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<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since 1.2.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * @var array $VARS * @var Freemius $fs */ $fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] ); $slug = $fs->get_slug(); $send_button_text = fs_text_inline( 'Send License Key', 'send-license-key', $slug ); $cancel_button_text = fs_text_inline( 'Cancel', 'cancel', $slug ); $email_address_placeholder = fs_esc_attr_inline( 'Email address', 'email-address', $slug ); $other_text = fs_text_inline( 'Other', 'other', $slug ); $is_freemium = $fs->is_freemium(); $send_button_text_html = esc_html($send_button_text); $button_html = <<< HTML <div class="button-container"> <a href="#" class="button button-primary button-send-license-key" tabindex="2">{$send_button_text_html}</a> </div> HTML; if ( $is_freemium ) { $current_user = Freemius::_get_current_wp_user(); $email = $current_user->user_email; $esc_email = esc_attr( $email ); $form_html = <<< HTML <div class="email-address-container"> <label><input name="email-address" type="radio" checked="checked" tabindex="1" value="{$esc_email}"> {$email}</label> <label><input name="email-address" type="radio" tabindex="1" value="other">{$other_text}: <input class="email-address" type="text" placeholder="{$email_address_placeholder}"></label> </div> {$button_html} HTML; } else { $email = ''; $form_html = <<< HTML {$button_html} <div class="email-address-container"> <input class="email-address" type="text" placeholder="{$email_address_placeholder}" tabindex="1"> </div> HTML; } $message_above_input_field = $fs->is_only_premium() ? fs_esc_html_inline( "Enter the email address you've used during the purchase and we will resend you the license key.", 'ask-for-upgrade-email-address-premium-only', $slug ) : fs_esc_html_inline( "Enter the email address you've used for the upgrade below and we will resend you the license key.", 'ask-for-upgrade-email-address', $slug ); $modal_content_html = <<< HTML <div class="notice notice-error inline license-resend-message"><p></p></div> <p>{$message_above_input_field}</p> <div class="input-container"> {$form_html} </div> HTML; fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' ); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { var contentHtml = <?php echo json_encode( $modal_content_html ); ?>, modalHtml = '<div class="fs-modal fs-modal-license-key-resend <?php echo $is_freemium ? 'fs-freemium' : 'fs-premium' ?>">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-dialog">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-header">' + ' <h4><?php echo esc_js( $send_button_text ) ?></h4>' + ' <a href="#!" class="fs-close" tabindex="3" title="Close"><i class="dashicons dashicons-no" title="<?php echo esc_js( fs_text_x_inline( 'Dismiss', 'as close a window', 'dismiss', $slug ) ) ?>"></i></a>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="fs-modal-body">' + ' <div class="fs-modal-panel active">' + contentHtml + '</div>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>', $modal = $(modalHtml), $sendButton = $modal.find('.button-send-license-key'), $emailInput = $modal.find(''), $feedbackMessage = $modal.find('.license-resend-message'), isFreemium = <?php echo json_encode( $is_freemium ) ?>, userEmail = <?php echo json_encode( $email ) ?>, moduleID = '<?php echo $fs->get_id() ?>', isChild = false; $modal.appendTo($('body')); function registerEventHandlers() { $('<?php echo $fs->get_unique_affix() ?>').click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); showModal(); }); if (isFreemium) { $modal.on('change', 'input[type=radio][name=email-address]', function () { updateButtonState(); }); $modal.on('focus', '', function () { // Check custom email radio button on email input focus. $($modal.find('input[type=radio]')[1]).prop('checked', true); updateButtonState(); }); } $modal.on('input propertychange', '', function () { updateButtonState(); }); $modal.on('blur', '', function () { updateButtonState(); }); $modal.on('click', '.fs-close', function (){ closeModal(); return false; }); $modal.on('click', '.button', function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return; } var email = getEmail(); disableButton(); if (!(-1 < email.indexOf('@'))) { return; } $.ajax({ url : <?php echo Freemius::ajax_url() ?>, method : 'POST', data : { action : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_action( 'resend_license_key' ) ?>', security : '<?php echo $fs->get_ajax_security( 'resend_license_key' ) ?>', module_id : moduleID, email : email }, beforeSend: function () { $sendButton.text('<?php fs_esc_js_echo_inline( 'Sending license key', 'sending-license-key', $slug ) ?>...'); }, success : function (result) { var resultObj = $.parseJSON(result); if (resultObj.success) { closeModal(); } else { showError(resultObj.error); resetButton(); } } }); }); } registerEventHandlers(); resetButton(); function showModal() { resetModal(); // Display the dialog box. $modal.addClass('active'); if (!isFreemium) $emailInput.focus(); var $body = $('body'); isChild = $body.hasClass('has-fs-modal'); if (isChild) { return; } $body.addClass('has-fs-modal'); } function closeModal() { $modal.removeClass('active'); // If child modal, do not remove the "has-fs-modal" class of the <body> element to keep its scrollbars hidden. if (isChild) { return; } $('body').removeClass('has-fs-modal'); } function resetButton() { updateButtonState(); $sendButton.text(<?php echo json_encode($send_button_text) ?>); } function resetModal() { hideError(); resetButton(); $emailInput.val(''); } function getEmail() { var email = $emailInput.val().trim(); if (isFreemium) { if ('other' != $modal.find('input[type=radio][name=email-address]:checked').val()) { email = userEmail; } } return email; } function updateButtonState() { /** * If email address is not empty, enable the send license key button. */ $sendButton.toggleClass('disabled', !( -1 < getEmail().indexOf('@') )); } function disableButton() { $sendButton.addClass('disabled'); } function hideError() { $feedbackMessage.hide(); } function showError(msg) { $feedbackMessage.find(' > p').html(msg); $; } }); })(jQuery); </script>