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<?php namespace ColibriWP\Theme\Components; use ColibriWP\Theme\ActiveCallback; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\ComponentBase; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\ComponentInterface; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\ConfigurableInterface; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Hooks; use ColibriWP\Theme\Core\Utils; use ColibriWP\Theme\Customizer\Formatter; use ColibriWP\Theme\Defaults; use ColibriWP\Theme\Theme; use Exception; use function get_theme_mod; class CSSOutput implements ComponentInterface { const NO_MEDIA = '__colibri__no__media__'; // changed from gutentag const GRADIENT_VALUE_PATTERN = 'linear-gradient(#angle#deg,#steps.0.color# #steps.0.position#% ,#steps.1.color# #steps.1.position#%)'; public function render() { Hooks::prefixed_add_filter( 'customizer_additional_js_data', function ( $data ) { $data['css_selectors_prefix'] = $this->themePrefix(); return $data; } ); ?> <style data-kubio-theme-style="true"> <?php echo $this->getCSSOutput(); ?> </style> <?php } public function themePrefix() { return 'html.' . Theme::slug() . '-theme #colibri '; } public function getCSSOutput() { return $this->generateCSSOutput(); } private function generateCSSOutput() { $content = ''; $data = $this->getCSSData(); $medias = $this->groupDataByMedia( $data ); if ( array_key_exists( self::NO_MEDIA, $medias ) ) { $content .= $this->generateCSSOutputForMedia( '', $medias[ self::NO_MEDIA ] ); } if ( array_key_exists( self::mobileMedia(), $medias ) ) { $content .= $this->generateCSSOutputForMedia( self::mobileMedia(), $medias[ self::mobileMedia() ] ); } if ( array_key_exists( self::tabletMedia(), $medias ) ) { $content .= $this->generateCSSOutputForMedia( self::tabletMedia(), $medias[ self::tabletMedia() ] ); } if ( array_key_exists( self::desktopMedia(), $medias ) ) { $content .= $this->generateCSSOutputForMedia( self::desktopMedia(), $medias[ self::desktopMedia() ] ); } return $content; } /** * @return array * @throws Exception */ private function getCSSData() { $data = array(); $components = Theme::getInstance()->getRepository()->getAllDefinitions(); foreach ( $components as $key => $component ) { $interfaces = class_implements( $component ); if ( array_key_exists( ConfigurableInterface::class, $interfaces ) ) { /** @var ConfigurableInterface $component */ $opts = (array) $component::options(); if ( array_key_exists( 'settings', $opts ) && is_array( $opts['settings'] ) ) { foreach ( $opts['settings'] as $mod => $setting ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'css_output', $setting ) && is_array( $setting['css_output'] ) ) { if ( $this->activeRulesAreMet( $setting, $component ) ) { $default = isset( $setting['default'] ) ? $setting['default'] : ''; $control_type = Utils::pathGet( $setting, 'control.type' ); foreach ( $setting['css_output'] as $css_output ) { $rule = $this->prepareOutputDataForMod( $css_output, $mod, $default, $control_type ); if ( ! ( empty( $rule['selector'] ) || empty( $rule['property'] ) ) ) { $data[] = $rule; } } } } } } } } return $data; } /** * @param $settings * @param $component * * @return bool * @throws Exception */ private function activeRulesAreMet( $settings, $component ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'active_rules', $settings ) ) { return true; } $activeCallback = ( new ActiveCallback() )->setComponent( $component )->setRules( $settings['active_rules'] ); return $activeCallback->applyRules(); } private function prepareOutputDataForMod( $output, $mod, $default = '', $control_type = '' ) { $output = static::normalizeOutput( $output ); $mod_value = get_theme_mod( $mod, $default ); $mod_value = Formatter::sanitizeControlValue( $control_type, $mod_value ); if ( $control_type !== 'switch' && empty( $mod_value ) && $mod_value !== 0 ) { return ''; } if ( isset( $output['value'] ) && is_array( $output['value'] ) ) { if ( isset( $output['value'][ $mod_value ] ) ) { $output['value'] = $output['value'][ $mod_value ]; } } else { $output['value'] = ComponentBase::mabyDeserializeModValue( $mod_value ); } return $output; } public static function normalizeOutput( $output ) { return array_replace( array( 'selector' => '', 'media' => self::NO_MEDIA, 'property' => '', 'value_pattern' => '%s', ), $output ); } private function groupDataByMedia( $data ) { $medias = array(); foreach ( $data as $item ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $item['media'], $medias ) ) { $medias[ $item['media'] ] = array(); } $medias[ $item['media'] ][] = $item; } return $medias; } private function generateCSSOutputForMedia( $media, $data ) { $selectors = array(); foreach ( $data as $item ) { $selector = $item['selector']; if ( is_array( $selector ) ) { $selector = implode( ',', $selector ); } if ( ! array_key_exists( $selector, $selectors ) ) { $selectors[ $selector ] = array(); } $value = $this->getValue( $item ); if ( $value !== null ) { $selectors[ $selector ][ $item['property'] ] = $value; } } $content = ''; foreach ( $selectors as $selector => $rules ) { $rules_parts = array(); foreach ( $rules as $prop => $value ) { $rules_parts[] = "{$prop}:{$value}"; } $rules = implode( ';', $rules_parts ); $content .= $this->themePrefix() . "{$selector}{{$rules}}"; } if ( ! empty( $media ) ) { $content = "{$media}{{$content}}"; } return $content; } private function getValue( $item ) { if ( is_array( $item['value'] ) ) { $that = $this; $item_value = $item['value']; $value = preg_replace_callback( '/#([\w\.]+)#/', function ( $matches ) use ( $item_value, $that ) { return $that->getValueInTree( $item_value, $matches[1] ); }, $item['value_pattern'] ); return $value; } else { if ( is_bool( $item['value'] ) ) { if ( $item['value'] ) { if ( isset( $item['true_value'] ) ) { return $item['true_value']; } else { return null; } } else { if ( isset( $item['false_value'] ) ) { return $item['false_value']; } else { return null; } } } } if ( $item['value'] || $item['value'] === 0 ) { return sprintf( $item['value_pattern'], $item['value'] ); } } private function getValueInTree( $tree, $path ) { $path = explode( '.', $path ); $result = $tree; while ( count( $path ) && is_array( $tree ) ) { $next_key = array_shift( $path ); if ( array_key_exists( $next_key, $result ) ) { $result = $result[ $next_key ]; } else { $result = ''; break; } } if ( is_array( $result ) ) { $result = ''; } return $result; } public static function mobileMedia() { return Defaults::get( 'mobile_media', '@media (max-width: 767px)' ); } public static function tabletMedia() { return Defaults::get( 'tablet_media', '@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)' ); } public static function desktopMedia() { return Defaults::get( 'tablet_media', '@media (min-width: 1024px)' ); } }