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<?php namespace ColibriWP\Theme; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\ComponentInterface; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Hooks; use Exception; use get_template; class Theme { public static $slug = null; protected static $instance = null; protected static $theme_base_relative_path = ''; protected static $theme_root_relative_path = ''; private $repository; private $customizer; private $assets_manager; private $plugins_manager; private $registered_menus = array(); private $sidebars = array(); private $themes_cache = array(); public function __construct() { static::$instance = $this; Hooks::prefixed_do_action( 'boot' ); $this->repository = new ComponentsRepository(); $this->customizer = new Customizer( $this ); $this->assets_manager = new AssetsManager( $this ); $this->plugins_manager = new PluginsManager( $this ); add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'afterSetup' ), 20 ); } public static function slug() { return str_replace( '_', '-', self::$slug ); } public static function prefix( $str, $theme = true ) { static::$slug = str_replace( '-', '_', get_template() ); $slug = static::$slug ? static::$slug : 'colibriwp'; return $slug . ( $theme ? '_theme_' : '_' ) . $str; } public static function resolveTemplateRelativePath( $rel ) { return trailingslashit( static::$theme_root_relative_path ) . $rel; } public static function resolveThemeBaseTemplateRelativePath( $rel ) { return trailingslashit( static::$theme_base_relative_path ) . $rel; } public static function load( $data ) { static::$theme_base_relative_path = $data['themeBaseRelativePath']; static::$theme_root_relative_path = $data['themeRelativePath']; Hooks::prefixed_add_filter( 'components', array( __CLASS__, 'registerDefaultComponents' ) ); static::getInstance(); } /** * @return null|Theme */ public static function getInstance() { if ( ! static::$instance ) { static::$instance = new static(); Hooks::prefixed_do_action( 'theme_loaded', static::$instance ); } return static::$instance; } public static function rootDirectory() { return get_template_directory() . '/' . static::$theme_root_relative_path; } public static function rootDirectoryUri() { return get_template_directory_uri() . '/' . static::$theme_root_relative_path; } public static function registerDefaultComponents( $components = array() ) { $namespace = 'ColibriWP\\Theme\\Components'; $components = array_merge( $components, array( // header components 'header' => "{$namespace}\\Header", 'logo' => "{$namespace}\\Header\\Logo", 'header-menu' => "{$namespace}\\Header\\HeaderMenu", // inner page fragments 'inner-nav-bar' => "{$namespace}\\InnerHeader\\NavBar", 'inner-top-bar' => "{$namespace}\\InnerHeader\\TopBar", 'inner-hero' => "{$namespace}\\InnerHeader\\Hero", 'inner-title' => "{$namespace}\\InnerHeader\\Title", // front page fragments 'front-hero' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\Hero", 'front-title' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\Title", 'front-subtitle' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\Subtitle", 'front-buttons' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\ButtonsGroup", 'top-bar-list-icons' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\TopBarListIcons", 'top-bar-social-icons' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\TopBarSocialIcons", 'front-nav-bar' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\NavBar", 'front-top-bar' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\TopBar", 'front-image' => "{$namespace}\\FrontHeader\\Image", // footer components 'footer' => "{$namespace}\\Footer", 'front-footer' => "{$namespace}\\Footer\\FrontFooter", // general components 'css' => "{$namespace}\\CSSOutput", // page content 'main' => "{$namespace}\\MainContent", 'single' => "{$namespace}\\SingleContent", 'content' => "{$namespace}\\PageContent", 'front-page-content' => "{$namespace}\\FrontPageContent", 'search' => "{$namespace}\\PageSearch", 'page-not-found' => "{$namespace}\\PageNotFound", // inner content fragments // main content 'main-loop' => "{$namespace}\\MainContent\ArchiveLoop", 'post-loop' => "{$namespace}\\MainContent\PostLoop", 'archive-loop' => "{$namespace}\\MainContent\ArchiveLoop", 'single-template' => "{$namespace}\\MainContent\SingleItemTemplate", // sidebar 'sidebar' => "{$namespace}\\Sidebar", // woo 'main-woo' => "{$namespace}\\WooContent", ) ); return $components; } public static function default_components( $components ) { } public function afterSetup() { Defaults::load(); Translations::load(); ThemeTranslations::load(); $this->registerMenus(); $this->repository->load(); $this->customizer->boot(); $this->assets_manager->boot(); $this->plugins_manager->boot(); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'addThemeInfoPage' ) ); add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'addThemeNotice' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_colibriwp_disable_big_notice', function () { check_ajax_referer( 'kubio_disable_big_notice_nonce', 'nonce' ); $slug = get_template() . '-page-info'; update_option( "{$slug}-theme-notice-dismissed", true ); } ); add_filter( 'language_attributes', array( $this, 'languageAttributes' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueueAdminScripts' ), 0 ); } private function registerMenus() { register_nav_menus( $this->registered_menus ); } public function languageAttributes( $output ) { if ( apply_filters( 'kubio_is_enabled', false ) ) { return $output; } $theme_class = get_template() . '-theme'; $output .= " class='{$theme_class}'"; return $output; } public function enqueueAdminScripts() { $slug = get_template() . '-page-info'; $this->getAssetsManager()->registerScript( $slug, $this->getAssetsManager()->getBaseURL() . '/admin/admin.js', array( 'jquery' ), false )->registerStyle( $slug, $this->getAssetsManager()->getBaseURL() . '/admin/admin.css' . false ); } /** * @return AssetsManager */ public function getAssetsManager() { return $this->assets_manager; } public function addThemeNotice() { global $pagenow; if ( $pagenow === 'update.php' ) { return; } $slug = get_template() . '-page-info'; $dismissed = get_option( "{$slug}-theme-notice-dismissed", false ); $is_builder_installed = apply_filters( 'kubio_is_enabled', false ); if ( get_option( 'extend_builder_theme', false ) ) { $dismissed = true; } if ( ! $dismissed && ! $is_builder_installed ) { wp_enqueue_style( $slug ); wp_enqueue_script( $slug ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-util' ); ?> <div class="notice notice-success is-dismissible colibri-admin-big-notice notice-large"> <?php View::make( 'admin/admin-notice-frontpage' ); ?> </div> <?php } } /** * @return PluginsManager */ public function getPluginsManager() { return $this->plugins_manager; } public function addThemeInfoPage() { $tabs = Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'info_page_tabs', array() ); if ( ! count( $tabs ) ) { return; } $slug = get_template() . '-page-info'; $page_name = Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'theme_page_name', Translations::get( 'theme_page_name' ) ); add_theme_page( $page_name, $page_name, 'activate_plugins', $slug, array( $this, 'printThemePage' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueueThemeInfoPageScripts' ), 20 ); } public function enqueueThemeInfoPageScripts() { global $plugin_page; $slug = get_template() . '-page-info'; if ( $plugin_page === $slug ) { wp_enqueue_style( $slug ); wp_enqueue_script( $slug ); } } public function printThemePage() { $tabs = Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'info_page_tabs', array() ); $tabs_slugs = array_keys( $tabs ); $default_tab = count( $tabs_slugs ) ? $tabs_slugs[0] : null; $current_tab = isset( $_REQUEST['current_tab'] ) ? $_REQUEST['current_tab'] : $default_tab; $url = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => get_template() . '-page-info', ), admin_url( 'themes.php' ) ); $welcome_message = sprintf( Translations::translate( 'welcome_message' ), $this->getThemeHeaderData( 'Name' ) ); $welcome_info = Translations::translate( 'welcome_info' ); View::make( 'admin/page', array( 'tabs' => $tabs, 'current_tab' => $current_tab, 'page_url' => $url, 'welcome_message' => Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'info_page_welcome_message', $welcome_message ), 'welcome_info' => Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'info_page_welcome_info', $welcome_info ), ) ); } public function getThemeHeaderData( $key, $child = false ) { $slug = $this->getThemeSlug( $child ); $theme = $this->getTheme( $slug ); return $theme->get( $key ); } public function getThemeSlug( $maybe_get_child = false ) { $slug = get_template(); $theme = $this->getTheme(); if ( ! $maybe_get_child ) { $maybe_get_child = Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'use_child_theme_header_data', $maybe_get_child ); } if ( $maybe_get_child && $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) { $slug = get_stylesheet(); } return $slug; } public function getTheme( $stylesheet = null ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $stylesheet, $this->themes_cache ) ) { $this->themes_cache[ $stylesheet ] = wp_get_theme( $stylesheet ); } return $this->themes_cache[ $stylesheet ]; } /** * @param $component_name * * @return ComponentInterface|null * @throws Exception */ public function get( $component_name ) { $component = $this->repository->getByName( $component_name ); if ( ! $component ) { throw new Exception( "Null component: `{$component_name}`" ); } return $component; } /** * @return ComponentsRepository */ public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } /** * @param ComponentsRepository $repository */ public function setRepository( $repository ) { $this->repository = $repository; } public function getVersion() { $theme = $this->getTheme(); if ( $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) { $theme = $this->getTheme( $theme->get( 'Template' ) ); } return $theme->get( 'Version' ); } public function getTextDomain() { $theme = $this->getTheme(); if ( $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) { $theme = $this->getTheme( $theme->get( 'Template' ) ); } return $theme->get( 'TextDomain' ); } /** * @return Customizer */ public function getCustomizer() { return $this->customizer; } /** * @param string $feature * @param bool $args * * @return Theme */ public function add_theme_support( $feature, $args = true ) { if ( $args !== true ) { add_theme_support( $feature, $args ); } else { add_theme_support( $feature ); } return $this; } /** * @param string $feature * @param bool $args * * @return Theme */ public function register_menus( $menus ) { $this->registered_menus = array_merge( $this->registered_menus, $menus ); return $this; } public function contentWidth( $width = 1200 ) { global $content_width; $content_width = $width; } }