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/*! * Author : Matteo Bruni - * MIT license: * Demo / Generator : * GitHub : * How to use? : Check the GitHub README * v1.18.11 */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else { var a = factory(); for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i]; } })(this, function() { return /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 714: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { "AbsorberClickMode": () => /* reexport */ AbsorberClickMode, "AnimationStatus": () => /* reexport */ AnimationStatus, "CanvasUtils": () => /* reexport */ CanvasUtils, "ClickMode": () => /* reexport */ ClickMode, "CollisionMode": () => /* reexport */ CollisionMode, "ColorUtils": () => /* reexport */ ColorUtils, "Constants": () => /* reexport */ Constants, "Container": () => /* reexport */ Container, "DestroyType": () => /* reexport */ DestroyType, "DivMode": () => /* reexport */ DivMode, "DivType": () => /* reexport */ DivType, "EmitterClickMode": () => /* reexport */ EmitterClickMode, "HoverMode": () => /* reexport */ HoverMode, "InlineArrangement": () => /* reexport */ InlineArrangement, "InteractivityDetect": () => /* reexport */ InteractivityDetect, "MoveDirection": () => /* reexport */ MoveDirection, "MoveType": () => /* reexport */ MoveType, "OutMode": () => /* reexport */ OutMode, "ProcessBubbleType": () => /* reexport */ ProcessBubbleType, "RotateDirection": () => /* reexport */ RotateDirection, "ShapeType": () => /* reexport */ ShapeType, "SizeMode": () => /* reexport */ SizeMode, "StartValueType": () => /* reexport */ StartValueType, "ThemeMode": () => /* reexport */ ThemeMode, "Type": () => /* reexport */ Type, "Utils": () => /* reexport */ Utils, "pJSDom": () => /* binding */ pJSDom, "particlesJS": () => /* binding */ particlesJS, "tsParticles": () => /* binding */ tsParticles }); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/pjs.js const initPjs = main => { const particlesJS = (tagId, options) => { return main.load(tagId, options); }; particlesJS.load = (tagId, pathConfigJson, callback) => { main.loadJSON(tagId, pathConfigJson).then(container => { if (container) { callback(container); } }); }; particlesJS.setOnClickHandler = callback => { main.setOnClickHandler(callback); }; const pJSDom = main.dom(); return { particlesJS, pJSDom }; }; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/SquareDrawer.js class SquareDrawer { getSidesCount() { return 4; } draw(context, particle, radius) { context.rect(-radius, -radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Directions/OutModeDirection.js var OutModeDirection; (function (OutModeDirection) { OutModeDirection["bottom"] = "bottom"; OutModeDirection["left"] = "left"; OutModeDirection["right"] = "right"; OutModeDirection["top"] = "top"; })(OutModeDirection || (OutModeDirection = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Directions/MoveDirection.js var MoveDirection; (function (MoveDirection) { MoveDirection["bottom"] = "bottom"; MoveDirection["bottomLeft"] = "bottom-left"; MoveDirection["bottomRight"] = "bottom-right"; MoveDirection["left"] = "left"; MoveDirection["none"] = "none"; MoveDirection["right"] = "right"; MoveDirection["top"] = "top"; MoveDirection["topLeft"] = "top-left"; MoveDirection["topRight"] = "top-right"; })(MoveDirection || (MoveDirection = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Directions/RotateDirection.js var RotateDirection; (function (RotateDirection) { RotateDirection["clockwise"] = "clockwise"; RotateDirection["counterClockwise"] = "counter-clockwise"; RotateDirection["random"] = "random"; })(RotateDirection || (RotateDirection = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Directions/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/NumberUtils.js class NumberUtils { static clamp(num, min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max); } static mix(comp1, comp2, weight1, weight2) { return Math.floor((comp1 * weight1 + comp2 * weight2) / (weight1 + weight2)); } static randomInRange(r1, r2) { const max = Math.max(r1, r2), min = Math.min(r1, r2); return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } static getValue(options) { const random = options.random; const { enable, minimumValue } = typeof random === "boolean" ? { enable: random, minimumValue: 0 } : random; return enable ? NumberUtils.randomInRange(minimumValue, options.value) : options.value; } static getDistances(pointA, pointB) { const dx = pointA.x - pointB.x; const dy = pointA.y - pointB.y; return { dx: dx, dy: dy, distance: Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) }; } static getDistance(pointA, pointB) { return NumberUtils.getDistances(pointA, pointB).distance; } static getParticleBaseVelocity(particle) { let velocityBase; switch (particle.direction) { case velocityBase = { x: 0, y: -1 }; break; case MoveDirection.topRight: velocityBase = { x: 0.5, y: -0.5 }; break; case MoveDirection.right: velocityBase = { x: 1, y: -0 }; break; case MoveDirection.bottomRight: velocityBase = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }; break; case MoveDirection.bottom: velocityBase = { x: 0, y: 1 }; break; case MoveDirection.bottomLeft: velocityBase = { x: -0.5, y: 1 }; break; case MoveDirection.left: velocityBase = { x: -1, y: 0 }; break; case MoveDirection.topLeft: velocityBase = { x: -0.5, y: -0.5 }; break; default: velocityBase = { x: 0, y: 0 }; break; } return velocityBase; } static rotateVelocity(velocity, angle) { return { horizontal: velocity.horizontal * Math.cos(angle) - velocity.vertical * Math.sin(angle), vertical: velocity.horizontal * Math.sin(angle) + velocity.vertical * Math.cos(angle) }; } static collisionVelocity(v1, v2, m1, m2) { return { horizontal: v1.horizontal * (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2) + v2.horizontal * 2 * m2 / (m1 + m2), vertical: v1.vertical }; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Utils.js var __awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; function rectSideBounce(pSide, pOtherSide, rectSide, rectOtherSide, velocity, factor) { const res = { bounced: false }; if (pOtherSide.min >= rectOtherSide.min && pOtherSide.min <= rectOtherSide.max && pOtherSide.max >= rectOtherSide.min && pOtherSide.max <= rectOtherSide.max) { if (pSide.max >= rectSide.min && pSide.max <= (rectSide.max + rectSide.min) / 2 && velocity > 0 || pSide.min <= rectSide.max && pSide.min > (rectSide.max + rectSide.min) / 2 && velocity < 0) { res.velocity = velocity * -factor; res.bounced = true; } } return res; } function checkSelector(element, selectors) { if (selectors instanceof Array) { for (const selector of selectors) { if (element.matches(selector)) { return true; } } return false; } else { return element.matches(selectors); } } class Utils { static isSsr() { return typeof window === "undefined" || !window; } static get animate() { return Utils.isSsr() ? callback => setTimeout(callback) : callback => (window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout)(callback); } static get cancelAnimation() { return Utils.isSsr() ? handle => clearTimeout(handle) : handle => (window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout)(handle); } static isInArray(value, array) { return value === array || array instanceof Array && array.indexOf(value) > -1; } static loadFont(character) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { yield document.fonts.load(`${character.weight} 36px '${character.font}'`); } catch (_a) {} }); } static arrayRandomIndex(array) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length); } static itemFromArray(array, index, useIndex = true) { const fixedIndex = index !== undefined && useIndex ? index % array.length : Utils.arrayRandomIndex(array); return array[fixedIndex]; } static isPointInside(point, size, radius, direction) { return Utils.areBoundsInside(Utils.calculateBounds(point, radius !== null && radius !== void 0 ? radius : 0), size, direction); } static areBoundsInside(bounds, size, direction) { let inside = true; if (!direction || direction === OutModeDirection.bottom) { inside = < size.height; } if (inside && (!direction || direction === OutModeDirection.left)) { inside = bounds.right > 0; } if (inside && (!direction || direction === OutModeDirection.right)) { inside = bounds.left < size.width; } if (inside && (!direction || direction === { inside = bounds.bottom > 0; } return inside; } static calculateBounds(point, radius) { return { bottom: point.y + radius, left: point.x - radius, right: point.x + radius, top: point.y - radius }; } static loadImage(source) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!source) { reject("Error tsParticles - No image.src"); return; } const image = { source: source, type: source.substr(source.length - 3) }; const img = new Image(); img.addEventListener("load", () => { image.element = img; resolve(image); }); img.addEventListener("error", () => { reject(`Error tsParticles - loading image: ${source}`); }); img.src = source; }); } static downloadSvgImage(source) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!source) { throw new Error("Error tsParticles - No image.src"); } const image = { source: source, type: source.substr(source.length - 3) }; if (image.type !== "svg") { return Utils.loadImage(source); } const response = yield fetch(image.source); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Error tsParticles - Image not found"); } image.svgData = yield response.text(); return image; }); } static deepExtend(destination, ...sources) { for (const source of sources) { if (source === undefined || source === null) { continue; } if (typeof source !== "object") { destination = source; continue; } const sourceIsArray = Array.isArray(source); if (sourceIsArray && (typeof destination !== "object" || !destination || !Array.isArray(destination))) { destination = []; } else if (!sourceIsArray && (typeof destination !== "object" || !destination || Array.isArray(destination))) { destination = {}; } for (const key in source) { if (key === "__proto__") { continue; } const sourceDict = source; const value = sourceDict[key]; const isObject = typeof value === "object"; const destDict = destination; destDict[key] = isObject && Array.isArray(value) ? => Utils.deepExtend(destDict[key], v)) : Utils.deepExtend(destDict[key], value); } } return destination; } static isDivModeEnabled(mode, divs) { return divs instanceof Array ? !!divs.find(t => t.enable && Utils.isInArray(mode, t.mode)) : Utils.isInArray(mode, divs.mode); } static divModeExecute(mode, divs, callback) { if (divs instanceof Array) { for (const div of divs) { const divMode = div.mode; const divEnabled = div.enable; if (divEnabled && Utils.isInArray(mode, divMode)) { Utils.singleDivModeExecute(div, callback); } } } else { const divMode = divs.mode; const divEnabled = divs.enable; if (divEnabled && Utils.isInArray(mode, divMode)) { Utils.singleDivModeExecute(divs, callback); } } } static singleDivModeExecute(div, callback) { const selectors = div.selectors; if (selectors instanceof Array) { for (const selector of selectors) { callback(selector, div); } } else { callback(selectors, div); } } static divMode(divs, element) { if (!element || !divs) { return; } if (divs instanceof Array) { return divs.find(d => checkSelector(element, d.selectors)); } else if (checkSelector(element, divs.selectors)) { return divs; } } static circleBounceDataFromParticle(p) { return { position: p.getPosition(), radius: p.getRadius(), velocity: p.velocity, factor: { horizontal: NumberUtils.getValue(p.particlesOptions.bounce.horizontal), vertical: NumberUtils.getValue(p.particlesOptions.bounce.vertical) } }; } static circleBounce(p1, p2) { const xVelocityDiff = p1.velocity.horizontal; const yVelocityDiff = p1.velocity.vertical; const pos1 = p1.position; const pos2 = p2.position; const xDist = pos2.x - pos1.x; const yDist = pos2.y - pos1.y; if (xVelocityDiff * xDist + yVelocityDiff * yDist >= 0) { const angle = -Math.atan2(pos2.y - pos1.y, pos2.x - pos1.x); const m1 = p1.radius; const m2 = p2.radius; const u1 = NumberUtils.rotateVelocity(p1.velocity, angle); const u2 = NumberUtils.rotateVelocity(p2.velocity, angle); const v1 = NumberUtils.collisionVelocity(u1, u2, m1, m2); const v2 = NumberUtils.collisionVelocity(u2, u1, m1, m2); const vFinal1 = NumberUtils.rotateVelocity(v1, -angle); const vFinal2 = NumberUtils.rotateVelocity(v2, -angle); p1.velocity.horizontal = vFinal1.horizontal * p1.factor.horizontal; p1.velocity.vertical = vFinal1.vertical * p1.factor.vertical; p2.velocity.horizontal = vFinal2.horizontal * p2.factor.horizontal; p2.velocity.vertical = vFinal2.vertical * p2.factor.vertical; } } static rectBounce(particle, divBounds) { const pPos = particle.getPosition(); const size = particle.getRadius(); const bounds = Utils.calculateBounds(pPos, size); const resH = rectSideBounce({ min: bounds.left, max: bounds.right }, { min:, max: bounds.bottom }, { min: divBounds.left, max: divBounds.right }, { min:, max: divBounds.bottom }, particle.velocity.horizontal, NumberUtils.getValue(particle.particlesOptions.bounce.horizontal)); if (resH.bounced) { if (resH.velocity !== undefined) { particle.velocity.horizontal = resH.velocity; } if (resH.position !== undefined) { particle.position.x = resH.position; } } const resV = rectSideBounce({ min:, max: bounds.bottom }, { min: bounds.left, max: bounds.right }, { min:, max: divBounds.bottom }, { min: divBounds.left, max: divBounds.right }, particle.velocity.vertical, NumberUtils.getValue(particle.particlesOptions.bounce.vertical)); if (resV.bounced) { if (resV.velocity !== undefined) { particle.velocity.vertical = resV.velocity; } if (resV.position !== undefined) { particle.position.y = resV.position; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Constants.js class Constants {} Constants.canvasClass = "tsparticles-canvas-el"; Constants.randomColorValue = "random"; Constants.midColorValue = "mid"; Constants.touchEndEvent = "touchend"; Constants.mouseDownEvent = "mousedown"; Constants.mouseUpEvent = "mouseup"; Constants.mouseMoveEvent = "mousemove"; Constants.touchStartEvent = "touchstart"; Constants.touchMoveEvent = "touchmove"; Constants.mouseLeaveEvent = "mouseleave"; Constants.mouseOutEvent = "mouseout"; Constants.touchCancelEvent = "touchcancel"; Constants.resizeEvent = "resize"; Constants.visibilityChangeEvent = "visibilitychange"; Constants.noPolygonDataLoaded = "No polygon data loaded."; Constants.noPolygonFound = "No polygon found, you need to specify SVG url in config."; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/ColorUtils.js function hue2rgb(p, q, t) { let tCalc = t; if (tCalc < 0) { tCalc += 1; } if (tCalc > 1) { tCalc -= 1; } if (tCalc < 1 / 6) { return p + (q - p) * 6 * tCalc; } if (tCalc < 1 / 2) { return q; } if (tCalc < 2 / 3) { return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - tCalc) * 6; } return p; } function stringToRgba(input) { if (input.startsWith("rgb")) { const regex = /rgba?\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(,\s*([\d.]+)\s*)?\)/i; const result = regex.exec(input); return result ? { a: result.length > 4 ? parseFloat(result[5]) : 1, b: parseInt(result[3], 10), g: parseInt(result[2], 10), r: parseInt(result[1], 10) } : undefined; } else if (input.startsWith("hsl")) { const regex = /hsla?\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*(,\s*([\d.]+)\s*)?\)/i; const result = regex.exec(input); return result ? ColorUtils.hslaToRgba({ a: result.length > 4 ? parseFloat(result[5]) : 1, h: parseInt(result[1], 10), l: parseInt(result[3], 10), s: parseInt(result[2], 10) }) : undefined; } else if (input.startsWith("hsv")) { const regex = /hsva?\(\s*(\d+)°\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d+)%\s*(,\s*([\d.]+)\s*)?\)/i; const result = regex.exec(input); return result ? ColorUtils.hsvaToRgba({ a: result.length > 4 ? parseFloat(result[5]) : 1, h: parseInt(result[1], 10), s: parseInt(result[2], 10), v: parseInt(result[3], 10) }) : undefined; } else { const shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])?$/i; const hexFixed = input.replace(shorthandRegex, (_m, r, g, b, a) => { return r + r + g + g + b + b + (a !== undefined ? a + a : ""); }); const regex = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})?$/i; const result = regex.exec(hexFixed); return result ? { a: result[4] !== undefined ? parseInt(result[4], 16) / 0xff : 1, b: parseInt(result[3], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), r: parseInt(result[1], 16) } : undefined; } } class ColorUtils { static colorToRgb(input, index, useIndex = true) { var _a, _b, _c; if (input === undefined) { return; } const color = typeof input === "string" ? { value: input } : input; let res; if (typeof color.value === "string") { if (color.value === Constants.randomColorValue) { res = ColorUtils.getRandomRgbColor(); } else { res = ColorUtils.stringToRgb(color.value); } } else { if (color.value instanceof Array) { const colorSelected = Utils.itemFromArray(color.value, index, useIndex); res = ColorUtils.colorToRgb({ value: colorSelected }); } else { const colorValue = color.value; const rgbColor = (_a = colorValue.rgb) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : color.value; if (rgbColor.r !== undefined) { res = rgbColor; } else { const hslColor = (_b = colorValue.hsl) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : color.value; if (hslColor.h !== undefined && hslColor.l !== undefined) { res = ColorUtils.hslToRgb(hslColor); } else { const hsvColor = (_c = colorValue.hsv) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : color.value; if (hsvColor.h !== undefined && hsvColor.v !== undefined) { res = ColorUtils.hsvToRgb(hsvColor); } } } } } return res; } static colorToHsl(color, index, useIndex = true) { const rgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(color, index, useIndex); return rgb !== undefined ? ColorUtils.rgbToHsl(rgb) : undefined; } static rgbToHsl(color) { const r1 = color.r / 255; const g1 = color.g / 255; const b1 = color.b / 255; const max = Math.max(r1, g1, b1); const min = Math.min(r1, g1, b1); const res = { h: 0, l: (max + min) / 2, s: 0 }; if (max != min) { res.s = res.l < 0.5 ? (max - min) / (max + min) : (max - min) / (2.0 - max - min); res.h = r1 === max ? (g1 - b1) / (max - min) : res.h = g1 === max ? 2.0 + (b1 - r1) / (max - min) : 4.0 + (r1 - g1) / (max - min); } res.l *= 100; res.s *= 100; res.h *= 60; if (res.h < 0) { res.h += 360; } return res; } static stringToAlpha(input) { var _a; return (_a = stringToRgba(input)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.a; } static stringToRgb(input) { return stringToRgba(input); } static hslToRgb(hsl) { const result = { b: 0, g: 0, r: 0 }; const hslPercent = { h: hsl.h / 360, l: hsl.l / 100, s: hsl.s / 100 }; if (hslPercent.s === 0) { result.b = hslPercent.l; result.g = hslPercent.l; result.r = hslPercent.l; } else { const q = hslPercent.l < 0.5 ? hslPercent.l * (1 + hslPercent.s) : hslPercent.l + hslPercent.s - hslPercent.l * hslPercent.s; const p = 2 * hslPercent.l - q; result.r = hue2rgb(p, q, hslPercent.h + 1 / 3); result.g = hue2rgb(p, q, hslPercent.h); result.b = hue2rgb(p, q, hslPercent.h - 1 / 3); } result.r = Math.floor(result.r * 255); result.g = Math.floor(result.g * 255); result.b = Math.floor(result.b * 255); return result; } static hslaToRgba(hsla) { const rgbResult = ColorUtils.hslToRgb(hsla); return { a: hsla.a, b: rgbResult.b, g: rgbResult.g, r: rgbResult.r }; } static hslToHsv(hsl) { const l = hsl.l / 100, sl = hsl.s / 100; const v = l + sl * Math.min(l, 1 - l), sv = !v ? 0 : 2 * (1 - l / v); return { h: hsl.h, s: sv * 100, v: v * 100 }; } static hslaToHsva(hsla) { const hsvResult = ColorUtils.hslToHsv(hsla); return { a: hsla.a, h: hsvResult.h, s: hsvResult.s, v: hsvResult.v }; } static hsvToHsl(hsv) { const v = hsv.v / 100, sv = hsv.s / 100; const l = v * (1 - sv / 2), sl = l === 0 || l === 1 ? 0 : (v - l) / Math.min(l, 1 - l); return { h: hsv.h, l: l * 100, s: sl * 100 }; } static hsvaToHsla(hsva) { const hslResult = ColorUtils.hsvToHsl(hsva); return { a: hsva.a, h: hslResult.h, l: hslResult.l, s: hslResult.s }; } static hsvToRgb(hsv) { const result = { b: 0, g: 0, r: 0 }; const hsvPercent = { h: hsv.h / 60, s: hsv.s / 100, v: hsv.v / 100 }; const c = hsvPercent.v * hsvPercent.s, x = c * (1 - Math.abs(hsvPercent.h % 2 - 1)); let tempRgb; if (hsvPercent.h >= 0 && hsvPercent.h <= 1) { tempRgb = { r: c, g: x, b: 0 }; } else if (hsvPercent.h > 1 && hsvPercent.h <= 2) { tempRgb = { r: x, g: c, b: 0 }; } else if (hsvPercent.h > 2 && hsvPercent.h <= 3) { tempRgb = { r: 0, g: c, b: x }; } else if (hsvPercent.h > 3 && hsvPercent.h <= 4) { tempRgb = { r: 0, g: x, b: c }; } else if (hsvPercent.h > 4 && hsvPercent.h <= 5) { tempRgb = { r: x, g: 0, b: c }; } else if (hsvPercent.h > 5 && hsvPercent.h <= 6) { tempRgb = { r: c, g: 0, b: x }; } if (tempRgb) { const m = hsvPercent.v - c; result.r = Math.floor((tempRgb.r + m) * 255); result.g = Math.floor((tempRgb.g + m) * 255); result.b = Math.floor((tempRgb.b + m) * 255); } return result; } static hsvaToRgba(hsva) { const rgbResult = ColorUtils.hsvToRgb(hsva); return { a: hsva.a, b: rgbResult.b, g: rgbResult.g, r: rgbResult.r }; } static rgbToHsv(rgb) { const rgbPercent = { r: rgb.r / 255, g: rgb.g / 255, b: rgb.b / 255 }, xMax = Math.max(rgbPercent.r, rgbPercent.g, rgbPercent.b), xMin = Math.min(rgbPercent.r, rgbPercent.g, rgbPercent.b), v = xMax, c = xMax - xMin; let h = 0; if (v === rgbPercent.r) { h = 60 * ((rgbPercent.g - rgbPercent.b) / c); } else if (v === rgbPercent.g) { h = 60 * (2 + (rgbPercent.b - rgbPercent.r) / c); } else if (v === rgbPercent.b) { h = 60 * (4 + (rgbPercent.r - rgbPercent.g) / c); } const s = !v ? 0 : c / v; return { h, s: s * 100, v: v * 100 }; } static rgbaToHsva(rgba) { const hsvResult = ColorUtils.rgbToHsv(rgba); return { a: rgba.a, h: hsvResult.h, s: hsvResult.s, v: hsvResult.v }; } static getRandomRgbColor(min) { const fixedMin = min !== null && min !== void 0 ? min : 0; return { b: Math.floor(NumberUtils.randomInRange(fixedMin, 256)), g: Math.floor(NumberUtils.randomInRange(fixedMin, 256)), r: Math.floor(NumberUtils.randomInRange(fixedMin, 256)) }; } static getStyleFromRgb(color, opacity) { return `rgba(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b}, ${opacity !== null && opacity !== void 0 ? opacity : 1})`; } static getStyleFromHsl(color, opacity) { return `hsla(${color.h}, ${color.s}%, ${color.l}%, ${opacity !== null && opacity !== void 0 ? opacity : 1})`; } static getStyleFromHsv(color, opacity) { return ColorUtils.getStyleFromHsl(ColorUtils.hsvToHsl(color), opacity); } static mix(color1, color2, size1, size2) { let rgb1 = color1; let rgb2 = color2; if (rgb1.r === undefined) { rgb1 = ColorUtils.hslToRgb(color1); } if (rgb2.r === undefined) { rgb2 = ColorUtils.hslToRgb(color2); } return { b: NumberUtils.mix(rgb1.b, rgb2.b, size1, size2), g: NumberUtils.mix(rgb1.g, rgb2.g, size1, size2), r: NumberUtils.mix(rgb1.r, rgb2.r, size1, size2) }; } static replaceColorSvg(image, color, opacity) { if (!image.svgData) { return ""; } const svgXml = image.svgData; const rgbHex = /#([0-9A-F]{3,6})/gi; return svgXml.replace(rgbHex, () => ColorUtils.getStyleFromHsl(color, opacity)); } static getLinkColor(p1, p2, linkColor) { var _a, _b; if (linkColor === Constants.randomColorValue) { return ColorUtils.getRandomRgbColor(); } else if (linkColor === "mid") { const sourceColor = (_a = p1.getFillColor()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : p1.getStrokeColor(); const destColor = (_b = p2 === null || p2 === void 0 ? void 0 : p2.getFillColor()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : p2 === null || p2 === void 0 ? void 0 : p2.getStrokeColor(); if (sourceColor && destColor && p2) { return ColorUtils.mix(sourceColor, destColor, p1.getRadius(), p2.getRadius()); } else { const hslColor = sourceColor !== null && sourceColor !== void 0 ? sourceColor : destColor; if (hslColor) { return ColorUtils.hslToRgb(hslColor); } } } else { return linkColor; } } static getLinkRandomColor(optColor, blink, consent) { const color = typeof optColor === "string" ? optColor : optColor.value; if (color === Constants.randomColorValue) { if (consent) { return ColorUtils.colorToRgb({ value: color }); } else if (blink) { return Constants.randomColorValue; } else { return Constants.midColorValue; } } else { return ColorUtils.colorToRgb({ value: color }); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/CanvasUtils.js function drawLine(context, begin, end) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y); context.lineTo(end.x, end.y); context.closePath(); } function drawTriangle(context, p1, p2, p3) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y); context.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y); context.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y); context.closePath(); } class CanvasUtils { static paintBase(context, dimension, baseColor) {; context.fillStyle = baseColor !== null && baseColor !== void 0 ? baseColor : "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; context.fillRect(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height); context.restore(); } static clear(context, dimension) { context.clearRect(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height); } static drawLinkLine(context, width, begin, end, maxDistance, canvasSize, warp, backgroundMask, composite, colorLine, opacity, shadow) { let drawn = false; if (NumberUtils.getDistance(begin, end) <= maxDistance) { drawLine(context, begin, end); drawn = true; } else if (warp) { let pi1; let pi2; const endNE = { x: end.x - canvasSize.width, y: end.y }; const d1 = NumberUtils.getDistances(begin, endNE); if (d1.distance <= maxDistance) { const yi = begin.y - d1.dy / d1.dx * begin.x; pi1 = { x: 0, y: yi }; pi2 = { x: canvasSize.width, y: yi }; } else { const endSW = { x: end.x, y: end.y - canvasSize.height }; const d2 = NumberUtils.getDistances(begin, endSW); if (d2.distance <= maxDistance) { const yi = begin.y - d2.dy / d2.dx * begin.x; const xi = -yi / (d2.dy / d2.dx); pi1 = { x: xi, y: 0 }; pi2 = { x: xi, y: canvasSize.height }; } else { const endSE = { x: end.x - canvasSize.width, y: end.y - canvasSize.height }; const d3 = NumberUtils.getDistances(begin, endSE); if (d3.distance <= maxDistance) { const yi = begin.y - d3.dy / d3.dx * begin.x; const xi = -yi / (d3.dy / d3.dx); pi1 = { x: xi, y: yi }; pi2 = { x: pi1.x + canvasSize.width, y: pi1.y + canvasSize.height }; } } } if (pi1 && pi2) { drawLine(context, begin, pi1); drawLine(context, end, pi2); drawn = true; } } if (!drawn) { return; } context.lineWidth = width; if (backgroundMask) { context.globalCompositeOperation = composite; } context.strokeStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(colorLine, opacity); if (shadow.enable) { const shadowColor = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(shadow.color); if (shadowColor) { context.shadowBlur = shadow.blur; context.shadowColor = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(shadowColor); } } context.stroke(); } static drawLinkTriangle(context, pos1, pos2, pos3, backgroundMask, composite, colorTriangle, opacityTriangle) { drawTriangle(context, pos1, pos2, pos3); if (backgroundMask) { context.globalCompositeOperation = composite; } context.fillStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(colorTriangle, opacityTriangle); context.fill(); } static drawConnectLine(context, width, lineStyle, begin, end) {; drawLine(context, begin, end); context.lineWidth = width; context.strokeStyle = lineStyle; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } static gradient(context, p1, p2, opacity) { const gradStop = Math.floor(p2.getRadius() / p1.getRadius()); const color1 = p1.getFillColor(); const color2 = p2.getFillColor(); if (!color1 || !color2) { return; } const sourcePos = p1.getPosition(); const destPos = p2.getPosition(); const midRgb = ColorUtils.mix(color1, color2, p1.getRadius(), p2.getRadius()); const grad = context.createLinearGradient(sourcePos.x, sourcePos.y, destPos.x, destPos.y); grad.addColorStop(0, ColorUtils.getStyleFromHsl(color1, opacity)); grad.addColorStop(gradStop > 1 ? 1 : gradStop, ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(midRgb, opacity)); grad.addColorStop(1, ColorUtils.getStyleFromHsl(color2, opacity)); return grad; } static drawGrabLine(context, width, begin, end, colorLine, opacity) {; drawLine(context, begin, end); context.strokeStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(colorLine, opacity); context.lineWidth = width; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } static drawLight(container, context, mousePos) { const lightOptions = container.options.interactivity.modes.light.area; context.beginPath(); context.arc(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, lightOptions.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); const gradientAmbientLight = context.createRadialGradient(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, mousePos.x, mousePos.y, lightOptions.radius); const gradient = lightOptions.gradient; const gradientRgb = { start: ColorUtils.colorToRgb(gradient.start), stop: ColorUtils.colorToRgb(gradient.stop) }; if (!gradientRgb.start || !gradientRgb.stop) { return; } gradientAmbientLight.addColorStop(0, ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(gradientRgb.start)); gradientAmbientLight.addColorStop(1, ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(gradientRgb.stop)); context.fillStyle = gradientAmbientLight; context.fill(); } static drawParticleShadow(container, context, particle, mousePos) { const pos = particle.getPosition(); const shadowOptions = container.options.interactivity.modes.light.shadow;; const radius = particle.getRadius(); const sides = particle.sides; const full = Math.PI * 2 / sides; const angle = -particle.rotate.value + Math.PI / 4; const factor = 1; const dots = []; for (let i = 0; i < sides; i++) { dots.push({ x: pos.x + radius * Math.sin(angle + full * i) * factor, y: pos.y + radius * Math.cos(angle + full * i) * factor }); } const points = []; const shadowLength = shadowOptions.length; for (const dot of dots) { const dotAngle = Math.atan2(mousePos.y - dot.y, mousePos.x - dot.x); const endX = dot.x + shadowLength * Math.sin(-dotAngle - Math.PI / 2); const endY = dot.y + shadowLength * Math.cos(-dotAngle - Math.PI / 2); points.push({ endX: endX, endY: endY, startX: dot.x, startY: dot.y }); } const shadowRgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(shadowOptions.color); if (!shadowRgb) { return; } const shadowColor = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(shadowRgb); for (let i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const n = i == points.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(points[i].startX, points[i].startY); context.lineTo(points[n].startX, points[n].startY); context.lineTo(points[n].endX, points[n].endY); context.lineTo(points[i].endX, points[i].endY); context.fillStyle = shadowColor; context.fill(); } context.restore(); } static drawParticle(container, context, particle, delta, fillColorValue, strokeColorValue, backgroundMask, composite, radius, opacity, shadow) { const pos = particle.getPosition();; context.translate(pos.x, pos.y); context.beginPath(); const angle = particle.rotate.value + (particle.particlesOptions.rotate.path ? particle.pathAngle : 0); if (angle !== 0) { context.rotate(angle); } if (backgroundMask) { context.globalCompositeOperation = composite; } const shadowColor = particle.shadowColor; if (shadow.enable && shadowColor) { context.shadowBlur = shadow.blur; context.shadowColor = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(shadowColor); context.shadowOffsetX = shadow.offset.x; context.shadowOffsetY = shadow.offset.y; } if (fillColorValue) { context.fillStyle = fillColorValue; } const stroke = particle.stroke; context.lineWidth = particle.strokeWidth; if (strokeColorValue) { context.strokeStyle = strokeColorValue; } CanvasUtils.drawShape(container, context, particle, radius, opacity, delta); if (stroke.width > 0) { context.stroke(); } if (particle.close) { context.closePath(); } if (particle.fill) { context.fill(); } context.restore();; context.translate(pos.x, pos.y); if (angle !== 0) { context.rotate(angle); } if (backgroundMask) { context.globalCompositeOperation = composite; } CanvasUtils.drawShapeAfterEffect(container, context, particle, radius, opacity, delta); context.restore(); } static drawShape(container, context, particle, radius, opacity, delta) { if (!particle.shape) { return; } const drawer = container.drawers.get(particle.shape); if (!drawer) { return; } drawer.draw(context, particle, radius, opacity, delta.value, container.retina.pixelRatio); } static drawShapeAfterEffect(container, context, particle, radius, opacity, delta) { if (!particle.shape) { return; } const drawer = container.drawers.get(particle.shape); if (!(drawer === null || drawer === void 0 ? void 0 : drawer.afterEffect)) { return; } drawer.afterEffect(context, particle, radius, opacity, delta.value, container.retina.pixelRatio); } static drawPlugin(context, plugin, delta) { if (plugin.draw !== undefined) {; plugin.draw(context, delta); context.restore(); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Range.js class Range { constructor(x, y) { this.position = { x: x, y: y }; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Circle.js class Circle extends Range { constructor(x, y, radius) { super(x, y); this.radius = radius; } contains(point) { const d = Math.pow(point.x - this.position.x, 2) + Math.pow(point.y - this.position.y, 2); return d <= this.radius * this.radius; } intersects(range) { const rect = range; const circle = range; const pos1 = this.position; const pos2 = range.position; const xDist = Math.abs(pos2.x - pos1.x); const yDist = Math.abs(pos2.y - pos1.y); const r = this.radius; if (circle.radius !== undefined) { const rSum = r + circle.radius; const dist = Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist + yDist); return rSum > dist; } else if (rect.size !== undefined) { const w = rect.size.width; const h = rect.size.height; const edges = Math.pow(xDist - w, 2) + Math.pow(yDist - h, 2); if (xDist > r + w || yDist > r + h) { return false; } if (xDist <= w || yDist <= h) { return true; } return edges <= r * r; } return false; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Rectangle.js class Rectangle extends Range { constructor(x, y, width, height) { super(x, y); this.size = { height: height, width: width }; } contains(point) { const w = this.size.width; const h = this.size.height; const pos = this.position; return point.x >= pos.x && point.x <= pos.x + w && point.y >= pos.y && point.y <= pos.y + h; } intersects(range) { const rect = range; const circle = range; const w = this.size.width; const h = this.size.height; const pos1 = this.position; const pos2 = range.position; if (circle.radius !== undefined) { return circle.intersects(this); } else if (rect.size !== undefined) { const size2 = rect.size; const w2 = size2.width; const h2 = size2.height; return pos2.x < pos1.x + w && pos2.x + w2 > pos1.x && pos2.y < pos1.y + h && pos2.y + h2 > pos1.y; } return false; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/CircleWarp.js class CircleWarp extends Circle { constructor(x, y, radius, canvasSize) { super(x, y, radius); this.canvasSize = canvasSize; this.canvasSize = { height: canvasSize.height, width: canvasSize.width }; } contains(point) { if (super.contains(point)) { return true; } const posNE = { x: point.x - this.canvasSize.width, y: point.y }; if (super.contains(posNE)) { return true; } const posSE = { x: point.x - this.canvasSize.width, y: point.y - this.canvasSize.height }; if (super.contains(posSE)) { return true; } const posSW = { x: point.x, y: point.y - this.canvasSize.height }; return super.contains(posSW); } intersects(range) { if (super.intersects(range)) { return true; } const rect = range; const circle = range; const newPos = { x: range.position.x - this.canvasSize.width, y: range.position.y - this.canvasSize.height }; if (circle.radius !== undefined) { const biggerCircle = new Circle(newPos.x, newPos.y, circle.radius * 2); return super.intersects(biggerCircle); } else if (rect.size !== undefined) { const rectSW = new Rectangle(newPos.x, newPos.y, rect.size.width * 2, rect.size.height * 2); return super.intersects(rectSW); } return false; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/ClickMode.js var ClickMode; (function (ClickMode) { ClickMode["attract"] = "attract"; ClickMode["bubble"] = "bubble"; ClickMode["push"] = "push"; ClickMode["remove"] = "remove"; ClickMode["repulse"] = "repulse"; ClickMode["pause"] = "pause"; ClickMode["trail"] = "trail"; })(ClickMode || (ClickMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/DivMode.js var DivMode; (function (DivMode) { DivMode["bounce"] = "bounce"; DivMode["bubble"] = "bubble"; DivMode["repulse"] = "repulse"; })(DivMode || (DivMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/HoverMode.js var HoverMode; (function (HoverMode) { HoverMode["attract"] = "attract"; HoverMode["bounce"] = "bounce"; HoverMode["bubble"] = "bubble"; HoverMode["connect"] = "connect"; HoverMode["grab"] = "grab"; HoverMode["light"] = "light"; HoverMode["repulse"] = "repulse"; HoverMode["slow"] = "slow"; HoverMode["trail"] = "trail"; })(HoverMode || (HoverMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/CollisionMode.js var CollisionMode; (function (CollisionMode) { CollisionMode["absorb"] = "absorb"; CollisionMode["bounce"] = "bounce"; CollisionMode["destroy"] = "destroy"; })(CollisionMode || (CollisionMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/OutMode.js var OutMode; (function (OutMode) { OutMode["bounce"] = "bounce"; OutMode["bounceHorizontal"] = "bounce-horizontal"; OutMode["bounceVertical"] = "bounce-vertical"; OutMode["none"] = "none"; OutMode["out"] = "out"; OutMode["destroy"] = "destroy"; })(OutMode || (OutMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/SizeMode.js var SizeMode; (function (SizeMode) { SizeMode["precise"] = "precise"; SizeMode["percent"] = "percent"; })(SizeMode || (SizeMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/ThemeMode.js var ThemeMode; (function (ThemeMode) { ThemeMode["any"] = "any"; ThemeMode["dark"] = "dark"; ThemeMode["light"] = "light"; })(ThemeMode || (ThemeMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Modes/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/AnimationStatus.js var AnimationStatus; (function (AnimationStatus) { AnimationStatus[AnimationStatus["increasing"] = 0] = "increasing"; AnimationStatus[AnimationStatus["decreasing"] = 1] = "decreasing"; })(AnimationStatus || (AnimationStatus = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/DestroyType.js var DestroyType; (function (DestroyType) { DestroyType["none"] = "none"; DestroyType["max"] = "max"; DestroyType["min"] = "min"; })(DestroyType || (DestroyType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/ProcessBubbleType.js var ProcessBubbleType; (function (ProcessBubbleType) { ProcessBubbleType["color"] = "color"; ProcessBubbleType["opacity"] = "opacity"; ProcessBubbleType["size"] = "size"; })(ProcessBubbleType || (ProcessBubbleType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/ShapeType.js var ShapeType; (function (ShapeType) { ShapeType["char"] = "char"; ShapeType["character"] = "character"; ShapeType["circle"] = "circle"; ShapeType["edge"] = "edge"; ShapeType["image"] = "image"; ShapeType["images"] = "images"; ShapeType["line"] = "line"; ShapeType["polygon"] = "polygon"; ShapeType["square"] = "square"; ShapeType["star"] = "star"; ShapeType["triangle"] = "triangle"; })(ShapeType || (ShapeType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/StartValueType.js var StartValueType; (function (StartValueType) { StartValueType["max"] = "max"; StartValueType["min"] = "min"; StartValueType["random"] = "random"; })(StartValueType || (StartValueType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/DivType.js var DivType; (function (DivType) { DivType["circle"] = "circle"; DivType["rectangle"] = "rectangle"; })(DivType || (DivType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/Types/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/InteractivityDetect.js var InteractivityDetect; (function (InteractivityDetect) { InteractivityDetect["canvas"] = "canvas"; InteractivityDetect["parent"] = "parent"; InteractivityDetect["window"] = "window"; })(InteractivityDetect || (InteractivityDetect = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Enums/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/EventListeners.js function manageListener(element, event, handler, add, options) { if (add) { let addOptions = { passive: true }; if (typeof options === "boolean") { addOptions.capture = options; } else if (options !== undefined) { addOptions = options; } element.addEventListener(event, handler, addOptions); } else { const removeOptions = options; element.removeEventListener(event, handler, removeOptions); } } class EventListeners { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.canPush = true; this.mouseMoveHandler = e => this.mouseTouchMove(e); this.touchStartHandler = e => this.mouseTouchMove(e); this.touchMoveHandler = e => this.mouseTouchMove(e); this.touchEndHandler = () => this.mouseTouchFinish(); this.mouseLeaveHandler = () => this.mouseTouchFinish(); this.touchCancelHandler = () => this.mouseTouchFinish(); this.touchEndClickHandler = e => this.mouseTouchClick(e); this.mouseUpHandler = e => this.mouseTouchClick(e); this.mouseDownHandler = () => this.mouseDown(); this.visibilityChangeHandler = () => this.handleVisibilityChange(); this.resizeHandler = () => this.handleWindowResize(); } addListeners() { this.manageListeners(true); } removeListeners() { this.manageListeners(false); } manageListeners(add) { var _a; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const detectType = options.interactivity.detectsOn; let mouseLeaveEvent = Constants.mouseLeaveEvent; if (detectType === InteractivityDetect.window) { container.interactivity.element = window; mouseLeaveEvent = Constants.mouseOutEvent; } else if (detectType === InteractivityDetect.parent && container.canvas.element) { const canvasEl = container.canvas.element; container.interactivity.element = (_a = canvasEl.parentElement) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : canvasEl.parentNode; } else { container.interactivity.element = container.canvas.element; } const interactivityEl = container.interactivity.element; if (!interactivityEl) { return; } const html = interactivityEl; if ( || { manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.mouseMoveEvent, this.mouseMoveHandler, add); manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.touchStartEvent, this.touchStartHandler, add); manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.touchMoveEvent, this.touchMoveHandler, add); if (! { manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.touchEndEvent, this.touchEndHandler, add); } else { manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.touchEndEvent, this.touchEndClickHandler, add); manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.mouseUpEvent, this.mouseUpHandler, add); manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.mouseDownEvent, this.mouseDownHandler, add); } manageListener(interactivityEl, mouseLeaveEvent, this.mouseLeaveHandler, add); manageListener(interactivityEl, Constants.touchCancelEvent, this.touchCancelHandler, add); } if (container.canvas.element) { = html === container.canvas.element ? "initial" : "none"; } if ( { manageListener(window, Constants.resizeEvent, this.resizeHandler, add); } if (document) { manageListener(document, Constants.visibilityChangeEvent, this.visibilityChangeHandler, add, false); } } handleWindowResize() { var _a; (_a = this.container.canvas) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.windowResize(); } handleVisibilityChange() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; this.mouseTouchFinish(); if (!options.pauseOnBlur) { return; } if (document === null || document === void 0 ? void 0 : document.hidden) { container.pageHidden = true; container.pause(); } else { container.pageHidden = false; if (container.getAnimationStatus()) {; } else { container.draw(); } } } mouseDown() { const interactivity = this.container.interactivity; if (interactivity) { const mouse = interactivity.mouse; mouse.clicking = true; mouse.downPosition = mouse.position; } } mouseTouchMove(e) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if (((_a = container.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.element) === undefined) { return; } container.interactivity.mouse.inside = true; let pos; const canvas = container.canvas.element; if (e.type.startsWith("mouse")) { this.canPush = true; const mouseEvent = e; if (container.interactivity.element === window) { if (canvas) { const clientRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); pos = { x: mouseEvent.clientX - clientRect.left, y: mouseEvent.clientY - }; } } else if (options.interactivity.detectsOn === InteractivityDetect.parent) { const source =; const target = mouseEvent.currentTarget; const canvasEl = container.canvas.element; if (source && target && canvasEl) { const sourceRect = source.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); const canvasRect = canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect(); pos = { x: mouseEvent.offsetX + 2 * sourceRect.left - (targetRect.left + canvasRect.left), y: mouseEvent.offsetY + 2 * - ( + }; } else { pos = { x: (_b = mouseEvent.offsetX) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : mouseEvent.clientX, y: (_c = mouseEvent.offsetY) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : mouseEvent.clientY }; } } else { if ( === container.canvas.element) { pos = { x: (_d = mouseEvent.offsetX) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : mouseEvent.clientX, y: (_e = mouseEvent.offsetY) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : mouseEvent.clientY }; } } } else { this.canPush = e.type !== "touchmove"; const touchEvent = e; const lastTouch = touchEvent.touches[touchEvent.touches.length - 1]; const canvasRect = canvas === null || canvas === void 0 ? void 0 : canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); pos = { x: lastTouch.clientX - ((_f = canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : canvasRect.left) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : 0), y: lastTouch.clientY - ((_g = canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : 0) }; } const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; if (pos) { pos.x *= pxRatio; pos.y *= pxRatio; } container.interactivity.mouse.position = pos; container.interactivity.status = Constants.mouseMoveEvent; } mouseTouchFinish() { const interactivity = this.container.interactivity; if (interactivity === undefined) { return; } const mouse = interactivity.mouse; delete mouse.position; delete mouse.clickPosition; delete mouse.downPosition; interactivity.status = Constants.mouseLeaveEvent; mouse.inside = false; mouse.clicking = false; } mouseTouchClick(e) { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; mouse.inside = true; let handled = false; const mousePosition = mouse.position; if (mousePosition === undefined || ! { return; } for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { if (plugin.clickPositionValid !== undefined) { handled = plugin.clickPositionValid(mousePosition); if (handled) { break; } } } if (!handled) { this.doMouseTouchClick(e); } mouse.clicking = false; } doMouseTouchClick(e) { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if (this.canPush) { const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (mousePos) { container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition = { x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y }; } else { return; } container.interactivity.mouse.clickTime = new Date().getTime(); const onClick =; if (onClick.mode instanceof Array) { for (const mode of onClick.mode) { this.handleClickMode(mode); } } else { this.handleClickMode(onClick.mode); } } if (e.type === "touchend") { setTimeout(() => this.mouseTouchFinish(), 500); } } handleClickMode(mode) { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const pushNb = options.interactivity.modes.push.quantity; const removeNb = options.interactivity.modes.remove.quantity; switch (mode) { case ClickMode.push: { if (pushNb > 0) { container.particles.push(pushNb, container.interactivity.mouse); } break; } case ClickMode.remove: container.particles.removeQuantity(removeNb); break; case ClickMode.bubble: container.bubble.clicking = true; break; case ClickMode.repulse: container.repulse.clicking = true; container.repulse.count = 0; for (const particle of container.repulse.particles) { particle.velocity.horizontal = particle.initialVelocity.horizontal; particle.velocity.vertical = particle.initialVelocity.vertical; } container.repulse.particles = []; container.repulse.finish = false; setTimeout(() => { if (!container.destroyed) { container.repulse.clicking = false; } }, options.interactivity.modes.repulse.duration * 1000); break; case ClickMode.attract: container.attract.clicking = true; container.attract.count = 0; for (const particle of container.attract.particles) { particle.velocity.horizontal = particle.initialVelocity.horizontal; particle.velocity.vertical = particle.initialVelocity.vertical; } container.attract.particles = []; container.attract.finish = false; setTimeout(() => { if (!container.destroyed) { container.attract.clicking = false; } }, options.interactivity.modes.attract.duration * 1000); break; case ClickMode.pause: if (container.getAnimationStatus()) { container.pause(); } else {; } break; } for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { if (plugin.handleClickMode) { plugin.handleClickMode(mode); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Plugins.js const plugins = []; const presets = new Map(); const drawers = new Map(); class Plugins { static getPlugin(plugin) { return plugins.find(t => === plugin); } static addPlugin(plugin) { if (!Plugins.getPlugin( { plugins.push(plugin); } } static getAvailablePlugins(container) { const res = new Map(); for (const plugin of plugins) { if (!plugin.needsPlugin(container.options)) { continue; } res.set(, plugin.getPlugin(container)); } return res; } static loadOptions(options, sourceOptions) { for (const plugin of plugins) { plugin.loadOptions(options, sourceOptions); } } static getPreset(preset) { return presets.get(preset); } static addPreset(presetKey, options) { if (!Plugins.getPreset(presetKey)) { presets.set(presetKey, options); } } static addShapeDrawer(type, drawer) { if (!Plugins.getShapeDrawer(type)) { drawers.set(type, drawer); } } static getShapeDrawer(type) { return drawers.get(type); } static getSupportedShapes() { return drawers.keys(); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/Point.js class Point { constructor(position, particle) { this.position = position; this.particle = particle; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/QuadTree.js class QuadTree { constructor(rectangle, capacity) { this.rectangle = rectangle; this.capacity = capacity; this.points = []; this.divided = false; } subdivide() { const x = this.rectangle.position.x; const y = this.rectangle.position.y; const w = this.rectangle.size.width; const h = this.rectangle.size.height; const capacity = this.capacity; this.northEast = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(x, y, w / 2, h / 2), capacity); this.northWest = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(x + w / 2, y, w / 2, h / 2), capacity); this.southEast = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(x, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2), capacity); this.southWest = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2), capacity); this.divided = true; } insert(point) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (!this.rectangle.contains(point.position)) { return false; } if (this.points.length < this.capacity) { this.points.push(point); return true; } if (!this.divided) { this.subdivide(); } return (_e = ((_a = this.northEast) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insert(point)) || ((_b = this.northWest) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.insert(point)) || ((_c = this.southEast) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.insert(point)) || ((_d = this.southWest) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.insert(point))) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : false; } queryCircle(position, radius) { return this.query(new Circle(position.x, position.y, radius)); } queryCircleWarp(position, radius, containerOrSize) { const container = containerOrSize; const size = containerOrSize; return this.query(new CircleWarp(position.x, position.y, radius, container.canvas !== undefined ? container.canvas.size : size)); } queryRectangle(position, size) { return this.query(new Rectangle(position.x, position.y, size.width, size.height)); } query(range, found) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const res = found !== null && found !== void 0 ? found : []; if (!range.intersects(this.rectangle)) { return []; } else { for (const p of this.points) { if (!range.contains(p.position)) { continue; } res.push(p.particle); } if (this.divided) { (_a = this.northEast) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.query(range, res); (_b = this.northWest) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.query(range, res); (_c = this.southEast) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.query(range, res); (_d = this.southWest) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.query(range, res); } } return res; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Utils/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/TextDrawer.js var TextDrawer_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; class TextDrawer { getSidesCount() { return 12; } init(container) { var _a; return TextDrawer_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const options = container.options; if (Utils.isInArray(ShapeType.char, options.particles.shape.type) || Utils.isInArray(ShapeType.character, options.particles.shape.type)) { const shapeOptions = (_a = options.particles.shape.options[ShapeType.character]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options.particles.shape.options[ShapeType.char]; if (shapeOptions instanceof Array) { for (const character of shapeOptions) { yield Utils.loadFont(character); } } else { if (shapeOptions !== undefined) { yield Utils.loadFont(shapeOptions); } } } }); } draw(context, particle, radius) { const character = particle.shapeData; if (character === undefined) { return; } const textData = character.value; if (textData === undefined) { return; } const textParticle = particle; if (textParticle.text === undefined) { textParticle.text = textData instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(textData, particle.randomIndexData) : textData; } const text = textParticle.text; const style =; const weight = character.weight; const size = Math.round(radius) * 2; const font = character.font; const fill = particle.fill; const offsetX = text.length * radius / 2; context.font = `${style} ${weight} ${size}px "${font}"`; const pos = { x: -offsetX, y: radius / 2 }; if (fill) { context.fillText(text, pos.x, pos.y); } else { context.strokeText(text, pos.x, pos.y); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/ImageDrawer.js var ImageDrawer_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; class ImageDrawer { constructor() { this.images = []; } getSidesCount() { return 12; } getImages(container) { const containerImages = this.images.filter(t => ===; if (!containerImages.length) { this.images.push({ id:, images: [] }); return this.getImages(container); } else { return containerImages[0]; } } addImage(container, image) { const containerImages = this.getImages(container); containerImages === null || containerImages === void 0 ? void 0 : containerImages.images.push(image); } init(container) { var _a; return ImageDrawer_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const options = container.options; const shapeOptions = options.particles.shape; if (!Utils.isInArray(ShapeType.image, shapeOptions.type) && !Utils.isInArray(ShapeType.images, shapeOptions.type)) { return; } const imageOptions = (_a = shapeOptions.options[ShapeType.images]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : shapeOptions.options[ShapeType.image]; if (imageOptions instanceof Array) { for (const optionsImage of imageOptions) { yield this.loadImageShape(container, optionsImage); } } else { yield this.loadImageShape(container, imageOptions); } }); } destroy() { this.images = []; } loadImageShape(container, imageShape) { return ImageDrawer_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { const image = imageShape.replaceColor ? yield Utils.downloadSvgImage(imageShape.src) : yield Utils.loadImage(imageShape.src); this.addImage(container, image); } catch (_a) { console.warn(`tsParticles error - ${imageShape.src} not found`); } }); } draw(context, particle, radius, opacity) { var _a, _b; if (!context) { return; } const image = particle.image; const element = (_a = image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.element; if (!element) { return; } const ratio = (_b = image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : image.ratio) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1; const pos = { x: -radius, y: -radius }; if (!(image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : || !(image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : image.replaceColor)) { context.globalAlpha = opacity; } context.drawImage(element, pos.x, pos.y, radius * 2, radius * 2 / ratio); if (!(image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : || !(image === null || image === void 0 ? void 0 : image.replaceColor)) { context.globalAlpha = 1; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/LineDrawer.js class LineDrawer { getSidesCount() { return 1; } draw(context, particle, radius) { context.moveTo(0, -radius / 2); context.lineTo(0, radius / 2); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/CircleDrawer.js class CircleDrawer { getSidesCount() { return 12; } draw(context, particle, radius) { context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/PolygonDrawerBase.js class PolygonDrawerBase { getSidesCount(particle) { var _a, _b; const polygon = particle.shapeData; return (_b = (_a = polygon === null || polygon === void 0 ? void 0 : polygon.sides) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : polygon === null || polygon === void 0 ? void 0 : polygon.nb_sides) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 5; } draw(context, particle, radius) { const start = this.getCenter(particle, radius); const side = this.getSidesData(particle, radius); const sideCount = side.count.numerator * side.count.denominator; const decimalSides = side.count.numerator / side.count.denominator; const interiorAngleDegrees = 180 * (decimalSides - 2) / decimalSides; const interiorAngle = Math.PI - Math.PI * interiorAngleDegrees / 180; if (!context) { return; } context.beginPath(); context.translate(start.x, start.y); context.moveTo(0, 0); for (let i = 0; i < sideCount; i++) { context.lineTo(side.length, 0); context.translate(side.length, 0); context.rotate(interiorAngle); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/TriangleDrawer.js class TriangleDrawer extends PolygonDrawerBase { getSidesCount() { return 3; } getSidesData(particle, radius) { return { count: { denominator: 2, numerator: 3 }, length: radius * 2 }; } getCenter(particle, radius) { return { x: -radius, y: radius / 1.66 }; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/StarDrawer.js class StarDrawer { getSidesCount(particle) { var _a, _b; const star = particle.shapeData; return (_b = (_a = star === null || star === void 0 ? void 0 : star.sides) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : star === null || star === void 0 ? void 0 : star.nb_sides) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 5; } draw(context, particle, radius) { var _a; const star = particle.shapeData; const sides = this.getSidesCount(particle); const inset = (_a = star === null || star === void 0 ? void 0 : star.inset) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 2; context.moveTo(0, 0 - radius); for (let i = 0; i < sides; i++) { context.rotate(Math.PI / sides); context.lineTo(0, 0 - radius * inset); context.rotate(Math.PI / sides); context.lineTo(0, 0 - radius); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/ShapeDrawers/PolygonDrawer.js class PolygonDrawer extends PolygonDrawerBase { getSidesData(particle, radius) { var _a, _b; const polygon = particle.shapeData; const sides = (_b = (_a = polygon === null || polygon === void 0 ? void 0 : polygon.sides) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : polygon === null || polygon === void 0 ? void 0 : polygon.nb_sides) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 5; return { count: { denominator: 1, numerator: sides }, length: radius * 2.66 / (sides / 3) }; } getCenter(particle, radius) { const sides = this.getSidesCount(particle); return { x: -radius / (sides / 3.5), y: -radius / (2.66 / 3.5) }; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Canvas.js class Canvas { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.size = { height: 0, width: 0 }; this.context = null; this.generatedCanvas = false; } init() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m; this.resize(); const options = this.container.options; const element = this.element; if (element) { if (options.backgroundMode.enable) { this.originalStyle = Utils.deepExtend({},; = "fixed"; = options.backgroundMode.zIndex.toString(10); = "0"; = "0"; = "100%"; = "100%"; } else { = (_b = (_a = this.originalStyle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.position) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ""; = (_d = (_c = this.originalStyle) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.zIndex) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : ""; = (_f = (_e = this.originalStyle) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : ""; = (_h = (_g = this.originalStyle) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.left) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : ""; = (_k = (_j = this.originalStyle) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.width) !== null && _k !== void 0 ? _k : ""; = (_m = (_l = this.originalStyle) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.height) !== null && _m !== void 0 ? _m : ""; } } const cover = options.backgroundMask.cover; const color = cover.color; const trail = options.particles.move.trail; const coverRgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(color); this.coverColor = coverRgb !== undefined ? { r: coverRgb.r, g: coverRgb.g, b: coverRgb.b, a: cover.opacity } : undefined; this.trailFillColor = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(trail.fillColor); this.initBackground(); this.paint(); } loadCanvas(canvas, generatedCanvas) { var _a; if (!canvas.className) { canvas.className = Constants.canvasClass; } if (this.generatedCanvas) { (_a = this.element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); } this.generatedCanvas = generatedCanvas !== null && generatedCanvas !== void 0 ? generatedCanvas : this.generatedCanvas; this.element = canvas; this.originalStyle = Utils.deepExtend({},; this.size.height = canvas.offsetHeight; this.size.width = canvas.offsetWidth; this.context = this.element.getContext("2d"); this.container.retina.init(); this.initBackground(); } destroy() { var _a; if (this.generatedCanvas) { (_a = this.element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); } if (this.context) { CanvasUtils.clear(this.context, this.size); } } resize() { if (!this.element) { return; } this.element.width = this.size.width; this.element.height = this.size.height; } paint() { const options = this.container.options; if (!this.context) { return; } if (options.backgroundMask.enable && options.backgroundMask.cover && this.coverColor) { CanvasUtils.clear(this.context, this.size); this.paintBase(ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(this.coverColor, this.coverColor.a)); } else { this.paintBase(); } } clear() { const options = this.container.options; const trail = options.particles.move.trail; if (options.backgroundMask.enable) { this.paint(); } else if (trail.enable && trail.length > 0 && this.trailFillColor) { this.paintBase(ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(this.trailFillColor, 1 / trail.length)); } else if (this.context) { CanvasUtils.clear(this.context, this.size); } } windowResize() { if (!this.element) { return; } const container = this.container; container.canvas.initSize(); container.particles.setDensity(); for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { if (plugin.resize !== undefined) { plugin.resize(); } } } initSize() { if (!this.element) { return; } const container = this.container; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; container.canvas.size.width = this.element.offsetWidth * pxRatio; container.canvas.size.height = this.element.offsetHeight * pxRatio; this.element.width = container.canvas.size.width; this.element.height = container.canvas.size.height; } drawConnectLine(p1, p2) { var _a; const lineStyle = this.lineStyle(p1, p2); if (!lineStyle) { return; } const ctx = this.context; if (!ctx) { return; } const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); CanvasUtils.drawConnectLine(ctx, (_a = p1.linksWidth) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.container.retina.linksWidth, lineStyle, pos1, pos2); } drawGrabLine(particle, lineColor, opacity, mousePos) { var _a; const container = this.container; const ctx = container.canvas.context; if (!ctx) { return; } const beginPos = particle.getPosition(); CanvasUtils.drawGrabLine(ctx, (_a = particle.linksWidth) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.linksWidth, beginPos, mousePos, lineColor, opacity); } drawParticleShadow(particle, mousePos) { if (!this.context) { return; } CanvasUtils.drawParticleShadow(this.container, this.context, particle, mousePos); } drawLinkTriangle(p1, link1, link2) { var _a; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const p2 = link1.destination; const p3 = link2.destination; const triangleOptions = p1.particlesOptions.links.triangles; const opacityTriangle = (_a = triangleOptions.opacity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (link1.opacity + link2.opacity) / 2; if (opacityTriangle <= 0) { return; } const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); const pos3 = p3.getPosition(); const ctx = this.context; if (!ctx) { return; } if (NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2) > container.retina.linksDistance || NumberUtils.getDistance(pos3, pos2) > container.retina.linksDistance || NumberUtils.getDistance(pos3, pos1) > container.retina.linksDistance) { return; } let colorTriangle = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(triangleOptions.color); if (!colorTriangle) { const linksOptions = p1.particlesOptions.links; const linkColor = !== undefined ? container.particles.linksColors.get( : container.particles.linksColor; colorTriangle = ColorUtils.getLinkColor(p1, p2, linkColor); } if (!colorTriangle) { return; } CanvasUtils.drawLinkTriangle(ctx, pos1, pos2, pos3, options.backgroundMask.enable, options.backgroundMask.composite, colorTriangle, opacityTriangle); } drawLinkLine(p1, link) { var _a, _b; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const p2 = link.destination; let opacity = link.opacity; const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); const ctx = this.context; if (!ctx) { return; } let colorLine; const twinkle = p1.particlesOptions.twinkle.lines; if (twinkle.enable) { const twinkleFreq = twinkle.frequency; const twinkleRgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(twinkle.color); const twinkling = Math.random() < twinkleFreq; if (twinkling && twinkleRgb !== undefined) { colorLine = twinkleRgb; opacity = twinkle.opacity; } } if (!colorLine) { const linksOptions = p1.particlesOptions.links; const linkColor = !== undefined ? container.particles.linksColors.get( : container.particles.linksColor; colorLine = ColorUtils.getLinkColor(p1, p2, linkColor); } if (!colorLine) { return; } const width = (_a = p1.linksWidth) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.linksWidth; const maxDistance = (_b = p1.linksDistance) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : container.retina.linksDistance; CanvasUtils.drawLinkLine(ctx, width, pos1, pos2, maxDistance, container.canvas.size, p1.particlesOptions.links.warp, options.backgroundMask.enable, options.backgroundMask.composite, colorLine, opacity, p1.particlesOptions.links.shadow); } drawParticle(particle, delta) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (((_a = particle.image) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.loaded) === false || particle.spawning || particle.destroyed) { return; } const pfColor = particle.getFillColor(); const psColor = (_b = particle.getStrokeColor()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : pfColor; if (!pfColor && !psColor) { return; } const options = this.container.options; const pOptions = particle.particlesOptions; const twinkle = pOptions.twinkle.particles; const twinkleFreq = twinkle.frequency; const twinkleRgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(twinkle.color); const twinkling = twinkle.enable && Math.random() < twinkleFreq; const radius = particle.getRadius(); const opacity = twinkling ? twinkle.opacity : (_c = particle.bubble.opacity) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : particle.opacity.value; const infectionStage = particle.infecter.infectionStage; const infection = options.infection; const infectionStages = infection.stages; const infectionColor = infectionStage !== undefined ? infectionStages[infectionStage].color : undefined; const infectionRgb = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(infectionColor); const fColor = twinkling && twinkleRgb !== undefined ? twinkleRgb : infectionRgb !== null && infectionRgb !== void 0 ? infectionRgb : pfColor ? ColorUtils.hslToRgb(pfColor) : undefined; const sColor = twinkling && twinkleRgb !== undefined ? twinkleRgb : infectionRgb !== null && infectionRgb !== void 0 ? infectionRgb : psColor ? ColorUtils.hslToRgb(psColor) : undefined; const fillColorValue = fColor !== undefined ? ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(fColor, opacity) : undefined; if (!this.context || !fillColorValue && !sColor) { return; } const strokeColorValue = sColor !== undefined ? ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(sColor, (_d = particle.stroke.opacity) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : opacity) : fillColorValue; this.drawParticleLinks(particle); if (radius > 0) { CanvasUtils.drawParticle(this.container, this.context, particle, delta, fillColorValue, strokeColorValue, options.backgroundMask.enable, options.backgroundMask.composite, radius, opacity, particle.particlesOptions.shadow); } } drawParticleLinks(particle) { if (!this.context) { return; } const container = this.container; const particles = container.particles; const pOptions = particle.particlesOptions; if (particle.links.length > 0) {; const p1Links = particle.links.filter(l => { const linkFreq = container.particles.getLinkFrequency(particle, l.destination); return linkFreq <= pOptions.links.frequency; }); for (const link of p1Links) { const p2 = link.destination; if (pOptions.links.triangles.enable) { const links = => l.destination); const vertices = p2.links.filter(t => { const linkFreq = container.particles.getLinkFrequency(p2, t.destination); return linkFreq <= p2.particlesOptions.links.frequency && links.indexOf(t.destination) >= 0; }); if (vertices.length) { for (const vertex of vertices) { const p3 = vertex.destination; const triangleFreq = particles.getTriangleFrequency(particle, p2, p3); if (triangleFreq > pOptions.links.triangles.frequency) { continue; } this.drawLinkTriangle(particle, link, vertex); } } } if (link.opacity > 0 && container.retina.linksWidth > 0) { this.drawLinkLine(particle, link); } } this.context.restore(); } } drawPlugin(plugin, delta) { if (!this.context) { return; } CanvasUtils.drawPlugin(this.context, plugin, delta); } drawLight(mousePos) { if (!this.context) { return; } CanvasUtils.drawLight(this.container, this.context, mousePos); } paintBase(baseColor) { if (!this.context) { return; } CanvasUtils.paintBase(this.context, this.size, baseColor); } lineStyle(p1, p2) { const options = this.container.options; const connectOptions = options.interactivity.modes.connect; if (this.context) { return CanvasUtils.gradient(this.context, p1, p2, connectOptions.links.opacity); } } initBackground() { const options = this.container.options; const background = options.background; const element = this.element; if (!element) { return; } const elementStyle =; if (background.color) { const color = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(background.color); if (color) { elementStyle.backgroundColor = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(color, background.opacity); } } if (background.image) { elementStyle.backgroundImage = background.image; } if (background.position) { elementStyle.backgroundPosition = background.position; } if (background.repeat) { elementStyle.backgroundRepeat = background.repeat; } if (background.size) { elementStyle.backgroundSize = background.size; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particle/Updater.js function bounceHorizontal(data) { if (data.outMode === OutMode.bounce || data.outMode === OutMode.bounceHorizontal || data.outMode === "bounceHorizontal") { const velocity = data.particle.velocity.horizontal; let bounced = false; if (data.direction === OutModeDirection.right && data.bounds.right >= data.canvasSize.width && velocity > 0 || data.direction === OutModeDirection.left && data.bounds.left <= 0 && velocity < 0) { const newVelocity = NumberUtils.getValue(data.particle.particlesOptions.bounce.horizontal); data.particle.velocity.horizontal *= -newVelocity; bounced = true; } if (bounced) { const minPos = data.offset.x + data.size; if (data.bounds.right >= data.canvasSize.width) { data.particle.position.x = data.canvasSize.width - minPos; } else if (data.bounds.left <= 0) { data.particle.position.x = minPos; } } } } function bounceVertical(data) { if (data.outMode === OutMode.bounce || data.outMode === OutMode.bounceVertical || data.outMode === "bounceVertical") { const velocity = data.particle.velocity.vertical; let bounced = false; if (data.direction === OutModeDirection.bottom && data.bounds.bottom >= data.canvasSize.height && velocity > 0 || data.direction === && <= 0 && velocity < 0) { const newVelocity = NumberUtils.getValue(data.particle.particlesOptions.bounce.vertical); data.particle.velocity.vertical *= -newVelocity; bounced = true; } if (bounced) { const minPos = data.offset.y + data.size; if (data.bounds.bottom >= data.canvasSize.height) { data.particle.position.y = data.canvasSize.height - minPos; } else if ( <= 0) { data.particle.position.y = minPos; } } } } function checkDestroy(particle, destroy, value, minValue, maxValue) { switch (destroy) { case DestroyType.max: if (value >= maxValue) { particle.destroy(); } break; case DestroyType.min: if (value <= minValue) { particle.destroy(); } break; } } class Updater { constructor(container, particle) { this.container = container; this.particle = particle; } update(delta) { if (this.particle.destroyed) { return; } this.updateLife(delta); if (this.particle.destroyed || this.particle.spawning) { return; } this.updateOpacity(delta); this.updateSize(delta); this.updateAngle(delta); this.updateColor(delta); this.updateStrokeColor(delta); this.updateOutModes(delta); } updateLife(delta) { const particle = this.particle; let justSpawned = false; if (particle.spawning) { particle.lifeDelayTime += delta.value; if (particle.lifeDelayTime >= particle.lifeDelay) { justSpawned = true; particle.spawning = false; particle.lifeDelayTime = 0; particle.lifeTime = 0; } } if (particle.lifeDuration === -1) { return; } if (!particle.spawning) { if (justSpawned) { particle.lifeTime = 0; } else { particle.lifeTime += delta.value; } if (particle.lifeTime >= particle.lifeDuration) { particle.lifeTime = 0; if (particle.livesRemaining > 0) { particle.livesRemaining--; } if (particle.livesRemaining === 0) { particle.destroy(); return; } const canvasSize = this.container.canvas.size; particle.position.x = NumberUtils.randomInRange(0, canvasSize.width); particle.position.y = NumberUtils.randomInRange(0, canvasSize.height); particle.spawning = true; particle.lifeDelayTime = 0; particle.lifeTime = 0; const lifeOptions =; particle.lifeDelay = NumberUtils.getValue(lifeOptions.delay) * 1000; particle.lifeDuration = NumberUtils.getValue(lifeOptions.duration) * 1000; } } } updateOpacity(delta) { var _a, _b; const particle = this.particle; const opacityAnim = particle.particlesOptions.opacity.anim; const minValue = opacityAnim.minimumValue; const maxValue = particle.particlesOptions.opacity.value; if (opacityAnim.enable) { switch (particle.opacity.status) { case AnimationStatus.increasing: if (particle.opacity.value >= maxValue) { particle.opacity.status = AnimationStatus.decreasing; } else { particle.opacity.value += ((_a = particle.opacity.velocity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) * delta.factor; } break; case AnimationStatus.decreasing: if (particle.opacity.value <= minValue) { particle.opacity.status = AnimationStatus.increasing; } else { particle.opacity.value -= ((_b = particle.opacity.velocity) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) * delta.factor; } break; } checkDestroy(particle, opacityAnim.destroy, particle.opacity.value, minValue, maxValue); if (!particle.destroyed) { particle.opacity.value = NumberUtils.clamp(particle.opacity.value, minValue, maxValue); } } } updateSize(delta) { var _a, _b; const container = this.container; const particle = this.particle; const sizeOpt = particle.particlesOptions.size; const sizeAnim = sizeOpt.animation; const sizeVelocity = ((_a = particle.size.velocity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) * delta.factor; const maxValue = (_b = particle.sizeValue) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : container.retina.sizeValue; const minValue = sizeAnim.minimumValue * container.retina.pixelRatio; if (sizeAnim.enable) { switch (particle.size.status) { case AnimationStatus.increasing: if (particle.size.value >= maxValue) { particle.size.status = AnimationStatus.decreasing; } else { particle.size.value += sizeVelocity; } break; case AnimationStatus.decreasing: if (particle.size.value <= minValue) { particle.size.status = AnimationStatus.increasing; } else { particle.size.value -= sizeVelocity; } } checkDestroy(particle, sizeAnim.destroy, particle.size.value, minValue, maxValue); if (!particle.destroyed) { particle.size.value = NumberUtils.clamp(particle.size.value, minValue, maxValue); } } } updateAngle(delta) { var _a; const particle = this.particle; const rotate = particle.particlesOptions.rotate; const rotateAnimation = rotate.animation; const speed = ((_a = particle.rotate.velocity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) * delta.factor; const max = 2 * Math.PI; if (rotate.path) { particle.pathAngle = Math.atan2(particle.velocity.vertical, particle.velocity.horizontal); } else if (rotateAnimation.enable) { switch (particle.rotate.status) { case AnimationStatus.increasing: particle.rotate.value += speed; if (particle.rotate.value > max) { particle.rotate.value -= max; } break; case AnimationStatus.decreasing: default: particle.rotate.value -= speed; if (particle.rotate.value < 0) { particle.rotate.value += max; } break; } } } updateColor(delta) { var _a; const particle = this.particle; if (particle.color.value === undefined) { return; } if (particle.particlesOptions.color.animation.enable) { particle.color.value.h += ((_a = particle.color.velocity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) * delta.factor; if (particle.color.value.h > 360) { particle.color.value.h -= 360; } } } updateStrokeColor(delta) { var _a, _b; const particle = this.particle; const color = particle.stroke.color; if (typeof color === "string" || color === undefined) { return; } if (particle.strokeColor.value === undefined) { return; } if (color.animation.enable) { particle.strokeColor.value.h += ((_b = (_a = particle.strokeColor.velocity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : particle.color.velocity) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) * delta.factor; if (particle.strokeColor.value.h > 360) { particle.strokeColor.value.h -= 360; } } } updateOutModes(delta) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const outModes = this.particle.particlesOptions.move.outModes; this.updateOutMode(delta, (_a = outModes.bottom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : outModes.default, OutModeDirection.bottom); this.updateOutMode(delta, (_b = outModes.left) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : outModes.default, OutModeDirection.left); this.updateOutMode(delta, (_c = outModes.right) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : outModes.default, OutModeDirection.right); this.updateOutMode(delta, (_d = !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : outModes.default,; } updateOutMode(delta, outMode, direction) { const container = this.container; const particle = this.particle; switch (outMode) { case OutMode.bounce: case OutMode.bounceVertical: case OutMode.bounceHorizontal: case "bounceVertical": case "bounceHorizontal": this.updateBounce(delta, direction, outMode); break; case OutMode.destroy: if (!Utils.isPointInside(particle.position, container.canvas.size, particle.getRadius(), direction)) { container.particles.remove(particle); } break; case OutMode.out: if (!Utils.isPointInside(particle.position, container.canvas.size, particle.getRadius(), direction)) { this.fixOutOfCanvasPosition(direction); } break; case OutMode.none: this.bounceNone(direction); break; } } fixOutOfCanvasPosition(direction) { const container = this.container; const particle = this.particle; const wrap = particle.particlesOptions.move.warp; const canvasSize = container.canvas.size; const newPos = { bottom: canvasSize.height + particle.getRadius() - particle.offset.y, left: -particle.getRadius() - particle.offset.x, right: canvasSize.width + particle.getRadius() + particle.offset.x, top: -particle.getRadius() - particle.offset.y }; const sizeValue = particle.getRadius(); const nextBounds = Utils.calculateBounds(particle.position, sizeValue); if (direction === OutModeDirection.right && nextBounds.left > canvasSize.width - particle.offset.x) { particle.position.x = newPos.left; if (!wrap) { particle.position.y = Math.random() * canvasSize.height; } } else if (direction === OutModeDirection.left && nextBounds.right < -particle.offset.x) { particle.position.x = newPos.right; if (!wrap) { particle.position.y = Math.random() * canvasSize.height; } } if (direction === OutModeDirection.bottom && > canvasSize.height - particle.offset.y) { if (!wrap) { particle.position.x = Math.random() * canvasSize.width; } particle.position.y =; } else if (direction === && nextBounds.bottom < -particle.offset.y) { if (!wrap) { particle.position.x = Math.random() * canvasSize.width; } particle.position.y = newPos.bottom; } } updateBounce(delta, direction, outMode) { const container = this.container; const particle = this.particle; let handled = false; for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { if (plugin.particleBounce !== undefined) { handled = plugin.particleBounce(particle, delta, direction); } if (handled) { break; } } if (handled) { return; } const pos = particle.getPosition(), offset = particle.offset, size = particle.getRadius(), bounds = Utils.calculateBounds(pos, size), canvasSize = container.canvas.size; bounceHorizontal({ particle, outMode, direction, bounds, canvasSize, offset, size }); bounceVertical({ particle, outMode, direction, bounds, canvasSize, offset, size }); } bounceNone(direction) { const particle = this.particle; if (particle.particlesOptions.move.distance) { return; } const gravityOptions = particle.particlesOptions.move.gravity; const container = this.container; if (!gravityOptions.enable) { if (!Utils.isPointInside(particle.position, container.canvas.size, particle.getRadius(), direction)) { container.particles.remove(particle); } } else { const position = particle.position; if (gravityOptions.acceleration >= 0 && position.y > container.canvas.size.height && direction === OutModeDirection.bottom || gravityOptions.acceleration < 0 && position.y < 0 && direction === { container.particles.remove(particle); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/OptionsColor.js class OptionsColor { constructor() { this.value = "#fff"; } static create(source, data) { const color = source !== null && source !== void 0 ? source : new OptionsColor(); if (data !== undefined) { color.load(typeof data === "string" ? { value: data } : data); } return color; } load(data) { if ((data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.value) === undefined) { return; } this.value = data.value; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Links/LinksShadow.js class LinksShadow { constructor() { this.blur = 5; this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.enable = false; this.color.value = "#00ff00"; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.blur !== undefined) { this.blur = data.blur; } this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Links/LinksTriangle.js class LinksTriangle { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.frequency = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.frequency !== undefined) { this.frequency = data.frequency; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Links/Links.js class Links { constructor() { this.blink = false; this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.consent = false; this.distance = 100; this.enable = false; this.frequency = 1; this.opacity = 1; this.shadow = new LinksShadow(); this.triangles = new LinksTriangle(); this.width = 1; this.warp = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if ( !== undefined) { =; } if (data.blink !== undefined) { this.blink = data.blink; } this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); if (data.consent !== undefined) { this.consent = data.consent; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.frequency !== undefined) { this.frequency = data.frequency; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } this.shadow.load(data.shadow); this.triangles.load(data.triangles); if (data.width !== undefined) { this.width = data.width; } if (data.warp !== undefined) { this.warp = data.warp; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/Attract.js class Attract { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.rotate = { x: 3000, y: 3000 }; } get rotateX() { return this.rotate.x; } set rotateX(value) { this.rotate.x = value; } get rotateY() { return this.rotate.y; } set rotateY(value) { this.rotate.y = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } const rotateX = (_b = (_a = data.rotate) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.x) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.rotateX; if (rotateX !== undefined) { this.rotate.x = rotateX; } const rotateY = (_d = (_c = data.rotate) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.y) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : data.rotateY; if (rotateY !== undefined) { this.rotate.y = rotateY; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/Trail.js class Trail { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.length = 10; this.fillColor = new OptionsColor(); this.fillColor.value = "#000000"; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } this.fillColor = OptionsColor.create(this.fillColor, data.fillColor); if (data.length !== undefined) { this.length = data.length; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Random.js class Random { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.minimumValue = 0; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.minimumValue !== undefined) { this.minimumValue = data.minimumValue; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/ValueWithRandom.js class ValueWithRandom { constructor() { this.random = new Random(); this.value = 0; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (typeof data.random === "boolean") { this.random.enable = data.random; } else { this.random.load(data.random); } if (data.value !== undefined) { this.value = data.value; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/Noise/NoiseDelay.js class NoiseDelay extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/Noise/Noise.js class Noise { constructor() { this.delay = new NoiseDelay(); this.enable = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.delay.load(data.delay); if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/MoveAngle.js class MoveAngle { constructor() { this.offset = 45; this.value = 90; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.offset !== undefined) { this.offset = data.offset; } if (data.value !== undefined) { this.value = data.value; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/MoveGravity.js class MoveGravity { constructor() { this.acceleration = 9.81; this.enable = false; this.maxSpeed = 50; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.acceleration !== undefined) { this.acceleration = data.acceleration; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.maxSpeed !== undefined) { this.maxSpeed = data.maxSpeed; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/OutModes.js class OutModes { constructor() { this.default = OutMode.out; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (!data) { return; } if (data.default !== undefined) { this.default = data.default; } this.bottom = (_a = data.bottom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.default; this.left = (_b = data.left) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.default; this.right = (_c = data.right) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : data.default; = (_d = !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : data.default; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Move/Move.js class Move { constructor() { this.angle = new MoveAngle(); this.attract = new Attract(); this.direction = MoveDirection.none; this.distance = 0; this.enable = false; this.gravity = new MoveGravity(); this.noise = new Noise(); this.outModes = new OutModes(); this.random = false; this.size = false; this.speed = 2; this.straight = false; this.trail = new Trail(); this.vibrate = false; this.warp = false; } get collisions() { return false; } set collisions(value) {} get bounce() { return this.collisions; } set bounce(value) { this.collisions = value; } get out_mode() { return this.outMode; } set out_mode(value) { this.outMode = value; } get outMode() { return this.outModes.default; } set outMode(value) { this.outModes.default = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.angle !== undefined) { if (typeof data.angle === "number") { this.angle.value = data.angle; } else { this.angle.load(data.angle); } } this.attract.load(data.attract); if (data.direction !== undefined) { this.direction = data.direction; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } this.gravity.load(data.gravity); this.noise.load(data.noise); const outMode = (_a = data.outMode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.out_mode; if (data.outModes !== undefined || outMode !== undefined) { if (typeof data.outModes === "string" || data.outModes === undefined && outMode !== undefined) { this.outModes.load({ default: (_b = data.outModes) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : outMode }); } else { this.outModes.load(data.outModes); } } if (data.random !== undefined) { this.random = data.random; } if (data.size !== undefined) { this.size = data.size; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } if (data.straight !== undefined) { this.straight = data.straight; } this.trail.load(data.trail); if (data.vibrate !== undefined) { this.vibrate = data.vibrate; } if (data.warp !== undefined) { this.warp = data.warp; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Number/Density.js class Density { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.area = 800; this.factor = 1000; } get value_area() { return this.area; } set value_area(value) { this.area = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } const area = (_a = data.area) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.value_area; if (area !== undefined) { this.area = area; } if (data.factor !== undefined) { this.factor = data.factor; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Number/ParticlesNumber.js class ParticlesNumber { constructor() { this.density = new Density(); this.limit = 0; this.value = 100; } get max() { return this.limit; } set max(value) { this.limit = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } this.density.load(data.density); const limit = (_a = data.limit) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.max; if (limit !== undefined) { this.limit = limit; } if (data.value !== undefined) { this.value = data.value; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Opacity/OpacityAnimation.js class OpacityAnimation { constructor() { this.destroy = DestroyType.none; this.enable = false; this.minimumValue = 0; this.speed = 2; this.startValue = StartValueType.random; this.sync = false; } get opacity_min() { return this.minimumValue; } set opacity_min(value) { this.minimumValue = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.destroy !== undefined) { this.destroy = data.destroy; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } const minimumValue = (_a = data.minimumValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.opacity_min; if (minimumValue !== undefined) { this.minimumValue = minimumValue; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } if (data.startValue !== undefined) { this.startValue = data.startValue; } if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Opacity/Opacity.js class Opacity extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.animation = new OpacityAnimation(); this.random.minimumValue = 0.1; this.value = 1; } get anim() { return this.animation; } set anim(value) { this.animation = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (!data) { return; } super.load(data); this.animation.load((_a = data.animation) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.anim); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Shape/Shape.js class Shape { constructor() { this.options = {}; this.type =; } get image() { var _a; return (_a = this.options[ShapeType.image]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.options[ShapeType.images]; } set image(value) { this.options[ShapeType.image] = value; this.options[ShapeType.images] = value; } get custom() { return this.options; } set custom(value) { this.options = value; } get images() { return this.image instanceof Array ? this.image : [this.image]; } set images(value) { this.image = value; } get stroke() { return []; } set stroke(_value) {} get character() { var _a; return (_a = this.options[ShapeType.character]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.options[ShapeType.char]; } set character(value) { this.options[ShapeType.character] = value; this.options[ShapeType.char] = value; } get polygon() { var _a; return (_a = this.options[ShapeType.polygon]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.options[]; } set polygon(value) { this.options[ShapeType.polygon] = value; this.options[] = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c; if (data === undefined) { return; } const options = (_a = data.options) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.custom; if (options !== undefined) { for (const shape in options) { const item = options[shape]; if (item !== undefined) { this.options[shape] = Utils.deepExtend((_b = this.options[shape]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {}, item); } } } this.loadShape(data.character, ShapeType.character, ShapeType.char, true); this.loadShape(data.polygon, ShapeType.polygon,, false); this.loadShape((_c = data.image) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : data.images, ShapeType.image, ShapeType.images, true); if (data.type !== undefined) { this.type = data.type; } } loadShape(item, mainKey, altKey, altOverride) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (item === undefined) { return; } if (item instanceof Array) { if (!(this.options[mainKey] instanceof Array)) { this.options[mainKey] = []; if (!this.options[altKey] || altOverride) { this.options[altKey] = []; } } this.options[mainKey] = Utils.deepExtend((_a = this.options[mainKey]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], item); if (!this.options[altKey] || altOverride) { this.options[altKey] = Utils.deepExtend((_b = this.options[altKey]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [], item); } } else { if (this.options[mainKey] instanceof Array) { this.options[mainKey] = {}; if (!this.options[altKey] || altOverride) { this.options[altKey] = {}; } } this.options[mainKey] = Utils.deepExtend((_c = this.options[mainKey]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {}, item); if (!this.options[altKey] || altOverride) { this.options[altKey] = Utils.deepExtend((_d = this.options[altKey]) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : {}, item); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Size/SizeAnimation.js class SizeAnimation { constructor() { this.destroy = DestroyType.none; this.enable = false; this.minimumValue = 0; this.speed = 5; this.startValue = StartValueType.random; this.sync = false; } get size_min() { return this.minimumValue; } set size_min(value) { this.minimumValue = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.destroy !== undefined) { this.destroy = data.destroy; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } const minimumValue = (_a = data.minimumValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.size_min; if (minimumValue !== undefined) { this.minimumValue = minimumValue; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } if (data.startValue !== undefined) { this.startValue = data.startValue; } if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Size/Size.js class Size extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.animation = new SizeAnimation(); this.random.minimumValue = 1; this.value = 3; } get anim() { return this.animation; } set anim(value) { this.animation = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (!data) { return; } super.load(data); const animation = (_a = data.animation) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.anim; if (animation !== undefined) { this.animation.load(animation); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Rotate/RotateAnimation.js class RotateAnimation { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.speed = 0; this.sync = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Rotate/Rotate.js class Rotate extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.animation = new RotateAnimation(); this.direction = RotateDirection.clockwise; this.path = false; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } super.load(data); if (data.direction !== undefined) { this.direction = data.direction; } this.animation.load(data.animation); if (data.path !== undefined) { this.path = data.path; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Shadow.js class Shadow { constructor() { this.blur = 0; this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.enable = false; this.offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.color.value = "#000000"; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.blur !== undefined) { this.blur = data.blur; } this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.offset === undefined) { return; } if (data.offset.x !== undefined) { this.offset.x = data.offset.x; } if (data.offset.y !== undefined) { this.offset.y = data.offset.y; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/ColorAnimation.js class ColorAnimation { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.speed = 1; this.sync = true; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/AnimatableColor.js class AnimatableColor extends OptionsColor { constructor() { super(); this.animation = new ColorAnimation(); } static create(source, data) { const color = source !== null && source !== void 0 ? source : new AnimatableColor(); if (data !== undefined) { color.load(typeof data === "string" ? { value: data } : data); } return color; } load(data) { super.load(data); this.animation.load(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.animation); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Stroke.js class Stroke { constructor() { this.width = 0; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = AnimatableColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.width !== undefined) { this.width = data.width; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Bounce/BounceFactor.js class BounceFactor extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.random.minimumValue = 0.1; this.value = 1; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Bounce/Bounce.js class Bounce { constructor() { this.horizontal = new BounceFactor(); this.vertical = new BounceFactor(); } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } this.horizontal.load(data.horizontal); this.vertical.load(data.vertical); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Collisions.js class Collisions { constructor() { this.bounce = new Bounce(); this.enable = false; this.mode = CollisionMode.bounce; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.bounce.load(data.bounce); if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Twinkle/TwinkleValues.js class TwinkleValues { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.frequency = 0.05; this.opacity = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.frequency !== undefined) { this.frequency = data.frequency; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Twinkle/Twinkle.js class Twinkle { constructor() { this.lines = new TwinkleValues(); this.particles = new TwinkleValues(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.lines.load(data.lines); this.particles.load(data.particles); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Life/LifeDelay.js class LifeDelay extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.sync = false; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } super.load(data); if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Life/LifeDuration.js class LifeDuration extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.random.minimumValue = 0.0001; this.sync = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } super.load(data); if (data.sync !== undefined) { this.sync = data.sync; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Life/Life.js class Life { constructor() { this.count = 0; this.delay = new LifeDelay(); this.duration = new LifeDuration(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.count !== undefined) { this.count = data.count; } this.delay.load(data.delay); this.duration.load(data.duration); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Particles/Particles.js class Particles { constructor() { this.bounce = new Bounce(); this.collisions = new Collisions(); this.color = new AnimatableColor(); = new Life(); this.links = new Links(); this.move = new Move(); this.number = new ParticlesNumber(); this.opacity = new Opacity(); this.reduceDuplicates = false; this.rotate = new Rotate(); this.shadow = new Shadow(); this.shape = new Shape(); this.size = new Size(); this.stroke = new Stroke(); this.twinkle = new Twinkle(); } get line_linked() { return this.links; } set line_linked(value) { this.links = value; } get lineLinked() { return this.links; } set lineLinked(value) { this.links = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; if (data === undefined) { return; } this.bounce.load(data.bounce); this.color = AnimatableColor.create(this.color, data.color);; const links = (_b = (_a = data.links) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.lineLinked) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.line_linked; if (links !== undefined) { this.links.load(links); } this.move.load(data.move); this.number.load(data.number); this.opacity.load(data.opacity); if (data.reduceDuplicates !== undefined) { this.reduceDuplicates = data.reduceDuplicates; } this.rotate.load(data.rotate); this.shape.load(data.shape); this.size.load(data.size); this.shadow.load(data.shadow); this.twinkle.load(data.twinkle); const collisions = (_d = (_c = data.move) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.collisions) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : (_e = data.move) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.bounce; if (collisions !== undefined) { this.collisions.enable = collisions; } this.collisions.load(data.collisions); const strokeToLoad = (_f = data.stroke) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : (_g = data.shape) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.stroke; if (strokeToLoad === undefined) { return; } if (strokeToLoad instanceof Array) { this.stroke = => { const tmp = new Stroke(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.stroke instanceof Array) { this.stroke = new Stroke(); } this.stroke.load(strokeToLoad); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particle/Infecter.js class Infecter { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } startInfection(stage) { const options = this.container.options; const stages = options.infection.stages; const stagesCount = stages.length; if (stage > stagesCount || stage < 0) { return; } this.infectionDelay = 0; this.infectionDelayStage = stage; } updateInfectionStage(stage) { const options = this.container.options; const stagesCount = options.infection.stages.length; if (stage > stagesCount || stage < 0 || this.infectionStage !== undefined && this.infectionStage > stage) { return; } this.infectionStage = stage; this.infectionTime = 0; } updateInfection(delta) { const options = this.container.options; const infection = options.infection; const stages = options.infection.stages; const stagesCount = stages.length; if (this.infectionDelay !== undefined && this.infectionDelayStage !== undefined) { const stage = this.infectionDelayStage; if (stage > stagesCount || stage < 0) { return; } if (this.infectionDelay > infection.delay * 1000) { this.infectionStage = stage; this.infectionTime = 0; delete this.infectionDelay; delete this.infectionDelayStage; } else { this.infectionDelay += delta; } } else { delete this.infectionDelay; delete this.infectionDelayStage; } if (this.infectionStage !== undefined && this.infectionTime !== undefined) { const infectionStage = stages[this.infectionStage]; if (infectionStage.duration !== undefined && infectionStage.duration >= 0) { if (this.infectionTime > infectionStage.duration * 1000) { this.nextInfectionStage(); } else { this.infectionTime += delta; } } else { this.infectionTime += delta; } } else { delete this.infectionStage; delete this.infectionTime; } } nextInfectionStage() { const options = this.container.options; const stagesCount = options.infection.stages.length; if (stagesCount <= 0 || this.infectionStage === undefined) { return; } this.infectionTime = 0; if (stagesCount <= ++this.infectionStage) { if (options.infection.cure) { delete this.infectionStage; delete this.infectionTime; return; } else { this.infectionStage = 0; this.infectionTime = 0; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particle/Mover.js class Mover { constructor(container, particle) { this.container = container; this.particle = particle; } move(delta) { const particle = this.particle; particle.bubble.inRange = false; particle.links = []; for (const [, plugin] of this.container.plugins) { if (particle.destroyed) { break; } if (plugin.particleUpdate) { plugin.particleUpdate(particle, delta); } } if (particle.destroyed) { return; } this.moveParticle(delta); this.moveParallax(); } moveParticle(delta) { var _a, _b; const particle = this.particle; const particlesOptions = particle.particlesOptions; if (!particlesOptions.move.enable) { return; } const container = this.container; const slowFactor = this.getProximitySpeedFactor(); const baseSpeed = ((_a = particle.moveSpeed) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.moveSpeed) * container.retina.reduceFactor; const maxSize = (_b = particle.sizeValue) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : container.retina.sizeValue; const sizeFactor = particlesOptions.move.size ? particle.getRadius() / maxSize : 1; const moveSpeed = baseSpeed / 2 * sizeFactor * slowFactor * delta.factor; this.applyNoise(delta); const gravityOptions = particlesOptions.move.gravity; if (gravityOptions.enable) { particle.velocity.vertical += gravityOptions.acceleration * delta.factor / (60 * moveSpeed); } const velocity = { horizontal: particle.velocity.horizontal * moveSpeed, vertical: particle.velocity.vertical * moveSpeed }; if (gravityOptions.enable && velocity.vertical >= gravityOptions.maxSpeed && gravityOptions.maxSpeed > 0) { velocity.vertical = gravityOptions.maxSpeed; particle.velocity.vertical = velocity.vertical / moveSpeed; } particle.position.x += velocity.horizontal; particle.position.y += velocity.vertical; if (particlesOptions.move.vibrate) { particle.position.x += Math.sin(particle.position.x * Math.cos(particle.position.y)); particle.position.y += Math.cos(particle.position.y * Math.sin(particle.position.x)); } const initialPosition = particle.initialPosition; const initialDistance = NumberUtils.getDistance(initialPosition, particle.position); if (particle.maxDistance) { if (initialDistance >= particle.maxDistance && !particle.misplaced) { particle.misplaced = initialDistance > particle.maxDistance; particle.velocity.horizontal = particle.velocity.vertical / 2 - particle.velocity.horizontal; particle.velocity.vertical = particle.velocity.horizontal / 2 - particle.velocity.vertical; } else if (initialDistance < particle.maxDistance && particle.misplaced) { particle.misplaced = false; } else if (particle.misplaced) { if (particle.position.x < initialPosition.x && particle.velocity.horizontal < 0 || particle.position.x > initialPosition.x && particle.velocity.horizontal > 0) { particle.velocity.horizontal *= -Math.random(); } if (particle.position.y < initialPosition.y && particle.velocity.vertical < 0 || particle.position.y > initialPosition.y && particle.velocity.vertical > 0) { particle.velocity.vertical *= -Math.random(); } } } } applyNoise(delta) { const particle = this.particle; const particlesOptions = particle.particlesOptions; const noiseOptions = particlesOptions.move.noise; const noiseEnabled = noiseOptions.enable; if (!noiseEnabled) { return; } const container = this.container; if (particle.lastNoiseTime <= particle.noiseDelay) { particle.lastNoiseTime += delta.value; return; } const noise = container.noise.generate(particle); particle.velocity.horizontal += Math.cos(noise.angle) * noise.length; particle.velocity.horizontal = NumberUtils.clamp(particle.velocity.horizontal, -1, 1); particle.velocity.vertical += Math.sin(noise.angle) * noise.length; particle.velocity.vertical = NumberUtils.clamp(particle.velocity.vertical, -1, 1); particle.lastNoiseTime -= particle.noiseDelay; } moveParallax() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if (Utils.isSsr() || ! { return; } const particle = this.particle; const parallaxForce =; const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return; } const canvasCenter = { x: container.canvas.size.width / 2, y: container.canvas.size.height / 2 }; const parallaxSmooth =; const factor = particle.getRadius() / parallaxForce; const tmp = { x: (mousePos.x - canvasCenter.x) * factor, y: (mousePos.y - canvasCenter.y) * factor }; particle.offset.x += (tmp.x - particle.offset.x) / parallaxSmooth; particle.offset.y += (tmp.y - particle.offset.y) / parallaxSmooth; } getProximitySpeedFactor() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const active = Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.slow,; if (!active) { return 1; } const mousePos = this.container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return 1; } const particlePos = this.particle.getPosition(); const dist = NumberUtils.getDistance(mousePos, particlePos); const radius = container.retina.slowModeRadius; if (dist > radius) { return 1; } const proximityFactor = dist / radius || 0; const slowFactor = options.interactivity.modes.slow.factor; return proximityFactor / slowFactor; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particle.js class Particle { constructor(id, container, position, overrideOptions) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j; = id; this.container = container; this.links = []; this.fill = true; this.close = true; this.lastNoiseTime = 0; this.destroyed = false; this.misplaced = false; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const options = container.options; const particlesOptions = new Particles(); particlesOptions.load(options.particles); const shapeType = particlesOptions.shape.type; const reduceDuplicates = particlesOptions.reduceDuplicates; this.shape = shapeType instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(shapeType,, reduceDuplicates) : shapeType; if (overrideOptions === null || overrideOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : overrideOptions.shape) { if (overrideOptions.shape.type) { const overrideShapeType = overrideOptions.shape.type; this.shape = overrideShapeType instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(overrideShapeType,, reduceDuplicates) : overrideShapeType; } const shapeOptions = new Shape(); shapeOptions.load(overrideOptions.shape); if (this.shape) { const shapeData = shapeOptions.options[this.shape]; if (shapeData) { this.shapeData = Utils.deepExtend({}, shapeData instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(shapeData,, reduceDuplicates) : shapeData); } } } else { const shapeData = particlesOptions.shape.options[this.shape]; if (shapeData) { this.shapeData = Utils.deepExtend({}, shapeData instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(shapeData,, reduceDuplicates) : shapeData); } } if (overrideOptions !== undefined) { particlesOptions.load(overrideOptions); } if (((_a = this.shapeData) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.particles) !== undefined) { particlesOptions.load((_b = this.shapeData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.particles); } this.fill = (_d = (_c = this.shapeData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.fill) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : this.fill; this.close = (_f = (_e = this.shapeData) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.close) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : this.close; this.particlesOptions = particlesOptions; this.noiseDelay = NumberUtils.getValue(this.particlesOptions.move.noise.delay) * 1000; container.retina.initParticle(this); const color = this.particlesOptions.color; const sizeOptions = this.particlesOptions.size; const sizeValue = NumberUtils.getValue(sizeOptions) * container.retina.pixelRatio; const randomSize = typeof sizeOptions.random === "boolean" ? sizeOptions.random : sizeOptions.random.enable; this.size = { value: sizeValue }; this.direction = this.particlesOptions.move.direction; this.bubble = { inRange: false }; this.initialVelocity = this.calculateVelocity(); this.velocity = { horizontal: this.initialVelocity.horizontal, vertical: this.initialVelocity.vertical }; this.pathAngle = Math.atan2(this.initialVelocity.vertical, this.initialVelocity.horizontal); const rotateOptions = this.particlesOptions.rotate; this.rotate = { value: (rotateOptions.random.enable ? Math.random() * 360 : rotateOptions.value) * Math.PI / 180 }; let rotateDirection = rotateOptions.direction; if (rotateDirection === RotateDirection.random) { const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); rotateDirection = index > 0 ? RotateDirection.counterClockwise : RotateDirection.clockwise; } switch (rotateDirection) { case RotateDirection.counterClockwise: case "counterClockwise": this.rotate.status = AnimationStatus.decreasing; break; case RotateDirection.clockwise: this.rotate.status = AnimationStatus.increasing; break; } const rotateAnimation = this.particlesOptions.rotate.animation; if (rotateAnimation.enable) { this.rotate.velocity = rotateAnimation.speed / 360 * container.retina.reduceFactor; if (!rotateAnimation.sync) { this.rotate.velocity *= Math.random(); } } const sizeAnimation = this.particlesOptions.size.animation; if (sizeAnimation.enable) { this.size.status = AnimationStatus.increasing; if (!randomSize) { switch (sizeAnimation.startValue) { case StartValueType.min: this.size.value = sizeAnimation.minimumValue * pxRatio; break; case StartValueType.random: this.size.value = NumberUtils.randomInRange(sizeAnimation.minimumValue * pxRatio, this.size.value); break; case StartValueType.max: default: this.size.status = AnimationStatus.decreasing; break; } } this.size.velocity = ((_g = this.sizeAnimationSpeed) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : container.retina.sizeAnimationSpeed) / 100 * container.retina.reduceFactor; if (!sizeAnimation.sync) { this.size.velocity *= Math.random(); } } this.color = { value: ColorUtils.colorToHsl(color,, reduceDuplicates) }; const colorAnimation = this.particlesOptions.color.animation; if (colorAnimation.enable) { this.color.velocity = colorAnimation.speed / 100 * container.retina.reduceFactor; if (!colorAnimation.sync) { this.color.velocity *= Math.random(); } } this.position = this.calcPosition(this.container, position); this.initialPosition = { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y }; this.offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; const opacityOptions = this.particlesOptions.opacity; const randomOpacity = typeof opacityOptions.random === "boolean" ? opacityOptions.random : opacityOptions.random.enable; this.opacity = { value: NumberUtils.getValue(opacityOptions) }; const opacityAnimation = opacityOptions.animation; if (opacityAnimation.enable) { this.opacity.status = AnimationStatus.increasing; if (!randomOpacity) { switch (opacityAnimation.startValue) { case StartValueType.min: this.opacity.value = opacityAnimation.minimumValue; break; case StartValueType.random: this.opacity.value = NumberUtils.randomInRange(opacityAnimation.minimumValue, this.opacity.value); break; case StartValueType.max: default: this.opacity.status = AnimationStatus.decreasing; break; } } this.opacity.velocity = opacityAnimation.speed / 100 * container.retina.reduceFactor; if (!opacityAnimation.sync) { this.opacity.velocity *= Math.random(); } } this.sides = 24; let drawer = container.drawers.get(this.shape); if (!drawer) { drawer = Plugins.getShapeDrawer(this.shape); if (drawer) { container.drawers.set(this.shape, drawer); } } const sideCountFunc = drawer === null || drawer === void 0 ? void 0 : drawer.getSidesCount; if (sideCountFunc) { this.sides = sideCountFunc(this); } const imageShape = this.loadImageShape(container, drawer); if (imageShape) { this.image = imageShape.image; this.fill = imageShape.fill; this.close = imageShape.close; } this.stroke = this.particlesOptions.stroke instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(this.particlesOptions.stroke,, reduceDuplicates) : this.particlesOptions.stroke; this.strokeWidth = this.stroke.width * container.retina.pixelRatio; this.strokeColor = { value: (_h = ColorUtils.colorToHsl(this.stroke.color)) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : this.color.value }; if (typeof this.stroke.color !== "string") { const strokeColorAnimation = (_j = this.stroke.color) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.animation; if (strokeColorAnimation && this.strokeColor) { if (strokeColorAnimation.enable) { this.strokeColor.velocity = strokeColorAnimation.speed / 100 * container.retina.reduceFactor; if (!strokeColorAnimation.sync) { this.strokeColor.velocity = this.strokeColor.velocity * Math.random(); } } else { this.strokeColor.velocity = 0; } if (strokeColorAnimation.enable && !strokeColorAnimation.sync && this.strokeColor.value) { this.strokeColor.value.h = Math.random() * 360; } } } const lifeOptions =; this.lifeDelay = container.retina.reduceFactor ? NumberUtils.getValue(lifeOptions.delay) * (lifeOptions.delay.sync ? 1 : Math.random()) / container.retina.reduceFactor * 1000 : 0; this.lifeDelayTime = 0; this.lifeDuration = container.retina.reduceFactor ? NumberUtils.getValue(lifeOptions.duration) * (lifeOptions.duration.sync ? 1 : Math.random()) / container.retina.reduceFactor * 1000 : 0; this.lifeTime = 0; this.livesRemaining =; this.spawning = this.lifeDelay > 0; if (this.lifeDuration <= 0) { this.lifeDuration = -1; } if (this.livesRemaining <= 0) { this.livesRemaining = -1; } this.shadowColor = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(this.particlesOptions.shadow.color); this.updater = new Updater(container, this); this.infecter = new Infecter(container); this.mover = new Mover(container, this); } move(delta) { this.mover.move(delta); } update(delta) { this.updater.update(delta); } draw(delta) { this.container.canvas.drawParticle(this, delta); } getPosition() { return { x: this.position.x + this.offset.x, y: this.position.y + this.offset.y }; } getRadius() { return this.bubble.radius || this.size.value; } getFillColor() { var _a; return (_a = this.bubble.color) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.color.value; } getStrokeColor() { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.bubble.color) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.strokeColor.value) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.color.value; } destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this.bubble.inRange = false; this.links = []; } calcPosition(container, position) { var _a, _b; for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { const pluginPos = plugin.particlePosition !== undefined ? plugin.particlePosition(position, this) : undefined; if (pluginPos !== undefined) { return Utils.deepExtend({}, pluginPos); } } const pos = { x: (_a = position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Math.random() * container.canvas.size.width, y: (_b = position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.y) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Math.random() * container.canvas.size.height }; const outMode = this.particlesOptions.move.outMode; if (Utils.isInArray(outMode, OutMode.bounce) || Utils.isInArray(outMode, OutMode.bounceHorizontal)) { if (pos.x > container.canvas.size.width - this.size.value * 2) { pos.x -= this.size.value; } else if (pos.x < this.size.value * 2) { pos.x += this.size.value; } } if (Utils.isInArray(outMode, OutMode.bounce) || Utils.isInArray(outMode, OutMode.bounceVertical)) { if (pos.y > container.canvas.size.height - this.size.value * 2) { pos.y -= this.size.value; } else if (pos.y < this.size.value * 2) { pos.y += this.size.value; } } return pos; } calculateVelocity() { const baseVelocity = NumberUtils.getParticleBaseVelocity(this); const res = { horizontal: 0, vertical: 0 }; const moveOptions = this.particlesOptions.move; let rad; let radOffset = Math.PI / 4; if (typeof moveOptions.angle === "number") { rad = Math.PI / 180 * moveOptions.angle; } else { rad = Math.PI / 180 * moveOptions.angle.value; radOffset = Math.PI / 180 * moveOptions.angle.offset; } const range = { left: Math.sin(radOffset + rad / 2) - Math.sin(radOffset - rad / 2), right: Math.cos(radOffset + rad / 2) - Math.cos(radOffset - rad / 2) }; if (moveOptions.straight) { res.horizontal = baseVelocity.x; res.vertical = baseVelocity.y; if (moveOptions.random) { res.horizontal += NumberUtils.randomInRange(range.left, range.right) / 2; res.vertical += NumberUtils.randomInRange(range.left, range.right) / 2; } } else { res.horizontal = baseVelocity.x + NumberUtils.randomInRange(range.left, range.right) / 2; res.vertical = baseVelocity.y + NumberUtils.randomInRange(range.left, range.right) / 2; } return res; } loadImageShape(container, drawer) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (!(this.shape === ShapeType.image || this.shape === ShapeType.images)) { return; } const imageDrawer = drawer; const images = imageDrawer.getImages(container).images; const imageData = this.shapeData; const image = (_a = images.find(t => t.source === imageData.src)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : images[0]; const color = this.getFillColor(); let imageRes; if (!image) { return; } if (image.svgData !== undefined && imageData.replaceColor && color) { const svgColoredData = ColorUtils.replaceColorSvg(image, color, this.opacity.value); const svg = new Blob([svgColoredData], { type: "image/svg+xml" }); const domUrl = URL || window.URL || window.webkitURL || window; const url = domUrl.createObjectURL(svg); const img = new Image(); imageRes = { data: image, loaded: false, ratio: imageData.width / imageData.height, replaceColor: (_b = imageData.replaceColor) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : imageData.replace_color, source: imageData.src }; img.addEventListener("load", () => { if (this.image) { this.image.loaded = true; image.element = img; } domUrl.revokeObjectURL(url); }); img.addEventListener("error", () => { domUrl.revokeObjectURL(url); Utils.loadImage(imageData.src).then(img2 => { if (this.image) { image.element = img2.element; this.image.loaded = true; } }); }); img.src = url; } else { imageRes = { data: image, loaded: true, ratio: imageData.width / imageData.height, replaceColor: (_c = imageData.replaceColor) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : imageData.replace_color, source: imageData.src }; } if (!imageRes.ratio) { imageRes.ratio = 1; } const fill = (_d = imageData.fill) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : this.fill; const close = (_e = imageData.close) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : this.close; return { image: imageRes, fill, close }; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Grabber.js class Grabber { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; if (!(events.onHover.enable && mouse.position)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.grab, hoverMode); } reset() {} interact() { var _a; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const interactivity = options.interactivity; if ( && container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseMoveEvent) { const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (mousePos === undefined) { return; } const distance = container.retina.grabModeDistance; const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(mousePos, distance); for (const particle of query) { const pos = particle.getPosition(); const pointDistance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos, mousePos); if (pointDistance <= distance) { const grabLineOptions = interactivity.modes.grab.links; const lineOpacity = grabLineOptions.opacity; const opacityLine = lineOpacity - pointDistance * lineOpacity / distance; if (opacityLine > 0) { const optColor = (_a = grabLineOptions.color) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : particle.particlesOptions.links.color; if (!container.particles.grabLineColor) { const linksOptions = container.options.interactivity.modes.grab.links; container.particles.grabLineColor = ColorUtils.getLinkRandomColor(optColor, linksOptions.blink, linksOptions.consent); } const colorLine = ColorUtils.getLinkColor(particle, undefined, container.particles.grabLineColor); if (colorLine === undefined) { return; } container.canvas.drawGrabLine(particle, colorLine, opacityLine, mousePos); } } } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Repulser.js class Repulser { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; const divs = events.onDiv; const divRepulse = Utils.isDivModeEnabled(DivMode.repulse, divs); if (!(divRepulse || events.onHover.enable && mouse.position || events.onClick.enable && mouse.clickPosition)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const clickMode = events.onClick.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.repulse, hoverMode) || Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.repulse, clickMode) || divRepulse; } reset() {} interact() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouseMoveStatus = container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseMoveEvent; const events =; const hoverEnabled = events.onHover.enable; const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const clickEnabled = events.onClick.enable; const clickMode = events.onClick.mode; const divs = events.onDiv; if (mouseMoveStatus && hoverEnabled && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.repulse, hoverMode)) { this.hoverRepulse(); } else if (clickEnabled && Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.repulse, clickMode)) { this.clickRepulse(); } else { Utils.divModeExecute(DivMode.repulse, divs, (selector, div) => this.singleSelectorRepulse(selector, div)); } } singleSelectorRepulse(selector, div) { const container = this.container; const query = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if (!query.length) { return; } query.forEach(item => { const elem = item; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const pos = { x: (elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth / 2) * pxRatio, y: (elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2) * pxRatio }; const repulseRadius = elem.offsetWidth / 2 * pxRatio; const area = div.type === ? new Circle(pos.x, pos.y, repulseRadius) : new Rectangle(elem.offsetLeft * pxRatio, elem.offsetTop * pxRatio, elem.offsetWidth * pxRatio, elem.offsetHeight * pxRatio); const divs = container.options.interactivity.modes.repulse.divs; const divRepulse = Utils.divMode(divs, elem); this.processRepulse(pos, repulseRadius, area, divRepulse); }); } hoverRepulse() { const container = this.container; const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return; } const repulseRadius = container.retina.repulseModeDistance; this.processRepulse(mousePos, repulseRadius, new Circle(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, repulseRadius)); } processRepulse(position, repulseRadius, area, divRepulse) { var _a; const container = this.container; const query = container.particles.quadTree.query(area); for (const particle of query) { const { dx, dy, distance } = NumberUtils.getDistances(particle.position, position); const normVec = { x: dx / distance, y: dy / distance }; const velocity = ((_a = divRepulse === null || divRepulse === void 0 ? void 0 : divRepulse.speed) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.options.interactivity.modes.repulse.speed) * 100; const repulseFactor = NumberUtils.clamp((1 - Math.pow(distance / repulseRadius, 2)) * velocity, 0, 50); particle.position.x = particle.position.x + normVec.x * repulseFactor; particle.position.y = particle.position.y + normVec.y * repulseFactor; } } clickRepulse() { const container = this.container; if (!container.repulse.finish) { if (!container.repulse.count) { container.repulse.count = 0; } container.repulse.count++; if (container.repulse.count === container.particles.count) { container.repulse.finish = true; } } if (container.repulse.clicking) { const repulseDistance = container.retina.repulseModeDistance; const repulseRadius = Math.pow(repulseDistance / 6, 3); const mouseClickPos = container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition; if (mouseClickPos === undefined) { return; } const range = new Circle(mouseClickPos.x, mouseClickPos.y, repulseRadius); const query = container.particles.quadTree.query(range); for (const particle of query) { const { dx, dy, distance } = NumberUtils.getDistances(mouseClickPos, particle.position); const d = distance * distance; const velocity = container.options.interactivity.modes.repulse.speed; const force = -repulseRadius * velocity / d; if (d <= repulseRadius) { container.repulse.particles.push(particle); const angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); particle.velocity.horizontal = force * Math.cos(angle); particle.velocity.vertical = force * Math.sin(angle); } } } else if (container.repulse.clicking === false) { for (const particle of container.repulse.particles) { particle.velocity.horizontal = particle.initialVelocity.horizontal; particle.velocity.vertical = particle.initialVelocity.vertical; } container.repulse.particles = []; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Bubbler.js function calculateBubbleValue(particleValue, modeValue, optionsValue, ratio) { if (modeValue > optionsValue) { const size = particleValue + (modeValue - optionsValue) * ratio; return NumberUtils.clamp(size, particleValue, modeValue); } else if (modeValue < optionsValue) { const size = particleValue - (optionsValue - modeValue) * ratio; return NumberUtils.clamp(size, modeValue, particleValue); } } class Bubbler { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; const divs = events.onDiv; const divBubble = Utils.isDivModeEnabled(DivMode.bubble, divs); if (!(divBubble || events.onHover.enable && mouse.position || events.onClick.enable && mouse.clickPosition)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const clickMode = events.onClick.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.bubble, hoverMode) || Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.bubble, clickMode) || divBubble; } reset(particle, force) { if (!particle.bubble.inRange || force) { delete particle.bubble.div; delete particle.bubble.opacity; delete particle.bubble.radius; delete particle.bubble.color; } } interact() { const options = this.container.options; const events =; const onHover = events.onHover; const onClick = events.onClick; const hoverEnabled = onHover.enable; const hoverMode = onHover.mode; const clickEnabled = onClick.enable; const clickMode = onClick.mode; const divs = events.onDiv; if (hoverEnabled && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.bubble, hoverMode)) { this.hoverBubble(); } else if (clickEnabled && Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.bubble, clickMode)) { this.clickBubble(); } else { Utils.divModeExecute(DivMode.bubble, divs, (selector, div) => this.singleSelectorHover(selector, div)); } } singleSelectorHover(selector, div) { const container = this.container; const selectors = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if (!selectors.length) { return; } selectors.forEach(item => { const elem = item; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const pos = { x: (elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth / 2) * pxRatio, y: (elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2) * pxRatio }; const repulseRadius = elem.offsetWidth / 2 * pxRatio; const area = div.type === ? new Circle(pos.x, pos.y, repulseRadius) : new Rectangle(elem.offsetLeft * pxRatio, elem.offsetTop * pxRatio, elem.offsetWidth * pxRatio, elem.offsetHeight * pxRatio); const query = container.particles.quadTree.query(area); for (const particle of query) { if (!area.contains(particle.getPosition())) { continue; } particle.bubble.inRange = true; const divs = container.options.interactivity.modes.bubble.divs; const divBubble = Utils.divMode(divs, elem); if (!particle.bubble.div || particle.bubble.div !== elem) { this.reset(particle, true); particle.bubble.div = elem; } this.hoverBubbleSize(particle, 1, divBubble); this.hoverBubbleOpacity(particle, 1, divBubble); this.hoverBubbleColor(particle, divBubble); } }); } process(particle, distMouse, timeSpent, data) { const container = this.container; const bubbleParam = data.bubbleObj.optValue; if (bubbleParam === undefined) { return; } const options = container.options; const bubbleDuration = options.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration; const bubbleDistance = container.retina.bubbleModeDistance; const particlesParam = data.particlesObj.optValue; const pObjBubble = data.bubbleObj.value; const pObj = data.particlesObj.value || 0; const type = data.type; if (bubbleParam !== particlesParam) { if (!container.bubble.durationEnd) { if (distMouse <= bubbleDistance) { const obj = pObjBubble !== null && pObjBubble !== void 0 ? pObjBubble : pObj; if (obj !== bubbleParam) { const value = pObj - timeSpent * (pObj - bubbleParam) / bubbleDuration; if (type === ProcessBubbleType.size) { particle.bubble.radius = value; } if (type === ProcessBubbleType.opacity) { particle.bubble.opacity = value; } } } else { if (type === ProcessBubbleType.size) { delete particle.bubble.radius; } if (type === ProcessBubbleType.opacity) { delete particle.bubble.opacity; } } } else if (pObjBubble) { if (type === ProcessBubbleType.size) { delete particle.bubble.radius; } if (type === ProcessBubbleType.opacity) { delete particle.bubble.opacity; } } } } clickBubble() { var _a; const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouseClickPos = container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition; if (mouseClickPos === undefined) { return; } const distance = container.retina.bubbleModeDistance; const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(mouseClickPos, distance); for (const particle of query) { if (!container.bubble.clicking) { continue; } particle.bubble.inRange = !container.bubble.durationEnd; const pos = particle.getPosition(); const distMouse = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos, mouseClickPos); const timeSpent = (new Date().getTime() - (container.interactivity.mouse.clickTime || 0)) / 1000; if (timeSpent > options.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration) { container.bubble.durationEnd = true; } if (timeSpent > options.interactivity.modes.bubble.duration * 2) { container.bubble.clicking = false; container.bubble.durationEnd = false; } const sizeData = { bubbleObj: { optValue: container.retina.bubbleModeSize, value: particle.bubble.radius }, particlesObj: { optValue: (_a = particle.sizeValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.sizeValue, value: particle.size.value }, type: ProcessBubbleType.size }; this.process(particle, distMouse, timeSpent, sizeData); const opacityData = { bubbleObj: { optValue: options.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity, value: particle.bubble.opacity }, particlesObj: { optValue: particle.particlesOptions.opacity.value, value: particle.opacity.value }, type: ProcessBubbleType.opacity }; this.process(particle, distMouse, timeSpent, opacityData); if (!container.bubble.durationEnd) { if (distMouse <= container.retina.bubbleModeDistance) { this.hoverBubbleColor(particle); } else { delete particle.bubble.color; } } else { delete particle.bubble.color; } } } hoverBubble() { const container = this.container; const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (mousePos === undefined) { return; } const distance = container.retina.bubbleModeDistance; const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(mousePos, distance); for (const particle of query) { particle.bubble.inRange = true; const pos = particle.getPosition(); const pointDistance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos, mousePos); const ratio = 1 - pointDistance / distance; if (pointDistance <= distance) { if (ratio >= 0 && container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseMoveEvent) { this.hoverBubbleSize(particle, ratio); this.hoverBubbleOpacity(particle, ratio); this.hoverBubbleColor(particle); } } else { this.reset(particle); } if (container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseLeaveEvent) { this.reset(particle); } } } hoverBubbleSize(particle, ratio, divBubble) { var _a; const container = this.container; const modeSize = (divBubble === null || divBubble === void 0 ? void 0 : divBubble.size) ? divBubble.size * container.retina.pixelRatio : container.retina.bubbleModeSize; if (modeSize === undefined) { return; } const optSize = (_a = particle.sizeValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.sizeValue; const pSize = particle.size.value; const size = calculateBubbleValue(pSize, modeSize, optSize, ratio); if (size !== undefined) { particle.bubble.radius = size; } } hoverBubbleOpacity(particle, ratio, divBubble) { var _a; const options = this.container.options; const modeOpacity = (_a = divBubble === null || divBubble === void 0 ? void 0 : divBubble.opacity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options.interactivity.modes.bubble.opacity; if (modeOpacity === undefined) { return; } const optOpacity = particle.particlesOptions.opacity.value; const pOpacity = particle.opacity.value; const opacity = calculateBubbleValue(pOpacity, modeOpacity, optOpacity, ratio); if (opacity !== undefined) { particle.bubble.opacity = opacity; } } hoverBubbleColor(particle, divBubble) { var _a; const options = this.container.options; if (particle.bubble.color === undefined) { const modeColor = (_a = divBubble === null || divBubble === void 0 ? void 0 : divBubble.color) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options.interactivity.modes.bubble.color; if (modeColor === undefined) { return; } const bubbleColor = modeColor instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(modeColor) : modeColor; particle.bubble.color = ColorUtils.colorToHsl(bubbleColor); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Connector.js class Connector { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; if (!(events.onHover.enable && mouse.position)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.connect, hoverMode); } reset() {} interact() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if ( && container.interactivity.status === "mousemove") { const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return; } const distance = Math.abs(container.retina.connectModeRadius); const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(mousePos, distance); let i = 0; for (const p1 of query) { const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); for (const p2 of query.slice(i + 1)) { const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); const distMax = Math.abs(container.retina.connectModeDistance); const xDiff = Math.abs(pos1.x - pos2.x); const yDiff = Math.abs(pos1.y - pos2.y); if (xDiff < distMax && yDiff < distMax) { container.canvas.drawConnectLine(p1, p2); } } ++i; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/Particles/Linker.js class Linker { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled(particle) { return particle.particlesOptions.links.enable; } reset() {} interact(p1) { var _a; const container = this.container; const linkOpt1 = p1.particlesOptions.links; const optOpacity = linkOpt1.opacity; const optDistance = (_a = p1.linksDistance) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.linksDistance; const canvasSize = container.canvas.size; const warp = linkOpt1.warp; const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const range = warp ? new CircleWarp(pos1.x, pos1.y, optDistance, canvasSize) : new Circle(pos1.x, pos1.y, optDistance); const query = container.particles.quadTree.query(range); for (const p2 of query) { const linkOpt2 = p2.particlesOptions.links; if (p1 === p2 || !linkOpt2.enable || !== || p2.spawning || p2.destroyed) { continue; } const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); let distance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2); if (warp) { if (distance > optDistance) { const pos2NE = { x: pos2.x - canvasSize.width, y: pos2.y }; distance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2NE); if (distance > optDistance) { const pos2SE = { x: pos2.x - canvasSize.width, y: pos2.y - canvasSize.height }; distance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2SE); if (distance > optDistance) { const pos2SW = { x: pos2.x, y: pos2.y - canvasSize.height }; distance = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2SW); } } } } if (distance > optDistance) { return; } const opacityLine = (1 - distance / optDistance) * optOpacity; const linksOptions = p1.particlesOptions.links; let linkColor = !== undefined ? container.particles.linksColors.get( : container.particles.linksColor; if (!linkColor) { const optColor = linksOptions.color; linkColor = ColorUtils.getLinkRandomColor(optColor, linksOptions.blink, linksOptions.consent); if ( !== undefined) { container.particles.linksColors.set(, linkColor); } else { container.particles.linksColor = linkColor; } } if ( => t.destination).indexOf(p1) === -1 && => t.destination).indexOf(p2) === -1) { p1.links.push({ destination: p2, opacity: opacityLine }); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/Particles/Attractor.js class Attractor { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } interact(p1) { var _a; const container = this.container; const distance = (_a = p1.linksDistance) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : container.retina.linksDistance; const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(pos1, distance); for (const p2 of query) { if (p1 === p2 || !p2.particlesOptions.move.attract.enable || p2.destroyed || p2.spawning) { continue; } const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); const { dx, dy } = NumberUtils.getDistances(pos1, pos2); const rotate = p1.particlesOptions.move.attract.rotate; const ax = dx / (rotate.x * 1000); const ay = dy / (rotate.y * 1000); p1.velocity.horizontal -= ax; p1.velocity.vertical -= ay; p2.velocity.horizontal += ax; p2.velocity.vertical += ay; } } isEnabled(particle) { return particle.particlesOptions.move.attract.enable; } reset() {} } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/Particles/Collider.js function bounce(p1, p2) { Utils.circleBounce(Utils.circleBounceDataFromParticle(p1), Utils.circleBounceDataFromParticle(p2)); } function destroy(p1, p2) { if (p1.getRadius() === undefined && p2.getRadius() !== undefined) { p1.destroy(); } else if (p1.getRadius() !== undefined && p2.getRadius() === undefined) { p2.destroy(); } else if (p1.getRadius() !== undefined && p2.getRadius() !== undefined) { if (p1.getRadius() >= p2.getRadius()) { p2.destroy(); } else { p1.destroy(); } } } class Collider { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled(particle) { return particle.particlesOptions.collisions.enable; } reset() {} interact(p1) { const container = this.container; const pos1 = p1.getPosition(); const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(pos1, p1.getRadius() * 2); for (const p2 of query) { if (p1 === p2 || !p2.particlesOptions.collisions.enable || p1.particlesOptions.collisions.mode !== p2.particlesOptions.collisions.mode || p2.destroyed || p2.spawning) { continue; } const pos2 = p2.getPosition(); const dist = NumberUtils.getDistance(pos1, pos2); const radius1 = p1.getRadius(); const radius2 = p2.getRadius(); const distP = radius1 + radius2; if (dist <= distP) { this.resolveCollision(p1, p2); } } } resolveCollision(p1, p2) { switch (p1.particlesOptions.collisions.mode) { case CollisionMode.absorb: { this.absorb(p1, p2); break; } case CollisionMode.bounce: { bounce(p1, p2); break; } case CollisionMode.destroy: { destroy(p1, p2); break; } } } absorb(p1, p2) { const container = this.container; const fps = container.options.fpsLimit / 1000; if (p1.getRadius() === undefined && p2.getRadius() !== undefined) { p1.destroy(); } else if (p1.getRadius() !== undefined && p2.getRadius() === undefined) { p2.destroy(); } else if (p1.getRadius() !== undefined && p2.getRadius() !== undefined) { if (p1.getRadius() >= p2.getRadius()) { const factor = NumberUtils.clamp(p1.getRadius() / p2.getRadius(), 0, p2.getRadius()) * fps; p1.size.value += factor; p2.size.value -= factor; if (p2.getRadius() <= container.retina.pixelRatio) { p2.size.value = 0; p2.destroy(); } } else { const factor = NumberUtils.clamp(p2.getRadius() / p1.getRadius(), 0, p1.getRadius()) * fps; p1.size.value -= factor; p2.size.value += factor; if (p1.getRadius() <= container.retina.pixelRatio) { p1.size.value = 0; p1.destroy(); } } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/Particles/Infecter.js class Infecter_Infecter { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { return this.container.options.infection.enable; } reset() {} interact(p1, delta) { var _a, _b; const infecter1 = p1.infecter; infecter1.updateInfection(delta.value); if (infecter1.infectionStage === undefined) { return; } const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const infectionOptions = options.infection; if (!infectionOptions.enable || infectionOptions.stages.length < 1) { return; } const infectionStage1 = infectionOptions.stages[infecter1.infectionStage]; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const radius = p1.getRadius() * 2 + infectionStage1.radius * pxRatio; const pos = p1.getPosition(); const infectedStage1 = (_a = infectionStage1.infectedStage) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : infecter1.infectionStage; const query = container.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(pos, radius); const infections = infectionStage1.rate; const neighbors = query.length; for (const p2 of query) { if (p2 === p1 || p2.destroyed || p2.spawning || !(p2.infecter.infectionStage === undefined || p2.infecter.infectionStage !== infecter1.infectionStage)) { continue; } const infecter2 = p2.infecter; if (Math.random() < infections / neighbors) { if (infecter2.infectionStage === undefined) { infecter2.startInfection(infectedStage1); } else if (infecter2.infectionStage < infecter1.infectionStage) { infecter2.updateInfectionStage(infectedStage1); } else if (infecter2.infectionStage > infecter1.infectionStage) { const infectionStage2 = infectionOptions.stages[infecter2.infectionStage]; const infectedStage2 = (_b = infectionStage2 === null || infectionStage2 === void 0 ? void 0 : infectionStage2.infectedStage) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : infecter2.infectionStage; infecter1.updateInfectionStage(infectedStage2); } } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/TrailMaker.js class TrailMaker { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.delay = 0; } interact(delta) { if (!this.container.retina.reduceFactor) { return; } const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const trailOptions = options.interactivity.modes.trail; const optDelay = trailOptions.delay * 1000 / this.container.retina.reduceFactor; if (this.delay < optDelay) { this.delay += delta.value; } if (this.delay >= optDelay) { container.particles.push(trailOptions.quantity, container.interactivity.mouse, trailOptions.particles); this.delay -= optDelay; } } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; return mouse.clicking && mouse.inside && !!mouse.position && Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.trail, events.onClick.mode) || mouse.inside && !!mouse.position && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.trail, events.onHover.mode); } reset() {} } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Attractor.js class Attractor_Attractor { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; if (!(events.onHover.enable && mouse.position || events.onClick.enable && mouse.clickPosition)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const clickMode = events.onClick.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.attract, hoverMode) || Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.attract, clickMode); } reset() {} interact() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouseMoveStatus = container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseMoveEvent; const events =; const hoverEnabled = events.onHover.enable; const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const clickEnabled = events.onClick.enable; const clickMode = events.onClick.mode; if (mouseMoveStatus && hoverEnabled && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.attract, hoverMode)) { this.hoverAttract(); } else if (clickEnabled && Utils.isInArray(ClickMode.attract, clickMode)) { this.clickAttract(); } } hoverAttract() { const container = this.container; const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return; } const attractRadius = container.retina.attractModeDistance; this.processAttract(mousePos, attractRadius, new Circle(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, attractRadius)); } processAttract(position, attractRadius, area) { const container = this.container; const query = container.particles.quadTree.query(area); for (const particle of query) { const { dx, dy, distance } = NumberUtils.getDistances(particle.position, position); const normVec = { x: dx / distance, y: dy / distance }; const velocity = container.options.interactivity.modes.attract.speed; const attractFactor = NumberUtils.clamp((1 - Math.pow(distance / attractRadius, 2)) * velocity, 0, 50); particle.position.x = particle.position.x - normVec.x * attractFactor; particle.position.y = particle.position.y - normVec.y * attractFactor; } } clickAttract() { const container = this.container; if (!container.attract.finish) { if (!container.attract.count) { container.attract.count = 0; } container.attract.count++; if (container.attract.count === container.particles.count) { container.attract.finish = true; } } if (container.attract.clicking) { const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition; if (!mousePos) { return; } const attractRadius = container.retina.attractModeDistance; this.processAttract(mousePos, attractRadius, new Circle(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, attractRadius)); } else if (container.attract.clicking === false) { container.attract.particles = []; } return; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/Particles/Lighter.js class Lighter { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } interact(particle) { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if ( && container.interactivity.status === "mousemove") { const mousePos = this.container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (mousePos) { container.canvas.drawParticleShadow(particle, mousePos); } } } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; if (!(events.onHover.enable && mouse.position)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.light, hoverMode); } reset() {} } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Lighter.js class Lighter_Lighter { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } interact() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if ( && container.interactivity.status === "mousemove") { const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; if (!mousePos) { return; } container.canvas.drawLight(mousePos); } } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; if (!(events.onHover.enable && mouse.position)) { return false; } const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; return Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.light, hoverMode); } reset() {} } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Interactions/External/Bouncer.js class Bouncer { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } isEnabled() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const mouse = container.interactivity.mouse; const events =; const divs = events.onDiv; return mouse.position && events.onHover.enable && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.bounce, events.onHover.mode) || Utils.isDivModeEnabled(DivMode.bounce, divs); } interact() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const events =; const mouseMoveStatus = container.interactivity.status === Constants.mouseMoveEvent; const hoverEnabled = events.onHover.enable; const hoverMode = events.onHover.mode; const divs = events.onDiv; if (mouseMoveStatus && hoverEnabled && Utils.isInArray(HoverMode.bounce, hoverMode)) { this.processMouseBounce(); } else { Utils.divModeExecute(DivMode.bounce, divs, (selector, div) => this.singleSelectorBounce(selector, div)); } } reset() {} processMouseBounce() { const container = this.container; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const tolerance = 10 * pxRatio; const mousePos = container.interactivity.mouse.position; const radius = container.retina.bounceModeDistance; if (mousePos) { this.processBounce(mousePos, radius, new Circle(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, radius + tolerance)); } } singleSelectorBounce(selector, div) { const container = this.container; const query = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if (!query.length) { return; } query.forEach(item => { const elem = item; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const pos = { x: (elem.offsetLeft + elem.offsetWidth / 2) * pxRatio, y: (elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight / 2) * pxRatio }; const radius = elem.offsetWidth / 2 * pxRatio; const tolerance = 10 * pxRatio; const area = div.type === ? new Circle(pos.x, pos.y, radius + tolerance) : new Rectangle(elem.offsetLeft * pxRatio - tolerance, elem.offsetTop * pxRatio - tolerance, elem.offsetWidth * pxRatio + tolerance * 2, elem.offsetHeight * pxRatio + tolerance * 2); this.processBounce(pos, radius, area); }); } processBounce(position, radius, area) { const query = this.container.particles.quadTree.query(area); for (const particle of query) { if (area instanceof Circle) { Utils.circleBounce(Utils.circleBounceDataFromParticle(particle), { position, radius, velocity: { horizontal: 0, vertical: 0 }, factor: { horizontal: 0, vertical: 0 } }); } else if (area instanceof Rectangle) { Utils.rectBounce(particle, Utils.calculateBounds(position, radius)); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particle/InteractionManager.js class InteractionManager { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.externalInteractors = [new Bouncer(container), new Bubbler(container), new Connector(container), new Grabber(container), new Lighter_Lighter(container), new Attractor_Attractor(container), new Repulser(container), new TrailMaker(container)]; this.particleInteractors = [new Attractor(container), new Lighter(container), new Collider(container), new Infecter_Infecter(container), new Linker(container)]; } init() {} externalInteract(delta) { for (const interactor of this.externalInteractors) { if (interactor.isEnabled()) { interactor.interact(delta); } } } particlesInteract(particle, delta) { for (const interactor of this.externalInteractors) { interactor.reset(particle); } for (const interactor of this.particleInteractors) { if (interactor.isEnabled(particle)) { interactor.interact(particle, delta); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Particles.js class Particles_Particles { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.nextId = 0; this.array = []; this.limit = 0; this.linksFreq = new Map(); this.trianglesFreq = new Map(); this.interactionManager = new InteractionManager(container); const canvasSize = this.container.canvas.size; this.linksColors = new Map(); this.quadTree = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(-canvasSize.width / 4, -canvasSize.height / 4, canvasSize.width * 3 / 2, canvasSize.height * 3 / 2), 4); } get count() { return this.array.length; } init() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; this.linksFreq = new Map(); this.trianglesFreq = new Map(); let handled = false; for (const particle of options.manualParticles) { const pos = particle.position ? { x: particle.position.x * container.canvas.size.width / 100, y: particle.position.y * container.canvas.size.height / 100 } : undefined; this.addParticle(pos, particle.options); } for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { if (plugin.particlesInitialization !== undefined) { handled = plugin.particlesInitialization(); } if (handled) { break; } } if (!handled) { for (let i = this.count; i < options.particles.number.value; i++) { this.addParticle(); } } if (options.infection.enable) { for (let i = 0; i < options.infection.infections; i++) { const notInfected = this.array.filter(p => p.infecter.infectionStage === undefined); const infected = Utils.itemFromArray(notInfected); infected.infecter.startInfection(0); } } this.interactionManager.init(); container.noise.init(); } redraw() { this.clear(); this.init(); this.draw({ value: 0, factor: 0 }); } removeAt(index, quantity) { if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) { for (const particle of this.array.splice(index, quantity !== null && quantity !== void 0 ? quantity : 1)) { particle.destroy(); } } } remove(particle) { this.removeAt(this.array.indexOf(particle)); } update(delta) { const container = this.container; const particlesToDelete = []; container.noise.update(); for (const particle of this.array) { particle.move(delta); if (particle.destroyed) { particlesToDelete.push(particle); continue; } this.quadTree.insert(new Point(particle.getPosition(), particle)); } for (const particle of particlesToDelete) { this.remove(particle); } this.interactionManager.externalInteract(delta); for (const particle of this.container.particles.array) { particle.update(delta); if (!particle.destroyed && !particle.spawning) { this.interactionManager.particlesInteract(particle, delta); } } } draw(delta) { const container = this.container; container.canvas.clear(); const canvasSize = this.container.canvas.size; this.quadTree = new QuadTree(new Rectangle(-canvasSize.width / 4, -canvasSize.height / 4, canvasSize.width * 3 / 2, canvasSize.height * 3 / 2), 4); this.update(delta); for (const [, plugin] of container.plugins) { container.canvas.drawPlugin(plugin, delta); } for (const p of this.array) { p.draw(delta); } } clear() { this.array = []; } push(nb, mouse, overrideOptions) { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; const limit = options.particles.number.limit * container.density; this.pushing = true; if (limit > 0) { const countToRemove = this.count + nb - limit; if (countToRemove > 0) { this.removeQuantity(countToRemove); } } for (let i = 0; i < nb; i++) { this.addParticle(mouse === null || mouse === void 0 ? void 0 : mouse.position, overrideOptions); } this.pushing = false; } addParticle(position, overrideOptions) { try { const particle = new Particle(this.nextId, this.container, position, overrideOptions); this.array.push(particle); this.nextId++; return particle; } catch (_a) { console.warn("error adding particle"); return; } } removeQuantity(quantity) { this.removeAt(0, quantity); } getLinkFrequency(p1, p2) { const key = `${Math.min(,}_${Math.max(,}`; let res = this.linksFreq.get(key); if (res === undefined) { res = Math.random(); this.linksFreq.set(key, res); } return res; } getTriangleFrequency(p1, p2, p3) { let [id1, id2, id3] = [,,]; if (id1 > id2) { [id2, id1] = [id1, id2]; } if (id2 > id3) { [id3, id2] = [id2, id3]; } if (id1 > id3) { [id3, id1] = [id1, id3]; } const key = `${id1}_${id2}_${id3}`; let res = this.trianglesFreq.get(key); if (res === undefined) { res = Math.random(); this.trianglesFreq.set(key, res); } return res; } setDensity() { const options = this.container.options; this.applyDensity(options.particles); } applyDensity(options) { var _a; if (!((_a = options.number.density) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.enable)) { return; } const numberOptions = options.number; const densityFactor = this.initDensityFactor(numberOptions.density); const optParticlesNumber = numberOptions.value; const optParticlesLimit = numberOptions.limit > 0 ? numberOptions.limit : optParticlesNumber; const particlesNumber = Math.min(optParticlesNumber, optParticlesLimit) * densityFactor; const particlesCount = this.count; this.limit = numberOptions.limit * densityFactor; if (particlesCount < particlesNumber) { this.push(Math.abs(particlesNumber - particlesCount), undefined, options); } else if (particlesCount > particlesNumber) { this.removeQuantity(particlesCount - particlesNumber); } } initDensityFactor(densityOptions) { const container = this.container; if (!container.canvas.element || !densityOptions.enable) { return 1; } const canvas = container.canvas.element; const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; return canvas.width * canvas.height / (densityOptions.factor * pxRatio * pxRatio * densityOptions.area); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Retina.js class Retina { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } init() { const container = this.container; const options = container.options; if (options.detectRetina) { this.pixelRatio = Utils.isSsr() ? 1 : window.devicePixelRatio; } else { this.pixelRatio = 1; } const motionOptions = this.container.options.motion; if (motionOptions && (motionOptions.disable || motionOptions.reduce.value)) { if (Utils.isSsr() || typeof matchMedia === "undefined" || !matchMedia) { this.reduceFactor = 1; } else { const mediaQuery = matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)"); if (mediaQuery) { this.handleMotionChange(mediaQuery); const handleChange = () => { this.handleMotionChange(mediaQuery); container.refresh().catch(() => {}); }; if (mediaQuery.addEventListener !== undefined) { mediaQuery.addEventListener("change", handleChange); } else if (mediaQuery.addListener !== undefined) { mediaQuery.addListener(handleChange); } } } } else { this.reduceFactor = 1; } const ratio = this.pixelRatio; if (container.canvas.element) { const element = container.canvas.element; container.canvas.size.width = element.offsetWidth * ratio; container.canvas.size.height = element.offsetHeight * ratio; } const particles = options.particles; this.linksDistance = particles.links.distance * ratio; this.linksWidth = particles.links.width * ratio; this.moveSpeed = particles.move.speed * ratio; this.sizeValue = particles.size.value * ratio; this.sizeAnimationSpeed = particles.size.animation.speed * ratio; const modes = options.interactivity.modes; this.connectModeDistance = modes.connect.distance * ratio; this.connectModeRadius = modes.connect.radius * ratio; this.grabModeDistance = modes.grab.distance * ratio; this.repulseModeDistance = modes.repulse.distance * ratio; this.bounceModeDistance = modes.bounce.distance * ratio; this.attractModeDistance = modes.attract.distance * ratio; this.slowModeRadius = modes.slow.radius * ratio; this.bubbleModeDistance = modes.bubble.distance * ratio; if (modes.bubble.size) { this.bubbleModeSize = modes.bubble.size * ratio; } } initParticle(particle) { const particlesOptions = particle.particlesOptions; const ratio = this.pixelRatio; particle.linksDistance = particlesOptions.links.distance * ratio; particle.linksWidth = particlesOptions.links.width * ratio; particle.moveSpeed = particlesOptions.move.speed * ratio; particle.sizeValue = particlesOptions.size.value * ratio; particle.sizeAnimationSpeed = particlesOptions.size.animation.speed * ratio; particle.maxDistance = particlesOptions.move.distance * ratio; } handleMotionChange(mediaQuery) { const options = this.container.options; if (mediaQuery.matches) { const motion = options.motion; this.reduceFactor = motion.disable ? 0 : motion.reduce.value ? 1 / motion.reduce.factor : 1; } else { this.reduceFactor = 1; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/FrameManager.js class FrameManager { constructor(container) { this.container = container; } nextFrame(timestamp) { try { const container = this.container; if (container.lastFrameTime !== undefined && timestamp < container.lastFrameTime + 1000 / container.fpsLimit) { container.draw(); return; } const deltaValue = timestamp - container.lastFrameTime; const delta = { value: deltaValue, factor: 60 * deltaValue / 1000 }; container.lastFrameTime = timestamp; container.particles.draw(delta); if (container.getAnimationStatus()) { container.draw(); } } catch (e) { console.error("tsParticles error in animation loop", e); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Events/ClickEvent.js class ClickEvent { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.mode = []; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Events/DivEvent.js class DivEvent { constructor() { this.selectors = []; this.enable = false; this.mode = []; this.type =; } get elementId() { return this.ids; } set elementId(value) { this.ids = value; } get el() { return this.elementId; } set el(value) { this.elementId = value; } get ids() { if (this.selectors instanceof Array) { return => t.replace("#", "")); } else { return this.selectors.replace("#", ""); } } set ids(value) { if (value instanceof Array) { this.selectors = => `#${t}`); } else { this.selectors = `#${value}`; } } load(data) { var _a, _b; if (data === undefined) { return; } const ids = (_b = (_a = data.ids) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.elementId) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.el; if (ids !== undefined) { this.ids = ids; } if (data.selectors !== undefined) { this.selectors = data.selectors; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } if (data.type !== undefined) { this.type = data.type; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Events/Parallax.js class Parallax { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.force = 2; this.smooth = 10; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.force !== undefined) { this.force = data.force; } if (data.smooth !== undefined) { this.smooth = data.smooth; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Events/HoverEvent.js class HoverEvent { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.mode = []; this.parallax = new Parallax(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } this.parallax.load(data.parallax); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Events/Events.js class Events { constructor() { this.onClick = new ClickEvent(); this.onDiv = new DivEvent(); this.onHover = new HoverEvent(); this.resize = true; } get onclick() { return this.onClick; } set onclick(value) { this.onClick = value; } get ondiv() { return this.onDiv; } set ondiv(value) { this.onDiv = value; } get onhover() { return this.onHover; } set onhover(value) { this.onHover = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c; if (data === undefined) { return; } this.onClick.load((_a = data.onClick) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.onclick); const onDiv = (_b = data.onDiv) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.ondiv; if (onDiv !== undefined) { if (onDiv instanceof Array) { this.onDiv = => { const tmp = new DivEvent(); tmp.load(div); return tmp; }); } else { this.onDiv = new DivEvent(); this.onDiv.load(onDiv); } } this.onHover.load((_c = data.onHover) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : data.onhover); if (data.resize !== undefined) { this.resize = data.resize; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/BubbleBase.js class BubbleBase { constructor() { this.distance = 200; this.duration = 0.4; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } if (data.duration !== undefined) { this.duration = data.duration; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } if (data.color !== undefined) { if (data.color instanceof Array) { this.color = => OptionsColor.create(undefined, s)); } else { if (this.color instanceof Array) { this.color = new OptionsColor(); } this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } } if (data.size !== undefined) { this.size = data.size; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/BubbleDiv.js class BubbleDiv extends BubbleBase { constructor() { super(); this.selectors = []; } get ids() { if (this.selectors instanceof Array) { return => t.replace("#", "")); } else { return this.selectors.replace("#", ""); } } set ids(value) { if (value instanceof Array) { this.selectors = => `#${t}`); } else { this.selectors = `#${value}`; } } load(data) { super.load(data); if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.ids !== undefined) { this.ids = data.ids; } if (data.selectors !== undefined) { this.selectors = data.selectors; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Bubble.js class Bubble extends BubbleBase { load(data) { super.load(data); if (!(data !== undefined && data.divs !== undefined)) { return; } if (data.divs instanceof Array) { this.divs = => { const tmp = new BubbleDiv(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.divs instanceof Array || !this.divs) { this.divs = new BubbleDiv(); } this.divs.load(data.divs); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/ConnectLinks.js class ConnectLinks { constructor() { this.opacity = 0.5; } load(data) { if (!(data !== undefined && data.opacity !== undefined)) { return; } this.opacity = data.opacity; } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Connect.js class Connect { constructor() { this.distance = 80; this.links = new ConnectLinks(); this.radius = 60; } get line_linked() { return this.links; } set line_linked(value) { this.links = value; } get lineLinked() { return this.links; } set lineLinked(value) { this.links = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } this.links.load((_b = (_a = data.links) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.lineLinked) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.line_linked); if (data.radius !== undefined) { this.radius = data.radius; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/GrabLinks.js class GrabLinks { constructor() { this.blink = false; this.consent = false; this.opacity = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.blink !== undefined) { this.blink = data.blink; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.consent !== undefined) { this.consent = data.consent; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Grab.js class Grab { constructor() { this.distance = 100; this.links = new GrabLinks(); } get line_linked() { return this.links; } set line_linked(value) { this.links = value; } get lineLinked() { return this.links; } set lineLinked(value) { this.links = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } this.links.load((_b = (_a = data.links) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.lineLinked) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.line_linked); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Remove.js class Remove { constructor() { this.quantity = 2; } get particles_nb() { return this.quantity; } set particles_nb(value) { this.quantity = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } const quantity = (_a = data.quantity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.particles_nb; if (quantity !== undefined) { this.quantity = quantity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Push.js class Push { constructor() { this.quantity = 4; } get particles_nb() { return this.quantity; } set particles_nb(value) { this.quantity = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data === undefined) { return; } const quantity = (_a = data.quantity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.particles_nb; if (quantity !== undefined) { this.quantity = quantity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/RepulseBase.js class RepulseBase { constructor() { this.distance = 200; this.duration = 0.4; this.speed = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } if (data.duration !== undefined) { this.duration = data.duration; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/RepulseDiv.js class RepulseDiv extends RepulseBase { constructor() { super(); this.selectors = []; } get ids() { if (this.selectors instanceof Array) { return => t.replace("#", "")); } else { return this.selectors.replace("#", ""); } } set ids(value) { if (value instanceof Array) { this.selectors = => `#${value}`); } else { this.selectors = `#${value}`; } } load(data) { super.load(data); if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.ids !== undefined) { this.ids = data.ids; } if (data.selectors !== undefined) { this.selectors = data.selectors; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Repulse.js class Repulse extends RepulseBase { load(data) { super.load(data); if ((data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.divs) === undefined) { return; } if (data.divs instanceof Array) { this.divs = => { const tmp = new RepulseDiv(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.divs instanceof Array || !this.divs) { this.divs = new RepulseDiv(); } this.divs.load(data.divs); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Slow.js class Slow { constructor() { this.factor = 3; this.radius = 200; } get active() { return false; } set active(_value) {} load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.factor !== undefined) { this.factor = data.factor; } if (data.radius !== undefined) { this.radius = data.radius; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Trail.js class Trail_Trail { constructor() { this.delay = 1; this.quantity = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.delay !== undefined) { this.delay = data.delay; } if (data.quantity !== undefined) { this.quantity = data.quantity; } if (data.particles !== undefined) { this.particles = Utils.deepExtend({}, data.particles); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Attract.js class Attract_Attract { constructor() { this.distance = 200; this.duration = 0.4; this.speed = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } if (data.duration !== undefined) { this.duration = data.duration; } if (data.speed !== undefined) { this.speed = data.speed; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/LightGradient.js class LightGradient { constructor() { this.start = new OptionsColor(); this.stop = new OptionsColor(); this.start.value = "#ffffff"; this.stop.value = "#000000"; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.start = OptionsColor.create(this.start, data.start); this.stop = OptionsColor.create(this.stop, data.stop); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/LightArea.js class LightArea { constructor() { this.gradient = new LightGradient(); this.radius = 1000; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.gradient.load(data.gradient); if (data.radius !== undefined) { this.radius = data.radius; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/LightShadow.js class LightShadow { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.color.value = "#000000"; this.length = 2000; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); if (data.length !== undefined) { this.length = data.length; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Light.js class Light { constructor() { this.area = new LightArea(); this.shadow = new LightShadow(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.area.load(data.area); this.shadow.load(data.shadow); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Bounce.js class Bounce_Bounce { constructor() { this.distance = 200; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.distance !== undefined) { this.distance = data.distance; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Modes/Modes.js class Modes { constructor() { this.attract = new Attract_Attract(); this.bounce = new Bounce_Bounce(); this.bubble = new Bubble(); this.connect = new Connect(); this.grab = new Grab(); this.light = new Light(); this.push = new Push(); this.remove = new Remove(); this.repulse = new Repulse(); this.slow = new Slow(); this.trail = new Trail_Trail(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } this.attract.load(data.attract); this.bubble.load(data.bubble); this.connect.load(data.connect); this.grab.load(data.grab); this.light.load(data.light); this.push.load(data.push); this.remove.load(data.remove); this.repulse.load(data.repulse); this.slow.load(data.slow); this.trail.load(data.trail); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Interactivity/Interactivity.js class Interactivity { constructor() { this.detectsOn = InteractivityDetect.canvas; = new Events(); this.modes = new Modes(); } get detect_on() { return this.detectsOn; } set detect_on(value) { this.detectsOn = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b, _c; if (data === undefined) { return; } const detectsOn = (_a = data.detectsOn) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.detect_on; if (detectsOn !== undefined) { this.detectsOn = detectsOn; }; this.modes.load(data.modes); if (((_c = (_b = data.modes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.slow) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === true) { if ( instanceof Array) { if ( < 0) {; } } else if ( !== HoverMode.slow) { = [, HoverMode.slow]; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/BackgroundMask/BackgroundMaskCover.js class BackgroundMaskCover { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.opacity = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/BackgroundMask/BackgroundMask.js class BackgroundMask { constructor() { this.composite = "destination-out"; this.cover = new BackgroundMaskCover(); this.enable = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.composite !== undefined) { this.composite = data.composite; } if (data.cover !== undefined) { const cover = data.cover; const color = typeof data.cover === "string" ? { color: data.cover } : data.cover; this.cover.load(cover.color !== undefined ? cover : { color: color }); } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Background/Background.js class Background { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.color.value = ""; this.image = ""; this.position = ""; this.repeat = ""; this.size = ""; this.opacity = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.image !== undefined) { this.image = data.image; } if (data.position !== undefined) { this.position = data.position; } if (data.repeat !== undefined) { this.repeat = data.repeat; } if (data.size !== undefined) { this.size = data.size; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Infection/InfectionStage.js class InfectionStage { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.color.value = "#ff0000"; this.radius = 0; this.rate = 1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } this.duration = data.duration; this.infectedStage = data.infectedStage; if (data.radius !== undefined) { this.radius = data.radius; } if (data.rate !== undefined) { this.rate = data.rate; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Infection/Infection.js class Infection { constructor() { this.cure = false; this.delay = 0; this.enable = false; this.infections = 0; this.stages = []; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.cure !== undefined) { this.cure = data.cure; } if (data.delay !== undefined) { this.delay = data.delay; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.infections !== undefined) { this.infections = data.infections; } if (data.stages === undefined) { return; } this.stages = => { const s = new InfectionStage(); s.load(t); return s; }); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Theme/ThemeDefault.js class ThemeDefault { constructor() { this.mode = ThemeMode.any; this.value = false; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } if (data.value !== undefined) { this.value = data.value; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Theme/Theme.js class Theme { constructor() { = ""; this.default = new ThemeDefault(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if ( !== undefined) { =; } this.default.load(data.default); if (data.options !== undefined) { this.options = Utils.deepExtend({}, data.options); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/BackgroundMode/BackgroundMode.js class BackgroundMode { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.zIndex = -1; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } if (data.zIndex !== undefined) { this.zIndex = data.zIndex; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Motion/MotionReduce.js class MotionReduce { constructor() { this.factor = 4; this.value = false; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.factor !== undefined) { this.factor = data.factor; } if (data.value !== undefined) { this.value = data.value; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Motion/Motion.js class Motion { constructor() { this.disable = false; this.reduce = new MotionReduce(); } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } if (data.disable !== undefined) { this.disable = data.disable; } this.reduce.load(data.reduce); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/ManualParticle.js class ManualParticle { load(data) { var _a, _b; if (!data) { return; } if (data.position !== undefined) { this.position = { x: (_a = data.position.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 50, y: (_b = data.position.y) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 50 }; } if (data.options !== undefined) { this.options = Utils.deepExtend({}, data.options); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Options/Classes/Options.js class Options { constructor() { this.autoPlay = true; this.background = new Background(); this.backgroundMask = new BackgroundMask(); this.backgroundMode = new BackgroundMode(); this.detectRetina = true; this.fpsLimit = 30; this.infection = new Infection(); this.interactivity = new Interactivity(); this.manualParticles = []; this.motion = new Motion(); this.particles = new Particles(); this.pauseOnBlur = true; this.pauseOnOutsideViewport = false; this.themes = []; } get fps_limit() { return this.fpsLimit; } set fps_limit(value) { this.fpsLimit = value; } get retina_detect() { return this.detectRetina; } set retina_detect(value) { this.detectRetina = value; } load(data) { var _a, _b; if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.preset !== undefined) { if (data.preset instanceof Array) { for (const preset of data.preset) { this.importPreset(preset); } } else { this.importPreset(data.preset); } } if (data.autoPlay !== undefined) { this.autoPlay = data.autoPlay; } const detectRetina = (_a = data.detectRetina) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : data.retina_detect; if (detectRetina !== undefined) { this.detectRetina = detectRetina; } const fpsLimit = (_b = data.fpsLimit) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : data.fps_limit; if (fpsLimit !== undefined) { this.fpsLimit = fpsLimit; } if (data.pauseOnBlur !== undefined) { this.pauseOnBlur = data.pauseOnBlur; } if (data.pauseOnOutsideViewport !== undefined) { this.pauseOnOutsideViewport = data.pauseOnOutsideViewport; } this.background.load(data.background); this.backgroundMode.load(data.backgroundMode); this.backgroundMask.load(data.backgroundMask); this.infection.load(data.infection); this.interactivity.load(data.interactivity); if (data.manualParticles !== undefined) { this.manualParticles = => { const tmp = new ManualParticle(); tmp.load(t); return tmp; }); } this.motion.load(data.motion); this.particles.load(data.particles); Plugins.loadOptions(this, data); if (data.themes !== undefined) { for (const theme of data.themes) { const optTheme = new Theme(); optTheme.load(theme); this.themes.push(optTheme); } } } setTheme(name) { if (name) { const chosenTheme = this.themes.find(theme => === name); if (chosenTheme) { this.load(chosenTheme.options); } } else { const clientDarkMode = typeof matchMedia !== "undefined" && matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches; let defaultTheme = this.themes.find(theme => theme.default.value && (theme.default.mode === ThemeMode.dark && clientDarkMode || theme.default.mode === ThemeMode.light && !clientDarkMode)); if (!defaultTheme) { defaultTheme = this.themes.find(theme => theme.default.value && theme.default.mode === ThemeMode.any); } if (defaultTheme) { this.load(defaultTheme.options); } } } importPreset(preset) { this.load(Plugins.getPreset(preset)); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Container.js var Container_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; class Container { constructor(id, sourceOptions, ...presets) { = id; this.sourceOptions = sourceOptions; this.firstStart = true; this.started = false; this.destroyed = false; this.paused = true; this.lastFrameTime = 0; this.pageHidden = false; this.retina = new Retina(this); this.canvas = new Canvas(this); this.particles = new Particles_Particles(this); this.drawer = new FrameManager(this); this.noise = { generate: () => { return { angle: Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, length: Math.random() }; }, init: () => {}, update: () => {} }; this.interactivity = { mouse: { clicking: false, inside: false } }; this.bubble = {}; this.repulse = { particles: [] }; this.attract = { particles: [] }; this.plugins = new Map(); this.drawers = new Map(); this.density = 1; this.options = new Options(); for (const preset of presets) { this.options.load(Plugins.getPreset(preset)); } const shapes = Plugins.getSupportedShapes(); for (const type of shapes) { const drawer = Plugins.getShapeDrawer(type); if (drawer) { this.drawers.set(type, drawer); } } if (this.sourceOptions) { this.options.load(this.sourceOptions); } this.fpsLimit = this.options.fpsLimit > 0 ? this.options.fpsLimit : 60; this.options.setTheme(undefined); this.eventListeners = new EventListeners(this); if (typeof IntersectionObserver !== "undefined" && IntersectionObserver) { this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => this.intersectionManager(entries)); } } play(force) { const needsUpdate = this.paused || force; if (this.firstStart && !this.options.autoPlay) { this.firstStart = false; return; } if (this.paused) { this.paused = false; } if (needsUpdate) { for (const [, plugin] of this.plugins) { if ( {; } } this.lastFrameTime =; } this.draw(); } pause() { if (this.drawAnimationFrame !== undefined) { Utils.cancelAnimation(this.drawAnimationFrame); delete this.drawAnimationFrame; } if (this.paused) { return; } for (const [, plugin] of this.plugins) { if (plugin.pause) { plugin.pause(); } } if (!this.pageHidden) { this.paused = true; } } draw() { this.drawAnimationFrame = Utils.animate(timestamp => this.drawer.nextFrame(timestamp)); } getAnimationStatus() { return !this.paused; } setNoise(noiseOrGenerator, init, update) { if (!noiseOrGenerator) { return; } if (typeof noiseOrGenerator === "function") { this.noise.generate = noiseOrGenerator; if (init) { this.noise.init = init; } if (update) { this.noise.update = update; } } else { if (noiseOrGenerator.generate) { this.noise.generate = noiseOrGenerator.generate; } if (noiseOrGenerator.init) { this.noise.init = noiseOrGenerator.init; } if (noiseOrGenerator.update) { this.noise.update = noiseOrGenerator.update; } } } destroy() { this.stop(); this.canvas.destroy(); for (const [, drawer] of this.drawers) { if (drawer.destroy) { drawer.destroy(this); } } for (const key of this.drawers.keys()) { this.drawers.delete(key); } this.destroyed = true; } exportImg(callback) { this.exportImage(callback); } exportImage(callback, type, quality) { var _a; return (_a = this.canvas.element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toBlob(callback, type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : "image/png", quality); } exportConfiguration() { return JSON.stringify(this.options, undefined, 2); } refresh() { return Container_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.stop(); yield this.start(); }); } stop() { if (!this.started) { return; } this.firstStart = true; this.started = false; this.eventListeners.removeListeners(); this.pause(); this.particles.clear(); this.canvas.clear(); if (this.interactivity.element instanceof HTMLElement && this.intersectionObserver) { this.intersectionObserver.observe(this.interactivity.element); } for (const [, plugin] of this.plugins) { if (plugin.stop) { plugin.stop(); } } for (const key of this.plugins.keys()) { this.plugins.delete(key); } this.particles.linksColors = new Map(); delete this.particles.grabLineColor; delete this.particles.linksColor; } loadTheme(name) { return Container_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.options.setTheme(name); yield this.refresh(); }); } start() { return Container_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.started) { return; } yield this.init(); this.started = true; this.eventListeners.addListeners(); if (this.interactivity.element instanceof HTMLElement && this.intersectionObserver) { this.intersectionObserver.observe(this.interactivity.element); } for (const [, plugin] of this.plugins) { if (plugin.startAsync !== undefined) { yield plugin.startAsync(); } else if (plugin.start !== undefined) { plugin.start(); } }; }); } init() { return Container_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.retina.init(); this.canvas.init(); this.fpsLimit = this.options.fpsLimit > 0 ? this.options.fpsLimit : 60; const availablePlugins = Plugins.getAvailablePlugins(this); for (const [id, plugin] of availablePlugins) { this.plugins.set(id, plugin); } for (const [, drawer] of this.drawers) { if (drawer.init) { yield drawer.init(this); } } for (const [, plugin] of this.plugins) { if (plugin.init) { plugin.init(this.options); } else if (plugin.initAsync !== undefined) { yield plugin.initAsync(this.options); } } this.canvas.initSize(); this.particles.init(); this.particles.setDensity(); }); } intersectionManager(entries) { if (!this.options.pauseOnOutsideViewport) { return; } for (const entry of entries) { if ( !== this.interactivity.element) { continue; } if (entry.isIntersecting) {; } else { this.pause(); } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Core/Loader.js var Loader_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; const tsParticlesDom = []; function fetchError(statusCode) { console.error(`Error tsParticles - fetch status: ${statusCode}`); console.error("Error tsParticles - File config not found"); } class Loader { static dom() { return tsParticlesDom; } static domItem(index) { const dom = Loader.dom(); const item = dom[index]; if (item && !item.destroyed) { return item; } dom.splice(index, 1); } static load(tagId, options, index) { return Loader_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const domContainer = document.getElementById(tagId); if (!domContainer) { return; } return Loader.set(tagId, domContainer, options, index); }); } static set(id, domContainer, options, index) { return Loader_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const currentOptions = options instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(options, index) : options; const dom = Loader.dom(); const oldIndex = dom.findIndex(v => === id); if (oldIndex >= 0) { const old = Loader.domItem(oldIndex); if (old && !old.destroyed) { old.destroy(); dom.splice(oldIndex, 1); } } let canvasEl; let generatedCanvas; if (domContainer.tagName.toLowerCase() === "canvas") { canvasEl = domContainer; generatedCanvas = false; } else { const existingCanvases = domContainer.getElementsByTagName("canvas"); if (existingCanvases.length) { canvasEl = existingCanvases[0]; if (!canvasEl.className) { canvasEl.className = Constants.canvasClass; } generatedCanvas = false; } else { generatedCanvas = true; canvasEl = document.createElement("canvas"); canvasEl.className = Constants.canvasClass; = "100%"; = "100%"; domContainer.appendChild(canvasEl); } } const newItem = new Container(id, currentOptions); if (oldIndex >= 0) { dom.splice(oldIndex, 0, newItem); } else { dom.push(newItem); } newItem.canvas.loadCanvas(canvasEl, generatedCanvas); yield newItem.start(); return newItem; }); } static loadJSON(tagId, jsonUrl, index) { return Loader_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const url = jsonUrl instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(jsonUrl, index) : jsonUrl; const response = yield fetch(url); if (response.ok) { return Loader.load(tagId, yield response.json()); } else { fetchError(response.status); } }); } static setJSON(id, domContainer, jsonUrl) { return Loader_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const response = yield fetch(jsonUrl); if (response.ok) { const options = yield response.json(); return Loader.set(id, domContainer, options); } else { fetchError(response.status); } }); } static setOnClickHandler(callback) { const dom = Loader.dom(); if (dom.length === 0) { throw new Error("Can only set click handlers after calling tsParticles.load() or tsParticles.loadJSON()"); } for (const domItem of dom) { const el = domItem.interactivity.element; if (!el) { continue; } const clickOrTouchHandler = (e, pos) => { if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } const pxRatio = domItem.retina.pixelRatio; const posRetina = { x: pos.x * pxRatio, y: pos.y * pxRatio }; const particles = domItem.particles.quadTree.queryCircle(posRetina, domItem.retina.sizeValue); callback(e, particles); }; const clickHandler = e => { if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } const mouseEvent = e; const pos = { x: mouseEvent.offsetX || mouseEvent.clientX, y: mouseEvent.offsetY || mouseEvent.clientY }; clickOrTouchHandler(e, pos); }; const touchStartHandler = () => { if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } touched = true; touchMoved = false; }; const touchMoveHandler = () => { if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } touchMoved = true; }; const touchEndHandler = e => { var _a, _b, _c; if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } if (touched && !touchMoved) { const touchEvent = e; const lastTouch = touchEvent.touches[touchEvent.touches.length - 1]; const canvasRect = (_a = domItem.canvas.element) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBoundingClientRect(); const pos = { x: lastTouch.clientX - ((_b = canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : canvasRect.left) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0), y: lastTouch.clientY - ((_c = canvasRect === null || canvasRect === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0) }; clickOrTouchHandler(e, pos); } touched = false; touchMoved = false; }; const touchCancelHandler = () => { if (domItem.destroyed) { return; } touched = false; touchMoved = false; }; let touched = false; let touchMoved = false; el.addEventListener("click", clickHandler); el.addEventListener("touchstart", touchStartHandler); el.addEventListener("touchmove", touchMoveHandler); el.addEventListener("touchend", touchEndHandler); el.addEventListener("touchcancel", touchCancelHandler); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/main.slim.js var main_slim_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; class MainSlim { constructor() { this.initialized = false; const squareDrawer = new SquareDrawer(); const textDrawer = new TextDrawer(); const imageDrawer = new ImageDrawer(); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.line, new LineDrawer()); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(, new CircleDrawer()); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.edge, squareDrawer); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.square, squareDrawer); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.triangle, new TriangleDrawer()); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(, new StarDrawer()); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.polygon, new PolygonDrawer()); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.char, textDrawer); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.character, textDrawer); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.image, imageDrawer); Plugins.addShapeDrawer(ShapeType.images, imageDrawer); } init() { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true; } } loadFromArray(tagId, options, index) { return main_slim_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return Loader.load(tagId, options, index); }); } load(tagId, options) { return main_slim_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return Loader.load(tagId, options); }); } set(id, element, options) { return main_slim_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return Loader.set(id, element, options); }); } loadJSON(tagId, pathConfigJson, index) { return Loader.loadJSON(tagId, pathConfigJson, index); } setOnClickHandler(callback) { Loader.setOnClickHandler(callback); } dom() { return Loader.dom(); } domItem(index) { return Loader.domItem(index); } addShape(shape, drawer, init, afterEffect, destroy) { let customDrawer; if (typeof drawer === "function") { customDrawer = { afterEffect: afterEffect, destroy: destroy, draw: drawer, init: init }; } else { customDrawer = drawer; } Plugins.addShapeDrawer(shape, customDrawer); } addPreset(preset, options) { Plugins.addPreset(preset, options); } addPlugin(plugin) { Plugins.addPlugin(plugin); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/AbsorberInstance.js class AbsorberInstance { constructor(absorbers, container, options, position) { var _a, _b; this.absorbers = absorbers; this.container = container; this.initialPosition = position; this.options = options; this.dragging = false; this.opacity = this.options.opacity; this.size = NumberUtils.getValue(options.size) * container.retina.pixelRatio; this.mass = this.size * options.size.density * container.retina.reduceFactor; const limit = options.size.limit; this.limit = limit !== undefined ? limit * container.retina.pixelRatio * container.retina.reduceFactor : limit; const color = typeof options.color === "string" ? { value: options.color } : options.color; this.color = (_a = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(color)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : { b: 0, g: 0, r: 0 }; this.position = (_b = this.initialPosition) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.calcPosition(); } attract(particle) { const options = this.options; if (options.draggable) { const mouse = this.container.interactivity.mouse; if (mouse.clicking && mouse.downPosition) { const mouseDist = NumberUtils.getDistance(this.position, mouse.downPosition); if (mouseDist <= this.size) { this.dragging = true; } } else { this.dragging = false; } if (this.dragging && mouse.position) { this.position.x = mouse.position.x; this.position.y = mouse.position.y; } } const pos = particle.getPosition(); const { dx, dy, distance } = NumberUtils.getDistances(this.position, pos); const angle = Math.atan2(dx, dy); const acceleration = this.mass / Math.pow(distance, 2) * this.container.retina.reduceFactor; if (distance < this.size + particle.getRadius()) { const sizeFactor = particle.getRadius() * 0.033 * this.container.retina.pixelRatio; if (this.size > particle.getRadius() && distance < this.size - particle.getRadius()) { if (options.destroy) { particle.destroy(); } else { particle.needsNewPosition = true; this.updateParticlePosition(particle, angle, acceleration); } } else { if (options.destroy) { particle.size.value -= sizeFactor; } this.updateParticlePosition(particle, angle, acceleration); } if (this.limit === undefined || this.size < this.limit) { this.size += sizeFactor; } this.mass += sizeFactor * this.options.size.density * this.container.retina.reduceFactor; } else { this.updateParticlePosition(particle, angle, acceleration); } } resize() { const initialPosition = this.initialPosition; this.position = initialPosition && Utils.isPointInside(initialPosition, this.container.canvas.size) ? initialPosition : this.calcPosition(); } draw(context) { context.translate(this.position.x, this.position.y); context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, 0, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.closePath(); context.fillStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(this.color, this.opacity); context.fill(); } calcPosition() { var _a, _b; const container = this.container; const percentPosition = this.options.position; return { x: ((_a = percentPosition === null || percentPosition === void 0 ? void 0 : percentPosition.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Math.random() * 100) / 100 * container.canvas.size.width, y: ((_b = percentPosition === null || percentPosition === void 0 ? void 0 : percentPosition.y) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Math.random() * 100) / 100 * container.canvas.size.height }; } updateParticlePosition(particle, angle, acceleration) { var _a; if (particle.destroyed) { return; } const canvasSize = this.container.canvas.size; if (particle.needsNewPosition) { const pSize = particle.getRadius(); particle.position.x = Math.random() * (canvasSize.width - pSize * 2) + pSize; particle.position.y = Math.random() * (canvasSize.height - pSize * 2) + pSize; particle.needsNewPosition = false; } if (this.options.orbits) { if (particle.orbitRadius === undefined) { particle.orbitRadius = NumberUtils.getDistance(particle.getPosition(), this.position); } if (particle.orbitRadius <= this.size && !this.options.destroy) { particle.orbitRadius = Math.random() * Math.max(canvasSize.width, canvasSize.height); } if (particle.orbitAngle === undefined) { particle.orbitAngle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; } const orbitRadius = particle.orbitRadius; const orbitAngle = particle.orbitAngle; particle.velocity.horizontal = 0; particle.velocity.vertical = 0; particle.position.x = this.position.x + orbitRadius * Math.cos(orbitAngle); particle.position.y = this.position.y + orbitRadius * Math.sin(orbitAngle); particle.orbitRadius -= acceleration; particle.orbitAngle += ((_a = particle.moveSpeed) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.container.retina.moveSpeed) / 100 * this.container.retina.reduceFactor; } else { particle.velocity.horizontal += Math.sin(angle) * acceleration; particle.velocity.vertical += Math.cos(angle) * acceleration; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/Options/Classes/AbsorberSize.js class AbsorberSize extends ValueWithRandom { constructor() { super(); this.density = 5; this.random.minimumValue = 1; this.value = 50; } load(data) { if (!data) { return; } super.load(data); if (data.density !== undefined) { this.density = data.density; } if (data.limit !== undefined) { this.limit = data.limit; } if (data.limit !== undefined) { this.limit = data.limit; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/Options/Classes/Absorber.js class Absorber { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.color.value = "#000000"; this.draggable = false; this.opacity = 1; this.destroy = true; this.orbits = false; this.size = new AbsorberSize(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.color !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); } if (data.draggable !== undefined) { this.draggable = data.draggable; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } if (data.position !== undefined) { this.position = { x: data.position.x, y: data.position.y }; } if (data.size !== undefined) { this.size.load(data.size); } if (data.destroy !== undefined) { this.destroy = data.destroy; } if (data.orbits !== undefined) { this.orbits = data.orbits; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/Enums/AbsorberClickMode.js var AbsorberClickMode; (function (AbsorberClickMode) { AbsorberClickMode["absorber"] = "absorber"; })(AbsorberClickMode || (AbsorberClickMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/Enums/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/Absorbers.js class Absorbers { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.array = []; this.absorbers = []; this.interactivityAbsorbers = []; const overridableContainer = container; overridableContainer.addAbsorber = (options, position) => this.addAbsorber(options, position); } init(options) { var _a, _b; if (!options) { return; } if (options.absorbers) { if (options.absorbers instanceof Array) { this.absorbers = => { const tmp = new Absorber(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.absorbers instanceof Array) { this.absorbers = new Absorber(); } this.absorbers.load(options.absorbers); } } const interactivityAbsorbers = (_b = (_a = options.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.modes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.absorbers; if (interactivityAbsorbers) { if (interactivityAbsorbers instanceof Array) { this.interactivityAbsorbers = => { const tmp = new Absorber(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.interactivityAbsorbers instanceof Array) { this.interactivityAbsorbers = new Absorber(); } this.interactivityAbsorbers.load(interactivityAbsorbers); } } if (this.absorbers instanceof Array) { for (const absorberOptions of this.absorbers) { this.addAbsorber(absorberOptions); } } else { this.addAbsorber(this.absorbers); } } particleUpdate(particle) { for (const absorber of this.array) { absorber.attract(particle); if (particle.destroyed) { break; } } } draw(context) { for (const absorber of this.array) {; absorber.draw(context); context.restore(); } } stop() { this.array = []; } resize() { for (const absorber of this.array) { absorber.resize(); } } handleClickMode(mode) { const container = this.container; const absorberOptions = this.absorbers; const modeAbsorbers = this.interactivityAbsorbers; if (mode === AbsorberClickMode.absorber) { let absorbersModeOptions; if (modeAbsorbers instanceof Array) { if (modeAbsorbers.length > 0) { absorbersModeOptions = Utils.itemFromArray(modeAbsorbers); } } else { absorbersModeOptions = modeAbsorbers; } const absorbersOptions = absorbersModeOptions !== null && absorbersModeOptions !== void 0 ? absorbersModeOptions : absorberOptions instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(absorberOptions) : absorberOptions; const aPosition = container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition; this.addAbsorber(absorbersOptions, aPosition); } } addAbsorber(options, position) { const absorber = new AbsorberInstance(this, this.container, options, position); this.array.push(absorber); return absorber; } removeAbsorber(absorber) { const index = this.array.indexOf(absorber); if (index >= 0) { this.array.splice(index, 1); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Absorbers/AbsorbersPlugin.js class AbsorbersPlugin { constructor() { = "absorbers"; } getPlugin(container) { return new Absorbers(container); } needsPlugin(options) { var _a, _b, _c; if (options === undefined) { return false; } const absorbers = options.absorbers; let loadAbsorbers = false; if (absorbers instanceof Array) { if (absorbers.length) { loadAbsorbers = true; } } else if (absorbers !== undefined) { loadAbsorbers = true; } else if (((_c = (_b = (_a = options.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onClick) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.mode) && Utils.isInArray(AbsorberClickMode.absorber, { loadAbsorbers = true; } return loadAbsorbers; } loadOptions(options, source) { var _a, _b; if (!this.needsPlugin(options) && !this.needsPlugin(source)) { return; } const optionsCast = options; if (source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.absorbers) { if ((source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.absorbers) instanceof Array) { optionsCast.absorbers = source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : => { const tmp = new Absorber(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { let absorberOptions = optionsCast.absorbers; if ((absorberOptions === null || absorberOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : absorberOptions.load) === undefined) { optionsCast.absorbers = absorberOptions = new Absorber(); } absorberOptions.load(source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.absorbers); } } const interactivityAbsorbers = (_b = (_a = source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.modes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.absorbers; if (interactivityAbsorbers) { if (interactivityAbsorbers instanceof Array) { optionsCast.interactivity.modes.absorbers = => { const tmp = new Absorber(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { let absorberOptions = optionsCast.interactivity.modes.absorbers; if ((absorberOptions === null || absorberOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : absorberOptions.load) === undefined) { optionsCast.interactivity.modes.absorbers = absorberOptions = new Absorber(); } absorberOptions.load(interactivityAbsorbers); } } } } const AbsorbersPlugin_plugin = new AbsorbersPlugin(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Options/Classes/EmitterSize.js class EmitterSize { constructor() { this.mode = SizeMode.percent; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.mode !== undefined) { this.mode = data.mode; } if (data.height !== undefined) { this.height = data.height; } if (data.width !== undefined) { this.width = data.width; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/EmitterInstance.js function randomCoordinate(position, offset) { return position + offset * (Math.random() - 0.5); } function randomPosition(position, offset) { return { x: randomCoordinate(position.x, offset.x), y: randomCoordinate(position.y, offset.y) }; } class EmitterInstance { constructor(emitters, container, emitterOptions, position) { var _a, _b, _c; this.emitters = emitters; this.container = container; this.initialPosition = position; this.emitterOptions = Utils.deepExtend({}, emitterOptions); this.position = (_a = this.initialPosition) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.calcPosition(); let particlesOptions = Utils.deepExtend({}, this.emitterOptions.particles); if (particlesOptions === undefined) { particlesOptions = {}; } if (particlesOptions.move === undefined) { particlesOptions.move = {}; } if (particlesOptions.move.direction === undefined) { particlesOptions.move.direction = this.emitterOptions.direction; } this.particlesOptions = particlesOptions; this.size = (_b = this.emitterOptions.size) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (() => { const size = new EmitterSize(); size.load({ height: 0, mode: SizeMode.percent, width: 0 }); return size; })(); this.lifeCount = (_c = !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : -1; this.immortal = this.lifeCount <= 0;; } play() { if (this.container.retina.reduceFactor && (this.lifeCount > 0 || this.immortal || ! { if (this.startInterval === undefined) { const delay = 1000 * this.emitterOptions.rate.delay / this.container.retina.reduceFactor; this.startInterval = window.setInterval(() => { this.emit(); }, delay); } if (this.lifeCount > 0 || this.immortal) { this.prepareToDie(); } } } pause() { const interval = this.startInterval; if (interval !== undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete this.startInterval; } } resize() { const initialPosition = this.initialPosition; this.position = initialPosition && Utils.isPointInside(initialPosition, this.container.canvas.size) ? initialPosition : this.calcPosition(); } prepareToDie() { var _a; const duration = (_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.duration; if (this.container.retina.reduceFactor && (this.lifeCount > 0 || this.immortal) && duration !== undefined && duration > 0) { setTimeout(() => { var _a; this.pause(); if (!this.immortal) { this.lifeCount--; } if (this.lifeCount > 0 || this.immortal) { this.position = this.calcPosition(); setTimeout(() => {; }, ((_a = !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) * 1000 / this.container.retina.reduceFactor); } else { this.destroy(); } }, duration * 1000); } } destroy() { this.emitters.removeEmitter(this); } calcPosition() { var _a, _b; const container = this.container; const percentPosition = this.emitterOptions.position; return { x: ((_a = percentPosition === null || percentPosition === void 0 ? void 0 : percentPosition.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Math.random() * 100) / 100 * container.canvas.size.width, y: ((_b = percentPosition === null || percentPosition === void 0 ? void 0 : percentPosition.y) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Math.random() * 100) / 100 * container.canvas.size.height }; } emit() { const container = this.container; const position = this.position; const offset = { x: this.size.mode === SizeMode.percent ? container.canvas.size.width * this.size.width / 100 : this.size.width, y: this.size.mode === SizeMode.percent ? container.canvas.size.height * this.size.height / 100 : this.size.height }; for (let i = 0; i < this.emitterOptions.rate.quantity; i++) { container.particles.addParticle(randomPosition(position, offset), this.particlesOptions); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Options/Classes/EmitterRate.js class EmitterRate { constructor() { this.quantity = 1; this.delay = 0.1; } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.quantity !== undefined) { this.quantity = data.quantity; } if (data.delay !== undefined) { this.delay = data.delay; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Options/Classes/EmitterLife.js class EmitterLife { load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.count !== undefined) { this.count = data.count; } if (data.delay !== undefined) { this.delay = data.delay; } if (data.duration !== undefined) { this.duration = data.duration; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Options/Classes/Emitter.js class Emitter { constructor() { this.direction = MoveDirection.none; = new EmitterLife(); this.rate = new EmitterRate(); } load(data) { if (data === undefined) { return; } if (data.size !== undefined) { if (this.size === undefined) { this.size = new EmitterSize(); } this.size.load(data.size); } if (data.direction !== undefined) { this.direction = data.direction; }; if (data.particles !== undefined) { this.particles = Utils.deepExtend({}, data.particles); } this.rate.load(data.rate); if (data.position !== undefined) { this.position = { x: data.position.x, y: data.position.y }; } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Enums/EmitterClickMode.js var EmitterClickMode; (function (EmitterClickMode) { EmitterClickMode["emitter"] = "emitter"; })(EmitterClickMode || (EmitterClickMode = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Enums/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/Emitters.js class Emitters { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.array = []; this.emitters = []; this.interactivityEmitters = []; const overridableContainer = container; overridableContainer.addEmitter = (options, position) => this.addEmitter(options, position); } init(options) { var _a, _b; if (!options) { return; } if (options.emitters) { if (options.emitters instanceof Array) { this.emitters = => { const tmp = new Emitter(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.emitters instanceof Array) { this.emitters = new Emitter(); } this.emitters.load(options.emitters); } } const interactivityEmitters = (_b = (_a = options.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.modes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.emitters; if (interactivityEmitters) { if (interactivityEmitters instanceof Array) { this.interactivityEmitters = => { const tmp = new Emitter(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { if (this.interactivityEmitters instanceof Array) { this.interactivityEmitters = new Emitter(); } this.interactivityEmitters.load(interactivityEmitters); } } if (this.emitters instanceof Array) { for (const emitterOptions of this.emitters) { this.addEmitter(emitterOptions); } } else { this.addEmitter(this.emitters); } } play() { for (const emitter of this.array) {; } } pause() { for (const emitter of this.array) { emitter.pause(); } } stop() { this.array = []; } handleClickMode(mode) { const container = this.container; const emitterOptions = this.emitters; const modeEmitters = this.interactivityEmitters; if (mode === EmitterClickMode.emitter) { let emitterModeOptions; if (modeEmitters instanceof Array) { if (modeEmitters.length > 0) { emitterModeOptions = Utils.itemFromArray(modeEmitters); } } else { emitterModeOptions = modeEmitters; } const emittersOptions = emitterModeOptions !== null && emitterModeOptions !== void 0 ? emitterModeOptions : emitterOptions instanceof Array ? Utils.itemFromArray(emitterOptions) : emitterOptions; const ePosition = container.interactivity.mouse.clickPosition; this.addEmitter(Utils.deepExtend({}, emittersOptions), ePosition); } } resize() { for (const emitter of this.array) { emitter.resize(); } } addEmitter(options, position) { const emitter = new EmitterInstance(this, this.container, options, position); this.array.push(emitter); return emitter; } removeEmitter(emitter) { const index = this.array.indexOf(emitter); if (index >= 0) { this.array.splice(index, 1); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/Emitters/EmittersPlugin.js class EmittersPlugin { constructor() { = "emitters"; } getPlugin(container) { return new Emitters(container); } needsPlugin(options) { var _a, _b, _c; if (options === undefined) { return false; } const emitters = options.emitters; let loadEmitters = false; if (emitters instanceof Array) { if (emitters.length) { loadEmitters = true; } } else if (emitters !== undefined) { loadEmitters = true; } else if (((_c = (_b = (_a = options.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onClick) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.mode) && Utils.isInArray(EmitterClickMode.emitter, { loadEmitters = true; } return loadEmitters; } loadOptions(options, source) { var _a, _b; if (!this.needsPlugin(options) && !this.needsPlugin(source)) { return; } const optionsCast = options; if (source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.emitters) { if ((source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.emitters) instanceof Array) { optionsCast.emitters = source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : => { const tmp = new Emitter(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { let emitterOptions = optionsCast.emitters; if ((emitterOptions === null || emitterOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : emitterOptions.load) === undefined) { optionsCast.emitters = emitterOptions = new Emitter(); } emitterOptions.load(source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.emitters); } } const interactivityEmitters = (_b = (_a = source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.interactivity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.modes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.emitters; if (interactivityEmitters) { if (interactivityEmitters instanceof Array) { optionsCast.interactivity.modes.emitters = => { const tmp = new Emitter(); tmp.load(s); return tmp; }); } else { let emitterOptions = optionsCast.interactivity.modes.emitters; if ((emitterOptions === null || emitterOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : emitterOptions.load) === undefined) { optionsCast.interactivity.modes.emitters = emitterOptions = new Emitter(); } emitterOptions.load(interactivityEmitters); } } } } const EmittersPlugin_plugin = new EmittersPlugin(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Enums/InlineArrangement.js var InlineArrangement; (function (InlineArrangement) { InlineArrangement["equidistant"] = "equidistant"; InlineArrangement["onePerPoint"] = "one-per-point"; InlineArrangement["perPoint"] = "per-point"; InlineArrangement["randomLength"] = "random-length"; InlineArrangement["randomPoint"] = "random-point"; })(InlineArrangement || (InlineArrangement = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Enums/MoveType.js var MoveType; (function (MoveType) { MoveType["path"] = "path"; MoveType["radius"] = "radius"; })(MoveType || (MoveType = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Enums/Type.js var Type; (function (Type) { Type["inline"] = "inline"; Type["inside"] = "inside"; Type["outside"] = "outside"; Type["none"] = "none"; })(Type || (Type = {})); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Enums/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/DrawStroke.js class DrawStroke { constructor() { this.color = new OptionsColor(); this.width = 0.5; this.opacity = 1; } load(data) { var _a; if (data !== undefined) { this.color = OptionsColor.create(this.color, data.color); if (typeof this.color.value === "string") { this.opacity = (_a = ColorUtils.stringToAlpha(this.color.value)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.opacity; } if (data.opacity !== undefined) { this.opacity = data.opacity; } if (data.width !== undefined) { this.width = data.width; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/Draw.js class Draw { constructor() { this.enable = false; this.stroke = new DrawStroke(); } get lineWidth() { return this.stroke.width; } set lineWidth(value) { this.stroke.width = value; } get lineColor() { return this.stroke.color; } set lineColor(value) { this.stroke.color = OptionsColor.create(this.stroke.color, value); } load(data) { var _a; if (data !== undefined) { if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } const stroke = (_a = data.stroke) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : { color: data.lineColor, width: data.lineWidth }; this.stroke.load(stroke); } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/Move.js class Move_Move { constructor() { this.radius = 10; this.type = MoveType.path; } load(data) { if (data !== undefined) { if (data.radius !== undefined) { this.radius = data.radius; } if (data.type !== undefined) { this.type = data.type; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/Inline.js class Inline { constructor() { this.arrangement = InlineArrangement.onePerPoint; } load(data) { if (data !== undefined) { if (data.arrangement !== undefined) { this.arrangement = data.arrangement; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/LocalSvg.js class LocalSvg { constructor() { this.path = []; this.size = { height: 0, width: 0 }; } load(data) { if (data !== undefined) { if (data.path !== undefined) { this.path = data.path; } if (data.size !== undefined) { if (data.size.width !== undefined) { this.size.width = data.size.width; } if (data.size.height !== undefined) { this.size.height = data.size.height; } } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/Options/Classes/PolygonMask.js class PolygonMask { constructor() { this.draw = new Draw(); this.enable = false; this.inline = new Inline(); this.move = new Move_Move(); this.scale = 1; this.type = Type.none; } get inlineArrangement() { return this.inline.arrangement; } set inlineArrangement(value) { this.inline.arrangement = value; } load(data) { var _a; if (data !== undefined) { this.draw.load(data.draw); const inline = (_a = data.inline) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : { arrangement: data.inlineArrangement }; if (inline !== undefined) { this.inline.load(inline); } this.move.load(data.move); if (data.scale !== undefined) { this.scale = data.scale; } if (data.type !== undefined) { this.type = data.type; } if (data.enable !== undefined) { this.enable = data.enable; } else { this.enable = this.type !== Type.none; } if (data.url !== undefined) { this.url = data.url; } if ( !== undefined) { if (typeof === "string") { =; } else { = new LocalSvg();; } } if (data.position !== undefined) { this.position = { x: data.position.x, y: data.position.y }; } } } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/PolygonMaskInstance.js var PolygonMaskInstance_awaiter = undefined && undefined.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; function polygonBounce(particle) { particle.velocity.horizontal = particle.velocity.vertical / 2 - particle.velocity.horizontal; particle.velocity.vertical = particle.velocity.horizontal / 2 - particle.velocity.vertical; } function drawPolygonMask(context, rawData, stroke) { const color = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(stroke.color); if (!color) { return; } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rawData[0].x, rawData[0].y); for (const item of rawData) { context.lineTo(item.x, item.y); } context.closePath(); context.strokeStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(color); context.lineWidth = stroke.width; context.stroke(); } function drawPolygonMaskPath(context, path, stroke, position) { context.translate(position.x, position.y); const color = ColorUtils.colorToRgb(stroke.color); if (!color) { return; } context.strokeStyle = ColorUtils.getStyleFromRgb(color, stroke.opacity); context.lineWidth = stroke.width; context.stroke(path); } function parsePaths(paths, scale, offset) { const res = []; for (const path of paths) { const segments = path.element.pathSegList; const len = segments.numberOfItems; const p = { x: 0, y: 0 }; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const segment = segments.getItem(i); const svgPathSeg = window.SVGPathSeg; switch (segment.pathSegType) { case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS: { const absSeg = segment; p.x = absSeg.x; p.y = absSeg.y; break; } case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS: p.x = segment.x; break; case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS: p.y = segment.y; break; case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_ARC_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL: { const relSeg = segment; p.x += relSeg.x; p.y += relSeg.y; break; } case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL: p.x += segment.x; break; case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL: p.y += segment.y; break; case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_UNKNOWN: case svgPathSeg.PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH: continue; } res.push({ x: p.x * scale + offset.x, y: p.y * scale + offset.y }); } } return res; } class PolygonMaskInstance { constructor(container) { this.container = container; this.dimension = { height: 0, width: 0 }; this.path2DSupported = !!window.Path2D; this.options = new PolygonMask(); this.polygonMaskMoveRadius = this.options.move.radius * container.retina.pixelRatio; } initAsync(options) { return PolygonMaskInstance_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.options.load(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.polygon); const polygonMaskOptions = this.options; this.polygonMaskMoveRadius = polygonMaskOptions.move.radius * this.container.retina.pixelRatio; if (polygonMaskOptions.enable) { yield this.initRawData(); } }); } resize() { const container = this.container; const options = this.options; if (!(options.enable && options.type !== Type.none)) { return; } if (this.redrawTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.redrawTimeout); } this.redrawTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => PolygonMaskInstance_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield this.initRawData(true); container.particles.redraw(); }), 250); } stop() { delete this.raw; delete this.paths; } particlesInitialization() { const options = this.options; if (options.enable && options.type === Type.inline && (options.inline.arrangement === InlineArrangement.onePerPoint || options.inline.arrangement === InlineArrangement.perPoint)) { this.drawPoints(); return true; } return false; } particlePosition(position) { var _a, _b; const options = this.options; if (!(options.enable && ((_b = (_a = this.raw) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) > 0)) { return; } return Utils.deepExtend({}, position ? position : this.randomPoint()); } particleBounce(particle) { const options = this.options; if (options.enable && options.type !== Type.none && options.type !== Type.inline) { if (!this.checkInsidePolygon(particle.getPosition())) { polygonBounce(particle); return true; } } else if (options.enable && options.type === Type.inline && particle.initialPosition) { const dist = NumberUtils.getDistance(particle.initialPosition, particle.getPosition()); if (dist > this.polygonMaskMoveRadius) { polygonBounce(particle); return true; } } return false; } clickPositionValid(position) { const options = this.options; return options.enable && options.type !== Type.none && options.type !== Type.inline && this.checkInsidePolygon(position); } draw(context) { var _a; if (!((_a = this.paths) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) { return; } const options = this.options; const polygonDraw = options.draw; if (!(options.enable && polygonDraw.enable)) { return; } const rawData = this.raw; for (const path of this.paths) { const path2d = path.path2d; const path2dSupported = this.path2DSupported; if (!context) { continue; } if (path2dSupported && path2d && this.offset) { drawPolygonMaskPath(context, path2d, polygonDraw.stroke, this.offset); } else if (rawData) { drawPolygonMask(context, rawData, polygonDraw.stroke); } } } checkInsidePolygon(position) { var _a, _b; const container = this.container; const options = this.options; if (!options.enable || options.type === Type.none || options.type === Type.inline) { return true; } if (!this.raw) { throw new Error(Constants.noPolygonFound); } const canvasSize = container.canvas.size; const x = (_a = position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.x) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Math.random() * canvasSize.width; const y = (_b = position === null || position === void 0 ? void 0 : position.y) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Math.random() * canvasSize.height; let inside = false; for (let i = 0, j = this.raw.length - 1; i < this.raw.length; j = i++) { const pi = this.raw[i]; const pj = this.raw[j]; const intersect = pi.y > y !== pj.y > y && x < (pj.x - pi.x) * (y - pi.y) / (pj.y - pi.y) + pi.x; if (intersect) { inside = !inside; } } return options.type === Type.inside ? inside : options.type === Type.outside ? !inside : false; } parseSvgPath(xml, force) { var _a, _b, _c; const forceDownload = force !== null && force !== void 0 ? force : false; if (this.paths !== undefined && !forceDownload) { return this.raw; } const container = this.container; const options = this.options; const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(xml, "image/svg+xml"); const svg = doc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]; let svgPaths = svg.getElementsByTagName("path"); if (!svgPaths.length) { svgPaths = doc.getElementsByTagName("path"); } this.paths = []; for (let i = 0; i < svgPaths.length; i++) { const path = svgPaths.item(i); if (path) { this.paths.push({ element: path, length: path.getTotalLength() }); } } const pxRatio = container.retina.pixelRatio; const scale = options.scale / pxRatio; this.dimension.width = parseFloat((_a = svg.getAttribute("width")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "0") * scale; this.dimension.height = parseFloat((_b = svg.getAttribute("height")) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "0") * scale; const position = (_c = options.position) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : { x: 50, y: 50 }; this.offset = { x: container.canvas.size.width * position.x / (100 * pxRatio) - this.dimension.width / 2, y: container.canvas.size.height * position.y / (100 * pxRatio) - this.dimension.height / 2 }; return parsePaths(this.paths, scale, this.offset); } downloadSvgPath(svgUrl, force) { return PolygonMaskInstance_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const options = this.options; const url = svgUrl || options.url; const forceDownload = force !== null && force !== void 0 ? force : false; if (!url || this.paths !== undefined && !forceDownload) { return this.raw; } const req = yield fetch(url); if (!req.ok) { throw new Error("tsParticles Error - Error occurred during polygon mask download"); } return this.parseSvgPath(yield req.text(), force); }); } drawPoints() { if (!this.raw) { return; } for (const item of this.raw) { this.container.particles.addParticle({ x: item.x, y: item.y }); } } randomPoint() { const container = this.container; const options = this.options; let position; if (options.type === Type.inline) { switch (options.inline.arrangement) { case InlineArrangement.randomPoint: position = this.getRandomPoint(); break; case InlineArrangement.randomLength: position = this.getRandomPointByLength(); break; case InlineArrangement.equidistant: position = this.getEquidistantPointByIndex(container.particles.count); break; case InlineArrangement.onePerPoint: case InlineArrangement.perPoint: default: position = this.getPointByIndex(container.particles.count); } } else { position = { x: Math.random() * container.canvas.size.width, y: Math.random() * container.canvas.size.height }; } if (this.checkInsidePolygon(position)) { return position; } else { return this.randomPoint(); } } getRandomPoint() { if (!this.raw || !this.raw.length) { throw new Error(Constants.noPolygonDataLoaded); } const coords = Utils.itemFromArray(this.raw); return { x: coords.x, y: coords.y }; } getRandomPointByLength() { var _a, _b, _c; const options = this.options; if (!this.raw || !this.raw.length || !((_a = this.paths) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) { throw new Error(Constants.noPolygonDataLoaded); } const path = Utils.itemFromArray(this.paths); const distance = Math.floor(Math.random() * path.length) + 1; const point = path.element.getPointAtLength(distance); return { x: point.x * options.scale + (((_b = this.offset) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.x) || 0), y: point.y * options.scale + (((_c = this.offset) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.y) || 0) }; } getEquidistantPointByIndex(index) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; const options = this.container.options; const polygonMaskOptions = this.options; if (!this.raw || !this.raw.length || !((_a = this.paths) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) throw new Error(Constants.noPolygonDataLoaded); let offset = 0; let point; const totalLength = this.paths.reduce((tot, path) => tot + path.length, 0); const distance = totalLength / options.particles.number.value; for (const path of this.paths) { const pathDistance = distance * index - offset; if (pathDistance <= path.length) { point = path.element.getPointAtLength(pathDistance); break; } else { offset += path.length; } } return { x: ((_b = point === null || point === void 0 ? void 0 : point.x) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) * polygonMaskOptions.scale + ((_d = (_c = this.offset) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.x) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0), y: ((_e = point === null || point === void 0 ? void 0 : point.y) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0) * polygonMaskOptions.scale + ((_g = (_f = this.offset) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.y) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : 0) }; } getPointByIndex(index) { if (!this.raw || !this.raw.length) { throw new Error(Constants.noPolygonDataLoaded); } const coords = this.raw[index % this.raw.length]; return { x: coords.x, y: coords.y }; } createPath2D() { var _a, _b; const options = this.options; if (!this.path2DSupported || !((_a = this.paths) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) { return; } for (const path of this.paths) { const pathData = (_b = path.element) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getAttribute("d"); if (pathData) { const path2d = new Path2D(pathData); const matrix = document.createElementNS("", "svg").createSVGMatrix(); const finalPath = new Path2D(); const transform = matrix.scale(options.scale); if (finalPath.addPath) { finalPath.addPath(path2d, transform); path.path2d = finalPath; } else { delete path.path2d; } } else { delete path.path2d; } if (path.path2d || !this.raw) { continue; } path.path2d = new Path2D(); path.path2d.moveTo(this.raw[0].x, this.raw[0].y); this.raw.forEach((pos, i) => { var _a; if (i > 0) { (_a = path.path2d) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y); } }); path.path2d.closePath(); } } initRawData(force) { return PolygonMaskInstance_awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const options = this.options; if (options.url) { this.raw = yield this.downloadSvgPath(options.url, force); } else if ( { const data =; let svg; if (typeof data !== "string") { const path = data.path instanceof Array ? => `<path d="${t}" />`).join("") : `<path d="${data.path}" />`; const namespaces = 'xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""'; svg = `<svg ${namespaces} width="${data.size.width}" height="${data.size.height}">${path}</svg>`; } else { svg = data; } this.raw = this.parseSvgPath(svg, force); } this.createPath2D(); }); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Plugins/PolygonMask/PolygonMaskPlugin.js class PolygonMaskPlugin { constructor() { = "polygonMask"; } getPlugin(container) { return new PolygonMaskInstance(container); } needsPlugin(options) { var _a, _b, _c; return (_b = (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.polygon) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.enable) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ((_c = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.polygon) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.type) !== undefined && options.polygon.type !== Type.none; } loadOptions(options, source) { if (!this.needsPlugin(source)) { return; } const optionsCast = options; let polygonOptions = optionsCast.polygon; if ((polygonOptions === null || polygonOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : polygonOptions.load) === undefined) { optionsCast.polygon = polygonOptions = new PolygonMask(); } polygonOptions.load(source === null || source === void 0 ? void 0 : source.polygon); } } const PolygonMaskPlugin_plugin = new PolygonMaskPlugin(); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/main.js class Main extends MainSlim { constructor() { super(); this.addPlugin(AbsorbersPlugin_plugin); this.addPlugin(EmittersPlugin_plugin); this.addPlugin(PolygonMaskPlugin_plugin); } } // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/Types/index.js // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./dist/browser/index.js const tsParticles = new Main(); tsParticles.init(); const { particlesJS, pJSDom } = initPjs(tsParticles); /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]) { /******/ return __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) =>, prop) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ // module exports must be returned from runtime so entry inlining is disabled /******/ // startup /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(714); /******/ })() ; });