File "sp-scripts.js"
Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content-20250114100547/plugins/coming-soon/public/js/sp-scripts.js
File size: 52.79 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
"use strict";
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
/*! js-cookie v3.0.0-rc.0 | MIT */
!function (e, t) {
"object" == (typeof exports === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(exports)) && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e = e || self, function () {
var r = e.Cookies,
n = e.Cookies = t();
n.noConflict = function () {
return e.Cookies = r, n;
}(void 0, function () {
"use strict";
function e(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var r = arguments[t];
for (var n in r) {
e[n] = r[n];
return e;
var t = {
read: function read(e) {
return e.replace(/%3B/g, ";");
write: function write(e) {
return e.replace(/;/g, "%3B");
return function r(n, i) {
function o(r, o, u) {
if ("undefined" != typeof document) {
"number" == typeof (u = e({}, i, u)).expires && (u.expires = new Date( + 864e5 * u.expires)), u.expires && (u.expires = u.expires.toUTCString()), r = t.write(r).replace(/=/g, "%3D"), o = n.write(String(o), r);
var c = "";
for (var f in u) {
u[f] && (c += "; " + f, !0 !== u[f] && (c += "=" + u[f].split(";")[0]));
return document.cookie = r + "=" + o + c;
return Object.create({
set: o,
get: function get(e) {
if ("undefined" != typeof document && (!arguments.length || e)) {
for (var r = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [], i = {}, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var u = r[o].split("="),
c = u.slice(1).join("="),
f =[0]).replace(/%3D/g, "=");
if (i[f] =, f), e === f) break;
return e ? i[e] : i;
remove: function remove(t, r) {
o(t, "", e({}, r, {
expires: -1
withAttributes: function withAttributes(t) {
return r(this.converter, e({}, this.attributes, t));
withConverter: function withConverter(t) {
return r(e({}, this.converter, t), this.attributes);
}, {
attributes: {
value: Object.freeze(i)
converter: {
value: Object.freeze(n)
}(t, {
path: "/"
var seedprodCookies = Cookies.noConflict(); // optin form
var sp_emplacementRecaptcha = [];
var sp_option_id = "";
jQuery("form[id^=sp-optin-form]").submit(function (e) {
var form_id = jQuery(this).attr("id");
var id = form_id.replace("sp-optin-form-", "");
if (seeprod_enable_recaptcha === 1) {
} else {
var token = "";
sp_send_request(token, id);
var sp_CaptchaCallback = function sp_CaptchaCallback() {
jQuery("div[id^=recaptcha-]").each(function (index, el) {
sp_option_id ="recaptcha-", "");
sp_emplacementRecaptcha[sp_option_id] = grecaptcha.render(el, {
sitekey: "6LdfOukUAAAAAMCOEFEZ9WOSKyoYrxJcgXsf66Xr",
badge: "bottomright",
type: "image",
size: "invisible",
callback: function callback(token) {
sp_send_request(token, sp_option_id);
function sp_send_request(token, id) {
var data = jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id).serialize();
var j1 = jQuery.ajax({
url: seedprod_api_url + "subscribers",
type: "post",
dataType: "json",
timeout: 5000,
data: data
}); // add ajax class
jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id + ' .sp-optin-submit').addClass('sp-ajax-striped sp-ajax-animated'); //var j2 = jQuery.ajax( "/" );
var j2 = jQuery.ajax({
url: sp_subscriber_callback_url,
type: 'post',
timeout: 30000,
data: data
jQuery.when(j1, j2).done(function (a1, a2) {
// take next action
var action = jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id + " input[name^='seedprod_action']").val(); // show success message
if (action == "1") {
jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id).hide();
jQuery("#sp-optin-success-" + id).show();
} // redirect
if (action === "2") {
var redirect = jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id + " input[name^='redirect_url']").val();
window.location.href = redirect;
jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id + ' .sp-optin-submit').removeClass('sp-ajax-striped sp-ajax-animated'); // alert( "We got what we came for!" );
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
jQuery("#sp-optin-form-" + id + ' .sp-optin-submit').removeClass('sp-ajax-striped sp-ajax-animated');
if (seeprod_enable_recaptcha === 1) {
} // var response = JSON.parse(j1.responseText);
// var errorString = '';
// jQuery.each( response.errors, function( key, value) {
// errorString += value ;
// });
// alert(errorString);
// console.log(j1);
// console.log(j2);
} // countdown
var x = [];
function countdown(type, ts, id, action, redirect) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (type == 'vt') {
ts = ts + now;
var seedprod_enddate = seedprodCookies.get('seedprod_enddate_' + id);
if (seedprod_enddate != undefined) {
ts = seedprod_enddate;
} else {
seedprodCookies.set('seedprod_enddate_' + id, ts, {
expires: 360
} // Update the count down every 1 second
x[id] = setInterval(function () {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var distance = ts - now;
var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var hours = Math.floor(distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
var minutes = Math.floor(distance % (1000 * 60 * 60) / (1000 * 60));
var seconds = Math.floor(distance % (1000 * 60) / 1000);
if (seconds == -1) {
seconds = 0;
minutes = 0;
hours = 0;
days = 0;
if (days == 0) {
jQuery("#sp-cd-days-" + id).hide();
} else {
jQuery("#sp-cd-days-" + id + " .sp-cd-amount").html(pad(days, 2));
jQuery("#sp-cd-hours-" + id + " .sp-cd-amount").html(pad(hours, 2));
jQuery("#sp-cd-minutes-" + id + " .sp-cd-amount").html(pad(minutes, 2));
jQuery("#sp-cd-seconds-" + id + " .sp-cd-amount").html(pad(seconds, 2)); // document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = days + "d " + pad(hours,2) + "h "
// + pad(minutes,2) + "m " + pad(seconds,2) + "s ";
// If the count down is finished, write some text
if (distance < 0) {
clearInterval(x[id]); // show success message
if (action == "1") {
jQuery("#sp-countdown-" + id + " .sp-countdown-group").hide();
jQuery("#sp-countdown-expired-" + id).show();
} // redirect
if (action == "2") {
jQuery("#sp-countdown-" + id + " .sp-countdown-group").hide();
window.location.href = redirect;
} // restart
if (action == "3") {
//console.log('remove' + id);
seedprodCookies.remove('seedprod_enddate_' + id); //location.reload();
}, 1000);
function seedprod_animatedheadline(blockId, infiniteLoop, animationDuration, animationDelay) {
//let animatewrapper = jQuery("#sp-animated-head-"+blockId+" .sp-title-highlight .sp-highlighted-text-wrapper");
if (infiniteLoop == "true") {
window.setInterval(function () {
jQuery('#sp-animated-head-' + blockId + ' .sp-title-highlight .sp-title--headline.sp-animated').addClass('sp-hide-highlight'); //jQuery("#sp-animated-head-"+blockId+" .sp-title-highlight .sp-highlighted-text-wrapper").addClass("sp-highlighted-hide-text-wrapper");
setTimeout(function () {
jQuery('#sp-animated-head-' + blockId + ' .sp-title-highlight .sp-title--headline.sp-animated').removeClass('sp-hide-highlight'); //jQuery("#sp-animated-head-"+blockId+" .sp-title-highlight .sp-highlighted-text-wrapper").removeClass("sp-highlighted-hide-text-wrapper");
}, 200);
}, animationDelay);
function seedprod_rotateheadline(blockId, continueLoop, animationDuration) {
jQuery("#sp-animated-head-" + blockId + ' .preview-sp-title').seedprod_responsive_title_shortcode();
/* end of rotate js code */
function pad(n, width, z) {
z = z || "0";
n = n + "";
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
} // remove any theme css
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
}); // Dynamic Text
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var default_format = "{MM}/{dd}/{yyyy}";
var html = $("body").html();
var newTxt = html.split("[#");
for (var i = 1; i < newTxt.length; i++) {
var format = default_format;
var tag = newTxt[i].split("]")[0];
var parts = tag.split(":");
if (parts.length > 1) {
format = parts[1];
} else {
format = default_format;
var d = Date.create(parts[0]);
var regex = "\\[#" + tag + "]";
var re = new RegExp(regex, "g");
$("body *").replaceText(re, d.format(format));
}); // Dynamic Query Parameter
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var default_value = "";
var html = $("body").html();
var newTxt = html.split("[q:");
for (var i = 1; i < newTxt.length; i++) {
var def_val = default_value;
var tag = newTxt[i].split("]")[0];
var parts = tag.split("=");
if (parts.length > 1) {
def_val = parts[1];
} else {
def_val = default_value;
var d = parts[0]; //Date.create(parts[0]);
var regex = "\\[q:" + tag + "]";
var re = new RegExp(regex, "g");
var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
var paramdata = searchParams.get(d);
if (paramdata != null) {
def_val = paramdata;
} // console.log(re);
// console.log(def_val);
// console.log(d);
// console.log(def_val);
// console.log(paramdata);
//$("body *").replaceText(re,seedprod_escapeHtml(def_val));
var replaced = $("body").html().replace(re, seedprod_escapeHtml(def_val));
function seedprod_escapeHtml(unsafe) {
return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'");
* SeedProd Tab Block javascript
function seedprod_tabbedlayout(blockId) {
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + ' ul.sp-tabbedlayout-wrapper li a').click(function () {
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + ' ul.sp-tabbedlayout-wrapper li a').removeClass('sp-active-tab');
var sp_tab = jQuery(this).attr('data-tab');
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + ' ul.sp-tabbedlayout-wrapper li a.sp-tab-section-' + sp_tab).addClass('sp-active-tab');
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + '').addClass('sp-hidden');
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + ' div.sp-tab-content-section-' + sp_tab).removeClass('sp-hidden');
* seedprod_bg_slideshow()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Example:
* seedprod_bg_slideshow('body', ['IMG_URL', 'IMG_URL', 'IMG_URL'], 3000);
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function seedprod_bg_slideshow(selector, slides) {
var delay = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 5000;
var transition_timing = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'ease-in';
var transition_duration = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : 500;
document.querySelector(selector).style.backgroundSize = "cover";
document.querySelector(selector).style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
document.querySelector(selector).style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; // Set transitions
var transition = "all " + transition_duration + 'ms ' + transition_timing;
document.querySelector(selector).style.WebkitTransition = transition;
document.querySelector(selector).style.MozTransition = transition;
document.querySelector(selector).style.MsTransition = transition;
document.querySelector(selector).style.OTransition = transition;
document.querySelector(selector).style.transition = transition;
var currentSlideIndex = 0; // Load first slide
document.querySelector(selector).style.backgroundImage = "url('" + slides[currentSlideIndex] + "')";
currentSlideIndex++; // Load next slide every interval
setInterval(function () {
document.querySelector(selector).style.backgroundImage = "url('" + slides[currentSlideIndex] + "')";
currentSlideIndex++; // Reset counter
if (currentSlideIndex >= slides.length) {
currentSlideIndex = 0;
}, delay); // Preload slideshow images
var preloadImages = new Array();
slides.forEach(function (val, i) {
preloadImages[i] = new Image();
preloadImages[i].src = val;
jQuery('.sp-testimonial-nav button').click(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).parents('.sp-testimonials-wrapper').attr('id');
var currentButtonIndex = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button').index(this);
var currentIndex = 0;
var testimonials = jQuery('.sp-testimonial-wrapper', jQuery(this).parents(currentId));
var slideshowmax = jQuery(this).parents('.sp-testimonials-wrapper').attr('data-slidetoshow');
if (slideshowmax == undefined) {
slideshowmax = 1;
jQuery(testimonials).each(function (index) {
var o = jQuery(this).css('opacity');
if (o == 1) {
currentIndex = index;
var slider_length = Math.ceil(testimonials.length / parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var customindexdata = 0; customindexdata < slider_length; customindexdata++) {
var opa = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button[data-index="' + customindexdata + '"]').css('opacity');
if (opa >= 0.5) {
//console.log("customindexdata is =" + customindexdata);
currentIndex = customindexdata;
var buttonsLength = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button').length - 1;
var currentButtonIndexData = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).attr('data-index'); // check for previous button click
if (currentButtonIndex == 0) {
if (0 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = Math.ceil(testimonials.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1;
} else {
} // check for next button click
if (currentButtonIndex == buttonsLength) {
if (Math.ceil(testimonials.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else {
} // reset states
'opacity': 0,
'height': '0',
'position': 'absolute'
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button[data-index]').css({
'opacity': 0.25
var startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
var endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax)); // select testimonial and button
if (currentButtonIndexData !== undefined) {
currentIndex = currentButtonIndexData;
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var i = startindex; i < endindex; i++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
} //jQuery(testimonials).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({
'opacity': 1
} else {
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var _i = startindex; _i < endindex; _i++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
}); //jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1 })
} //jQuery(testimonials).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button').eq(currentIndex + 1).css({
'opacity': 1
var testimonial_timers = {};
jQuery(".sp-testimonials-wrapper").each(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
testimonial_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
jQuery(".sp-testimonials-wrapper").hover(function () {
var id = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
jQuery(".sp-testimonials-wrapper").mouseleave(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
testimonial_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-testimonial-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
/* start of twitter timline js code */
function seedprod_twitterembedtimeline(blockId, timelineid, showReplies, width, height, chrome, align, borderColors, colorScheme, lang) {
//jQuery("#sp-animated-head-"+blockId+' .preview-sp-title' ).seedprod_responsive_title_shortcode();
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
sourceType: "profile",
screenName: timelineid
}, document.getElementById('sp-twitterembedtimeline-preview-' + blockId), {
showReplies: showReplies,
width: width,
height: height,
chrome: chrome,
align: align,
borderColor: borderColors,
theme: colorScheme,
lang: lang
}).then(function (el) {//console.log('Tweet added.');
function seedprod_twittertweetbutton(blockId, tweetUrl, buttonSize, tweetText, tweetHashTag, viaHandle, relatedTweet, lang) {
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
window.twttr.widgets.createShareButton(tweetUrl, document.getElementById('sp-twittertweetbutton-preview-' + blockId), {
size: buttonSize,
text: tweetText,
hashtags: tweetHashTag,
via: viaHandle,
related: relatedTweet,
lang: lang
/* end of twitter timline js code */
/* this is image carousel block code */
jQuery('.sp-imagecarousel-nav button').click(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).parents('.sp-imagecarousels-wrapper').attr('id');
var currentButtonIndex = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').index(this);
var currentIndex = 0;
var currentIndexOfNav = 0;
var imagecarousels = jQuery('.sp-imagecarousel-wrapper', jQuery(this).parents(currentId));
var slideshowmax = jQuery(this).parents('.sp-imagecarousels-wrapper').attr('data-slidetoshow');
if (slideshowmax == undefined) {
slideshowmax = 1;
} //console.log("new slidershow value = " + slideshowmax);
jQuery(imagecarousels).each(function (index) {
var o = jQuery(this).css('opacity');
if (o == 1) {
currentIndex = index;
var slider_length = Math.ceil(imagecarousels.length / parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var customindexdata = 0; customindexdata < slider_length; customindexdata++) {
var opa = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button[data-index="' + customindexdata + '"]').css('opacity');
if (opa >= 0.5) {
//console.log("customindexdata is =" + customindexdata);
currentIndex = customindexdata;
var buttonsLength = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').length - 1;
var currentButtonIndexData = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).attr('data-index'); // check for previous button click
if (currentButtonIndex == 0) {
if (0 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = Math.ceil(imagecarousels.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1;
} else {
} // check for next button click
if (currentButtonIndex == buttonsLength) {
if (Math.ceil(imagecarousels.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else {
var startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
var endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax)); // reset states
'opacity': 0,
'height': '0',
'position': 'absolute'
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button[data-index]').css({
'opacity': 0.25
}); // select imagecarousel and button
if (currentButtonIndexData !== undefined) {
currentIndex = currentButtonIndexData;
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var i = startindex; i < endindex; i++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
} //jQuery(imagecarousels).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({
'opacity': 1
} else {
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var _i2 = startindex; _i2 < endindex; _i2++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
}); //jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1 })
} //jQuery(imagecarousels).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentIndex + 1).css({
'opacity': 1
var imagecarousel_timers = {};
jQuery(".sp-imagecarousels-wrapper").each(function (index) {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
imagecarousel_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
jQuery(".sp-imagecarousels-wrapper").hover(function () {
var id = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
jQuery(".sp-imagecarousels-wrapper").mouseleave(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
imagecarousel_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
function PureDropdown(dropdownParent) {
var PREFIX = 'seedprod-',
ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = PREFIX + 'menu-active',
ARIA_ROLE = 'role',
ARIA_HIDDEN = 'aria-hidden',
MENU_ACTIVE_SELECTOR = '.menu-item-active',
MENU_LINK_SELECTOR = '.menu-item a',
MENU_SELECTOR = '.sub-menu',
DISMISS_EVENT = window.hasOwnProperty && window.hasOwnProperty('ontouchstart') ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',
ddm = this; // drop down menu
this._state = MENU_CLOSED; = function () {
if (this._state !== MENU_OPEN) {
this._menu.setAttribute(ARIA_HIDDEN, false);
this._state = MENU_OPEN;
this.hide = function () {
if (this._state !== MENU_CLOSED) {
this._menu.setAttribute(ARIA_HIDDEN, true);
this._state = MENU_CLOSED;
this.toggle = function () {
this[this._state === MENU_CLOSED ? 'show' : 'hide']();
this.halt = function (e) {
this._dropdownParent = dropdownParent;
this._link = this._dropdownParent.querySelector(MENU_LINK_SELECTOR);
this._menu = this._dropdownParent.querySelector(MENU_SELECTOR);
this._firstMenuLink = this._menu.querySelector(MENU_LINK_SELECTOR); // Set ARIA attributes
this._link.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true');
this._menu.setAttribute(ARIA_ROLE, 'menu');
this._menu.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', this._link.getAttribute('id'));
this._menu.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
[]'li'), function (el) {
el.setAttribute(ARIA_ROLE, 'presentation');
[]'a'), function (el) {
el.setAttribute(ARIA_ROLE, 'menuitem');
}); // Toggle on click
this._link.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
// e.preventDefault();
// ddm.toggle();
if (ddm._state !== MENU_OPEN) {
}); // Toggle on hover
this._link.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) {
var isDesktop = window.matchMedia('only screen and (min-width: 768px)').matches;
if (isDesktop) {
// Only run this for desktop only. Submenu is shown on hover using CSS but we have no way to track it in JS. This does that.
}); // Close menu when hovered out of - Desktop.
this._link.addEventListener('mouseout', function (e) {
var isDesktop = window.matchMedia('only screen and (min-width: 768px)').matches;
if (isDesktop) {
}); // Keyboard navigation
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
var currentLink, previousSibling, nextSibling, previousLink, nextLink; // if the menu isn't active, ignore
if (ddm._state !== MENU_OPEN) {
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if (ddm._menu.querySelector(MENU_ACTIVE_SELECTOR)) {
currentLink = ddm._menu.querySelector(':focus'); // Dismiss an open menu on ESC
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/* Esc */
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/* Down arrow */
ddm.halt(e); // get the nextSibling (an LI) of the current link's LI
nextSibling = currentLink ? currentLink.parentNode.nextSibling : null; // if the nextSibling is a text node (not an element), go to the next one
while (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType !== 1) {
nextSibling = nextSibling.nextSibling;
nextLink = nextSibling ? nextSibling.querySelector('.menu-item a') : null; // if there is no currently focused link, focus the first one
if (!currentLink) {
ddm._menu.querySelector('.menu-item a').focus();
} else if (nextLink) {
} // Go to the previous link on up arrow
else if (ARROW_KEYS_ENABLED && e.keyCode === 38) {
/* Up arrow */
ddm.halt(e); // get the currently focused link
previousSibling = currentLink ? currentLink.parentNode.previousSibling : null;
while (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeType !== 1) {
previousSibling = previousSibling.previousSibling;
previousLink = previousSibling ? previousSibling.querySelector('.menu-item a') : null; // if there is no currently focused link, focus the last link
if (!currentLink) {
ddm._menu.querySelector('.menu-item:last-child .menu-item a').focus();
} // else if there is a previous item, go to the previous item
else if (previousLink) {
}); // Dismiss an open menu on outside event
document.addEventListener(DISMISS_EVENT, function (e) {
var target =;
if (target !== ddm._link && !ddm._menu.contains(target)) {
function initDropdowns() {
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var ddm = new PureDropdown(dropdownParents[i]);
jQuery('.hamburger').click(function () {
function seedprod_add_basic_lightbox(blockId) {
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + " a").click(function () {
return false;
var imgbasicpreview = new ImgPreviewer('#sp-' + blockId, {
scrollbar: true,
dataUrlKey: 'href'
function seedprod_add_gallery_lightbox(blockId) {
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + " a.sp-gallery-items").click(function () {
return false;
var imgpreview = new ImgPreviewer('#sp-' + blockId + " .sp-gallery-block", {
scrollbar: true,
dataUrlKey: 'href'
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + " .sp-gallery-tabs a.sp-gallery-tab-title").click(function () {
var activeTabIndex = jQuery(this).attr("data-gallery-index");
jQuery('#sp-' + blockId + ' .sp-gallery-tab-title').removeClass('sp-tab-active');
jQuery.each(jQuery('#sp-' + blockId + ' .sp-gallery-items'), function (i, v) {
jQuery(this).removeClass('zoom-in'); // Hide images that do not match the active tab index.
if (activeTabIndex !== 'all') {
var currentTabIndex = jQuery(v).data('tags');
var cleanCurrentTabIndex = currentTabIndex.split(',');
if (!cleanCurrentTabIndex.includes(activeTabIndex)) {
function seedprod_add_gallery_js(blockId) {
jQuery("#sp-" + blockId + " .sp-gallery-tabs a.sp-gallery-tab-title").click(function () {
var activeTabIndex = jQuery(this).attr("data-gallery-index");
jQuery('#sp-' + blockId + ' .sp-gallery-tab-title').removeClass('sp-tab-active');
jQuery.each(jQuery('#sp-' + blockId + ' .sp-gallery-items'), function (i, v) {
jQuery(this).removeClass('zoom-in'); // Hide images that do not match the active tab index.
if (activeTabIndex !== 'all') {
var currentTabIndex = jQuery(v).data('tags');
var cleanCurrentTabIndex = currentTabIndex.split(',');
if (!cleanCurrentTabIndex.includes(activeTabIndex)) {
} // Check if an element is in the viewport.
jQuery.fn.isInViewport = function () {
var elementTop = jQuery(this).offset().top;
var elementBottom = elementTop + jQuery(this).outerHeight();
var viewportTop = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
var viewportBottom = viewportTop + jQuery(window).height();
return elementBottom > viewportTop && elementTop < viewportBottom;
}; // Trigger counter block.
function counter(blockId) {
var duration = jQuery("#sp-counter-".concat(blockId, " .sp-counter-text-wrapper .sp-counter-number")).attr('data-duration');
var startNumber = jQuery("#sp-counter-".concat(blockId, " .sp-counter-text-wrapper .sp-counter-number")).attr('data-start-number');
var endNumber = jQuery("#sp-counter-".concat(blockId, " .sp-counter-text-wrapper .sp-counter-number")).attr('data-end-number');
var thousandsSeparator = jQuery("#sp-counter-".concat(blockId, " .sp-counter-text-wrapper .sp-counter-number")).attr('data-thousands-separator');
var separator = jQuery("#sp-counter-".concat(blockId, " .sp-counter-text-wrapper .sp-counter-number")).attr('data-separator');
var options = {};
var delimeter = {
'default': ',',
'space': ' ',
'dot': '.'
options.duration = duration;
options.delimiter = thousandsSeparator ? delimeter[separator] : '';
options.toValue = endNumber;
} // Render dynamic tags.
function image_dynamic_tags(blockId) {
// Replace image src if source is dynamic tags
jQuery(".sp-image-block-".concat(blockId)).each(function () {
var _this = this;
// If data-image-src === dynamictags
var imageSrc = jQuery(this).attr('data-image-src');
if ('dynamictags' === imageSrc) {
var imageLink = jQuery(this).attr('data-dynamic-tag');
if (imageLink) {
// Pre-load the image
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
// Set new src when the image has loaded
jQuery(_this).attr('src', imageLink);
img.src = imageLink;
function postcomments(blockId) {
// Get comment policy content.
var commentPolicyElement = "#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-postcomments-content-policy-").concat(blockId);
var commentPolicyContent = jQuery(commentPolicyElement).html(); // Create comment policy element, add class & append content.
var commentPolicyHtml = jQuery('<p class="commentpolicy"></p>').html(commentPolicyContent); // Find commentform on current block & append comment policy
var currentBlock = "#sp-".concat(blockId, " #commentform");
var currentBlockHtml = document.querySelector(currentBlock);
if (currentBlockHtml) {
function beforeafterslider(blockId, options) {
let options1 = {
default_offset_pct: 0.5,
orientation: "horizontal",
before_label: "Before",
after_label: "After",
no_overlay: false,//self.block.settings.overlayColor,
move_slider_on_hover: true,
move_with_handle_only: true,
click_to_move: true
jQuery("#sp-toggle-".concat(blockId, " .twentytwenty-container")).twentytwenty(options);
function hotspotTooltips(blockId, items) {
var trigger = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-trigger');
var animation = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-animation');
var duration = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-duration');
var position = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-position');
var showArrow = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-show-arrow');
var maxWidth = jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-hotspot-image")).attr('data-tooltip-max-width');
items = JSON.parse(items); (item, index) {
var $myElement = "#sp-".concat(blockId, " #hotspot-").concat(blockId, "-").concat(index);
animation: animation,
delay: duration,
trigger: trigger,
side: position,
arrow: 'true' === showArrow ? true : false,
maxWidth: maxWidth,
content: item.tooltipContent,
contentCloning: true,
contentAsHTML: true
function seedprod_add_content_toggle_js(blockId) {
if (jQuery(this).is(":checked") == false) {
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections1").removeClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections2").addClass("sp-hidden");
} else {
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections1").addClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections2").removeClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-content-toggle-area .sp-toggle-switch").change(function () {
if (jQuery(this).is(":checked") == false) {
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections1").removeClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections2").addClass("sp-hidden");
} else {
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections1").addClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery("#sp-contenttoggle-" + blockId + " .sp-toggle-sections .sp-toggle-sections2").removeClass("sp-hidden");
jQuery('.sp-type-alert button.sp-alert-close').click(function () {
* businessreview javascript
jQuery('.sp-businessreview-nav button').click(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).parents('.sp-businessreview-wrapper').attr('id');
var currentButtonIndex = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button').index(this);
var currentIndex = 0;
var businessreviews = jQuery('.seedprod-business-review-wrapper', jQuery(this).parents(currentId));
var slideshowmax = jQuery(this).parents('.sp-businessreview-wrapper').attr('data-slidetoshow');
if (slideshowmax == undefined) {
slideshowmax = 1;
var slider_length = Math.ceil(businessreviews.length / parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var customindexdata = 0; customindexdata < slider_length; customindexdata++) {
var opa = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button[data-index="' + customindexdata + '"]').css('opacity');
if (opa >= 0.5) {
//console.log("customindexdata is =" + customindexdata);
currentIndex = customindexdata;
var buttonsLength = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button').length - 1;
var currentButtonIndexData = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).attr('data-index'); // check for previous button click
if (currentButtonIndex == 0) {
if (0 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = Math.ceil(businessreviews.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1;
} else {
} // check for next button click
if (currentButtonIndex == buttonsLength) {
if (Math.ceil(businessreviews.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else {
} // reset states
'z-index': 999,
'opacity': 0,
'height': '0',
'position': 'absolute'
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button[data-index]').css({
'opacity': 0.25
var startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
var endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax)); // select businessreviews and button
if (currentButtonIndexData !== undefined) {
currentIndex = currentButtonIndexData;
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var i = startindex; i < endindex; i++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
} //jQuery(businessreviews).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({
'opacity': 1
} else {
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var _i3 = startindex; _i3 < endindex; _i3++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'initial'
}); //jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-imagecarousel-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1 })
} //jQuery(businessreviews).eq(currentIndex).css({ 'opacity': 1, 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'initial' });
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button').eq(currentIndex + 1).css({
'opacity': 1
var businessreview_timers = {};
jQuery(".sp-businessreview-wrapper").each(function (index) {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
businessreview_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
jQuery(".sp-businessreview-wrapper").hover(function () {
var id = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
jQuery(".sp-businessreview-wrapper").mouseleave(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
businessreview_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-businessreview-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
function seedprod_particlessectionjs(blockId, particlesconfig) {
var particlesJSON = particlesconfig;
particlesJS("tsparticles-preview-sp-" + blockId, particlesJSON);
function seedprod_pro_video_pop_up_trigger_video(blockId, videoHtml, blockOptions) {
var options = JSON.parse(blockOptions);
var responsiveClass = options.source === 'custom' ? 'sp-video-responsive-video' : 'sp-video-responsive'; // Only enable if image overlay is enabled.
if (options.enable_image_overlay) {
if (options.enable_lightbox) {
// Open lightbox modal onclick
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-image-overlay-container")).click(function () {
// Set modal content html
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #video-pop-up-lightbox-modal-").concat(blockId, " .modal-content")).html("<div id=\"sp-video-responsive-".concat(blockId, "\" class=\"").concat(responsiveClass, " sp-video-pop-up-video\">").concat(videoHtml, "</div>"));
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #video-pop-up-lightbox-modal-").concat(blockId)).css('display', 'block');
}); // Close lightbox
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #video-pop-up-lightbox-modal-").concat(blockId, " span.close")).click(function () {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #video-pop-up-lightbox-modal-").concat(blockId)).css('display', 'none');
} else {
// When image overlay is clicked, display video.
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-image-overlay-container")).click(function () {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-image-overlay-container")).remove(); // Create video element.
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-wrapper")).append("<div id=\"sp-video-responsive-".concat(blockId, "\" class=\"").concat(responsiveClass, " sp-video-pop-up-video\">").concat(videoHtml, "</div>"));
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-responsive-").concat(blockId)).css('aspect-ratio', options.aspect_ratio);
if (options.enable_sticky_video && !options.enable_lightbox) {
// On scroll/resize
jQuery(window).on('resize scroll', function () {
// Disable for mobile.
if (window.matchMedia('only screen and (min-width: 960px)').matches) {
// Check if video is in viewport
if (jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-wrapper-").concat(blockId)).isInViewport()) {
// Return original class
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-wrapper-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-wrapper-sticky').addClass('sp-video-wrapper');
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-responsive-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-responsive-sticky').addClass(responsiveClass);
if (options.enable_banner) {
// Check if video is custom
if (options.source === 'custom') {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-custom-sticky').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner');
} else if (options.source === 'vimeo') {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-vimeo-sticky').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner');
} else {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-sticky').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner');
} else {
// Add sticky class
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-wrapper-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-wrapper').addClass('sp-video-wrapper-sticky');
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-responsive-").concat(blockId)).removeClass(responsiveClass).addClass('sp-video-responsive-sticky');
if (options.enable_banner) {
// Check if video is custom or vimeo
if (options.source === 'custom') {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-custom-sticky');
} else if (options.source === 'vimeo') {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-vimeo-sticky');
} else {
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-pop-up-banner-").concat(blockId)).removeClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner').addClass('sp-video-pop-up-banner-sticky');
} // Teaser Video
if (options.enable_teaser_video) {
// When teaser video icon is clicked, play unmuted video.
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-teaser-video-play-icon-display, #sp-").concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-teaser-video-play-icon-display i")).click(function () {
// Sticky video.
var stickyVideoClass = '';
if (options.enable_sticky_video) {
// Disable for mobile.
if (window.matchMedia('only screen and (min-width: 960px)').matches) {
if (jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-wrapper-").concat(blockId)).isInViewport()) {
stickyVideoClass = "sp-video-wrapper ".concat(responsiveClass);
} else {
stickyVideoClass = 'sp-video-wrapper-sticky sp-video-responsive-sticky';
} else {
stickyVideoClass = "sp-video-wrapper ".concat(responsiveClass);
} // Set mute to false & show controls.
if (options.source === 'custom') {
videoHtml = videoHtml.replace('muted', 'controls');
if (options.source === 'youtube') {
videoHtml = videoHtml.replace('mute=1', 'mute=0');
videoHtml = videoHtml.replace('controls=0', 'controls=1');
if (options.source === 'vimeo') {
videoHtml = videoHtml.replace('muted=1', 'muted=0');
videoHtml = videoHtml.replace('controls=0', 'controls=1');
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-teaser-video-play-icon-display")).remove();
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " .sp-video-pop-up-teaser-video")).remove(); // Create video element.
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-wrapper-").concat(blockId)).append("<div id=\"sp-video-responsive-".concat(blockId, "\" class=\"").concat(stickyVideoClass, " sp-video-pop-up-video\">").concat(videoHtml, "</div>"));
jQuery("#sp-".concat(blockId, " #sp-video-responsive-").concat(blockId)).css('aspect-ratio', options.aspect_ratio);
* post carousel javascript
jQuery('.sp-postblock-nav button').click(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).parents('.sp-posts-block-wrapper').attr('id');
var currentButtonIndex = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button').index(this);
var currentIndex = 0;
var postblock_data = jQuery('.sp-posts-single-block', jQuery(this).parents(currentId));
var slideshowmax = jQuery(this).parents('.sp-posts-block-wrapper').attr('data-slidetoshow');
if (slideshowmax == undefined) {
slideshowmax = 1;
var slider_length = Math.ceil(postblock_data.length / parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var customindexdata = 0; customindexdata < slider_length; customindexdata++) {
var opa = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button[data-index="' + customindexdata + '"]').css('opacity');
if (opa >= 0.5) {
currentIndex = customindexdata;
var buttonsLength = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button').length - 1;
var currentButtonIndexData = jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).attr('data-index'); // check for previous button click
if (currentButtonIndex == 0) {
if (0 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = Math.ceil(postblock_data.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1;
} else {
} // check for next button click
if (currentButtonIndex == buttonsLength) {
if (Math.ceil(postblock_data.length / parseInt(slideshowmax)) - 1 == currentIndex) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else {
} // reset states
'z-index': 999,
'opacity': 0,
'height': '0',
'position': 'absolute'
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button[data-index]').css({
'opacity': 0.25
var startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
var endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax)); // select postblock_data and button
if (currentButtonIndexData !== undefined) {
currentIndex = currentButtonIndexData;
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var i = startindex; i < endindex; i++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': ''
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button').eq(currentButtonIndex).css({
'opacity': 1
} else {
startindex = parseInt(currentIndex * parseInt(slideshowmax));
endindex = parseInt(startindex + parseInt(slideshowmax));
for (var _i4 = startindex; _i4 < endindex; _i4++) {
'opacity': 1,
'height': 'auto',
'position': ''
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button').eq(currentIndex + 1).css({
'opacity': 1
var postblock_timers = {};
jQuery(".sp-posts-block-wrapper.sp-posts-skinlayout-carousel").each(function (index) {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
postblock_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
jQuery(".sp-posts-block-wrapper.sp-posts-skinlayout-carousel").hover(function () {
var id = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
jQuery(".sp-posts-block-wrapper.sp-posts-skinlayout-carousel").mouseleave(function () {
var currentId = '#' + jQuery(this).attr('id');
var autoPlay = jQuery(this).attr('data-autoplay');
var speed = jQuery(this).attr('data-speed');
if (speed === '') {
speed = 5000;
} else {
speed = parseInt(speed) * 1000;
if (autoPlay !== undefined) {
postblock_timers[currentId] = setInterval(function () {
var clickEvent = jQuery.Event('click');
jQuery(currentId + ' .sp-postblock-nav button:last-child').triggerHandler(clickEvent);
}, speed);
* Masonary Layout
if (jQuery(".sp-skin-block.sp-layout-masonary .seedprod-masonary-post-block").length > 0) {
jQuery(".sp-skin-block.sp-layout-masonary .seedprod-masonary-post-block").imagesLoaded(function (e) {
jQuery(" .sp-skin-block.sp-layout-masonary .seedprod-masonary-post-block").isotope({
layoutMode: "masonry",
itemSelector: '.sp-posts-single-block'