Linux gra108.truehost.cloud 4.18.0-553.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 27 15:27:34 UTC 2024 x86_64
PHP version:
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pumpbmko (2127) | Group:
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allow_url_fopen, show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, mail, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, apallow_url_fopen,show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, mail, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, ap
zfc @ s� d Z d d l Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d � Z d d d � � YZ d d
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d d d d e � Z e j � GHe j d
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� GHe j d � GHe
� GHe j d � Ge j d � GHe j � GHe d d � Z e j d � Ge j d � GHe j e
d d d e �Z e j � e j e
d d d e
j �Z e j � e d e d � j � Z e j d e � e j d e � e j � n d S( s 0.9i����Nt normalt romant boldt italicc C s t d | d t � S( sF Given the name of a tk named font, returns a Font representation.
t namet exists( t Fontt True( R ( ( s% /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt
nametofont s R c B s� e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d d d e d � Z d � Z d � Z
d � Z d � Z d � Z
� Z d d � Z d � Z d
� Z e Z d � Z d � Z RS( s� Represents a named font.
Constructor options are:
font -- font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple)
name -- name to use for this font configuration (defaults to a unique name)
exists -- does a named font by this name already exist?
Creates a new named font if False, points to the existing font if True.
Raises _Tkinter.TclError if the assertion is false.
the following are ignored if font is specified:
family -- font 'family', e.g. Courier, Times, Helvetica
size -- font size in points
weight -- font thickness: NORMAL, BOLD
slant -- font slant: ROMAN, ITALIC
underline -- font underlining: false (0), true (1)
overstrike -- font strikeout: false (0), true (1)
c C si g } xV | j � D]H \ } } t | t � s= t | � } n | j d | � | j | � q Wt | � S( Nt -( t itemst
basestringt strt appendt tuple( t selft kwt optionst kt v( ( s% /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt _set/ s c C s2 g } x | D] } | j d | � q
Wt | � S( NR ( R R ( R t argsR R ( ( s% /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt _get8 s
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