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/*-------------------------------------------------------------- >>> TABLE OF CONTENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------- # General Structure ## Code ## Cover ## Embeds ## Gallery ## Group ## Image ## Latest Posts ## List ## More ## Pullquote ## Quote ## Separator ## Table ## Video # Additional Theme Styles ## Color Palette --------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------- # Block Styles --------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------- ## General Structure --------------------------------------------------------------*/ .entry-content > .alignwide, .site-header > .alignwide, .site-footer > .alignwide { max-width: 1070px; } .entry-content > .alignfull, .site-header > .alignfull, .site-footer > .alignfull { margin: 1.5em 0; max-width: 100%; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------- ## Code --------------------------------------------------------------*/ .wp-block-code { padding: 0.8em 1em; 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width: 100%; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------- ## Latest Posts --------------------------------------------------------------*/ ul.wp-block-latest-posts.alignwide, ul.wp-block-latest-posts.alignfull,, { padding: 0 14px; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------- # List --------------------------------------------------------------*/ .entry-content ul, .entry-content ol, .site-header ul, .site-header ol, .site-footer ul, .site-footer ol { margin: 1.5em auto; max-width: 580px; list-style-position: outside; } .entry-content li, .site-header li, .site-footer li { margin-left: 2.5em; } .entry-content ul ul, .entry-content ol ol, .entry-content ul ol, .entry-content ol ul, .site-header ul ul, .site-header ol ol, .site-header ul ol, .site-header ol ul, .site-footer ul ul, .site-footer ol ol, .site-footer ul ol, .site-footer ol ul { margin: 0 auto; } .entry-content ul ul li, .entry-content ol ol li, .entry-content ul ol li, .entry-content ol ul li, .site-header ul ul li, .site-header ol ol li, .site-header ul ol li, .site-header ol ul li, .site-footer ul ul li, .site-footer ol ol li, .site-footer ul ol li, .site-footer ol ul li { margin-left: 0; 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