(fn) {
  const cache = new WeakMap();
  return key => {
    let value;
    if (cache.has(key)) {
      value = cache.get(key);
    } else {
      value = fn(key);

      // Can reach here if key is not valid for WeakMap, since `has`
      // will return false for invalid key. Since `set` will throw,
      // ensure that key is valid before setting into cache.
      if (key !== null && typeof key === 'object') {
        cache.set(key, value);
    return value;
/* harmony default export */ const with_weak_map_cache = (withWeakMapCache);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/queried-data/get-query-parts.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * An object of properties describing a specific query.
 * @typedef {Object} WPQueriedDataQueryParts
 * @property {number}      page      The query page (1-based index, default 1).
 * @property {number}      perPage   Items per page for query (default 10).
 * @property {string}      stableKey An encoded stable string of all non-
 *                                   pagination, non-fields query parameters.
 * @property {?(string[])} fields    Target subset of fields to derive from
 *                                   item objects.
 * @property {?(number[])} include   Specific item IDs to include.
 * @property {string}      context   Scope under which the request is made;
 *                                   determines returned fields in response.

 * Given a query object, returns an object of parts, including pagination
 * details (`page` and `perPage`, or default values). All other properties are
 * encoded into a stable (idempotent) `stableKey` value.
 * @param {Object} query Optional query object.
 * @return {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} Query parts.
function getQueryParts(query) {
   * @type {WPQueriedDataQueryParts}
  const parts = {
    stableKey: '',
    page: 1,
    perPage: 10,
    fields: null,
    include: null,
    context: 'default'

  // Ensure stable key by sorting keys. Also more efficient for iterating.
  const keys = Object.keys(query).sort();
  for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
    const key = keys[i];
    let value = query[key];
    switch (key) {
      case 'page':
        parts[key] = Number(value);
      case 'per_page':
        parts.perPage = Number(value);
      case 'context':
        parts.context = value;
        // While in theory, we could exclude "_fields" from the stableKey
        // because two request with different fields have the same results
        // We're not able to ensure that because the server can decide to omit
        // fields from the response even if we explicitly asked for it.
        // Example: Asking for titles in posts without title support.
        if (key === '_fields') {
          var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
          parts.fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : [];
          // Make sure to normalize value for `stableKey`
          value = parts.fields.join();

        // Two requests with different include values cannot have same results.
        if (key === 'include') {
          var _getNormalizedCommaSe2;
          if (typeof value === 'number') {
            value = value.toString();
          parts.include = ((_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : []).map(Number);
          // Normalize value for `stableKey`.
          value = parts.include.join();

        // While it could be any deterministic string, for simplicity's
        // sake mimic querystring encoding for stable key.
        // TODO: For consistency with PHP implementation, addQueryArgs
        // should accept a key value pair, which may optimize its
        // implementation for our use here, vs. iterating an object
        // with only a single key.
        parts.stableKey += (parts.stableKey ? '&' : '') + (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', {
          [key]: value
  return parts;
/* harmony default export */ const get_query_parts = (with_weak_map_cache(getQueryParts));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/queried-data/reducer.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

function getContextFromAction(action) {
  const {
  } = action;
  if (!query) {
    return 'default';
  const queryParts = get_query_parts(query);
  return queryParts.context;

 * Returns a merged array of item IDs, given details of the received paginated
 * items. The array is sparse-like with `undefined` entries where holes exist.
 * @param {?Array<number>} itemIds     Original item IDs (default empty array).
 * @param {number[]}       nextItemIds Item IDs to merge.
 * @param {number}         page        Page of items merged.
 * @param {number}         perPage     Number of items per page.
 * @return {number[]} Merged array of item IDs.
function getMergedItemIds(itemIds, nextItemIds, page, perPage) {
  var _itemIds$length;
  const receivedAllIds = page === 1 && perPage === -1;
  if (receivedAllIds) {
    return nextItemIds;
  const nextItemIdsStartIndex = (page - 1) * perPage;

  // If later page has already been received, default to the larger known
  // size of the existing array, else calculate as extending the existing.
  const size = Math.max((_itemIds$length = itemIds?.length) !== null && _itemIds$length !== void 0 ? _itemIds$length : 0, nextItemIdsStartIndex + nextItemIds.length);

  // Preallocate array since size is known.
  const mergedItemIds = new Array(size);
  for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    // Preserve existing item ID except for subset of range of next items.
    // We need to check against the possible maximum upper boundary because
    // a page could receive fewer than what was previously stored.
    const isInNextItemsRange = i >= nextItemIdsStartIndex && i < nextItemIdsStartIndex + perPage;
    mergedItemIds[i] = isInNextItemsRange ? nextItemIds[i - nextItemIdsStartIndex] : itemIds?.[i];
  return mergedItemIds;

 * Helper function to filter out entities with certain IDs.
 * Entities are keyed by their ID.
 * @param {Object} entities Entity objects, keyed by entity ID.
 * @param {Array}  ids      Entity IDs to filter out.
 * @return {Object} Filtered entities.
function removeEntitiesById(entities, ids) {
  return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(entities).filter(([id]) => !ids.some(itemId => {
    if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) {
      return itemId === +id;
    return itemId === id;

 * Reducer tracking items state, keyed by ID. Items are assumed to be normal,
 * where identifiers are common across all queries.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Next state.
function items(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
        const context = getContextFromAction(action);
        const key = action.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
        return {
          [context]: {
            ...action.items.reduce((accumulator, value) => {
              const itemId = value?.[key];
              accumulator[itemId] = conservativeMapItem(state?.[context]?.[itemId], value);
              return accumulator;
            }, {})
    case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
      return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)]));
  return state;

 * Reducer tracking item completeness, keyed by ID. A complete item is one for
 * which all fields are known. This is used in supporting `_fields` queries,
 * where not all properties associated with an entity are necessarily returned.
 * In such cases, completeness is used as an indication of whether it would be
 * safe to use queried data for a non-`_fields`-limited request.
 * @param {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}                                action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} Next state.
function itemIsComplete(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
        const context = getContextFromAction(action);
        const {
          key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
        } = action;

        // An item is considered complete if it is received without an associated
        // fields query. Ideally, this would be implemented in such a way where the
        // complete aggregate of all fields would satisfy completeness. Since the
        // fields are not consistent across all entities, this would require
        // introspection on the REST schema for each entity to know which fields
        // compose a complete item for that entity.
        const queryParts = query ? get_query_parts(query) : {};
        const isCompleteQuery = !query || !Array.isArray(queryParts.fields);
        return {
          [context]: {
            ...action.items.reduce((result, item) => {
              const itemId = item?.[key];

              // Defer to completeness if already assigned. Technically the
              // data may be outdated if receiving items for a field subset.
              result[itemId] = state?.[context]?.[itemId] || isCompleteQuery;
              return result;
            }, {})
    case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
      return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)]));
  return state;

 * Reducer tracking queries state, keyed by stable query key. Each reducer
 * query object includes `itemIds` and `requestingPageByPerPage`.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Next state.
const receiveQueries = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([
// Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
// an unhandled action.
if_matching_action(action => 'query' in action),
// Inject query parts into action for use both in `onSubKey` and reducer.
replace_action(action => {
  // `ifMatchingAction` still passes on initialization, where state is
  // undefined and a query is not assigned. Avoid attempting to parse
  // parts. `onSubKey` will omit by lack of `stableKey`.
  if (action.query) {
    return {
  return action;
}), on_sub_key('context'),
// Queries shape is shared, but keyed by query `stableKey` part. Original
// reducer tracks only a single query object.
on_sub_key('stableKey')])((state = {}, action) => {
  const {
  } = action;
  if (type !== 'RECEIVE_ITEMS') {
    return state;
  return {
    itemIds: getMergedItemIds(state?.itemIds || [], => item?.[key]).filter(Boolean), page, perPage),
    meta: action.meta

 * Reducer tracking queries state.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Next state.
const queries = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
      return receiveQueries(state, action);
    case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
      const removedItems = action.itemIds.reduce((result, itemId) => {
        result[itemId] = true;
        return result;
      }, {});
      return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([queryGroup, contextQueries]) => [queryGroup, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(contextQueries).map(([query, queryItems]) => [query, {
        itemIds: queryItems.itemIds.filter(queryId => !removedItems[queryId])
      return state;
/* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/reducer.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

/** @typedef {import('./types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */

 * Reducer managing terms state. Keyed by taxonomy slug, the value is either
 * undefined (if no request has been made for given taxonomy), null (if a
 * request is in-flight for given taxonomy), or the array of terms for the
 * taxonomy.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function terms(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_TERMS':
      return {
        [action.taxonomy]: action.terms
  return state;

 * Reducer managing authors state. Keyed by id.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function users(state = {
  byId: {},
  queries: {}
}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        byId: {
          // Key users by their ID.
          ...action.users.reduce((newUsers, user) => ({
            []: user
          }), {})
        queries: {
          [action.queryID]: =>
  return state;

 * Reducer managing current user state.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function currentUser(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.currentUser;
  return state;

 * Reducer managing taxonomies.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function taxonomies(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.taxonomies;
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the current theme.
 * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
 * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
function currentTheme(state = undefined, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.currentTheme.stylesheet;
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the current global styles id.
 * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
 * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
function currentGlobalStylesId(state = undefined, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the theme base global styles.
 * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
function themeBaseGlobalStyles(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        [action.stylesheet]: action.globalStyles
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the theme global styles variations.
 * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
function themeGlobalStyleVariations(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        [action.stylesheet]: action.variations
  return state;
const withMultiEntityRecordEdits = reducer => (state, action) => {
  if (action.type === 'UNDO' || action.type === 'REDO') {
    const {
    } = action;
    let newState = state;
      id: {
    }) => {
      newState = reducer(newState, {
        type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
        edits: Object.entries(changes).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
          acc[key] = action.type === 'UNDO' ? value.from :;
          return acc;
        }, {})
    return newState;
  return reducer(state, action);

 * Higher Order Reducer for a given entity config. It supports:
 *  - Fetching
 *  - Editing
 *  - Saving
 * @param {Object} entityConfig Entity config.
 * @return {AnyFunction} Reducer.
function entity(entityConfig) {
  return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([withMultiEntityRecordEdits,
  // Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
  // an unhandled action.
  if_matching_action(action => && action.kind && === && action.kind === entityConfig.kind),
  // Inject the entity config into the action.
  replace_action(action => {
    return {
      key: entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY,
    queriedData: reducer,
    edits: (state = {}, action) => {
      var _action$query$context;
      switch (action.type) {
        case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
          const context = (_action$query$context = action?.query?.context) !== null && _action$query$context !== void 0 ? _action$query$context : 'default';
          if (context !== 'default') {
            return state;
          const nextState = {
          for (const record of action.items) {
            const recordId = record?.[action.key];
            const edits = nextState[recordId];
            if (!edits) {
            const nextEdits = Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
              var _record$key$raw;
              // If the edited value is still different to the persisted value,
              // keep the edited value in edits.
              if (
              // Edits are the "raw" attribute values, but records may have
              // objects with more properties, so we use `get` here for the
              // comparison.
              !es6_default()(edits[key], (_record$key$raw = record[key]?.raw) !== null && _record$key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$key$raw : record[key]) && (
              // Sometimes the server alters the sent value which means
              // we need to also remove the edits before the api request.
              !action.persistedEdits || !es6_default()(edits[key], action.persistedEdits[key]))) {
                acc[key] = edits[key];
              return acc;
            }, {});
            if (Object.keys(nextEdits).length) {
              nextState[recordId] = nextEdits;
            } else {
              delete nextState[recordId];
          return nextState;
        case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD':
          const nextEdits = {
          Object.keys(nextEdits).forEach(key => {
            // Delete cleared edits so that the properties
            // are not considered dirty.
            if (nextEdits[key] === undefined) {
              delete nextEdits[key];
          return {
            [action.recordId]: nextEdits
      return state;
    saving: (state = {}, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
          return {
            [action.recordId]: {
              pending: action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
              error: action.error,
              isAutosave: action.isAutosave
      return state;
    deleting: (state = {}, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
          return {
            [action.recordId]: {
              pending: action.type === 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
              error: action.error
      return state;
    revisions: (state = {}, action) => {
      // Use the same queriedDataReducer shape for revisions.
      if (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEM_REVISIONS') {
        const recordKey = action.recordKey;
        delete action.recordKey;
        const newState = reducer(state[recordKey], {
          type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS'
        return {
          [recordKey]: newState
      if (action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') {
        return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).filter(([id]) => !action.itemIds.some(itemId => {
          if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) {
            return itemId === +id;
          return itemId === id;
      return state;

 * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function entitiesConfig(state = rootEntitiesConfig, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD_ENTITIES':
      return [...state, ...action.entities];
  return state;

 * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities config and data.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
const entities = (state = {}, action) => {
  const newConfig = entitiesConfig(state.config, action);

  // Generates a dynamic reducer for the entities.
  let entitiesDataReducer = state.reducer;
  if (!entitiesDataReducer || newConfig !== state.config) {
    const entitiesByKind = newConfig.reduce((acc, record) => {
      const {
      } = record;
      if (!acc[kind]) {
        acc[kind] = [];
      return acc;
    }, {});
    entitiesDataReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(Object.entries(entitiesByKind).reduce((memo, [kind, subEntities]) => {
      const kindReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(subEntities.reduce((kindMemo, entityConfig) => ({
        []: entity(entityConfig)
      }), {}));
      memo[kind] = kindReducer;
      return memo;
    }, {}));
  const newData = entitiesDataReducer(state.records, action);
  if (newData === state.records && newConfig === state.config && entitiesDataReducer === state.reducer) {
    return state;
  return {
    reducer: entitiesDataReducer,
    records: newData,
    config: newConfig

 * @type {UndoManager}
function undoManager(state = createUndoManager()) {
  return state;
function editsReference(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'UNDO':
    case 'REDO':
      return {};
  return state;

 * Reducer managing embed preview data.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function embedPreviews(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      const {
      } = action;
      return {
        [url]: preview
  return state;

 * State which tracks whether the user can perform an action on a REST
 * resource.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function userPermissions(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        [action.key]: action.isAllowed
  return state;

 * Reducer returning autosaves keyed by their parent's post id.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function autosaves(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      const {
        autosaves: autosavesData
      } = action;
      return {
        [postId]: autosavesData
  return state;
function blockPatterns(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.patterns;
  return state;
function blockPatternCategories(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.categories;
  return state;
function userPatternCategories(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.patternCategories;
  return state;
function navigationFallbackId(state = null, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.fallbackId;
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the theme global styles revisions.
 * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
function themeGlobalStyleRevisions(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        [action.currentId]: action.revisions
  return state;

 * Reducer managing the template lookup per query.
 * @param {Record<string, string>} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Record<string, string>} Updated state.
function defaultTemplates(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        [JSON.stringify(action.query)]: action.templateId
  return state;
/* harmony default export */ const build_module_reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({

// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/equivalent-key-map/equivalent-key-map.js
var equivalent_key_map = __webpack_require__(2167);
var equivalent_key_map_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(equivalent_key_map);
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/queried-data/selectors.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Cache of state keys to EquivalentKeyMap where the inner map tracks queries
 * to their resulting items set. WeakMap allows garbage collection on expired
 * state references.
 * @type {WeakMap<Object,EquivalentKeyMap>}
const queriedItemsCacheByState = new WeakMap();

 * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known.
 * @param {Object}  state State object.
 * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
 * @return {?Array} Query items.
function getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query) {
  const {
  } = get_query_parts(query);
  let itemIds;
  if (state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]) {
    itemIds = state.queries[context][stableKey].itemIds;
  if (!itemIds) {
    return null;
  const startOffset = perPage === -1 ? 0 : (page - 1) * perPage;
  const endOffset = perPage === -1 ? itemIds.length : Math.min(startOffset + perPage, itemIds.length);
  const items = [];
  for (let i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) {
    const itemId = itemIds[i];
    if (Array.isArray(include) && !include.includes(itemId)) {
    if (itemId === undefined) {
    // Having a target item ID doesn't guarantee that this object has been queried.
    if (!state.items[context]?.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
      return null;
    const item = state.items[context][itemId];
    let filteredItem;
    if (Array.isArray(fields)) {
      filteredItem = {};
      for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
        const field = fields[f].split('.');
        let value = item;
        field.forEach(fieldName => {
          value = value?.[fieldName];
        setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
    } else {
      // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness, or
      // otherwise abort.
      if (!state.itemIsComplete[context]?.[itemId]) {
        return null;
      filteredItem = item;
  return items;

 * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. Caches
 * result both per state (by reference) and per query (by deep equality).
 * The caching approach is intended to be durable to query objects which are
 * deeply but not referentially equal, since otherwise:
 * `getQueriedItems( state, {} ) !== getQueriedItems( state, {} )`
 * @param {Object}  state State object.
 * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
 * @return {?Array} Query items.
const getQueriedItems = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, query = {}) => {
  let queriedItemsCache = queriedItemsCacheByState.get(state);
  if (queriedItemsCache) {
    const queriedItems = queriedItemsCache.get(query);
    if (queriedItems !== undefined) {
      return queriedItems;
  } else {
    queriedItemsCache = new (equivalent_key_map_default())();
    queriedItemsCacheByState.set(state, queriedItemsCache);
  const items = getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query);
  queriedItemsCache.set(query, items);
  return items;
function getQueriedTotalItems(state, query = {}) {
  var _state$queries$contex;
  const {
  } = get_query_parts(query);
  return (_state$queries$contex = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalItems) !== null && _state$queries$contex !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex : null;
function getQueriedTotalPages(state, query = {}) {
  var _state$queries$contex2;
  const {
  } = get_query_parts(query);
  return (_state$queries$contex2 = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalPages) !== null && _state$queries$contex2 !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex2 : null;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/is-numeric-id.js
 * Checks argument to determine if it's a numeric ID.
 * For example, '123' is a numeric ID, but '123abc' is not.
 * @param {any} id the argument to determine if it's a numeric ID.
 * @return {boolean} true if the string is a numeric ID, false otherwise.
function isNumericID(id) {
  return /^\s*\d+\s*$/.test(id);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/is-raw-attribute.js
 * Checks whether the attribute is a "raw" attribute or not.
 * @param {Object} entity    Entity record.
 * @param {string} attribute Attribute name.
 * @return {boolean} Is the attribute raw
function isRawAttribute(entity, attribute) {
  return (entity.rawAttributes || []).includes(attribute);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/user-permissions.js
const ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'];
function getUserPermissionsFromResponse(response) {
  const permissions = {};

  // Optional chaining operator is used here because the API requests don't
  // return the expected result in the React native version. Instead, API requests
  // only return the result, without including response properties like the headers.
  const allowedMethods = response.headers?.get('allow') || '';
  const methods = {
    create: 'POST',
    read: 'GET',
    update: 'PUT',
    delete: 'DELETE'
  for (const [actionName, methodName] of Object.entries(methods)) {
    permissions[actionName] = allowedMethods.includes(methodName);
  return permissions;
function getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id) {
  const key = (typeof resource === 'object' ? [action, resource.kind,,] : [action, resource, id]).filter(Boolean).join('/');
  return key;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

// This is an incomplete, high-level approximation of the State type.
// It makes the selectors slightly more safe, but is intended to evolve
// into a more detailed representation over time.
// See for more context.

 * HTTP Query parameters sent with the API request to fetch the entity records.

 * Arguments for EntityRecord selectors.

 * Shared reference to an empty object for cases where it is important to avoid
 * returning a new object reference on every invocation, as in a connected or
 * other pure component which performs `shouldComponentUpdate` check on props.
 * This should be used as a last resort, since the normalized data should be
 * maintained by the reducer result in state.
const EMPTY_OBJECT = {};

 * Returns true if a request is in progress for embed preview data, or false
 * otherwise.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param url   URL the preview would be for.
 * @return Whether a request is in progress for an embed preview.
const isRequestingEmbedPreview = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, url) => {
  return select(STORE_NAME).isResolving('getEmbedPreview', [url]);

 * Returns all available authors.
 * @deprecated since 11.3. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })` instead.
 * @param      state Data state.
 * @param      query Optional object of query parameters to
 *                   include with request. For valid query parameters see the [Users page]( in the REST API Handbook and see the arguments for [List Users]( and [Retrieve a User](
 * @return Authors list.
function getAuthors(state, query) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getAuthors()", {
    since: '5.9',
    alternative: "select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })"
  const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
  return getUserQueryResults(state, path);

 * Returns the current user.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return Current user object.
function getCurrentUser(state) {
  return state.currentUser;

 * Returns all the users returned by a query ID.
 * @param state   Data state.
 * @param queryID Query ID.
 * @return Users list.
const getUserQueryResults = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, queryID) => {
  var _state$users$queries$;
  const queryResults = (_state$users$queries$ = state.users.queries[queryID]) !== null && _state$users$queries$ !== void 0 ? _state$users$queries$ : [];
  return => state.users.byId[id]);
}, (state, queryID) => [state.users.queries[queryID], state.users.byId]);

 * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
 * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntitiesConfig instead
 * @param      state Data state.
 * @param      kind  Entity kind.
 * @return Array of entities with config matching kind.
function getEntitiesByKind(state, kind) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).getEntitiesByKind()", {
    since: '6.0',
    alternative: " 'core' ).getEntitiesConfig()"
  return getEntitiesConfig(state, kind);

 * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @return Array of entities with config matching kind.
const getEntitiesConfig = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind) => state.entities.config.filter(entity => entity.kind === kind), /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
(state, kind) => state.entities.config
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */);
 * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
 * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntityConfig instead
 * @param      state Data state.
 * @param      kind  Entity kind.
 * @param      name  Entity name.
 * @return Entity config
function getEntity(state, kind, name) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).getEntity()", {
    since: '6.0',
    alternative: " 'core' ).getEntityConfig()"
  return getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);

 * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @return Entity config
function getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) {
  return state.entities.config?.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name);

 * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with
 * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't
 * allow currying generic functions:
 * ```ts
 * 		type CurriedState = F extends ( state: any, ...args: infer P ) => infer R
 * 			? ( ...args: P ) => R
 * 			: F;
 * 		type Selector = <K extends string | number>(
 *         state: any,
 *         kind: K,
 *         key: K extends string ? 'string value' : false
 *    ) => K;
 * 		type BadlyInferredSignature = CurriedState< Selector >
 *    // BadlyInferredSignature evaluates to:
 *    // (kind: string number, key: false | "string value") => string number
 * ```
 * The signature without the state parameter shipped as CurriedSignature
 * is used in the return value of `select( coreStore )`.
 * See for more details.

 * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Returns `null` if the value is not
 * yet received, undefined if the value entity is known to not exist, or the
 * entity object if it exists and is received.
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param key   Record's key
 * @param query Optional query. If requesting specific
 *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]".
 * @return Record.
const getEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key, query) => {
  var _query$context;
  const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
  if (!queriedState) {
    return undefined;
  const context = (_query$context = query?.context) !== null && _query$context !== void 0 ? _query$context : 'default';
  if (query === undefined) {
    // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness.
    if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[key]) {
      return undefined;
    return queriedState.items[context][key];
  const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[key];
  if (item && query._fields) {
    var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
    const filteredItem = {};
    const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : [];
    for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
      const field = fields[f].split('.');
      let value = item;
      field.forEach(fieldName => {
        value = value?.[fieldName];
      setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
    return filteredItem;
  return item;
}, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
  var _query$context2;
  const context = (_query$context2 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context2 !== void 0 ? _query$context2 : 'default';
  return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]];

 * Normalizes `recordKey`s that look like numeric IDs to numbers.
 * @param args EntityRecordArgs the selector arguments.
 * @return EntityRecordArgs the normalized arguments.
getEntityRecord.__unstableNormalizeArgs = args => {
  const newArgs = [...args];
  const recordKey = newArgs?.[2];

  // If recordKey looks to be a numeric ID then coerce to number.
  newArgs[2] = isNumericID(recordKey) ? Number(recordKey) : recordKey;
  return newArgs;

 * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Doesn't trigger a resolver nor requests the entity records from the API if the entity record isn't available in the local state.
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param key   Record's key
 * @return Record.
function __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver(state, kind, name, key) {
  return getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);

 * Returns the entity's record object by key,
 * with its attributes mapped to their raw values.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param key   Record's key.
 * @return Object with the entity's raw attributes.
const getRawEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key) => {
  const record = getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);
  return record && Object.keys(record).reduce((accumulator, _key) => {
    if (isRawAttribute(getEntityConfig(state, kind, name), _key)) {
      var _record$_key$raw;
      // Because edits are the "raw" attribute values,
      // we return those from record selectors to make rendering,
      // comparisons, and joins with edits easier.
      accumulator[_key] = (_record$_key$raw = record[_key]?.raw) !== null && _record$_key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$_key$raw : record[_key];
    } else {
      accumulator[_key] = record[_key];
    return accumulator;
  }, {});
}, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
  var _query$context3;
  const context = (_query$context3 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context3 !== void 0 ? _query$context3 : 'default';
  return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]];

 * Returns true if records have been received for the given set of parameters,
 * or false otherwise.
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param query Optional terms query. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
 * @return  Whether entity records have been received.
function hasEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) {
  return Array.isArray(getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query));

 * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with
 * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't
 * allow currying generic functions.
 * @see GetEntityRecord
 * @see

 * Returns the Entity's records.
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
 *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
 * @return Records.
const getEntityRecords = (state, kind, name, query) => {
  // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
  // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
  const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
  if (!queriedState) {
    return null;
  return getQueriedItems(queriedState, query);

 * Returns the Entity's total available records for a given query (ignoring pagination).
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
 *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
 * @return number | null.
const getEntityRecordsTotalItems = (state, kind, name, query) => {
  // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
  // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
  const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
  if (!queriedState) {
    return null;
  return getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query);

 * Returns the number of available pages for the given query.
 * @param state State tree
 * @param kind  Entity kind.
 * @param name  Entity name.
 * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
 *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
 * @return number | null.
const getEntityRecordsTotalPages = (state, kind, name, query) => {
  // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
  // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
  const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
  if (!queriedState) {
    return null;
  if (query.per_page === -1) {
    return 1;
  const totalItems = getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query);
  if (!totalItems) {
    return totalItems;
  // If `per_page` is not set and the query relies on the defaults of the
  // REST endpoint, get the info from query's meta.
  if (!query.per_page) {
    return getQueriedTotalPages(queriedState, query);
  return Math.ceil(totalItems / query.per_page);
 * Returns the list of dirty entity records.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @return The list of updated records
const __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => {
  const {
    entities: {
  } = state;
  const dirtyRecords = [];
  Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
    Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
      const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].edits).filter(primaryKey =>
      // The entity record must exist (not be deleted),
      // and it must have edits.
      getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey) && hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
      if (primaryKeys.length) {
        const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
        primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
          const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
            // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
            // when it's used as an object key.
            key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined,
            title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '',
  return dirtyRecords;
}, state => [state.entities.records]);

 * Returns the list of entities currently being saved.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @return The list of records being saved.
const __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => {
  const {
    entities: {
  } = state;
  const recordsBeingSaved = [];
  Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
    Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
      const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].saving).filter(primaryKey => isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
      if (primaryKeys.length) {
        const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
        primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
          const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
            // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
            // when it's used as an object key.
            key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined,
            title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '',
  return recordsBeingSaved;
}, state => [state.entities.records]);

 * Returns the specified entity record's edits.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return The entity record's edits.
function getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId];

 * Returns the specified entity record's non transient edits.
 * Transient edits don't create an undo level, and
 * are not considered for change detection.
 * They are defined in the entity's config.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return The entity record's non transient edits.
const getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => {
  const {
  } = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) || {};
  const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) || {};
  if (!transientEdits) {
    return edits;
  return Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
    if (!transientEdits[key]) {
      acc[key] = edits[key];
    return acc;
  }, {});
}, (state, kind, name, recordId) => [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]]);

 * Returns true if the specified entity record has edits,
 * and false otherwise.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return Whether the entity record has edits or not.
function hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  return isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) || Object.keys(getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(state, kind, name, recordId)).length > 0;

 * Returns the specified entity record, merged with its edits.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return The entity record, merged with its edits.
const getEditedEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => {
  const raw = getRawEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId);
  const edited = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId);
  // Never return a non-falsy empty object. Unfortunately we can't return
  // undefined or null because we were previously returning an empty
  // object, so trying to read properties from the result would throw.
  // Using false here is a workaround to avoid breaking changes.
  if (!raw && !edited) {
    return false;
  return {
}, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
  var _query$context4;
  const context = (_query$context4 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context4 !== void 0 ? _query$context4 : 'default';
  return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]];

 * Returns true if the specified entity record is autosaving, and false otherwise.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return Whether the entity record is autosaving or not.
function isAutosavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  var _state$entities$recor;
  const {
  } = (_state$entities$recor = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]) !== null && _state$entities$recor !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor : {};
  return Boolean(pending && isAutosave);

 * Returns true if the specified entity record is saving, and false otherwise.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return Whether the entity record is saving or not.
function isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  var _state$entities$recor2;
  return (_state$entities$recor2 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor2 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor2 : false;

 * Returns true if the specified entity record is deleting, and false otherwise.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return Whether the entity record is deleting or not.
function isDeletingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  var _state$entities$recor3;
  return (_state$entities$recor3 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor3 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor3 : false;

 * Returns the specified entity record's last save error.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return The entity record's save error.
function getLastEntitySaveError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.error;

 * Returns the specified entity record's last delete error.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record ID.
 * @return The entity record's save error.
function getLastEntityDeleteError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.error;

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
 * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset
 * for the entity records edits history, if any.
 * @deprecated since 6.3
 * @param      state State tree.
 * @return The edit.
function getUndoEdit(state) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getUndoEdit()", {
    since: '6.3'
  return undefined;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
 * Returns the next edit from the current undo offset
 * for the entity records edits history, if any.
 * @deprecated since 6.3
 * @param      state State tree.
 * @return The edit.
function getRedoEdit(state) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getRedoEdit()", {
    since: '6.3'
  return undefined;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */

 * Returns true if there is a previous edit from the current undo offset
 * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @return Whether there is a previous edit or not.
function hasUndo(state) {
  return state.undoManager.hasUndo();

 * Returns true if there is a next edit from the current undo offset
 * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @return Whether there is a next edit or not.
function hasRedo(state) {
  return state.undoManager.hasRedo();

 * Return the current theme.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return The current theme.
function getCurrentTheme(state) {
  if (!state.currentTheme) {
    return null;
  return getEntityRecord(state, 'root', 'theme', state.currentTheme);

 * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return The current global styles ID.
function __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state) {
  return state.currentGlobalStylesId;

 * Return theme supports data in the index.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return Index data.
function getThemeSupports(state) {
  var _getCurrentTheme$them;
  return (_getCurrentTheme$them = getCurrentTheme(state)?.theme_supports) !== null && _getCurrentTheme$them !== void 0 ? _getCurrentTheme$them : EMPTY_OBJECT;

 * Returns the embed preview for the given URL.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param url   Embedded URL.
 * @return Undefined if the preview has not been fetched, otherwise, the preview fetched from the embed preview API.
function getEmbedPreview(state, url) {
  return state.embedPreviews[url];

 * Determines if the returned preview is an oEmbed link fallback.
 * WordPress can be configured to return a simple link to a URL if it is not embeddable.
 * We need to be able to determine if a URL is embeddable or not, based on what we
 * get back from the oEmbed preview API.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param url   Embedded URL.
 * @return Is the preview for the URL an oEmbed link fallback.
function isPreviewEmbedFallback(state, url) {
  const preview = state.embedPreviews[url];
  const oEmbedLinkCheck = '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>';
  if (!preview) {
    return false;
  return preview.html === oEmbedLinkCheck;

 * Returns whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
 * REST resource.
 * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
 * `canUser()` resolver.
 * @param state    Data state.
 * @param action   Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'.
 * @param resource Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
 *                 or REST base as a string - `media`.
 * @param id       Optional ID of the rest resource to check.
 * @return Whether or not the user can perform the action,
 *                             or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
function canUser(state, action, resource, id) {
  const isEntity = typeof resource === 'object';
  if (isEntity && (!resource.kind || ! {
    return false;
  const key = getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id);
  return state.userPermissions[key];

 * Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity.
 * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
 * `canUser()` resolver.
 * @param state    Data state.
 * @param kind     Entity kind.
 * @param name     Entity name.
 * @param recordId Record's id.
 * @return Whether or not the user can edit,
 * or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
function canUserEditEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(` 'core' ).canUserEditEntityRecord()`, {
    since: '6.7',
    alternative: ` 'core' ).canUser( 'update', { kind, name, id } )`
  return canUser(state, 'update', {
    id: recordId

 * Returns the latest autosaves for the post.
 * May return multiple autosaves since the backend stores one autosave per
 * author for each post.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param postType The type of the parent post.
 * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
 * @return An array of autosaves for the post, or undefined if there is none.
function getAutosaves(state, postType, postId) {
  return state.autosaves[postId];

 * Returns the autosave for the post and author.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param postType The type of the parent post.
 * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
 * @param authorId The id of the author.
 * @return The autosave for the post and author.
function getAutosave(state, postType, postId, authorId) {
  if (authorId === undefined) {
  const autosaves = state.autosaves[postId];
  return autosaves?.find(autosave => === authorId);

 * Returns true if the REST request for autosaves has completed.
 * @param state    State tree.
 * @param postType The type of the parent post.
 * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
 * @return True if the REST request was completed. False otherwise.
const hasFetchedAutosaves = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, postType, postId) => {
  return select(STORE_NAME).hasFinishedResolution('getAutosaves', [postType, postId]);

 * Returns a new reference when edited values have changed. This is useful in
 * inferring where an edit has been made between states by comparison of the
 * return values using strict equality.
 * @example
 * ```
 * const hasEditOccurred = (
 *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( beforeState ) !==
 *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( afterState )
 * );
 * ```
 * @param state Editor state.
 * @return A value whose reference will change only when an edit occurs.
function getReferenceByDistinctEdits(state) {
  return state.editsReference;

 * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link.
 * @param state Editor state.
 * @param link  Link.
 * @return The template record.
function __experimentalGetTemplateForLink(state, link) {
  const records = getEntityRecords(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', {
    'find-template': link
  if (records?.length) {
    return getEditedEntityRecord(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', records[0].id);
  return null;

 * Retrieve the current theme's base global styles
 * @param state Editor state.
 * @return The Global Styles object.
function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles(state) {
  const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
  if (!currentTheme) {
    return null;
  return state.themeBaseGlobalStyles[currentTheme.stylesheet];

 * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return The current global styles ID.
function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations(state) {
  const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
  if (!currentTheme) {
    return null;
  return state.themeGlobalStyleVariations[currentTheme.stylesheet];

 * Retrieve the list of registered block patterns.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return Block pattern list.
function getBlockPatterns(state) {
  return state.blockPatterns;

 * Retrieve the list of registered block pattern categories.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return Block pattern category list.
function getBlockPatternCategories(state) {
  return state.blockPatternCategories;

 * Retrieve the registered user pattern categories.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return User patterns category array.

function getUserPatternCategories(state) {
  return state.userPatternCategories;

 * Returns the revisions of the current global styles theme.
 * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )` instead, where `recordKey` is the id of the global styles parent post.
 * @param      state Data state.
 * @return The current global styles.
function getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions(state) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions()", {
    since: '6.5.0',
    alternative: "select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )"
  const currentGlobalStylesId = __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state);
  if (!currentGlobalStylesId) {
    return null;
  return state.themeGlobalStyleRevisions[currentGlobalStylesId];

 * Returns the default template use to render a given query.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @param query Query.
 * @return The default template id for the given query.
function getDefaultTemplateId(state, query) {
  return state.defaultTemplates[JSON.stringify(query)];

 * Returns an entity's revisions.
 * @param state     State tree
 * @param kind      Entity kind.
 * @param name      Entity name.
 * @param recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
 * @param query     Optional query. If requesting specific
 *                  fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook]( Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]".
 * @return Record.
const getRevisions = (state, kind, name, recordKey, query) => {
  const queriedStateRevisions = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey];
  if (!queriedStateRevisions) {
    return null;
  return getQueriedItems(queriedStateRevisions, query);

 * Returns a single, specific revision of a parent entity.
 * @param state       State tree
 * @param kind        Entity kind.
 * @param name        Entity name.
 * @param recordKey   The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
 * @param revisionKey The revision's key.
 * @param query       Optional query. If requesting specific
 *                    fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook]( Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [entity kind]".
 * @return Record.
const getRevision = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => {
  var _query$context5;
  const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey];
  if (!queriedState) {
    return undefined;
  const context = (_query$context5 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context5 !== void 0 ? _query$context5 : 'default';
  if (query === undefined) {
    // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness.
    if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[revisionKey]) {
      return undefined;
    return queriedState.items[context][revisionKey];
  const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[revisionKey];
  if (item && query._fields) {
    var _getNormalizedCommaSe2;
    const filteredItem = {};
    const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : [];
    for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
      const field = fields[f].split('.');
      let value = item;
      field.forEach(fieldName => {
        value = value?.[fieldName];
      setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
    return filteredItem;
  return item;
}, (state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => {
  var _query$context6;
  const context = (_query$context6 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context6 !== void 0 ? _query$context6 : 'default';
  return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.items?.[context]?.[revisionKey], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.itemIsComplete?.[context]?.[revisionKey]];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset
 * for the entity records edits history, if any.
 * @param state State tree.
 * @return The undo manager.
function getUndoManager(state) {
  return state.undoManager;

 * Retrieve the fallback Navigation.
 * @param state Data state.
 * @return The ID for the fallback Navigation post.
function getNavigationFallbackId(state) {
  return state.navigationFallbackId;
const getBlockPatternsForPostType = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, postType) => select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns().filter(({
}) => !postTypes || Array.isArray(postTypes) && postTypes.includes(postType)), () => [select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns()]));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/camel-case/dist.es2015/index.js

function camelCaseTransform(input, index) {
    if (index === 0)
        return input.toLowerCase();
    return pascalCaseTransform(input, index);
function camelCaseTransformMerge(input, index) {
    if (index === 0)
        return input.toLowerCase();
    return pascalCaseTransformMerge(input);
function camelCase(input, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    return pascalCase(input, __assign({ transform: camelCaseTransform }, options));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"]
const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/utils/forward-resolver.js
 * Higher-order function which forward the resolution to another resolver with the same arguments.
 * @param {string} resolverName forwarded resolver.
 * @return {Function} Enhanced resolver.
const forwardResolver = resolverName => (...args) => async ({
}) => {
  await resolveSelect[resolverName](...args);
/* harmony default export */ const forward_resolver = (forwardResolver);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-link-suggestions.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Fetches link suggestions from the WordPress API.
 * WordPress does not support searching multiple tables at once, e.g. posts and terms, so we
 * perform multiple queries at the same time and then merge the results together.
 * @param search
 * @param searchOptions
 * @param editorSettings
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions as fetchLinkSuggestions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * //...
 * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
 * settings.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions = (
 *     search,
 *     searchOptions
 * ) => fetchLinkSuggestions( search, searchOptions, settings );
 * ```
async function fetchLinkSuggestions(search, searchOptions = {}, editorSettings = {}) {
  const searchOptionsToUse = searchOptions.isInitialSuggestions && searchOptions.initialSuggestionsSearchOptions ? {
  } : searchOptions;
  const {
    perPage = searchOptions.isInitialSuggestions ? 3 : 20
  } = searchOptionsToUse;
  const {
    disablePostFormats = false
  } = editorSettings;
  const queries = [];
  if (!type || type === 'post') {
      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
        per_page: perPage,
        type: 'post',
    }).then(results => {
      return => {
        return {
          url: result.url,
          title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
          type: result.subtype || result.type,
          kind: 'post-type'
    }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
  if (!type || type === 'term') {
      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
        per_page: perPage,
        type: 'term',
    }).then(results => {
      return => {
        return {
          url: result.url,
          title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
          type: result.subtype || result.type,
          kind: 'taxonomy'
    }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
  if (!disablePostFormats && (!type || type === 'post-format')) {
      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
        per_page: perPage,
        type: 'post-format',
    }).then(results => {
      return => {
        return {
          url: result.url,
          title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
          type: result.subtype || result.type,
          kind: 'taxonomy'
    }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
  if (!type || type === 'attachment') {
      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/media', {
        per_page: perPage
    }).then(results => {
      return => {
        return {
          url: result.source_url,
          title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title.rendered || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
          type: result.type,
          kind: 'media'
    }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
  const responses = await Promise.all(queries);
  let results = responses.flat();
  results = results.filter(result => !!;
  results = sortResults(results, search);
  results = results.slice(0, perPage);
  return results;

 * Sort search results by relevance to the given query.
 * Sorting is necessary as we're querying multiple endpoints and merging the results. For example
 * a taxonomy title might be more relevant than a post title, but by default taxonomy results will
 * be ordered after all the (potentially irrelevant) post results.
 * We sort by scoring each result, where the score is the number of tokens in the title that are
 * also in the search query, divided by the total number of tokens in the title. This gives us a
 * score between 0 and 1, where 1 is a perfect match.
 * @param results
 * @param search
function sortResults(results, search) {
  const searchTokens = tokenize(search);
  const scores = {};
  for (const result of results) {
    if (result.title) {
      const titleTokens = tokenize(result.title);
      const matchingTokens = titleTokens.filter(titleToken => searchTokens.some(searchToken => titleToken.includes(searchToken)));
      scores[] = matchingTokens.length / titleTokens.length;
    } else {
      scores[] = 0;
  return results.sort((a, b) => scores[] - scores[]);

 * Turns text into an array of tokens, with whitespace and punctuation removed.
 * For example, `"I'm having a ball."` becomes `[ "im", "having", "a", "ball" ]`.
 * @param text
function tokenize(text) {
  // \p{L} matches any kind of letter from any language.
  // \p{N} matches any kind of numeric character.
  return text.toLowerCase().match(/[\p{L}\p{N}]+/gu) || [];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-url-data.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * A simple in-memory cache for requests.
 * This avoids repeat HTTP requests which may be beneficial
 * for those wishing to preserve low-bandwidth.
const CACHE = new Map();

 * @typedef WPRemoteUrlData
 * @property {string} title contents of the remote URL's `<title>` tag.

 * Fetches data about a remote URL.
 * eg: <title> tag, favicon...etc.
 * @async
 * @param {string}  url     the URL to request details from.
 * @param {Object?} options any options to pass to the underlying fetch.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { __experimentalFetchUrlData as fetchUrlData } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * //...
 * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
 * settings.__experimentalFetchUrlData = (
 * url
 * ) => fetchUrlData( url );
 * ```
 * @return {Promise< WPRemoteUrlData[] >} Remote URL data.
const fetchUrlData = async (url, options = {}) => {
  const endpoint = '/wp-block-editor/v1/url-details';
  const args = {
    url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.prependHTTP)(url)
  if (!(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isURL)(url)) {
    return Promise.reject(`${url} is not a valid URL.`);

  // Test for "http" based URL as it is possible for valid
  // yet unusable URLs such as `tel:123456` to be passed.
  const protocol = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getProtocol)(url);
  if (!protocol || !(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isValidProtocol)(protocol) || !protocol.startsWith('http') || !/^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test(url)) {
    return Promise.reject(`${url} does not have a valid protocol. URLs must be "http" based`);
  if (CACHE.has(url)) {
    return CACHE.get(url);
  return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(endpoint, args),
  }).then(res => {
    CACHE.set(url, res);
    return res;
/* harmony default export */ const _experimental_fetch_url_data = (fetchUrlData);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/fetch/index.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

async function fetchBlockPatterns() {
  const restPatterns = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/patterns'
  if (!restPatterns) {
    return [];
  return => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(pattern).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value])));

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Requests authors from the REST API.
 * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
 *                                 include with request.
const resolvers_getAuthors = query => async ({
}) => {
  const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
  const users = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
  dispatch.receiveUserQuery(path, users);

 * Requests the current user from the REST API.
const resolvers_getCurrentUser = () => async ({
}) => {
  const currentUser = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: '/wp/v2/users/me'

 * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
 * @param {string}           kind  Entity kind.
 * @param {string}           name  Entity name.
 * @param {number|string}    key   Record's key
 * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
 *                                 include with request. If requesting specific
 *                                 fields, fields must always include the ID.
const resolvers_getEntityRecord = (kind, name, key = '', query) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, key], {
    exclusive: false
  try {
    // Entity supports configs,
    // use the sync algorithm instead of the old fetch behavior.
    if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig && !query) {
      if (true) {
        const objectId = entityConfig.getSyncObjectId(key);

        // Loads the persisted document.
        await getSyncProvider().bootstrap(entityConfig.syncObjectType, objectId, record => {
          dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, record, query);

        // Boostraps the edited document as well (and load from peers).
        await getSyncProvider().bootstrap(entityConfig.syncObjectType + '--edit', objectId, record => {
            type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
            recordId: key,
            edits: record,
            meta: {
              undo: undefined
    } else {
      if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
        // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
        // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
        // the ID.
        query = {
          _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()

      // Disable reason: While true that an early return could leave `path`
      // unused, it's important that path is derived using the query prior to
      // additional query modifications in the condition below, since those
      // modifications are relevant to how the data is tracked in state, and not
      // for how the request is made to the REST API.

      // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return
      const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL + (key ? '/' + key : ''), {
      if (query !== undefined) {
        query = {
          include: [key]

        // The resolution cache won't consider query as reusable based on the
        // fields, so it's tested here, prior to initiating the REST request,
        // and without causing `getEntityRecords` resolution to occur.
        const hasRecords = select.hasEntityRecords(kind, name, query);
        if (hasRecords) {
      const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
        parse: false
      const record = await response.json();
      const permissions = getUserPermissionsFromResponse(response);
      registry.batch(() => {
        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, record, query);
        for (const action of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
          const permissionKey = getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, {
            id: key
          dispatch.receiveUserPermission(permissionKey, permissions[action]);
          dispatch.finishResolution('canUser', [action, {
            id: key
  } finally {

 * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
const resolvers_getRawEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');

 * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
const resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');

 * Requests the entity's records from the REST API.
 * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
 * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
 * @param {Object?} query Query Object. If requesting specific fields, fields
 *                        must always include the ID.
const resolvers_getEntityRecords = (kind, name, query = {}) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name], {
    exclusive: false
  try {
    if (query._fields) {
      // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
      // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
      // the ID.
      query = {
        _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL, {
    let records, meta;
    if (entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1) {
      const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
        parse: false
      records = Object.values(await response.json());
      meta = {
        totalItems: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total')),
        totalPages: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages'))
    } else {
      records = Object.values(await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({

    // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields,
    // explicitly set these fields as "undefined"
    // that way we consider the query "fulfilled".
    if (query._fields) {
      records = => {
        query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => {
          if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
            record[field] = undefined;
        return record;
    registry.batch(() => {
      dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, false, undefined, meta);

      // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to
      // resolve the `getEntityRecord` selector in addition to `getEntityRecords`.
      // See
      if (!query?._fields && !query.context) {
        const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
        const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record?.[key]).map(record => [kind, name, record[key]]);
        dispatch.finishResolutions('getEntityRecord', resolutionsArgs);
  } catch (e) {
resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name) => {
  return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && kind === action.kind && name ===;

 * Requests the current theme.
const resolvers_getCurrentTheme = () => async ({
}) => {
  const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
    status: 'active'

 * Requests theme supports data from the index.
const resolvers_getThemeSupports = forward_resolver('getCurrentTheme');

 * Requests a preview from the Embed API.
 * @param {string} url URL to get the preview for.
const resolvers_getEmbedPreview = url => async ({
}) => {
  try {
    const embedProxyResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/oembed/1.0/proxy', {
    dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, embedProxyResponse);
  } catch (error) {
    // Embed API 404s if the URL cannot be embedded, so we have to catch the error from the apiRequest here.
    dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, false);

 * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
 * REST resource.
 * @param {string}        requestedAction Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update',
 *                                        'delete'.
 * @param {string|Object} resource        Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
 *                                        or REST base as a string - `media`.
 * @param {?string}       id              ID of the rest resource to check.
const resolvers_canUser = (requestedAction, resource, id) => async ({
}) => {
  if (!ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS.includes(requestedAction)) {
    throw new Error(`'${requestedAction}' is not a valid action.`);
  let resourcePath = null;
  if (typeof resource === 'object') {
    if (!resource.kind || ! {
      throw new Error('The entity resource object is not valid.');
    const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(resource.kind,;
    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === && config.kind === resource.kind);
    if (!entityConfig) {
    resourcePath = entityConfig.baseURL + ( ? '/' + : '');
  } else {
    resourcePath = `/wp/v2/${resource}` + (id ? '/' + id : '');
  const {
  } =;

  // Prevent resolving the same resource twice.
  for (const relatedAction of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
    if (relatedAction === requestedAction) {
    const isAlreadyResolving = hasStartedResolution('canUser', [relatedAction, resource, id]);
    if (isAlreadyResolving) {
  let response;
  try {
    response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      path: resourcePath,
      method: 'OPTIONS',
      parse: false
  } catch (error) {
    // Do nothing if our OPTIONS request comes back with an API error (4xx or
    // 5xx). The previously determined isAllowed value will remain in the store.
  const permissions = getUserPermissionsFromResponse(response);
  registry.batch(() => {
    for (const action of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
      const key = getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id);
      dispatch.receiveUserPermission(key, permissions[action]);

      // Mark related action resolutions as finished.
      if (action !== requestedAction) {
        dispatch.finishResolution('canUser', [action, resource, id]);

 * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
 * REST resource.
 * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
 * @param {string} name     Entity name.
 * @param {string} recordId Record's id.
const resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId) => async ({
}) => {
  await dispatch(resolvers_canUser('update', {
    id: recordId

 * Request autosave data from the REST API.
 * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
 * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
const resolvers_getAutosaves = (postType, postId) => async ({
}) => {
  const {
    rest_base: restBase,
    rest_namespace: restNamespace = 'wp/v2'
  } = await resolveSelect.getPostType(postType);
  const autosaves = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: `/${restNamespace}/${restBase}/${postId}/autosaves?context=edit`
  if (autosaves && autosaves.length) {
    dispatch.receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves);

 * Request autosave data from the REST API.
 * This resolver exists to ensure the underlying autosaves are fetched via
 * `getAutosaves` when a call to the `getAutosave` selector is made.
 * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
 * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
const resolvers_getAutosave = (postType, postId) => async ({
}) => {
  await resolveSelect.getAutosaves(postType, postId);

 * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link.
 * @param {string} link Link.
const resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink = link => async ({
}) => {
  let template;
  try {
    // This is NOT calling a REST endpoint but rather ends up with a response from
    // an Ajax function which has a different shape from a WP_REST_Response.
    template = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(link, {
        '_wp-find-template': true
    }) => data);
  } catch (e) {
    // For non-FSE themes, it is possible that this request returns an error.
  if (!template) {
  const record = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_template',;
  if (record) {
    dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', [record], {
      'find-template': link
resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink.shouldInvalidate = action => {
  return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && action.kind === 'postType' && === 'wp_template';
const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId = () => async ({
}) => {
  const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
    status: 'active'
  const globalStylesURL = activeThemes?.[0]?._links?.['wp:user-global-styles']?.[0]?.href;
  if (!globalStylesURL) {

  // Regex matches the ID at the end of a URL or immediately before
  // the query string.
  const matches = globalStylesURL.match(/\/(\d+)(?:\?|$)/);
  const id = matches ? Number(matches[1]) : null;
  if (id) {
const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles = () => async ({
}) => {
  const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
  const themeGlobalStyles = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/${currentTheme.stylesheet}`
  dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(currentTheme.stylesheet, themeGlobalStyles);
const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations = () => async ({
}) => {
  const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
  const variations = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/${currentTheme.stylesheet}/variations`
  dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(currentTheme.stylesheet, variations);

 * Fetches and returns the revisions of the current global styles theme.
const resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions = () => async ({
}) => {
  const globalStylesId = await resolveSelect.__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId();
  const record = globalStylesId ? await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('root', 'globalStyles', globalStylesId) : undefined;
  const revisionsURL = record?._links?.['version-history']?.[0]?.href;
  if (revisionsURL) {
    const resetRevisions = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      url: revisionsURL
    const revisions = resetRevisions?.map(revision => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(revision).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value])));
    dispatch.receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(globalStylesId, revisions);
resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions.shouldInvalidate = action => {
  return action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && action.kind === 'root' && !action.error && === 'globalStyles';
const resolvers_getBlockPatterns = () => async ({
}) => {
  const patterns = await fetchBlockPatterns();
const resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories = () => async ({
}) => {
  const categories = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/categories'
const resolvers_getUserPatternCategories = () => async ({
}) => {
  const patternCategories = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('taxonomy', 'wp_pattern_category', {
    per_page: -1,
    _fields: 'id,name,description,slug',
    context: 'view'
  const mappedPatternCategories = patternCategories?.map(userCategory => ({
    label: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(,
    name: userCategory.slug
  })) || [];
    patternCategories: mappedPatternCategories
const resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId = () => async ({
}) => {
  const fallback = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp-block-editor/v1/navigation-fallback', {
      _embed: true
  const record = fallback?._embedded?.self;
  if (record) {
    // If the fallback is already in the store, don't invalidate navigation queries.
    // Otherwise, invalidate the cache for the scenario where there were no Navigation
    // posts in the state and the fallback created one.
    const existingFallbackEntityRecord = select.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_navigation',;
    const invalidateNavigationQueries = !existingFallbackEntityRecord;
    dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_navigation', record, undefined, invalidateNavigationQueries);

    // Resolve to avoid further network requests.
    dispatch.finishResolution('getEntityRecord', ['postType', 'wp_navigation',]);
const resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId = query => async ({
}) => {
  const template = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
    path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/templates/lookup', query)
  // Endpoint may return an empty object if no template is found.
  if (template?.id) {

 * Requests an entity's revisions from the REST API.
 * @param {string}           kind      Entity kind.
 * @param {string}           name      Entity name.
 * @param {number|string}    recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
 * @param {Object|undefined} query     Optional object of query parameters to
 *                                     include with request. If requesting specific
 *                                     fields, fields must always include the ID.
const resolvers_getRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, query = {}) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  if (query._fields) {
    // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
    // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
    // the ID.
    query = {
      _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
  const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey), query);
  let records, response;
  const meta = {};
  const isPaginated = entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1;
  try {
    response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
      parse: !isPaginated
  } catch (error) {
    // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error.
  if (response) {
    if (isPaginated) {
      records = Object.values(await response.json());
      meta.totalItems = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total'));
    } else {
      records = Object.values(response);

    // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields,
    // explicitly set these fields as "undefined"
    // that way we consider the query "fulfilled".
    if (query._fields) {
      records = => {
        query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => {
          if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
            record[field] = undefined;
        return record;
    dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, records, query, false, meta);

    // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to
    // resolve the `getRevision` selector in addition to `getRevisions`.
    if (!query?._fields && !query.context) {
      const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
      const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record[key]).map(record => [kind, name, recordKey, record[key]]);
      dispatch.startResolutions('getRevision', resolutionsArgs);
      dispatch.finishResolutions('getRevision', resolutionsArgs);

// Invalidate cache when a new revision is created.
resolvers_getRevisions.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name, recordKey) => action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && name === && kind === action.kind && !action.error && recordKey === action.recordId;

 * Requests a specific Entity revision from the REST API.
 * @param {string}           kind        Entity kind.
 * @param {string}           name        Entity name.
 * @param {number|string}    recordKey   The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
 * @param {number|string}    revisionKey The revision's key.
 * @param {Object|undefined} query       Optional object of query parameters to
 *                                       include with request. If requesting specific
 *                                       fields, fields must always include the ID.
const resolvers_getRevision = (kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => async ({
}) => {
  const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name));
  const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind);
  if (!entityConfig) {
  if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
    // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
    // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
    // the ID.
    query = {
      _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
  const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey, revisionKey), query);
  let record;
  try {
    record = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
  } catch (error) {
    // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error.
  if (record) {
    dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, record, query);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/locks/utils.js
function deepCopyLocksTreePath(tree, path) {
  const newTree = {
  let currentNode = newTree;
  for (const branchName of path) {
    currentNode.children = {
      [branchName]: {
        locks: [],
        children: {},
    currentNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
  return newTree;
function getNode(tree, path) {
  let currentNode = tree;
  for (const branchName of path) {
    const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
    if (!nextNode) {
      return null;
    currentNode = nextNode;
  return currentNode;
function* iteratePath(tree, path) {
  let currentNode = tree;
  yield currentNode;
  for (const branchName of path) {
    const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
    if (!nextNode) {
    yield nextNode;
    currentNode = nextNode;
function* iterateDescendants(node) {
  const stack = Object.values(node.children);
  while (stack.length) {
    const childNode = stack.pop();
    yield childNode;
function hasConflictingLock({
}, locks) {
  if (exclusive && locks.length) {
    return true;
  if (!exclusive && locks.filter(lock => lock.exclusive).length) {
    return true;
  return false;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/locks/reducer.js
 * Internal dependencies

  requests: [],
  tree: {
    locks: [],
    children: {}

 * Reducer returning locks.
 * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 * @return {Object} Updated state.
function locks(state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
        const {
        } = action;
        return {
          requests: [request, ...state.requests]
        const {
        } = action;
        const {
        } = request;
        const storePath = [store, ...path];
        const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
        const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
        node.locks = [...node.locks, lock];
        return {
          requests: state.requests.filter(r => r !== request),
          tree: newTree
    case 'RELEASE_LOCK':
        const {
        } = action;
        const storePath = [, ...lock.path];
        const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
        const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
        node.locks = node.locks.filter(l => l !== lock);
        return {
          tree: newTree
  return state;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/locks/selectors.js
 * Internal dependencies

function getPendingLockRequests(state) {
  return state.requests;
function isLockAvailable(state, store, path, {
}) {
  const storePath = [store, ...path];
  const locks = state.tree;

  // Validate all parents and the node itself
  for (const node of iteratePath(locks, storePath)) {
    if (hasConflictingLock({
    }, node.locks)) {
      return false;

  // iteratePath terminates early if path is unreachable, let's
  // re-fetch the node and check it exists in the tree.
  const node = getNode(locks, storePath);
  if (!node) {
    return true;

  // Validate all nested nodes
  for (const descendant of iterateDescendants(node)) {
    if (hasConflictingLock({
    }, descendant.locks)) {
      return false;
  return true;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/locks/engine.js
 * Internal dependencies

function createLocks() {
  let state = locks(undefined, {
    type: '@@INIT'
  function processPendingLockRequests() {
    for (const request of getPendingLockRequests(state)) {
      const {
      } = request;
      if (isLockAvailable(state, store, path, {
      })) {
        const lock = {
        state = locks(state, {
          type: 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST',
  function acquire(store, path, exclusive) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      state = locks(state, {
        type: 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST',
        request: {
          notifyAcquired: resolve
  function release(lock) {
    state = locks(state, {
      type: 'RELEASE_LOCK',
  return {

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/locks/actions.js
 * Internal dependencies

function createLocksActions() {
  const locks = createLocks();
  function __unstableAcquireStoreLock(store, path, {
  }) {
    return () => locks.acquire(store, path, exclusive);
  function __unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock) {
    return () => locks.release(lock);
  return {

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"]
const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/private-apis.js
 * WordPress dependencies

const {
} = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/core-data');

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"]
const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/entity-context.js
 * WordPress dependencies

const EntityContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({});

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime"
const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/entity-provider.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Context provider component for providing
 * an entity for a specific entity.
 * @param {Object} props          The component's props.
 * @param {string} props.kind     The entity kind.
 * @param {string} props.type     The entity name.
 * @param {number}       The entity ID.
 * @param {*}      props.children The children to wrap.
 * @return {Object} The provided children, wrapped with
 *                   the entity's context provider.

function EntityProvider({
  type: name,
}) {
  const parent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext);
  const childContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({
    [kind]: {
      [name]: id
  }), [parent, kind, name, id]);
  return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(EntityContext.Provider, {
    value: childContext,
    children: children

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js
 * Memize options object.
 * @typedef MemizeOptions
 * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache.

 * Internal cache entry.
 * @typedef MemizeCacheNode
 * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node.
 * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node.
 * @property {Array<*>}                   args   Function arguments for cache
 *                                               entry.
 * @property {*}                          val    Function result.

 * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache.
 * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction
 * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache.

 * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with
 * optional options.
 * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F
 * @param {F}             fn        Function to memoize.
 * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object.
 * @return {((...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function.
function memize(fn, options) {
	var size = 0;

	/** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
	var head;

	/** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
	var tail;

	options = options || {};

	function memoized(/* ...args */) {
		var node = head,
			len = arguments.length,

		searchCache: while (node) {
			// Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node
			// under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays
			// are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is
			// strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a
			// function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization.

			// Check whether node arguments match arguments length
			if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) {
				node =;

			// Check whether node arguments match arguments values
			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) {
					node =;
					continue searchCache;

			// At this point we can assume we've found a match

			// Surface matched node to head if not already
			if (node !== head) {
				// As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also
				// head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous.
				if (node === tail) {
					tail = node.prev;

				// Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail,
				// this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment.
				/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next =;
				if ( { = node.prev;
				} = head;
				node.prev = null;
				/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node;
				head = node;

			// Return immediately
			return node.val;

		// No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:

		// Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization)
		args = new Array(len);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			args[i] = arguments[i];

		node = {
			args: args,

			// Generate the result from original function
			val: fn.apply(null, args),

		// Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
		// have been returned above already if it was

		// Shift existing head down list
		if (head) {
			head.prev = node; = head;
		} else {
			// If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset)
			tail = node;

		// Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion
		if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) {
			tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev;
			/** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null;
		} else {

		head = node;

		return node.val;

	memoized.clear = function () {
		head = null;
		tail = null;
		size = 0;

	// Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of
	// the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the
	// function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties
	// on the return value.

	// @ts-ignore
	return memoized;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/memoize.js
 * External dependencies

// re-export due to restrictive esModuleInterop setting
/* harmony default export */ const memoize = (memize);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/constants.js
let Status = /*#__PURE__*/function (Status) {
  Status["Idle"] = "IDLE";
  Status["Resolving"] = "RESOLVING";
  Status["Error"] = "ERROR";
  Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS";
  return Status;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-query-select.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

const META_SELECTORS = ['getIsResolving', 'hasStartedResolution', 'hasFinishedResolution', 'isResolving', 'getCachedResolvers'];
 * Like useSelect, but the selectors return objects containing
 * both the original data AND the resolution info.
 * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
 * @private
 * @param {Function} mapQuerySelect see useSelect
 * @param {Array}    deps           see useSelect
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useQuerySelect } from '@wordpress/data';
 * import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
 *   const { data: page, isResolving } = useQuerySelect( ( query ) => {
 *     return query( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id )
 *   }, [ id ] );
 *   if ( isResolving ) {
 *     return 'Loading...';
 *   }
 *   return page.title;
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 10 } />
 * ```
 * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
 * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
 * the store state using the `mapSelect` callback on `useQuerySelect`.
 * If the id prop changes then any page in the state for that id is
 * retrieved. If the id prop doesn't change and other props are passed in
 * that do change, the title will not change because the dependency is just
 * the id.
 * @see useSelect
 * @return {QuerySelectResponse} Queried data.
function useQuerySelect(mapQuerySelect, deps) {
  return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)((select, registry) => {
    const resolve = store => enrichSelectors(select(store));
    return mapQuerySelect(resolve, registry);
  }, deps);
 * Transform simple selectors into ones that return an object with the
 * original return value AND the resolution info.
 * @param {Object} selectors Selectors to enrich
 * @return {EnrichedSelectors} Enriched selectors
const enrichSelectors = memoize(selectors => {
  const resolvers = {};
  for (const selectorName in selectors) {
    if (META_SELECTORS.includes(selectorName)) {
    Object.defineProperty(resolvers, selectorName, {
      get: () => (...args) => {
        const data = selectors[selectorName](...args);
        const resolutionStatus = selectors.getResolutionState(selectorName, args)?.status;
        let status;
        switch (resolutionStatus) {
          case 'resolving':
            status = Status.Resolving;
          case 'finished':
            status = Status.Success;
          case 'error':
            status = Status.Error;
          case undefined:
            status = Status.Idle;
        return {
          isResolving: status === Status.Resolving,
          hasStarted: status !== Status.Idle,
          hasResolved: status === Status.Success || status === Status.Error
  return resolvers;

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-record.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

const use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT = {};

 * Resolves the specified entity record.
 * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
 * @param    kind     Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds.
 * @param    name     Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names.
 * @param    recordId ID of the requested entity record.
 * @param    options  Optional hook options.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
 *   const { record, isResolving } = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
 *   if ( isResolving ) {
 *     return 'Loading...';
 *   }
 *   return record.title;
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 1 } />
 * ```
 * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
 * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
 * the store state using `getEntityRecord()`, or resolved if missing.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useCallback } from 'react';
 * import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
 * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 * import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
 * import { store as noticeStore } from '@wordpress/notices';
 * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function PageRenameForm( { id } ) {
 * 	const page = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
 * 	const { createSuccessNotice, createErrorNotice } =
 * 		useDispatch( noticeStore );
 * 	const setTitle = useCallback( ( title ) => {
 * 		page.edit( { title } );
 * 	}, [ page.edit ] );
 * 	if ( page.isResolving ) {
 * 		return 'Loading...';
 * 	}
 * 	async function onRename( event ) {
 * 		event.preventDefault();
 * 		try {
 * 			await;
 * 			createSuccessNotice( __( 'Page renamed.' ), {
 * 				type: 'snackbar',
 * 			} );
 * 		} catch ( error ) {
 * 			createErrorNotice( error.message, { type: 'snackbar' } );
 * 		}
 * 	}
 * 	return (
 * 		<form onSubmit={ onRename }>
 * 			<TextControl
 * 				label={ __( 'Name' ) }
 * 				value={ page.editedRecord.title }
 * 				onChange={ setTitle }
 * 			/>
 * 			<button type="submit">{ __( 'Save' ) }</button>
 * 		</form>
 * 	);
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <PageRenameForm id={ 1 } />
 * ```
 * In the above example, updating and saving the page title is handled
 * via the `edit()` and `save()` mutation helpers provided by
 * `useEntityRecord()`;
 * @return Entity record data.
 * @template RecordType
function useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options = {
  enabled: true
}) {
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store);
  const mutations = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({
    edit: (record, editOptions = {}) => editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, record, editOptions),
    save: (saveOptions = {}) => saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
      throwOnError: true,
  }), [editEntityRecord, kind, name, recordId, saveEditedEntityRecord]);
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
    if (!options.enabled) {
      return {
        editedRecord: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT,
        hasEdits: false,
        edits: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT
    return {
      editedRecord: select(store).getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId),
      hasEdits: select(store).hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId),
      edits: select(store).getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId)
  }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]);
  const {
    data: record,
  } = useQuerySelect(query => {
    if (!options.enabled) {
      return {
        data: null
    return query(store).getEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
  }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]);
  return {
function __experimentalUseEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, {
    alternative: '',
    since: '6.1'
  return useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-records.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];

 * Resolves the specified entity records.
 * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
 * @param    kind      Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds.
 * @param    name      Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names.
 * @param    queryArgs Optional HTTP query description for how to fetch the data, passed to the requested API endpoint.
 * @param    options   Optional hook options.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function PageTitlesList() {
 *   const { records, isResolving } = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' );
 *   if ( isResolving ) {
 *     return 'Loading...';
 *   }
 *   return (
 *     <ul>
 *       { page ) => (
 *         <li>{ page.title }</li>
 *       ))}
 *     </ul>
 *   );
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <PageTitlesList />
 * ```
 * In the above example, when `PageTitlesList` is rendered into an
 * application, the list of records and the resolution details will be retrieved from
 * the store state using `getEntityRecords()`, or resolved if missing.
 * @return Entity records data.
 * @template RecordType
function useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs = {}, options = {
  enabled: true
}) {
  // Serialize queryArgs to a string that can be safely used as a React dep.
  // We can't just pass queryArgs as one of the deps, because if it is passed
  // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even
  // if the values remain the same.
  const queryAsString = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', queryArgs);
  const {
    data: records,
  } = useQuerySelect(query => {
    if (!options.enabled) {
      return {
        // Avoiding returning a new reference on every execution.
        data: EMPTY_ARRAY
    return query(store).getEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs);
  }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]);
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
    if (!options.enabled) {
      return {
        totalItems: null,
        totalPages: null
    return {
      totalItems: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalItems(kind, name, queryArgs),
      totalPages: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalPages(kind, name, queryArgs)
  }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]);
  return {
function __experimentalUseEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, {
    alternative: '',
    since: '6.1'
  return useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","warning"]
const external_wp_warning_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["warning"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-resource-permissions.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Is the data resolved by now?

 * Resolves resource permissions.
 * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
 * @param    resource Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
 *                    or REST base as a string - `media`.
 * @param    id       Optional ID of the resource to check, e.g. 10. Note: This argument is discouraged
 *                    when using an entity object as a resource to check permissions and will be ignored.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function PagesList() {
 *   const { canCreate, isResolving } = useResourcePermissions( { kind: 'postType', name: 'page' } );
 *   if ( isResolving ) {
 *     return 'Loading ...';
 *   }
 *   return (
 *     <div>
 *       {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false}
 *       // ...
 *     </div>
 *   );
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <PagesList />
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
 * function Page({ pageId }) {
 *   const {
 *     canCreate,
 *     canUpdate,
 *     canDelete,
 *     isResolving
 *   } = useResourcePermissions( { kind: 'postType', name: 'page', id: pageId } );
 *   if ( isResolving ) {
 *     return 'Loading ...';
 *   }
 *   return (
 *     <div>
 *       {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false}
 *       {canUpdate ? (<button>Edit page</button>) : false}
 *       {canDelete ? (<button>Delete page</button>) : false}
 *       // ...
 *     </div>
 *   );
 * }
 * // Rendered in the application:
 * // <Page pageId={ 15 } />
 * ```
 * In the above example, when `PagesList` is rendered into an
 * application, the appropriate permissions and the resolution details will be retrieved from
 * the store state using `canUser()`, or resolved if missing.
 * @return Entity records data.
 * @template IdType
function useResourcePermissions(resource, id) {
  // Serialize `resource` to a string that can be safely used as a React dep.
  // We can't just pass `resource` as one of the deps, because if it is passed
  // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even
  // if the values remain the same.
  const isEntity = typeof resource === 'object';
  const resourceAsString = isEntity ? JSON.stringify(resource) : resource;
  if (isEntity && typeof id !== 'undefined') {
     false ? 0 : void 0;
  return useQuerySelect(resolve => {
    const hasId = isEntity ? !! : !!id;
    const {
    } = resolve(store);
    const create = canUser('create', isEntity ? {
      kind: resource.kind,
    } : resource);
    if (!hasId) {
      const read = canUser('read', resource);
      const isResolving = create.isResolving || read.isResolving;
      const hasResolved = create.hasResolved && read.hasResolved;
      let status = Status.Idle;
      if (isResolving) {
        status = Status.Resolving;
      } else if (hasResolved) {
        status = Status.Success;
      return {
        canCreate: create.hasResolved &&,
        canRead: read.hasResolved &&
    const read = canUser('read', resource, id);
    const update = canUser('update', resource, id);
    const _delete = canUser('delete', resource, id);
    const isResolving = read.isResolving || create.isResolving || update.isResolving || _delete.isResolving;
    const hasResolved = read.hasResolved && create.hasResolved && update.hasResolved && _delete.hasResolved;
    let status = Status.Idle;
    if (isResolving) {
      status = Status.Resolving;
    } else if (hasResolved) {
      status = Status.Success;
    return {
      canRead: hasResolved &&,
      canCreate: hasResolved &&,
      canUpdate: hasResolved &&,
      canDelete: hasResolved &&
  }, [resourceAsString, id]);
/* harmony default export */ const use_resource_permissions = (useResourcePermissions);
function __experimentalUseResourcePermissions(resource, id) {
  external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, {
    alternative: '',
    since: '6.1'
  return useResourcePermissions(resource, id);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"]
const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-id.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Hook that returns the ID for the nearest
 * provided entity of the specified type.
 * @param {string} kind The entity kind.
 * @param {string} name The entity name.
function useEntityId(kind, name) {
  const context = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext);
  return context?.[kind]?.[name];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"]
const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-rich-text-values-cached.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

// TODO: The following line should have been:
//   const unlockedApis = unlock( blockEditorPrivateApis );
// But there are hidden circular dependencies in RNMobile code, specifically in
// certain native components in the `components` package that depend on
// `block-editor`. What follows is a workaround that defers the `unlock` call
// to prevent native code from failing.
// Fix once is closed.
let unlockedApis;
const cache = new WeakMap();
function getRichTextValuesCached(block) {
  if (!unlockedApis) {
    unlockedApis = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis);
  if (!cache.has(block)) {
    const values = unlockedApis.getRichTextValues([block]);
    cache.set(block, values);
  return cache.get(block);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-footnotes-order.js
 * Internal dependencies

const get_footnotes_order_cache = new WeakMap();
function getBlockFootnotesOrder(block) {
  if (!get_footnotes_order_cache.has(block)) {
    const order = [];
    for (const value of getRichTextValuesCached(block)) {
      if (!value) {

      // replacements is a sparse array, use forEach to skip empty slots.
      }) => {
        if (type === 'core/footnote') {
    get_footnotes_order_cache.set(block, order);
  return get_footnotes_order_cache.get(block);
function getFootnotesOrder(blocks) {
  // We can only separate getting order from blocks at the root level. For
  // deeper inner blocks, this will not work since it's possible to have both
  // inner blocks and block attributes, so order needs to be computed from the
  // Edit functions as a whole.
  return blocks.flatMap(getBlockFootnotesOrder);

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/footnotes/index.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

let oldFootnotes = {};
function updateFootnotesFromMeta(blocks, meta) {
  const output = {
  if (!meta) {
    return output;

  // If meta.footnotes is empty, it means the meta is not registered.
  if (meta.footnotes === undefined) {
    return output;
  const newOrder = getFootnotesOrder(blocks);
  const footnotes = meta.footnotes ? JSON.parse(meta.footnotes) : [];
  const currentOrder = =>;
  if (currentOrder.join('') === newOrder.join('')) {
    return output;
  const newFootnotes = => footnotes.find(fn => === fnId) || oldFootnotes[fnId] || {
    id: fnId,
    content: ''
  function updateAttributes(attributes) {
    // Only attempt to update attributes, if attributes is an object.
    if (!attributes || Array.isArray(attributes) || typeof attributes !== 'object') {
      return attributes;
    attributes = {
    for (const key in attributes) {
      const value = attributes[key];
      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        attributes[key] =;

      // To do, remove support for string values?
      if (typeof value !== 'string' && !(value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData)) {
      const richTextValue = typeof value === 'string' ? external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.fromHTMLString(value) : new external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData(value);
      richTextValue.replacements.forEach(replacement => {
        if (replacement.type === 'core/footnote') {
          const id = replacement.attributes['data-fn'];
          const index = newOrder.indexOf(id);
          // The innerHTML contains the count wrapped in a link.
          const countValue = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.create)({
            html: replacement.innerHTML
          countValue.text = String(index + 1);
          countValue.formats = Array.from({
            length: countValue.text.length
          }, () => countValue.formats[0]);
          countValue.replacements = Array.from({
            length: countValue.text.length
          }, () => countValue.replacements[0]);
          replacement.innerHTML = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.toHTMLString)({
            value: countValue
      attributes[key] = typeof value === 'string' ? richTextValue.toHTMLString() : richTextValue;
    return attributes;
  function updateBlocksAttributes(__blocks) {
    return => {
      return {
        attributes: updateAttributes(block.attributes),
        innerBlocks: updateBlocksAttributes(block.innerBlocks)

  // We need to go through all block attributes deeply and update the
  // footnote anchor numbering (textContent) to match the new order.
  const newBlocks = updateBlocksAttributes(blocks);
  oldFootnotes = {
    ...footnotes.reduce((acc, fn) => {
      if (!newOrder.includes( {
        acc[] = fn;
      return acc;
    }, {})
  return {
    meta: {
      footnotes: JSON.stringify(newFootnotes)
    blocks: newBlocks

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-block-editor.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

const use_entity_block_editor_EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
const parsedBlocksCache = new WeakMap();

 * Hook that returns block content getters and setters for
 * the nearest provided entity of the specified type.
 * The return value has the shape `[ blocks, onInput, onChange ]`.
 * `onInput` is for block changes that don't create undo levels
 * or dirty the post, non-persistent changes, and `onChange` is for
 * persistent changes. They map directly to the props of a
 * `BlockEditorProvider` and are intended to be used with it,
 * or similar components or hooks.
 * @param {string} kind         The entity kind.
 * @param {string} name         The entity name.
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {string} [] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
 * @return {[unknown[], Function, Function]} The block array and setters.
function useEntityBlockEditor(kind, name, {
  id: _id
} = {}) {
  const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
  const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(STORE_NAME);
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
    if (!id) {
      return {};
    const {
    } = select(STORE_NAME);
    const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
    return {
      editedBlocks: editedRecord.blocks,
      content: editedRecord.content,
      meta: editedRecord.meta
  }, [kind, name, id]);
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
  const blocks = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => {
    if (!id) {
      return undefined;
    if (editedBlocks) {
      return editedBlocks;
    if (!content || typeof content !== 'string') {
      return use_entity_block_editor_EMPTY_ARRAY;

    // If there's an edit, cache the parsed blocks by the edit.
    // If not, cache by the original enity record.
    const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(kind, name, id);
    const isUnedited = !edits || !Object.keys(edits).length;
    const cackeKey = isUnedited ? getEntityRecord(kind, name, id) : edits;
    let _blocks = parsedBlocksCache.get(cackeKey);
    if (!_blocks) {
      _blocks = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(content);
      parsedBlocksCache.set(cackeKey, _blocks);
    return _blocks;
  }, [kind, name, id, editedBlocks, content, getEntityRecord, getEntityRecordEdits]);
  const updateFootnotes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(_blocks => updateFootnotesFromMeta(_blocks, meta), [meta]);
  const onChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
    const noChange = blocks === newBlocks;
    if (noChange) {
      return __unstableCreateUndoLevel(kind, name, id);
    const {
    } = options;

    // We create a new function here on every persistent edit
    // to make sure the edit makes the post dirty and creates
    // a new undo level.
    const edits = {
      content: ({
        blocks: blocksForSerialization = []
      }) => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.__unstableSerializeAndClean)(blocksForSerialization),
    editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, {
      isCached: false,
  }, [kind, name, id, blocks, updateFootnotes, __unstableCreateUndoLevel, editEntityRecord]);
  const onInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
    const {
    } = options;
    const footnotesChanges = updateFootnotes(newBlocks);
    const edits = {
    editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, {
      isCached: true,
  }, [kind, name, id, updateFootnotes, editEntityRecord]);
  return [blocks, onInput, onChange];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-prop.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

 * Hook that returns the value and a setter for the
 * specified property of the nearest provided
 * entity of the specified type.
 * @param {string} kind  The entity kind.
 * @param {string} name  The entity name.
 * @param {string} prop  The property name.
 * @param {string} [_id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
 * @return {[*, Function, *]} An array where the first item is the
 *                            property value, the second is the
 *                            setter and the third is the full value
 * 							  object from REST API containing more
 * 							  information like `raw`, `rendered` and
 * 							  `protected` props.
function useEntityProp(kind, name, prop, _id) {
  const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
  const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
    const {
    } = select(STORE_NAME);
    const record = getEntityRecord(kind, name, id); // Trigger resolver.
    const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
    return record && editedRecord ? {
      value: editedRecord[prop],
      fullValue: record[prop]
    } : {};
  }, [kind, name, id, prop]);
  const {
  } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
  const setValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newValue => {
    editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, {
      [prop]: newValue
  }, [editEntityRecord, kind, name, id, prop]);
  return [value, setValue, fullValue];

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/hooks/index.js

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/core-data/build-module/index.js
 * WordPress dependencies

 * Internal dependencies

// The entity selectors/resolvers and actions are shortcuts to their generic equivalents
// (getEntityRecord, getEntityRecords, updateEntityRecord, updateEntityRecords)
// Instead of getEntityRecord, the consumer could use more user-friendly named selector: getPostType, getTaxonomy...
// The "kind" and the "name" of the entity are combined to generate these shortcuts.
const build_module_entitiesConfig = [...rootEntitiesConfig, ...additionalEntityConfigLoaders.filter(config => !!];
const entitySelectors = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
  const {
  } = entity;
  result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (state, key, query) => getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key, query);
  if (plural) {
    result[getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get')] = (state, query) => getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query);
  return result;
}, {});
const entityResolvers = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
  const {
  } = entity;
  result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (key, query) => resolvers_getEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query);
  if (plural) {
    const pluralMethodName = getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get');
    result[pluralMethodName] = (...args) => resolvers_getEntityRecords(kind, name, ...args);
    result[pluralMethodName].shouldInvalidate = action => resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate(action, kind, name);
  return result;
}, {});
const entityActions = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
  const {
  } = entity;
  result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'save')] = (record, options) => saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options);
  result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'delete')] = (key, query, options) => deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query, options);
  return result;
}, {});
const storeConfig = () => ({
  reducer: build_module_reducer,
  actions: {
  selectors: {
  resolvers: {

 * Store definition for the code data namespace.
 * @see
const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, storeConfig());
(0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); // Register store after unlocking private selectors to allow resolvers to use them.


(window.wp = window.wp || {}).coreData = __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()