<?php if ( class_exists( 'WP_Customize_Section' ) ) { /** * Upsell section */ class Impressive_Portfolio_Upsell_Section extends WP_Customize_Section { /** * The type of control being rendered */ public $type = 'impressive-portfolio-upsell'; /** * The Upsell button text */ public $button_text = ''; /** * The Upsell URL */ public $url = ''; /** * The background color for the control */ public $background_color = ''; /** * The text color for the control */ public $text_color = ''; /** * Render the section, and the controls that have been added to it. */ protected function render() { $background_color = ! empty( $this->background_color ) ? esc_attr( $this->background_color ) : '#fff'; $text_color = ! empty( $this->text_color ) ? esc_attr( $this->text_color ) : '#50575e'; ?> <li id="accordion-section-<?php echo esc_attr( $this->id ); ?>" class="impressive_portfolio_upsell_sections accordion-section control-section control-section-<?php echo esc_attr( $this->id ); ?> cannot-expand"> <h3 class="accordion-section-title" style="color:<?php echo esc_attr( $text_color ); ?>;background:<?php echo esc_attr( $background_color ); ?>;border-left-color:<?php echo esc_attr( $background_color ); ?>;"> <?php echo esc_html( $this->title ); ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->url ); ?>" class="button button-secondary alignright" target="_blank" style="margin-top: -4px;"><?php echo esc_html( $this->button_text ); ?></a> </h3> </li> <?php } } }