// Type definitions for split.js 1.3
// Project: https://github.com/nathancahill/Split.js
// Definitions by: Ilia Choly <https://github.com/icholy>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// TypeScript Version: 2.1
// Global variable outside module loader
export as namespace Split;
// Module loader
export = Split;
declare function Split(
elements: Array<string | HTMLElement>,
options?: Split.Options
): Split.Instance;
declare namespace Split {
type Partial<T> = {[P in keyof T]?: T[P]};
type CSSStyleDeclarationPartial = Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>;
interface Options {
// Initial sizes of each element in percents or CSS values.
sizes?: number[];
// Minimum size of each element.
minSize?: number | number[];
expandToMin?: boolean;
// Gutter size in pixels.
gutterSize?: number;
gutterAlign?: string;
// Snap to minimum size offset in pixels.
snapOffset?: number;
dragInterval?: number;
// Direction to split: horizontal or vertical.
direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
// Cursor to display while dragging.
cursor?: string;
// Callback on drag.
onDrag?(): void;
// Callback on drag start.
onDragStart?(): void;
// Callback on drag end.
onDragEnd?(): void;
// Called to create each gutter element
index: number,
direction: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
): HTMLElement;
// Called to set the style of each element.
dimension: 'width' | 'height',
elementSize: number,
gutterSize: number,
index: number,
): CSSStyleDeclarationPartial;
// Called to set the style of the gutter.
dimension: 'width' | 'height',
gutterSize: number,
index: number,
): CSSStyleDeclarationPartial;
interface Instance {
// setSizes behaves the same as the sizes configuration option, passing an array of percents or CSS values.
// It updates the sizes of the elements in the split.
setSizes(sizes: number[]): void;
// getSizes returns an array of percents, suitable for using with setSizes or creation.
// Not supported in IE8.
getSizes(): number[];
// collapse changes the size of element at index to 0.
// Every element except the last is collapsed towards the front (left or top).
// The last is collapsed towards the back.
// Not supported in IE8.
collapse(index: number): void;
// Destroy the instance. It removes the gutter elements, and the size CSS styles Split.js set.
destroy(preserveStyles?: boolean, preserveGutters?: boolean): void;