File "BrowserDetection.php"

Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content-20250114123711/themes/momota/lib/kubio-themebase/src/BrowserDetection.php
File size: 84.76 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8


 * Browser detection class file.
 * This file contains everything required to use the BrowserDetection class. Tested with PHP 5.3.29 - 7.2.4.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version (if any).
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details at:
 * @package Browser_Detection
 * @version 2.9.5
 * @last-modified February 2, 2020
 * @author Alexandre Valiquette
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, Wolfcast
 * @link

namespace Wolfcast;

 * The BrowserDetection class facilitates the identification of the user's environment such as Web browser, version,
 * platform and device type.
 * Typical usage:
 * $browser = new Wolfcast\BrowserDetection();
 * if ($browser->getName() == Wolfcast\BrowserDetection::BROWSER_FIREFOX &&
 *     $browser->compareVersions($browser->getVersion(), '5.0') >= 0) {
 *     echo 'You are using FireFox version 5 or greater.';
 * }
 * The class is a rewrite of Chris Schuld's Browser class version 1.9 which is mostly unmaintained since August 20th,
 * 2010. Chris' class was based on the original work from Gary White.
 * Updates:
 * 2020-02-02: Version 2.9.5
 *  + WARNING! Breaking change: complete rework of robots detection. Now robot name and version is detected in addition
 *    of browser name and version. Use getRobotName() and getRobotVersion() when isRobot() is true.
 *  + WARNING! Breaking change: due to robots detection rework the following methods signatures has changed (isRobot
 *    parameter removed): addCustomBrowserDetection(), checkSimpleBrowserUA(), checkBrowserUAWithVersion().
 *  + Added possibility to support new robots with addCustomRobotDetection().
 *  + Added support for the new Microsoft Edge based on Chromium.
 *  + Added version names for Android 10 and later (Google no longer use candy names for new versions).
 *  + Added macOS Catalina detection.
 *  + Added Windows Server 2019 detection (Windows Server 2016 can be no longer detected due to the fact that they both
 *    use the same version number and that the build is not included in the user agent).
 * 2019-03-27: Version 2.9.3
 *  + Fixed Edge detection on Android.
 *  + Added Android Q detection.
 *  + Now filtering superglobals.
 * 2019-02-28: Version 2.9.2
 *  + Fixed Opera detection.
 * 2018-08-23: Version 2.9.1
 *  + Fixed Chrome detection under iOS.
 *  + Added Android Pie detection.
 *  + Added macOS Mojave detection.
 * 2018-07-15: Version 2.9.0
 *  + WARNING! Breaking change: new Wolfcast namespace. Use new Wolfcast\BrowserDetection().
 *  + iPad, iPhone and iPod are all under iOS now.
 *  + Added Android Oreo detection.
 *  + Added macOS High Sierra detection.
 *  + Added UC Browser detection.
 *  + Improved regular expressions (even less false positives).
 *  + Removed AOL detection.
 *  + Removed the following Web browsers detection: Amaya, Galeon, NetPositive, OmniWeb, Vivaldi detection (use
 *    addCustomBrowserDetection()).
 *  + Removed the following legacy platforms detection: BeOS, OS/2, SunOS (use addCustomPlatformDetection()).
 * 2016-11-28: Version 2.5.1
 *  + Better detection of 64-bit platforms.
 * 2016-08-19: Version 2.5.0
 *  + Platform version and platform version name are now supported for Mac.
 *  + Fixed platform version name for Android.
 * 2016-08-02: Version 2.4.0
 *  + Platform version and platform version name are now supported for Android.
 *  + Added support for the Samsung Internet browser.
 *  + Added support for the Vivaldi browser.
 *  + Better support for legacy Windows versions.
 * 2016-02-11: Version 2.3.0
 *  + WARNING! Breaking change: public method getBrowser() is renamed to getName().
 *  + WARNING! Breaking change: changed the compareVersions() return values to be more in line with other libraries.
 *  + You can now get the exact platform version (name or version numbers) on which the browser is run on with
 *    getPlatformVersion(). Only working with Windows operating systems at the moment.
 *  + You can now determine if the browser is executed from a 64-bit platform with is64bitPlatform().
 *  + Better detection of mobile platform for Googlebot.
 * 2016-01-04: Version 2.2.0
 *  + Added support for Microsoft Edge.
 * 2014-12-30: Version 2.1.2
 *  + Better detection of Opera.
 * 2014-07-11: Version 2.1.1
 *  + Better detection of mobile devices and platforms.
 * 2014-06-04: Version 2.1.0
 *  + Added support for IE 11+.
 * 2013-05-27: Version 2.0.0 which is (almost) a complete rewrite based on Chris Schuld's Browser class version 1.9 plus
 * changes below.
 *  + Added support for Opera Mobile
 *  + Added support for the Windows Phone (formerly Windows Mobile) platform
 *  + Added support for BlackBerry Tablet OS and BlackBerry 10
 *  + Added support for the Symbian platform
 *  + Added support for Bingbot
 *  + Added support for the Yahoo! Multimedia crawler
 *  + Removed iPhone/iPad/iPod browsers since there are not browsers but platforms - test them with getPlatform()
 *  + Removed support for Shiretoko (Firefox 3.5 alpha/beta) and MSN Browser
 *  + Merged Nokia and Nokia S60
 *  + Updated some deprecated browser names
 *  + Many public methods are now protected
 *  + Documentation updated
 * 2010-07-04:
 *  + Added detection of IE compatibility view - test with getIECompatibilityView()
 *  + Added support for all (deprecated) Netscape versions
 *  + Added support for Safari < 3.0
 *  + Better Firefox version parsing
 *  + Better Opera version parsing
 *  + Better Mozilla detection
 * @package Browser_Detection
 * @version 2.9.5
 * @last-modified February 2, 2020
 * @author Alexandre Valiquette, Chris Schuld, Gary White
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020, Wolfcast
 * @license
 * @link
 * @link
 * @link
 * @link
class BrowserDetection {

	 * Constant for the name of the Web browser.
	const BROWSER_ANDROID      = 'Android';
	const BROWSER_BLACKBERRY   = 'BlackBerry';
	const BROWSER_CHROME       = 'Chrome';
	const BROWSER_EDGE         = 'Edge';
	const BROWSER_FIREBIRD     = 'Firebird';
	const BROWSER_FIREFOX      = 'Firefox';
	const BROWSER_ICAB         = 'iCab';
	const BROWSER_ICECAT       = 'GNU IceCat';
	const BROWSER_ICEWEASEL    = 'GNU IceWeasel';
	const BROWSER_IE           = 'Internet Explorer';
	const BROWSER_IE_MOBILE    = 'Internet Explorer Mobile';
	const BROWSER_KONQUEROR    = 'Konqueror';
	const BROWSER_LYNX         = 'Lynx';
	const BROWSER_MOZILLA      = 'Mozilla';
	const BROWSER_MSNTV        = 'MSN TV';
	const BROWSER_NETSCAPE     = 'Netscape';
	const BROWSER_NOKIA        = 'Nokia Browser';
	const BROWSER_OPERA        = 'Opera';
	const BROWSER_OPERA_MINI   = 'Opera Mini';
	const BROWSER_OPERA_MOBILE = 'Opera Mobile';
	const BROWSER_PHOENIX      = 'Phoenix';
	const BROWSER_SAFARI       = 'Safari';
	const BROWSER_SAMSUNG      = 'Samsung Internet';
	const BROWSER_TABLET_OS    = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';
	const BROWSER_UC           = 'UC Browser';
	const BROWSER_UNKNOWN      = 'unknown';

	 * Constant for the name of the platform on which the Web browser runs.
	const PLATFORM_ANDROID         = 'Android';
	const PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY      = 'BlackBerry';
	const PLATFORM_FREEBSD         = 'FreeBSD';
	const PLATFORM_IOS             = 'iOS';
	const PLATFORM_LINUX           = 'Linux';
	const PLATFORM_MACINTOSH       = 'Macintosh';
	const PLATFORM_NETBSD          = 'NetBSD';
	const PLATFORM_NOKIA           = 'Nokia';
	const PLATFORM_OPENBSD         = 'OpenBSD';
	const PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS     = 'OpenSolaris';
	const PLATFORM_SYMBIAN         = 'Symbian';
	const PLATFORM_UNKNOWN         = 'unknown';
	const PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
	const PLATFORM_WINDOWS         = 'Windows';
	const PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE      = 'Windows CE';
	const PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PHONE   = 'Windows Phone';

	 * Constant for the name of the robot.
	const ROBOT_BINGBOT         = 'Bingbot';
	const ROBOT_GOOGLEBOT       = 'Googlebot';
	const ROBOT_MSNBOT          = 'MSNBot';
	const ROBOT_SLURP           = 'Yahoo! Slurp';
	const ROBOT_UNKNOWN         = '';
	const ROBOT_W3CVALIDATOR    = 'W3C Validator';
	const ROBOT_YAHOO_MM        = 'Yahoo! Multimedia';

	 * Version unknown constant.
	const VERSION_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_agent = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_browserName = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_compatibilityViewName = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_compatibilityViewVer = '';

	 * @var array
	 * @access private
	private $_customBrowserDetection = array();

	 * @var array
	 * @access private
	private $_customPlatformDetection = array();

	 * @var array
	 * @access private
	private $_customRobotDetection = array();

	 * @var boolean
	 * @access private
	private $_is64bit = false;

	 * @var boolean
	 * @access private
	private $_isMobile = false;

	 * @var boolean
	 * @access private
	private $_isRobot = false;

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_platform = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_platformVersion = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_robotName = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_robotVersion = '';

	 * @var string
	 * @access private
	private $_version = '';

	//--- MAGIC METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * BrowserDetection class constructor.
	 * @param string $useragent (optional) The user agent to work with. Leave empty for the current user agent
	 * (contained in $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']).
	public function __construct( $useragent = '' ) {
		$this->setUserAgent( $useragent );

	 * Determine how the class will react when it is treated like a string.
	 * @return string Returns an HTML formatted string with a summary of the browser informations.
	public function __toString() {
		$result = '';

		$values   = array();
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'User agent',
			'value' => $this->getUserAgent(),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Browser name',
			'value' => $this->getName(),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Browser version',
			'value' => $this->getVersion(),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Platform family',
			'value' => $this->getPlatform(),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Platform version',
			'value' => $this->getPlatformVersion( true ),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Platform version name',
			'value' => $this->getPlatformVersion(),
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Platform is 64-bit',
			'value' => $this->is64bitPlatform() ? 'true' : 'false',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Is mobile',
			'value' => $this->isMobile() ? 'true' : 'false',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Is robot',
			'value' => $this->isRobot() ? 'true' : 'false',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Robot name',
			'value' => $this->isRobot() ? ( $this->getRobotName() != self::ROBOT_UNKNOWN ? $this->getRobotName() : 'Unknown' ) : 'Not applicable',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Robot version',
			'value' => $this->isRobot() ? ( $this->getRobotVersion() != self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN ? $this->getRobotVersion() : 'Unknown' ) : 'Not applicable',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'IE is in compatibility view',
			'value' => $this->isInIECompatibilityView() ? 'true' : 'false',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Emulated IE version',
			'value' => $this->isInIECompatibilityView() ? $this->getIECompatibilityView() : 'Not applicable',
		$values[] = array(
			'label' => 'Is Chrome Frame',
			'value' => $this->isChromeFrame() ? 'true' : 'false',

		foreach ( $values as $currVal ) {
			$result .= '<strong>' . htmlspecialchars( $currVal['label'], ENT_NOQUOTES ) . ':</strong> ' . $currVal['value'] . '<br />' . PHP_EOL;

		return $result;

	//--- PUBLIC MEMBERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Dynamically add support for a new Web browser.
	 * @param string $browserName The Web browser name (used for display).
	 * @param mixed $uaNameToLookFor (optional) The string (or array of strings) representing the browser name to find
	 * in the user agent. If omitted, $browserName will be used.
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Determines if the browser is from a mobile device.
	 * @param string $separator (optional) The separator string used to split the browser name and the version number in
	 * the user agent.
	 * @param boolean $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the browser name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * When set to false, the browser name can be found anywhere in the user agent string.
	 * @see removeCustomBrowserDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been added, false otherwise.
	public function addCustomBrowserDetection( $browserName, $uaNameToLookFor = '', $isMobile = false, $separator = '/', $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		if ( $browserName == '' ) {
			return false;
		if ( array_key_exists( $browserName, $this->_customBrowserDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customBrowserDetection[ $browserName ] );
		if ( $uaNameToLookFor == '' ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = $browserName;
		$this->_customBrowserDetection[ $browserName ] = array(
			'uaNameToLookFor' => $uaNameToLookFor,
			'isMobile'        => $isMobile == true,
			'separator'       => $separator,
			'uaNameFindWords' => $uaNameFindWords == true,
		return true;

	 * Dynamically add support for a new platform.
	 * @param string $platformName The platform name (used for display).
	 * @param mixed $platformNameToLookFor (optional) The string (or array of strings) representing the platform name to
	 * find in the user agent. If omitted, $platformName will be used.
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Determines if the platform is from a mobile device.
	 * @param boolean $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the platform name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * @see removeCustomPlatformDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been added, false otherwise.
	public function addCustomPlatformDetection( $platformName, $platformNameToLookFor = '', $isMobile = false, $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		if ( $platformName == '' ) {
			return false;
		if ( array_key_exists( $platformName, $this->_customPlatformDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customPlatformDetection[ $platformName ] );
		if ( $platformNameToLookFor == '' ) {
			$platformNameToLookFor = $platformName;
		$this->_customPlatformDetection[ $platformName ] = array(
			'platformNameToLookFor' => $platformNameToLookFor,
			'isMobile'              => $isMobile == true,
			'uaNameFindWords'       => $uaNameFindWords == true,
		return true;

	 * Dynamically add support for a new robot.
	 * @param string $robotName The robot name (used for display).
	 * @param mixed $uaNameToLookFor (optional) The string (or array of strings) representing the robot name to find
	 * in the user agent. If omitted, $robotName will be used.
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Determines if the robot should be considered as mobile or not.
	 * @param string $separator (optional) The separator string used to split the robot name and the version number in
	 * the user agent.
	 * @param boolean $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the robot name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * When set to false, the robot name can be found anywhere in the user agent string.
	 * @see removeCustomRobotDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been added, false otherwise.
	public function addCustomRobotDetection( $robotName, $uaNameToLookFor = '', $isMobile = false, $separator = '/', $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		if ( $robotName == '' ) {
			return false;
		if ( array_key_exists( $robotName, $this->_customRobotDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customRobotDetection[ $robotName ] );
		if ( $uaNameToLookFor == '' ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = $robotName;
		$this->_customRobotDetection[ $robotName ] = array(
			'uaNameToLookFor' => $uaNameToLookFor,
			'isMobile'        => $isMobile == true,
			'separator'       => $separator,
			'uaNameFindWords' => $uaNameFindWords == true,
		return true;

	 * Compare two version number strings.
	 * @param string $sourceVer The source version number.
	 * @param string $compareVer The version number to compare with the source version number.
	 * @return int Returns -1 if $sourceVer < $compareVer, 0 if $sourceVer == $compareVer or 1 if $sourceVer >
	 * $compareVer.
	public function compareVersions( $sourceVer, $compareVer ) {
		$sourceVer = explode( '.', $sourceVer );
		foreach ( $sourceVer as $k => $v ) {
			$sourceVer[ $k ] = $this->parseInt( $v );

		$compareVer = explode( '.', $compareVer );
		foreach ( $compareVer as $k => $v ) {
			$compareVer[ $k ] = $this->parseInt( $v );

		if ( count( $sourceVer ) != count( $compareVer ) ) {
			if ( count( $sourceVer ) > count( $compareVer ) ) {
				for ( $i = count( $compareVer ); $i < count( $sourceVer ); $i++ ) {
					$compareVer[ $i ] = 0;
			} else {
				for ( $i = count( $sourceVer ); $i < count( $compareVer ); $i++ ) {
					$sourceVer[ $i ] = 0;

		foreach ( $sourceVer as $i => $srcVerPart ) {
			if ( $srcVerPart > $compareVer[ $i ] ) {
				return 1;
			} else {
				if ( $srcVerPart < $compareVer[ $i ] ) {
					return -1;

		return 0;

	 * Get the name and version of the browser emulated in the compatibility view mode (if any). Since Internet
	 * Explorer 8, IE can be put in compatibility mode to make websites that were created for older browsers, especially
	 * IE 6 and 7, look better in IE 8+ which renders web pages closer to the standards and thus differently from those
	 * older versions of IE.
	 * @param boolean $asArray (optional) Determines if the return value must be an array (true) or a string (false).
	 * @return mixed If a string was requested, the function returns the name and version of the browser emulated in
	 * the compatibility view mode or an empty string if the browser is not in compatibility view mode. If an array was
	 * requested, an array with the keys 'browser' and 'version' is returned.
	public function getIECompatibilityView( $asArray = false ) {
		if ( $asArray ) {
			return array(
				'browser' => $this->_compatibilityViewName,
				'version' => $this->_compatibilityViewVer,
		} else {
			return trim( $this->_compatibilityViewName . ' ' . $this->_compatibilityViewVer );

	 * Return the BrowserDetection class version.
	 * @return string Returns the version as a sting with the #.#.# format.
	public function getLibVersion() {
		return '2.9.5';

	 * Get the name of the browser. All of the return values are class constants. You can compare them like this:
	 * $myBrowserInstance->getName() == BrowserDetection::BROWSER_FIREFOX.
	 * @return string Returns the name of the browser or BrowserDetection::BROWSER_UNKNOWN if unknown.
	public function getName() {
		return $this->_browserName;

	 * Get the name of the platform family on which the browser is run on (such as Windows, Apple, etc.). All of
	 * the return values are class constants. You can compare them like this:
	 * $myBrowserInstance->getPlatform() == BrowserDetection::PLATFORM_ANDROID.
	 * @return string Returns the name of the platform or BrowserDetection::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN if unknown.
	public function getPlatform() {
		return $this->_platform;

	 * Get the platform version on which the browser is run on. It can be returned as a string number like 'NT 6.3' or
	 * as a name like 'Windows 8.1'. When returning version string numbers for Windows NT OS families the number is
	 * prefixed by 'NT ' to differentiate from older Windows 3.x & 9x release. At the moment only the Windows and
	 * Android operating systems are supported.
	 * @param boolean $returnVersionNumbers (optional) Determines if the return value must be versions numbers as a
	 * string (true) or the version name (false).
	 * @param boolean $returnServerFlavor (optional) Since some Windows NT versions have the same values, this flag
	 * determines if the Server flavor is returned or not. For instance Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 both use
	 * version 6.3. This parameter is only useful when testing for Windows.
	 * @return string Returns the version name/version numbers of the platform or the constant PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN
	 * if unknown.
	public function getPlatformVersion( $returnVersionNumbers = false, $returnServerFlavor = false ) {
		if ( $this->_platformVersion == self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN || $this->_platformVersion == '' ) {

		if ( $returnVersionNumbers ) {
			return $this->_platformVersion;
		} else {
			switch ( $this->getPlatform() ) {
				case self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS:
					if ( substr( $this->_platformVersion, 0, 3 ) == 'NT ' ) {
						return $this->windowsNTVerToStr( substr( $this->_platformVersion, 3 ), $returnServerFlavor );
					} else {
						return $this->windowsVerToStr( $this->_platformVersion );

				case self::PLATFORM_MACINTOSH:
					return $this->macVerToStr( $this->_platformVersion );

				case self::PLATFORM_ANDROID:
					return $this->androidVerToStr( $this->_platformVersion );

				case self::PLATFORM_IOS:
					return $this->iOSVerToStr( $this->_platformVersion );


	 * Get the name of the robot. All of the return values are class constants. You can compare them like this:
	 * $myBrowserInstance->getRobotName() == BrowserDetection::ROBOT_GOOGLEBOT.
	 * @return string Returns the name of the robot or BrowserDetection::ROBOT_UNKNOWN if unknown.
	public function getRobotName() {
		return $this->_robotName;

	 * Get the version of the robot.
	 * @return string Returns the version of the robot or BrowserDetection::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN if unknown.
	public function getRobotVersion() {
		return $this->_robotVersion;

	 * Get the user agent value used by the class to determine the browser details.
	 * @return string The user agent string.
	public function getUserAgent() {
		return $this->_agent;

	 * Get the version of the browser.
	 * @return string Returns the version of the browser or BrowserDetection::VERSION_UNKNOWN if unknown.
	public function getVersion() {
		return $this->_version;

	 * Determine if the browser is executed from a 64-bit platform. Keep in mind that not all platforms/browsers report
	 * this and the result may not always be accurate.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is executed from a 64-bit platform.
	public function is64bitPlatform() {
		return $this->_is64bit;

	 * Determine if the browser runs Google Chrome Frame (it's a plug-in designed for Internet Explorer 6+ based on the
	 * open-source Chromium project - it's like a Chrome browser within IE).
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is using Google Chrome Frame, false otherwise.
	public function isChromeFrame() {
		return $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'chromeframe' );

	 * Determine if the browser is in compatibility view or not. Since Internet Explorer 8, IE can be put in
	 * compatibility mode to make websites that were created for older browsers, especially IE 6 and 7, look better in
	 * IE 8+ which renders web pages closer to the standards and thus differently from those older versions of IE.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is in compatibility view, false otherwise.
	public function isInIECompatibilityView() {
		return ( $this->_compatibilityViewName != '' ) || ( $this->_compatibilityViewVer != '' );

	 * Determine if the browser is from a mobile device or not.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is from a mobile device, false otherwise.
	public function isMobile() {
		return $this->_isMobile;

	 * Determine if the browser is a robot (Googlebot, Bingbot, Yahoo! Slurp...) or not.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is a robot, false otherwise.
	public function isRobot() {
		return $this->_isRobot;

	 * Remove support for a previously added Web browser.
	 * @param string $browserName The Web browser name as used when added.
	 * @see addCustomBrowserDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been found and removed, false otherwise.
	public function removeCustomBrowserDetection( $browserName ) {
		if ( array_key_exists( $browserName, $this->_customBrowserDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customBrowserDetection[ $browserName ] );
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Remove support for a previously added platform.
	 * @param string $platformName The platform name as used when added.
	 * @see addCustomPlatformDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been found and removed, false otherwise.
	public function removeCustomPlatformDetection( $platformName ) {
		if ( array_key_exists( $platformName, $this->_customPlatformDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customPlatformDetection[ $platformName ] );
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Remove support for a previously added robot.
	 * @param string $robotName The robot name as used when added.
	 * @see addCustomRobotDetection()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the custom rule has been found and removed, false otherwise.
	public function removeCustomRobotDetection( $robotName ) {
		if ( array_key_exists( $robotName, $this->_customRobotDetection ) ) {
			unset( $this->_customRobotDetection[ $robotName ] );
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Set the user agent to use with the class.
	 * @param string $agentString (optional) The value of the user agent. If an empty string is sent (default),
	 * $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] will be used.
	public function setUserAgent( $agentString = '' ) {
		if ( ! is_string( $agentString ) || trim( $agentString ) == '' ) {
			if ( array_key_exists( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_GET ) && filter_has_var( INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) {
				$agentString = htmlspecialchars( $_GET['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );
			} elseif ( array_key_exists( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER ) && is_string( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) {
				$agentString = htmlspecialchars( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );
			} else {
				$agentString = '';

			if ( $agentString === false || $agentString === null ) {
				//filter_input or filter_var failed
				$agentString = '';

		$this->_agent = $agentString;

	//--- PROTECTED MEMBERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Convert the Android version numbers to the operating system name. For instance '1.6' returns 'Donut'.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $androidVer The Android version numbers as a string.
	 * @return string The operating system name or the constant PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN if nothing match the version
	 * numbers.
	protected function androidVerToStr( $androidVer ) {

		if ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '10' ) >= 0 ) {
			$majorVer = strstr( $androidVer, '.', true );
			if ( $majorVer == '' ) {
				$majorVer = $androidVer;
			return self::BROWSER_ANDROID . ' ' . $majorVer;
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '9' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '10' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Pie';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '8' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '9' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Oreo';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '7' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '8' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Nougat';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '6' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '7' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Marshmallow';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '5' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '5.2' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Lollipop';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4.4' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4.5' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'KitKat';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4.1' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4.4' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Jelly Bean';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '4.1' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Ice Cream Sandwich';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '3' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '3.3' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Honeycomb';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2.3' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2.4' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Gingerbread';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2.2' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2.3' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Froyo';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '2.2' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Eclair';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '1.6' ) == 0 ) {
			return 'Donut';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $androidVer, '1.5' ) == 0 ) {
			return 'Cupcake';
		} else {
			return self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN; //Unknown/unnamed Android version

	 * Determine if the browser is the Android browser (based on the WebKit layout engine and coupled with Chrome's
	 * JavaScript engine) or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is the Android browser, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserAndroid() {
		//Android don't use the standard "Android/1.0", it uses "Android 1.0;" instead
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Android', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_ANDROID, true );

	 * Determine if the browser is the BlackBerry browser or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is the BlackBerry browser, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserBlackBerry() {
		$found = false;

		//Tablet OS check
		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'RIM Tablet OS', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_TABLET_OS, true ) ) {
			return true;

		//Version 6, 7 & 10 check (versions 8 & 9 does not exists)
		if ( $this->checkBrowserUAWithVersion( array( 'BlackBerry', 'BB10' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_BLACKBERRY, true ) ) {
			if ( $this->getVersion() == self::VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				$found = true;
			} else {
				return true;

		//Version 4.2 to 5.0 check
		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'BlackBerry', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_BLACKBERRY, true, '/', false ) ) {
			if ( $this->getVersion() == self::VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				$found = true;
			} else {
				return true;

		return $found;

	 * Determine if the browser is Chrome or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Chrome, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserChrome() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( array( 'Chrome', 'CriOS' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_CHROME );

	 * Determine if the browser is among the custom browser rules or not. Rules are checked in the order they were
	 * added.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the browser we were looking for in the custom rules, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserCustom() {
		foreach ( $this->_customBrowserDetection as $browserName => $customBrowser ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = $customBrowser['uaNameToLookFor'];
			$isMobile        = $customBrowser['isMobile'];
			$separator       = $customBrowser['separator'];
			$uaNameFindWords = $customBrowser['uaNameFindWords'];
			if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( $uaNameToLookFor, $this->_agent, $browserName, $isMobile, $separator, $uaNameFindWords ) ) {
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Determine if the browser is Edge or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Edge, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserEdge() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( array( 'Edg', 'Edge', 'EdgA' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_EDGE );

	 * Determine if the browser is Firebird or not. Firebird was the name of Firefox from version 0.6 to 0.7.1.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Firebird, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserFirebird() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Firebird', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_FIREBIRD );

	 * Determine if the browser is Firefox or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Firefox, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserFirefox() {
		//Safari heavily matches with Firefox, ensure that Safari is filtered out...
		if ( preg_match( '/.*Firefox[ (\/]*([a-z0-9.-]*)/i', $this->_agent, $matches ) &&
				! $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Safari' ) ) {
			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_FIREFOX );
			$this->setVersion( $matches[1] );
			$this->setMobile( false );
			$this->setRobot( false );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine if the browser is iCab or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is iCab, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserIcab() {
		//Some (early) iCab versions don't use the standard "iCab/1.0", they uses "iCab 1.0;" instead
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'iCab', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_ICAB );

	 * Determine if the browser is GNU IceCat (formerly known as GNU IceWeasel) or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is GNU IceCat, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserIceCat() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'IceCat', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_ICECAT );

	 * Determine if the browser is GNU IceWeasel (now know as GNU IceCat) or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @see checkBrowserIceCat()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is GNU IceWeasel, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserIceWeasel() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Iceweasel', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_ICEWEASEL );

	 * Determine if the browser is Internet Explorer or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Internet Explorer, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserInternetExplorer() {
		//Test for Internet Explorer Mobile (formerly Pocket Internet Explorer)
		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( array( 'IEMobile', 'MSPIE' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_IE_MOBILE, true ) ) {
			return true;

		//Several browsers uses IE compatibility UAs filter these browsers out (but after testing for IE Mobile)
		if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Opera' ) || $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'BlackBerry', 'Nokia' ), true, false ) ) {
			return false;

		//Test for Internet Explorer 1
		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Microsoft Internet Explorer', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_IE ) ) {
			if ( $this->getVersion() == self::VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				if ( preg_match( '/308|425|426|474|0b1/i', $this->_agent ) ) {
					$this->setVersion( '1.5' );
				} else {
					$this->setVersion( '1.0' );
			return true;

		//Test for Internet Explorer 2+
		if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'MSIE', 'Trident' ) ) ) {
			$version = '';

			if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Trident' ) ) {
				//Test for Internet Explorer 11+ (check the rv: string)
				if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'rv:', true, false ) ) {
					if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Trident', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_IE, false, 'rv:' ) ) {
						return true;
				} else {
					//Test for Internet Explorer 8, 9 & 10 (check the Trident string)
					if ( preg_match( '/Trident\/([\d]+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersion ) ) {
						//Trident started with version 4.0 on IE 8
						$verFromTrident = $this->parseInt( $foundVersion[1] ) + 4;
						if ( $verFromTrident >= 8 ) {
							$version = $verFromTrident . '.0';

				//If we have the IE version from Trident, we can check for the compatibility view mode
				if ( $version != '' ) {
					$emulatedVer = '';
					preg_match_all( '/MSIE\s*([^\s;$]+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersions );
					foreach ( $foundVersions[1] as $currVer ) {
						//Keep the lowest MSIE version for the emulated version (in compatibility view mode)
						if ( $emulatedVer == '' || $this->compareVersions( $emulatedVer, $currVer ) == 1 ) {
							$emulatedVer = $currVer;
					//Set the compatibility view mode if $version != $emulatedVer
					if ( $this->compareVersions( $version, $emulatedVer ) != 0 ) {
						$this->_compatibilityViewName = self::BROWSER_IE;
						$this->_compatibilityViewVer  = $this->cleanVersion( $emulatedVer );

			//Test for Internet Explorer 2-7 versions if needed
			if ( $version == '' ) {
				preg_match_all( '/MSIE\s+([^\s;$]+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersions );
				foreach ( $foundVersions[1] as $currVer ) {
					//Keep the highest MSIE version
					if ( $version == '' || $this->compareVersions( $version, $currVer ) == -1 ) {
						$version = $currVer;

			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_IE );
			$this->setVersion( $version );
			$this->setMobile( false );
			$this->setRobot( false );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine if the browser is Konqueror or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Konqueror, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserKonqueror() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Konqueror', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_KONQUEROR );

	 * Determine if the browser is Lynx or not. It is the oldest web browser currently in general use and development.
	 * It is a text-based only Web browser.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Lynx, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserLynx() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Lynx', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_LYNX );

	 * Determine if the browser is Mozilla or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Mozilla, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserMozilla() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Mozilla', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_MOZILLA, false, 'rv:' );

	 * Determine if the browser is MSN TV (formerly WebTV) or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is WebTv, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserMsnTv() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'webtv', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_MSNTV );

	 * Determine if the browser is Netscape or not. Official support for this browser ended on March 1st, 2008.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Netscape, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserNetscape() {
		//BlackBerry & Nokia UAs can conflict with Netscape UAs
		if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'BlackBerry', 'Nokia' ), true, false ) ) {
			return false;

		//Netscape v6 to v9 check
		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( array( 'Netscape', 'Navigator', 'Netscape6' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_NETSCAPE ) ) {
			return true;

		//Netscape v1-4 (v5 don't exists)
		$found = false;
		if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Mozilla' ) && ! $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'rv:', true, false ) ) {
			$version  = '';
			$verParts = explode( '/', stristr( $this->_agent, 'Mozilla' ) );
			if ( count( $verParts ) > 1 ) {
				$verParts = explode( ' ', $verParts[1] );
				$verParts = explode( '.', $verParts[0] );

				$majorVer = $this->parseInt( $verParts[0] );
				if ( $majorVer > 0 && $majorVer < 5 ) {
					$version = implode( '.', $verParts );
					$found   = true;

					if ( strtolower( substr( $version, -4 ) ) == '-sgi' ) {
						$version = substr( $version, 0, -4 );
					} else {
						if ( strtolower( substr( $version, -4 ) ) == 'gold' ) {
							$version = substr( $version, 0, -4 ) . ' Gold'; //Doubles spaces (if any) will be normalized by setVersion()

		if ( $found ) {
			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_NETSCAPE );
			$this->setVersion( $version );
			$this->setMobile( false );
			$this->setRobot( false );

		return $found;

	 * Determine if the browser is a Nokia browser or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is a Nokia browser, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserNokia() {
		if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Nokia5800', 'Nokia5530', 'Nokia5230' ), true, false ) ) {
			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_NOKIA );
			$this->setVersion( '7.0' );
			$this->setMobile( true );
			$this->setRobot( false );

			return true;

		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( array( 'NokiaBrowser', 'BrowserNG', 'Series60', 'S60', 'S40OviBrowser' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_NOKIA, true ) ) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine if the browser is Opera or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @link
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Opera, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserOpera() {
		if ( $this->checkBrowserUAWithVersion( 'Opera Mobi', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_OPERA_MOBILE, true ) ) {
			return true;

		if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Opera Mini', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_OPERA_MINI, true ) ) {
			return true;

		$version = '';
		$found   = $this->checkBrowserUAWithVersion( 'Opera', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_OPERA );
		if ( $found && $this->getVersion() != self::VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
			$version = $this->getVersion();

		if ( ! $found || $version == '' ) {
			if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Opera', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_OPERA ) ) {
				return true;

		if ( ! $found && $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Chrome', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_CHROME ) ) {
			if ( $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'OPR', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_OPERA ) ) {
				return true;

		return $found;

	 * Determine if the browser is Phoenix or not. Phoenix was the name of Firefox from version 0.1 to 0.5.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Phoenix, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserPhoenix() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'Phoenix', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_PHOENIX );

	 * Determine what is the browser used by the user.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser has been identified, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowser() {
		//Changing the check order can break the class detection results!
			   /* Major browsers and browsers that need to be detected in a special order */
			   $this->checkBrowserCustom() || /* Customs rules are always checked first */
			   $this->checkBrowserMsnTv() || /* MSN TV is based on IE so we must check for MSN TV before IE */
			   $this->checkBrowserInternetExplorer() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserOpera() || /* Opera must be checked before Firefox, Netscape and Chrome to avoid conflicts */
			   $this->checkBrowserEdge() || /* Edge must be checked before Firefox, Safari and Chrome to avoid conflicts */
			   $this->checkBrowserSamsung() || /* Samsung Internet browser must be checked before Chrome and Safari to avoid conflicts */
			   $this->checkBrowserUC() || /* UC Browser must be checked before Chrome and Safari to avoid conflicts */
			   $this->checkBrowserChrome() || /* Chrome must be checked before Netscaoe and Mozilla to avoid conflicts */
			   $this->checkBrowserIcab() || /* Check iCab before Netscape since iCab have Mozilla UAs */
			   $this->checkBrowserNetscape() || /* Must be checked before Firefox since Netscape 8-9 are based on Firefox */
			   $this->checkBrowserIceCat() || /* Check IceCat and IceWeasel before Firefox since they are GNU builds of Firefox */
			   $this->checkBrowserIceWeasel() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserFirefox() ||
			   /* Current browsers that don't need to be detected in any special order */
			   $this->checkBrowserKonqueror() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserLynx() ||
			   /* Mobile */
			   $this->checkBrowserAndroid() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserBlackBerry() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserNokia() ||
			   /* WebKit base check (after most other checks) */
			   $this->checkBrowserSafari() ||
			   /* Deprecated browsers that don't need to be detected in any special order */
			   $this->checkBrowserFirebird() ||
			   $this->checkBrowserPhoenix() ||
			   /* Mozilla is such an open standard that it must be checked last */

	 * Determine if the browser is Safari or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @link
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is Safari, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserSafari() {
		$version = '';

		//Check for current versions of Safari
		$found = $this->checkBrowserUAWithVersion( array( 'Safari', 'AppleWebKit' ), $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_SAFARI );
		if ( $found && $this->getVersion() != self::VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
			$version = $this->getVersion();

		//Safari 1-2 didn't had a "Version" string in the UA, only a WebKit build and/or Safari build, extract version from these...
		if ( ! $found || $version == '' ) {
			if ( preg_match( '/.*Safari[ (\/]*([a-z0-9.-]*)/i', $this->_agent, $matches ) ) {
				$version = $this->safariBuildToSafariVer( $matches[1] );
				$found   = true;
		if ( ! $found || $version == '' ) {
			if ( preg_match( '/.*AppleWebKit[ (\/]*([a-z0-9.-]*)/i', $this->_agent, $matches ) ) {
				$version = $this->webKitBuildToSafariVer( $matches[1] );
				$found   = true;

		if ( $found ) {
			$this->setBrowser( self::BROWSER_SAFARI );
			$this->setVersion( $version );
			$this->setMobile( false );
			$this->setRobot( false );

		return $found;

	 * Determine if the browser is the Samsung Internet browser or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is the the Samsung Internet browser, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserSamsung() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'SamsungBrowser', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_SAMSUNG, true );

	 * Test the user agent for a specific browser that use a "Version" string (like Safari and Opera). The user agent
	 * should look like: "Version/1.0 Browser name/123.456" or "Browser name/123.456 Version/1.0".
	 * @access protected
	 * @param mixed $uaNameToLookFor The string (or array of strings) representing the browser name to find in the user
	 * agent.
	 * @param string $userAgent The user agent string to work with.
	 * @param string $browserName The literal browser name. Always use a class constant!
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Determines if the browser is from a mobile device.
	 * @param boolean $findWords (optional) Determines if the needle should match a word to be found. For example "Bar"
	 * would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar". When set to false, the needle can be
	 * found anywhere in the haystack.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the browser we were looking for, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserUAWithVersion( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, $browserName, $isMobile = false, $findWords = true ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $uaNameToLookFor ) ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = array( $uaNameToLookFor );

		foreach ( $uaNameToLookFor as $currUANameToLookFor ) {
			if ( $this->containString( $userAgent, $currUANameToLookFor, true, $findWords ) ) {
				$version  = '';
				$verParts = explode( '/', stristr( $this->_agent, 'Version' ) );
				if ( count( $verParts ) > 1 ) {
					$verParts = explode( ' ', $verParts[1] );
					$version  = $verParts[0];

				$this->setBrowser( $browserName );
				$this->setVersion( $version );

				$this->setMobile( $isMobile );

				return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine if the browser is UC Browser or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the browser is UC Browser, false otherwise.
	protected function checkBrowserUC() {
		return $this->checkSimpleBrowserUA( 'UCBrowser', $this->_agent, self::BROWSER_UC, true );

	 * Determine the user's platform.
	 * @access protected
	protected function checkPlatform() {
		if ( ! $this->checkPlatformCustom() ) { /* Customs rules are always checked first */
			/* Mobile platforms */
			if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Windows Phone', 'IEMobile' ) ) ) { /* Check Windows Phone (formerly Windows Mobile) before Windows */
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PHONE );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Windows CE' ) ) { /* Check Windows CE before Windows */
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'CPU OS', 'CPU iPhone OS', 'iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod' ) ) ) { /* Check iOS (iPad/iPod/iPhone) before Macintosh */
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_IOS );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Android' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_ANDROID );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'BlackBerry', true, false ) || $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'BB10', 'RIM Tablet OS' ) ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_BLACKBERRY );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Nokia', true, false ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_NOKIA );
				$this->setMobile( true );

				/* Desktop platforms */
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Windows' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Macintosh' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_MACINTOSH );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Linux' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_LINUX );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'FreeBSD' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_FREEBSD );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'OpenBSD' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_OPENBSD );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'NetBSD' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_NETBSD );

				/* Discontinued */
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Symbian', 'SymbianOS' ) ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_SYMBIAN );
				$this->setMobile( true );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'OpenSolaris' ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_OPENSOLARIS );

				/* Generic */
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Win', true, false ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS );
			} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Mac', true, false ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( self::PLATFORM_MACINTOSH );

		//Check if it's a 64-bit platform
		if ( $this->containString(
		) ) {
			$this->set64bit( true );


	 * Determine if the platform is among the custom platform rules or not. Rules are checked in the order they were
	 * added.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the platform we were looking for in the custom rules, false otherwise.
	protected function checkPlatformCustom() {
		foreach ( $this->_customPlatformDetection as $platformName => $customPlatform ) {
			$platformNameToLookFor = $customPlatform['platformNameToLookFor'];
			$isMobile              = $customPlatform['isMobile'];
			$findWords             = $customPlatform['uaNameFindWords'];
			if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, $platformNameToLookFor, true, $findWords ) ) {
				$this->setPlatform( $platformName );
				if ( $isMobile ) {
					$this->setMobile( true );
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine the user's platform version.
	 * @access protected
	protected function checkPlatformVersion() {
		$result = '';
		switch ( $this->getPlatform() ) {
			case self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS:
				if ( preg_match( '/Windows NT\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersion ) ) {
					$result = 'NT ' . $foundVersion[1];
				} else {

					if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Windows XP', 'WinXP', 'Win XP' ) ) ) {
						$result = '5.1';
					} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Windows 2000', 'Win 2000', 'Win2000' ) ) {
						$result = '5.0';
					} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Win 9x 4.90', 'Windows ME', 'WinME', 'Win ME' ) ) ) {
						$result = '4.90.3000'; //Windows Me version range from 4.90.3000 to 4.90.3000A
					} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Windows 98', 'Win98', 'Win 98' ) ) ) {
						$result = '4.10'; //Windows 98 version range from 4.10.1998 to 4.10.2222B
					} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, array( 'Windows 95', 'Win95', 'Win 95' ) ) ) {
						$result = '4.00'; //Windows 95 version range from 4.00.950 to 4.03.1214
					} elseif ( ( $foundAt = stripos( $this->_agent, 'Windows 3' ) ) !== false ) {
						$result = '3';
						if ( preg_match( '/\d+(?:\.\d+)*/', substr( $this->_agent, $foundAt + strlen( 'Windows 3' ) ), $foundVersion ) ) {
							$result .= '.' . $foundVersion[0];
					} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Win16' ) ) {
						$result = '3.1';

				if ( preg_match( '/Mac OS X\s*(\d+(?:_\d+)+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersion ) ) {
					$result = str_replace( '_', '.', $this->cleanVersion( $foundVersion[1] ) );
				} elseif ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'Mac OS X' ) ) {
					$result = '10';

			case self::PLATFORM_ANDROID:
				if ( preg_match( '/Android\s+([^\s;$]+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersion ) ) {
					$result = $this->cleanVersion( $foundVersion[1] );

			case self::PLATFORM_IOS:
				if ( preg_match( '/(?:CPU OS|iPhone OS|iOS)[\s_]*([\d_]+)/i', $this->_agent, $foundVersion ) ) {
					$result = str_replace( '_', '.', $this->cleanVersion( $foundVersion[1] ) );

		if ( trim( $result ) == '' ) {
			$result = self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
		$this->setPlatformVersion( $result );

	 * Determine if the robot is the Bingbot crawler or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is Bingbot, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotBingbot() {
		return $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'bingbot', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_BINGBOT );

	 * Determine if the robot is the Googlebot crawler or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is Googlebot, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotGooglebot() {
		if ( $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'Googlebot', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_GOOGLEBOT ) ) {
			if ( $this->containString( $this->_agent, 'googlebot-mobile' ) ) {
				$this->setMobile( true );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Determine if the robot is the MSNBot crawler or not. In October 2010 it was replaced by the Bingbot robot.
	 * @access protected
	 * @see checkRobotBingbot()
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is MSNBot, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotMsnBot() {
		return $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'msnbot', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_MSNBOT );

	 * Determine if it's a robot crawling the page and find it's name and version.
	 * @access protected
	protected function checkRobot() {
		$this->checkRobotCustom() || /* Customs rules are always checked first */
		$this->checkRobotGooglebot() ||
		$this->checkRobotBingbot() ||
		$this->checkRobotMsnBot() ||
		$this->checkRobotSlurp() ||
		$this->checkRobotYahooMultimedia() ||

	 * Determine if the robot is among the custom robot rules or not. Rules are checked in the order they were added.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the robot we were looking for in the custom rules, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotCustom() {
		foreach ( $this->_customRobotDetection as $robotName => $customRobot ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = $customRobot['uaNameToLookFor'];
			$isMobile        = $customRobot['isMobile'];
			$separator       = $customRobot['separator'];
			$uaNameFindWords = $customRobot['uaNameFindWords'];

			if ( $this->checkSimpleRobot( $uaNameToLookFor, $this->_agent, $robotName, $separator, $uaNameFindWords ) ) {
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Determine if the robot is the Yahoo! Slurp crawler or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is Yahoo! Slurp, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotSlurp() {
		return $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'Yahoo! Slurp', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_SLURP );

	 * Determine if the robot is the W3C Validator or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @link
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is the W3C Validator, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotW3CValidator() {
		//Since the W3C validates pages with different robots we will prefix our versions with the part validated on the page...

		//W3C Link Checker (prefixed with "Link-")
		if ( $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'W3C-checklink', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_W3CVALIDATOR ) ) {
			if ( $this->getRobotVersion() != self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				$this->setRobotVersion( 'Link-' . $this->getRobotVersion() );
			return true;

		//W3C CSS Validation Service (prefixed with "CSS-")
		if ( $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'Jigsaw', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_W3CVALIDATOR ) ) {
			if ( $this->getRobotVersion() != self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				$this->setRobotVersion( 'CSS-' . $this->getRobotVersion() );
			return true;

		//W3C mobileOK Checker (prefixed with "mobileOK-")
		if ( $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'W3C-mobileOK', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_W3CVALIDATOR ) ) {
			if ( $this->getRobotVersion() != self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN ) {
				$this->setRobotVersion( 'mobileOK-' . $this->getRobotVersion() );
			return true;

		//W3C Markup Validation Service (no prefix)
		return $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'W3C_Validator', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_W3CVALIDATOR );

	 * Determine if the robot is the Yahoo! multimedia crawler or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the robot is the Yahoo! multimedia crawler, false otherwise.
	protected function checkRobotYahooMultimedia() {
		return $this->checkSimpleRobot( 'Yahoo-MMCrawler', $this->_agent, self::ROBOT_YAHOO_MM );

	 * Test the user agent for a specific browser where the browser name is immediately followed by the version number.
	 * The user agent should look like: "Browser name/1.0" or "Browser 1.0;".
	 * @access protected
	 * @param mixed $uaNameToLookFor The string (or array of strings) representing the browser name to find in the user
	 * agent.
	 * @param string $userAgent The user agent string to work with.
	 * @param string $browserName The literal browser name. Always use a class constant!
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Determines if the browser is from a mobile device.
	 * @param string $separator (optional) The separator string used to split the browser name and the version number in
	 * the user agent.
	 * @param boolean $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the browser name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * When set to false, the browser name can be found anywhere in the user agent string.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the browser we were looking for, false otherwise.
	protected function checkSimpleBrowserUA( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, $browserName, $isMobile = false, $separator = '/', $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		if ( $this->findAndGetVersion( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, $version, $separator, $uaNameFindWords ) ) {
			$this->setBrowser( $browserName );
			$this->setVersion( $version );

			$this->setMobile( $isMobile );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Test the user agent for a specific robot where the robot name is immediately followed by the version number.
	 * The user agent should look like: "Robot name/1.0" or "Robot 1.0;".
	 * @access protected
	 * @param mixed $uaNameToLookFor The string (or array of strings) representing the robot name to find in the user
	 * agent.
	 * @param string $userAgent The user agent string to work with.
	 * @param string $robotName The literal robot name. Always use a class constant!
	 * @param string $separator (optional) The separator string used to split the robot name and the version number in
	 * the user agent.
	 * @param boolean $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the robot name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * When set to false, the robot name can be found anywhere in the user agent string.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the robot we were looking for, false otherwise.
	protected function checkSimpleRobot( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, $robotName, $separator = '/', $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		if ( $this->findAndGetVersion( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, $version, $separator, $uaNameFindWords ) ) {
			$this->setRobot( true );
			$this->setRobotName( $robotName );
			$this->setRobotVersion( $version );

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Clean a version string from unwanted characters.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $version The version string to clean.
	 * @return string Returns the cleaned version number string.
	protected function cleanVersion( $version ) {
		//Clear anything that is in parentheses (and the parentheses themselves) - will clear started but unclosed ones too
		$cleanVer = preg_replace( '/\([^)]+\)?/', '', $version );
		//Replace with a space any character which is NOT an alphanumeric, dot (.), hyphen (-), underscore (_) or space
		$cleanVer = preg_replace( '/[^0-9.a-zA-Z_ -]/', ' ', $cleanVer );

		//Remove trailing and leading spaces
		$cleanVer = trim( $cleanVer );

		//Remove trailing dot (.), hyphen (-), underscore (_)
		while ( in_array( substr( $cleanVer, -1 ), array( '.', '-', '_' ) ) ) {
			$cleanVer = substr( $cleanVer, 0, -1 );
		//Remove leading dot (.), hyphen (-), underscore (_) and character v
		while ( in_array( substr( $cleanVer, 0, 1 ), array( '.', '-', '_', 'v', 'V' ) ) ) {
			$cleanVer = substr( $cleanVer, 1 );

		//Remove double spaces if any
		while ( strpos( $cleanVer, '  ' ) !== false ) {
			$cleanVer = str_replace( '  ', ' ', $cleanVer );

		return trim( $cleanVer );

	 * Find if one or more substring is contained in a string.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $haystack The string to search in.
	 * @param mixed $needle The string to search for. Can be a string or an array of strings if multiples values are to
	 * be searched.
	 * @param boolean $insensitive (optional) Determines if we do a case-sensitive search (false) or a case-insensitive
	 * one (true).
	 * @param boolean $findWords (optional) Determines if the needle should match a word to be found. For example "Bar"
	 * would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar". When set to false, the needle can be
	 * found anywhere in the haystack.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if the needle (or one of the needles) has been found in the haystack, false
	 * otherwise.
	protected function containString( $haystack, $needle, $insensitive = true, $findWords = true ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $needle ) ) {
			$needle = array( $needle );

		foreach ( $needle as $currNeedle ) {
			if ( $findWords ) {
				 $found = $this->wordPos( $haystack, $currNeedle, $insensitive ) !== false;
			} else {
				if ( $insensitive ) {
					$found = stripos( $haystack, $currNeedle ) !== false;
				} else {
					$found = strpos( $haystack, $currNeedle ) !== false;

			if ( $found ) {
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Detect the user environment from the details in the user agent string.
	 * @access protected
	protected function detect() {
		$this->checkPlatform(); //Check the platform after the browser since some platforms can change the mobile value

	 * Test the user agent for a specific browser and extract it's version.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param type $uaNameToLookFor The string (or array of strings) representing the browser name to find in the user
	 * agent.
	 * @param type $userAgent The user agent string to work with.
	 * @param type $version String buffer that will contain the version found (if any).
	 * @param type $separator (optional) The separator string used to split the browser name and the version number in
	 * the user agent.
	 * @param type $uaNameFindWords (optional) Determines if the browser name to find should match a word instead of
	 * a part of a word. For example "Bar" would not be found in "FooBar" when true but would be found in "Foo Bar".
	 * When set to false, the browser name can be found anywhere in the user agent string.
	 * @return boolean Returns true if we found the browser we were looking for, false otherwise.
	protected function findAndGetVersion( $uaNameToLookFor, $userAgent, &$version, $separator = '/', $uaNameFindWords = true ) {
		$version = '';
		if ( ! is_array( $uaNameToLookFor ) ) {
			$uaNameToLookFor = array( $uaNameToLookFor );

		foreach ( $uaNameToLookFor as $currUANameToLookFor ) {
			if ( $this->containString( $userAgent, $currUANameToLookFor, true, $uaNameFindWords ) ) {
				//Many browsers don't use the standard "Browser/1.0" format, they uses "Browser 1.0;" instead
				if ( stripos( $userAgent, $currUANameToLookFor . $separator ) === false ) {
					$userAgent = str_ireplace( $currUANameToLookFor . ' ', $currUANameToLookFor . $separator, $userAgent );

				$verParts = explode( $separator, stristr( $userAgent, $currUANameToLookFor ) );
				if ( count( $verParts ) > 1 ) {
					$verParts = explode( ' ', $verParts[1] );
					$version  = $verParts[0];

				return true;

		return false;

	 * Convert the iOS version numbers to the operating system name. For instance '2.0' returns 'iPhone OS 2.0'.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $iOSVer The iOS version numbers as a string.
	 * @return string The operating system name.
	protected function iOSVerToStr( $iOSVer ) {
		if ( $this->compareVersions( $iOSVer, '3.0' ) <= 0 ) {
			return 'iPhone OS ' . $iOSVer;
		} else {
			return 'iOS ' . $iOSVer;

	 * Convert the macOS version numbers to the operating system name. For instance '10.7' returns 'Mac OS X Lion'.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $macVer The macOS version numbers as a string.
	 * @return string The operating system name or the constant PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN if nothing match the version
	 * numbers.
	protected function macVerToStr( $macVer ) {

		if ( $this->_platformVersion === '10' ) {
			return 'Mac OS X'; //Unspecified Mac OS X version
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.15' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.16' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'macOS Catalina';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.14' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.15' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'macOS Mojave';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.13' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.14' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'macOS High Sierra';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.12' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.13' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'macOS Sierra';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.11' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.12' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'OS X El Capitan';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.10' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.11' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'OS X Yosemite';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.9' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.10' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'OS X Mavericks';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.8' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.9' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'OS X Mountain Lion';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.7' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.8' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Lion';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.6' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.7' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Snow Leopard';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.5' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.6' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Leopard';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.4' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.5' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Tiger';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.3' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.4' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Panther';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.2' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.3' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Jaguar';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.1' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.2' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Puma';
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.0' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $macVer, '10.1' ) < 0 ) {
			return 'Mac OS X Cheetah';
		} else {
			return self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN; //Unknown/unnamed Mac OS version

	 * Get the integer value of a string variable.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $intStr The scalar value being converted to an integer.
	 * @return int The integer value of $intStr on success, or 0 on failure.
	protected function parseInt( $intStr ) {
		return intval( $intStr, 10 );

	 * Reset all the properties of the class.
	 * @access protected
	protected function reset() {
		$this->_agent                 = '';
		$this->_browserName           = self::BROWSER_UNKNOWN;
		$this->_compatibilityViewName = '';
		$this->_compatibilityViewVer  = '';
		$this->_is64bit               = false;
		$this->_isMobile              = false;
		$this->_isRobot               = false;
		$this->_platform              = self::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN;
		$this->_platformVersion       = self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
		$this->_robotName             = self::ROBOT_UNKNOWN;
		$this->_robotVersion          = self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
		$this->_version               = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;

	 * Convert a Safari build number to a Safari version number.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $version A string representing the version number.
	 * @link
	 * @return string Returns the Safari version string. If the version can't be determined, an empty string is
	 * returned.
	protected function safariBuildToSafariVer( $version ) {
		$verParts = explode( '.', $version );

		//We need a 3 parts version (version 2 will becomes 2.0.0)
		while ( count( $verParts ) < 3 ) {
			$verParts[] = 0;
		foreach ( $verParts as $i => $currPart ) {
			$verParts[ $i ] = $this->parseInt( $currPart );

		switch ( $verParts[0] ) {
			case 419:
				$result = '2.0.4';
			case 417:
				$result = '2.0.3';
			case 416:
				$result = '2.0.2';

			case 412:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 5 ) {
					$result = '2.0.1';
				} else {
					$result = '2.0';

			case 312:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 5 ) {
					$result = '1.3.2';
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 3 ) {
						$result = '1.3.1';
					} else {
						$result = '1.3';

			case 125:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 11 ) {
					$result = '1.2.4';
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 9 ) {
						$result = '1.2.3';
					} else {
						if ( $verParts[1] >= 7 ) {
							$result = '1.2.2';
						} else {
							$result = '1.2';

			case 100:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 1 ) {
					$result = '1.1.1';
				} else {
					$result = '1.1';

			case 85:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 8 ) {
					$result = '1.0.3';
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 7 ) {
						$result = '1.0.2';
					} else {
						$result = '1.0';

			case 73:
				$result = '0.9';
			case 51:
				$result = '0.8.1';
			case 48:
				$result = '0.8';

				$result = '';

		return $result;

	 * Set if the browser is executed from a 64-bit platform.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param boolean $is64bit Value that tells if the browser is executed from a 64-bit platform.
	protected function set64bit( $is64bit ) {
		$this->_is64bit = $is64bit == true;

	 * Set the name of the browser.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $browserName The name of the browser.
	protected function setBrowser( $browserName ) {
		$this->_browserName = $browserName;

	 * Set the browser to be from a mobile device or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param boolean $isMobile (optional) Value that tells if the browser is on a mobile device or not.
	protected function setMobile( $isMobile = true ) {
		$this->_isMobile = $isMobile == true;

	 * Set the platform on which the browser is on.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $platform The name of the platform.
	protected function setPlatform( $platform ) {
		$this->_platform = $platform;

	 * Set the platform version on which the browser is on.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $platformVer The version numbers of the platform.
	protected function setPlatformVersion( $platformVer ) {
		$this->_platformVersion = $platformVer;

	 * Set the browser to be a robot (crawler) or not.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param boolean $isRobot (optional) Value that tells if the browser is a robot or not.
	protected function setRobot( $isRobot = true ) {
		$this->_isRobot = $isRobot == true;

	 * Set the name of the robot.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $robotName The name of the robot.
	protected function setRobotName( $robotName ) {
		$this->_robotName = $robotName;

	 * Set the version of the robot.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $robotVersion The version of the robot.
	protected function setRobotVersion( $robotVersion ) {
		$cleanVer = $this->cleanVersion( $robotVersion );

		if ( $cleanVer == '' ) {
			$this->_robotVersion = self::ROBOT_VERSION_UNKNOWN;
		} else {
			$this->_robotVersion = $cleanVer;

	 * Set the version of the browser.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $version The version of the browser.
	protected function setVersion( $version ) {
		$cleanVer = $this->cleanVersion( $version );

		if ( $cleanVer == '' ) {
			$this->_version = self::VERSION_UNKNOWN;
		} else {
			$this->_version = $cleanVer;

	 * Convert a WebKit build number to a Safari version number.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $version A string representing the version number.
	 * @link
	 * @return string Returns the Safari version string. If the version can't be determined, an empty string is
	 * returned.
	protected function webKitBuildToSafariVer( $version ) {
		$verParts = explode( '.', $version );

		//We need a 3 parts version (version 2 will becomes 2.0.0)
		while ( count( $verParts ) < 3 ) {
			$verParts[] = 0;
		foreach ( $verParts as $i => $currPart ) {
			$verParts[ $i ] = $this->parseInt( $currPart );

		switch ( $verParts[0] ) {
			case 419:
				$result = '2.0.4';

			case 418:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 8 ) {
					$result = '2.0.4';
				} else {
					$result = '2.0.3';

			case 417:
				$result = '2.0.3';

			case 416:
				$result = '2.0.2';

			case 412:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 7 ) {
					$result = '2.0.1';
				} else {
					$result = '2.0';

			case 312:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 8 ) {
					$result = '1.3.2';
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 5 ) {
						$result = '1.3.1';
					} else {
						$result = '1.3';

			case 125:
				if ( $this->compareVersions( '5.4', $verParts[1] . '.' . $verParts[2] ) == -1 ) {
					$result = '1.2.4'; //125.5.5+
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 4 ) {
						$result = '1.2.3';
					} else {
						if ( $verParts[1] >= 2 ) {
							$result = '1.2.2';
						} else {
							$result = '1.2';

			//WebKit 100 can be either Safari 1.1 (Safari build 100) or 1.1.1 (Safari build 100.1)
			//for this reason, check the Safari build before the WebKit build.
			case 100:
				$result = '1.1.1';

			case 85:
				if ( $verParts[1] >= 8 ) {
					$result = '1.0.3';
				} else {
					if ( $verParts[1] >= 7 ) {
						//WebKit 85.7 can be either Safari 1.0 (Safari build 85.5) or 1.0.2 (Safari build 85.7)
						//for this reason, check the Safari build before the WebKit build.
						$result = '1.0.2';
					} else {
						$result = '1.0';

			case 73:
				$result = '0.9';
			case 51:
				$result = '0.8.1';
			case 48:
				$result = '0.8';

				$result = '';

		return $result;

	 * Convert the Windows NT family version numbers to the operating system name. For instance '5.1' returns
	 * 'Windows XP'.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $winVer The Windows NT family version numbers as a string.
	 * @param boolean $returnServerFlavor (optional) Since some Windows NT versions have the same values, this flag
	 * determines if the Server flavor is returned or not. For instance Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 both use
	 * version 6.3.
	 * @return string The operating system name or the constant PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN if nothing match the version
	 * numbers.
	protected function windowsNTVerToStr( $winVer, $returnServerFlavor = false ) {

		$cleanWinVer = explode( '.', $winVer );
		while ( count( $cleanWinVer ) > 2 ) {
			array_pop( $cleanWinVer );
		$cleanWinVer = implode( '.', $cleanWinVer );

		if ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '11' ) >= 0 ) {
			//Future versions of Windows
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' ' . $winVer;
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '10' ) >= 0 ) {
			//Current version of Windows
			//(Windows Server 2019 & 2016 have the same version number. Only the build can separate the two - which is not included in the UA)
			return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2019' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 10' );
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '7' ) < 0 ) {
			if ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '6.3' ) == 0 ) {
				return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2012 R2' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 8.1' );
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '6.2' ) == 0 ) {
				return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2012' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 8' );
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '6.1' ) == 0 ) {
				return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2008 R2' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 7' );
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '6' ) == 0 ) {
				return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2008' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Vista' );
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '5.2' ) == 0 ) {
				return $returnServerFlavor ? ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2003 / ' . self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Server 2003 R2' ) : ( self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' XP x64 Edition' );
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '5.1' ) == 0 ) {
				return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' XP';
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '5' ) == 0 ) {
				return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 2000';
			} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '5' ) < 0 && $this->compareVersions( $cleanWinVer, '3' ) >= 0 ) {
				return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' NT ' . $winVer;

		return self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN; //Invalid Windows NT version

	 * Convert the Windows 3.x & 9x family version numbers to the operating system name. For instance '4.10.1998'
	 * returns 'Windows 98'.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $winVer The Windows 3.x or 9x family version numbers as a string.
	 * @return string The operating system name or the constant PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN if nothing match the version
	 * numbers.
	protected function windowsVerToStr( $winVer ) {

		if ( $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4.90' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4.91' ) < 0 ) {
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' Me'; //Normally range from 4.90.3000 to 4.90.3000A
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4.10' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4.11' ) < 0 ) {
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 98'; //Normally range from 4.10.1998 to 4.10.2222B
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4' ) >= 0 && $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '4.04' ) < 0 ) {
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 95'; //Normally range from 4.00.950 to 4.03.1214
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '3.1' ) == 0 || $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '3.11' ) == 0 ) {
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' ' . $winVer;
		} elseif ( $this->compareVersions( $winVer, '3.10' ) == 0 ) {
			return self::PLATFORM_WINDOWS . ' 3.1';
		} else {
			return self::PLATFORM_VERSION_UNKNOWN; //Invalid Windows version

	 * Find the position of the first occurrence of a word in a string.
	 * @access protected
	 * @param string $haystack The string to search in.
	 * @param string $needle The string to search for.
	 * @param boolean $insensitive (optional) Determines if we do a case-sensitive search (false) or a case-insensitive
	 * one (true).
	 * @param int $offset If specified, search will start this number of characters counted from the beginning of the
	 * string. If the offset is negative, the search will start this number of characters counted from the end of the
	 * string.
	 * @param string $foundString String buffer that will contain the exact matching needle found. Set to NULL when
	 * return value of the function is false.
	 * @return mixed Returns the position of the needle (int) if found, false otherwise. Warning this function may
	 * return Boolean false, but may also return a non-Boolean value which evaluates to false.
	protected function wordPos( $haystack, $needle, $insensitive = true, $offset = 0, &$foundString = null ) {
		if ( $offset != 0 ) {
			$haystack = substr( $haystack, $offset );

		$parts = explode( ' ', $needle );
		foreach ( $parts as $i => $currPart ) {
			$parts[ $i ] = preg_quote( $currPart, '/' );

		$regex = '/(?<=\A|[\s\/\\.,;:_()-])' . implode( '[\s\/\\.,;:_()-]', $parts ) . '(?=[\s\/\\.,;:_()-]|$)/';
		if ( $insensitive ) {
			 $regex .= 'i';

		if ( preg_match( $regex, $haystack, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
			$foundString = $matches[0][0];
			return (int) $matches[0][1];

		return false;