<?php namespace ColibriWP\Theme; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Hooks; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Utils; class HeaderPresets { private $headers_data = array(); public function __construct() { $this->loadHeadersData(); Hooks::prefixed_add_filter( 'customizer_js_data', array( $this, 'addHeadersToJSData' ) ); } public function loadHeadersData() { if ( ! file_exists( Theme::rootDirectory() . '/inc/customizer-headers.php' ) ) { return; } $assets_base_url = Theme::rootDirectoryUri() . '/resources/header-presets'; $headers = require_once Theme::rootDirectory() . '/inc/customizer-headers.php'; foreach ( $headers as $index => $header ) { $image = Utils::pathGet( $header, 'image', '' ); $data = Utils::pathGet( $header, 'data', array() ); foreach ( $data as $data_index => $value ) { $decoded_value = $this->maybeJSONDecode( $value ); if ( ( is_array( $value ) || $decoded_value !== $value ) && is_array( $decoded_value ) ) { $decoded_value = $this->sprintfRecursive( $decoded_value, $assets_base_url ); $data[ $data_index ] = $decoded_value; } else { if ( is_string( $value ) ) { $data[ $data_index ] = sprintf( $value, $assets_base_url ); } } } $fallback_keys = array( 'header_front_page.icon_list.localProps.iconList', 'header_front_page.social_icons.localProps.iconList', ); foreach ( $fallback_keys as $fallback_key ) { $data[ $fallback_key ] = Defaults::get( $fallback_key ); } $headers[ $index ] = array( 'image' => sprintf( $image, "{$assets_base_url}/previews" ), 'data' => $data, ); $this->headers_data = $headers; } } private function maybeJSONDecode( $value ) { if ( is_string( $value ) && strlen( trim( $value ) ) ) { // try to decode an url encoded value $maybe_value = json_decode( urldecode( $value ), true ); if ( json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { return $maybe_value; } else { // try to decode the value directly if ( is_string( $value ) ) { $maybe_value = json_decode( $value, true ); if ( json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { return $maybe_value; } } } } return $value; } public function sprintfRecursive( $array, $arg ) { if ( ! is_array( $array ) ) { if ( is_string( $array ) ) { return sprintf( $array, $arg ); } return $array; } foreach ( $array as $index => $value ) { $array[ $index ] = $this->sprintfRecursive( $value, $arg ); } return $array; } public function addHeadersToJSData( $data ) { $data['headers'] = $this->headers_data; return $data; } }