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<?php namespace ColibriWP\Theme; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Hooks; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Tree; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Utils; class View { const CONTENT_ELEMENT = 'content'; const SECTION_ELEMENT = 'section'; const ROW_ELEMENT = 'row'; const COLUMN_ELEMENT = 'column'; /** * @param $category * @param $slug * @param array $data */ public static function partial( $category, $slug, $data = array() ) { $category = Utils::camel2dashed( $category ); $slug = Utils::camel2dashed( $slug ); static::prinDebugHTMLComment( 'Start Partial', "/{$category}/{$slug}" ); static::make( Theme::resolveTemplateRelativePath( "template-parts/{$category}/{$slug}" ), $data, false ); static::prinDebugHTMLComment( 'End Partial', "/{$category}/{$slug}" ); } public static function prinDebugHTMLComment( $message = '', $details = '' ) { if ( defined( 'WP_KUBIO_THEME_DEBUG' ) && WP_KUBIO_THEME_DEBUG ) { $message = $details ? trim( $message ) . ' - ' : ''; $content = trim( strtoupper( $message ) . trim( $details ) ); ?> <!-- <?php echo esc_attr( $content ); ?> --> <?php } } public static function make( $path, $data = array(), $try_to_locate_in_base = true ) { global $wp_query; $wp_query->query_vars['colibri_data'] = new Tree( $data ); if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { load_template( $path ); } else { $file_path = "{$path}.php"; if ( locate_template( $file_path, false ) ) { get_template_part( $path ); } else { $resolved = false; if ( $try_to_locate_in_base ) { $base_path = Theme::resolveThemeBaseTemplateRelativePath( $path ); $base_file_php = "{$base_path}.php"; $base_file_abs_path = locate_template( $base_file_php, false ); if ( $base_file_abs_path ) { $resolved = true; get_template_part( $base_path ); } } if ( ! $resolved ) { get_template_part( $path ); } } } $wp_query->query_vars['colibri_data'] = null; } public static function getData( $path, $default = null ) { global $wp_query; $colibri_data = $wp_query->query_vars['colibri_data']; if ( $colibri_data ) { /** @var Tree $colibri_data */ return $colibri_data->findAt( $path, $default ); } return $default; } public static function isFrontPage() { return is_front_page(); } public static function printMenu( $attrs, $walker = '' ) { $attrs = array_merge( array( 'id' => null, 'classes' => '', ), $attrs ); $theme_location = $attrs['id']; $customClasses = $attrs['classes']; $drop_down_menu_classes = array( 'colibri-menu' ); $drop_down_menu_classes = array_merge( $drop_down_menu_classes, array( $customClasses ) ); if ( static::emptyMenu( $theme_location ) ) { echo 'No menu items'; return; } wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => $theme_location, 'menu_class' => esc_attr( implode( ' ', $drop_down_menu_classes ) ), 'container_class' => 'colibri-menu-container', 'fallback_cb' => function () use ( $attrs ) { static::menuFallback( $attrs ); }, 'walker' => $walker, ) ); } private static function emptyMenu( $theme_location ) { $theme_locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $menu_id = 0; if ( array_key_exists( $theme_location, $theme_locations ) ) { $menu_id = $theme_locations[ $theme_location ]; } $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu_id ); if ( $menu_items && count( $menu_items ) === 0 ) { return true; } } public static function menuFallback( $attrs, $walker = '' ) { $customClasses = $attrs['classes']; $drop_down_menu_classes = array( 'colibri-menu' ); $drop_down_menu_classes = array_merge( $drop_down_menu_classes, array( $customClasses ) ); return wp_page_menu( array( 'menu_class' => 'colibri-menu-container', 'before' => '<ul class="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $drop_down_menu_classes ) ) . '">', 'after' => Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'nomenu_after', '' ) . '</ul>', 'walker' => $walker, ) ); } public static function printContentWrapperAttrs( $classes = array() ) { $classes = is_array( $classes ) ? $classes : array( $classes ); $classes = array_merge( array( 'gridContainer', 'content' ), $classes ); $classes = Hooks::prefixed_apply_filters( 'content_wrapper_class', $classes ); $classes = array_unique( $classes ); printf( ' class="%s" ', esc_attr( implode( ' ', $classes ) ) ); } public static function printEntryThumb( $classes = '' ) { $placeholder_color = '#333'; ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"> <div class="image-container-frame"> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail( 'post-thumbnail', array( 'class' => $classes, ) ); } else { ?> <svg class="colibri-post-list-item-thumb-placeholder <?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>" width="890" height="580" viewBox="0 0 890 580" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <rect width="890" height="580" style="fill:<?php echo esc_attr( $placeholder_color ); ?>;"></rect> </svg> <?php } ?> </div> </a> <?php } public static function printRowStart( $args ) { $args = array_merge( array( 'inner_class' => array(), 'outer_class' => array(), ), $args ); $outer_classes = array_merge( array( 'h-row-container', ), $args['outer_class'] ); $inner_classes = array_merge( array( 'h-row', ), $args['inner_class'] ); static::printTwoLevelsDivStart( $outer_classes, $inner_classes ); } private static function printTwoLevelsDivStart( $outer_classes = array(), $inner_classes = array() ) { $outer_classes = implode( ' ', $outer_classes ); $inner_classes = implode( ' ', $inner_classes ); static::printElementStart( 'div', array( 'class' => $outer_classes ) ); static::printElementStart( 'div', array( 'class' => $inner_classes ) ); } public static function printElementStart( $tag, $attrs = array() ) { $key_value_attrs = array(); foreach ( $attrs as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = implode( ' ', array_unique( $value ) ); } $value = esc_attr( $value ); $key = sanitize_key( $key ); $key_value_attrs[] = "{$key}='{$value}'"; } $attrs_string = implode( ' ', $key_value_attrs ); echo "<{$tag} {$attrs_string}>"; } public static function printRowEnd() { static::printTwoLevelsDivEnd(); } private static function printTwoLevelsDivEnd() { self::printElementEnd( 'div' ); self::printElementEnd( 'div' ); } public static function printElementEnd( $tag ) { echo "</{$tag}>"; } public static function printSectionStart( $args = array() ) { $args = array_merge( array( 'inner_class' => array(), 'outer_class' => array(), ), $args ); $outer_classes = array_merge( array( 'd-flex', 'h-section', 'h-section-global-spacing', 'position-relative', ), (array) $args['outer_class'] ); $inner_classes = array_merge( array( 'h-section-grid-container', ), (array) $args['inner_class'] ); static::printTwoLevelsDivStart( $outer_classes, $inner_classes ); } public static function printSectionEnd() { static::printTwoLevelsDivEnd(); } public static function printContentStart( $args = array() ) { $class = Utils::pathGet( $args, 'class', array() ); $class = array_merge( array( 'content', ' position-relative' ), $class ); $args['class'] = $class; $args['id'] = Utils::pathGet( $args, 'id', 'content' ); self::printElementStart( 'div', $args ); } public static function printContentEnd() { static::printElementEnd( 'div' ); } public static function printColumnStart( $args = array() ) { $class = Utils::pathGet( $args, 'class', array() ); $class = array_merge( array( 'h-col' ), $class ); $args['class'] = $class; self::printElementStart( 'div', $args ); } public static function printColumnEnd() { static::printElementEnd( 'div' ); } /** * @param string $wrapper * @param callable $to_print * @param array $args */ public static function printIn( $wrapper, $to_print, $args = array() ) { $wrapper = ucfirst( strtolower( $wrapper ) ); $wrapper_fn_start = "print{$wrapper}Start"; $wrapper_fn_end = "print{$wrapper}End"; if ( method_exists( self::class, "{$wrapper_fn_start}" ) ) { if ( method_exists( self::class, "{$wrapper_fn_end}" ) ) { echo "<!-- {$wrapper}:start -->\n"; call_user_func( array( self::class, $wrapper_fn_start ), $args ); call_user_func( $to_print ); call_user_func( array( self::class, $wrapper_fn_end ), $args ); echo "\n<!-- {$wrapper}:end -->"; } } } public static function printSkipToContent() { ?> <script> /(trident|msie)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && document.getElementById && window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener("hashchange", function () { var t, e = location.hash.substring(1); /^[A-z0-9_-]+$/.test(e) && (t = document.getElementById(e)) && (/^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test(t.tagName) || (t.tabIndex = -1), t.focus()) }, !1); </script> <a class="skip-link screen-reader-text" href="#content"> <?php Translations::escHtmlE( 'skip_to_content' ); ?> </a> <?php } }