var MiniMasonry = function(conf) { this._sizes = []; this._columns = []; this._container = null; this._count = null; this._width = 0; this._removeListener = null; this._currentGutterX = null; this._currentGutterY = null; this._resizeTimeout = null, this.conf = { baseWidth: 255, gutterX: null, gutterY: null, gutter: 10, container: null, minify: true, ultimateGutter: 5, surroundingGutter: true, direction: 'ltr', wedge: false }; this.init(conf); return this; } MiniMasonry.prototype.init = function(conf) { for (var i in this.conf) { if (conf[i] != undefined) { this.conf[i] = conf[i]; } } if (this.conf.gutterX == null || this.conf.gutterY == null) { this.conf.gutterX = this.conf.gutterY = this.conf.gutter; } this._currentGutterX = this.conf.gutterX; this._currentGutterY = this.conf.gutterY; this._container = typeof this.conf.container == 'object' && this.conf.container.nodeName ? this.conf.container : document.querySelector(this.conf.container); if (!this._container) { throw new Error('Container not found or missing'); } var onResize = this.resizeThrottler.bind(this) window.addEventListener("resize", onResize); this._removeListener = function() { window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize); if (this._resizeTimeout != null) { window.clearTimeout(this._resizeTimeout); this._resizeTimeout = null; } } this.layout(); }; MiniMasonry.prototype.reset = function() { this._sizes = []; this._columns = []; this._count = null; this._width = this._container.clientWidth; var minWidth = this.conf.baseWidth; if (this._width < minWidth) { this._width = minWidth; = minWidth + 'px'; } if (this.getCount() == 1) { // Set ultimate gutter when only one column is displayed this._currentGutterX = this.conf.ultimateGutter; // As gutters are reduced, two column may fit, forcing to 1 this._count = 1; } else if (this._width < (this.conf.baseWidth + (2 * this._currentGutterX))) { // Remove gutter when screen is to low this._currentGutterX = 0; } else { this._currentGutterX = this.conf.gutterX; } }; MiniMasonry.prototype.getCount = function() { if (this.conf.surroundingGutter) { return Math.floor((this._width - this._currentGutterX) / (this.conf.baseWidth + this._currentGutterX)); } return Math.floor((this._width + this._currentGutterX) / (this.conf.baseWidth + this._currentGutterX)); } MiniMasonry.prototype.computeWidth = function() { var width; if (this.conf.surroundingGutter) { width = ((this._width - this._currentGutterX) / this._count) - this._currentGutterX; } else { width = ((this._width + this._currentGutterX) / this._count) - this._currentGutterX; } width = Number.parseFloat(width.toFixed(2)); return width; } MiniMasonry.prototype.layout = function() { if (!this._container) { console.error('Container not found'); return; } this.reset(); //Computing columns count if (this._count == null) { this._count = this.getCount(); } //Computing columns width var colWidth = this.computeWidth(); for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { this._columns[i] = 0; } //Saving children real heights var children = this._container.children; for (var k = 0;k< children.length; k++) { // Set colWidth before retrieving element height if content is proportional children[k].style.width = colWidth + 'px'; this._sizes[k] = children[k].clientHeight; } var startX; if (this.conf.direction == 'ltr') { startX = this.conf.surroundingGutter ? this._currentGutterX : 0; } else { startX = this._width - (this.conf.surroundingGutter ? this._currentGutterX : 0); } if (this._count > this._sizes.length) { //If more columns than children var occupiedSpace = (this._sizes.length * (colWidth + this._currentGutterX)) - this._currentGutterX; if (this.conf.wedge === false) { if (this.conf.direction == 'ltr') { startX = ((this._width - occupiedSpace) / 2); } else { startX = this._width - ((this._width - occupiedSpace) / 2); } } else { if (this.conf.direction == 'ltr') { // } else { startX = this._width - this._currentGutterX; } } } //Computing position of children for (var index = 0;index < children.length; index++) { var nextColumn = this.conf.minify ? this.getShortest() : this.getNextColumn(index); var childrenGutter = 0; if (this.conf.surroundingGutter || nextColumn != this._columns.length) { childrenGutter = this._currentGutterX; } var x; if (this.conf.direction == 'ltr') { x = startX + ((colWidth + childrenGutter) * (nextColumn)); } else { x = startX - ((colWidth + childrenGutter) * (nextColumn)) - colWidth; } var y = this._columns[nextColumn]; children[index].style.transform = 'translate3d(' + Math.round(x) + 'px,' + Math.round(y) + 'px,0)'; this._columns[nextColumn] += this._sizes[index] + (this._count > 1 ? this.conf.gutterY : this.conf.ultimateGutter);//margin-bottom } = (this._columns[this.getLongest()] - this._currentGutterY) + 'px'; }; MiniMasonry.prototype.getNextColumn = function(index) { return index % this._columns.length; }; MiniMasonry.prototype.getShortest = function() { var shortest = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { if (this._columns[i] < this._columns[shortest]) { shortest = i; } } return shortest; }; MiniMasonry.prototype.getLongest = function() { var longest = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { if (this._columns[i] > this._columns[longest]) { longest = i; } } return longest; }; MiniMasonry.prototype.resizeThrottler = function() { // ignore resize events as long as an actualResizeHandler execution is in the queue if ( !this._resizeTimeout ) { this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { this._resizeTimeout = null; //IOS Safari throw random resize event on scroll, call layout only if size has changed if (this._container.clientWidth != this._width) { this.layout(); } // The actualResizeHandler will execute at a rate of 30fps }.bind(this), 33); } } MiniMasonry.prototype.destroy = function() { if (typeof this._removeListener == "function") { this._removeListener(); } var children = this._container.children; for (var k = 0;k< children.length; k++) { children[k].style.removeProperty('width'); children[k].style.removeProperty('transform'); }'height');'min-width'); } export default MiniMasonry;