Linux gra108.truehost.cloud 4.18.0-553.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 27 15:27:34 UTC 2024 x86_64
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8.2.26 [ PHP INFO ] PHP os:
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pumpbmko (2127) | Group:
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Safe Mode:
Disable Function:
allow_url_fopen, show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, mail, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, apallow_url_fopen,show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, mail, mysql_list_dbs, ini_alter, dl, symlink, link, chgrp, leak, popen, ap
zfc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z d d d g Z i Z d Z
d d
� Z d � Z d � Z
d d d
� � YZ d d � Z e e d � Z d � Z d � Z e d k r� e � n d S( s� Utilities for comparing files and directories.
cmp(f1, f2, shallow=1) -> int
cmpfiles(a, b, common) -> ([], [], [])
i����N( t ifiltert ifilterfalset imapt izipt cmpt dircmpt cmpfilesi i i c C s� t t j | � � } t t j | � � } | d t j k sP | d t j k rT t S| rj | | k rj t S| d | d k r� t St j | | | | f � } | d k r� t | | � } t
t � d k r� t j � n | t | | | | f <n | S( s� Compare two files.
f1 -- First file name
f2 -- Second file name
shallow -- Just check stat signature (do not read the files).
defaults to 1.
Return value:
True if the files are the same, False otherwise.
This function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results,
with a cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures.
i i id N( t _sigt ost statt S_IFREGt Falset Truet _cachet gett Nonet _do_cmpt lent clear( t f1t f2t shallowt s1t s2t outcome( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyR s &
c C s t j | j � | j | j f S( N( R t S_IFMTt st_modet st_sizet st_mtime( t st( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyR ; s c
C s t } t | d � �d } t | d � �L } xB t rn | j | � } | j | � } | | k ra t S| s- t Sq- WWd QXWd QXd S( Nt rb( t BUFSIZEt openR t readR ( R R t bufsizet fp1t fp2t b1t b2( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyR @ s c B s� e Z d Z d d d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z
d � Z d � Z d
� Z
e d e d e d
e d e d e d e d e d e d e d e d e d e � Z d � Z RS( sQ A class that manages the comparison of 2 directories.
A and B are directories.
IGNORE is a list of names to ignore,
defaults to ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags'].
HIDE is a list of names to hide,
defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir].
High level usage:
x = dircmp(dir1, dir2)
x.report() -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2
x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1
and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories.
x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure,
but fully recursive.
left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2,
filtered by hide and ignore.
common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2.
left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2.
common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2.
common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2.
common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between
dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able.
same_files: list of identical files.
diff_files: list of filenames which differ.
funny_files: list of files which could not be compared.
subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs.
c C sm | | _ | | _ | d k r6 t j t j g | _ n | | _ | d k r` d d d g | _ n | | _ d S( Nt RCSt CVSt tags( t leftt rightR R t curdirt pardirt hidet ignore( t selft at bR/ R. ( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt __init__o s c C sn t t j | j � | j | j � | _ t t j | j � | j | j � | _ | j j � | j j � d S( N(
t _filterR t listdirR* R. R/ t left_listR+ t
right_listt sort( R0 ( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt phase0{ s
c C s� t t t t j j | j � | j � � } t t t t j j | j � | j � � } t | j t
| j | � � | _ t | j t
| j | � � | _ t | j t
| j | � � | _ d S( N( t dictR R R t patht normcaseR6 R7 t mapt __getitem__R t __contains__t commonR t left_onlyt
right_only( R0 R1 R2 ( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt phase1� s
C s} g | _ g | _ g | _ x[| j D]P} t j j | j | � } t j j | j | � } d } y t j | � } Wn t j
r� } d } n Xy t j | � } Wn t j
r� } d } n X| ret j | j � } t j | j � } | | k r| j j
| � qut j | � r0| j j
| � qut j | � rR| j j
| � qu| j j
| � q% | j j
| � q% Wd S( Ni i ( t common_dirst common_filest common_funnyR@ R R; t joinR* R+ R t errorR R t appendt S_ISDIRt S_ISREG(
R0 t xt a_patht b_patht okt a_statt whyt b_statt a_typet b_type( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt phase2� s4
c C s7 t | j | j | j � } | \ | _ | _ | _ d S( N( R R* R+ RE t
diff_filest funny_files( R0 t xx( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt phase3� s c C ss i | _ xc | j D]X } t j j | j | � } t j j | j | � } t | | | j | j � | j | <q Wd S( N(
t subdirsRD R R; RG R* R+ R R/ R. ( R0 RL t a_xt b_x( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt phase4� s
c C s2 | j � x! | j j � D] } | j � q Wd S( N( R^ R[ t
itervaluest phase4_closure( R0 t sd( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyR` � s
c C s0 d G| j G| j GH| j rC | j j � d G| j Gd G| j GHn | j rs | j j � d G| j Gd G| j GHn | j r� | j j � d G| j GHn | j r� | j j � d G| j GHn | j r� | j j � d G| j GHn | j r| j j � d G| j GHn | j r,| j j � d G| j GHn d S( Nt diffs Only int :s Identical files :s Differing files :s Trouble with common files :s Common subdirectories :s Common funny cases :(
R* R+ RA R8 RB RV RW RX RD RF ( R0 ( ( s /usr/lib64/python2.7/filecmp.pyt report� s,
c C s3 | j � x"