File "main.js"
Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content-20250114123711/plugins/one-click-demo-import/assets/js/main.js
File size: 20.17 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
jQuery( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
* ---------------------------------------
* ------------- DOM Ready ---------------
* ---------------------------------------
// Move the admin notices inside the appropriate div.
$( '.js-ocdi-notice-wrapper' ).appendTo( '.js-ocdi-admin-notices-container' );
// Auto start the manual import if on the import page and the 'js-ocdi-auto-start-manual-import' element is present.
if ( $( '.js-ocdi-auto-start-manual-import' ).length ) {
startImport( false );
* ---------------------------------------
* ------------- Events ------------------
* ---------------------------------------
* No predefined demo import button click (manual import).
$( '.js-ocdi-start-manual-import' ).on( 'click', function ( event ) {
var $button = $( this );
if ( $button.hasClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
// Prepare data for the AJAX call
var data = new FormData();
data.append( 'action', 'ocdi_upload_manual_import_files' );
data.append( 'security', ocdi.ajax_nonce );
if ( $('#ocdi__content-file-upload').length && $('#ocdi__content-file-upload').get(0).files.length ) {
var contentFile = $('#ocdi__content-file-upload')[0].files[0];
var contentFileExt ='.').pop();
if ( -1 === [ 'xml' ].indexOf( contentFileExt.toLowerCase() ) ) {
alert( ocdi.texts.content_filetype_warn );
return false;
data.append( 'content_file', contentFile );
if ( $('#ocdi__widget-file-upload').length && $('#ocdi__widget-file-upload').get(0).files.length ) {
var widgetsFile = $('#ocdi__widget-file-upload')[0].files[0];
var widgetsFileExt ='.').pop();
if ( -1 === [ 'json', 'wie' ].indexOf( widgetsFileExt.toLowerCase() ) ) {
alert( ocdi.texts.widgets_filetype_warn );
return false;
data.append( 'widget_file', widgetsFile );
if ( $('#ocdi__customizer-file-upload').length && $('#ocdi__customizer-file-upload').get(0).files.length ) {
var customizerFile = $('#ocdi__customizer-file-upload')[0].files[0];
var customizerFileExt ='.').pop();
if ( -1 === [ 'dat' ].indexOf( customizerFileExt.toLowerCase() ) ) {
alert( ocdi.texts.customizer_filetype_warn );
return false;
data.append( 'customizer_file', customizerFile );
if ( $('#ocdi__redux-file-upload').length && $('#ocdi__redux-file-upload').get(0).files.length ) {
var reduxFile = $('#ocdi__redux-file-upload')[0].files[0];
var reduxFileExt ='.').pop();
if ( -1 === [ 'json' ].indexOf( reduxFileExt.toLowerCase() ) ) {
alert( ocdi.texts.redux_filetype_warn );
return false;
data.append( 'redux_file', reduxFile );
data.append( 'redux_option_name', $('#ocdi__redux-option-name').val() );
$button.addClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
// AJAX call to upload all selected import files (content, widgets, customizer and redux).
method: 'POST',
url: ocdi.ajax_url,
data: data,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
.done( function( response ) {
if ( response.success ) {
window.location.href = ocdi.import_url;
} else {
alert( );
$button.removeClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
.fail( function( error ) {
alert( error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')' );
$button.removeClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
} );
* Remove the files from the manual import upload controls (when clicked on the "cancel" button).
$( '.js-ocdi-cancel-manual-import').on( 'click', function() {
$( '.ocdi__file-upload-container-items input[type=file]' ).each( function() {
$( this ).val( '' ).trigger( 'change' );
} );
} );
* Show and hide the file upload label and input on file input change event.
$( document ).on( 'change', '.ocdi__file-upload-container-items input[type=file]', function() {
var $input = $( this ),
$label = $input.siblings( 'label' ),
fileIsSet = false;
if( this.files && this.files.length > 0 ) {
$input.removeClass( 'ocdi-hide-input' ).blur();
} else {
$input.addClass( 'ocdi-hide-input' );
// Enable or disable the main manual import/cancel buttons.
$( '.ocdi__file-upload-container-items input[type=file]' ).each( function() {
if ( this.files && this.files.length > 0 ) {
fileIsSet = true;
} );
$( '.js-ocdi-start-manual-import' ).prop( 'disabled', ! fileIsSet );
$( '.js-ocdi-cancel-manual-import' ).prop( 'disabled', ! fileIsSet );
} );
* Prevent a required plugin checkbox from changeing state.
$( '.ocdi-install-plugins-content-content .plugin-item.plugin-item--required input[type=checkbox]' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
return false;
} );
* Install plugins event.
$( '.js-ocdi-install-plugins' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $button = $( this );
if ( $button.hasClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
var pluginsToInstall = $( '.ocdi-install-plugins-content-content .plugin-item input[type=checkbox]' ).serializeArray();
if ( pluginsToInstall.length === 0 ) {
return false;
$button.addClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
installPluginsAjaxCall( pluginsToInstall, 0, $button, false, false );
} );
* Install plugins before importing event.
$( '.js-ocdi-install-plugins-before-import' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $button = $( this );
if ( $button.hasClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
var pluginsToInstall = $( '.ocdi-install-plugins-content-content .plugin-item:not(.plugin-item--disabled) input[type=checkbox]' ).serializeArray();
if ( pluginsToInstall.length === 0 ) {
startImport( getUrlParameter( 'import' ) );
return false;
$button.addClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
installPluginsAjaxCall( pluginsToInstall, 0, $button, true, false );
} );
* Import the created content.
$( '.js-ocdi-create-content' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $button = $( this );
if ( $button.hasClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
var itemsToImport = $( '.ocdi-create-content-content .content-item input[type=checkbox]' ).serializeArray();
if ( itemsToImport.length === 0 ) {
return false;
$button.addClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
createDemoContentAjaxCall( itemsToImport, 0, $button );
} );
* Install the SeedProd plugin.
$( '.js-ocdi-install-coming-soon-plugin' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
var $button = $( this ),
slug = 'coming-soon';
if ( $button.hasClass( 'button-disabled' ) ) {
return false;
$button.addClass( 'button-disabled' );
method: 'POST',
url: ocdi.ajax_url,
data: {
action: 'ocdi_install_plugin',
security: ocdi.ajax_nonce,
slug: slug,
beforeSend: function() {
$button.text( ocdi.texts.installing );
.done( function( response ) {
if ( response.success ) {
$button.text( ocdi.texts.installed );
} else {
alert( );
$button.text( ocdi.texts.install_plugin );
$button.removeClass( 'button-disabled' );
.fail( function( error ) {
alert( error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')' );
$button.removeClass( 'button-disabled' );
} );
* Update "plugins to be installed" notice on Create Demo Content page.
$( document ).on( 'change', '.ocdi--create-content .content-item input[type=checkbox]', function( event ) {
var $checkboxes = $( '.ocdi--create-content .content-item input[type=checkbox]' ),
$missingPluginNotice = $( '.js-ocdi-create-content-install-plugins-notice' ),
missingPlugins = [];
$checkboxes.each( function() {
var $checkbox = $( this );
if ( $ ':checked' ) ) {
missingPlugins = missingPlugins.concat( getMissingPluginNamesFromImportContentPageItem( $ 'plugins' ) ) );
} );
missingPlugins = missingPlugins.filter( onlyUnique ).join( ', ' );
if ( missingPlugins.length > 0 ) {
$missingPluginNotice.find( '.js-ocdi-create-content-install-plugins-list' ).text( missingPlugins );
} else {
$missingPluginNotice.find( '.js-ocdi-create-content-install-plugins-list' ).text( '' );
} );
* Grid Layout categories navigation.
(function () {
// Cache selector to all items
var $items = $( '.js-ocdi-gl-item-container' ).find( '.js-ocdi-gl-item' ),
fadeoutClass = 'ocdi-is-fadeout',
fadeinClass = 'ocdi-is-fadein',
animationDuration = 200;
// Hide all items.
var fadeOut = function () {
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
.addClass( fadeoutClass );
setTimeout( function() {
.removeClass( fadeoutClass )
}, animationDuration );
return dfd.promise();
var fadeIn = function ( category, dfd ) {
var filter = category ? '[data-categories*="' + category + '"]' : 'div';
if ( 'all' === category ) {
filter = 'div';
.filter( filter )
.addClass( 'ocdi-is-fadein' );
setTimeout( function() {
.removeClass( fadeinClass );
}, animationDuration );
var animate = function ( category ) {
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
var promise = fadeOut();
promise.done( function () {
fadeIn( category, dfd );
} );
return dfd;
$( '.js-ocdi-nav-link' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
// Remove 'active' class from the previous nav list items.
$( this ).parent().siblings().removeClass( 'active' );
// Add the 'active' class to this nav list item.
$( this ).parent().addClass( 'active' );
var category = this.hash.slice(1);
// show/hide the right items, based on category selected
var $container = $( '.js-ocdi-gl-item-container' );
$container.css( 'min-width', $container.outerHeight() );
var promise = animate( category );
promise.done( function () {
$container.removeAttr( 'style' );
} );
} );
* Grid Layout search functionality.
$( '.js-ocdi-gl-search' ).on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
if ( 0 < $(this).val().length ) {
// Hide all items.
$( '.js-ocdi-gl-item-container' ).find( '.js-ocdi-gl-item' ).hide();
// Show just the ones that have a match on the import name.
$( '.js-ocdi-gl-item-container' ).find( '.js-ocdi-gl-item[data-name*="' + $(this).val().toLowerCase() + '"]' ).show();
else {
$( '.js-ocdi-gl-item-container' ).find( '.js-ocdi-gl-item' ).show();
} );
* ---------------------------------------
* --------Helper functions --------------
* ---------------------------------------
* The main AJAX call, which executes the import process.
* @param FormData data The data to be passed to the AJAX call.
function ajaxCall( data ) {
method: 'POST',
url: ocdi.ajax_url,
data: data,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
beforeSend: function() {
$( '.js-ocdi-install-plugins-content' ).hide();
$( '.js-ocdi-importing' ).show();
.done( function( response ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.status && 'newAJAX' === response.status ) {
ajaxCall( data );
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.status && 'customizerAJAX' === response.status ) {
// Fix for data.set and data.delete, which they are not supported in some browsers.
var newData = new FormData();
newData.append( 'action', 'ocdi_import_customizer_data' );
newData.append( 'security', ocdi.ajax_nonce );
// Set the wp_customize=on only if the plugin filter is set to true.
if ( true === ocdi.wp_customize_on ) {
newData.append( 'wp_customize', 'on' );
ajaxCall( newData );
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.status && 'afterAllImportAJAX' === response.status ) {
// Fix for data.set and data.delete, which they are not supported in some browsers.
var newData = new FormData();
newData.append( 'action', 'ocdi_after_import_data' );
newData.append( 'security', ocdi.ajax_nonce );
ajaxCall( newData );
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.message ) {
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response' ).append( response.message );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.title ) {
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-title' ).html( response.title );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.subtitle ) {
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-subtitle' ).html( response.subtitle );
$( '.js-ocdi-importing' ).hide();
$( '.js-ocdi-imported' ).show();
// Trigger custom event, when OCDI import is complete.
$( document ).trigger( 'ocdiImportComplete' );
else {
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response' ).append( '<img class="ocdi-imported-content-imported ocdi-imported-content-imported--error" src="' + ocdi.plugin_url + 'assets/images/error.svg" alt="' + ocdi.texts.import_failed + '"><p>' + response + '</p>' );
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-title' ).html( ocdi.texts.import_failed );
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-subtitle' ).html( '<p>' + ocdi.texts.import_failed_subtitle + '</p>' );
$( '.js-ocdi-importing' ).hide();
$( '.js-ocdi-imported' ).show();
.fail( function( error ) {
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response' ).append( '<img class="ocdi-imported-content-imported ocdi-imported-content-imported--error" src="' + ocdi.plugin_url + 'assets/images/error.svg" alt="' + ocdi.texts.import_failed + '"><p>Error: ' + error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')' + '</p>' );
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-title' ).html( ocdi.texts.import_failed );
$( '.js-ocdi-ajax-response-subtitle' ).html( '<p>' + ocdi.texts.import_failed_subtitle + '</p>' );
$( '.js-ocdi-importing' ).hide();
$( '.js-ocdi-imported' ).show();
* Get the missing required plugin names for the Create Demo Content "plugins to install" notice.
* @param requiredPluginSlugs
* @returns {[]}
function getMissingPluginNamesFromImportContentPageItem( requiredPluginSlugs ) {
var requiredPluginSlugs = requiredPluginSlugs.split( ',' ),
pluginList = [];
ocdi.missing_plugins.forEach( function( plugin ) {
if ( requiredPluginSlugs.indexOf( plugin.slug ) !== -1 ) {
pluginList.push( )
} );
return pluginList;
* Unique array helper function.
* @param value
* @param index
* @param self
* @returns {boolean}
function onlyUnique( value, index, self ) {
return self.indexOf( value ) === index;
* The AJAX call for installing selected plugins.
* @param {Object[]} plugins The array of plugin objects with name and value pairs.
* @param {int} counter The index of the plugin to import from the list above.
* @param {Object} $button jQuery object of the submit button.
* @param {bool} runImport If the import should be run after plugin installation.
* @param {bool} pluginInstallFailed If there were any failed plugin installs.
function installPluginsAjaxCall( plugins, counter, $button , runImport, pluginInstallFailed ) {
var plugin = plugins[ counter ],
slug =;
method: 'POST',
url: ocdi.ajax_url,
data: {
action: 'ocdi_install_plugin',
security: ocdi.ajax_nonce,
slug: slug,
beforeSend: function() {
var $currentPluginItem = $( '.plugin-item-' + slug );
$currentPluginItem.find( '.js-ocdi-plugin-item-info' ).empty();
$currentPluginItem.find( '.js-ocdi-plugin-item-error' ).empty();
$currentPluginItem.addClass( 'plugin-item--loading' );
.done( function( response ) {
var $currentPluginItem = $( '.plugin-item-' + slug );
$currentPluginItem.removeClass( 'plugin-item--loading' );
if ( response.success ) {
$currentPluginItem.addClass( 'plugin-item--active' );
$currentPluginItem.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
} else {
if ( -1 === '<p>' ) ) { = '<p>' + + '</p>';
$currentPluginItem.find( '.js-ocdi-plugin-item-error' ).append( );
$currentPluginItem.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
pluginInstallFailed = true;
.fail( function( error ) {
var $currentPluginItem = $( '.plugin-item-' + slug );
$currentPluginItem.removeClass( 'plugin-item--loading' );
$currentPluginItem.find( '.js-ocdi-plugin-item-error' ).append( '<p>' + error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')</p>' );
pluginInstallFailed = true;
.always( function() {
if ( counter === plugins.length ) {
if ( runImport ) {
if ( ! pluginInstallFailed ) {
startImport( getUrlParameter( 'import' ) );
} else {
alert( ocdi.texts.plugin_install_failed );
$button.removeClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
} else {
installPluginsAjaxCall( plugins, counter, $button, runImport, pluginInstallFailed );
} );
* The AJAX call for importing content on the create demo content page.
* @param {Object[]} items The array of content item objects with name and value pairs.
* @param {int} counter The index of the plugin to import from the list above.
* @param {Object} $button jQuery object of the submit button.
function createDemoContentAjaxCall( items, counter, $button ) {
var item = items[ counter ],
slug =;
method: 'POST',
url: ocdi.ajax_url,
data: {
action: 'ocdi_import_created_content',
security: ocdi.ajax_nonce,
slug: slug,
beforeSend: function() {
var $currentItem = $( '.content-item-' + slug );
$currentItem.find( '.js-ocdi-content-item-info' ).empty();
$currentItem.find( '.js-ocdi-content-item-error' ).empty();
$currentItem.addClass( 'content-item--loading' );
.done( function( response ) {
if ( && ) {
createDemoContentAjaxCall( items, counter, $button );
var $currentItem = $( '.content-item-' + slug );
$currentItem.removeClass( 'content-item--loading' );
if ( response.success ) {
$currentItem.find( '.js-ocdi-content-item-info' ).append( '<p>' + ocdi.texts.successful_import + '</p>' );
} else {
$currentItem.find( '.js-ocdi-content-item-error' ).append( '<p>' + + '</p>' );
.fail( function( error ) {
var $currentItem = $( '.content-item-' + slug );
$currentItem.removeClass( 'content-item--loading' );
$currentItem.find( '.js-ocdi-content-item-error' ).append( '<p>' + error.statusText + ' (' + error.status + ')</p>' );
.always( function( response ) {
if ( && ) {
if ( counter === items.length ) {
$button.removeClass( 'ocdi-button-disabled' );
} else {
createDemoContentAjaxCall( items, counter, $button );
} );
* Get the parameter value from the URL.
* @param param
* @returns {boolean|string}
function getUrlParameter( param ) {
var sPageURL = 1 ),
sURLVariables = sPageURL.split( '&' ),
for ( i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++ ) {
sParameterName = sURLVariables[ i ].split( '=' );
if ( sParameterName[0] === param ) {
return typeof sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent( sParameterName[1] );
return false;
* Run the main import with a selected predefined demo or with manual files (selected = false).
* Files for the manual import have already been uploaded in the '.js-ocdi-start-manual-import' event above.
function startImport( selected ) {
// Prepare data for the AJAX call
var data = new FormData();
data.append( 'action', 'ocdi_import_demo_data' );
data.append( 'security', ocdi.ajax_nonce );
if ( selected ) {
data.append( 'selected', selected );
// AJAX call to import everything (content, widgets, before/after setup)
ajaxCall( data );
} );