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"use strict"; function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } if (typeof ImgPreviewer === 'undefined') { var _ImgPreviewer = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { function _ImgPreviewer(selector) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, _ImgPreviewer); this.selector = selector; this.options = options; this.initialize(); } _createClass(_ImgPreviewer, [{ key: "initialize", value: function initialize() { var _this = this; // Initialize properties and other setup this.index = 0; this.imageElements = []; this.config = Object.assign({ ratio: 0.9, zoom: { min: 0.1, max: 5, step: 0.1 }, opacity: 0.6, scrollbar: true }, this.options); this.uniqueId = 0; this.previewContainerId = null; this.generateUniqueIds(); this.previewContainer = null; this.historyInfo = null; this.imageEl = null; this.body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth; this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { _this.handleResize(); }); this.render(); this.update(); this.bindEvents(); } }, { key: "handleResize", value: function handleResize() { var _this2 = this; if (this.historyInfo != null) { if (this.historyInfo && this.historyInfo.width && this.historyInfo.height) { var index = this.index; var ratio = this.config.ratio; var imageElements = this.imageElements; var scrollbarvar = this.config.scrollbar; // Load the image for preview var preloaderimg = new Image(); preloaderimg.src = imageElements[index].href; preloaderimg.onload = function () { // Retrieve width and height of the loaded image var width = preloaderimg.width; var height = preloaderimg.height; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; //window.screen.width; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; //window.screen.height; var maxWidth = 300; if (width > screenWidth || height > screenHeight) { var wratio = screenWidth / width; var hratio = screenHeight / height; var resizeRatio = Math.min(wratio, hratio); width *= resizeRatio; height *= resizeRatio; } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { // Check if the width is greater than the maximum width if (width > maxWidth) { // Calculate the ratio to resize the image proportionally var _wratio = maxWidth / width; width *= _wratio; height *= _wratio; } } var startX = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2; var startY = (window.innerHeight - height) / 2; // Set up history information for the image _this2.currentImageScale = _this2.calcScaleNums(width, height, ratio); _this2.historyInfo = { startX: startX, startY: startY, width: width, // Store the width height: height, // Store the height endX: 0, // window.innerWidth / 2 - width / 2 - startX, endY: 0, // window.innerHeight / 2 - height / 2 - startY, scale: _this2.currentImageScale, rotate: 0 }; // Set image source and style for preview _this2.imageEl.src = imageElements[index].href; _this2.setImageBaseStyle(_this2.imageEl, width, height, startX, startY); setTimeout(function () { _this2.setImageAnimationParams(_this2.historyInfo); }); // Show the preview container and toggle scrollbar if necessary _this2.previewContainer.classList.add('show'); !scrollbarvar && _this2.toggleScrollBar(false); }; } } } }, { key: "generateUniqueIds", value: function generateUniqueIds() { // Generate unique IDs for preview containers based on the selector this.uniqueId = this.selector.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); this.previewContainerId = 'image-preview-container' + this.uniqueId; } }, { key: "render", value: function render() { // Create preview container this.previewContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.previewContainer.classList.add('image-preview-container'); // Generate a unique ID for the preview container //this.uniqueId = this.selector.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); = 'image-preview-container-' + this.uniqueId; //this.previewContainerId = 'image-preview-container' + this.uniqueId; // Generate unique IDs for other elements within the preview container var previewImageId = 'preview-image-' + this.uniqueId; var prevButtonId = 'prev-button-' + this.uniqueId; var nextButtonId = 'next-button-' + this.uniqueId; var closeButtonId = 'close-button-' + this.uniqueId; var resetButtonId = 'reset-button-' + this.uniqueId; var rotateLeftButtonId = 'rotate-left-button-' + this.uniqueId; var rotateRightButtonId = 'rotate-right-button-' + this.uniqueId; // Set the HTML content of the preview container with unique IDs this.previewContainer.innerHTML = "\n <div class=\"preview-header\">\n <div class=\"nums\">\n <p>\n <span id=\"current-index-".concat(this.uniqueId, "\"></span>\n / \n <span id=\"total-nums-").concat(this.uniqueId, "\"></span>\n </p>\n </div>\n <div class=\"tool-btn\">\n <button id=\"").concat(rotateLeftButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Rotate Right\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-xuanzhuan\"></i></button>\n <button id=\"").concat(rotateRightButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Rotate Left\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-xuanzhuan1\"></i></button>\n <button id=\"").concat(resetButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Reset\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-zhongzhi\"></i></button>\n <button id=\"").concat(closeButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Close\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-account-practice-lesson-close\"></i></button>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"image-container\">\n <button id=\"prev\" class=\"").concat(prevButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Prev\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-shangyige\"></i></button>\n <div class=\"img-content\" id=\"image-content-").concat(this.uniqueId, "\"><img id=\"").concat(previewImageId, "\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" /></div>\n <button id=\"next\" class=\"").concat(nextButtonId, "\" data-tooltip=\"Next\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-xiayige\"></i></button>\n </div>"); // Append the preview container to the body this.body.appendChild(this.previewContainer); // Set the image element reference based on the unique ID this.imageEl = document.getElementById(previewImageId); } }, { key: "update", value: function update() { var _this3 = this; // Update image elements this.imageElements = document.querySelectorAll("".concat(this.selector, " a:not(.sp-hidden-items)")); this.imageElements.forEach(function (item, index) { item.onclick = function (e) { _this3.handleOpen(e, index); _this3.taggleModel(true); _this3.updateIndex(index); }; }); } // Get element position }, { key: "getElementRect", value: function getElementRect(el) { return el.getBoundingClientRect(); } // Calculate scale numbers }, { key: "calcScaleNums", value: function calcScaleNums(width, height, ratio) { var scaleX = this.windowWidth * ratio / width; var scaleY = this.windowHeight * ratio / height; //return scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; var scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; // Ensure that scale is below 1 if (scale > 1) { scale = 1; } return scale; } // Set image base style }, { key: "setImageBaseStyle", value: function setImageBaseStyle(el, width, height, left, top) { = "width:".concat(width, "px;height:").concat(height, "px;position:fixed; top:").concat(top, "px; left:").concat(left, "px;"); } // Toggle model display }, { key: "taggleModel", value: function taggleModel(flag) { = flag ? 'block' : 'none'; } }, { key: "toggleModel", value: function toggleModel(flag) { = flag ? 'block' : 'none'; } }, { key: "setImageAnimationParams", value: function setImageAnimationParams(historyInfo) {'--offsetX', "".concat(historyInfo.endX, "px"));'--offsetY', "".concat(historyInfo.endY + 30, "px"));'--scale', "".concat(historyInfo.scale));'--rotate', "".concat(historyInfo.rotate, "deg")); } }, { key: "useIndexUpdateImage", value: function useIndexUpdateImage(index) { var _this4 = this; var ratio = this.config.ratio; var height = 100; var width = 100; var src = this.imageElements[index].href; var preloaderimg1 = new Image(); preloaderimg1.src = src; preloaderimg1.onload = function () { width = preloaderimg1.width; height = preloaderimg1.height; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; var maxWidth = 300; if (width > screenWidth || height > screenHeight) { var wratio = screenWidth / width; var hratio = screenHeight / height; var resizeRatio = Math.min(wratio, hratio); width *= resizeRatio; height *= resizeRatio; } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { if (width > maxWidth) { var _wratio2 = maxWidth / width; width *= _wratio2; height *= _wratio2; } } var startX = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2; var startY = (window.innerHeight - height) / 2; _this4.imageEl.classList.add('moving'); _this4.setImageBaseStyle(_this4.imageEl, width, height, startX, startY); _this4.historyInfo = { startX: startX, startY: startY, width: width, height: height, endX: 0, endY: 0, scale: _this4.calcScaleNums(width, height, ratio), rotate: 0 }; _this4.imageEl.src = src; _this4.setImageAnimationParams(_this4.historyInfo); setTimeout(function () { _this4.imageEl.classList.remove('moving'); }); }; } }, { key: "bindEvents", value: function bindEvents() { var _this5 = this; var previewContainer = this.previewContainer; //document.getElementById(this.previewContainerId); if (!previewContainer) return; // Retrieve unique IDs for buttons var prevButtonId = 'prev-button-' + this.uniqueId; var nextButtonId = 'next-button-' + this.uniqueId; var closeButtonId = 'close-button-' + this.uniqueId; var resetButtonId = 'reset-button-' + this.uniqueId; var rotateLeftButtonId = 'rotate-left-button-' + this.uniqueId; var rotateRightButtonId = 'rotate-right-button-' + this.uniqueId; // Bind event listeners using unique IDs previewContainer.querySelector("#".concat(closeButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () { _this5.handleClose(); }); previewContainer.querySelector(".".concat(prevButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () { _this5.prev(); }); previewContainer.querySelector(".".concat(nextButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () {; }); previewContainer.querySelector("#".concat(resetButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () { _this5.handleReset(); }); previewContainer.querySelector("#".concat(rotateLeftButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () { _this5.handelRotateLeft(); }); previewContainer.querySelector("#".concat(rotateRightButtonId)).addEventListener('click', function () { _this5.handelRotateRight(); }); previewContainer.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if ('image-container')) { _this5.handleClose(); } }); document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { _this5.handleClose(); } }); } }, { key: "handleReset", value: function handleReset() { = "".concat(this.historyInfo.startY, "px"); = "".concat(this.historyInfo.startX, "px");'--rotate', '0deg');'--scale', "".concat(this.historyInfo.scale)); this.historyInfo.rotate = 0; } // Rotate image left }, { key: "handelRotateLeft", value: function handelRotateLeft() { this.historyInfo.rotate -= 90;'--rotate', "".concat(this.historyInfo.rotate, "deg")); } // Rotate image right }, { key: "handelRotateRight", value: function handelRotateRight() { this.historyInfo.rotate += 90;'--rotate', "".concat(this.historyInfo.rotate, "deg")); } }, { key: "runAnimation", value: function runAnimation(el, options, callback) { var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame; var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame; var start = options.start || 0; var end = options.end || 0; var step = options.step; var playing = null; function running() { if (step > 0 && start < end || step < 0 && start > end) { start += step;[] = options.template.replace('$', start); playing = requestAnimationFrame(running); } else { callback && callback(); cancelAnimationFrame(playing); } } running(); } }, { key: "handleOpen", value: function handleOpen(e, index) { var _this6 = this; // Prevent default behavior of the event e.preventDefault(); // Retrieve necessary data and elements var ratio = this.config.ratio; var imageElements = this.imageElements; var scrollbarvar = this.config.scrollbar; // Load the image for preview var preloaderimg = new Image(); preloaderimg.src = imageElements[index].href; preloaderimg.onload = function () { // Retrieve width and height of the loaded image var width = preloaderimg.width; var height = preloaderimg.height; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; //window.screen.width; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; //window.screen.height; var maxWidth = 300; if (width > screenWidth || height > screenHeight) { var wratio = screenWidth / width; var hratio = screenHeight / height; var resizeRatio = Math.min(wratio, hratio); width *= resizeRatio; height *= resizeRatio; } else if (screenWidth <= 768) { // Check if the width is greater than the maximum width if (width > maxWidth) { // Calculate the ratio to resize the image proportionally var _wratio3 = maxWidth / width; width *= _wratio3; height *= _wratio3; } } var startX = (window.innerWidth - width) / 2; var startY = (window.innerHeight - height) / 2; // Set up history information for the image _this6.currentImageScale = _this6.calcScaleNums(width, height, ratio); _this6.historyInfo = { startX: startX, startY: startY, width: width, // Store the width height: height, // Store the height endX: 0, // window.innerWidth / 2 - width / 2 - startX, endY: 0, // window.innerHeight / 2 - height / 2 - startY, scale: _this6.currentImageScale, rotate: 0 }; // Set image source and style for preview _this6.imageEl.src = imageElements[index].href; _this6.setImageBaseStyle(_this6.imageEl, width, height, startX, startY); setTimeout(function () { _this6.setImageAnimationParams(_this6.historyInfo); }); // Show the preview container and toggle scrollbar if necessary _this6.previewContainer.classList.add('show'); !scrollbarvar && _this6.toggleScrollBar(false); }; } }, { key: "handleClose", value: function handleClose() { var _this7 = this; // Retrieve opacity and current image element var opacity = this.config.opacity; var current = this.imageElements[this.index]; // Hide the image = 'none'; // Run animation to fade out the preview container this.runAnimation(this.previewContainer, { start: opacity, end: 0, step: -0.05, style: 'background', template: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, $)' }, function () { // Reset image source and styles _this7.imageEl.src = ''; = ''; = ""; _this7.previewContainer.classList.remove('hiding'); _this7.toggleModel(false); }); // Remove classes and toggle scrollbar this.previewContainer.classList.remove('show'); this.previewContainer.classList.add('hiding'); !this.config.scrollbar && this.toggleScrollBar(true); } }, { key: "prev", value: function prev() { if (this.index !== 0) { // Check if it's not the first image this.index -= 1; // Decrement the index to move to the previous image this.updateIndex(this.index); // Update the index display this.useIndexUpdateImage(this.index); // Load and display the previous image } } }, { key: "next", value: function next() { if (this.index < this.imageElements.length - 1) { // Check if it's not the last image this.index += 1; // Increment the index to move to the next image this.updateIndex(this.index); // Update the index display this.useIndexUpdateImage(this.index); // Load and display the next image } } }, { key: "updateIndex", value: function updateIndex(index) { // Update the index property to the provided index this.index = index; // Find the elements by their unique IDs var totalNumsElement = document.getElementById("total-nums-".concat(this.uniqueId)); var currentIndexElement = document.getElementById("current-index-".concat(this.uniqueId)); // Check if the elements exist before updating their innerText values if (totalNumsElement && currentIndexElement) { totalNumsElement.innerText = this.imageElements.length; currentIndexElement.innerText = index + 1; } else { console.error("Total numbers element or current index element not found."); } } }, { key: "setImageStyles", value: function setImageStyles(width, height, setRotate) { this.historyInfo.endX = width / 2 - this.historyInfo.width / 2 - this.historyInfo.startX; this.historyInfo.endY = height / 2 - this.historyInfo.height / 2 - this.historyInfo.startY; this.historyInfo.scale = this.historyInfo._scale = this.calcScaleNums(width, this.historyInfo.width, height, this.historyInfo.height, this.mergeOptions.fillRatio || this.defaultOptions.fillRatio); if (setRotate) { this.historyInfo.rotate = 0;'--rotate', "0"); } this.setImageBaseStyle(this.imageEl, width, height, this.historyInfo.startX - 1, this.historyInfo.startY);'--offsetX', "".concat(this.historyInfo.endX, "px"));'--offsetY', "".concat(this.historyInfo.endY, "px"));'--scale', "".concat(this.historyInfo.scale)); } }]); return _ImgPreviewer; }(); // Export ImgPreviewer window.ImgPreviewer = _ImgPreviewer; }