File "index.js"

Full Path: /home/pumpbmko/public_html/wp-content-20250114123711/plugins/gutenberg/build/react-i18n/index.js
File size: 5.33 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	"use strict";
/******/ 	// The require scope
/******/ 	var __webpack_require__ = {};
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ 			for(var key in definition) {
/******/ 				if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ 					Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ 				}
/******/ 			}
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
/******/ 	})();
/******/ 	/* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ 	(() => {
/******/ 		// define __esModule on exports
/******/ 		__webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ 			if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ 				Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
/******/ 			}
/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
/******/ 		};
/******/ 	})();
var __webpack_exports__ = {};

__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
  I18nProvider: () => (/* binding */ I18nProvider),
  useI18n: () => (/* binding */ useI18n),
  withI18n: () => (/* binding */ withI18n)

;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"]
const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"]
const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime"
const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"];
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packages/react-i18n/build-module/index.js
 * External dependencies

 * WordPress dependencies

 * Utility to make a new context value
 * @param i18n
function makeContextValue(i18n) {
  return {
    __: i18n.__.bind(i18n),
    _x: i18n._x.bind(i18n),
    _n: i18n._n.bind(i18n),
    _nx: i18n._nx.bind(i18n),
    isRTL: i18n.isRTL.bind(i18n),
    hasTranslation: i18n.hasTranslation.bind(i18n)
const I18nContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(makeContextValue(external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.defaultI18n));
 * The `I18nProvider` should be mounted above any localized components:
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { createI18n } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 * import { I18nProvider } from '@wordpress/react-i18n';
 * const i18n = createI18n();
 * ReactDom.render(
 * 	<I18nProvider i18n={ i18n }>
 * 		<App />
 * 	</I18nProvider>,
 * 	el
 * );
 * ```
 * You can also instantiate the provider without the `i18n` prop. In that case it will use the
 * default `I18n` instance exported from `@wordpress/i18n`.
 * @param props i18n provider props.
 * @return Children wrapped in the I18nProvider.
function I18nProvider(props) {
  const {
    i18n = external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.defaultI18n
  } = props;
  const [update, forceUpdate] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useReducer)(() => [], []);

  // Rerender translations whenever the i18n instance fires a change event.
  (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => i18n.subscribe(forceUpdate), [i18n]);
  const value = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => makeContextValue(i18n), [i18n, update]);
  return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(I18nContext.Provider, {
    value: value,
    children: children

 * React hook providing access to i18n functions. It exposes the `__`, `_x`, `_n`, `_nx`,
 * `isRTL` and `hasTranslation` functions from [`@wordpress/i18n`](../i18n).
 * Refer to their documentation there.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { useI18n } from '@wordpress/react-i18n';
 * function MyComponent() {
 * 	const { __ } = useI18n();
 * 	return __( 'Hello, world!' );
 * }
 * ```
const useI18n = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(I18nContext);
 * React higher-order component that passes the i18n translate functions (the same set
 * as exposed by the `useI18n` hook) to the wrapped component as props.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * import { withI18n } from '@wordpress/react-i18n';
 * function MyComponent( { __ } ) {
 * 	return __( 'Hello, world!' );
 * }
 * export default withI18n( MyComponent );
 * ```
 * @param InnerComponent React component to be wrapped and receive the i18n functions like `__`
 * @return The wrapped component
function withI18n(InnerComponent) {
  const EnhancedComponent = props => {
    const i18nProps = useI18n();
    return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InnerComponent, {
  const innerComponentName = InnerComponent.displayName || || 'Component';
  EnhancedComponent.displayName = `WithI18n(${innerComponentName})`;
  return EnhancedComponent;

(window.wp = window.wp || {}).reactI18n = __webpack_exports__;
/******/ })()