File "cf7-styler-pt_BR.po"

Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content/plugins/0je3ljf1/languages/cf7-styler-pt_BR.po
File size: 36.43 KB
MIME-type: text/x-po
Charset: utf-8

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Language: pt-BR\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-02-06 11:35+0000\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-15 16:06+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
"Project-Id-Version: WOW Style Contact Form 7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.3; wp-5.4"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:463
msgid "- disable style scheme -"
msgstr "- desative o estilo do esquema"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:68 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:463 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:517 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:672 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:789
msgid "- select -"
msgstr "- selecione -"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:303
msgid "14-days Trial"
msgstr "14 dias de período Experimental"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:231
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%s</strong> used for all forms globally, click \"Use for all forms\" "
"if you want to use current Scheme."
msgstr ""
"<strong>%s</strong> usados para todas as formas globalmente, clique em "
"\"Usar de todas as formas\" se você quiser usar o Esquema atual."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:242
msgid "Activate style for all forms*"
msgstr "Activar estilo para todas as formas*"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1292 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1329 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1396
msgid "Activate style for current form"
msgstr "Activar estilo para a forma atual"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:318
msgid ""
"As an alternative you can disable clean out the styles like on Thrive "
msgstr ""
"Como alternativa, você pode desativar limpar os estilos, como em Prosperar "

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:532
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Cor De Fundo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:560
msgid "Background Image"
msgstr "Imagem De Fundo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-required-plugin.php:9
msgid ""
"Before using WOW Style Contact Form 7, you need to install and activate "
"Contact Form 7 plugin."
msgstr ""
"Antes de utilizar WOW Estilo Formulário de Contato 7, você precisará "
"instalar e ativar o Formulário de Contato 7 plugin."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:853 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1076
msgid "BG Color"
msgstr "VERSO a Cores"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:859
msgid "BG Opacity"
msgstr "BG Opacidade"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:43
msgid "Blur radius"
msgstr "Blur radius"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:943
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Fronteira"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:807
msgid "Border Color"
msgstr "Cor Da Borda"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:802
msgid "Border Radius"
msgstr "Border Radius"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:786
msgid "Border Type"
msgstr "Tipo De Borda"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:764
msgid "Border Width"
msgstr "Largura Da Borda"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1102
msgid "Button Border"
msgstr "Botão De Fronteira"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1041
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Botões"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Required_Plugin.php:13
msgid "By Takayuki Miyoshi"
msgstr "Por Takayuki Miyoshi"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:414
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

#: cf7-styler.php:129
#, php-format
msgid ""
"CF7 Customizer requires Contact Form 7 plugin to be installed and active. "
"You can download %s."
msgstr ""
"CF7 Personalizador de sistemas requer o Formulário de Contato 7 plugin para "
"ser instalado e ativo. Você pode fazer o download %s."

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:487
msgid "CF7 Form is not selected"
msgstr "CF7 Formulário não está seleccionada"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:342 
#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:371 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:94 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:95 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:115 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:116 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:430
msgid "CF7 Styler"
msgstr "CF7 Styler"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:986
msgid "Checkboxes & Radiobuttons"
msgstr "Caixas &amp; Radiobuttons"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:378
msgid "Clean Styles"
msgstr "Limpar Estilos"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1144
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Claro"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:360
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fechar"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:973 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1116
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Cor"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1187
msgid "Contact form 7 list"
msgstr "Formulário de contato 7 lista de"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:675
msgid "Contain"
msgstr "Conter"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:410
msgid "Copy current style scheme settings"
msgstr "Copiar um estilo atual esquema de configurações"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:674
msgid "Cover"
msgstr "Cobertura"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:413
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Criar"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:293
msgid "Create multiple style schemes"
msgstr "Criar vários esquemas de estilo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:370
msgid "Create new style scheme!"
msgstr "Criar novo estilo de esquema!"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:6
msgid "Current Style"
msgstr "Estilo Atual"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1381
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Currently <strong id=\"cf7cstmzr-styled_form_title\">%s</strong> form is "
"styled with <strong id=\"cf7cstmzr-styled_form_style_title\">%s</strong>. As "
"in free version you can style only one form at a time and if you activate "
"style for current form, style will be removed from other form."
msgstr ""
"Actualmente <strong id=\"cf7cstmzr-styled_form_title\">%s</strong> "
"formulário é denominado com <strong id=\"cf7cstmzr-styled_form_style_title\">"
"%s</strong>. Como na versão gratuita, você pode estilo apenas uma forma de "
"cada vez e se você ativar o estilo para a forma atual, o estilo vai ser "
"removido de outra forma."

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:481
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Currently <strong>%s</strong> form is styled with <strong>%s</strong>. As in "
"free version you can style only one form at a time and if you activate style "
"for current form, style will be removed from other form."
msgstr ""
"Actualmente <strong>%s</strong> formulário é denominado com <strong>"
"%s</strong>. Como na versão gratuita, você pode estilo apenas uma forma de "
"cada vez e se você ativar o estilo para a forma atual, o estilo vai ser "
"removido de outra forma."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1134
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "CSS personalizado"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1136
msgid "Custom CSS Code"
msgstr "CSS personalizado Código"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:80
msgid "Dashed"
msgstr "Tracejada"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:66 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:237 
#: includes/lib/Cf7_Style_Scheme.php:7
msgid "Default Scheme"
msgstr "Esquema Padrão"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:580
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Apagar Imagem"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:286
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "excluídos"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1168
msgid "Desktop View"
msgstr "Visualização Da Área De Trabalho"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:258
msgid "Disable style for all forms"
msgstr "Desativar estilo para todas as formas"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1296 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1333 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1400
msgid "Disable style for current form"
msgstr "Desativar o estilo para a forma atual"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-display.php:41
msgid ""
"Do you like to get styler premium version for free? Then <a href=\"?"
"page=wp2l-admin&tab=settings\" target=\"_blank\">Enter your WP2LEADS pro "
"license</a> or get a license <a href=\"https://wp2leads-for-klick-tipp."
"com/web/go-pro-plus-get-all-done4u/\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>!"
msgstr ""
"¿Te gusta obtener la versión premium de styler gratis? Luego, <a href=\"?"
"page=wp2l-admin&tab=settings\" target=\"_blank\"> ingrese su licencia "
"WP2LEADS pro </a> u obtenga una licencia <a href=\"https://wp2leads-for-"
"\" target=\"_blank\">aquí </a>!"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:184 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:302 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:303 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:551 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:999
msgid "Do you want to save changes before leaving page?"
msgstr "Você deseja salvar as alterações antes de sair da página?"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:79
msgid "Dotted"
msgstr "Pontilhada"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:81
msgid "Double"
msgstr "Duplo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:32
msgid "Duplicate form in second column"
msgstr "Formulário duplicados em segunda coluna"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:396
msgid "enabled for all forms"
msgstr "habilitado para todas as formas"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:471 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:133 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:230 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:237 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:377 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:415 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:434 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:443 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:469 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:487 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:517
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:149
msgid "Exit Full Screen"
msgstr "Saída De Ecrã Inteiro"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:461
msgid "Font Family"
msgstr "Família De Tipos De Letra"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:455 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:834 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1090
msgid "Font Size"
msgstr "Tamanho Da Fonte"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:514
msgid "Font Style"
msgstr "Estilo Da Fonte"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:509
msgid "Font Weight"
msgstr "Peso Da Fonte"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:530
msgid "Form BG Image & Colors"
msgstr "Formulário BG Image &amp; Cores"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tabs.php:16
msgid "Form Customizing"
msgstr "Formulário De Personalização"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:415 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:443 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:469
msgid "Form is not selected"
msgstr "Formulário não está seleccionada"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:689
msgid "Form Padding, Margin & Border"
msgstr "Formulário De Preenchimento, De Margem E De Fronteiras"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:446
msgid "Form Text"
msgstr "Texto De Forma"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:148
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Tela Cheia"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:82
msgid "Groove"
msgstr "Groove"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:31
msgid "Horizontal Length"
msgstr "Horizontal De Comprimento"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1081
msgid "Hover BG Color"
msgstr "Passe o mouse VERSO a Cores"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1121
msgid "Hover Color"
msgstr "Passe O Mouse A Cor"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1069
msgid "Hover Text Color"
msgstr "Passe O Mouse A Cor Do Texto"

#. Description of the plugin
msgid ""
"How to turn your contact form7 form into a converting and easy to use and "
"pro styled contact form, \"survey\" lead generator or an eye catching form"
msgstr ""
"Como transformar o seu contato form7 forma em uma conversão e fácil de usar "
"e pro estilo formulário de contato, \"pesquisa\" gerador de chumbo ou um "
"olho captura formulário"

#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. URI of the plugin
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:352 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:360
msgid "I'm happy with this! Save"
msgstr "Eu estou feliz com isso! Salvar"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-display.php:31
msgid ""
"If you are using page builders, like Thrive Architect, OptimizePress etc., "
"please check our <a href=\"\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Knowledge Base page</a> for fixing possible issues"
msgstr ""
"Si está utilizando creadores de páginas, como Thrive Architect, "
"OptimizePress, etc., consulte nuestra <a href=\"https://saleswonder."
"biz/knowledge-base/\" target=\"_blank\"> página de base de conocimiento </a> "
"para arreglando posibles problemas"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:275
msgid ""
"If you need to load style scheme inside <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag only "
"on some pages, you can do it on frontend using \"CF7 Styler\" button. This "
"function is only available for single post types (pages, posts, products etc."
") and in premium version. You can not do it on archives pages (blog, "
"products list etc) in this case you need to use global settings."
msgstr ""
"Se você precisar de carregar o estilo esquema dentro do <code>&lt;body&gt;"
"</code> tag apenas em algumas páginas, você pode fazê-lo no frontend usando "
"\"CF7 Styler\" botão. Esta função só está disponível para um único post "
"types (páginas, posts, produtos etc.) e na versão premium. Você não pode "
"fazê-lo em arquivos de páginas (blog, lista de produtos, etc), neste caso, "
"você precisa usar configurações globais."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:314
msgid ""
"If you need to load style scheme inside <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag only "
"on some pages, you can do it on frontend using \"CF7 Styler\" button. This "
"function is only available for single post types (pages, posts, products etc."
"). You can not do it on archives pages (blog, products list etc) in this "
"case you need to use global settings."
msgstr ""
"Se você precisar de carregar o estilo esquema dentro do <code>&lt;body&gt;"
"</code> tag apenas em algumas páginas, você pode fazê-lo no frontend usando "
"\"CF7 Styler\" botão. Esta função só está disponível para um único post "
"types (páginas, posts, produtos, etc.). Você não pode fazê-lo em arquivos de "
"páginas (blog, lista de produtos, etc), neste caso, você precisa usar "
"configurações globais."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:547
msgid ""
"Image background settings available in live mode only for Professional "
"version. You can test it in preview mode \"current style\", but it will not "
"be saved."
msgstr ""
"Imagem de fundo definições disponíveis no modo de viver apenas para a versão "
"Professional. Você pode testá-lo no modo de visualização atual \"estilo\", "
"mas ele não será salvo."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:663
msgid "Image Opacity"
msgstr "Opacidade Da Imagem"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:586
msgid "Image Position"
msgstr "Posição Da Imagem"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:670
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "Tamanho Da Imagem"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:77 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:521
msgid "Inherit"
msgstr "Herdam"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:820
msgid "Input Fields"
msgstr "Campos De Entrada"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:402
msgid "Input style scheme title"
msgstr "Estilo de entrada do esquema de título"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:70 includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:84
msgid "Inset"
msgstr "Inserção"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:519
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Itálico"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:497
msgid "Labels Color"
msgstr "Rótulos De Cor"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:502 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1032
msgid "Labels Font Size"
msgstr "Etiquetas Tamanho Da Fonte"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:492
msgid "Labels Settings"
msgstr "Etiquetas De Configurações"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tabs.php:18
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licença"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:839 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1095
msgid "Line Height"
msgstr "Altura Da Linha"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:480
msgid "Links Color"
msgstr "Cor Dos Links"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:485
msgid "Links Hover Color"
msgstr "Links Passe A Cor"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:476
msgid "Links Settings"
msgstr "Configurações De Links"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:7 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:19
msgid "Live"
msgstr "Ao vivo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:265 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:299
msgid "Load styles in <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag"
msgstr "Carregar estilos de no <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:348
msgid "Load styles inside <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag on this page"
msgstr ""
"Carga estilos dentro do <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag sobre esta página"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1009
msgid "Make checkbox item one per line"
msgstr "Fazer a seleção de um item por linha"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1045
msgid "Make full width?"
msgstr "Fazer toda a largura?"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:822
msgid "Make input fields full width?"
msgstr "Fazer campos de entrada de largura total?"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1019
msgid "Make radiobutton item one per line"
msgstr "Fazer radiobutton de um item por linha"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:733 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:912
msgid "Margin"
msgstr "Margem"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1170
msgid "Mobile View"
msgstr "Modo De Exibição Móvel"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:828 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1015 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1025 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1051
msgid "NO"
msgstr "NENHUM"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1450
msgid "No Contact Form 7 items for preview"
msgstr "Não Formulário de Contato 7 itens para visualização"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1387
msgid ""
"No form is styled with style scheme, click \"Activate style for current "
"form\" button to apply current scheme for this form."
msgstr ""
"De qualquer forma é decorado com estilo de esquema, clique em \"Ativar "
"estilo para a forma atual\" botão para aplicar o esquema atual para este "

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:517
msgid "No plugin selected to install"
msgstr "Nenhum plugin selecionado para instalar"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:230
msgid "No style scheme selected"
msgstr "Sem estilo esquema selecionado"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:518
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:520
msgid "Oblique"
msgstr "Oblíqua"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:995
msgid ""
"One per line styles for checkboxes and radiobuttons in live mode only for "
"Professional version. You can test it in preview mode \"current style\", but "
"it will not be saved."
msgstr ""
"Um por linha estilos para caixas de verificação e radiobuttons no modo de "
"viver apenas para a versão Professional. Você pode testá-lo no modo de "
"visualização atual \"estilo\", mas ele não será salvo."

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:61
msgid "Opacity"
msgstr "Opacidade"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:375 
#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:389 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:488
msgid "Open styler"
msgstr "Abrir styler"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:527
msgid "Opt-in to see account"
msgstr "Optar por ver a conta"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:673
msgid "Original size"
msgstr "Tamanho Original"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:69
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "Estrutura de tópicos"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:85
msgid "Outset"
msgstr "Início"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:702 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:881 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1055
msgid "Padding"
msgstr "Preenchimento"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:133
msgid "Please input style scheme title"
msgstr "Por favor, introduza o estilo esquema de título"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1140
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pré-visualização"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:2
msgid "Preview mode"
msgstr "Modo de pré-visualização"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1343
msgid "Preview Unstyled"
msgstr "Pré-Visualização Sem Estilo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:968 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1110
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "Raio"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:678
msgid "Repeat both"
msgstr "Repita as"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:677
msgid "Repeat horizontal"
msgstr "Repita horizontal"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:676
msgid "Repeat vertical"
msgstr "Repita vertical"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:383
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "Redefinir para o padrão"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:83
msgid "Ridge"
msgstr "Ridge"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:354 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:361
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salvar"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:483 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:119
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Salvo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:17
msgid "Second column view"
msgstr "Segundo a coluna de vista"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:459
msgid "Select style scheme for this form"
msgstr "Selecione o estilo de esquema para este formulário"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tabs.php:17
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Definições"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:210
msgid "Settings saved as "
msgstr "Configurações salvas como "

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:27
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Sombra"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:56
msgid "Shadow Color"
msgstr "A Cor Da Sombra"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:66
msgid "Shadow Position"
msgstr "Sombra Posição"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:78
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Sólidos"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:271 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:310
msgid ""
"Some themes or page builders (fe. Thrive Architect, OptimizePress etc.) "
"could remove inline styles inside <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> tag. Loading "
"style scheme within <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> tag will fix this issue and "
"show your forms styled."
msgstr ""
"Alguns temas ou página de construtores (fe. Prosperar Arquiteto, "
"OptimizePress etc.) pode remover estilos inline dentro de <code>&lt;head&gt;"
"</code> tag. Carregamento de estilo esquema dentro do <code>&lt;body&gt;"
"</code> tag irá corrigir este problema e mostrar as suas formas de estilo."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:5
msgid "Split mode"
msgstr "O modo Split"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:12
msgid "Split view"
msgstr "Split view"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:48
msgid "Spread radius"
msgstr "Propagação do raio"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tutorial.php:49
msgid "Start styling"
msgstr "Início de estilo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:337
msgid "Start with creating Default Style Scheme"
msgstr "Começar com a criação de Estilo Padrão do Regime de"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1413 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1454
msgid ""
"Start with creating your <a href=\"admin.php?page=wpcf7-new\">first Contact "
"Form 7</a>"
msgstr ""
"Começar com a criação de seu <a href=\"admin.php?page=wpcf7-new\">primeiro "
"Formulário de Contato 7</a>"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-display.php:50
msgid ""
"Start your 14-day free trial with all Professional functions <a href=\"admin."
"php?billing_cycle=annual&trial=true&page=cf7cstmzr_page-pricing\" class=\"go-"
"to-upgrade\" data-confirm=\"Do you want to save changes before leaving page?"
"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>!"
msgstr ""
"Inicie seu teste gratuito de 14 dias com todas as funções Profissionais <a "
"pricing\" class=\"go-to-upgrade\" data-confirm=\"Do you want to save changes "
"before leaving page?\" target=\"_blank\">aqui</a>!"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:320
msgid "Step 1. Click \"Edit with Thrive architect\" link in admin page list"
msgstr ""
"Passo 1. Clique em \"Editar com Prosperar arquiteto\" link na página de "
"administração de lista"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:322
msgid "Step 2. Click \"Settings\" icon on right vertical menu"
msgstr "Passo 2. Clique em \"Configurações\" ícone no direito de menu vertical"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:324
msgid "Step 3. \"Advanced settings\" => \"CSS in the &lt;head&gt; section\""
msgstr ""
"Passo 3. \"Configurações avançadas\" =&gt; \"CSS na seção &lt;head&gt;\""

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:326
msgid ""
"Step 4. Make sure that \"Do not strip CSS from &lt;head&gt;\" is checked"
msgstr ""
"Passo 4. Certifique-se de que \"não extrair CSS a partir de &lt;head&gt;\" "
"está marcada"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:328
msgid "Step 5. Click \"SAVE WORK\" button"
msgstr "Passo 5. Clique em \"SALVAR o TRABALHO\" botão"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:290
msgid "Style all forms in one click globally"
msgstr "O estilo de todas as formas em um clique globalmente"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:296
msgid "Style each form with any style scheme individually"
msgstr ""
"Estilo de cada um formulário com qualquer estilo de esquema individualmente"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:405
msgid "Style scheme disabled for all forms"
msgstr "Estilo esquema desabilitado para todas as formas"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:477
msgid "Style scheme disabled for this form"
msgstr "Estilo esquema desabilitado para este formulário"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:423 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:459
msgid "Style scheme enabled for this form"
msgstr "Estilo regime habilitado para este formulário"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:377 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:434
msgid "Style scheme is not selected"
msgstr "Estilo de esquema não é selecionado"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:180
msgid "Style schemes list"
msgstr "Estilo regimes lista"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1164
msgid "Style schemes preview"
msgstr "Estilo de esquemas de pré-visualização"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:146
msgid "Style schemes settings"
msgstr "Estilo esquemas de configurações"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:298
msgid "Style will be loaded in <body> tag"
msgstr "O estilo vai ser carregado em <body> marca"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:301
msgid "Style will be loaded in <head> tag"
msgstr "O estilo vai ser carregado em <head> marca"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:483 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:119 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:210 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:286 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:304 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:386 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:396 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:405 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:423 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:459 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:477
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Sucesso"

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:105 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:106 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:124 
#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin.php:125
msgid "Support & KB"
msgstr "Suporte e KB"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1169
msgid "Tablet View"
msgstr "Tablet Vista"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:450 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:848 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1064
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Cor Do Texto"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1315
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This form is styled with <strong>%s</strong> globally, you can style it with "
"current Style scheme."
msgstr ""
"Este formulário é denominado com <strong>%s</strong> no mundo, você pode "
"personalizá-la com Estilo atual regime."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1311
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This form is styled with <strong>%s</strong>, you can style it with current "
"Style scheme."
msgstr ""
"Este formulário é denominado com <strong>%s</strong>, você pode personalizá-"
"la com Estilo atual regime."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1307
msgid ""
"This form is styled with current Style Scheme, you can disable it and use "
"global settings."
msgstr ""
"Este formulário está decorado com um Estilo atual Regime, você pode desativá-"
"lo e usar configurações globais."

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1319
msgid ""
"This form not styled with any Style scheme, you can enable current Scheme "
"for this form or set up global Style Scheme by clicking \"Use for all "
"forms\" below scheme title."
msgstr ""
"Este formulário não decorados com qualquer Estilo de esquema, você pode "
"habilitar o Esquema atual para este formulário ou conjunto global de Estilo "
"de Esquema clicando em \"Usar de todas as formas\" abaixo, o esquema de "

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:386
msgid "This scheme is not existed"
msgstr "Este esquema não existiu"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:251
msgid ""
"This Style Scheme enabled globally for all forms. If you want to use your "
"theme's style for Contact Form 7 click \"Disable\" button."
msgstr ""
"Este Estilo Esquema ativado globalmente para todas as formas. Se você quiser "
"usar o tema do estilo para o Formulário de Contato 7 clique em botão "

#. Author of the plugin
msgid "Tobias Conrad"
msgstr "Tobias Conrad"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tutorial.php:36
msgid "Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutorial"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:8 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-preview-mode.php:26
msgid "Unstyled"
msgstr "Sem estilo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:302 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:551 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:999
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
msgstr "A atualização para o Pro"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:576
msgid "Upload Image"
msgstr "Upload De Imagem"

#: includes/lib/Cf7_Template.php:36
msgid "Vertical Length"
msgstr "A Extensão Vertical"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tutorial.php:34
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Bem-vindo"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1105
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Largura"

#. Name of the plugin
#: cf7-styler.php:138 admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-display.php:22
msgid "WOW Style Contact Form 7"
msgstr "WOW Estilo Formulário de Contato 7"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:825 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1012 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1022 
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1048
msgid "YES"
msgstr "SIM"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:405
msgid ""
"You can create new style scheme with current scheme settings. If you want to "
"create blank style schem unchek checkbox below."
msgstr ""
"Você pode criar novo estilo de esquema com o atual esquema de configurações. "
"Se você deseja criar em branco estilo schem unchek caixa de seleção abaixo."

#: admin/class-cf7-customizer-admin-ajax.php:237
msgid "You can not delete"
msgstr "Você não pode apagar"

#: public/class-cf7-customizer-public.php:471
msgid "You can not use this settings on this page type"
msgstr "Você não pode usar esse definições deste tipo de página"

#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:1411
msgid "You do not have any Contact Form 7 items"
msgstr "Você não tem nenhum Formulário de Contato 7 itens"

#. No scheme enabled
#: admin/partials/cf7-customizer-admin-tab-form-customize.php:233
msgid ""
"You do not use any of Style Schemes for Contact Form 7. Click \"Use for all "
"forms\" to use current Scheme globally."
msgstr ""
"Você não utilizar qualquer Estilo de Esquemas para Formulário de Contato 7. "
"Clique em \"Usar de todas as formas\" usar atual Esquema global."